HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Parks & Recreation City Council Presentation 1 � .. ' PARKS & RF.CREATION 'T�� # 7D CITY ODUNCIL PRESENTATION FEBRUARY 20. 1990 T. Overview of Department Operations A. Work to provide recreational programa for everyone 1. include the handicapped through mainstreaming 2. coordinate with ar. citizen center for sr. progrems 3. active and passive programs 4. special eventa programs a. Leprechaun Days programs b. Halloween programs c. Chriatmas with Santa ' d. etc. B. Provide Safe Multiple Uee Facilities 1. constant maintenance of turf 2. care for park trees and pl�nta 3. upgrede park design and maintenance 4. combinations of active and passive areas 5. facilities for various interests and needs C. Quality Staff Interested in the Welfare of Rosemount l. ltecreational Asaistant Director a. Lisa Jost b, coordinates recreational progreme c. coordinate8 facility use with Parks Supervisor d. ie assisted by Jane Mollman e. directs and sharea in all "secretarial" aspects of her department f. aseieted by part tlme etafF (aeaeonal end program) 2. Supervisor (Foreman) of Parka 1. Rick Cook 2. coordinates the maintenance of parks 3. assiets in construction of parks 4. assista in the design of parke � 5. leade a quality staff of 3 membera a. Carl Dahnke — Parks Maintenance I b. Steve Strese — Parks Maintenance II c. Mark Joosten — Parke Maintenance (Foreatry) II 6. assista recreational aseistant with facility maintenance to match facilitys' scheduled use 7. asaisted by seasonal part time staff (everage of 5) 3. Staff Involvement . a. inservice is held to encourage staff involvement b. programa exiat to "help ataff feel important" 1. idees ara welcomed 2. concerna are responded to promptly 3. recreational and parka ataff �oin forces II. Current Special Pro�ects A. Recreational 1. Easter Holidays for Kids 2. Arbor Week Nighlights 3. District end State bide for athletics 4. 3rd Annual Irish Little League Tournament 5. 2nd Annual Girls Softball Tournament 6. Perennial Garden (flower gardene) Pro�ect 7. German Club spring trip 8. Olympic Festival Torch Run B. Perks Projecta 1. clean up the armory site 2. bluebird and wood duck pro�ects 3. develop nuraery site in Erickson Park 4. tree and ehrub planting program 5. upgrade of neighborhood parke (treee� shruba, flowers) 6. irrigation and turf maintenance books 7. inventories of plants (sizea, health� varietiea, etc.) 8. special park concept books are constantly being updated C. Special Neede 1. Becreation needs gym spece under City control 2. Recreation needa park shelters for large functions 3. Parka needs a multi uae piece of equipment for winter trail maintenance as well as mowing in the swnmer. D. Staf f ing 1. Parka Department needs a person highly qualified in building trades work (�ourneyman carpenter and general concrete) 2. Recrea[ion Department needs a staff person to assist with directing the increaeed athletic involvemente during the evening houre. 3. reasona for ataff increases a. edditions to park lands b. increases in numbers and typea of activitiea c. increase in tree, plants, and truf care (nursery) 4. "SPE�IAL NOTE" — Parks & Itecreation staff inembers feel important to the department. Their dedication to our City causes them to be outspoken, however, thia has been done in a polite, diplomatic� and inhouae manner. Any new ataff inembers to the department will be hired to match the atandard aet by the present ataff. .! ' • � III. City School Relationships A. Deal very well with Craig Menozzi of the Rosemount Middle School as well as Daryl Bueckaler and his brother in the school maintenance area. B. Same equipment and facilities are shared 1. bleachers (City to School) � 2. areator (School to City) 3. tree apade (City to School) 4. ball fielda in Erickson (City to School) 5. etc. C. Relationahips Sometimes "Very" Strained 1. gym space not available on a "consietent basis" that makee for poor schedulee of events for City 2. adminietratora of echools are allowed to over ride a achedule of the Recreation program even with a contract PARY ACBEAGEs � Maintained 1989 and in yeara prior, to that time. Community Parket Pa� �_ Cerrolle Wooda 48 48 Schwarz Pond 49 49 Erickaon 54 gp 24 Neighborhood Parket Bieceyne 3.2 3.2 Cemfield 3.2 1.0 2�2 • Charlie's 2.0 1.5 �g Chippendale 2.1 .5 1.6 Dallara 1�1 l�p �1 Kidder 2.2 1.2 1.0 �rin Puddlea 5.4 3.4 2.0 Winds 6.5 5.0 1.5 Ramt Middle Rinlca (wlnter only) 1.0 New Parke in epete� in 1990: Jaycee 14.3 14.3 Shannon 12.9 12.9 Connemara 4,g 2�g 2�� Shannon School Area 6.0 6.0 • City to maintain athletic fields Z�OTAL NEW AREAS 38.0 2.8 35.2 �T� 207.7 146.6 62.1 - TOTAL MAINTAINED 215.7 146.6 69.1 � I. OVERVIEW OF DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS The philosophy of Rosemount Recreation Department is "to serve" the community. That service is provided through passive and active programs in a manner that identifies and meets the wants and needs of people ages 0 -senior citizen. Programs offered deal with the mainstreaming of the handicapped as well as others who might have special needs . Special events programs offered include� but are not limited to, the Haunted Woods , Christmas with Santa , Leprechaun Days (Run for the Gold , Miniature Golf and Tennis Tournaments , etc . ) � and concerts in the parks during the summer months . Your Rosemount Parks Department bases its total existence on providing safe multiple use facilities for the citizens. That mission is accomplished through constant maintenance of the parks with special care for trees� plants� and turf. Members of the Parks staff strive to upgrade the facilities through construction and reconstruction methods . II. OUALITY STAFF INTERESTED IN THE WELFARE OF ROSEMOUNT Staff inembers take great pride in our park system. It is a system that is designed with input from various community organizations, the Parks � Recreation Committee, and consultants . What is most important to them is that they are also a major part of the discussions that lead to the final design plans of the facilities . The Recreational areas are directed by Lisa Jost. She is assisted full time (permanent part time) by Jane Mollman. These two leaders head up a staff of part time employees � who are mainly seasonal , to provide a great variety of programs . Regular programs of Tiny Tots, Pom Poms , skating lessons , etc. require part time employees who are scheduled to provide services in the programs according to the time table of those particular programs . Employees in the Parks Department take their direction from a very qualified supervisor (Parks Foreman) � Rick Cook. Other members of his staff include Carl Dahnke (Parks I) � Steve Strese (Parks II) , and Mark Joosten (Parks II - Forestry) . The key to the success of the departments is the open communication and cooperation between the staff inembers. Schedules of the programs match the maintenance schedules and are discussed at our staff ineetings with each staff inember sharing their ideas and concerns . Boyd Bailey, listed with the engineering department, also serves with us . His interest in the programs and facilities is shared in our meetings and work days also. He has provided our departments with park maps, trail maps � etc. . Regular inservices are held to discuss the importance of each member to the over all programming. Management deals with staff concerns promptly and in turn staff deals with supervisors ' concerns on a timely basis . III,. CURRENT SPECIAL PROJECTS A list of recreational programs outside of the regular scheduled volleyball , broomball , softball , hockey, tennis , etc. could include a nearly endless variety of areas . Lisa has asked that the list for this report included Easter Holidays for Kids, Arbor Week Highlights , district and state softball tournaments at Erickson Park, 3rd Annual Irish Little League Tournament, 2nd Annual Girls Softball Tournament , perennial Garden Project (flower garden planned for Erickson Park) , German Club spring trip� and Olympic Festival Torch Run. On the Park list special items that are being worked on include the cleaning up of the armory site� the blue bird and wood duck projects , the development of a nursery in Erickson Park, the special effort in planting of trees and shrubs, the upgrading of the neighborhood parks , completing the irrigation programs by putting together a maintenance and turf manuals � Boyd and Mark putting together a special inventory book of plants and trees in each of the parks � and the special "concept" books being put together by 8oyd . IV. SPECIAL NEEDS Identified as the main concern of the department at this time is the lack of indoor facilities for winter programming. The facility that would resolve most of that problem would be a gymnasium. Other special needs would be a facility for conducting a larger Tiny Tot program and for conducting teen programs . Multiple use shelters in the parks are of a special need. They would provide a place for larger family functions and for company picnics . A major equipment item that is going to be required in the very near future is a multiple use vehicle to clear trails and sidewalks in the winter months and to be used for mowing in the summer months . The heart of our programming and over all operation is the constant and total involvement of the staff to the department. A special need that can be identified for us improve and to move ahead is the "continued" support by the Council of our Parks and Recreation Department. In that same light a special need to be identified is for the Council to continue to recognize the importance of their advisory committee to the Parks Department. That committee is made up of seven members who represent a large aegment of the community interests and work hard to represent the feelings of the community in our programming. . - . , . .. V. STAFFING The present staff of our departments is able to provide services adequately for the City. There is a constant sense of change that leads towards improvement however that requires additional staff considerations . The attached sheet identifies the increase of over 35 acres of active turf area. Rick Cook will be requiring the aid of an additional person to provide parks maintenance services . Increasing the recreational programs and the variety of programming requires additional assistance for Lisa Jost and Jane Mollman. One of the elements involved in this part of programs is the many evening hours required for program supervision. The day has come where the Assistant Director, Lisa Jost, and/or the Director� Dave Bechtold, should not have to spend nearly every summer evening on the job. Some . weekend work will continue to be required, however, that would be for assisting with the many large tournaments held at Erickson Park. , Ouality programs also require additional assistance with the record keeping and the promotional aspects of the department. VI. CITY / SCHOOL RELATIONSHIPS There is a constant battle for the limited use of gym space with the school district. Schedule problems involve an inconsistent pattern for dates for the programed events � administration over riding an already contracted use of the facility by our department, etc. . It gives me great pleasure on the other hand to inform you that Craig Menozzi of the Rosemount Middle School and Daryl Buecksler and his brother of district maintenance have been great people to work with. The middle school works with Lisa to schedule the use of our athletic fields in Erickson Park in a shared effort with the St. Joes School teams. Daryl works with Rick Cook to share the use of the City's bleachers and the tree spade. They also work to share the eqipment items from the school 's maintenance shop. Once again the "strained relationship" stems to some degree from the lack of gym space available through the school district. VII. SHARING OF STAFF BETWEEN DEPARTMENTS There are times when the Public Works Department staff share their time working in the Parks Department on projects. This is done in a manner that does not interfere with the normal pro,iects of their department. Parks staff serve on "call out" on weekends and serve on the snow plowing crews during the winter months . For the most part staff work in their respective departments .