HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Zoning Ordinance Publishing Error - Acessory Buildings . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EBECUTIVE StJNII�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 6, 1990 Fi�ENDA ITEM: Zoning Ordinance Publishing AGENDA SECTION: Error - Accessory Buildings New Business PREP�IRED BY: Michael Wozniak, AICP AGE�f�..�. � � City Planner � t R��RCENIENTS: Incorrect and Correct Copies of APPROVED BY: �C��� Sectian 7 .2, A. , 6. , Zoning Ordinance. Due to a word processing error a provision of the zoning ordinance was inadvertently misprinted and several copies of an incorrect version of the ordinance have been distributed. Staff has determined that the incorrect copies of the Zoning Ordinance were first distributed earlier this year after the text of the ordinance was converted from one word processing computer program to another to facilitate ease of printing of the document `for public distribution. The error in question pertains to Section 7 .2 Paragraph A, sub-paragraph 6 . , of the Zoning Ordinance. The correct ver�ion of the Zoning Ordinance, which was approved by City Council, has language which allows accessory buildings up to 2400 square feet in size east of Akron Avenue for_Agriculture Zoned properties less than 20 acres in size ( 1200 sq. ft. west of Akron Ave. ) . Attached with this memo are copies of the incorrect and correct versions of Section 7 .2, Paragraph A, sub-paragraph 6 . , of Ordinance B - Zoning Ordinance. P.t this point there is no legal reguirement to hold a public hearing or to republish since a summary of the ordinance was originally published rather tha.^. a verbatim copy. Staff has encountered no inquiries enforcement issues with this provision of the Zoning Ordinance with the exception of a recent request of Beth and Greg Bergacker to construct a 2400 sq. ft. accessory building on a l0 acre __ _parcel situated east of Akron Avenue. The Bergacker' s have been informed that they are allowed to construct a building of up to 2400 sq. ft. rather than the 1200 sg. ft. limit which was originally interpreted by staff and the Planning Commission. The Bergacker's are, however, electing to appeal the aes�hetic requirements of the ordinance in the form of a Variance Appeal to City Council (see Consent Agenda) . RrCOMMENDED FCTION: Approve motion to acknowledge the error in the final published copy of Ordinance B (Zoning Ordinance) , pertaining to accessor�� buildings, located east of Akron Avenue, and authorizing the redistribution of corrected copies to the Planning Commission, City Council, public libraries and other agencies in receipt of the document. Cf3tT1�3CIi� A��IOAT: Approved :t�CORRE�T ZOhtING �F�D. AC�ESS4RY SLDG. REGS. ali buildings constructcd oC curtain aaq panels of finishcd c. �4ain roofs sha11 havc a minimum pitch of 31= per _ . __ - steet, aluminum or 6bcrglass shall bc rcquired to be dcGnition oi [hc applicabie building codc. _ . _._. taeed aith brick a�ood, stonc,architecturai concrete cast d. Roofs sha11 be shingled aith asphalt.wood,tifu,sod ir. piar_ e: p:c:ar, ;onr.ese panels on �aL' sur:accs or oiner companole maseriais as approved by the abutting a publi: right-of-wa�•. residential usa or public applicablc bu:lding codc. areas. The reauired wall surface treatment may alloK• a �, �Secal siding. Aith exposcd panels exceeding sixteen maximu:n ot fifn�(50) percent of the metal or fiberglass (16) inches in wid[h, shall not be permitted. aall to remain exoosed if it is coordinated into the arehiceetural design. L Farth shelcered homes Rit1 be permictcd on thc basis of site condicions. Rfiich arc conducive to such 4. Ganeral Industriai District lc is acknovcledged thac thc housins, or in arcas whcre changcs ro ebsting siu uses �xrmitted in the General Industrial District suggest conditions are compiimentan� ro thc sim and larger and more extensive uses than in othcr discricts. adjacent propertics and thc ebsting charactcr of ln the General Industrial District all buildines up to prooem•and stroctures in the arca. 100.000 square fea of tloor arca in size conscrucieC�ich � exterior Finish of curtain wail panels of finished steel. 6. Accesson• Buildin2s �taaamum arca permitced for a}uminum or fiberglass shall be rcquired .o be fifry (50) orefabricated metai stotage bnildings in R-i, R-_ 2nd percent faced with brick decomcive btock Rood, stonc. R7- Districts is 130 squarc tcet. �ia�dmum�aggegau architecrural concrete cast in place or precast croncretc to[al for an}� accessory building(s) in R-1. R-_ and RL pands on wail surfaces abutting a pubiic ri�ht-of-Qay, Districts is 1.000 souarc feet excluding a:tachcd gange i ruidential uses or public areas. T1+e reouired aali iootin�: and in RR and A (Agsiculture - iess than 0 surfaee treacmen; on che remainin natis ma}� alloW a acru) Dis2riccs is 1?00 square feec, eactuding actached i ma�amum of sevcnry-five (75) per cent of rhe me.al or garaga tootagc. Anc aceesson�bu'Iding in R-i, i.-:.RL, Gbergiass vrall to rcmain e�,posed. Buildings over 100.000 RR or A (P.griculturc- iess than _0 acres)Distric:s ove: square feet o!floor area shalt be rcviewed ur.dcr?lanncd 50 square feet must bc construcccd oC matcrials � linit Development(PLD)requiremenu. An}•:ictal used comparable v.ich and complimentan to orindpal structura , in thc building shali be a minimum of rwean�-si� (35) � Comoarabic trcatment includes the folloRing , gauge stceL � reouirements: � z. A minimum 3:13 roo;pitch. i 5. Sin21c Fainiiv L7Q.-eilir.� Reouiremeres Al1 sinelo family 1 � decached daetiings shal] bc constructed accordin; to :hc 1 b. Roofs snall bc shingled with asphalt,wood or tile to ; folloaing niniinum scandards � _ _ - -: __.._� . match the home. , . =� - - ._ . -- � � `� � � c. Adequatc nnmber of RinGoas shaii be orovided to '� a. All dwellings shatl have a minimum Qidth of rwentv- break up the solid plane or exZerior wails to si�nulace � four (24) teet. chc cha;ac[e: ot the homa � b. All dwdlings shall ha�K a frosc-free founda�ion as �, Sidinc K'hich is identical or closcls�matches the:�orne � defined by thc appiicabie building coda Split leveL shall be incorporated in thc dcsi� o; tbe aceessory � split cncn• and ezrth sheltercd homes shall bc � eonsidcred to comply wi:h this requircmen:. building. ; a I}imcnsional Standards fo: A�scotv Buildings and Surfacc Pazidag ACCESSORY BUII.,I?LNGSl SURFA�PARIL'ING Minimum Yards(f:.l Maz.Bid¢. Miuuaum Yards(f�} I Distrie".s Front Side Rear Ht(f; Front SiCe Rear f . _ . „ :, , . . . . AG 50 �0 30 '•5 SC' S" S i - AG-P SO 30 30 75 S�� S1 S, RR 40 30�� . 30 =5 �0'' S" . 5" RL .i0� li ..1�i�0° !8 �C� S � R-i 3C� 10: ' �;�C6 ?� =4� 10" 10' ' R?(?� 30' 1^' �;�C' 18 3U' S" 5" (_=� 30� ?0` 10 ?& 30 10 10 R-3 3C' 1C' 10 13 30 10' 10 R-� 50� 1C� 10 :S 30 10 10 C-1 1S '_0 10 .0 � C-� 18 I�,';.A \/A \/A C-: S.A.\it, '_5 ?0 10 10 C-4 AS S 3� 10 10 IP ` FOR 40 _� 1> 1S IG PRI�CIPAL 75 �D � 50 P BLILDI\GS =0 'C �0 �0 FW \!A \!F, \/A \/A 1F�cept for agricul�ural buildings in AG anG AG-P Districts th� cocai floor arca of , accesson•buildin�s snali not exred the area o: the o:incipal buildinC. �Or thc Reouired Front Yzrd as ma�•bc prescribed b}•�cction i.'C.::stablished Front Yards. 'Eaccpc par'x:ng may occur �ithir x normal drivcwa�• tnz; crossu a rcauircd ��2rd. . `Da��cw��s shali compl��Qith }•arC reeuiremer.ts for suriacc par'a�C. ; 535-;00; mi;imur„ w•;�e:e a ;a:age iaces ar,d is e:;c,-e,�'. direc:h� frem a strce:. �i.;ndr. i'_0 square Coo; R-:. :.•'_ 5-ioo:-sc;b.:c�;: nL :�-;oo; se:back: ez.ep: ooubie irontz;e or corner �ots. 30-ic+ot sctba.k. O��er 150 sauarc fee:: 30-foo� se;back. - 'Scc Scction �? C'_a anC 7° C'_b. . - � , , ., �ORRE�T A�CESSORY BLD�. REGS. • architecturaI concrece casL in place or prccast concrete panels oa at least fifty (50) percent of all wall surfaces. Any metal •� finish used in the building shall be a minimum of twenty-six � (26} gua�� steel. 4. Sieaeral Industrial District It is aknowledged that Che uses permitted in the General Industrial Dis[rict suggest larger and more exzensive uses than in o[her districts. In the General Industrial District all building up to 1Q0,000 square feet of floor area in size constructed with exterior finish of curtain wall panels of finished steel, aluminum or fiberglass shall be required to be fifty (50) percent faced with brick, decorative block, wood, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or precast concrete panels on wall surfaces abutting a public right-of-way, residential uses or public areas. The required wall surface treatment on the remaining walls may aTlow a maximum of seventy-five (75) percent of the metal or fiberglass wall to remain exposed. Buildings over 100,000 square fee[ of floor area shall be reviewed under Planned linit Development (PUD) requirements. Any metal used in ihe building shall be a minimum of twenty-six (26) guage steel. 5. Single Familv Dweilin� Requirements All single family --_:�_ :detached_- d-wellings _-s�a11 --be -cnnstructed- •accordin to - `the - �° � ° - .:.: _. ... _ . . . . - 8-.. _ . following minimum standards. a. All dwellings shall have a minimum width of twenty-four � � (24) feet. � b. All dwellings shall have a frost-free foundation as defined by the applicable building code. Split level, split ent;y and earth sheltered �homes shall be cons;dered to comply with this requirement. c. Main roofs shall �ave a minimum pitch of �:12 per definition of the applicable building code, - d. Roofs shall be shingled with asphalt, wood, tiles, sod or other comparable .materials as approved by the appli:.able building code. e. Me[al siding, with eaposed panels exceedine sixteen (16) inches.in width, shall not be permitted. f. Earth sheltere� homes will be permi::ed on the basis of site conditions, which are conducive to such housing, or in areas where changes to existing site conditions are complimentary to the siie and adjacent properiies and the existing character of property and structures in the area. 6. .Accessorv BuildinQs Maximum area permitted for prefabricaled metal storage buildings in R-1, R-2 , RL, RR and AG (under 20 acres and or for non a�ri�ultural use/west of Akron z Aveaue) Districts is 120 square fee,. Maximum agregate to[al for any accessory building(s} in R-1, R-2 and RL Disericts is i,000 square feet excluding attached gzrage faoting; and in � the RR o; A (under 20 acres and/or for nan a�ricultural use7west of Akron Avenue) Districts is 1,2�0 squa:e feet, �9 . ,� , , , _ . excluding attached garage footage. Any�-acccssory buiiding in � . R-1, R•2, RL, RR or AG (under 20 acres and/or foz non � ��- - � -- --..-agricul[ural uselwest of Akron Aveaue) Distric[s over 150 :. ._. '�" "" ^" �' � - �� �����squart feet must be construcLed of matezials coaparabl� with • • and complimentary to principal structure. Comparable � treatment includes the following requiremencs: a. A miaimum 3:12 roof pitch. b. Roofs shall be shingled with asphalt, wood or tile to match the home. c. Adequate number of windows shall be provided to break � up the solid plane or exterior walls to simulate the character of the home. d. Siding which is identical or closely maLches the home shall be incorporated in the design of the accessory buildiag. Accessory buildings to be constructed in the A (Agriculture or AG=P (Agricultural Preserves) Districts east of Akron Avenue are limited to a maximum aggregate total of 240Q square feet , . _. _ _ ... . __ _. . . of .area. for_;�ropezties_under 2A acres.-.in-size or,.if..the.b.uilding .._,..: :_ . -- - - _ _ _ _ is for aon agricultural use. 40