HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of January 2, 1991 Regular Council MeetingROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 2, 1991 MOTION by Oxborough to accept the resignation of Rich Lonnquist, fire fighter, effective December 18, 1990. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk requested Council authorization to purchase and install "Star City" signs at six different entry locations of the City. The total cost is $852.00. See Clerk's File 1991-1. MOTION by Napper to approve the purchase and installation of six 80" by 18" Rosemount "Star City" signs to be located as indicated by staff and further directing staff to obtain the necessary sign permits. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. City Planner Michael Wozniak presented a request for renewal of a sand and gravel mining permit for the east 34 acres of the Lance Johnson property located off of Rich Valley Boulevard. Wozniak noted the current phasing plan, reclamation plan and conditions associated with the mining permit were originally approved in 1982, and the applicant proposes to continue operation in Phases 1, 2 and 3 for approximately two more years. The current operator of the sand and gravel operation is Bituminous Roadways, Inc. of Minneapolis, and the owner and application for the permit is Lance J. Johnson. Wozniak presented an overview of the mining operation in Phases 1, 2 and 3 which showed where the mining operation had encroached onto required mining setbacks and onto the property of Charles Koehnen during the last permit period. City Planner Wozniak recommended that approval of the Lance Johnson Mining Permit be contingent on Bituminous Roadways, Inc. agreeing to completely restore all acreage on the Koehnen property and that a separate performance bond, cash escrow or letter of credit be required to guarantee proper restoration of the Koehnen property. Palmer Peterson, President of Bituminous Roadways, Inc. informed Council the Koehnen property and required setbacks were inadvertently excavated and would be restored. Peterson further advised a cross section of the Koehnen property was conducted by Delmer H. Schwanz Land Surveyors, Inc., and an agreement has been made with the property owner for restoration of the property. City Planner Wozniak presented staff's recommendation to require a performance bond in the amount of $2,000 per acre for the 34 acre mining site. Wozniak noted the $2,000 per acre performance bond requirement is the City's current policy, and this amount would adequately guarantee the ability of the City to have the property restored should the applicant default on the conditions of the mining permit. Wozniak advised the Planning Commission recommended a bond requirement of $34,000 or $1,000 per acre which was agreeable to the applicant. Applicant Lance Johnson presented his objections to Council regarding the $2,000 per acre bond requirement and a one year mining permit as opposed to a two year permit. The applicant informed Council he was agreeable to a bond requirement of $1,000 per acre. City Engineer Rich Hefti reviewed his memorandum dated December 28, 1990 which provided documentation for justifying the recommended $2,000 per acre requirement. r. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 2, 1991 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Wednesday, January 2, 1991, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Napper called the meeting to order with all members present. Mayor Napper led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Since this was the Organizational Meeting of the City Council, Reverend Charles Dundas of United Methodist Church of Rosemount offered the invocation. Administrator Stephan Jilk presented his recommendation for Council approval to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement which would allow the City to participate in the Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund offered by the League of Minnesota Cities. There are presently 203 cities participating in this money market fund. See Clerk's File 1991-1. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTRY INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT IN THE FORM OF A DECLARATION OF TRUST ESTABLISHING AN ENTITY KNOWN AS "MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL MONEY MARKET FUND" AND AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN CERTAIN INVESTMENT PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION NAMING DEPOSITORIES/FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FOR CITY FUNDS. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: 0. See Clerk's File 1991-1. MOTION by Napper to designate the "Dakota County Tribune" as the City's official newspaper for 1991. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. See Clerk's File 1991- 1. The Consent Agenda was reviewed by Council. Council concurred paragraph 5 on page 5, of the December 18, 1990 Regular Council Meeting Proceedings should be amended as follows: Council directed staff to send a letter to Sunrise Builder Supply confirming Council's decision that it was not feasible to purchase the property located at 14000 South Robert Trail at this time. Fire Chief Scott Aker advised Item 6(j) Approval for Expenditure for Fire Fighter Training should be amended to state the classes will be held some time in March, 1991 rather than February, 1991. See Clerk's File 1991-1. MOTION by Napper to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper. Nays: 0. Fire4 Chief Scott Aker reviewed action taken by the Rosemount Fire Department on December 18, 1990 to accept the resignation submitted by Rich Lonnquist. Aker advised Lonnquist had been a member of the Fire Department since 1979 and submitted the resignation because of medical reasons. See Clerk's File 1991-1. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 2, 1991 Palmer Peterson presented a letter to Council objecting to the City Engineer's estimates for reclamation. Peterson felt it would be more appropriate to use larger quantities in determining individual costs per acre. Peterson presented a restoration cost of $1,432 an acre. Considerable discussion ensued by Council regarding performance bond requirements for mining operations. Council discussed the pros and cons of the City continuing its present policy of requiring a consistent performance bond amount for all permit applicants or requiring a bond amount based upon the individual applicant. It was felt consideration should be given to the type of mining operation, area to be mined, materials to be mined and background of the applicant when determining the performance bond amount. It was felt by setting individual bond amounts, it would also eliminate a bond amount requirement from not only being too high but also too low. MOTION by Willcox to approve the Lance Johnson mining permit subject to the mining permit conditions for 1991 and subject to property restoration conditions for the Charles Koehnen property and to require a performance bond in the amount of $34,000. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Willcox. Nays: Wippermann, Klassen. Discussion ensued by Council to direct staff to prepare guidelines to be used in determining performance bond amounts based on each mining permit applicant. Concerns were expressed from Council as to the feasibility of utilizing a considerable amount of staff time to formulate such a method and that such a method would only complicate the process. Concerns were also expressed that determining on an individual basis could cause a considerable amount of time in monitoring and inspecting mining sites. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the expenditure of $6000 to Independent School District 196 for the operation of the Rosemount Senior Citizen program. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. See Clerk's File 1991-1. Mayor Napper announced he will present his recommendations for the council liaison appointments at the February 5, 1991 regular council meeting. Administrator Jilk advised he will be making a presentation to Council at the next regular council meeting on the community center and will be requesting a formal approval of the format of the ballot question for the proposed referendum. See Clerk's File 1991-1. MOTION by Napper to adjourn. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Published this day of Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk , 1991, in Dakota County Tribune. 3