HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Community Center ReferendumCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUARY 15, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: COMMUNITY CENTER REFERENDUM AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMNISTRATOR AGENDA NQM 6 5 C ATTACHMENTS: MEMO, RESOLUTION -- APOVE BY: 26 In order to hold a referendum on the Community Center/Arm y Project it is necessary to: 1. Set the Date 2. Determine the form of the question(s) to be asked. 3. Public Notice for the election. 4. Appoint the election judges. Attached along with the memo regarding these matters, is a resolution, if passed will provide for all the action required. RECOMMENDED ACTION: To adopt a resolution calling for a special election to consider the issuance of General Obligation Bonds for the construction of municipal buildings. COUNCIL ACTION: Adopted resolution. TO: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough Wi lcox, Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator ; DATE: January 11, 1991 / RE: Community Center Referendum - On Tuesday you are asked to formally set the date for the proposed community center referendum. Attached herewith you will find the resolution if adopted, that will cause the referendum to be conducted on February 19, 1991 and sets out the form of the public notice and the ballot to be used. These two forms set out the dollar amounts required to be approved to finance the individual projects. These costs are based upon the architects cost estimates as put together by his team of mechanical, structural and electrical estimators and include all estimates for soft costs including legal contingencies, architectural and financing costs. These costs are based upon the project as designed by the architect in conjunction with the city Armory/Community Center Committee. The costs and designs have been developed to accommodate the construction of each individual item as a separate add on to the Armory when it is constructed. The format for the question as it is placed on the ballot has been reviewed by our bond counsel and found to be in accordance with applicable state statutes. As this project may not be constructed for up to three years, even if approved now by referendum we checked with bond counsel to assure that a positive result of the February 19th referendum would not restrain as by having to wait up to three years to "rise" this authority. Bond counsel indicates that this is not a problem and that once approval is granted that no time limit is set. You are only constrained by the possibility that inflation may eat away at the amount of money approved in the referendum. This should not be an issue for us since, if the referendum is approved in 1991, we can rely on the continuing levy approved in summer of 1990 to support any inflationary increase for construction. Community Center Memo Page 2 Also attached here are: 1. A draft of the first flyer that will go out about January 16th presenting information on the project to the public. 2. A schedule which includes meeting dates and other dates which will be met for presenting information on the project to various groups in the community and to conduct the election. The Armory/Community Center Committee has already made two presentations to community organizations and, as you may tell by the schedule, they will be quite busy between now and February 19th to "get out the facts" and promote the project. Tracie and I will be available at the meeting on Tuesday to answer any questions you may have on this matter. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1991 - A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO CONSIDER THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS WHEREAS, the Minnesota National Guard has committed to the construction of a National Guard Armory in the City of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount desired to investigate the opportunity to enhance certain aspects of that Armory and to construct certain additions to that Armory for the purpose of providing recreational and social opportunities to the residents of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, the Armory/Community Facility Committee, commissioned by the City Council to review all aspects of these enhancements and additions has provided a final report to the City Council and has recommended the construction of a auditorium, a banquet facility and a multi- purpose arena; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of rosemount has reviewed and accepted the recommendation along with architectural drawings and cost estimates for the construction of these facilities; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the residents of the City of Rosemount to consider the construction of these facilities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount does hereby ordain and direct as follows: 1. The proposition of authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds for the purpose of constructing municipal buildings for purposes and amounts as follows: A. Community Auditorium $ 440,000.00 B. Community Banquet Facility $ 625,000.00 C. Community Multi -Purpose Arena $2,850,000.00 be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Rosemount at a special election to be held on Tuesday, February 19, 1991. Said election shall be held between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M.. RESOLUTION 1991 Page 2 The polling places for this election shall be as follows: Precinct I will be the meeting rooms of the Rosemount Senior Citizens Center, 2900 145th Street West; and Precinct II will be the meeting room at the Rosemount Fire Station, 14425 Brazil Avenue West; and Precinct III will be St. John's Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 3285 144th Street West; and Precinct IV will be the Educational Center at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 14980 Diamond Path West; and 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to post and publish according to law a "Notice of Election", and to prepare ballots for use at said election, which notice and ballot shall be in substantially the following form: SPECIAL ELECTION OFFICIAL BALLOT FEBRUARY 19, 1991 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS: If you wish to vote in favor of any or all of the propositions, mark an X in the square next to the word "YES". If you wish to vote against any or all of the propositions, mark an X in the square next to the word "NO". YES SHALL THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE IT'S ..J GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO NO EXCEED $440,000.00 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT OF A COMMUNITY AUDITORIUM? YES SHALL THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE IT'S GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO NO EXCEED $625,000.00 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT OF A COMMUNITY BANQUET FACILITY? !YES SHALL THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE IT'S L GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO NO EXCEED $2,850,000.00 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT OF A COMMUNITY MULTI-PURPOSE ARENA? RESOLUTION 1991 - Page 3 3. The Election Judges for this Special Election shall be appointed and assigned as follows: PRECINCT I Carol Wachter, Captain Margaret Boehlke Marcia Roush, Co -Captain Katherine Baumgartner Rita Finnegan Phyllis Larson Dorothy Stauffer Katie Fox Ellen McMenomy PRECINCT III Joan Hawkins, Captain Carol Aker Gordon Docken Irene Linkert John Isaak Theodore Brandt Sharon Johnson, Betty Knutson Jane Wippermann Myrna Sens Lori Boomer Co -Captain PRECINCT II Betty Zanmiller, Captain Evelyn Ivey Elouise Lucking Phyllis Barton Janet Feldsien Bernice Wenzel Marjorie Hanson Diana Petersen Dixie Cliff, Co -Captain PRECINCT IV Laurie Stauffer Muriel Barnes Teresa Erickson Kay Ostertag Barbara Wolf Phyllis Bohnert Lib McDonough Mabel Meyer Phyllis Curry, Co -Captain Rosemary Mullikin Joyce Eschenbacher 4. Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the statutes of the State of Minnesota applicable and the City Council shall meet as required by law for the purpose of canvasing said election and declaring the results thereof. Adopted this 15th day of January, 1991. ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Vernon J. Napper, Mayor Seconded by: SPECIAL ELECTION OFFICIAL BALLOT FEBRUARY 19, 1991 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS: If you wish to vote in favor of any or all of the propositions, mark an X in the square next to the word "YES". If you wish to vote against any or all of the propositions, mark an X in the square next to the word "NO". YES SHALL THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE ITS' GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL NO AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $440,000.00 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT OF A COMMUNITY AUDITORIUM? 71YES SHALL THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BE ,AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE ITS' GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL NO AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $625,000.00 17" TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT OF A COMMUNITY BANQUET FACILITY? YES SHALL THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE ITS' GENERAL Ell OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL NO AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,850,000.00 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT OF A COMMUNITY MULTI- PURPOSE ARENA? OFFICAL BALLOT FEBRUARY 19, 1991 JUDGE JUDGE