HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Open Space & Parks Master Plan / Apprroval of Committee Members r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � E%ECUTIVE StJMMARY Ff3R ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 6, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA BECTION: Open Space and Parks Master Plan Old Business PREPARED BYz AGEN$1 �1�A � � � David J. Bechtold � iYl ATTACHMENTS: Additional Info. and a Copy of APPR D BY: the "Scoping Plan" Requested for Approval A proposa3 of the City Council was ta move ahead with a master plan for the City that wi11 deal with the overall master planning for the parks system as well as detailed plans for the area of To�an Green and Carroll's Woods, The attachments will indicate that the Parks & Recreation Committee has responded to the portion of this planning process. They have reviewed the documents and have presented a list of names to be considered to -serve on , the master plan committee. , ., . , , �, RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept the proposal of Brauer & Associates and to complete documents necessary to contract that firm to eomplete a "parks master plan" and additional plans in detail for Town Green and Carroll's Woods and a Mation to approve the Parks Master Plan Cammittee members as approved by the P & R Committee with the addition of Ed Barloon. COUNCIL ACTION: Accepted proposal and approved Parks Master Plan Committee members. . , �,� P O BOX 51� �� � � � �: �lil� � 287� i�';T;� ST \�'-� � ������t�� HO�EMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55u66 B/E. 612-G23-44?1 ATTACHMENT INFORMATIQN NOVEMBER 6, 1990 Positive action of the City Council to open space of the city and to the parks facilities has taken place . More than parks are at stake in the use of open space . Road design , parki.ng lots , boulevards , schoal district praperty , ppnding areas , the armory site , the area of Sta'te Highway #3, sidewalks , trails , etc . all come into play . Council action same time ago was to interview consulting �firms to leac! the concept ana pianninc� praject dealing with "Tawn Green" . A later motion was to also have the selecteci consulting firm complete a master parks plan fior the entire city as wel�. as a detailed master plan for Carrolls Woods . Brauer and Associates was the consulting firm selected for these master plan projects . Staff inembers worked with a representative of Br�auer & Associates to develop a scoping plan fnr these proj�cts . That scoping document and the cost breakdown was presented to the Parks & Recreatzon Commzttee for their review . A C�PY of scaping plan and procedure �hat they prnpose to follow is attached . The cost of the project is projectect to be �64,00� .00 and th� cost breakdawn is identified in the attachments on pages 6 & 7 . Possible funding sources as identified by the City Administrator and myseifi are � �18 ,000 .00 - 1991 Opera�.ing Budg�t , ( this �18 ,000 .00 was prsviausly approved by council f�r the Town Green master plan ) , �25 ,0�0 .00 -Park Detlication F"und , �21 ,000 .00 - 1991 CIP Fund . A motion by the Parks & Recreation Comma.ttee on October 15 , 199a was to recommend to cou.ncil that they accept the proposal an� the scoping plan as presented bY Brauer � Associates . A second motaon of the Parks & F2ecreatian Committee was ta propose � citizens to serve on the master plan committee . These names are presented for council acceptance as w�ll at thzs tim� . T`�e names are: Jerr-y Puciaty , John How.�ra , Larry Walsh , �ais NctG.inley , ( all fram �.he P & R Committee ) , Sheila i��assen ( City Co�!ncii ) , Ron Fe�.�ersan ( F2AHA) , Jim Thomas ( Jayeees `, , CathY Busho , GraYme Sartuli , These peoPle have been contacted and have inuicated they ar� interested in serving on t�e master plan cammittee , Ed Barloon was recommencled by Council Woman Klassen . Consideration might be given in adda.ng his nama tc the cammittee . He was contacted and would like to be on the master plan committ:ee . N�ike Wozniak and myself , C PossiblY ot"�er sta��f } wo�lci s�rve w�.th �,he cammit�ee , but would not �e counteci as actual members of the commi�.�e� . Acce�t the p7-oposa.l of BT-auer & flssociates anci. to ��mplete clocuments n�cessary for contract�.na �or �i^eir services to comp�2te a "Aark "�aster Plan" and additional �lans fcr Towr, Squ«re and �arrc�lls W�ads . . S a . � . a October 1, 1990 COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN AND DE'VELOPMENT GUIDE PROP�SAL CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MI]NNESOTA P.o. aoX sio 2875 145th Street North Rosemount, MN 55068 " Gentlemen, _ This PROPOSAL oudines a SCOPE OF SERVICFS and FEE SCHEDULE which,if approved, consritutes an agreement between the CITY QF ROSEMOUNT, MINNFSOTA, herein referred to as the OWNER, aad BRAUER &ASSOCIATES LTD., herein referred to as the CONSL3LTANf. The OWNER hereby retains the CONSULTANT to provide professional services requued to complete a COMPR�HENSIVE PARK PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT GUIDE for THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, herein referred to as the PROJECT. I.= SCOPE OF-SERVICLS : -.. - - - _ .. . - --- - ----- _ _ TASK A FOCUS/ORIENTATION MEET'ING(S)AND PROJEGT START-UP The planning process begins through a focus/orientation meeting(s) between Brauer & Associates, City staff, Park and Recreation Board,and community committees/leaders.The general purpose of the focus/orientation meeting(s)is to allow the Brauer Team the opportunity to deve3op an understanding of the issues related to the project;who the key individuals and committees are and their level of involvement in the project;and the general planning concerns related to the project. Specifically, this would include: a) a broad based discussion about park planning in a general sense, thus allowing for an understanding to develop amongst the participants as to the overall scope and intentions of this planning exercise. b) a broad based and speci6c discussion related to relevant park planning issues which will have an impact on the park system development within the City of Rosemount. c) a discussion related to community background, the past and present status of the park system � within the community,etc.which adds insight as to the history and make-up of ihe community J and park system. y d) identifying key individuals and city staff members who�zll be directly involved in the project. e) identifying key committees and organizations who will be directly involved in the project. � developing a project.timeline/schedule. g) preparation of written/graphic documentation to illustrate the results of the focus meeGng(s). � Task A also includes general project start-up,such as over-all scheduling of retated activities, � �- � ,� internal administrative set-ug, and project management strategizing. � '� `i. m � .P , 1 -� t � , 7901 Flying Cioud Drive, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 ❑ (612) 941-1660 Y � � TASK B: PARKS AND RECRF.ATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND TRENDS ANALYSIS The parks and recreational needs within Rosemount,both as it exists now as well as projected for the future, is undoubtedly going to be the driving force in the development of the park system.As such, it is important to clearly assess and understand the cunent and anticipated needs of the cammunity. Additianally, analysis of regional and national trends in parks and recreatioa will also be undertaken and used as a basis of comparison. It is important to note that this Task will run concurrently with Task C below as deemed appropriate. Spe�cally, this would include: a) meetings with City staff, Park and Recreation Board, and community committees/leaders to aaalyze their perceptions of parks and recreational issves, concerns (both strengths and weaknesses), needs, and the type of parks and recreational facilities that are most desired by the community. _ b) review and analysis of data from previously conducted community surveys. c} public meetings(anticipate 3 meetings)to discuss relevant parks and recreation issues,concerns, needs, and determine the type of parks and recreational facilities that are most desired by the community. d) review of current and projected regional and national parks and recreation trends and comment on how these trends may impact the development of the Rosemount Puk System. e) analyzing population growth pattems and anticipated changes in user demographics/socia economic patterns to determine their respective impact on the development of�tosemount's Park System. - --- _ � _ assessing the-Cit3�s exi_ stine.land-use-gnide plan, zoning requirements; MLJSA line, etc. to - determine their impacts to the park system plan (or vise versa).This assessment will also take into consideration the results of the Comprehensive Plan Update cunently being prepared by the Hoisington Group, Inc. g) preparation of written/graphic documentation to illustrate the resulfs of the parks and recreational needs assessment and trends analysis, the results of which will be instrumental in guiding the planning, acquisition, and development of the park system. TASK G MISSION STATIIvIENT, GOAT.S, OBJECTTVFS,AND POLICY STAT�:MEN'IS The establishment of the Park and Recreation mission statement,goals, objectives, and policy statements is important in the sense that it establishes the"vision"of the Rosemount park system and sets the basic parameters by which it is governed.The mission statement describes, in a relatively short verse, the duty or function of the parks and recreation system in Rosemount.Goals are the defined manner in which the mission will be achieved or carried out.A set of objectives (one or more)is the manner by which a goal can be qualified or more clearly defined. (i.e.-provide a more detailed measure of achievement toward a specific goal).Poticy statements define . the appropriate action and political position that must he taken in order to achieve specific objectives. Additionally, clarifying and/or defining the role and responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Boazd will also be undertaken. Cunent City by-laws and ordinances relating to the Board's authority and responsibility will be used as the basis and starting point for discussion and review. It is important to note that Task C will be run concurrently with other tasks, particularIy Task B, so that pertinent information gained throughout the varies tasks can be properiy reflected in the formulation of the mission statement, goals, objectives, and policy statements. Specifically, this would include: a) preparation of a structured guide to assist participants in development of a mission statement, goals,objectives,and policy statements for the Rosemount Park System.The guide will also give guidance to clarifying and/or defining the role and responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Board. 2 b) meeting(s}witb City staff,Park and Recreation Boazd,and community committees/leaders for the purpose of developing a mission statement,goals, objectives, and palicy statements for the Rosemount Park System. The structured guide will be used as the generat basis of discussion and expanded as required to take into consideration circumstances present within Rosemount. c) preparation of written f graphic documentationxo illustrate the adopted mission statement,goals, objectives, and policy statements for the Rosemount Park System as well as defining the role and responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Board . TASK D: PARK SYSI'Ftvl FRAME'pVpRK DEVELOPMENT The park system framework is defined as the "guidelines for estabiishing the park system within the City of Rosemaunt". This framework is based on the infra-structure of the community, established park planning methodoto�y, national park planning guidelines/standards, and previous park system studies. Tbe framework consists of four essential components: • Community Infra-Structure: Defines the set of structural elements which have a direct impact on the development of the park system. This would typically include, but not necessarily limited to, the municipal boundary,land use guide plan,and public facilities plan.This will aiso take into consideration the results of the Comprehensive Plan Update currently being prepared by the Hoisington Group,Inc. • Park System Classifications: Depicts the park "tyges"which will be used within the communities park - - system. Properly defined park system classifications will insure that-sufficient facilities are planned within a reasonahle service area of a recreational need. The existing park system classifications w�thin Roserriount should be affirmed, modified, or expanded as determined to be appropriate through the needs assessmenL Typical paFk system classifieatioas would include neighborhood parl:s, community parks,attiletic complexes,linear parks/trails,special-use parksJfaeilities,wetlands/water resources,etc. • Park System Facility Standards: Defines the type and nnmber of recreational facilities necessary to accommodate a communities needs (i.e., number of batlfields, golf courses, tennis courts, ete). These standards, as set by organizations on the national,state, and local level (such as the National Parl:s and Recreation Assocaation), must be tempered by local conditions and needs. As with xhe park system classifications, existing park standarcis for Rosemount should be affirmed, modified, or expanded as needed ro meet current and future requirements. • Park System Elements:Describes the physical characteristics of each park site as well as the park system , as a whole. Specificall}; these elements describe the cultural, ornamental, conservation, reserve, and recreation orientation of the park system,whereby[he relative balance of these elements within the park system can be determined. Specifically, this would inclvde: a) re�7ewing, assessing, and documenting the impacts (both positive and negative) that the infra- structure of the community will have on the park system.As previously stated, this review and assessment will be struc[ured to coincide with the Comprehensive Plan Update currently being prepared ?�}r the Hoising[on Group, Tnc. b) preparatior_ of a structured guide (based on the fore-mentioned components) to assist par[icipants in the development of th;; park system framework. c) meeting(s) with City staff, Park and Recreation Board,and community committees/leaders for the purpose of reviewing the development of the parl;system framework. The structured guide will be used as the general basis of discussion and expanded as required to take into consideration circumstances present within Rosemount. d) preparation of written/graphic documentation illustrating the adopted park system framework. 3 TASK E: PARK SYSTEM PLAN DEVEIAPMENT The Park System Plan describes, in detail, the components of the Rosemount Park System. The plan is based on the needs assessment, planning considera[ions and park system framework established as part of the study. The pian consists of the following major components: existing and future community and neighborhood parks; special-use parks (such as nature preserves, swimming ponds, golf courses, etc.) and facilities (such as indoor arenas, community center, etc.); linear parks and trails; and wetlands/water resources. Additionally, the plan will review such issues as park system acreage totals, facilities tabulations, estimated development costis, maintenance costs, and administrative development. Specifically, this would include: a) development of an overall pazk system plan which depicts the individual park sites and facilities, what type of park it is (i.e., community,neighborhood, special-use, etc.), developmental status (i.e.,acquired/proposed and developed/undeveloped),the park's location,and overall acreage. b) review and inventory of xistin community/neighborhood parks and special-use parks/facilities, including a general analysis of the existing site characteristics and facilities. c) preparation of an updated development program for each existinQ community f neighborhood park and special-use park/facility, including review of the estimated devetopment and maintenance costs. d) an analysis of each existinp community/neighborhood park and special-use park/facility to affirm _. _ . _ _ _ it's suitability for cunent and-future uses, based upon an updated park--program fflr eaeh site: - - e) review and inventory of prop�sed community/neighborhood park sites and special-use park sites, including a general analysis of the existing site characteristics. � preparation of a development program for each proposed community/neighborhood parks and special-use park/facility,including review of the estimated development and maintenance costs. g) development of an overall linear parks/trails system plan which depicts the individual trail types/developmental criteria (i.e., such as trail development through private property, etc.), general locations, and developmental status (i.e., acquired/proposed and developed/ undeveloped). h) development of an overail wetlands/water resources plan which depicts the individual wetland/water resource types, locations, status (i.e., protected/unprotected) and jurisdiction. i) a review and inventory of state and regional park systems which are in or near Rosemount to assess their contribution to community recreation needs. j) a review and inventory of private recreational providers available in or near Rosemount to assess their contribution to community recreation needs. k) meeting(s)with City staff,Park and Recreation Board,and community committees/leaders for the purpose of reviewing the development of the park system plan. 1) a public meeting to review and discuss the park system plan and its impacts on the community. m) preparacion of written/graphic documentation illustrating the park system plan and it's components,including an aerial photograph of each existing/proposed park site and/or facility. TASK F: FINANCIIIG PARK LAND ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMEN'T Financing sources,which would potentially be available for financing park land acquisition and development,will be reviewed and listed under several categories,including local initiatives,debt financing,and intergovernmental sources. Specifically, this would include: a) review of financing sources available for fmancing park land acquisition and development. b) preparation of written documentation illustrating potential financing sources for park land acquisition and development. 4 TASK G: IIuIPL�ENTATION PLAN The implementation plan will define the manner in which the Park System Plan is put into action, whereby planned improvements to [he park system actually become reality. The implementa6on plan has a couple of major objectives,including: 1) the development of a methodology, or process,which allows for an on-going and systematic method of evaluating the various park system components and their relative importaace to the park system;2) development of an implementation schedule for acquisition and development of park land based on the previously established methodology. Specifically, this would include: a) development of a methodologywhich allows for an on-going and systematic process of evaluating the various park system components and their relative importance to the park system. b) establishment of evaluation criteria for prioritizing the acquisition and development of park land. c) preparation of priority ranking matrix for park land acquisition and development of park land. d) preparation of a phasing program and implementation schedule which defines the appropriate phasing of acquisition and development of specific park sites/facilities,inclvding estimated costs. e) preparation of written and/or graphic documentation. TASK H: FINAL DOCUMI:NTATION _ T6e Comprehensive Park Plan and Development Guide_will be prepared using a format similar to that which - was used �or a similar study undertaken for the City of Inver Grove Heights and previously submitted to the CLIENT for review.Naturally, certain format changes are likely in order to address issues and concerns which ue unique to the circumstances present in the City of Rosemount. The expressed intention of the final document will be to clearly document the findings associated with the tasks previously defined in this F::oposal. All information relevant to the preparation of this Comprehensive Pazk Plan and Development Guide will he included in the final document. TASK I: SPEC7AIrUSE PARK AREAS As part of the overall park system study, a couple of special-use park areas require additional review and planning beyond the scope of the preceding text due to their individual uniqueness and importance to both the park system and the community. The objective of this planning exercise will be the development of a Master Plan and Development Program for each of the special-use parks listed under this task. The first special-use park encompasses a land area which, in general terms, ties together the high school, proposed Armory, Erickson Park, Rosemount City Hall, and the Downtown Business District. For gurposes of this study, this park area will be referred to as"Town Park jSquare". The second special-use park encompasses an area which is currently designated as "Carrolls Woods Park". The research, review, discussions, and findings generated through the park system planning precess (Tasks A through H} which is applicable to and will have an effect on the development of these special-use parks will be used as the basis for the planning process. Snecial-Use Park #1• 'Town ParkjSguare" The planning process for this park site includes: a) review and analysis of previous findings (Tasks A through H) as applicable to this park site. b) detailed site review and analysis. c) preparation of a detailed Development Program (which is based,in part, on the findings of the 5 overall park system study (Tasks A through H}. d) development of Alternative Concept Plans (up to 3). e) development of a Preliminary Master Plan and Cost Estimate. fl development of a Final Master Plan and Cost Estimate. g) public meetings (anticipate 2 meetings) to discuss relevant parks and recreation issues and conceras associated with this park site. h) meeting(s}with City staff,Park and Recreation Board,and community committees/leaders for project review and discussion of relevant issues and concems associated with this pazk site. i) preparation of written and graphic documentation including a Final Master Plan rendering and a bound "Planning and Design Process Summary" defining the findings of the planning exercise. Speciai-use Park #2: Carrolls Woods Park The planning process for this park site includes: a) review and analysis of previous findings (Tasks A through I-� as applicable to this park site. b) detailed site review and analysis,including aa analysis and inventary of existing vegetation and wiidlife. c) preparation of a detailed Development Program(which is based,in part,on the findings of the overall park system study(Tasks A through H).The DeveIopment Program will also specifically address pertinent environmental issues which may impact future development. d) development of Altemative Concept Plans (up to 3). e) development of a Preliminary Master Plan and Cost Estimate. � development of a-Final Master Rlan and Cost Estimate. -- g) public meetings (anticipate 2 meetings) to discuss relevanG parks and recreation issues and conceras associated with this park site. h) meeting(s)with City staff,Park and Recreation Board,and community committees/leaders for project review and discussion of relevant issues and concems associated with this park site. i) preparation of written and graphic documentation including a Final Master Plan rendering and a bound "Planning and Design Proeess Summar}�' defining the findings of the planning exercise. II FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL SER�7ICES The OWNER shall compensate the CONSULTANT for completion of professional services described above as follows: L For the CONSULTANT'S Services, as described in Paragraphs I: Tasks A through'H above, an hourly fee,ptus direct expenses,not to exceed$45,000.00 and based upon the following hourly rates: Professional $45.00 - 75.00 Technici:�n $35.00 Clerical $30.00 2. For the CONSULTANT'S Services,as described in Paragraphs I:Tasks I:Special-Use Park#1: "T�wn ParkJSquare" above, an hourly fee,plus direct expenses,not to exceed$11,800.00* and based upon the following hourly rates: Professional $45.00 - 75.OQ Technician $35,pp Clerical $30.00 * - Fee based on the acceptance of Tasks A through H as defined in Paragraph I of this contract Proposai 6 3. For the CONSULTANT'S Services,as described in Paragraphs I:Tasks I:Special-use Park#2: Canolls Woods Park above, an hourly fee, plus dired expenses, not to exceed�'7,500.00' and based upon the following hourly rates: Professional $45.00-75.00 Techniaan 535.00 Cl�rical $30.00 * - Fee based on the acceptance of Tasks A through H as defined in Paragrapn I of this contract Proposal TII PAYTviENT 'T� THE CONSULTAN'I' l. Statements will be submitted to the OWNER on a monthIy basis,with a breakdown af time and expenses for services performed or work completed, through the 25th of the previous month. 2. Payments on account of the CONSULTANT'S services are due and payable within 30 days of receipt of CONSULTANT'S statement of services rendered. 3. A retainage of THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,000.00) shall be held by the OWNER until fmal acceptance of the report and delivery of all copies to the OWNER. TV OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY The OWNER shall make available all existing data related to the work and all other data or information which may develop that could possibly have a bearing on the decision or recommendations mada under this Agreement. If requested, and presently existing, the OWNER shall specifically pravide. 1. A single representative of the OWNER for PR03ECT coordination and interpretation of contract dialogue. 2. Surveys or studies used in previous planning efforts. 3. Most recent demographic data/housing characteristics and projections for the City of Rosemount. 4. Transportation information and forecasts. 5. Planning documents which impact the PROJrCT'. 6• Current Public Facilities Plan information. 7. Aid i❑ public press release formula[ions and distribution. 8. Reproducible base mapping induding an accurate boundary representation with utilities, easements, etc. 9. Identification of known site restrictions. 10. Soil borings and surveys integral to PROJECT requirements, utilities, and other data which describes the general nature and conditions of the individual parl: sites. 11. Topographic mapping of all PROJECI' areas. 7 V. TERM TRRMIl�IATION,ST T[Y`R�S(�RS AND ASSIGNS L The term of the Agreement shall be concurrent with the work authorized. AIl work shall be completed in accordance with the following schedule: Faragraph I: Tasks A Through H: March 30th, 1991* Paragraph I: Task I - Item #1: April 30th, 1991*"' Paragraph I: Task I - Item #2: May 30th, 1491*' * Qualifiers: a) assumes that weather conditions will allow for aerial photography to be completed.b) the timeframe is based on the Coasultant's time needs to perform the outlined work and does not take into account the Client's time needs with respect to meeting schedules, etc. Time e�ttensions will be negotiated at the Client's request ** Based on the timeframe established far completion of Tasks A through H. 2. Termination may be accomplished by either party at any time by written notice, and shall be effective upon payment in full for all services performed to the date of receipt of such notice. . 3. The OWNER and the CONSULTANT each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party of this Agreement, and to the partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. - 4. Neither the OWNER nor the CONSULTANT shall assign;sublet ar transfer his interest in this - Agreement without the written consent of the other. VI. NONDISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for emptoyment because of race, color, religion, se� national origin, physical condition or age. The CONStJLTANT will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color,religion, sex, national origin, physica] condition or age. Such action shaIl include but not be limited to the following: EmpIoyment, upgading, demotion or transfer,recruitment,advertising,layoff or termination,rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training including apprenticeship. VII. CONSULTAN'I'S RECORDS, DOCUTvIENT'S AND INSURANCE L The CONSULTANT shall maintain monthly time records for hourly fees, design criteria and research notes in legible form and these will be made available to the OWNER, if requested. 2. The CONSULTANT shall carry insurance to protect him from claims under Workman's Compensation Acts; from claims for damages because of bodily injury including death to his employees and the public, and from claims for property damage. 3. The CONSULTANT shall name the OWNER for this PROJECT as a co-insured on the CONSULTANT'S General Liability Insurance Policy and shall provide the OV4rNER with Certificates of Insurance for CONSULTANT'S Workman's Compensation Insurance, General Liability Insurance, and Professional Liability Insurance prior to beginning work. 4. The CONSULTANT reserves the right to secure and maintain statutory copyright in all published books, published or unpublished drawings of a scientific or technical character, and other works related to this PROJECT in which copyright may be claimed. The OWNER shall have full rights to reproduce works under this Agreement either in whole or in par[ as related to this PROJECT. All final repori originals shall be provided to the OWNER, upon final acceptance of the Study. 8 VIii. �ONSLT�.TANT PROJECT MA�TAGER Jeffrey A. Schoenbauer, Vice-President of Brauer & Associates, shall be directly responsible to the OWNER for the successful completian of this study. rx, PRo�cr �E�r�x�s Formal and informal meetings will be initiated as necessary to update the City staff,Park and Recreation Board, and community committees/leaders on the progess and findings of the study.Given theu costs, it is our in[enticn to limi[ meetings to circumstances in which they are wananted. Given the inberent ' complexities of a project of this scope, it is difFicult to predict with certainty the e�ct number of meetings that will be required in order to address all the revellent issues which will arise thronghout the course of the project. In order to establish general guidelines, it is our intention to prapare a general project schedule upon completion of TASKA,whereby anticipated meeting instances witl be highlighted. X. EXTENT OF AGREEMEN'I' AND APPLTCABLE LAW This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between the OWNER and the CONSULTANT and supersedes all prior negotiations,representations,or Agreements,whether u7itten or oral,with respect ta the PROJECT. This Agreement may be amended only by w7itten instrument signed by both OWNER and CONSULTANT. IN WI'''.NESS HEREdF the OWNER and the CONSULTANT have made and executed this Agreement, this _ day of 19_ CIT1' OF ROSEMOUNT Rosemount, Minnesota In presence of: BRAUER �: ASSOCIAT�S LTD. 7901 Ftying Cioud Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 In presence of: Jefirey A. Schoenbauer Vice President 9