HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.c. Lance Johnson / Bituminous Roadways Mining Permit RenewalCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 2, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Lance Johnson Mining Permit AGENDA SECTION: Application New Business PREPARED BY: Michael Wozniak, AICP AGENDAIV=M City Planner 7F" 8C ATTACHMENTS: Mining Permit Application APPROVED Y: - Form, Staff Memo with attachments. 0" ", The City has received a request for renewal of a sand and gravel mining permit for the east 34 acres of the Lance Johnson Property located off of Rich Valley Boulevard. Attached with this summary is a memorandum which outlines issues relating to this permit request. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Lance Johnson Mining Permit subject to the subject to Mining Permit Conditions for 1991 and subject to Property Restoration Conditions for the Charles Koehnen Property. COUNCIL ACTION: Approved. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: )?, ei 1yof sernouni P.O BOX 510 2875 -145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 MAYOR NAPPER; COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN, OXBOROUGH, WILLCOX & WIPPERMAN; AND, CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK MICHAEL WOZNIAK, AICP, CITY PLANNER December 27, 1990 January 2, 1991 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS 5a. Lance Johnson Property - Mining Permit Application The City has received a request for renewal of a sand and gravel mining permit for the east 34 acres of the Lance Johnson Property located off of Rich Valley Boulevard. Attached with this review are the following: 1. Phasing Plan. 2. Grading Plan (revised). 3. Permit Application form. 4. List of Permit Conditions for 1991 permit. 5. List of Conditions for Restoration of Koehnen Property. 6. Location Map. 7. Letter of Authorization for Property Restoration signed by Charles Koehnen. The current phasing plan, reclamation (grading) plan, and c-onditions associated with this mining permit were originally approved in 1982 with the recognition that the mining would continue for several years. The current operator of the sand and gravel operation is Bituminous Roadways, Inc. of Minneapolis and the owner and applicant for the permit is Lance J. Johnson. During the last permit period mining was being conducted in Phases 1, 2 and 3 as indicated on the attached Phasing Plan. In a recent site inspection staff observed that mining had encroached beyond the Lance Johnson property boundaries onto the property of Charles Koehnen (see phasing plan). Kent Peterson, representing the operator, Bituminous Roadways, has indicated that this encroachment onto the Koehnen property was unintentional. Mr. Peterson has further indicated that the area which was excavated on the Koehnen property and area that was inadvertently excavated within required mining setbacks would be restored this spring. A revised grading plan has been submitted which indicates the area which will be restored during the upcoming permit period. A letter has been submitted providing Mr. Koehnen's authorization to allow restoration of his property to be completed by Bituminous Roadways. Staff recommendation regarding this matter is that Council should make approval of the Lance Johnson Property Mining Permit contingent on Bituminous Roadways agreeing to completely restore all acreage on the Koehnen property which was inadvertantly excavated by July 1, 1991. City Administrator Jilk has advised that a separate performance bond, cash escrow or letter of credit be required to guarantee proper restoration of the Koehnen property. Mr. Peterson has indicated that Bituminous Materials intends to operate on the property for approximately two more years. Current mining activities are taking place primarily in Phases 2 and 3, however, a portion of Phase 1 is used as a staging area for activities being conducted in Phases 2 and 3. Phase 4, is not owned by Lance Johnson and is no longer considered part of the Mining Plan. A revised phasing plan has been submitted which identifies that Phase 4 is not included in the current plan. During the last permit period the City required that a $25,000.00 Performance Bond be provided to guarantee adequate restoration of the site should the applicant not meet the conditions of the permit. As specified in the Zoning Ordinance financial security requirements for mining permits are established by City Council. This bond amount has been used for many years without being adjusted. Currently it is the City's policy to require a performance bond in the amount of $2,000 per acre of area being excavated to adequately guarantee the ability of the City to have the property restored should the applicant default on the conditions of the mining permit. The Lance Johnson property is 34 acres in size and would and, therefore, using the $2,000 per acre requirment a performance bond of $68,000 would be required. During Planning Commission consideration of this matter Mr. Johnson argued that a bond requirement of $68,000 was excessive and that he would be willing to agree to a bond requirement of $34,000 or $1,000 per acre. The Planning Commission has forwarded a recommendation to Council that a bond amount of $34,000 be required. Since the Planning Commission does not by ordinance have authority to establish financial security requirements and since the Commission's recommendation differs from Staff recommendation it is necessary for Council to evaluate this matter and reach agreement on an amount of financial security to guarantee site restoration which is acceptable to the City. City Engineer Rich Hefti will explain how the $2,000 per acre financial guarantee for restoration was derived at the meeting. The Planning Commission has recommended that Council approve the Lance Johnson Mining Permit Application subject to the attached list of conditions and revised mining plan and has further recommended that financial guarantee for site restoration be set at $34,000. F FW! J Z .ti IW d• Q ' s �— �i�.� �LZ � �Y � � I �✓ C2� ' �.t•>(y O iof 7j ��._• � I C •�� -^� - i i Ic UO V i CL d j 86"i2if $„Q5�1„OM 1> lr.,.bE,m2.0S _„ ,Loc • 1 , j it 1 ; ' r•� N 1 'C i 9/,MN 'Z/S -Lsv 111 m V CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Mining Permit # APPLICATION FOR MINING PERMIT Date/ Z —2— Applicant ZApplicant Address �4a2/4" l �. S�, Telephone ��02 STATUS OF APPLICANT: Owner // , Buyer Lessee Other Property Descriptions Type of Materiz Cubic Yards of Access Routes: Estimated Number of Years of Operation: .-r'?,,J . £ . The excavation w.i Qt be nev.iewed .in tight o6 the o'k i.ginal? plan, and .i6 conzi,stent thenew.i th, a new pehmc,t may be .i 6zued. The appti.cant heAeby ag%cem to comply with the plan submitted by him and appnoved by the City. The appticajzt undelc,stand,s that gaituxe ,to comply with said plan .6hatt be su66icient neason bon the City to deny zubzequent appt icati.on,6 and teAmi.nate the opeAati.on. Z; Ok4ganUe o ppca►vt ate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application Received by Date Fee Date Plan Submitted Planning Commission Action2C� / ate Council Action '�'(��o��c/ t Su��P�f ca17'.,7s� /Z/Zc, / ,,„ Date Conditions if approved Sec- 4r�- c/ Ca.Icl/h0'9s Authorization erk Date Copy to Applicant Conditions of Lance J. Johnson Mining Permit A. That Lance J. Johnson (hereinafter "the Operator") sign a written consent to these conditions binding itself and its successors or assigns to the conditions of said permit. B. That this permit is granted for the area designated as Phases 1, 2 and 3 on Exhibit A which is attached hereto as one of the exhibits dated August 13, 1982. C. That the term of the permit shall extend for from January 1, 1991 until December 31, 1991 unless revoked prior to that for failure to comply with the permit requirements. Thereafter, any application for renewal of the permit shall be made at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. A mining permit fee of $250.00 shall be paid to the City of Rosemount. D. That all required permits from the State of Minnesota, County of Dakota and City of Rosemount (hereinafter "City") or any of their agencies be obtained and submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the permit. That failure by the Operator to comply with the terms and conditions of any of the permits required under this paragraph shall be grounds for the City to terminate said mining permit. E. That the final grading for the permit area shall be completed in accordance with the attached exhibits, revised December, 1990, and any other conditions as may be imposed by the City from time to time. F. All gravel trucks shall enter and exit the mining area from County State Aide Highway No. 71. It shall be the Operator's responsibility to obtain any easements necessary for ingress and egress. The location of the easements for ingress and egress.shall be approved by the City and a plan for dust control shall be submitted and approved by the City. G. That the surface water drainage of the mining area shall not be altered so as to interfere or affect the natural drainage of adjacent property. H. Any costs incurred now or in the future in changing the location of the Williams Bros. Pipeline located within the permit area shall be the sole obligation and expense of the Operator. I. That all costs of processing the permit, including but not limited to planning fees, engineering fees and legal fees, shall be paid by the Operator prior to the issuance of the permit. That the Operator reimburse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Engineer or any other City employee for the purpose of insuring that conditions of the permit are being satisfied. That the Operator agrees to reimburse the City for any other costs incurred as a result of the granting of enforcing of the permit. J. That the daily hours of operation for the mining area shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., subject, however, to being changed by the City Council. K. That the Operator deposit with the City Clerk a surety bond or cash escrow in the amount of Dollars in favor of the City. The required surety bond must be: (1) With good and sufficient surety by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota with the right of the surety company to cancel the same upon thirty (30) days written notice to the permit holder and the City. (2) Satisfactory to the City Attorney in form and substance. (3) Conditioned that the Operator will faithfully comply with all the terms, conditions and requirements of the permit; all rules, regulations and requirements pursuant to the permit and as required by the City and all reasonable requirements of the Engineer or other City officials. (4) Conditioned that the Operator will secure and hold the City and its officers harmless against any and all claims, or for which the City, the Council or any City officer may be made liable by reason of any accident or injury to persons or property through the fault of the Operator. (5) The surety bond or cash escrow shall remain in effect from January 1, 1991 until July 30, 1992. Upon thirty (30) days notice to the permit holder and the surety company, the City may reduce or increase the amount of the bond or cash escrow during the term of this permit in order to insure that the City is adequately protected. L. That the Operator furnishes a certificate of comprehensive general liability insurance issued by insurers duly licensed withyn the State of Minnesota in an amount of at least Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($500,000.00) Dollars for injury or death of any one person in any one occurrence, bodily injury liability in an amount of at least One Million and no/100 ($1,000,000.00) Dollars and damage liability in an amount of at least Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($250,000.00) Dollars arising out of any one occurrence. The policy of insurance shall name the City as co-insured and shall remain in effect from January 1, 1991 until June 30, 1992. 2 M. That construction require additional adjacent property of any ponding areas or wash plants shall City Council approval and notification of owners. N. That the Operator shall hold the City harmless from all claims or causes of action that may result from the granting of the permit. That the Operator shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages or expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims. O. That the Operator comply with such other requirements of the City Council as it shall from time to time deem proper and necessary for the protection of the citizens and general welfare of the community. P. Complete mining and reclamation is required in phases 1, 2 and 3 before any additional mining is authorized. Modifications or expansion of the mining areas must be approved in writing to the City. Q. Reclamation requires the replacement of the entire stockpile of topsoil to the mined area, reseeding and mulching necessary to re-establish vegetative cover for permanent slope stabilization and erosion control, provided also that the minimum depth of topsoil shall not be less than two inches after reclamation. That Lance J. Johnson, a Minnesota resident, hereby consents and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said mining permit. Dated this day of By: Lance J. Johnson , 1990. That Palmer G. Peterson, President, Bituminous Roadways, Inc., 2825 Cedar Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pit operator, hereby consents and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said mining permit. Date: Bv: Palmer G. Peterson K7 Charles Koehnen Property Conditions for Restoration of Excavated Property. A. That Palmer Peterson, President, Bituminous Roadways, Inc. (hereinafter "the Operator") sign a written consent to these conditions binding itself and its successors or assigns to the conditions of said property restoration conditions. B. That permition is granted by the City of Rosemount to proceed with restoration of that portion of the Charles Koehnen property designated on Exhibit A which is attached hereto. C. That restoration of the subject property shall be completed by July 1, 1991. D. That the final grading for the permit area shall be completed subject to compliance with maximum slope requirments specific in Ordinance B (Zoning Ordinance) and subject to approval of final grades by the City Engineer. E. All gravel trucks shall enter and exit the mining area from County State Aide Highway No. 71. It shall be the Operator's responsibility to obtain any easements necessary for ingress and egress. The location of the easements for ingress and egress shall be approved by the City and a plan for dust control shall be submitted and approved by the City. F. That the surface water drainage of the mining area shall not be altered so as to interfere or affect the natural drainage of adjacent property. G. That the Operator reimburse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Engineer or any other City employee for the purpose of insuring that these property restoration conditions are being satisfied. That the Operator agrees to reimburse the City for any other costs incurred as a result of the enforcing these property restoration conditions. H. That the daily hours of operation for property restoration activities shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., subject, however, to being changed by the City Council. I. That the Operator deposit with the City Clerk a surety bond or cash escrow in the amount of Two Thousand and 00/100 ($2,000.00) Dollars in favor of the City. The required surety bond must be: (1) With good and sufficient surety by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota with the right of the surety company to cancel the same upon thirty (30) days written notice to the permit holder and the City. 1 (2) Satisfactory to the City Attorney in form and substance. (3) Conditioned that the Operator will faithfully comply with all the terms, conditions and requirements of the permit; all rules, regulations and requirements pursuant to the permit and as required by the City and all reasonable requirements of the Engineer or other City officials. (4) Conditioned that the Operator will secure and hold the City and its officers harmless against any and all claims, or for which the City, the Council or any City officer may be made liable by reason of any accident or injury to persons or property through the fault of the Operator. (5) The surety bond or cash escrow shall remain in effect from January 1, 1991 until July 30, 1991. Upon thirty (30) days notice to the Bituminous Roadways, Inc. and the surety company, the City may reduce or increase the amount of the bond or cash escrow during the term of said property restoration activity. J. That the Operator furnishes a certificate of comprehensive general liability insurance issued by insurers duly licensed within the State of Minnesota in an amount of at least Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($500,000.00) Dollars for injury or death of any one person in any one occurrence, bodily injury liability in an amount of at least One Million and no/100 ($1,000,000.00) Dollars and damage liability in an amount of at least Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($250,000.00) Dollars arising out of any one occurrence. The policy of insurance shall name the City as co-insured and shall remain in effect from January 1, 1991 until June 30, 1992. K. That the Operator shall hold the City harmless from all claims or causes of action that may result from the granting of authorization to restore said property. That the Operator shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages or expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims. L. That the Operator comply with such other requirements of the City Council as it shall from time to time deem proper and necessary for the protection of the citizens and general welfare of the community. M. Reclamation requires the replacement of the entire stockpile of topsoil to the excavated area, reseeding and mulching necessary to re-establish vegetative cover for permanent slope stabilization and erosion control, provided also that the minimum depth of topsoil shall not be less than two inches after reclamation. F, That Palmer G. Peterson, Inc., 2825 Cedar Avenue South, operator, hereby consents and restoration conditions. Date: President, Bituminous Roadways, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pit agrees to the foregoing property By: Palmer G. Peterson 3 EBS ul �-�ITY • !♦� � �/_! � ':'/: 1 \\ "'� �� I) .�`L.S.^i��!i';�/rl�l. ,/ I :79� }• tl • ��"\� ,'; �i r';r+ I !ji^\L�.1, r,(fr;� Zr. .1 �� �: �, r�:r� (J 1+ �, / c' j � I i i) - , � � .� :\ , , � � - - _ r' ��♦ •. i/ - � - � � '-rte— ! i �' f ,� � _ __ � jam,_ `0e•czal \ r / `i � LIJ -71 - } ^x J f , �. ,r f il,/ �` l i \ +�. \�� • - � is :! stn _ rl • ,� , - •Irl \ _ / f 1 +, `\\ ; + � \ \`\ \ I �t 0 �� � 1 \�\ FI. I To Whom It May Concern: I understand and approve of Bituminous Roadways' intention to restore the portion of my property that they disturbed during their gravel mining operations on the Lance Johnson property. This restoration is to take place in the spring of 1991. Charles Koehnen City of Rosemount M E M O TO: City Planner Wozniak FROM: Public Works Director/City Engineer Hef DATE: December 28, 1990 SUBJ: Grading Bond Financial Amount Calculation Since there has been a question regarding the use of $2, 000 per acre to determine financial guarantee amounts for grading and mining permits, this memo will provide documentation that will justify the $2,000 per acre. Per Acre Description Amount Common excavation to level site $380 4 hrs of D-6 dozer @ $95/hr Common excavation to place 3" topsoil $800 stockpiled on site 400 cy @ $2/cy Seeding & Mulching $700 Erosion Control around 1/2 perimeter 400 if @ $1.20/lf $480 Total cost per acre restoration $2,360 As you can see from this itemized breakdown the restoration costs, without contingincies, exceed our current bonding requirement of $2,000 per acre. Assuming that not every square foot of the disturbed area needs to be restored, then the $2,000 per acre figure should suffice. All costs used are taken from actual bids on city projects. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I would be happy to try to answer them. cc: Ron Wasmund, Building Official Dean Johnson, Community Devel. Dir. Steve Jilk, Admininstrator