HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.g. Administration Department City Council Presentation � nV 1 � P_G. BOX 510 �✓il� 0� 2875-145TH ST. W oS������ ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 4l 612-423-4d1 i February 16, 1990 T0: Mapor Napper Council Members: glassen Oxborough Willcoz Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator ' BB: Department Presentations ` February 20. 1990 I am pleased to present the attached material for your review and further reference in conaection �rith the department head presentation on February 20, 1990. It is hoped that this material will be utilized, not onlp in preparation for the department reports, reference during those reports, but as a basic refereace source for the future. Each department head vi11 utilize ao more than fifteen minutes to reviex the written report and present further comments. We hope this Wi11 be helpful to a11 of pou. , lj I ■ � 9 yL tTEM # 7� ADMINISTBATION DBPAgTMENT CITY COIINCIL PBESENTATION FBB8IIA8Y 20, 1990 I. Overview of Department A. Personnel B. Operation 1) Communication 2) Coordination 3) Supervision � II. 1990 and Beyond A. Current Project B. �991 and Beyond III. Special Needs and Staffiag � > i z Communication 1. . Direct Iine communication to the public exists through the receptionist position. This position is usuallp the first person contacted bp the general public Whether by phone or ia person. The first impressioa is usually the one that lasts and I'm very proud of the staff that fills and backs- up this position. A typical day in the life of our people at the front deak would make Ma Bell proud. It is a very busy place most days with seven incoming lines and some forty-two eatensions and eight different areas to route calls to. We do get complaints that our phones are busy or don't get aaswered. With the number of calls coming- at buaier timea its simply a matter of not being able to keep• up. In 1991 we will be looking at an ezpansion/upgrade of our phone system with Che proposed remodeling dowastairs ve will have to "transfern one of our eaisting �hones to the aew office area as our system is "maued out . 2. Newsletters/Newspaper Publications aad Commaaity Input. Throngh the use of the City Neasletter, agenda publications and minutes that are published, the city'8 "business" i,s taken to the people of the communit�. Throngh ;the �ork of the City Clerk's position aad our administrative secretarp, the agendas and minutes are put together and into the media. The Newsletter is coordinated bp the Community De9elopment ` Department but it is a combined effort of aIl departments inclnding the council. , Coordination of aay press releases and approval for atatements on projecta or council actioa items is approved through mp department. Information from the public to assiet" �on as. 'elected ' ":.officials must be coordinated,`and coapiled. � Coordination of -' =�� euch pro jects a8;,the Attitude= Survey, the Citizena Attitnde Survep, the .ToWn Meetiags and the Goa1 Settiag .Session is crncial in order to essist the policy makers in `settiag direction for ' staff to follov. ` We are all familiar with ' thia process having �ast gone through it. Besidea getting the cooperatioa of other departments ia this , effort- it vas the responsibility of the Ad�inistratioa: Dept. staff to pat these processes in gear and kesp them mo�ing.� 3. Committees. Communication is a t�o way street. Information from the public is also capable of being gathered through volunteer commmittees, respoading to needed inpnt on specific projects. An example of this is the � . Armor4 Committee. The Armor� Committee is a work of both 3 r I Contracts for franchises, fire service, etc. are ali . superviaed or actually developed by my office. 5. Ageada. IL is my responsibility to insure that the key 13nk of communication in this operation is open and workiag and � that the flow of iaformetion to you. as elected officials and back to city ataff to insnre that your decisions are carried out. The ma�or part of this process is the drafting, coordination, review and presentation of the council agenda and supporting informatioa for this docnmeat. This effort, of courae, involves all departments but the process is• controlled and supervised by admiaistration and all members of my department have a part in it from publication of the agenda, to copying, to delivery, to decidiag �nst What is ' ' allowed in what format and when it is to be discussed. � Ia racent moaths the format of the agenda was revised to . make better use of the consent portion. To sugport that a purchasing policy was adopted so that many items would not have to be taken singularly. Staff ie currently pntting together a policy that wi11 fnrther (We hope) streamline the entry praceas of Working up the agenda, producing reports for council review and timelines for conncil action on . items. _ 6. Slectiona. The nitimate form of communication from` the pabl�c to the elected officials of Lheir commnnitp, I believe, is the e2ection process. The entire election process for all electioas to determine city, county aad . state and aational issnes is the responaibility of the City Clerk and so part of Administration. With odd year city elections this is becoming an every year pro�ect. So, for a few weeks out of everp pear Sue and Linda are very busy in preparing the election eqnipment, training election �udgee and insuriag that �ell is done legall� aad correctll. This � is �one of the most clo$ely gaarded and guided� processes � local 'government is ' involved in. ' ` ` : ` " = ... .s , � . , : _ . ,_ ., ,...:. ..4�;,4.• . . . . ._. � _ _ .. . Throughont the �ear vote� registratioa` information' mast be � npdated and treining sesaions for running eqnipment and Iearaiag the new laws are att�nded. Though the busy time� are only trice " a year this ia an ongoing proceas. : Coordiaation/Snverv3sion � - �. � � w Adminiatratton "can be .brokea down` into �tro simple ter�e .- " � ` coordination'`and anperTision. Certainvaspects of Administration reqnire more 'or less of one of these. �' _ As Adminiatrator aad department head of the Admiaistration Department, many specific tasks require iaput of other � departa�ents but �he responsibility for `completing these tasks is . 5 ► � With so manp issues facing a staff our size it is important that areas of responsibilitiee are not so closely defined and adhered to that staff can't respond to "exceptions" and take on new tasks when needed to. This takes an eztra effort by all involved but also reqnires an extra level of involvemeat- by myself to make sure resources are ntilized. 1990 and Bevond Resources being limited bath in staff, time and moneq leads to one of the kep elements of the administration of the citp government and that is the preparation and coordiaation of the Annual Budget. What used to be a two to three month process for budgeting has become a nine month process to put together a document Lhat reflecta the� needs of the community to meet the effects of growth and special projects we deal srith While attempting to keep taxes '� in line, meet state laws and package a fiscally responsible plan for the current and future years of operation. This process involves all departments as well ae the public and you, as elected officials. The coordination effort becoaes a challenge and being able to accomplish what we have in the last few years in providing adequate services, funding of a capital improvement plan and expanding parks and infrastructure has been quite a feat. Current Pro�ects There are several specific profects currently progressing which require adequate attention to inaure their proper completion. Some of these will be completed in the next siz moaths and some vill carrq over and require e=tensive coordination through 1991 - 1992. Armorv/Communitv Facilitv. The completion of this committee a work shouZd come �this� spring aith a report to the �City Council as to the tppe of facilitp to consider and funding source to utilize. This has been a txelve manth - process to date vith monthly meetings and staff work between gathering data, contacting other cities and setting up . . tonra, apeakers and meeting agendas. � Of courae, as the groject continues to referendum (if that is chosen) and on to construction - pro�ect maaagement W311 be even more involved. We continue to look forward to this involvement and the potential for a city facility. 7 f � LONG TExM (BEYOND 1990) PxOJSCTS 1. Completion of Buildiag Pro�ects. a. City Hall b. Fire Station c. Public Works 2. Developing process to complete "Goals & Objectives" set in 1990. 3. Continue working with Dakota Countp on Incinerator Pro�ect. Staffin� In determiniag staffing ievels to meet the above referenced pro�ects and ongoing admiaistration in a growth mode, we wi11 be looking at: 1. Continually reviewing needs of a11 departments to attempt to keep up with staffing levels to maintaia adeqnate service levels. 2. Supplementiag curreat ataff with additional help if ma�or, lang term pro�ects occur such is Sconomic Development 'projects with special positions such as property maaagement and pro�ect management personnel. If pro3ects such as USPCI, Couaty xesource Becovery Project and ma�or exgansioa of goch Befining occur staffing for environmental review and°' management may be necessary. 3. SpecificalZy, in the Admiaistration Department the addition of a position of Administrative Assistant(s) or As$istant City Adminiatrator to take a lead role_ in supplementing my direction rill be aecessary. 9