HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Special Council Meeting on January 29, 1991CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUARY 15, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA SECTION: ADMINISTRATORS REPORT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA N ITEM P, ATTACHMENTS: GOALS FOR COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE AP OVED BY: PLANjz, M� r The Planning Commission has completed their review of the pr iminary goals for the update of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. You have been provided with a set for your review and I have copied them again here. I am requesting your consideration for a special council workshop on January 29, 1991 to discuss these goals. It would be a worthwhile session not only in regards to the work on the comprehensive guide plan but also for preparation for the goal setting session on February 9, 1991. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to set a Special Council Meeting for January 29, 1991, for the purposes of reviewing preliminary goals for the Comprehensive Guide Plan Update. COUNCIL ACTION: Approved. f CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUGGESTED COMMUNITY GOALS 1. Preserve and foster the small town ambience of the community by striving to respect Rosemount's unique historical and physical assets and encouraging the continuation of strong interpersonal relationships among residents (CAC 7I). 2. Balance industrial, commercial and residential development with small town ambience (CAC nVI). 3. A balanced and diverse community that provides opportunities for living, working, shopping, playing, learning and socializing. 4. Maintain the rural appearance and character of Rosemount. S. Conserve unique natural/physical/historical resources including landscapes of scenic and ecological significance. 6. A generally compact urban form with orderly and sequential growth that is capable of being efficiently and economically served by public services. 7. Housing opportunities for people of all age, income and ethnic backgrounds. 8. Preservation and enhancement of of orientation, social interaction, exchange (CAC KI). the downtown's identity as a place cultural expression and commercial 9. Continuing redevelopment and growth of the Rosemount CBD core as the predominant center for retail, office, dining, entertainment, institutional and public uses. 10. Attraction of new retail establishments to downtown and the support of existing viable businesses in their efforts to expand or maintain current operations for the purpose of retaining existing employment and enhancing a stable tax base. s 11. Minimize environmental impacts while creating opportunities for tax base enhancement by concentrating all waste management/processing projects that affect Rosemount in a single area of the City. 12. Promote the east end of Rosemount as an area that is uniquely suited for heavy industrial development and other compatible uses provided such development will produce a net benefit in property tax revenues over servicing demands. 13. Protect existing and future heavy industrial and waste management/ processing land uses from noncompatible use encroachments. 14. Generally promote new industrial and commercial enterprises for the purpose of creating new employment opportunities and a more diversified tax base. 15. Conserve and improve the social and physical integrity of existing neighborhoods from potentially adverse external influences. 16. High quality residential environments which are healthy, safe, economical, are well maintained and are convenient to work, shopping and schools. 17. The continuation of long-term agricultural use for as long as possible or until development pressures dictate a change in use. 18. Development of a park and open space system that serves the needs of all residents while providing opportunities for the conservation of natural resources. 19. An enhanced sense of community togetherness by creating, maintaining and preserving areas and facilities for both active and passive leisure tim experiences (CAC rIVj 20. A balanced and efficient transportation system which provides good local and regional accessibility and consists of public transit, streets and highways, bicycle paths and sidewalks. 21. Increased economic development efforts to maintain public services and property taxes at present levels and attract more head -of - household type employment opportunities. Community Goals Pa'ae 22. The provision of additional waste treatment capacity to service areas within MUSA and in the Pine Bend industrial area. 23. Maximize control over external entities in a manner that ensures consistency with the City's character and goals (CAC #V). 24. An informed citizenry which fosters unity, encourages a sense of identity, allows input/feedback and encourages openness (CAC ;III). Hoisington Group Inc. I1-26-90 Pa Community Goals ge 3