HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Fire Department City Council Presentation Y > � r.� � ?G ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION FEBRUARY 20, 1990 1 . Membership 2. Equipment 3. Training/Education 4. Statistics on Calls 5. Miscellaneous 6. Needs for 1990 7. Budget 8. Projects 9. Goals 10. Hours on Call • 11 . Other Information 12. Relief Association 13. Conclusion , ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL � FEBRUARY 1990 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY SCOTT AKER, FIRE CHIEF � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MEMBERSHIP The fire department has been accepting applications as usual and trying to process them into becoming active members . We have not launched an active campaign because the study which was completed by the .Hoisington Group suggested that this active campaign be centered around the fire station. At this time, we do not know if or where that fire station will be. 1988 1989 1990 Total Membership 38 40 39 On Leave 0 3 2 Active Members 38 37 37 EQUIPMENT As far as repairs are concerned, 1989 was a good year. We had very few mandatory repairs except on one pumper. This has allowed us to do other work with the monies that were available. With two vehicles available for response by the Chief and Assistant Chief , we were able to rotate them when the Assistant Chief John Strese or myself were not available, so that we always had two officers available to respond directly to the scene at all times . This has been a great asset to the operation of the fire department. Aerial/Elevating Platforms (35180) ---- 1 Pumpers (35181 , 35182, 35183) --------- 3 Grass Ri s (35192 , 35194) ------------- 2 Tankers �35195) ----------------------- 1 Hose Truck (35196) -------------------- 1 Rescue Vehicle (3590) ----------------- 1 Chief/Misc. Vehicle (3598 , 3599) ------ 2 As the city council may be aware, there were 3 new vehicles put into service for the fire department during 1989. Two new grass vehicles and one new Chief/miscellaneous vehicle. The two pickup trucks we had replaced the grass rigs and those vehicles were rotated to the city public works and the parks department. This began our rotation to better utilize the monies available in the CIP. ' Ninety-nine percent of all the wiring and hookup of light bars , sirens , radios , etc. was done by members of the fire department. This saved the city approximately $3,000 or more in installation costs. Members of the department were very eager to get involved and do these things . 1 A description of the vehicles that we do have is as follows: 1. Rescue Truck (3590) - Fair condition. Scheduled to be replaced in 19 and will be used as a backup rescue and utility vehicle/command center. 2. Assistant Chief Response Vehicle (3598) - This vehicle has we�l over 10 ,0 0 miles and is terminal. It is not , scheduled to be replaced until 1991 and because of its ' extreme usefulness, we hope it makes it that long. 3. Aerial Platform/Pumper (35180) - Fair condition. 4. Pumper (35181) - Excellent condition. 5. Pumper (35182) - This pumper is 25+ years old. This truck took a lot of abuse when it was used for emergency pumping during the flooding last spring. Should be replaced as soon as funds are available. Should have been replaced already. 6. Pumper (35183) - Excellent condition. 7. Grass Truck (35192) - Excellent condition. New in 198 . Scheduled to go to P.W. in 1991. 8. Grass Truck (35194) - Excellent condition. New in 1 89. Scheduled to go to P.W. in 1993. 9. Tanker (35195) - Very good condition. This vehicle was recently rejuvenated and now carries 3,300 gallons of water instead of the 2 ,000 gallons it carried previously. ' . 10. Hose Truck (35196) - Good condition, considering its use. 11. ChiefJMiscellaneous Vehicle (3599) - Excellent condition. New in 198 . Scheduled to go to police, possibly in 1991 or 1992. TRAINING/EDUCATION During the first year on the Rosemount Fire Department, a new member will be required to complete the following training: 1. Fire Fighter I 72 hours 2 . Hazardous Materials Training 24 hours 3. Rosemount Fire Department Training 90 hours 4. First Responder Training 40 hours Total 226 hours 2 In addition to the above training, during 1989 17 fire fighters took the opportunity to attend classes outside of the department on their own time. These classes are offered primarily on weekends . We had an Incident Command class brought into the department for the officers along with a condensed class for all fire fighters . Interest in attending classes has somewhat increased in the last few years. This is due primarily to the fire fighter' s own interest in improving his skills . A first responder refresher course is also taken, by approximately half of the department each year in order to sharpen their skills and increase the training necessary for responding to medical calls . STATISTICS A list of all calls for 1989 is attached. It contains a breakdown of calls by type and month. During 1989, we responded � 270 calls . You should already be receiving a monthly report of these fire and rescue calls . 1989 ------=---------- 270 1988 ----------------- 269 1987 ----------------- 264 1986 ----------------- 189 1985 ----------------- 217 1984 ----------------- 215 The number of calls for 1989 was similar to that of the previous two years . What we have found, however, is that the calls are becoming more complex and we are spending more time at some of them than we did in the past. As you can see, there has been an increase in the number of calls each year with the exception of 1986. As the city continues to grow, we will probably see the number of calls increasing also. In the past, we have always said that on the average the Rosemount Fire Department responds to just over 200 calls each year. Now in the last few years we need to say that we respond to just under 300 calls each year. The calls we respond to are approximately 60 percent rescue calls and 40 percent fire calls. 3 MISCELLANEOUS The Rosemount Fire Department has a mutual aid agreement with all the departments of Dakota County. We were helped greatly by this during our recent barrage of fires in the latter part of 1989. During 1989 we applied for and received a grant to be used towards the purchase of inedical equipment. The grant amounted to $461 .00. We submitted a similar proposal for 1990. As of yet, we have not received any indication of its acceptance or rejection. We have also submitted a proposal for reimbursement for medical training, This is funded through excess 911 monies that the county accumulates during the year. During 1989, we experienced many donations . Some of the organizations making major donations were the KC's, Jaycees , and the American Legion. We are in the process of working on the purchase of some additional equipment with the help of the Lions . A great concern on the part of the Dakota County Fire Chief' s Association, is the need for some kind of a team to respond in case of a hazardous material incident. At the present time, not one department in Dakota County has the necessary training. In December of 19$9 the city council approved, in idea, the funding of such a team. It would be done by virtue of a joint powers agreement with the rest of the communities in Dakota County. At this time, many details are still in the process of being ironed out. As the nominated president of the Dakota County Fire Chief' s Association, I am sure I will be getting more involved and will keep you abreast of the developments . NEEDS Our needs for i990 appear to be quite similar to the needs we had in 1989. We need to replace some equipment and a few of the vehicles. We also need to address the need for added space in the fire station. With the support of the city council, much of the outdated equipment which the fire department was operating with was replaced during 1989. As was previously indicated, we also replaced three of our older vehicles with three brand new vehicles . Our next replacements would be a rescue truck and aerial truck and a pumper. The rescue truck is scheduled to be replaced in 1990. The aerial truck and -the pumper have been placed in the CIP. If alternative means of funding were available to purchase this aerial truck and pumper, it would take a great burden off of the CIP. 4 BUDGET The 1989 budget involved about a 20 - 30 percent increase over the 1988 budget. The 1988 budget and budgets preceding that one were often overspent and not realistic in nature. When the 1989 budget was presented it was suggested that it would be a realistic one and one with which we would be able to operate. On � paper the budget will show that the fire department has overspent the amount of money which was allotted to them. This apparent overspending is offset by donations made by various outside organizations . In effect, the fire department was able to operate efficiently during 1989 and come in under budget. PROJECTS In the 1988 Annual Report to the city council, it was indicated that several things were in the works and were set to be goals for 1989. Those items involved: 1. Seeking a part-time fire marshal. 2. The adoption of Appendix Chapter 38. 3. The need to study the increased space needs of the fire station. 4. Replacement of the grass rigs and the addition of one Miscellaneous/Chief vehicle. 5. State fire fighter certification of all of Rosemount' s fire fighters . To date, items 1-4 have been completed. State fire fighter certification is in the process and should be completed by late summer. GOALS We have continued to promote training and work on safety around the station and on the fire scene. In the future we would like to expand our health program. The doctor who oversees our stress testing, which the department undergoes on a three year cycle, is willing to work with us to set up a program. He also has offered his assistance in helping us purchase some kind of training equipment. In order to make our vehicles more safe, seat belts have been installed on all vehicles and safety gates have been installed on our two open cab vehicles . A policy and procedures manual is nearing its completion. During the past two years, policies that have been written down, those that have been passed on from member to member, and various items 5 that were passed as a matter of business during meetings have been compiled into a condensed policies and procedures manual. By condensed, we mean that it can all be found in one place. It does total approximately 100 pages . Al1 of these policies will have been reviewed by all members by March 1990. We hope to have them adopted by April 1990. Other goals for 1990 would include to work more closely with surrounding departments with training and planning for major mutual aid incidents, to promote the image of the fire department within the community whenever possible, to continue to cooperate and coordinate activities with other departments of the city, and to work to improve the effectiveness of the fire department. With a large and diverse group of individuals such as the fire department is , it is also an on-going goal to maintain, monitor, and promote morale wherever possible. HOURS ON CALL The members of the Rosemount Fire Department spend many hours each year planning and working at the fire station on various projects. In an attempt to give the city council an idea of the amount of time a fire fighter spends during a year, a list of those paid hours has been attached. This list by no means represents the total amount of time spent by each member. It is only the time spent at calls and training. As was indicated earlier, approximately 90 hours of Rosemount Fire Department training are required of all members each year after their probationary period. These are the training hours for which a Rosemount fire fighter is compensated. They do, however, go through many other hours of training. A list of total hours of training for 1989 has also been included for your information. The hours total some 3,200 hours for the year. OTHER According to the bylaws of the Rosemount Fire Department, members need to respond to a minimum of 30 percent of all paged calls. They also need to be present for 66 percent of all training sessions. Any member who fails to meet these minimums is subject to removal from the fire department. Any action taken by the members of the fire department to remove a member, is subject to , final action by the city council. The fire department does have a membership/grievance committee. The responsibility of this committee is to keep track of these percentages and encourage members who appear to be falling below the required percents. The purpose of this committee is not punitive in nature, but to be more of a prod and to help the individual meet the necessary 6 training requirements . As you can see by the attached list of the Rosemount Fire Department member percentages, three people did fall below the required 30 percent for 1989. Because of varying circumstances , each person must be dealt with in somewhat of a different fashion. The fire department is in the process of working with all three at the present time. For training purposes and on the fire scene, the fire department operates in a para-military fashion. That is we do have a chain of command beginning with the Fire Chief and extending down to the fire fighters . The fire fighters are divided into four companies . Each of these four companies is headed by a captain and assisted by a lieutenant. A copy of the chain of command for the fire department has been included for your information. RELIEF ASSOCIATION The Rosemount Fire Department Relief Association exists for the benefit of the Rosemount fire fighter. This is the organization which provides some type of a retirement benefit for the member. Membership in the Rosemount Fire Department Relief Association is not required of a Rosemount fire fighter, however, due to the benefits involved all fire fighters are members of the relief association. This organization receives its funding from two sources . The City of Rosemount makes an annual contribution to this organization and there is also money available from excess insurance premiums. These excess insurance premiums paid to the state are sometimes called its fire departments 2 percent contribution. Although closely related to the fire department, this organization operates as a totally separate entity of the fire department. The city administrator, the mayor of Rosemount, and the Fire Chief are all ex-officio members of the committee. Quarterly meetings and an annual meeting are held each year. The annual meeting involves the election of officers and other items of business. If anyone would be interested in more information on this organization, perhaps a meeting with the president of the Relief Association could be scheduled. CONCLUSION The past two years as Chief of the Rosemount Fire Department have not been without mistakes , but hopefully has been with some improvement. I have enjoyed the opportunity to work closely with other department heads, Administrator Steve Jilk, and the city council. During 1990 I will attempt to improve those areas I have identified to be my weaknesses. Hopefully by example, other members of the fire department will be encouraged to do the same. As usual, whenever I have the opportunity, I would like to stress one fact concerning the .members of the Rosemount Fire Department. 7 The fire department is made up of a very diverse group of individuals and is the iargest department of the city. They are also a very dedicated group of individuals . They require very little leadership or motivation to accomplish the tasks they are called to do each day. As Fire Chief for the past two years , I have been able to sort of bask in the prestige they have generated by their actions . They are the ones who do all the work. I merely happen to be the person in the position that gets the privilege and opportunity to represent them throughout the city. 8 AOSEMDUNT VOLUNTEEA 28�5 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 FIAE DEPAATMENT City Hall 612-423-4�411 Fire Hall 612-423-3444 The following is a list of paid hours during the 1989 pay period. This by no means represents the total amount of time spent by each member. This is only time spent at paged calls and training. Aker 486 Lundell 231 Strese J. 450 Mateo %'� 24.5 Tabery 384 McMenomy 273.5 McNearney 169.5 Adrian 200.5 0'Donnell 159 Alexon 170 Oxborough 90 Anderson R.C. 251.5 Paulson 224.5 Bailey ', 141 Reis 288 Burkhalter 248.5 Scott 186.5 Corrigan 372.5 Siebens 189 Erickson 219 Smith �'- 111.5 Evenson 226.5 Stauffer 247 Gerrits 233 Strese S. � 300 Glor 207 Swanson 296.5 Haeg 224.5 Szczesniak 212.5 Hanvelt 227 Turek 199.5 Johnson 191 Uitdenbogerd 128.5 Kane 146.5 Walsh 189 Kornovich 228.5 Zwart 209.5 Lonnquist 216.5 � Indicates a person who was not a member during the entire year (new member) . 9 G:U`-�tnourar FI F.E UEF'NF:TtIENT ' • 19t y 1"FNI NI NG P,EF'i]RT N5 OFCI lI l l.�'3G E4' THE F10t1TH, HOUka, Ff;ilFl THE GREEN TP,RIMIMG F�lRF15. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�_ ICt !: NNF1E OF MEFiRER : 1RNUN�CY � FERURflRY ; FIRRCH � tIFRIL : hIFl4' ; JI�HE : 1►ILY � RUfUST : SEFTEtIBEk : OCTUBEk : t10UEHEE.P. : GECEtIBER � TOTHL ". IJ1 :RDRIFNa SI�OTT , 8.5C� , 8.110 . $.25 , b.�0 , 10.I]0 , 3.9CI . ll.Ol7 . I�.OII • �i.75 . 12.55 . 7.i5 . 3.70 . �9.3t1 . 0� :flKER, S��UTT � 25.75 , 1U.25 . 11.00 . 15.54 � �.75 , 19.5U . �.54 . 1f1.00 , 12.90 . 3iJ.25 . 9.51� , �3.5p . 1b3.90 . 03 :FILEXOM, F,ICk: . 5.00 4.D0 � $.00 . 11.50 � i.SU 2.00 5.C10 � 5.00 S.DO �.OU . 7.50 t3.U0 81.50 . n5 ;flNUERSON, RGBERT . 6.25 . 9.75 . 12.C10 . 7.00 , $.0❑ . 13.25 . S.pi7 , b.50 . B.OII . b.00 � �:.00 . 8.00 . 97'.75 . 3'� ;DHILEY, DN4'E . 0.00 , O.QO , 0.00 . NEN . 7.60 • 9.5U 3.Q0 . 6.5G . 6_Ol7 . 0.80 . 3.00 . 2.On , 33_9G . pE. :BUR.KHNLTEk,E:RYNM . 9_50 . ].50 • 3.�5 . h.00 . 5.00 �.25 , 3.G0 � 2.50 . 9.5❑ . 2.5D . 5.1�0 � 3.O1] , 9E..00 . 07 :COtsR.IGflN, DNMIEL . 22.C1t1 . 13.p❑ 15.00 • 15.50 . 2�.110 � 5.15 � 7,C11] , 14.5U . ^c0.25 . 8.1fJ . 7�'.04 . i.0� . 155.5U , ��. :EP.I CRSCiM, JOHt� b.Op . la.N] 5.C1d . s3_�i] . 9.�]G S.OU , 3.00 � 6.50 . 5.4i_l , 4.00 , l7.QG . 2.Ua 6U.40 , ati :EVEt1��N, tIHRk 5.00 . 3.U0 , 12.00 . 7.0� , ?.SC� , 9.40 , 9.50 . 6.5[� �.O�l 2.On , 9.a[i , 7.50 . 71.OU . I�'_l �GERF,ITS, JOE , 5.75 . 8.50 , 12.C10 . �3.1_l0 , 5.35 . 9.5CI , 9.51] . 6.OG . S.fji] , 3_50 . 7.`U . i_5tj , $�:_10 . 10 ;G10�, Ji]M i.5Q . 9.Of1 12.40 . 9.Oi7 lQ.i)U . 3.r'S . 5.00 . 3.OU � $.0�7 �.SO . 2E..OU . B.U�] . 105.r5 . 11 :HREG, tIICHflEL . 9.75 : 2�.0�71 : 12.C10 : 9.OIJ : B.OU : 5.00 : 5.U0 : 9.5CI : $.00 : �3.50 : S.00� : b.C�O : `39.i 5 ; �.,.► ---'-------------------'---------:---------'-------' '-------' -----------.--------- --------- .----------.--------. O 1� :NNMVELT, DEMNIS . 3.�]0 � 8.50 ; 12.IJ0 : 7.t10 : �3.00 : 9.5� : 5.00 : 6.5U ; 5.0�] : 7.50 : E.OU : 8.Of� : 83.1U ; 13 :.JOHtISOtl, RONflLD � 9.00 . 6.00 . �.11� . i.00 . b.OG 9.75 , 2.pD . 3.Od . $.04 . 9.0�] . 5_qp , 3_00 . 66.r5 , 19 :KRNE, LARR.4' � 9.25 � 9.00 � 12.40 ; 8.5t7 � 3.17C1 : 9.5C1 : 3.UQ � 0.00 : 5.00 : 7.5i) : 7.uG : 3.00 : 5b.75 : 16 :Kf1RM04'ICH, HSHLEY . 9.?5 � 8.50 : 12.0� : 1�i.50 : i.5d : 6.50 : 5.00 : 7.75 � 8.00 : 11_00 : 7.5U : 7.C10 : lOU.11Cl : lb ;LONNtiUI'�T, FICHRRD 6.50 � 9.OD : 12.00 : 12.0� : O.OG : G.00 : 2.00 : 8.00 : 8.00 : 5.U0 : F�.00 � O.UO ; 5g.;p ; 17 :LUMUELL, PETE • 20.00 � 9.60 : 12.25 : 19.50 ; 7.50 : S.UG : S.pO : 7.00 : 5.D0 : S.OII : 5.1]0 � �3.1J0 : 1119.25 : �il ;NFifE�), HLE}{ 11.00 : Q.UO � 0.0❑ � O.OfJ : D.IIG � U.OG : t�.00 � Ll.OU : NEH . 2.5� : S.UG : 9.00 : 19.5U : i�, :tICO0F1�lUr,H, t1ICHNEL 4.00 �.UO tl.DO . D.Oi] O.00i O.rJO 0.�0 O.Oq . O.D� 0.00 , U.uO , �1.0� . 0.00 . l4 ;HCI1EN�jhiY, DHM 6.OQ ; ll.Sll : 12.00 ; i.110 : 5.170 � 9.50 � S.UO � 1$.25 � 0.00 � �3.95 : 9.OU : B.UU : 95_2D : GO :tICNERRNEY, UONNLD 4.50 : 9.0�7 : 12.25 � 'r.SO : 8.O11 : 3.00i : 9.00 : 7.25 : l7_DO : 0.00 : 3.95 : 9.95 : 7'0.9U ; tl :tl'DCiNMELL, E�ILL 3.00 ..OU � 2.50 , tl.UO 0.00 . O.OU • U.Ut] 2.50 . 5.00 h.Ol7 . 9.5G � 9.50 . 3U.00� . 2� �0'DOHMELL, HIGHRE� O.Ot7 : U.00 : 0.00 � 0.00 : O.�G : 0.00 : G.00 : 0.00 � 0.00 : U.�10 : C�.dO : O.C�O � 0.00 : �3 :0}tROROUGH, 1pHIV , O.OII : O.OD : 0.00 ; o.00 : O.00► : 9.d� : 5.00 � S.Od ,: O.UO : 9.SO : O.aCt : 2.00 : 2U.50 � 29 :PRUISOM,NfiYNE � 5.50 : 3.On � 12.d0 ; 8.00 � 8.OG : E.On : 9.50 : 3.50 : 8.00 : 11.i711 : S.dO : b.UO : 83.SU : 25 ;REIS, MICHFlEL 21.25 : 9.SD : 13.U4 ; 18.25 : 9.OQ : 19.50 : 1G.1� � 5.00 : 23.L10 � 6.50 : 9.DG : 9.50 : 198.55 : ZE. ;SCOTT, JUN . 5.110 � 9.00 ; 12.00 � 7.5�] : 8_OU � 3.00t : 2.Ud � 9.50 : 5.00 : 5.0�) : Fi.00 : 5.00 : 77.OQ : F:i�`_-.Eh1pUNT FIKE OEFHF:TIIEMT . 19Sa TF,RI HI Nl REFI�RT F15 OFO 1�11��3G EY THE tlilNTH, HOU�S, FP-.OFI THE GREEN TRFlIF1ING FORFIS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IO t: NFFIE OF tlEIiBER : .]NNUR�Y : FERURRRY � FIRRCH : NPRIL : F1NY : JUNE : IULY � RUGUST � SEPTEIIBER : UC.TGBEP, : NOUEt16ER : OECEHBEk : TUTHL '. 2� :SIEBEFIS, TIM . 5.00 . 3.�d . 11.00 . S_OU . �6_5t) . G.Clil . 5.00 . 1.50 . 2.50 . _�_U� . $.Otl . 6_��0 . 9�.OD . 90 :St1ITH, L'.REG O.UO . 0.00 . O.170 NEN . 1D.5i7 . :3.35 . 9_00 , 7.50 20.95 . �.SO . O.Ui] � 2.�5 bil.`5 . c^3 :STHLIFFEF�, CHFRLES , 5.25 : 5.75 : 1�.00 ; 7,5Ci � 9.50 : 5.5Q : 3.110 � 1:50 � 8.GC1 : 5.95 � b.00 : �.110 : 72.95 � � ----'--------------------'---------�----------�-------'-------:-------�-------:-L-----' - 2'3 ;STRE�E, JOHN . 22.50 ; 5.00 : 12.00 : ZCi.00 ; 11.Oi] : 15_00 : 3.OU� : 6.00 : R.80 : E..15 ; ll].Cii] : lU.i_l0 ; 13?.95 : 3�7 :STkESE, STEVE . 21.00 : 9.00 � 12.00 : 12.50 : 9.2; : 2.U0 : 3.00 : 3.50 : 7.00 : 5.00 : s3.00 : 6.Ci0 � 5�.2� ; 31 :SNRN50M, GENE . 6.25 � �.00 � 1�.Q0 : 7.G0 ; 1.50 ; S.Ct�I : 5.00 : 6.50 : 8.C10 ; 9.50 : S.UII : B.UG : 83.75 ; 32 ��2GZESMIflk:, E:EFt�flP,D : 3.75 : 9.00 � 19.50 : S.OQ ; 7.L1�] : h.20 : S.OU � S.Ud : 8.GG : S.CiCi ; 6.00 : O.I�U : 75.95 ; 33 :Th1RER4', RQBERT . b.25 11.50 , 1c.170 . 7.25 . 7_7� � 5.00 , 5.I10 . 11.25 . 8.75 5.00 . 8_00 , 6.OU . 95_7` . 39 :TUF,Ek, RIIBERT 5.U0 • 9.00 1�.Od , 7'.00 � E�.50 � 9.D(J . O.�U 1.50 . 8.00 '3.54 . 8.00 . 8.50 . 7'3.G4 . 35 �t1I TDEMBOGERD, C+LEM , 6.^c5 : 10.00 : 9.00 : 6.C�CI � £�.00 : 5.15 � 5.OU � 9.50 ; 5.tlG : 12_UCl : 8..00 : 6_OU : �,'9.9(JI : 35 :41FiL5H, JOSEPH , 7.Q0 : 28.00 : 15.�]G ; 19.55 : l l.C15 � lt1.35': 9.5� : 15.25 ; 2.G0 : . 19.15 : 11.�5 : 10.2S : ].A9_05 : 3r :241RRT, HRRLILD 3.75 � �.25 � 12.D0 � 7.50 : 7.75 : 5.5U � 2.00 : 1.50 : 8.U0 � 6.50 : 8.Oi] : E_CiU : 7b.7� : �. LEH4':FELtILEE, FSF,RIN . 0.00 � i].011 � O.OU � G.QU : Cl_U�] : 0.00 � i].00 : O.GO : 0.00 : G_00 : D.11O : 0_00 : O.DO � I-� ----�--------------------:---------:----------'-------'-------�------' .----------.--------. TLlTALS BY t10r�TH 281.75 : 313.00 :372.110 :313.S5 :2£i7.Ci�J :207_1� : lb 1.65 : 211.25 : �7b.9G : z67.00 ; 2?2.U5 : 239_25 :32G2.Ufl : . . . � . � . � � � . . . ---------.-------- TNIN-FI�E�9-10�8'3 � AOSEMOUNT VOLUNTEEA 2$�5 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 FIAE DEPAATMENT �ity Hall 612-423-4411 Fire Hall 612-423-3444 Rosemount Fire Department Member Percentages According to the bylaws of the RFD, a member must respond to 30 percent of all paged calls during a year's time. The following ' is a list of inembers and their percentages for 1989. Aker 54 Lundell 48 Strese J. 54 Mateo 62 Tabery 51 McMenomy 61 McNearney 38 Adrian 48 0'Donnell 36 Alexon 29 Oxborough 28 Anderson R.C. 49 Paulson 47 Bailey 62 Reis 54 Burkhalter 48 Scott 38 Corrigan 65 Siebens 36 Erickson 48 Smith 48 Evenson 48 Stauffer 62 Gerrits 47 Strese S. 61 Glor 40 Swanson 55 Haeg 42 Szczesniak 38 Hanvelt 46 Turek 48 Johnson 42 Uitdenbogerd 24 Kane 32 Walsh 38 Kornovich 37 Zwart 36 Lonnquist 55 12 FIRE DEPARTMENT CHAIN-OF-COMMAND Mayor _ ' $ Council City Administrator Fire Chief - - -- - - Fire Marshal � � � , � Assistant Safety Officer Fire Marshal Assistant Fire Chief Troining � F Coordinator - Secretary � � y_ Captains Lieutenants • Fire Fighters 13 ROaEMULINT' F I FE Qi:.t='T. ANNUAL REF'Oi:T ___ 1989 F`:ESF'ON�iE L�Y l"YF'E J � F � MI F� M �7 J � A S O N � D Total ---�-- Dwelling 1 1 2 4 Det�ch�d Struct. 1 1 ngri. . S�:ructur� 1 1 2 4 Out E�ui 1�i ng 1 1 Co,mm. /Indi�s. 1 2 1 4 Mob i l e l�ome I 1 1 h1�t��i_ee� ve�h. 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 11 Tso] ate�d k�s. 1 1 2 1 1 n Chi.mney Fire 1 1 1 1 4 Opc�n E�i�r-ning 2 1 3 Gr�ss/Trash 1 4 2 1 3 ) 3 2 5 3 24 i���U���s�='- 3 2 1 3 S S 7 � 3 2 4 8 5 F��sia. Ft��cue 8 6 3 ii 6 7 6 � 5 2 10 3 10 87 ` CUmm. lSch. f:�s. 2 1 2 5 3 2 3 6 1 2 27 Qi.her R�sc�:e 2 2 1 1 3 1 10 Public As�t. � I ldashda:�n � , 1 , 1 • tlutu��1 ni d �1 I 2 � 1 1 1 2 8 - 8tand--hy 1 � I � -.•. f 1 2 4 ('al. se (11 �rrr�s i � (1 i i 2 � 2 1 1 6 13 Uncl ..��.si f i �c1 ' ' ! ; � i I ; 2 ) 1 3 HA:'.M(�T � , � � � � � i 1 1 ! ( � 2 ' i Mr�nthl y T'at��l � I � � � I 22 23 ' 11 22 25 ;24 27 ,18 24 28 21 �35 � 270 � , � . — --� 1�otezl Ca2 1 s 270 __ 14 ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT �MONT�LY CALL REPORT JANUARY 1989 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 1 89001 Rescue-resid. 2761 139 St . W. 1010 1033 16 D 2 89002 Fire-vehicle C.R. 42 & Chippendl 0629 0650 20 D 2 89003 Rescue-resid. 15553 Cornell Tr. 1617 1715 22 D 3 89004 Rescue-resid. 2240 138 St . E. 1733 1808 18 D 3 Dri1Z R. F. D. 1830 2000 30 N 3 89005 Fire-barn 15007 Fisher Ave . 1950 2315 31 N 6 89006 Smoke-resid. 4400 Upper 135 St . 0535 0631 12 N 6 89007 Rescue-bus . 3050 145 St. W. 1354 1418 10 D 7 89008 Rescue-resid. 3375 148 St . W. 1252 1329 19 D 8 89009 Rescue-resid. 14228 Dearborn Pth. 0020 0035 16 N 8 89010 1052 Hwy. 52 by Koch 1637 1645 19 D 10 89011 Dumpster fire Rosemount Elem. 1700 1720 25 D 10 Drill R.F.D. 1830 2130 33 N 14 89012 1052-cancel - Hwy. 3 & C.R. 42 1538 1541 18 D 15 89013 Fire-car 12750 S . Robert Tr. 0858 0922 11 D 17 89014 Fire-car 14850 Dallara 0655 0707 9 D 17 89015 Fire-tan bed Best Video 2145 2151 15 N 20 89016 Rescue-resid. 3175 145 St . W. 0642 0710 10 D 23 89017 Rescue-resid. 3611 155 St . W. 0124 0156 13 N 23 89018 Rescue-resid. 2790 Lower 138 St . 1541 1639 16 D 24 Drill R.F.D. 1830 2030 31 N 25 89019 Rescue-comm. Koch Refining 0151 0244 13 N 25 89020 1052 Hwy. 55 E. of 52 1726 1936 25 D 25 89021 Rescue-school D.C.V.T. I. 1821 1846 23 N 26 89022 Rescue-school D.C.V.T. I. 1935 2000 15 N FEBRUARY 1989 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 3 89023 Fire-car Crown Auto/ 0846 0938 13 � D -- 14555 S. Robert 6 Officer' s Mtg. R.F.D. 1900 2045 8 N 6 89024 Rescue-Resid. 14619 Dodd Blvd. 2154 2218 20 N � Drill R.F.D. 1830 2130 30 N 8 89025 1052 12637 Akron 1030 1110 10 D 10 89026 Rescue-cancel 2900 145 St . W. 1427 1438 8 D 11 89027 Rescue-Resid. 4212 147 St. W. 0342 0436 13 N 11 89028 Rescue-School Rosemount H.S. 1431 1507 21 D 13 89029 Fire-Chimney 1400 121 St. td. 1447 1620 14 D 14 Drill R.F.D. 1830 2030 32 N 18 89030 Rescue-Resid. 14530 Shannon Pkwy. 1208 1250 14 D 18 89031 Rescue-Resid. 4301 158 Ct . W. 2040 2110 17 N 24 89032 Rescue-School Rosemount H. S. 1104 1137 7 D 24 89033 Rescue-Cancel 145 St . & Chippendl 1557 1601 9 D 25 Stand-by Inver Grove F.D. 1800 2300 5 N 27 89034 1052 Hwy. 3 & C.R. 42 1903 2003 23 N 28 lst Res Rfrshr R,F.D. 1830 2215 34 N 28 89035 Rescue-Resid. 3260 Lwr 147 St . W. 2223 2305 17 N 15 MARCH 1989 � DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 1 89036 Fire-school Rsmt . Middle School 0448 0534 23 N 3 89037 Rescue-resid. 3315 146 St . W. 1853 1927 20 N 4 89038 Fire-car 3455 146 St . W 0240 0346 21 N 6 Officer' s Mtg. R.F.D. 1900 2000 10 N 7 lst Resp. Refr. R.F.D. 1830 2230 32 N 14 89039 Fire-house 14825 Charlston 1019 1207 14 D 14 1st Resp. Refr. R.F.D. 1830 2140 31 N 15 89040 Fire-industry Winko Warehouse '1551 1754 19 D 20 89041 Rescue-resid. 14600 Shannon Pkwy. 1025 1121 5 D 22 89042 1022 Cancelled 0120 0123 18 N 23 89043 Cancelled 3684 155 St . W. 1341 1401 15 D 23 89044 1052-Cancelled C.R. 42 & Hwy. 55 2014 2018 17 - N 28 89045 Rescue-resid. 1155 121st 0400 0442 17 N 28 lst Resp. Refr. R.F.D. 1830 2130 30 N 30 89046 Plutual Aid Stby Apple Valley F.D. 1426 1648 16 D APRIL 1989 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 1 Standby/Banquet R.F.D. 1800 2300 2 N 3 Officer' s Mtg. R.F.D. 1900 2010 8 N 3 89047 Rescue-Resid. 3389 140 St. E. 2239 2316 21 N 4 Drili (Capt ' s) R.F.D. 1830 2030 27 N 6 89048 Rescue-School D.C.V.T. I . 0751 0$37 10 D 7 89049 Rescue-Resid. 14610 Burma Ave. 0931 1011 6 D 8 89050 1052 3710 145 St. W. 1615 1659 26 D 10 89051 DOA 2871 139 St. W. 0838 0906 9 D 10 89052 Fire-grass ' C.R. 42 & Dodd 1734 1800 25 D 10 89053 Fire-car ' 15568 S. Robert 1944 2035 25 N 11 � Command Class R.F.D. 1830 2200 31 N 12 89054 Fire-grass ' C.R. 38 & Akron 1428 1528 12 D _ 12 89055 Fire-shed ' 4400 C.R. 42 1613 1708 22 D 13 89056 Rescue-Resid. 14610 Burma Ave. 1158 0024 16 N 15 89057 Fire-grass ' 6063 E. 160 St. 1607 1707 26 D 15 89058 1054 Hwy. 52 & 160 St. E. 2353 0014 22 N 17 89059 Fire-grass CF Industries 2120 2240 26 N 17 89060 Rescue-Resid. 3820 120 St. W. 0952 1034 12 D 20 89061 Rescue-Resid. 12955 Courthouse 0840 0850 10 D 21 89062 1052 4051 160 St . E. 0116 022$ 21 N 21 89063 Rescue-Resid. 14Q35 Blaine 1051 1153 9 D 21 89064 Rescue-Resid. 3350 L. 147 St. W. 2051 2125 19 N 24 89065 Rescue-Resid. 4212 147 St. W. 0135 0238 18 N 24 89066 Fire-Resid. 3540 140 St . E. 2053 2354 24 N 25 Drill-Barn Fire Dodd & Hwy. 3 1830 2100 31 N 27 89067 Rescue-Indust . Koch Refining/cancel 1028 11 D 27 Fire Drill ' Rsmnt. Middle Sch. 1245 1315 5 D 27 Fire Safety '' St . John Lutheran 1800 2045 5 N 29 89068 Rescue-Resid. 14900 Camfield Ct . 2113 2142 24 N 16 ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY CALL REPORT MAY 1989 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SF.RV YER SI�TrT 2 Drill R. F.D. 1830 2130 31 N 3 89069 Fire-Grass Rich Valley & 117 1013 1126 12 D 4 89070 , Rescue-Resid. 12360 Danbury Way 0625 0708 11 U ;� 6 89071 Cancelled 2015 2029 14 N 8 89072 Rescue-Indust. C & N lnd. 1051 1128 8 l) 8 89073 . Rescue-Resid. 3300 Upper 147 1230 131.b 13 I.) 8 89074 Rescue-School 3155 144 St. W. 1215 1253 5 D 9 89075 Rescue-School 3335 142 St. W. 1337 1357 12 � 9 Drill R.F.D. 1830 2130 32 N 11 89076 Fire-Tractor 145 & �iscayne 1749 1819 22 U 15 89077 Fire-Grass Akron , 120, C.R. 38 12U3 1529 12 D 15 89078 1052 - Cancel Koch Refining entr. 1235 1305 8 D 15 89079 No Burning Per. 4100 160 St. E. 1635 1700 5 I) 15 89080 1052 Hwy. 3 & 142 St . 1544 1627 14 I� 17 89081 Rescue-Resid. 14550 Biscayne Way 0007 0046 19 N 17 89082 1052 135 & Akron 2041 2135 24 N 18 89083 1052 13000 Biock Hwy. 3 0941 1031 10 n 18 89084 Rescue-School RHS Stadium 1809 1837 21 N 18 89085 Rescue-Resid. 3005 Lwr. l47 1905 1928 22 N 19 89086 Rescue-Resid. 2900 145 St. W. 0925 0956 7 D 20 89087 Rescue-Bus . 14685 S . Robt./Apco 1838 1917 21 N 20 89088 Rescue-Resid. 3380 Upr. 149 St . W.2200 2242 13 N 21 89089 Canceled Shenanigans 2231 2240 13 N 23 Capts . Drill Field 1830 2030 27 N 23 89090 1052 14300 Hwy. 3 2131 2235 30 N 23 89091 Fire-Car 156 & Cornell Tr. 2151 2235 30 N 26 89092 , Fire-Trlr. Home 2900 Lwr, 138 St . 2022 2215 19 N 31 89093 Open Burning 4357 160 St. E. 1614 1714 NP U 17 ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY CALL REPORT ,TUNE 19 8 9 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 1 89094 Rescue-Resid. 3428 148th St. W. 1537 1560 13 D 1 89095 Fire-Furnace 13498 Diamond Pth. 1614 1727 9 D 1 89096 Rescue-Resid. 14765 Delft 1637 1702 12 D 2 89097 1052 15600 S . Robert Tr. 1100 1136 11 D 2 89098 Rescue-Business House of Coates 1511 1557 16 D 5 89099 Rescue-Indust. Koch Refining 1549 1610 14 D 7 89100 Rescue-School Rsmt . Middle Sch. 1822 1842 17 N 13 Drill RFD 1830 2130 31 N 14 89101 1052 Hwy. 52 N. Coates 1645 1742 15 D 14 89102 Fire-Electrical 3447 Up. 149 St. W. 2304 2339 19 N 17 89103 Rescue-Resid. 4301 158 St. W. 1804 1823 11 N 19 89104 Fire-Grass 14425 Brazil Ave. 2315 2334 1� N 21 89105 Rescue-Commer. 145 St. & Robert 0323 0348 16 N 21 89106 1052 C.R. 42 & Biscayne 1054 1154 8 D 21 89107 Rescue-Resid. 13970 Broughshane 1915 1942 15 N 22 89108 1052 Hwy. 52 N. Coates 1706 1905 20 D 22 89109 1052 160th & Biscayne 1736 1905 20 D 23 89110 Rescue-Resid. 12505 Danbury Way 1625 1655 il D 26 89111 Rescue-Commer. 14635 S . Robert 1132 1156 9 D 27 Drill Burning Bldgs . 1830 2030 32 N 28 89112 Rescue-Resid. 14175 Ehlers Pth. 1403 1448 9 D 28 89113 Washdown Hwy. 3 & 132 St. 1659 1731 16 D 30 89114 Rescue-Resid. 14320 Cantata 1409 1441 11 D 30 89115 Fire Alarm 12955 Courthouse B. 1813 1859 22 D 34 89116 Haz-Mat Koch Refining 1859 1920 21 D 30 89117 False Alarm 14685 Biscayne Way 1924 1938 19 N 18 ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY CALL REPORT JULY 1989 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 1 89118 Mutual Aid 20416 Clayton 1424 1434 10 D 1 89119 Cancel City Limits 2215 2218 3 N 2 89120 Rescue-Resid. 14072 Dartmouth Pth 1552 1b16 13 D 4 89121 Fire-Car 14605 Chianti 0528 0619 24 D 4 89122 Rescue-Resid. 3405 143 St. W. 1630 1718 16 D 4 89123 1052 Diamond Pth. & 140 1742 1837 24 D 7 89124 Fire-R.R. Dock 14760 Robert Trail 1400 1500 8 N 8 89125 Mutual Aid C.R. 3 & C.R. 71 1717 2018 17 D 10 Officer' s MLg. R. F.D. 1900 2000 8 N 10 89126 Rescue-Resid. 3400 150 St. W. 2141 2202 2$ N il 89127 Fire-Grass 120 St. & Hwy. 3 0047 0120 18 N 11 89128 Rescue-Resid. 3194 131 St. W. 1033 1110 9 D 11 Capt ' s Drill R. F.D. 1830 2130 30 N 12 89129 Cancel 13885 S . Robert 1103 1112 8 D 12 89130 1052 Emery , S . of 42 1319 1357 ' 11 D 13 89131 1052 145 & Dallara 1938 2011 18 N 14 89132 1052 15400 S. Robert Tr. 2257 2323 14 N 15 89133 Rescue-Bus . Sportsman' s Bar 1521 1536 18 D 15 89134 Rescue-Res , 13899 Darwin Way 1702 1723 20 D 20 89135 Rescue-Indus . Koch Refining 1525 1531 7 D 20 89136 Rescue-Comm. VFW 1724 1753 $ D 21 89137 1052 Hwy. 52 by Koch 2030 2105 15 N 22 89138 Fire-Car C&F Industries 1213 1317 12 D 23 89139 1052 Dodd & Cimarron 1543 1605 16 D 23 89140 Fire-Dryer 3275 E. 145 St. 2056 2118 19 N 23 89141 Hazmat Spill 14550 S. Robert Tr. 2335 0051 15 N 25 Drill R.F.D. 1830 2030 29 N 25 89142 Rescue-Resid. 2790 Lwr 138 St. W. 0957 1024 9 D 27 89143 Fire-Grass 125 & Rich Valley 1011 1140 9 D 29 89144 1052-Cancel Hwy. 3 & 145 1716 1721 20 D 19 AUGUST 1989 � DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 3 89145 Fire-Resid. 14520 Burnley 0919 1230 12 D 4 89146 Rescue-Resid. 16234 Coates Blvd. 0150 0252 14 N 5 89147 1052 13985 S . Robert Tr. 0015 0130 12 N 7 Officer' s Mtg. R.F. D. 1900 2010 9 N 8 Capts . Drill R. F. D. 1830 2130 28 N 9 Air Bag Trng. R.F.D. 1830 2030 21 N 15 89148 1052 13021 Rich Valley 1735 1825 21 D 16 89149 Re.scue-Resid. 15637 Cornell Tr. 2152 2225 18 N 18 89150 Rescue-Indust. Koch Refining 1512 1530 12 D 19 89151 Fire-Trash Hwy. 38 & Biscayne 0804 1019 15 D 19 89152 Rescue-Resid. 14946 Chorley Ave. 1936 2015 16 N 19 89153 Rescue-Comm. Shenanigans 2023 2050 17 - N 20 89154 Fire-Shed 14997 Fischer 1418 1520 25 D � 20 89155 Rescue-Park 14340 Brazil 1917 1942 11 N 20 89156 Rescue-Resid. 15637 Cornell Tr. 1957 2034 13 N 22 Drill - Rsmt . Middle Schl. 1830 2030 29 N 26 89157 1052 C.R. 42 & Shannon 2039 2205 15 N 29 89158 Fire-Grass E. of Akron/135th 1155 1250 11 D 29 89159 Fire-Grass " " 1430 1457 3 D 29 89160 Mutual Aid Hwy. 61 & 190 2356 0338 12 N 30 89161 Rescue-Resid. 4180 160 E. 1622 1702 15 �D 31 89162 Fire-Resid. 14915 Crandall 2218 0012 23 N SEPTEMBER 1989 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 4 89163 Rescue-Resid. 14510 Burnley 1650 1714 24 D 5 Test Hose R.F.D. 1830 2130 28 N 7 89164 Cancel Koch Refining 1729 1732 10 D 7 89165 Rescue-Resid. 14125 Akron 2310 2346 15 N 8 89166 Rescue-Resid. 14400 Blaine Ct. 0342 0422 14 N 9 89167 Rescue-Resid. 14210 Dearborn Pth. 0014 0043 12 N 9 89168 Rescue-Bus . Chee's Cafe 0647 0733 17 D 9 89169 Airplane Crash 155th & Akron 1301 1440 26 D _ 9 89170 1052 15400 S. Robert 1510 1605 20 D 10 89171 Rescue-Resid. 14560 Cameo 0543 0605 20 D 10 89172 Mutual Aid 117th, W. of 52 1336 1452 16 D 11 Officer' s Mtg. R.F.D. 1900 2100 10 N 12 Test Hose R.F.D. 1830 2130 28 N 14 89173 Rescue-Bus . Chee' s Cafe 1413 1444 9 D 15 89174 Rescue-School St. Joseph' s 1234 1302 11 D 18 89175 Rescue-Resid. 15607 Darling Pth. 1454 1538 15 D 19 89176 Rescue-Resid. 3796 125 St. 1527 1557 14 D 19 89177 Rescue-Resid. 3690 Upper 143 St. 1858 � 1924 19 N 21 89178 Fire-Res ./Stove 2135 128 St. 0810 0856 14 D 22 89179 Rescue-Resid. 2051 145 St. E. 0712 0751 11 D 22 89180 Fire-Tree Dump U of M Property 1319 1440 9 D 25 89181 Rescue-Resid. 13327 Blaine 1543 1621 14 D � 26 Drill/SCBA's R.F.D. 1830 2030 29 N 26 89182 Rescue-Resid. 3786 145 St. W. 2117 2142 31 N 27 89183 1050 Cancelled 1310 1319 10 D 30 89184 Fire-Barn 2409 138 St. E. 1627 1934 32 D 30 89185 Rescue-Resid 3110 140 St. E. 2248 2329 28 N 30 89186 Fire-Brush 2409 138 St. E. 2320 0010 20 N 20 ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY CALL REPORT OCTOBER 19$9 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV 'PER SHIFT 2 Officer' s Mtg. R. F. D. 1900 2015 10 N 3 Chimney Drill R. F. D. 1830 2130 28 N 3 89187 Rescue-Resid . 13768 Danbury Pth. 1952 2024 28 N 4 89188 1052 170 & Blaine 0548 06485 16 N 8 89189 Rescue-Resid. 2815 138 St. W. 1459 1523 21 D 9 89190 Rescue-School D.C.V.T. I. 1809 1833 21 N 10 89191 Rescue-School Rsmt . Middle School 1623 1643 8 D 10 Address-Drill Field 1830 2130 25 N 10 89192 Rescue-Comm. Kenrose Mall 2057 2110 27 N 11 89193 Rescue-Resid. 13650 Courthouse B. 2231 2330 19 N 12 89194 Rescue-Resid. 5482 160 St . E. 2159 2302 23 N 13 89195 Rescue-Resid. 2925 145 St. W. 0924 0959 13 D 14 89196 1052 Hwy . 55 W. of 42 2122 2158 23 N 18 89197 Rescue-Resid. 2240 138 St. E. 0330 0420 17 N 20 89198 Fire-Grass 13584 Diamond Pth. 2155 2224 16 N 22 89199 Rescue-Resid. 14560 Cameo 0521 0605 21 N 23 89200 Rescue-Resid. 2820 Lwr. 138 E. 1707 1723 22 D 24 89201 Rescue-Resid. 3566 146 St. W. 0030 0057 17 N 24 89202 Rescue-Resid. 14765 Delft Ave. 0813 0842 9 D 24 89203 Rescue-School Rsmt. High School 0850 0917 9 D 24 89204 1052 145 & Canada 0917 0945 8 D 24 89205 Fire-Field 13800 Biscayne 1338 1725 24 D 24 Drill R. F. D. 1830 2030 26 N 25 89206 � Open Burning Akron & C.R. 38 1047 1134 5 D 25 89207 Bomb Threat Rsmt . H. S. (standby)1315 1335 7 D 26 89208 Fire-Tree Dump 2100 154 St. 0013 0144 19 N 26 89209 Fire-Hay 125 & Dodd Blvd. 0201 0408 20 N 26 89210 Fire-Grass City Tree Dump 0354 0444 19 N 27 89241 Rescue-Bus . 14450 S . Robert Tr. 1254 1317 9 D 28 89212 1050 3690 Blaine 0833 0859 23 D 28 89213 Rescue-Bus . Chee' s Cafe 1040 1117 17 D 29 89214 Fire-Smoke 15635 Cornell Tr. 2329 2355 26 N ; i � ; ; I I ; i � , 21 s ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY CALL REPORT NOVEMBER 1989 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 2 89215 1052-Cancel Hwy. 3 & Chile 0715 0719 7 D 2 89216 Stand-by 125 & S . Robert 0721 0819 7 D 3 89217 Rescue-Resid. 14615 Delft 1829 1906 14 N 6 89218 Rescue-School D.C.T.C. 1117 1144 8 D 7 Drill R.F.D. 1830 2130 29 N 7 89219 1052 H. 55, E. of Pine B.0723 0800 15 D 7 89220 1052 C.R. 42 & Shannon 191$ 1958 29 N 10 89221 1052 H. 52, N. of 160 0933 1048 9 D 10 89222 Fire-Car 2855 160 St. 1344 1418 11 D 11 89223 Fire-Grass 2182 135 St. 1613 1731 27 D 13 89224 1050 C.R. 42 W. of Chipp. 1725 1805 23 N 14 Capts . Drill R.F.D. 1830 2130 31 N 14 89225 Rescue-Resid, 14329 Cantata Ave. 1138 1223 7 D 14 89226 Stand-by Dixie Chemical � 1345 1500 2 D 15 89227 Fire-Tree Dump City Tree Dump 1755 1828 27 N 21 89228 Fire-Dumpster 13960 S. Robert 0855 0926 6 D 22 89229 Rescue-Resid. 14760 S . Robert 0905 0931 7 D 24 89230 1052 6063 160 St. E. 1743 1928 22 D 24 89231 1052 H. 55 & C.R. 42 1800 1928 22 N 24 89232 1052 H. 55 & C.R. 42 2307 2350 14 N 26 89233 Fire Alarm D.C.T.C. 1303 1353 20 D 26 89234 Mutual Aid 7148 150th/Hastings 1610 1852 19 D 27 89235 Fire-House 14049 Dartmouth Pth.0257 1108 33 N 28 Dr.ill R.F.D. 1830 2030 29 N 22 s � ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHIJY REPORT DECEMBER 1989 DATE CALL N0. TYPE ADDRESS PAGE SERV PER SHIFT 2 89236 Rescue-Resid. 15613 Darling Path 1556 1637 14 D 3 89237 1052 Cancelled 1252 1254 11 D 4 89238 Rescue-Resid. 15613 Darling Path 0519 0528 14 N 4 89239 Rescue-Resid. 14595 Cimarron 1158 1229 9 D 4 Officer's Mtg. R.F.D. 1900 2040 10 N S Drill R.F.D. 1830 2130 30 N 5 89240 Rescue-Resid. 2474 145 St. W. 2143 2210 26 N 9 89241 Electrical Fire 2793 Upper 138 St. W. 1944 2022 AV N il 89242 1052 Hwy. 55 & C.R. 42 1747 1753 27 N 12 89243 Rescue-Resid. 15120 Biscayne 1247 1313 12 D 12 Drill Grief Bros. 1830 2130 28 N 12 89244 Rescue-Indust. 13220 Doyle Path 0342 0456 25 , N 14 89245 Fire-Pole Barn 13780 Blaine Ave. 22�30 0614 29 N 15 89246 Rescue-Resid. 2470 145 St. W. 0044 0050 29 N 15 89247 Rescue-Resid. 4137 151 St. W. 0739 0807 11 N 15 89248 Mutual Aid I.G.H. 1034 1157 10 D 15 89249 Rescue-Resid. 14550 Biscayne Way 2042 2114 14 N 16 89250 Mutual Aid Farmington 2222 0255 23 N 17 89251 Fire-Pole Barn 13780 Blaine Ave. 1446 1604 26 D 20 89252 Rescue-Resid. 2924 138 St. W. 2106 2127 17 N 21 89253 False Alarm � D.C.T.C. 0129 0149 14 N 21 89254 False Alarm Winko 0352 0424 12 N 21 89255 Fire-House 12552 S. Robert Tr. 0732 1712 24 D 21 89256 Fire-Elec. Stove 15215 Danville Ave. 1715 1759 26 D 21 89257 Fire-House 12552 S. Robert Tr. 1735 1844 26 D 21 89258 Fire-Chimney 2058 135 St. W. 2244 2326 19 N 22 89259 Fire-House 12552 S. Robert Tr. 1118 1205 7 D 22 89260 Rescue-Indust. 4230 Pine Bend T�. 1326 1410 10 D 22 89261 1052 Hwy. 3 & 144 St. W. 1451 1522 12 D 22 89262 1052 - Cancel C.R. 42 & Hwy. 3 1622 1626 13 D 23 89263 False Alarm D.C.T.C. 0414 0442 14 N 23 89264 False Alarm D.C.T.C. 1010 1047 9 D 24 89265 Smoke-Business Shamrock Animal Clinic 1638 1755 21 D 24 89266 Fire Alarm D.C.T.C. 2226 2257 17 N 26 89267 Rescue-Resid. 151st & Chippendale 0834 0856 10 D 26 89268 Fire Alarm D.C.T.C. 1146 1146 10 D 26 Drill & Mtg. R.F.D. 1830 2030 29 N 28 89269 Coord. Investigtn.13780 Blaine Ave. 1035 1330 1 D 30 89270 1052 Hwy. 55 & C.R. 42 1421 1510 23 D 23