HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Budget Discussionof (0?osemouni PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR TO: Mayor Napper Stephan Jilk Council Members Klassen, Oxboroug ,j Will x, Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator L01 p� DATE: September 18, 1991 II RE: 1992 General Fund Operating Budgets On Monday evening, September 23rd, we will have an opportunity to review the proposed 1992 General Fund Operating Budget, the 1992- 96 CIP and the proposed levy for 1992. I have copied the entire 1992 Proposed Operating Budget for your consideration along with the proposed CIP for 1992-96 and other information for your consideration. Since our presentation to you on August 26th, at our special council meeting there have been significant changes made in our financial revenue picture because of a misunderstanding of information regarding the "Fiscal Disparities" Aid from the State of Minnesota, which is funneled through the counties for payment to the cities. We have had to consider a drop in revenue compared to our initial projections of some $250,000. Please refer to the memo from Jeff May which is attached for a complete explanation of this matter. I will not go into any further detail on this information as I believe Jeff's memo is complete and explains the situation very well. The issue is that we had presented to you a balanced budget on August 26th and now we must find an additional two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in 1992. With this in mind and the fact that our maximum levy was certified to Dakota County in August, staff has spent the last several days working to prepare changes to accommodate this loss. We feel that we have accomplished that task and have presented this proposed budget with changes which will accommodate that loss. 1 6vertylking s CDoming Cup Rosem.ounl Y Special Council Meeting Sept. 23, 1991 Budget The major changes from the draft budget presented to you on August 26th are as follows: 1. Additional reductions in operating budgets have been made in the amount of $59,408. 2. Moving items from the 1992 CIP to 1993 in the amount of $100,000 has been done. The majority of this, or $85,000 were Parks & Recreation improvements. 3. A transfer of $7.0,592 is being proposed from the Bonds Paid Up Account which has a projected year end balance of $190,000. This problem is significant. I don't want to underestimate its importance or the ramifications of this "loss". To work this through and maintain current services and current staffing is not going to be easy. It will take one further step. That is, if we shift the $100,000 to 1993 CIP we almost assuredly will need to utilize Equipment Certificates to purchase CIP items in 1992 and again in 1993. Otherwise we will "double up" our purchasing expenditures in 1993 out of our CIP Budget and we will not be able to incur any other increases, in real dollars, for operating purposes. Based upon the proposed CIP Budget that has been presented to you the levy in 1992, for CIP items would be $52,000 and in 1993 approximately $60,000 additionally. If this method would be used the total levy for Equipment Certificates in 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996 would be about $112,000. in 1992 it would be $52,000 and 1997 it would be $60,000. We are projecting that by 1994 our tax base would be adequate and levy limits would be removed to allow us to maintain our budget revenue sufficiently without continuing to use Equipment Certificates and borrowing from reserve of any nature. Staff appreciates the concerns you have on the use of Equipment Certificates and borrowing from any reserves but at this point I see no realistic alternatives. 2 Special Council Meeting Sept. 23, 1991 Budget With this new "wrinkle" in mind and in an effort to continue on with our budget review and discussion, I would suggest the following format for discussion on Monday evening. 1. City Administrator overview of draft budget and circumstances surrounding recent revenue reduction. 2. Discuss concepts of equipment certificates and reserve transfers. 3. Consensus on use of these methods to meet budget needs. 4. Presentation of departmental budgets by department heads. (10 min. each) 5. Discussion; question/answer session 6. Direction for next meeting. I feel that it is important that we reach consensus on the approach staff has taken on meeting budget constraints prior to staff presentations because if we aren't in agreement on these concepts it may be necessary to have other adjustments made prior to consideration of a "final draft". I apologize for the drastic change in our revenue picture and the unfortunate issue we have to address but it is vital to move ahead. Please contact me with your thoughts and suggestions prior to our 6:30 p.m. meeting on September 23, 1991. lj 3 IV. of Rosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 DATE: September 17, 1991 TO: Steve Jilk, Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: Fiscal Disparity Issue MAYOR Vernon Napper COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Harry WillCox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Some months ago, when the budget process started, I attempted to find out what comprised the.dollar amount of our regular levy. I was concerned about this for two reasons, one being that I had never been involved in that part of the budget process at all, and the second being that I knew that issued was the central point of last year's "$300,000" error. To accomplish this goal I first talked to you, then I talked to a representative from the League of Minnesota Cities staff, followed by a call to the Department of Revenue, a call to Dakota County, and a call to a neighboring community's Finance Director. The answer I got from everyone was the same, this being that the regular levy is made up of Current Ad Valorem Taxes, Homestead Credit Aids, and Equalization Aids, with the Current Ad Valorem Taxes determined by subtracting the HACA and Equalization Aids from the total regular levy and the balance becoming Current Ad Valorem. Satisfied that I had the answer I was looking for, I prepared a revenue budget based on this answer I had received regarding the regular levy. One amount that was not included within the regular levy was the amount for Fiscal Disparity Aid distributions. I did not completely understand the concept of Fiscal Disparities, so I questioned most of the same people that I had called upon earlier to help me out. Most importantly, I asked those people whether or not this aid was to be included within the total regular levy amount or if it was to be outside of that levy amount, and thus, an additional revenue to the city. No one that I asked told me that Fiscal Disparity Aid distribution had to be included within the regular levy total. Therefore, our budget was prepared with an amount of $250,000 budgeted for Fiscal Disparity Aid distribution that was not included inside of our regular levy total. On September-­1­0­­ 1991, eptember101991, Sue Walsh gave me a Truth in Taxation memo that she had received from the Department of Revenue. In reading this, it came to my attention that they were stating that the Fiscal Disparity Aid distribution was, in fact, to be included as mart of our total regular levy amount. In a span of five minutes, we went from having a balanced budget to having a budget with a $250,000 deficit. (Sverzyihzngs (Pouring (Ufi RosevmounlP cJ 1009L,���kdw�r Page 2 Immediately, I called the League of Minnesota Cities, the Department of Revenue and Dakota County to question them on the Fiscal Disparity issue. The response I got from all three was the same, that if they had given me information earlier indicating that the Fiscal Disparity amount was not included withing our regular levy, that that information had been given to me in error and that they were sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused. 5o, basically I had talked to the same people a couple of months earlier who were now changing their response. The bottom line is that,Fiscal Disparity Aid distribution is an amount that the city receives that is included within the total of our regular levy amount. The only gain then that I can see from this money is that it reduces the amount that a homeowner in the City of Rosemount will see on their property tax statement in the "City" portion of their statement. All that the commercial and industrial growth does in a community is to help subsidize what the homeowner will pay in property taxes. I apologize for the problems that my mistake has caused. I feel like we are going through the same situation that we did at the end of 1990 except that we have more time to deal with it this year. In defense of myself, though, I feel that I did make an honest effort to get the information that I needed to complete my work accurately, and due to circumstances beyond my control, that the task was completed in error. This error will not happen again. Jeffrey A. May, Finance Director September 23, 1991 DEPARTMENTS Council Budget Administration Budget City Clerk's Budget Election Budget Finance Budget General Government Budget Planning Budget Government Buildings Budget Police Budget Fire Department Budget Public Norks operating Budget Paved Streets Budget Unpaved Streets Budget Ice I Snow Budget Street lights Budget Signal Lights Budget Park $ Rec Budget -General Operating Park i Rec Budget -Revenue Producing Insurance Budget TOTAL OPERATING BlMIS Five (5) Year CIP Requirement Retiresent/Severance Fund 1204 Bonded Indebtedness - For 1991 Fire Relief Equipment Certificates Armory Anticipatory levy 1114MCOMESee11 Local Goverment Aid Internal Revenue Generated 1991 1991 r/- 1992 EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES DIFFERENCE PERCENTAGE REVENUES $104,003 $102,540 $1,463 1.431 $187,068 $124,661 $62,406 50.061 $53,996 $54,331 ($335) -0.62% $14,019 $5,090 $8,929 175.421 $131,651 $146,732 015,081) -10.28% $156,307 $129,080 $27,227 21.09% $109,303 $281,642 0172,339) -61.191 $59,700 $58,840 $860 1.46% 1713,333 $658,713 $64,620 9.81% $154,033 $154,033 s0 0.00% $620,707 1456,679 $164,028 35.92% 155,100 $83,400 ($28,300) -33.93% $15,600 $33,600 018,000) -53.571 113,380 $12,980 $400 3.08% $46,900 $44,400 $2,500 5.631 $6,300 $5,100 11,200 23.53% $466,008 1470,489 ($4,481) -0.95% $96,700' $82,400 $14,300 17.35% $150,000 $140,000 110,000 7.14% ------------------------------------------ $3,164,108 $3,044,711 $119,397 3.92% $297,000 $536,680 ($239,680) -44.66% $46,000 $35,000 $11,000 31.431 $377,725 $304,946 $72,779 13.87% s0 $32,802 ($31,801) -100.00% $52,000 $0 $52,000 1124,131 $116,634 $7,597 6.51% ------------------------- $4,061,064 $4,070,113 TOTALS 10 LEVY - REGULAR TOTALS TO LEVY - SPECIAL �. iC,-; REVENUES DIFFERENCE PERCENTAGE r/ - FORM 280 ESTIMATE 1992 1991 PERCENT TOTAL LEVY $2,748,113 $2,498,285 10.00% TOTAL SPECIAL LEVIES $553,956 -$448,817 13.43% TOTAL SUBJECT TO LIMIT $1,194,157 $2,049,468 7.06% 1992 LEVY LIMIT $2,194,157 $2,049,468 7.06% OVER -(LIVER) LEVY LIMIT $0 $0 20% 5 Year Program(For 1991) $27,231 Out ide Levy Limit ilr 1991 Robed into levy Limit for 1992 . $287,859 $405,311 ($117,452) -18.98% -28,98% $1,025,092 $1,167,177 (6142,085) -12.17% ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- 09,709)-0.241 $1,311,951 $1,572,488 - - -($9,709) (11259,537) -16.50% $1 194,157 !:553,956 $2 049,468 1448,817 $144,689 7.061 $105,139 23.43% $4,061,064 $4,070,773 ($9,109) -0.14% $4,061,064 $4,070,773 (39,709) -0.24% ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- DEFICIT to BE MADE UP $0 $0 -- SO N P y�� O y.� N rf f7 4�1 f"f � N Oi •••� .p rf p .p 0. � 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ipNp f87 pN. pp pQ C N M N ! A•p cP M •G - N iTd6tC M W t Or N Pz M •O S � M M mm pp N a s N A � W J O S N P y�� O y.� N rf f7 4�1 f"f � N Oi •••� .p rf p .p 0. � 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ipNp f87 pN. pp pQ C N M N ! A•p cP M •G - N iTd6tC M W t pp. ` J3 a 72 ZIs N r. II y �• OC L 19 'O N 3 •vypi J .0 c N q G + r H 6 V W W 4i O u D LL G 1 G Or N Pz M •O � M M pp. ` J3 a 72 ZIs N r. II y �• OC L 19 'O N 3 •vypi J .0 c N q G + r H 6 V W W 4i O u D LL G 1 G CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1991-50 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE PRELIMINARY 1992 OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1992 - 3996 CIP BUDGET AND THE 1992 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that Budgets and Special Needs for the year 1992 will be in the amount of $3,676,516; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that Special Levies for Bonded General Obligation Debt, Armory Fund and Equipment Certificates total $553,956; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $1,194,500; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that Special Levies for Bonded Indebtedness, Armory Bonds and Equipment Certificates of $553,956 are outside the Levy Limit; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised that the Levy Limit for 1992 for the City of Rosemount is $2,194,157. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the total Preliminary Levy certified to the Dakota County Auditor shall be $2,748,113; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that $2,194,157 of this levy is subject to the levy limit; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount will conduct a Public Hearing for the purposes of presenting the proposed budget and levy to the general public and to comply with Truth and Taxation laws as set by the Minnesota State Legislature and that hearing will take place on December 5, 1991, beginning at 6:30 P.M. in the Rosemount City Council Chambers. If a continuation of that hearing is necessary it will take place on December 10, 1991, at 6:30 P.M. At that public hearing the final operating budget and levy will be adopted by the Rosemount City Council. ADPOTED this 26th day of August, 1991. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 1991/1992 SPECIAL LEVIES TOTAL G.O. FUNDS AUTHORIZED FOR 1992 $ 616,089 TOTAL OF BONDS REQUIRING ZERO LEVY $ 238,364 TOTAL LEVY FOR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $ 377,725 1992 Levy $ -0- 149,919 59,713 78,294 89,799 -0- SCHEDULE A: Cost of Principal and Interest on Bonded Indebtedness Certified to the County Auditor Fund DESCRIPTION OF BOND 1992 Authorized 302 90,000 GO Warning System Bonds 1981 -0- 303 $1,200,000 GO Municipal Bldg Bonds 1986 149,919 325 $4,995,000 GO Improvement Bonds 1987A 298,077 326 $2,750,000 GO Improvement Bonds 19888 78,294 327 $2,575,000 GO Improvement Bonds 1989B 89,799 328 $1,180,000 GO Improvement Bonds 1991A -0- TOTAL G.O. FUNDS AUTHORIZED FOR 1992 $ 616,089 TOTAL OF BONDS REQUIRING ZERO LEVY $ 238,364 TOTAL LEVY FOR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $ 377,725 1992 Levy $ -0- 149,919 59,713 78,294 89,799 -0- 1992 CIP BUDGET WORKSHEET -5th-Run September 23, 1991 :ALL DEPARTMENTS ----------------------- :---------- ------------------------------------------------------- ` ITEM ---- :--------------- COST -DESCRIPTION ------------------------------ DEPARTMENT ---------- :----------------------- ---------- City Hall Remodeling 0 ----------------------- --------------- City Hall $- : Office Remodel(Moved to 1993) Administration --------- 8 ----------------------------------------------- Fixed Asset System "-'"'-"'""- 8"------------- . 0 Implement Fixed Asset System(Moved to 1993)____ Finance ------------------------------10----------10------------ PC Replacement Program 15,000 : Replace 6 PC's @$2.500 as " -10--------------- Part of Replacement Program Finance --------------------------------------------12--------------- Hose Truck -* 40,000 : Replace 1978 Truck #35196 and Reel Discarded 3 Years Ago Fire City Hall Furniture------- 14----6,000-14-----i e Furnit--------------------------------------------14--------------- Off c ure(Police Dept $4,000 Moved to 1993) Gen'I Govt ------------------------------16----------16------------- ______ ______________________. Election Equipment 9,000 : To Add Additional Pre -16- cincts Gen'l Govt Benches & Small Shelters -----18---- _5 000"18-----------------------------------------------------------18--------------- _ _ _ Erickson Park Ball Field Improvements : Park & Rec Town Green Area--------------20---12,000-20--Erickson Park South End Grading--------------------------20--------------- ------Green Area-------------- , etc. Park & Rec 22 ---------- Park Gen'1 Improvements 60,000 : Additional Landscaping, Picnic Areas, etc. : Park & Rec ---------------------------- 24 --- --------------------------------------------24--------------- JC Park Shelter : 100,000 : Ongoing Park Improvements *Matching JC Funding* Park & Rec ------------------------------26---------- 2b-----------------------------------------------------------26--------------- JC Rink & Lighting 25,000 : Ongoing Park Improvements Park & Rec ------------------------------28---------- -JC-Park General Lighting 35,000 Ongoing Park Improvements Park & Rec --------------------------30----------30------------------- General`"Improvements 15,000 Shannon Park Improvements($10,000 Moved to 1993 -Shelter) Park & Rec ------------------------------32---------- ParkShelter 32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------- 0 : Twin Puddles Park(Moved to 1993) : Park & Rec ------------------------------34---------- 34----------------------------------------------------------- Dodd Road Bike Trail 34--------------- 0 : Shannon Parkway to Diamond Path(Moved to 1993) : Park & Rec ------------------------------36---------- 36-----------------------------------------------------------36--------------- Lawn Mower ** 12,000 : Replace John Deere Riding Mower : Park & Rec ------------------------------ 38 --- ------- Passenaer Van ** place '85 Dodge with Van for Park & Rec and Fleet Park & Rec 17,000 Re ------------------------------40---------- New Pickup Truck ** 40 ----------------------------- 7 : Replace Car in Fleet with Pickup(Moved from 1991) • Park & Rec ------------------------------ ------ ___ _______ _Park Vacuum ** : 25,000 : Equipment Addition 42 - ------------------------ : Park & Rec GIS Software 15,000 : Software to Run GIS System : Planning ---------------------------- 46---------- -- 46-------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Police Squad Cars 46------ ** 28,000 : Update 2 Squad Cars(Cost Includes Set Up Costs) : Police ------------------------------48---------- 48-----------------------------------------------------------48--------------- 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck ** 14,000 : Replace '83 Ford #201(Was '86 Chevy #101) : Public Works ------------------------------50---------- 3/4 Ton 4 x 4 Pickup Truck ** 18,000 Replace '86 Unit #227 in Fire Department Public Works -----------------------------52----------52------------------- ----------------------------------------52--------------- Tamper ** 2,000 Replaces Jumping Jack : Public Works ------------------------------54----------54---------------- _ -------------------------------------------54-------------- eint Sprayer ** 2,500 . Sprayer for Cross walks : Public Works -- ------------------------56----------56----------------------- Cat Loader25,000 56 ---- (Moved from 1994) : Public Works --------------- ---------------5 9----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58--------------- ------------------- ------------------------ 62---------- 62 . ------------------------------64----------64--------------- ------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------70----------70--------------- TOTAL : 497,500 LESS: Items Eligible for Equipment Certificates(**) 200,500 TOTAL TO LEVY FOR 199 297 000 --------------------------------60--------------- ----------------62--------------- ---------------------------------------64--------------- ---------------------------------------66-------------- ---68-------------- -70--------------- 1993 CIF BUDGET WORKSHEET 5th Run September 23. 1991 --- - :ALL DEPARTMENTS ITEM COST DESCRIPTION ,_DEPARTMENT ------------------------------ :----------:----P---------------;-----------------P-------------------------------- PC Replacement Program $15.000 : Replace 6 PC's @$2,500 as Part of Replacement Program Finance ------------------------------ 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- a--------------- 4 x 4 Pickup $22,000 Replace Grass Rig Unit #35192/94 - Shift Old Unit to PW Fire ------------------------------10----------10-----------------------------------------------------------10--------------- Aerial Fire Truck : $200,000 : Partial Cost to Replace '73 Truck #35180(#1 of 3) : Fire ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------12--------------- City Hall Shelter : $60,000 : Add on to Shelter Near City Hall for General Improvement : Park & Rec ------------------------------14----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14--------------- Erickson Park Parking Lot : $35,000 : Add to Curb & Gutter by Paving Parking Lot and Drives : Park & Rec ----------------------------16----------16-----------------------------------------------------------16--------------- Shannon Park North Lights $40,000 Lighting of "General" Park Areas at Shannon Park Park & Rec Aerator ----------------------18---$3,000 18 Additional Equipment-------------------------------------18-Park & Rec---- ------------------------------20----------20-----------------------------------------------------------20--------------- Backhoe for Skid -Steer Loader : $10,000 : Add-on Equipment for General Maintenance Work : Park & Rec ------------------------------22----------22-----------------------------------------------------------22--------------- Tracks for Skid -Steer Loader : $2,400 : Add-on Equipment for General Maintenance Work : Park & Rec ---------------------------- 24----------24-------------------------------------------------------24--------------- Tree Spade for Skid -Steer Ldr : $10,000 : Add-on Equipment for General Forestry Work : Park & Rec ------------------------------26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26--------------- V-Blade for Skid -Steer Loader : $850 : Add-on Equipment for General Forestry Work ' : Park & Rec ------------------------------28----------28-----------------------------------------------------------28--------------- Replace 1987 Tempo : $15,000 : Replace Planning Vehicle : Planning ------------------------------30----------30-----------------------------------------------------------30--------------- 4 Police Squad Cars : $56,000 : Update Squad Cars(1 Moved from '92, 1 Moved from '94) Police ------------�--------------- 32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------- i Ton Pickup Truck : $14,400 : Replace 1987 Ford 3/4 Ton Pickup #231 Public Works ------------------------------34----------34------------------------------------------ ----------------34--------------- - 1/2 Ton 4 x 4 Pickup Truck : $15,000 Replace '75 Dodge from Fire Dept(Moved from 1992) : Public Works ----------------------------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36--------------- Air Compressor 185 Model $10,000 General Share of Compressor(Remaining portion -Utilities) Public Works ------------------------------38----------38-----------------------------------------------------------38-------------- Lift Cart $4,500 : Additional Equipment for Shop Use Public Works ------------------------------ 40 ---------- 40 ----- --- ----------------------------40----------40--------- --------------------------------------------- City Hall Remodeling $1,000 : Office Remodel(Moved from 1992) : Administration ----------------------------- 42----------42---------------------------------- --------------------42--------------- Fixed Asset System : $10,000 : Fixed Asset System($10,000 Paid by Utilities)(From 1992) : Finance ------------------------------44----------44---------- --------------------------------44--------------- ----------------- City Hall Furniture $4,000 : General Office Furniture Updates(Moved from 1992) Gen 'I Govt ------------------------------46----------46-----------------------------------------------------------46--------------- Park Shelter/Gazebo : $10.000 : Shannon Park(Moved from 1992) : Park & Rec ---------- ------------------------------48----------48-------------------- -----------------------------48--------------- Park Shelter : $30,000 : Twin Puddles Park(Moved from 1991, then 1992) : Park & Rec ------------------------------50----------50-----------------------------------------------------------50--------------- Dodd Road Bike Trail : $45,000 : Shannon Pkwy to Diamond Path(Moved from 1991, then 1992) : Park & Rec ------------------------------ 52 ---------- 52 ------------- ---------------------------------- ------------ 52--------------- ------------------------------54----------54------------------------- ------------------------------56----------56------------------------- ------------------------------58----------58------------------------- ------------------------------60----------60------------------------- ------------------------------62----------62------------------------- TOTAL $613,150 : ------------------------------64----------64------------------------- 54--------------- ------------------56--------------- -----------------------58--------------- ----------------60--------------- ----------------62--------------- ----------------64--------------- 1994 CIP BUDGET WORKSHEET 5th Run September_2319___ ;ALl-.1UAS MrNT5 ----------- ITEM .__--COST DESCRIPTION : DEPARTMENT ---------------------- ----- :--------------- PC Replacement Program : 18,000 Replace 6 PC's @$3,000 as Part of Replacement Program Finance --------------------------- 8---------- 8--------------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Aerial Fire Truck 200,000 : Partial Cost to Replace '73 Truck #35180(#2 of 3) Fire ------------------------------ 10 ------- --- 10 ----------------------------------------------------------- Erickson Park Equipment : 15,000 : Play Equipment for Park Areas : Park & Rec ------------------------------12---------- Kidder Park Shelter 30,000 : General Shelter and Slab for Park Area • Park & Rec ---------------------------14----------14------------------- Schwarz Shelter 60,000 : Add to Northwest Corner of Park Next to Kelly Property Park & Rec ------------------------------16----------16---------------------- Howard Mower Replacement 30,000 : Replacement Program for Maintenance Equipment Park & Rec ------------------------------18----------18---------------- Park Benches and Tables : 10,000 : Continuing Park Improvements : Park & Rec ------------------------------20----------20----------- 2 Police Squad Cars 28,500 Update 2 Squad Cars(Cost Includes Set Up Costs) Police ------------------------------22----------22--------------- --------------------------------------------22--------------- Front End Loader : 115,000 : Replace 1974 Unit, Plow & Wing Public Works ------------------------------ 24 ---------- 24----------------- ------------------------------------------24-------------_- Sander 3,000 : Replacement ---------------------------- Public Works _Bob -Cat -Skid Steer Loader 25,000 : Replace '86 Loader #229(Moved from 1993) Public Works ------------------ 28----------28----------- Single Axle Truck 90,000 New Multi -Purpose Truck(Moved from 1993) Public Works --------r ---------------------30---------- 30-----------------------------------------------------------30--------------- 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck 15,000 Replace '86 Chevy #101(Moved from 1995) Public Works - ----------------------------32----------32----------- ------------------------------34---------- 34-----------------------------------------------------------34--------------- ---36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36--------------- ------------------------------38----------38----------------- -- ------------------------------40---------- 40-----------------------------------------------------------40--------------- ------------------------------42----------42----------------- ------------------------------------------42--------------- ------------------------------44---------- ------------------------------46---------- ------------------------------48----------48------------------ ------------------------------50----------50-----=------ -----------------------------------------------50--------------- ------------------------------52-------- 52-----------------------------------------------------------52--------------- ------------------------------54----------54--------------------- ---------- ---------------------------54--------------- ------------------------------56---------- 56-----------------------------------------------------------56--------------- ------------------------------53----------5',8---------------------------------------------------------- -58--------------- ------------------------------60---------- 60-----------------------------------------------------------60-----------•---- ------------------------------62----------62------------------ TOTAL -----------------------------------------62--------------- 639.500 : ------------------------------64---------- 1995 CIP BUDGET WORKSHEET 5th Run September 23, 1991 :ALL DEPARTMENTS --------------- ---------- :----------------------------------------------------------- :--------------- ITEM COST DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT PC Replacement Program : 18,000 Replace 6 PC's @$3,000 as Part of Replacement Program Finance -------------------------- 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- 8 --------------- Aerial Fire Truck 200,000 Partial Cost to Replace '73 Truck #35180(#3 of 3) Fire ------------------------------10----------10-----------------------------------------------------------10--------------- Grass Fire Vehicle 22,000 : Replace Unit 035192/94(Old Unit Rotated to PW) : Fire ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------12--------------- Pumper Truck : 100,000 : Replace Unit #35182(Partial #1 of 2) : Fire ------------------------------14----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14--------------- Lawn Mower Replacement 12,000 : Replacement Program Park & Rec ------------------------------16----------16------------------------------ Shannon Park Shelter 45,000 : Shelter Park & Rec ------------------------------18----------18-----------------------------------------------------------18--------------- 3 Police Squad Cars 45,000 : Update 3 Squad Cars(Cost Includes Set Up Costs) : Police ------------------------------20----------20-----------------------------------------------------------20--------------- Computer Update 45,000 : Periodic Update - Equipment in Use Since 1982 : Police ------------------------------22----------22-----------------------------------------------------------22--------------- Single Axle Dump Truck : 100,000 : Replace Unit #208, Plow, Wing & Sander : Public Works ------------------------------24----------24-----------------------------------------------------------24--------------- ------------------------------26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26--------------- ------------------------------28----------28-----------------------------------------------------------28--------------- ------------------------------30----------30-----------------------------------------------------------30--------------- ------------------------------ 32----------32------------------------------------- ------------------------------34----------34-----------------------------------------------------------34------------ ------------------------------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36-------------- -----------------------38----------38------------------------------------- -----------------------40----------40------------------------------------- ----------------------42----------42 ------------40--------------- ---------- 42--------------- ------------------------------44----------44-----------------------------------------------------------44--------------- ------------------------------46----------46----------------------- ---- ------------------------------48----------48-----------------------------------------------------------48------ ------------------------------50----------50-----------------------------------------------------------50------ ------------------------------52----------52------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------56----------56----------------------------------------------- 56--------------- ------------------------------58----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58--------------- ------------------------------60----------60---------------=-------------------------------------------60--------------- ------------------------------62----------62---------------------- -- 6; --------------- TOTAL 58',000 ------------------------------64----------64-----------------------------------------------------------64--------------- 1996 CIP BUDGET WORKSHEET 5th Run September 23, 1991 -------------------- :ALL DEPARTMENTS :------ :------------------------------------------------ :--------------- ITEMCOST DESCRIPTION --- DEPARTMENT ----- PC Replacement Program 21,000 Replace 6 PC's @$3,500 as Part of Replacement Program Finance ------------------------------ 8---------- -il2 Ton Pickup 22,000 Replace Unit #3598 - Command Vehicle Fire ---------------------------10 ---------- 1Q ----------------------------------------------------------- 10----------- -Computer Additions & Update 10,000 : Add to Current IBM Compatible & Add New McIntosh System : Fire ----------------------- 12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------12--------------- -Grass Fire Pump & Tank 10,000 : Replace 20 -Year Old Low Pressure Pump ' Fire ---------------------------14----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14--------------- Opticom Vehicle Controllers 15,000 Addition of Controllers to Vehicles to Control Signals : Fire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16----------1616--------------- Pumper Truck: 100,000 : Replace Unit #35182(Partial #2 of 2) : Fire ------------------------------ 18----------18--------------- Suburban Truck 25,000 : Replace Unit #3599 - Command Vehicle : Fire ---------------------------- 20----------20------------------------ Sign Router : 4,500 : Additional Equipment for Parks Carpentry : Park & Rec ------------------------------22----------22----------- -4-Police Squad Cars : 60,000 : Update 4 Squad Cars(Cost Includes Set Up Costs) : Police ---------------------------24----------24--------- 5 Radar Units 8,000 : Replace Radar Units in Squad Cars 'Police ------------------------------26----------26--------- Base Radio Unit 5,000 : Replace Police Base Radio System in Use Since 1984 : Police --------------------------- 28----------28----------------------- -Hand Held Radios 6,000 : Replace 10 Hand Held Radios in Use Since 1987 : Police ---------------------------30----------30------------ Squad Radios 10,000 : Replace 5 Squad Radios Police ------------------------------32----------32--------------- 1 Ton 4 x 4 Pickup with Plow : 18,000 : Replace M100 Pickup from Fire Department : Public Works ----------------------------- 34----------34----------------- 1 Ton Dump Truck, Plow & Wing : 30,000 : Replace Dump Truck #242 : Public Works ------------------------------36----------36---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------38----------38-------------------------- 38----------- ------------------------------40----------40------------------ -----------------------------------------40--------------- ------------------------------42----------42------------- ----------------------------------------------42--------------- --------------------- --------- 44 ---------- 44 ----------------- --------- ---------------------------------44----------44----------------- ------------------------------------------44--------------- ------------------------------46----------46------------------ -------46--------------- ------------------------------48----------48-------------- ---------------------------------------------48-------------- ------------------------------50----------50----------------------------- ------------------------------52----------52----------------------------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------------54----------54-----------------------------------------------------------54--------------- ------------------------------ 56 ---------- 56 ----------------------------------------------------------- 56--------------- ------------------------------58----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58--------------- ------------------------------ 6Q ---------- 60 --------------- =------------------------------------------- 60-------------- ------------------------------62----------62------------- T^vTAL : 344,500 ------------------------------64----------64-----------------------------------------------------------64--------------- 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Fund Account # Obi # Description ------------------------------------------------- 101 - 31010 -00- 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes Page One Object Requested Amount Total Comments ---------------------------------------- 101 - 31010 -00- 000.1 From County $1,010,368 101 - 31020 -00-"000 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 101 - 31020 -00-000.1 From County $15,000 101 - 31030 -00- 000 Mobile Home Taxes 101 - 31030 -00- 000.1 From County $12,000 101 - 31040 -00- 000 Fiscal Disparities 101 - 31040 -00- 000.1 From County $310,034 101 - 31710 -00- 000 Gravel Taxes 101 - 31710 -00- 000.1 From County $4,300 101 - 31810 -00- 000 Franchise Taxes 101 - 31810 -00— 000.1 From Star Cable $20,000 101 - 32110 -00- 000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 101 - 32110 -00- 000.1 $12,500 101 - 32160 -00- 000 Licenses to do Business 101 - 32160 -00- 000.1 Refuse Only $500 101 - 32180 -00- 000 Cigarette Licenses 101 - 32180 -00- 000.1 $200 101 - 32210 -00- 000 Building Permit Revenue 101 - 32210 -00- 000.1 $160,000 101 - 32211 -00- 000 Coates Bldg Official Remib 101 - 32211 -00- 000.1 $1,000 101 - 32220 -00- 000 Electrical Permit Revenue 101 - 32220 -00- 000.1 $7,000 101 - 32230 -00- 000 Plumbing Permit Revenue 101 - 32230 -00- 000.1 $12,000 101 - 32240 -00- 000 Animal Licenses 101 - 32240 -00- 000.1 $2,000 101 - 32250 -00- 000 Sewer Permit Revenue 101 - 32250 -00- 000.1 $8,000 101 - 32255 -00- 000 County Recording Fee -City Shre 101 - 32255 -00- 000.1 $200 101 - 32260 -00- 000 Heating/Air Cond Permit Pevnue 101 - 32260 -00- 000.1 $12.400 101 - 33401 -00- 000 Local Government Aid (LGA) 101 - 33401 -00- 000.1 From State $287.859 101 - 33402 -00- 000 Hstd & Ay Credit Aid (HACA) 101 - 30402 -00- 000.1 From State $448.063 101 - 33403 -00- 000 Mobile Home HACA 101 - 33403 -00- 000.1 From State $20.000 101 - 33416 -00- 000 Police Training Reimbursement 101 - 33416 -00- 000.1 Post Board Training Reimb $4.400 101 - 33416 -00- 000.2 State Aid (Tied to PERA) $54,600 101 - 33418 -00- 000 MSP. for Streets —Maintenance 101 - 33418 -00- 000.1 From State $16.000 101 - 33424 -00- 000 Equalization Aid 101 - 33424 -00- 000.1 From State $P9.492 $1,010,368 Based on CIP Amt of $297,000 $15,000 $12,000 $310,034 $4,300 $20.000 $12,500 $500 $200 $160.000 $1,000 $7,000 $12,000 $2,000 $8,000 $200 $12,400 $287,859 $448.063 $20,000 $59,000 $16.000 $82.692 ---------------------- $2,501,116 $2,501.116 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES Page Two Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 34103 -00- 000 Zoning & Subdivision Fees 101 - 34103 -00- 000.1 101 - 34104 -00- 000 Plan Checking Fees 101 - 34104 -00- 000.1 65% of Bldg Permit Fees 101 - 34105 -00- 000 Sales of Maps & Publications 101 - 34105 -00- 000.1 101 - 34106 -00- 000 Deputy Registrar Fees 101 - 34106 -00- 000.1 101 - 34107 -00- 000 Assessment Searches 101 - 34107 -00- 000.1 101 — 34109 -00- 000 Other Gen'l Charges for Servee 101 - 34109 -00- 000.1 101 - 34110 -00- 000 Service Chg on Returned Checks 101 - 34110 -00-000.1 101 - 34202 -00- 000 Fire Services -Burning Permits 101 — 34202 -00- 000.1 101 - 34203 -00- 000 Accident Reports 101 - 34203 -00- 000.1 101 - 34207 -00- 000 Other Fire Protection Services 101 - 34207 -00- 000.1 U of M & Coates Contracts 101 - 34207 -00- 000.2 101 - 34303 -00- 000 Mow Weeds 101 - 34303 -00- 000.1 101 - 34306 -00- 000 Other Highway & Street Revenue 101 - 34306 -00- 000.1 ??? 101 - 34407 -00- 000 City Share of Metro Sac Chgs 101 34407 -00— 000.1 101 - 34721 -00- 000 Softball Revenues 101 - 34721 -00- 000.1 101 - 34722 -00- 000 Volleyball Revenues 101 - 34722 -00- 000.1 101 - 34723 -00- 000 Playground Revenues 101 - 34723 -00- 000.1 i0I - 34724 -00- 000 Tennis Revenues 101 - 34724 -00- 000.1 101 - 34725 -00- 000 Tim Tct R wrnues 101 - _4725 -00- 000.'_ 101 - 34726 -00- 000 Pom oum Revenues 101 - 34726 -00- 000.1 101 - 3472.7 -00- 000 Field Trip Revenues 101 - 34727 -00- 000.1 101 - 34728 -00- 000 Broomball Revenues 101 - 34728 -00- 000.1 101 - 34729 -00- 000 Skating Lesson Revenues 101 - 34729 -00- 000.1 $235,400 $235,400 $2,000 $2,000 $104,000 $104,000 $1,000 $1,000 $25,000 $25,000 $400 $400 $500 $500 $100 $100 $100 $100 $500 $500 $12,000 $12,000 $100 $100 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $44,000 $44.000 $16.000 $16,000 $0 $2.000 $2.000 — $12.000 $12.000 $4.000 $4.000 $7.000 $7,000 $2,100 $2.100 $600 $600 $235,400 $235,400 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES Page Three Fund Account # Obi # Description Object Requested Total _----Amount Comments 101 - 34730 -00- 000 Track & Field Revenues $3,000 101 - 34730 -00- 000.1 $3,000 101 - 34731 -00- 000 Soccer Revenues $2.000 101 - 34731 -00- 000.1 $2,000 101 - 34732 -00- 000 Adult Basketball Revenues $1,000 101 - 34732 -00- 000.1 $1,000 101 - 34733 -00- 000 Other Programs Revenue $3,000 101 - 34733 -00- 000.1 $3,000 101 - 35101 -00- 000 Court Fines $50.000 101 - 35101 -00- 000.1 From County $50,000 101 - 35101 -00- 000.2 101 - 35104 -00- 000 Other Fines $0 101 - 35104 -00- 000.1 101 - 36101 -00- 000 Principal -Special Assessments $18,000 10i-- 36101 -00- 000.1 $18,000 101 - 36210 -00- 000 Interest Earnings -Investments $30,000 101 - 36210 -00- 000.1 $30,000 101 - 36215 -00- 000 Interest Earnings $8,000 101 - 36215 -00- 000.1 Checking Account $8,000 101 - 36215 -00- 000.2 101 - 36220 -00- 000 Rents & Royalties $2,500 101 - 36220 -00- 000.1 US West Antenna Rent $2,500 101 - 36220 -00- 000.2 101 - 36230 -00- 000 Contributions/Donations $0 101 - 36230 -00- 000.1 101 - 36260 -00- 000 Other Revenue $25,000 101 - 36260 -00- 000.1 Workmen's Comp Refund $15,000 101 - 36260 -00- 000.2 Miscellaneous $10,000 101 - 36260 -00- 000.3 101 - 39203 -00- 000 Transfer from $164.500 101 - 39203 -00- 000.1 Construction Projects(41;) $80.000 101 - 39201 -00- 000.2 Armory Repayment 91 of 5 '$35.000 101 - 39203 -00- 000.3 Fund Administrative Fees $49.500 101 - 39203 -00- 000.4 101 - 39207 -00- 000 Transfer from EDA Fund $50.000 101 - 3920? -00- 000.1 1epa:>ment2 of 3 s50.000 101 - 391.107 -00- 000.2 101 - 39209 -00- 000 Transf from Bonds Paid Up Fund $70,592 101 - 39209 -00- 000.1 $70.592 PAGE TOTALS ---------------------- $427,592 $427,592 GRAND TOTALS 53,164,108 $3,164.108 INTERNAL REVENUES $1,025,092 $1,025,092 Grand Total Less Ad Valorem, HACA, Fiscal Disparity, 9 Equalization Revenue 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COUNCIL - 41110 - Pace One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Fund Account # Obi # Description Object Requested Amount Total Comments ------------------------------------------------ 101 - 41110 103.0 Salaries 101 - 41110 -02- 103.0 Mayor 101 - 41110 -03- 103.0 S. Klassen, Councilmember 101 -41110 -04- 103.0 Councilmember 101 - 41110 -05- 103.0 H. Willcox, Councilmember 101 - 41110 -06- 103.0 Councilmember 101 - 41110 -07- 103.0 101 - 41110 -01- 307.0 Management Fees 101 - 41110 -01- 307.1 Newsletter 101 - 41110 -01- 307.2 Spring Cleanup 101 - 41110 -01- 307.3 Fireworks 101 - 41110 -01- 307.4 101 - 41110 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services 101 - 41110 -01- 319.1 Retreat/Goal Setting 101` - 41110 -01- 319.2 Retreat/Council-Administrtr 101 - 41110 -01- 319.3 101 - 41110 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense 101 - 41110 -01- 331.1 Air Fare to National Conf 101 - 41110 -01- 331.2 Misc Transportation Costs 101 - 41110 -01- 331.3 101 - 41110 -01- 351.0 Legal Notices Publishing 101 -41110 -01- 351.1 101 - 41110 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions 101 - 41110 -01- 433.1 LMC, AMM, Chamber 101 - 41110 -01- 433.2 101 - 41110 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets 101 - 41110 -01- 435.1 101 41110 -01- 435.2 101 - 41110 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars 101 - 41110 -01- 437.1 National Conference 101 - 41110 -01- 437.2 State Conference 101 - 41110 -01- 437.3 101 - 41110 -01- 598.0 Council Desia_naied 101 - 41110 -01- 598.1 Education Reimbursement 101 - 41110 -01- 598.2 Contingencies 101 - 41110 -01- 598.3 101 - 41110-01- 598.4 101 - 41110 -01- 598.5 PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS --------------------- $104,003 $104,003 $104,003 $104,003 ---------------------- ---------------------- 1991 Budget - $102,540 Difference - s 1,463 OVER $26,722 $5,814 ($350/month + 100/month Extra) $5,167 ($300/month + 100/month Extra) $5,167 ($300/month + 100/month Extra) $5,407 ($300/month + 100/month Extra) $5,167 ($300/month + 100/month Extra) $38,000 $20,000 $12,000 $6,000 $2,500 $2,500 $0 Cut $300 $1,000 $800 2 to National Conference $200 Gas, etc. for Outside City $900 $900 $7,570 $7,570 $350 $350 $4.400 $2,200 National Conf - New Orleans $2,200 Leag Conf & 3 to Newly Elected $22.561 $10,500 $12,061 Cut $41,000 --------------------- $104,003 $104,003 $104,003 $104,003 ---------------------- ---------------------- 1991 Budget - $102,540 Difference - s 1,463 OVER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - 41320 - 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount ---------------------------------------------------------- Page One Requested Total Comments ----------------------------------------- 101 - 41320 101.0 Salaries $177,113 101 - 41320 -02- 101.0 S. Jilk, Administrator $77,793 101 - 41320 -03- 101.0 S. Vanderheyden, Asst Admin $46,596 101 - 41320 -04- 101.0 L. Jentink, Admin Secretary $27,361 101 - 41320 -05- 101.0 D. Widstrom, Receptionist $25.363 101 - 41320 -06- 101.0 101 - 41320 102.0 Full -Time Overtime $3,555 101 - 41320 102.1 S. Vanderheyden $1,000 101 - 41320 102.2 L. Jentink $2,255 $455 From Elections for O/T 101 - 41320 102.3 D. Widstrom $300 101 - 41320 102.3 101 - 41320 -01- 207.0 Training & Instructnl Supplies $0 101 - 41320 -01- 207.1 IMS Service $0 Cut $2,000 101 - 41320 -01- 207.2 101- - 41320 -01- 307.0 Management Fees $2,000 101 - 41320 -01- 307.1 Labor Relations $2,000 101 - 41320 -Oi- 307.2 101 - 41320 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $1,000 101 - 41320 -01- 331.1 1 to National Conf $500 101 - 41320 -01- 331.2 2 to State Conf $500 101 - 41320 -01- 331.3 101 - 41320 -01- 339.0 Other Transportation Expenses $300 101 - 41320 -01- 339.1 Meeting Attendances $300 Cut $200 101 - 41320 -01- 339.2 101 - 41320 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $700 101 - 41320 -01- 433.1 ICMA 5350 101 - 41320 -01- 433.2 MCMA $350 101 - 41320 -01- 433.3 101 - 41320 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $2,400 101 - 41320 -01- 437.1 National, MCMA, LMC, etc. $2,400 101 - 41320 -01- 437.2 PAuE TOTALS ------------------ $187,068 $187,068 1991 Budget - $124.662 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $187.068 $187.068 Difference - $ 62,406 OVER *$455 From Elections for 0/T* 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS CITY CLERK - 41400 Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 41400 101.0 Salaries $44,755 101 - 41400 -02- 101.0 S. Walsh, City Clerk $44,755 101 - 41400 -03- 101.0 101 - 41400 102.0 Full -Time Overtime $1,541 101 - 41400 102.1 S. Walsh $1,541 $746 From Elections for 0/T 101 - 41400 102.2 101 - 41400 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $250 101 - 41400 -01- 203.1 $250 101 - 41400 -01- 203.2 101 - 41400 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $300 101 - 41400 -01- 209.1 $300 101 - 41400 -01- 209.2 101 - 41400 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $875 101- 41400 -01- 304,1 $875 101' - 41400 -01- 304.2 101 - 41400 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $200 101 - 41400 -01- 331.1 $200 101 - 41400 -01- 331.2 101 - 41400 -01- 351.0 Legal Notices Publishing $2,000 101 - 41400 -01- 351.1 $2.000 101 - 41400 -01- 351.2 101 - 41400 -01- 352.0 General Notices & Public Info $2.500 101 -41400 -01- 352.1 $2,500 101 - 41400 -01- 352.2 101 - 41400 -01- 353.0 Ordinance Publication $500 101 - 41400 -01- 353.1 Codification of Code $500 101 - 41400 -01- 353.2 101 - 41400 -01-433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $125 101 - 41400 -01- 433.1 MPELRA & MCFOA $125 101 - 41400 -01- 433.2 101 - 41400 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $200 101 - 41400 -01- 435.1 5200 101 - 41400 -01- 435.2 101 - 41400 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $750 101 - 41400 -01- 42P'7.1 5750 101 - 41400 -01- 437.2 PAGE TOTALS $53,996 $53,096 1991 Budget - s 54,331 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $53,996 ¢53.996 Difference - (5 3351 UNDER _____________========= *$746 From Elections for 0/T* F 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' ELECTIONS - 41410 - Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount Total Comments 101 - 41410 103.0 Salaries $8,864 101 - 41410 -01- 103.1 Election Judges $8,864 4 Elections for 1992 101 - 41410 -01- 103.2 101 - 41410 -01- 102.0 Full -Time Overtime $0 101 - 41410 -01- 102.1 Sue & Linda O/T $0 Moved $2,155 to Admin & Clerks 101 - 41410 -01- 102.2 101 - 41410 -01- 208.0 Miscellaneous Supplies $225 101 - 41410 -01- 208.1 $225 101 - 41410 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $1,000 101 - 41410 -01- 219.1 Food for Meals $1,000 101 - 41410 -01- 219.2 101 - 41410 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $800 101 - 41410 -01- 321.1 $800 101 - 41410 -01- 351.0 Legal Notices Publishing $80 101- 41410 -01- 351.1 $80 101 - 41410 -01- 359.0 Other Printing & Binding Costs $200 101 - 41410 -01- 359.1 For Referendum $200 101 - 41410 -01- 359.2 101 - 41410 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $2,600 101 - 41410 -01- 409.1 $2.600 101 - 41410 -01- 409.2 101 - 41410'-01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $250 101 - 41410 -01- 439.1 Cleaning of Precincts $250 101 - 41410 -01- 439.2 PAGE TOTALS ---------------------- $14,019 $14,019 1991 Budget - $ 5,090 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $14,019 $14,019 Difference - $ 8.929 OVER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE DEPARTMENT - 41520 - Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount Total Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 41520 101.0 Salaries 101 - 41520 -02- 101.0 J. May, Fin Director(75%) 101 - 41520 -03- 101.0 J. Gilb, Acct -Asst F/D(75%) 101 - 41520 -04- 101.0 D. Korpela, Accountant(0%) 101 - 41520 -05- 101.0 D. Wexner, Dep Regstr(100%) 101 - 41520 -06- 101.0 Permanent P/T 101 - 41520 -07- 101.0 101 - 41520 102.0 Full -Time Overtime 101 - 41520 102.1 Jane Gilb 101 - 41520 102.2 Denise Werner 101 - 41520 102.3 101 - 41520 -01- 201.0 Office Accessories 101 - 41520 -01- 201.1 101 - 41520 -01- 301.0 Auditing & Accounting Services 101-- 41520 -01- 301.1 Consulting Services 101 - 41520 -01- 301.2 101 - 41520 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees 101 - 41520 -01- 304.1 Miscellaneous Services 101 - 41520 -01- 304.2 101 - 41520 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees 101 - 41520 -01- 305.1 Physicals 101 - 41520 -01- 305.2 101 - 41520 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services 101 - 41520 -01- 319.1 Springsted Consulting 101 - 41520 -01- 319.2 101 - 41520 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense 101 - 41520 -01- 331.1 Finance Director 101 - 41520 -01- 331.2 Staff 101 - 41520 -01- 331.3 101 - 41520 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising 101 - 41520 -01- 341.1 Ads for Permanent P/T 101 - 41520 -01- 341.2 101 - 41520 -01- 391.0 P.C. Maintenance 101 - 41520 -01- 391.1 Micro System Maintenance 101 - 41520 -01- 391.2 Micro Software License 10i 41520 -01- 391.3 Network Support 101 - 41520 -01- 391.4 101 - 41520 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 101 - 41520 -01- 392.1 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 - 41520 -01- 302.2 101 - 41520 -01- 393.0 P.C. Hardware Purchases 101 - 41520 -01- 393.1 Laser Printer 101 - 41520 -01- 393.2 2 Dot Matrix Printers 101 - 41520 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchases 101 - 41520 -01- 394.1 Programs(DOS 5.0, others) 101 - 41520 -01- 394.2 Network Updates 101 - 41520 -01- 394.3 $102,251 $43,955 Goes to Midpoint 9/1/92 $29,249 Asst F/D 7/1/92 $0 $29,047 $0 1/2 Time($11.74 x 1040 Hrs) Cut above $12,208 $4,000 $3,000 $1,000 $0 $2,000 $2.000 Non -Audit Services $500 $500 $0 $0 Cut $500 $1,000 $1,000 General Consulting Services $700 $500 Conventions and Seminars $200 Seminars - Cut $200 Cut $100 from F/D $0 $0 Cut $500 $6,000 $2.000 $2.000 $2,000 $1.500 $1.500 $4.000 $3.000 $1,000 $4.000 $2,000 $2,000 --------------------- °125,951 $125,951 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE DEPARTMENT — 41520 - Page Two Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount * Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 41520 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main 101 - 41520 -01- 409.1 " Cash Register Maint Contrct 101 - 41520 -01- 409.2 101 - 41520 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions 101 - 41520 -01- 433.1 MORA Annual Fees 101 - 41520 -01- 433.2 MGFOA - Finance Director 101 — 41520 -01- 433.3 MGFOA - Accountant 101 - 41520 -01- 433.4 GFOA - Finance Director 101 - 41520 -01- 433.5 Magazine Subscriptions 101 - 41520 -01- 433.6 101 - 41520 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets 101 - 41520 -01- 435.1 Accounting Books 101 - 41520 -01- 435.2 101.- 41520 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars 101 - 41520 -01- 437.1 MDRA Conference(For Three) 101 - 41520 -01- 437.2 Computer Symposiums 101 - 41520 -01- 437.3 MGFOA Annual Conf - F/D 101 - 41520 -01- 437.4 Other Misc Seminars 101 - 41520 -01- 437.5 National Conference 101 - 41520 -01- 437.6 101 - 41520 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 - 41520 -01-439.1 Miscellaneous 101 - 41520 -01- 439.2 101 - 41520 -01- 570.0 Office Equipment Purchases 101 - 41520 -01- 570.1 Miscellaneous Purchases 101 - 41520 -01- 570.2 $250 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $350 $300 $400 $300 $400 $1,200 $1,000 $1,000 $250 $500 $350 $2.600 Cut $400 $1,000 $1,000 ---------------------- PAGE TOTALS $5,700 $5,700 1991 Budget - $146.732 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $131.651 5131.651 Difference - ($ 15.081) UNDER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT - 41810 - Page One 3rd Run September 23. 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 -41810 -01- 202.0 Duplicating & Copying $9,900 101 - 41810 -01- 202.1 Microfilming(30,000 Images) $900 101 - 41810 -01- 202.2 General Costs $9,000 101 - 41810 -01- 202.3 101 - 41810 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $9,400 101 - 41810 -01- 203.1 General Purchases $4,000 101 - 41810 -01- 203.2 General Receipt Books(25) $600 101 - 41810 -01- 203.3 Purchase Orders(5,000) $700 101 - 41810 -01- 203.4 Payroll Checks(5,500) $900 101 - 41810 -01- 203.5 A/P Checks(10,450) $2,000 101 - 41810 -01- 203.6 Meter Reading Cards(15,000) $0 To be Paid by Utilities 101 - 41810 -01- 203.7 Waterbill Statements(9,000) $0 To be Paid by Utilities 101 - 41810 -01- 203.8 Greenbar Computer(30 Boxes) $1,000 101 - 41810 -01- 203.9 8 1/2 x 11 Computr(6 Boxes) $200 101- - 41810 -01- 203.1 101 - 41810 -01- 204.0 Envelopes & Letterheads $6,100 101 - 41810 -01- 204.1 General Purchases $2,500 101 - 41810 -01- 204.2 A/P & Payroll(11,000) $800 101 - 41810 -01- 204.3 #10 Recyclable(20,000) $1,200 101 - 41810 -01- 204.4 10 x 13 Plain(500) $200 101 - 41810 -01- 204.5 10 x 13 1st Class(500) $200 101 - 41810 -01- 204.6 10 x 13 Plain City(2,500) $800 101 - 41810 -01- 204.7 10 x 15 1st Class(1,000) $400 101 - 41810 -01- 204.8 101 - 41810 -01- 208.0 Miscellaneous Supplies $6.000 101 - 41810 -01- 208.1 $6.000 101 - 41810 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $19,000 101 - 41810 -01- 209.1 $19.000 101 - 41810 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $500 101 - 41810 -01- 212.1 $500 101 - 41810 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $1,000 101 - 41810 -01- 221.1 $1,000 101 - 41810 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $300 101 - 41810 -01- 229.1 $300 101 - 41810 -OIL- 242.0 Minor Eauioment $1,000 101 - 41810 -01- 242.1 Folding machine 5500 101 - 41810 -01- 242.2 Slide Projector $500 101 - 41810 -01- 242.3 101 - 41810 -01- 301.0 Auditing & Accounting Services $20,000 101 - 41810 -01- 301.1 $20,000 Add Other Fund Costs -Adorn Fees 101 - 41810 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $15,000 101 - 41810 -01- 304.1 $15,000 101 - 41810 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $34.607 101 - 41810 -01- 319.1 Senior Center $6.000 101 - 41810 -01- 319.2 Vermillion Watershed $0 Moved to Storm Sewer 101 - 41810 -01- 31G.3 Fire Relief Ass'n for 1992 $2°.607 No Longer Levied For 101 - 41810 -01- 319.4 ---------------------- PAGE TOTAL'c 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT - 41810 - Page Two Object Requested Fund --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obi # Description Amount Total ' Comments 101 - 41810 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $20,000 101 - 41810 -01- 321.1 $20,000 101 - 41810 -01- 322.0 Postage Costs $11,000 101 - 41810 -01- 322.1 $11,000 101 - 41810 -01- 339.0 Other Transportation Expenses $2,500 101 - 41810 -01- 339.1 General Costs $1,500 101 - 41810 -01- 339.2 Lic Renewls, Emission Tests $1,000 101 - 41810 -01- 339.3 PAGE TOTALS ---------------------- $33,500 $33,500 1991 Budget - $129,080 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $156,307 $156,307 Difference - $ 27,227 OVER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PLANNING DEPARTMENT - 41910 - Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount Total Comments 101 - 41910 101.0 Salaries $91,053 101 - 41910 -02- 101.0 L. Freese, Planning Dir $54,608 101 - 41910 -03- 101.0 D. Quintus, Planning Sectry $36,445 101 - 41910 -04- 101.0 101 -41910 102.0 Full -Time Overtime $1,500 101 - 41910 102.1 D. Quintus $1,500 Planning Comm Meetings Only 101 - 41910 102.2 101 - 41910 -99- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $3,200 101 - 41910 -99- 103.1 Planning Commission $3,200 5 Members @ $20/Meeting 101 - 41910 -99- 103.2 101 - 41910 -01- 205.0 Drafting Supplies $250 101 - 41910 -01- 205.1 $250 101 - 41910 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $400 101 - 41910 -01- 212.1 $400 For the Ford Tempo 101.:- 41910 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $2,000 101 - 41910 -01- 304.1 Contingencies $2,000 Legal Action & Unreimbsd Fees 101 - 41910 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $0 101 - 41910 -01- 305.1 101 - 41910 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $6,000 101 - 41910 -01- 319.1 Planning Consultant $4,000 Assistance with Zoning Ord Rev 101 - 41910 -01- 319.2 Planning Intern $2,000 Part -Time Summer Help 101 - 41910 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $1,000 101 - 41910 -01- 331.1 National Conference $750 Planning Director 101 - 41910 -01- 331.2 State & Local Workshops $150 Planning Staff 101 - 41910 -01- 331.3 Miscellaneous Expenses $100 Planning Commission 101 - 41910 -01- 351.0 Legal_ Notices Publishing $900 101 - 41910 -01- 351.1 $900 101 - 41910 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchases $600 101 - 41910 -01- 394.1 Zoning/Project Management $600 101 - 41910 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $650 101 - 41910 -01- 433.1 APA/AICP Membership $180 Planning Director 101 - 41910 -01- 433.2 URISA Membership $80 Planning_ Director 101 - 41910 -01- 433.3 Planners Advisory Service $300 101 - 41910 -01- 433.4 Zoning News $35 101 - 41910 -01- 433.5 APA Journal $40 101 - 41c10 -01- 6 GIS Newsletter $.1c 101 - 41910 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $350 101 - 41910 -01- 435.1 $350 101 - 41910 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $1,200 101 - 41910 -01- 437.1 National Conference $450 Planning Director 101 - 41910 -01- 437.2 Secretarial Workshops $150 Planning Secretary 101 - 41910 -01- 437.3 Local Conferences/Seminars $300 Planning Staff 101 - 41910 -01- 437.4 Planning Commissnr Training $300 Planning Commissioners 101 - 41910 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $200 101 - 41910 -01- 439.1 $200 ---------------------- PAGE TOTAL: $109,303 $109,303 1091 Budget - $281,642 DEPARTMENT TCTALS s10G,303 6109.30' Difference - ($172,339) UNDER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS - 41940 - Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount Total Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 41940 -01- 223.0 Building Repair Supplies $6.000 101 - 41940 -01- 223.1 Floor Mats 1200 101 - 41940 -01- 223.2 Repair Garage Doors 1000 101 - 41940 -01- 223.3 Miscellaneous Bldg Repairs 2500 101 - 41940 -01- 223.4 P.W. Lunch Room Vent 500 101 - 41940 -01- 223.5 Electrical Repairs 800 101 - 41940 -01- 223.6 101 - 41940 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials $1,500 101 - 41940 -01- 225.1 Timbers, etc. $500 101 - 41940 -01- 225.2 Trees & Shrubs $1,000 101 - 41940 -01- 225.3 101 - 41940 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $100 101 - 41940 -01- 241.1 $100 101 - 41940 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $100 101`- 41940 -01- 242.1 $100 101 - 41940 -01- 302.0 Architects' Fees $500 101 - 41940 -01- 302.1 $500 101 - 41940 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $4,500 101 - 41940 -01- 319.1 Elevator Maintenance $1,000 101 - 41940 -01- 319.2 Heating/Cooling Maintenance $3,500 101 - 41940 -Ol- 319.3 Rug Cleaning Service Amount Needs to be Added 101 - 41940 -01- 319.4 101 - 41940 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $18,500 101 - 41940 -01- 381.1 $18,500 101 - 41940 -01- 383.0 Gas Utilities $12.000 101 - 41940 -01- 383.1 $12.000 101 - 41940 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal $7,000 101 - 41940 -01- 384.1 $7.000 Look at Help From Parks?? 101 - 41940 -01- 389.0 Other Utility Services $0 101 - 41940-01- 389.1 101 - 41940 -01- 401.0 Contracted Building Repairs $500 101 - 41940 -01- 401.1 5500 101 - 41940 -01- 412.0 Building Rental $8,100 101 - 41940 -01- 412.1 U of M Storage $8,100 101 - 41940 -01- 412.2 101 - 41940 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental 5400 101 - 41940 -01- 415.1 Carpet Cleaner s400 101 41940 -01 415.2 101 - 41940 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges 5500 101 - 41940 -01- 43'7.1 5500 101 - 41940 -01- 439.2 --------------- PAGE TOTALS S5c.700 ------ S50,700 1991 Budget - 5 58,840 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $59,700 $59.700 Difference - s 860 OVER $65',683 $65%.683 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE DEPARTMENT - 42110 - Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Obi # Description Amount Total Comments 101 - 42110 101.0 Salaries $600,583 101 - 42110 -02-101.0 L. Knutsen, Police Chief $64,334 101 -42110 -03- 101.0 D. Kuhns, Lieutenant $54,765 101 - 42110 -04- 101.0 J. Ericson, Team Sergeant $50,696 101 - 42110 -05- 101.0 J. O'Leary, Team Sergeant $50,537 101 - 42110 -06- 101.0 B. Burkhalter, Patrolman $47,666 101 - 42110 -07- 101.0 G. Thorstad, Patrolman $42,292 101 - 42110 -08- 101.0 W. O'Donnell, Patrolman $49,920 101 - 42110 -09- 101.0 M. Robideau, Patrolman $51,141 101 - 42110 -10- 101.0 J. Sommers, Patrolman $50,239 101 - 42110 -11- 101.0 B. Weatherford, Patrolman $49,920 101 - 42110 -12- 101.0 C. Hoyt, Patrolman $41,103 101 - 42110 -20- 101.0 D. Marthaler, Admin Asst $37,553 101 - 42110 -21- 103.0 J. Driscoll, PIT Secretary $10,387 101- 42110 - - 101.0 101 - 42110 -01- 207.0 Training & Instructnl Supplies $500 101 - 42110 -01- 207.1 Ammunition $500 $4,000 Moved to 437 101 - 42110 -01- 207.2 101 - 42110 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $1.500 101 -42110 -01- 209.1 $1,500 101 - 42110 -01- 209.2 101 - 42110 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $13,000 101 - 42110 -01- 212.1 $13,000 101 - 42110 -01-212.2 101 - 42110 -01- 213.0 Lubricants & Additives $200 101 - 42110 -01- 213.1 $200 101 - 42110 -01- 213.2 101 - 42110 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $250 101 - 42110 -01- 219.1 $250 101 - 42110 -01- 219.2 101 - 42110 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $4,000 101 - 42110 -01- 221.1 $4,000 101 - 42110 -01- 221.2 101 - 42110 -01- 222.0 Tires $1,500 101 - 42110 -01- 222.1 $1,500 101 - 42110 -01- 222.2 101 - 42110 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $150 101 - 42110 -01- 241.1 $150 101 - 421!0 -01- 241.2 101 - 42110 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $35.000 !O1 - 42110 -01-304.1 ' 535,000 101 - 42!10 -01- 304.2 101 - 42110 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $1.000 101 - 42110 -01- 305,1 s.,C,00 101 - 42110 -01- 305.2 $65',683 $65%.683 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE DEPARTMENT - 42110 - Fund Account # Obi 4 Description Page Two Object Requested Amount Total Comments 101 - 42110 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services 101 - 42110 -01- 319.1 Dispatch Service 101 - 42110 -01- 319.2 Miscellaneous 101 - 42110 -01- 319.3 101 - 42110 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs 101 - 42110 -01- 321.1 Cellular Phone Bills 101 - 42110 -01- 321.2 E.O.C. Standby Lines 101 - 42110 -01- 321.3 101 - 42110 -01- 323.0 Radio Units 101 - 42110 -01- 323.1 Repair & Replacement 101 - 42110 -01- 323.2 101 - 42110 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense 101 - 42110 -01- 331.1 101- 42110 -01- 331.2 101 - 42110 -01- 391.0 P.C. Maintenance 101 - 42110 -01- 391.1 101 - 42110 -01- 391.2 101 - 42110 -01- 396.0 Computer Maintenance 101 - 42110 -01- 396.1 101 - 42110 -01- 396.2 101 - 42110 -01- 397.0 Computer Accessories & Supply 101 - 42110 -01- 397.1 101 - 42110 -01- 397.2 101 - 42110 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main 101 - 42110 -01- 409.1 101 - 42110 -01- 409.2 101 - 42110 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental 101 - 42110 -01- 415.1 Animal Warden 101 - 42110 -01- 415.2 Animal Care, Shamrock, etc. 101 - 42110 -01- 415.3 101 - 42110 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions 101 - 42110 -01- 433.1 101 - 42110 -01- 433.2 101 - 42110 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets 01 - 42110 -01- 435.1 D.A.R.E. 101 - 42110 -01- 435.2 Miscellaneous 101 - 42110 -01- 435.3 101 - 42110 -01- 436.0 Towing Charges 101 - 42110 -01- 436.1 101 - 42110 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars - 101 - 42110 -01- 437.1 Miscellaneous 101 - 42110 -01- 437.2 Officer Training Costs 101 - 42110 -01- 437.3 --------------------- PAGE TOTA_5 $65.650 s65,650 1Q91 Budget - $658,713 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $722.333 $723.333 Difference - 5 64.620 OVER ---------------------- $27,250 $27,000 $250 $3,050 $2,400 6 Phones $650 $2,500 $2,500 $800 $800 $250 $250 $8,800 $8,800 $4,000 $4.000 $1.500 $1,500 $12,000 $6,700 $5,300 Includes Insurance for Warden $300 $300 E250 $0 Cut $900 $250 $200 $200 $4,750 $750 54.000 Moved from 207 --------------------- PAGE TOTA_5 $65.650 s65,650 1Q91 Budget - $658,713 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $722.333 $723.333 Difference - 5 64.620 OVER ---------------------- 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE DEPARTMENT - 42210 - Paq_e One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Fund Account # Obj # Description ------------------------------------- Object Requested Amount Total Comments ---------------------------------------------------- 101 - 42210 103.0 Salaries $123,103 101 - 42210 -02- 103.0 Fire Calls, Training, etc. $104,060 Added $5,000 for FICA 101 - 42210 -03- 103.0 George Lundy, Fire Marshal $19,043 101 - 42210 - - 103.0 101 - 42210 -01- 202.0 Duplicating &Copying $100 101 - 42210 -01- 202.1 Xerox Supplies $100 101 - 42210 -01- 202.2 101 - 42210 -01- 204.0 Envelopes & Letterheads $100 101 - 42210 -01- 204.1 $100 101 - 42210 -01- 211.0 Cleaning Supplies $300 101 - 42210 -01- 211.1 Vehicle Cleaning $300 101 - 42210 -01- 211.2 101 - 42210 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $1,700 101 - 42210 -01- 212.1 $1,700 101=- 42210 -01- 212.2 101 - 42210 -01- 218.0 Fire Department Clothing $2,700 101 - 42210 -01- 218.1 2 Coats $700 101 - 42210 -01- 218.2 5 Pairs of Pants $1,200 101 - 42210 -01- 218.3 5 Pairs of Boots $400 101 - 42210 -01- 218.4 Other $400 Cut $300 101 - 42210 -01- 218.5 101 - 42210 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $300 101 - 42210 -01- 219.1 Medical Supplies $300 101 - 42210 -01- 219.2 101 - 42210 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $3.500 101 - 42210 -01- 221.1 Emergency Repairs $3,000 101 - 42210 -01- 221.2 Yearly Maintenance $500 101 - 42210 -01- 221.3 101 - 42210 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $850 101 - 42210 -01- 229.1 Outside Mechanic $850 101 - 42210 -01- 229.2 101 - 42210 -01- 230.0 Equipment Repair Materials $750 101 - 42210 -01- 230.1 Non -Vehicle Repairs $750 101 - 42210 -01- 230.2 101 - 42210 -01- 24l.0 Small Tools $600 101 - 422!0 -0l- %1.1 Meciian:- TU015 x.150 101 - 42210 -01- 241.2 Garden Hose $200 101 - 42210 -01- 241.3 Rescue Tools $150 101 - 42210 -01- 241.4 Axes, Shovels, etc. $100 101 - 42210 -01- 241.5 101 - 42210 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees - $3.000 101 - 42210 -01- 305.! Annual Physicals $2.500 101 - 42210 -01- 305.E Emergency Checkups $500 101 - 42210 -01- 305.3 101 - 42210 -Oi- 306.0 Personnel Testing & Recruitmnt $3.000 101 - 42210 -01- 306.1 5 New Fire fighters $3.000 101 - 42210 -01- 306.2 $140.003 $140,003 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE DEPARTMENT - 42210 - Page Two 101 - 42210 -01- 433.8 101 - 42210 -01- 433.9 $E:.900 $°.900 Object Requested Fund --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments 101 - 42210 -01- 308.0 Instructors' Fees $1,900 101 - 42210 -01- 308.1 FFI $1,000 101 - 42210 -01- 308.2 First Responder $500 101 - 42210 -OS- 308.3 Respond Refresher $400 101 - 42210 -01- 308.4 101 - 42210 -01- 310.0 Testing Services $1,000 101 - 42210 -01- 310.1 Aerial Truck & Pumpers $1,000 101 - 42210 -01- 310.2 101 - 42210 -01- 313.0 Temporary Service Fees $250 101 - 42210 -01- 313.1 SCBA Compressor $250 101 - 42210 -01- 313.2 101 - 42210 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $1,000 101 - 42210 -01- 319.1 Haz Materials Training $1,000 Cut $400 101=- 42210 -01- 319.2 101 - 42210 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $200 101 - 42210 -01- 321.1 Cellular Bills(3 Phones) $200 101 - 42210 -01- 321.2 101 - 42210 -01- 322.0 Postage Costs $50 101 - 42210 -01- 322.1 $50 101 - 42210 -01- 322.2 101 - 42210 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $1,600 101 - 42210 -01- 323.1 Mobile Radio $1,000 101 - 42210 -01- 323.2 Hand Held Radio $600 101 - 42210 -01- 323.3 101 - 42210 -01- 329.0 Other Communication Costs $1,000 101 - 42210 -01- 329.1 Pager Repairs $600 101 - 42210 -01- 329.2 Hand Held Radio Repairs $200 101 - 42210 -01- 329.3 Mobile Radio Repairs $200 101 - 42210 -01- 329.4 101 - 42210 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $1,500 101 - 42210 -01- 331.1 Chief's Conference $400 101 - 42210 -01- 331.2 State Convention x1.000 101 - 42210 -01- 331.3 Sectional Schools geg Cut $300 101 - 4221v� -01- 331.4 Nat.ioncl Conference $_ 101 - 42,10 -01- 331.5 101 - 4221C -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriotions $400 101 - 42210 -01- 433.1 Magazines $20 101 - 4221.0 -01- 43J.2 VFBA ins _.75 101 - 422'x•'_' -01- 433.3 State Fire $35 101 - 42210 -01- 433.4 State Chiefs $75 101 - 42210 -01- 433.5 DCFC 5�5 101 - 42210 -01- 433.6 WAKOTA $�= 101 - 4221.0 -01- 433.7 Consort $45 101 - 42210 -01- 433.8 101 - 42210 -01- 433.9 $E:.900 $°.900 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE DEPARTMENT - 42210 - Page Three Object Requested Fund Account # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obi # Description Amount Total Comments 101 - 42210 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $800 101 - 42210 -01- 437.1 State Fire Conference $240 101 - 42210 -01- 437.2 State Chiefs Conference $200 101 - 42210 -01- 437.3 National Conference $1 101 - 42210 -01- 437.4 Vo -Tech $100 101 - 42210 -01- 437.5 Sectional $259 101 - 42210 -01- 437.6 101 - 42210 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $1,650 101 - 42210 -01- 439.1 Food $180 101 - 42210 -01- 439.2 Oxygen $150 101 - 42210 -01- 439.3 Extinguisher $250 101 - 42210 -01- 439.4 Plaques $150 101 - 42210 -01- 439.5 Set Up $500 101=- 42210 -01- 439.6 Paint $50 Cut $450 101 - 42210 -01- 439.7 Other $370 Cut $80 101 - 42210 -01- 439.8 101 - 42210 -01- 580.0 Other Equipment Purchases $2,680 101 - 42210 -01- 580.1 Pagers $1,079 Cut $421 101 - 42210 -01- 580.2 Hose $1,000 101 - 42210 -OS- 580.3 Nozzles $250 101 - 42210 -Ol- 580.4 Hose Test $1 Cut $2,499 101 - 42210 -01- 580.5 Other $350 101 - 42210 -01- 580.6 PAGE TOTALS ---------------------- $51.130 $5,130 1991 Budget - $154,033 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $154,033 $154,033 Difference - $ 0 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEERING - 43100 - Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments 101 - 43100 101.0 Salaries $453,487 101 - 43100 -02- 101.0 R. Wasmund, P/W Director $31,027 101 - 43100 -03- 101.0 M. Widstrom, P/W Foreman $51,880 101 - 43100 -04- 101.0 ASS't P.W. Dir/Engineer $46,785 101 - 43100 -05- 101.0 B. Bailey, Engineer Tech $37,135 101 - 43100 -07- 101.0 P. Heimkes, Bldg Inspector $40,583 101 - 43100 -09- 101.0 M. Stoffel, Bldg Secretary $26,773 101 - 43100 -10- 101.0 R. Barfknecht, Maint II $36,298 101 - 43100 -11- 101.0 D. Jerde, Maint I $30,114 101 - 43100 -12- 101.0 E. Day, Mech I $26,287 101 - 43100 -13- 101.0 D. Stauffer, Maint I $25,920 101 - 43100 -15- 101.0 D. Sandstrom, Mech III $37,865 101 - 43100 -16- 101.0 J. Fremming, Maint I $25.920 101 - 43100 -17- 101.0 Maintenance III $36,900 101-- 43100 101.0 101 - 43100 102.0 Full -Time Overtime $21,600 101 - 43100 102.1 $21,600 101 - 43100 102.2 101 - 43100 -99- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $25,970 101 - 43100 -99- 103.1 Engineering Intern $16,320 $8.50/hr for 12 Months 101 - 43100 -99- 103.2 P/T Maintenance $9,650 3 Temps @ $6/hr for 67 Days 101 - 43100 -99- 103.3 101 - 43100 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $650 101 - 43100 -01- 203.1 Inspection & Permit Forms $650 101 - 43100 -01- 203.2 101 - 43100 -01- 205.0 Drafting Supplies $1.200 101 - 43100 -01- 205.1 Copy Materials $800 101 - 43100 -01- 205.2 Miscellaneous $400 101 - 43100 -01- 205.3 101 - 43100 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $1.000 101 - 43100 -41- 209.1 $1.000 101 - 43100 -01- 209.2 101 - 43100 -GI- 211.0 Cleaning Supplies $200 101 - 43,100 -01- 211.1 Shop, vehicle & Eouioment =200 101 - 43100 -01- 211.2 01 - 43100 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels q1:, 000 101 - 41,100 -01- 212.1 51,,000 101 - 43100 -01- 212.2 101 - 43100 -01- 213.0 Lubricants & Additives $3,000 101 - 43100 -01- 213.1 $3.000 101 - 43100 -01- 213.2 - 101 - 43100 -01- 215.0 Shop Materials $7.000 101 - 43100 -01- 215.1 Nails, Belts, Paint, etc. :7.000 101 - 43100 -01- 215.2 101 - 43100 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts S--) .0,000 101 - 43100 -01- 221.1 $26,000 101 - 43100 -01- 221.2 PAGE TOTLS ---------------------- a,;S: .1 G7 S: i0 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEERING - 43100 - Page Two Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount Total Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 101 - 43100 -01- 222.0 Tires 101 - 43100 -01- 222.1 101 - 43100 -01- 222.2 101 - 43100 -01- 241.0 Small Tools 101 - 43100 -01- 241.1 101 - 43100 -01- 241.2 101 - 43100 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment 101 - 43100 -01- 242.1 101 - 43100 -01- 242.2 101 - 43100 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees 101 - 43100 -01- 303.1 Gen'l Non -Project Related 101 - 43100 -01- 303.2 101 - 43100 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees 101- 43100 -01- 304.1 Gen'1 Non -Project Related 101 - 43100 -01- 304.2 101 - 43100 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees 101 - 43100 -01- 305.1 Employment Physicals 101 - 43100 -01- 305.2 101 - 43100 -01- 312.0 Contract Inspection Fees 101 - 43100 -01- 312.1 $15/hr for 12 Months 101 - 43100 -01- 312.2 101 - 43100 -01- 323.0 Radio Units 101 - 43100 -01- 323.1 Replace Units 101 - 43100 -01- 323.2 Repair Units 101 - 43100 -01- 323.3 101 - 43100 -01- 329.0 Other Communication Costs 101 - 43100 -01- 329.1 Cellular Phone Monthly Chgs 101 - 43100 -01- 329.2 101 - 43100 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense 101 - 43100 -01- 331.1 APWA, ICBG, Air Lodging 101 - 43100 -01- 331.2 101 43100 -01- 331.3 101 - 43100 -01- 331.4 101 - 43100 -01- 339.0 Other Transportation Expenses 101 - 43100 -01- 339.1 Personal Vehicle Mileage 101 - 43100 -01- 339.2 101 - 43100 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising_ 101 - 43100 -01- 341.1 z** Not Enough *** 101 - 43100 -01- 341.2 101 - 43100 -01- 349.0 Other Advertising 101 - 43100 -01- 349.1 Misc Legals, Equip Ads. etc 101 - 43100 -01- 349.2 101 - 43100 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal 101 - 43100 -01- 384.1 Hazardous Waste 101 - 43100 -01- 384.2 G50.800 KOKO $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Added Engineer on Staff $2,000 $2,000 $300 $300 $28,800 $28,800 ! J4 l t $2.000 $1,000 $1,000 $900 $900 2 @ $75/month x 12 Months $1,200 $1,200 $50 $50 $250 $250 $300 S300 0.000 $1.000 G50.800 KOKO 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEERING - 43100 - Page Three Object Requested Fund --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments 101 - 43100 -01- 391.0 P.C. Maintenance $500 101 - 43100 -01- 391.1 S/W Service Agreement $500 101 - 43100 -01- 391.2 101 - 43100 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accessories & Supplies $500 101 - 43100 -01- 392.1 Printr Enclosre, New Printr $500 101 - 43100 -01- 392.2 101 - 43100 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchases $3,000 101 - 43100 -01- 394.1 Building Permit Update $3,000 101 - 43100 -01- 394.2 101 - 43100 -01- 404.0 Contracted Mach & Equip Repair $1,800 101 - 43100 -01- 404.1 $1,800 101 - 43100 -01- 404.2 101 - 43100 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $8,000 101-- 43100 -01- 409.1 $8,000 101 - 43100 -01- 409.2 101 - 43100 -01- 413.0 Office Equipment Rental $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 413.1 $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 413.2 101 - 43100 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 415.1 Large Hoe, Loader & Truck $1.000 101 - 43100 -01- 415.2 101 - 43100 -01- 416,0 Machinery Rental $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 416.1 Miscellaneous $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 416.2 101 - 43100 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $700 101 - 43100 -01- 433.1 APWA, ICBG, IAPMO, Lake $700 101 - 43100 -01- 433.2 Country, North Star, Misc 101 - 43100 -01- 433.3 101 - 43100 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $300 101 - 43100 -01- 435.1 Storm Sewer Info, ISTS Info $300 101 - 43100 -01- 435.2 101 - 43100 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 437.1 Annual Schools, ICBG, ABM, $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 437.2 Water School, Computer 101 - 43100 -01- 437.3 gaining, Misc Seminars 101 - 43100 -Oi- 437.4 101 - 43100 -01- 570.0 Office Equipment Purchases $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 570.1 File Cabinets, Secrty Chair $500 101 - 43100 -01- 570.2 Elue Line Printer $500 101 - 43100 -01- 570.3 - PAGE TOTALS ---------------------- 519,800 $19.800 1991 Budget - $456.679 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $620,707 $620,707 Difference - $164,028 OVER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PAVED STREETS - 43121 - 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Fund Account # Obj # Description Page One Object Requested Amount Total Comments . ---------------------------------------------------- 101 - 43121 -01- 224.0 Street Maintenance Materials 101 - 43121 -01- 224.1 Bituminous Patching 101 - 43121 -01- 224.2 Striping, Culverts, etc. 101 - 43121 -01- 224.3 Gravel Shouldering 101 - 43121 -01- 224.4 101 - 43121 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials 101 - 43121 -01- 225.1 Timbers, Trees, Shrubs, etc 101 - 43121 -01- 225.2 101 - 43121 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment 101 - 43121 -01- 242.1 Paint Sprayer 101 - 43121 -01- 242.2 101 - 43121 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees 101 - 43121 -01- 303.1 Pavement Management Update 101 - 43121 -01- 303.2 101-- 43121 -01- 310.0 Testing Services 101 - 43121 -01- 310.1 Pavement Management Study 101 - 43121 -01- 310.2 101 - 43121 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services 101 - 43121 -01- 319.1 Seal Coating 101 - 43121 -01- 319.2 Traffic Markings 101 - 43121 -01- 319.3 101 - 43121 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal 101 - 43121 -01- 384.1 Hazardous Waste Disposal 101 - 43121 -01- 384.2 Roadside Garbage 101 - 43121 -01- 384.3 101 - 43121 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental 101 - 43121 -01- 415.1 Milling Mach, Misc Equip 101 - 43121 -01- 415.2 101 - 43121 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 - 43121 -01- 439.1 101 - 43121 -01- 439.2 PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS $15,000 $10,000 Cut Back Program $5,000 Contracted Markings $0 Sidewalk & C&G Repair to CIP $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $500 $500 ---------------------- $55:100 $55,100 1091 Budget - Q 53.400 05_.100 �5S.i0G Difference - $ 28,300 UNDER $27,600 $24,000 $2,600 Castings, Riprap $1,000 $2,500 $2,500 Sod, Seed $2,500 $2.500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $15,000 $10,000 Cut Back Program $5,000 Contracted Markings $0 Sidewalk & C&G Repair to CIP $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $500 $500 ---------------------- $55:100 $55,100 1091 Budget - Q 53.400 05_.100 �5S.i0G Difference - $ 28,300 UNDER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS UNPAVED STREETS - 43122 - Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments• --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 43122 -01- 224.0 Street Maintenance Materials $9,000 101 - 43122 -01- 224.1 Gravel Repairs $8,000 Cut Chloride -Bill Properties?? 101 - 43122 -01- 224.2 Storm Sewer Materials $1,000 101 - 43122 -01- 224.3 101 — 43122 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials $2,500 101 - 43122 -01- 225.1 Sod, Seed, Shrubs, etc. $2,500 Ditch Repairs 101 - 43122 -01- 225.2 101 - 43122 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal $2,600 101 - 43122 -01- 384.1 Hazardous Waste & Roadside $2,600 101 - 43122 -01- 384.2 101 - 43122 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $1,000 101 - 43122 -01- 415.1 Specialized Equipment $1,000 101 - 43122 -01- 415.2 101 - 43122 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $500 101- 43122 -01- 439.1 $500 101 - 43122 -01- 439.2 PAGE TOTALS $15,600 $15,600 1991 Budget - $ 33,600 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $15,600 $15,600 Difference - $ 18,000 UNDER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ICE & SNOW REMOVAL - 43125 - 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Fund Account # Obj # Description ------------------------------------- Page One Object Requested Amount Total 101 — 43125 -01- 216.0 Chemical & Chemical Products 101 43125 -01- 216.1 Salt(Approx 300 Tons) 101 - 43125 -01- 216.2 101 - 43125 -01- 224.0 Street Maintenance Materials 101 - 43125 -01- 224.1 Sand 101 - 43125 -01- 224.2 101 - 43125 -01- 230.0 Equipment Repair Materials 101 - 43125 -01- 230.1 Plow, Sander, Hydraulic Pts 101 — 43125 -01- 230.2 101 - 43125 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental 101 - 43125 -01- 415.1 2 Trucks 101 - 43125 -01- 415.2 101 - 43125 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 - 43125 -01- 439.1 1018- 43125 -01- 439.2 PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS Comments -------------------- $7,800 $7,800 $1,200 $1,200 $1,000 $1,000 $2,880 $2,880 2 x 6 hrs x $40/hr x 6 Times $500 $500 ---------------------- $13,380 $13,380 1991 Budget - $ 12,980 $13,380 $13,380 Difference - $ 400 OVER 1992' BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET LIGHTING/SIP,ENS - 43160 - 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Page One Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 43160 -01- 227.0 Utility System Maint Supplies 101 - 43160 -01- 227.1 Bulb Replacement 101 - 43160 -01— 227.2 101 - 43160 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities 101 - 43160 -01- 381.1 101 - 43160 -01- 381.2 101 - 43160 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main 101 - 43160 -01- 409.1 Decorative Lights on 145th 101 - 43160 -01- 409.2 Miscellaneous Repairs 101 - 43160 -01- 409.3 101 - 43160 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 - 43160 -01- 439.1 101 - 43160 -01- 439.2 PAGE TOTALS $800 $800 $44,000 $44,000 +10: -More Lights & Rate Incr $2,000 $0 Paid by Port Authority $2,000 $100 $100 $46,900 $46,900 1991 Budget - $ 44,400 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $46,900 $46,900 Difference $ 2,500 OVER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SIGNAL LIGHTS & SIGNS - 43170 - Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 43170 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials 101 - 43170 -01- 226.1 New Sign Inventory & Replcm $2,000 101 - 43170 -01- 226.2 Street ID Signs $1,000 101 - 43170 -01- 226.3 101 - 43170 -01- 227.0 Utility System Maint Supplies 101 - 43170 -01— 227.1 Bulbs, Lenses, Signs, etc. $500 101 - 43170 -01- 227.2 101 - 43170 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities 101 - 43170 -01- 381.1 $2,200 101 - 43170 -01- 381.2 101 - 43170 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main 101 - 43170 -01- 409.1 $500 101 - 43170 -01- 409.2 101 - 43170 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101' - 43170 -01- 439.1 $100 101 - 43170 -01- 439.2 PAGE TOTALS " $6,300 $3,000 $500 $2,200 New Signal & Rate Increase $500 $100 $6,300 1991 Budget - $ 5,100 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $6,300 $6,300 Difference - $ 1,200 OVER 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - Page One 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 45100 101.0 Salaries 101 - 45100 -02- 101.0 D. Bechtold, P & R Director 101 - 45100 -03- 101.0 R. Cook, P & R Foreman 101 - 45100 -04- 101.0 L. Jost, P & R Admin Asst 101 - 45100 -05- 101.0 J. Mollman, Prog Director 101 - 45100 -10- 101.0 C. Dahnke, Maint I 101 - 45100 -11- 101.0 M. Joosten, Maint II 101 - 45100 -12- 101.0 S. Strese, Maint III 101 - 45100 -13- 101.0 J. Koslowski, Maint II 101 - 45100 - 101.0 101 - 45100 102.0 Full -Time Overtime 101 - 45100 102.1 101 - 45100 102.2 101 - 45100 103.0 Part -Time Salaries 101-- 45100 -83- 103.1 Playground Salaries 101 - 45100 -94- 103.1 Warming House Attendants 101 - 45100 -97- 103.1 Assistant Program Director 101 - 45100 -97- 103.2 General Clerical 101 - 45100 -98- 103.1 Parks Maintenance 101 - 45100 -99- 103.1 P & R Commission Members 101 - 45100 - - 103.1 101 - 45100 - - 103.1 101 - 45100 113.0 Out of Class Pay 101 - 45,100 113.1 For F/T Maintenance 101 - 45100 113.2 101 45100 -01- 205.0 Drafting Supplies 101 - 45100 -01- 205.1 101 - 45100 -01- 205.2 101 - 45100 -01- 207.0 Training & Instructnl Supplies 101 - 45100 -01- 207.1 Videos, Books, etc. 101 - 45100 -01- 207.2 Machine Operation Guides 101 45100 -01- 207.3 Maintenance Guides 101 - 45100 -01- 207.4 School Tuition 101 - 45100 -01- 207.5 101 - 45100 -01- 200.0 Other Office Supplies 101 - 45100 -01- 209.1 101 - 45100 -01- 20P.2 101 - 45100 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels 101 - 45100 -01- 212.1 Park Trucks, Vans & Cars 101 - 45100, -01- 212.2 Lawn Mowers & Turf Equip 101 - 45100 -01- 212.3 Park M8intenance Equip 101 - 45100 -01- 212.4 101 - 45100 -01- 215.0 Shop Meterials 101 - 45100 -Ol- 215.1 Seed, Sod, etc. 101 - 45100 -01- 215.2 Red Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc 101 - 45100 -Ol- 215.: Mlsc Eouipment & Supplies 101 - 45100 -01- 215.4 $325,618 $58,251 $54,915 $43,375 $27,068 $30,371 $36.652 $41,062 $33,924 $5,200 $5,200 $44,840 $8,000 $6,840 $6,500 $5,000 $15,000 5 @ $3,000 Each $3,500 $1,400 $1.400 $1.500 $1.500 $450 $300 $75 s?5 Moved $300 to 437 $250 20 $250 W250 $1,500 Usually $4.000 1.000 ---------------------- S384 .508 $364.508 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - Page Two Fund Account # Obj # Description Object Requested Amount Total Comments 101 - 45100 -01-_216.0 Chemical & Chemical Products $5,000 101 - 45100 -01- 216.1 Herbicide $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 216.2 Fertilizer $4,000 101 - 45100 -01- 216.3 101 - 45100 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $2,200 101 - 45100 -01- 219.1 Arts & Crafts Supplies $1,200 Recreation Programs 101 - 45100 -01- 219.2 Brushes, Brooms, etc. $500 101 - 45100 -01- 219.3 Recorders/Radios, etc. $500 101 - 45100 -01- 219.4 101 - 45100 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $6,500 101 - 45100 -01- 221.1 Fence Repair(Non-Landscape) $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 221.2 Lighting Repairs $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 221.3 Irrig Repair(Non-Contract) $2,000 101`- 45100 -01- 221.4 Misc/Split Rail, etc. $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 221.5 101 - 45100 -01- 223.0 Building Repair Supplies $4.500 101 - 45100 -01- 223.1 Paint, Brushes. Rollers,etc $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 223.2 Shingles, Boards, etc. $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 223.3 Miscellaneous $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 223.4 101 - 45100 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials $6,000 101 - 45100 -01- 225.1 Trees, Shrubs, Sod, etc. $2.000 101 - 45100 -01- 225.2 Timbers, Fence, etc. $2.500 101 - 45100 -01- 225.3 Seal Coating(Court in Chip) $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 225.4 101 - 45100 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials $500 101 - 45100 -01- 226.1 $500 101 - 45100 -01- 226.2 101 - 45100 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $2,500 101 - 45100 -01- 229.1 Nets, Poles, Bases, etc. $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 229.2 Miscellaneous $500 101 - 45100 -01- 229.3 101 - 45100 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $3,000 101 - 45100 -01- 241.1 Hammers, Wrenches, etc. x1.500 4;,:00 -01` 24 '? Saws, eiC.1Larger$ i ,500 _ 101 - 45100 -01- 241.. 101 - 45100 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees$2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 303.1 $2.000 101 - 45100 -01- 303.2 101 - 45100 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $500 101 - 45100 -01- 304.1 $500 101 - 451100 -Ol- 304.E 101 - 45140 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $750 101 - 45100 -01- 305.1 Physicals for P/T'ers $750 101 - 45100 -01- 305.2 PAGE TOTAL. $33.450 $33.450 101 - 45100 -01- 415.4 $43.250 S43,250 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - Page Three Object Requested Fund Account # Obi # Description Amount' Total Comments 101 - 45100 -01- 315.0 Special Programs $3,000 101 - 45100 -01- 315.1 Sunday Specials $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.2 Leprechaun Days $300 101 - 45100 -01- 315.3 Halloween $500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.4 Special Events/Runs, etc. $500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.5 Nature Programs/Arbor, etc. $200 101 - 45100 -01- 315.6 101 - 45100 -01- 315.7 101 - 45100 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $3,750 101 - 45100 -01- 319.1 Building Architect $1,250 101 - 45100 -01- 319.2 Landscape Architect $1,250 101 - 45100 -01- 319.3 Naturalist $1,250 101 - 45100 -01- 319.4 10- 45100 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $500 101 - 45100 -01- 323.1 Radio $500 101 - 45100 -01- 323.2 101 - 45100 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $250 101 - 45100 -01- 331.1 Seminars & Workshops $125 101 - 45100 -01- 331.2 General Miscellaneous $125 101 - 45100 -01- 331.3 101 - 45100 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 341.1 $1.500 101 - 45100 -01- 341.2 101 - 45100 -01- 341.3 101 - 45100 -01- 349.0 Other Advertising $4,750 101 - 45100 -01- 349.1 Brochures $3.750 101 - 45100 -01- 349.2 Flyers(Schools, etc.) $500 101 - 45100 -01- 349.3 Miscellaneous Advertising $500 101 - 45100 -01- 349.4 101 - 45100 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $15.000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.1 Skating Rinks $6,000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.2 Softball Fields $6.000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.3 Irrigation 52,500 101 - 45100 -01- 381.4 Miscellaneous $500 101 - 4022 -01 381 .5 101 - 45100 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair o thin $6.000 101 - 45100 -01- 409.1 Irripatior Repair 101 - 45100 -01- 409.2 Electrical Repair $2.000 101 - 45100 -01- 409.3 Miscellaneous $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 409.4 101 - 45100 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment. Rental $8,500 101 - 45100 -01- 415.1 portable Toilets 0 100 101 - 45100 -01- 415.2 St. John's, Gyms, etc. $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 415.3 Equipment, Machines, etc. $1.000 101 - 45100 -01- 415.4 $43.250 S43,250 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - Page Four Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 45100 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions 101 - 45100 -01- 433.1 Subscriptions 101 - 45100 -01- 433.2 Memberships 101 - 45100 -01- 433.3 Dues 101 - 45100 -01-433.4 101 - 45100 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets 101 - 45100 -01- 435.1 Recreation 101 - 45100 -01- 435.2 Parks 101 - 45100 -01- 435.3 Engineering 101 - 45100 -01- 435.4 101 - 45100 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars 101 - 45100 -01- 437.1 Seminars & Workshops 101 - 45100 -01- 437.2 Staff/Parks Comm. Meetings 101-- 45100 -01- 437.3 School Tuition 101 - 45100 -01- 437.4 101 - 45100 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 - 45100 -01- 439.1 101 - 45100 -01- 439.2 PAGE TOTALS $4,800 $4,800 1991 Budget - $470.489 NON -REVENUE PRODUCING DEPARTMENT TOTALS $466.008 $466,008 Difference - ($ 4,481) UNDER 101 $750 $150 101 $450 -82- $150 - 45100 -84- $250 $150 -85- $100 - 45100 -86- $1,800 $1,200 -87- $300 - 45100 $300 Moved from 207 - 45100 $2,000 $2,000 - 45100 $4,800 $4,800 1991 Budget - $470.489 NON -REVENUE PRODUCING DEPARTMENT TOTALS $466.008 $466,008 Difference - ($ 4,481) UNDER 101 - 45100 -81- 101 - 45100 -82- 141 - 45100 -84- 101 - 45100 -85- 101 - 45100 -86- 101 - 45100 -87- 101 - 45100 -88- 1"01 - 45100 -89- 101 - 45100 -90- 101 - 45100 -91- 101 - 45100 -52- 101 - 45100 -93- Softball $44,000 Volleyball $16,000 Tennis $2,000 Tiny Tots $12,000 Pom Poms $4,000 Field Trips $7,000 Broomball $2,100 Skating Lessons $600 Track (" Field $J 00" Soccer $2.000 Adult Basketball $1,000 Other Programs $5,000 REVENUE PRODUCING DEPARTMENT TOTALS GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PARKS DEPARTMENTS $96.700 *** Need Line Item Breakdowns for the Revenue Producing_ Department Totals!!! *** '$96,700 $96.700 $562.70 ="56=,708 ---------------------- ---------------------- 1992 BUDGET WORKSHEETS Page One INSURANCE - 49240 - 3rd Run September 23, 1991 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 49240 -01- 361.0 General Liability Insurance 101 - 49240 -01- 361.1 101 - 49240 -01- 362.0 Property Insurance 101 - 49240 -01- 362.1 101 —49240 -01- 363.0 Automotive Insurance 101 - 49240 -01- 363.1 101 - 49240 -01- 365.0 Workmen's Comp Insurance 101 - 49240 -01- 365.1 Annual Premium 101 - 49240 -01- 369.0 Other Insurance 101 - 49240 -01- 369.1 General Liability & Auto PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS Comments $0 $0 $0 $70,000 $70,000 $80,000 $80,000 ---------------------- $150,000 $150,000 1991 Budget - $140,000 $150,000 $150,000 Difference - $ 10,000 OVER ---------------------- ----------------------