HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Accept Police Chief Resignation / Authorize Process to Hire Replacement * . I P.a Box sio \�Z�� � 2875-145TH ST. W. Y RQSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 osernoun� 6t2-423-4411 IT�� � ��B Februarp 16, 1990 T0: Mayor Napger Council Members: Rlassen Oxborough Willcog Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator RE: Police Chief Resignation Enclosed please find a letter of resignation from Police Chief James "Red" Staats. As Chief Staats' letter indicates this resignation (retirement) will be affective July 7, 1990. I would ask your action to accept this resignation with regret aad to direct my office to begin the process necessary to replace Chief Staats under the following process. 1 . Accept resignation at 2-20-90 City Council meeting. 2. Authorize City Administrator to begin process for replacement as follows: a. ) Prepare advertisement for position listing qualifications, starting salary range, and starting date and deadline for applications to be submitted by 3-20-90. b. ) Place ad in Minneapolis Tribune and St. Paul Pioneer Press weekends of March 3rd & 4th and March lOth & 11th Also, send ad to a11 cities with population of >10,000 in state. c. ) Set up screening/interview committee made up of Mayor, Fire Chief, City Administrator, Police Chief from a neighboring community and one Rosemount citizen to screen applicants and choose maximum of five - minimum of three to choose to interview. Memo to Council Police Chief Resignation Page 2 d. ) By April 2nd, notify those chosen to interview. Committee to have breakfast with all candidates on April 14 and hold interviews with candidates - 45 minutes each. e. ) April 14th - committee decides first and second choice and Administrator makes contact on April 17 - 18 with finalist to advise that he/she is finalist and gets background check done. By April 23rd confirm that background is O.K. and advise committee. Prepare offer and submit to candidate chosen. If acceptable, recommend to citp council on May 1 , 1990 for approval. f. ) New Chief to begin June 4 to June 11, 1990. g. ) Chief Staats leaves July 7, 1990. I have attached a copy of the proposed advertisement to be placed and a copp of the job description with 1990 salarp range. I would be pleased to discuss this matter further with you at the council meeting and request your approval to proceed as recommended. 1� Chief of Police/Emergency Services Director - City of Roseraouat, Rosemount, Minnesota. The City of Rosemount, a steadily growing suburb of 9000 within 15 miles of downtown Minneapolis/St. Paul, is seeking to fill the position of Chief of Police/Emergency 5ervices Director. The present Chief is retiring with fifteen years of service to the community as Chief. The person filling this position will direct a department of nine licensed officers and two civilian employees and will report to the City Administrator. Applicants should have a minimum of seven years of experience in police work as a licensed officer and three of those years in a significant supervisory role in a similar or larger law enforcement agency. Ability to manage a growing department in a diverse community must be established through the application/hiring process. Contact the City Clerk's Office at {612 ) 423-4411 to receive an application to submit along with a resume for consideration. All applications must be submitted no later than March 20, 1990 to: Police Chief Search Committee City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 2875 145th St. West Rosemount, Mn 55068 The City of Rosemount is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages all interested applicants to apply. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Position Title CHIEF OF POLICE, EMERGENCY DATE: Jan. 1990 SERVICES COORDINATOR SALARY: Range for 1990, $39,058 to Department POLICE $52,739 Accountable To CITY ADMINISTRATOR Primary Objective of Position To provide leadership for crime prevention, public service, civil defense, and law enforcement in the city of Rosemount which will be fair and impartial and command the respect and confidence of citizens at all times . Major Areas of Accountability 1. Organization/Procedures Plan the staffing, organization and functioning of Department personnel to assure law enforcement, crime prevention, civil defense, and public services are being provided within the City which will command respect and confidence of the citizens, preserve law and order and protect life and property. Define and communicate department rules, regulations and operating policies. Provide training programs to officers, and schedule their work time and keep record of same. Continually review and evaluate all phases of the ongoing department operations and staff development programs as a basis for developing improved organization, methods and policies. Administers and coordinates the review of police records, preparation and custody of all records of the Police Department. 2 . Budget/Equipment Is responsible for the purchase of all materials used by the Police Department and will keep control of, allocate and assign all materials and equipment used by personnel of the Department. Coordinates development for a sound budget for the Police Department with supporting data and submit it to the City Administrator for review and approval. Oversees control of expenditures within budget as authorized, by reviewing and approving all purchases and other expenditures. Position Responsibility Write-Up Chief of Police, Emergency Services Coordinator Page 2 3. PeacekeePing Duties Oversees the prompt and thorough investigation of all crimes and traffic accidents reported within the City and the presentation of evidence to the county attorney and/or the city attorney for appropriate disposition. Follows up on complaints and other matters of public interest related to law enforcement. • Represents the City in various police-related organizations to assure sound communications between the city and other governmental jurisdictions . Participates personally, as may be necessary, during emergencies in performing police-work activities, such as making arrests, interrogating suspects, collection of and processing evidence, etc. Prepares emergency planning, fully coordinated with all other governmental jurisdictions, which can be implemented in the event of a natural or manmade disaster. Personally investigates all citizen complaints against the Police Department, and any involving department personnel or other internal affairs problems. Oversees the retention of evidence and maintains property inventory items until appropriately disposed of. Makes arrangements for and administers appropriate auctions of property inventory items . Oversees lockup for security and safety as per State Statute. 4. Public Relations Promotes a cooperative work effort with other City degartments, appropriate community groups and other law-enforcement agencies in the area. Maintains a sensitivity to the need for achieving favorable public relations in the community which will develop understanding and respect for the various ordinances which must be enforced. Recognizes and accepts opportunities to address civic, school, church groups, etc, , on important aspects of police work to broaden their understanding and cooperation with the need for sound and efficient law enforcement. Keep City Administrator informed of all developments necessa=y to function effectively as the City's Chief Executive officer. Position Responsibility Write-Up Chief of Police, Emergency Services Coordinator Page 3 Makes written and verbal reports to the City Administrator as requested. 5. Supervision Defines work responsibilities for department personnel and clearly communicates delegated authority so employees may proceed with certainty in the performance of their position duties. Participates in and recommends, the selection of qualif,ied personnel for whom accountable; directs their orientation and training to achieve the desired level of work performance. Conducts effective performance reviews in accordance with established City policies for promotions, or terminations based upon demonstrated work performance. Establishes and maintains a level of discipline and a working climate in which employees are effectively motivated to perform to the best of their abilities . Maintains discipline, which may involve temporary suspensions of employees, reviewing and adjusting grievances, and participation in matters relating to hiring, discharge, or promotion, and effectively recommending same. Demonstrates by personal example the desired standards flf conduct and work performance for all personnel. Encourages suggestions which will improve the quality of service. Delegates responsibility to subordinate officers in a manner which will remove uncertainty as to their responsibilities and the level of performance expected. Reviews performance of staff officers on a basis for providing counsel and/or commendation for services rendered, as may be justified. Initiates or recommends to the City Administrator disciplinary action, when justified. Requires supervisory personnel to similarly review performance of personnel assigned under their supervision. Develops and maintains a working climate which motivates and results in a coordinated and effective work performance from each officer and other supporting personnel . 6. Speci.al Projects/Duties Assumes other responsibilities as apparent or as delegated by the City Administrator. Position Responsibility Write-Up Chief of Police, Emergency Services Coordinator Page 4 Examples of Performance Criteria Maintains a thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of modern pblice administration and police methods . Maintains a thorough knowledge of the Criminal Code, City Ordinances, Rules of Arrest, Search and Seizure to assure legally accepted procedures are communicated and practiced. Maintains cooperative working relationship with other City officials, County, State and Federal authorities and the public. Reacts calmly and decisively in emergency situations and makes sound decisions and provides strong leadership when needed. Proven ability to develop and present effective oral and written communications relative to the functioning of the Police Department. Maintains a favorable climate within the Department which motivates personnel to work to their full potential. Feedback indicates a high level of respect and cooperation on the part of the Community toward members of the Police Department. Improved utilization of existing manpower is being achieved. Responsibility for Work of Others Has direct supervision over: Lieutenant Sergeant Patrol Officers Administrative Assistant Secretary Animal Control Assistant Civil Defense Director Reserve Officers Part-Time Officers 7 . Desirable Oualifications - see advertisement 8. Minimum Rec�uirements - see advertisement R�SEMOUNT P4LtCE DEPARTIIIIEt'�T Telephone Emergency 911 . 2875 145th StrNt Wes! Chief oi Police Non-Emerge�cy 423-4491 Ros�mou�� Mlnntsota 55088 James E. Staats ' TO: City Administrator and City Council FROM: Police Chief Staats DATE: January 22 , 1990 . RE: Retirement As of July 07, 1990 I will be retiring from the City of Rosemount. I have been employed by the City of Rosemount for nineteen years; fifteen of these as Chief of Police. During that time I have worked with many people - Council wise and Staff wise - and I can truthfully say I have enjoyed most of it. Good luck to the present staff and Council in the future years and thank you for your past considerations with me. Sincerely, �� � James E. "Red" Staats Chief of Police JESdm