HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Economic Developmen Authority F � �li���� # • � •• P(l �(1X 51p l�l; U �ai� r•�.,rri :,� v�; OS�'�Yl,'OL�Yl� � � RosE�nour�i-. Mir�rv�so-rA�s�o�� 6t2—d23 44 r t TO: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATOR FROM: TRACIE L. PECHONICR, E.D. SPECIALIST DATE: FEBRUARY 16� 1990 SUBJ: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY As recommended by both the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Rosemount City Council, staff has worked with consultants Roger Knutson of Campbell, Knutson, Scott and Fuchs, P.A. , and Rusty Fifield and Dan O'Neill of Public Financial . Systems, in the research and development of those steps necessary to create an Economic Development Authority ("EDA") within the City of Rosemount. In establishing the proposed Rosemount EDA the following was determined: 1. The EDA would be granted all the powers authorized by Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.090 to 469. 108, 469.001 ta 469.047, and 469.124 to 469. 134. This includes all the powers of a housing and redevelopment authority. 2 . The EDA would be governed by five (5) commissioners. At least two (2) of the commissioners would be City Council members. The compensation of commissioners is set at $25.00 per meeting, not to exceed $1, 500.00 per year. � 3 . All the existing projects of the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority would be transferred to the EDA. 4 . Al1 employees of the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority would become employees of the EDA. , In conjunction with the proposed creation of an EDA, staff worked with said consultants in establishing a plan for Development District Number 1 and a tax increment plan for Tax rncrement Financing (Economic Development) District Number 1-1. A working draft of both plans will be presented at the meeting on Tuesday. t At this time the following pro�ess is requested: 1. a) Open scheduled Public Hearing b) Receive public comment regarding the proposed Rosemount Economic Development Authority. c) Close Public Hearing 2. a) Adopt the RESOLUTION ESTABLISHINa THE ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 3. a) Recess the City Council Meeting 4 . a) Call to order the first meeting of the Rosemount EDA. b) Rosemount EDA adapts A RESOLUTION REQUESTINa THE ROSEMOUNT CITY C�UNCIL TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING UPON AND APPROVE THE DESIGNATION �F DEVELOPMENT DI$TRICT NUMBER 1 AND A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLl�T FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NUMBER 1-1 c) Close meeting of the EDA. 5. a) Reconvene Rosemount City Council meeting b) Rosemount City Council adoption of A RESOLUTION CALLIN� A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DESIGNATION OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 1 AND A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NUMBER '' 1-1 Also attached simply for your information is the PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ON CREATION OF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 1 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NUMBER 1-1. The consultants as well as staff will be present at the meeting on Tuesday to provide further information and to respond to your questions and comments regarding the many issues presented herein. Thank you for your consideration. , � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY� MINNESOTA REBOLUTION 2990- RESOLUTION ESTABLISHINCi THE ROSEMOUNT ECbNOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ° WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 469.090 et sect. authorizes the establishment of an economic development authority in the City of Rosemount; NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount: . 1. There is hereby established within the City of Rosemount an Economic Development Authority. The name of the Authority sha11 be the "Rosemount Economic Development Authority" ("Authority'�) . 2. Subject to the limitations contained in this resolution, the Authority is granted the powers cantained in Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.090 to 469. 108 and the powers of a housing and redevelopment authority under Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.001 to 469.047 or other law, and of a city under Minnesota Statutes Sections 469. 124 to 469.134 or other law. 3 . Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.092 the Authority�s exercise of power is subject to the following limitations: a. That the Authority foliow the budget process for City departments as provided by the City; b. That all official actions of the Authority must be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan of the City, and any official controls implementing the comprehensive plan. 4 . The Authority shall have five (5) Commissioners, two of whom must be members of the City Council. The Commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The initial appointment of Commissianers shall be for terms of two, three, faur, five and six years, respectively. Thereafter, all Commissioners shall be appointed for six year terms. A vacancy is created in the membership of the Authority when a City Council member of the Authority ends City Council membership. The initial appointments are as follows: t '� Commissioner Term Endina Joseph Walsh February 1, 1992 Michael Willard February 1, 1993 Dennis Wippermann February 1, 1994 Vernon Napper February 1, 1995 (open seat) February 1, 1996 5. The Commissioners may be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses and shall be paid $25.00 per meeting not to exceed a total annual payment of $1,500.00 per member. 6. There is hereby transferred to the Authority the control, authority, and operation of any existing project as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 469. 174, Subdivision 8, or any other program or project authorized by Sections 469.001 to 469.047 or Minnesota Statutes Sections 469. 124 to 469. 134 located within the City ta the Authority. The Authority is required to accept control, authority, and operation of such projects. The Authority may exerci.se all of the powers that the government unit establishing the project could exercise with respect to the project. 7. A1Z employees, if any, of the Rosemaunt Housing and Redevelopment Authority are hereby made employees of the Authc�rity. ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motian by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 1 �i THE ECONOMIC DEVEL(3PMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF RO$EMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTIdN 1990- � A RESOLUTI4N REQUESTINa THE ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING UPON AND APPROVE THE DESIGNATION OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 1 AND A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING ° PLAN FOR TA% INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NUMBER 1-1 W�iEREAB, there has been prepared and presented to the Authority a written development program for Development District Number 1 and a tax increment financing plan for Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District Number 1-1; WHE�EAS, the Authority has investigated the facts and reviewed the tax increment financing plan and development program and finds that it is ne�essary and in the best interest of the City and its inhabitants for the Authority to undertake at�d cornplete the proj ect in acoordance with said plans; WHEREAS, the undertaking and completion of the project in accordance with said development plan, will result in the accomplishment of the public purposes and objectives set forth in Minnesota Statutes Sections 469. 124 to 469. 134; � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE80LVED, by the Economic Development Authc�rity af the City of Rosemountc 1. The Secretary is authorized and directed to submit a certified copy of this resolution and of the development program to the Planning Commission of the City and to request the Commission to issue its written opinion as to whethe� said plans conform to the comprehensive plans for the development of the City, the zoning ordinance, and any other general plan for the development of the project area and the surrounding area. 2 . The Secretary is authorized and directed to submit a certified copy of this resolution and of the development program and tax increment financing plan and, upan receipt, the opinion of the Planning Commission ta the City Council, which is hereby requested to approve the plans. � . ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 1990. Joseph Walsh, Chairperson ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Ex. Director �I Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: i y CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1990- A RESOLUT�ON CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DESIGNATION OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 1 AND A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCINt3 (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT} DISTRICT NUMBER 1-1 WHEREAS, Minnesata Statutes Section 469. 124 to 469. 134 and Sections 469. 174 and 469. 179 (collectively the "Act") authorize the establishment af a Development District and a tax increment financing district within said Development District in the City of Rosemount; �PHE�tEAB, said Act requires that the City Council conduct a public hearing on this proposal; NOW, TSEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount: 1. The City Council shall conduct a hearing on the 27th day of March, 1990, in the Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, at 8 o'clock p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider the designation of Development District Number 1 and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District Number 1-1. 2. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause said Notice of Hearing and a map indicating the boundaries af the Development District and the Tax Increment Financing District to be published in the local official newspaper at least once not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days prior to the date af the hearing. 3. A copy of the Notice of Hearing shall be mailed to the Dakota County Auditor and to the Superintendent of Independent School District Number 196. 4. The proposals shall be presented to the Rasemount Planning Commission for its review prior to the date of the hearing. , ,I . : , ADaPTED this 20th day af February, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTESTt Susan M. Johnson, City C1erk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ON CREATION OF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NOMB$R 1 AND TA8 INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCINQ (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NUMBER 1-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN, that the Rosemount City Council will meet at the City Council chambers in the Rosemount City Hall, 28�5 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, at 8 o'clack p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, on the 27th day of March, 1990, to consider creation of a development program for propased Development District Number 1 and a tax increment financing plan for Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District Number 1-1. Accompanying this notice is the map showing the Tax Increment Financing District from which increments may be collected and the Development District in which the increments may be expended. A copy of the Development Program for the Development District and � �he Tax Increment Finaricing Plan is available for public inspection �t the City Hall during regular business hours. Anyone who wishes to commerit will be heard at the hearing. Dated this 2bth day of February, 1990. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY� • Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATI�N STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County of Dakota ) NANCY J. GUSTAFSON,being duly sworn,on ooN�sara Nwt slro is an qufl�orised agent aed PU B1.IC NOTICE �"'�Oy�°f the publisher of the newsp�re�known os Rakoro CouMr Tdbune,and hoa fuil knowledge Cmr oF RosEMpu�r of N�e faeh which are stafed balow: NltLIC HEARqr6 NQTICE ON TH�ESTA{USNMENT OF AN ECQNOMIC DtY�LORMiNT AUTHORIfY NOTICE i8 HEREBY (iIYEN th�t the (A)TM eewspopar hor tomplied with all oi M�e requiroaronts consNtuHnp puolifieation a�a leyd Ro�emamt Cley Counctl w111 mest at Ehe CI cbtmcll ehsmbers in the R,oeema�t City t�s� newepaper,as previdad by Minnasa�e Statule 331 AA2,331 A.OT end otha oppl{eobl�lawt,as amended, z87s iasth 3treet West,Roeemount,Minnc aota,at 8 o'clock p.m.,a ea aoon thereafter aa poesible,on the 20Fh day of Februery,1980. �'_.c to coneider adoptlon of an enebling reaolution (g)The printed that wro�ild create an ecaamic develo�nent aut6oritp ("Aufhmity"). The teeo}ution �Ov(des: 1.7'he Authority would be grahted all the powere authaized by Minpesota Statutea SecUons�.090 to 989.106,4�.001 tb IA9.047, am!9s9.124 to 4�.1s4.This includee ail the powers of a houaing a�redeveiopment authaity. 2.T6e Authaity would be governed by fve ts)commissi�ers.At teast two(2)of the whieh is ottoched waa cut from the calumns of soid newapoper,ond was printed ond publiahed onee commissiooers would be City Couticil members.15�e compensatia►�commis- aionen is set at 52.5.00 per meeting,eot to '.,-- ��;�d�Pe�'Y�r. each week,for �-�--}b suceessiMe weeks;it was ng�oJe�af the Roeemount Housing and Redevelopment Autha�ity eould be trareferred to the Authority. �.-f _ � �j`U._C_�t'' _` a.All employeee o[the Kasemount Housi� first published on Thursday,the ���` day of �-' �1 _ and Redevelopment Authority would ' become empioyees d the Authority. AnY��wishea to cmnment wi11 be t�rd at t6e beadng. �_ �� q� �blished on ev ng DATED this 7fh day of FeMvary,1990. �9 Q , and woa fhereoh� ery Thursdar to ond ineludi CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY:Susan M.Johneon, Citp Gietk C� �' � eas� Thursdoy,fhe �v,_�^ day of - e�r ��� � .19��: omf printed 6elow is a eopy of tl�e lower eose olphabet#rom A to Z,�both inclnsire,wMeh ia herobr aeknowiedgad as being fhe sise a�d kind of lype used irt the eomposiNon�d pabqeaHon of tha�roHce: a bcde[ghijkim�xipqrstuvwxyz //�� / • I l vV'W f. BY. ' 17TLE:Seerotary � ubli l (� C� � Subsuibed o�swan w beforo on fhis �� `� dar of �-d�__ 1 '19�". � � �.. �. Notory Publie i �,.a�,. CARQLd HAVERLAND � � (�TApY pUBLIC—M11�q+lESOTA �A�coT�►courmr My Cor,or�ton Ex�oec.s.,ss� PA BOr 5t0 Z�� � 2875-tASTH ST. W. osernoun� ��SEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55Q68 612-423-4411 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTED HEARING NOTICE ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAROTA ) ss CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Johnson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On February 7, 1990, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875, 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of public hearing for the Rosemount Economic Development Authority. �rA?� S san M. J h on, City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ?th day of February, 1990. Notary Pu ic r ■ GI�lQY DORA!it��N °'=' N07ARY PUBI�G—!�4#iV�lEStITA � DAttOTA COUNTY .` N�y Comm.Expi�es Aug.25.iW5 w ■ P.O. BOX 510 j�� � 2975-1457H ST. W. ` M ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA 55068 �Se��u/�.� 812-d23-4411 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Pt1HLIC HEARINf3 NOTIGE �N THE E�TA'�LIBHMENT OF AN ECt?NOMIC DFs�TELOPMENT AUTHORITY NOTICE IS HEREBY c3IVEN that the Rosemount C3.ty Council will meet at the City Council chambers in the Rosemount City Ha].�, 28'�5 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, at 8 o'cloek p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, on the 20th day of February, 1990, to consider adoption of an enabling resolution that would create an economia develapment authar�.ty ('�Authority") . The resolution provides: : 1. The Authority would be granted all the powers authorizec� by Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.090 to 469. 108, 469.001 to 469.047, and 469. 124 to 469. 134. This includes all the powers of a housing and redevelopment authority. 2 . The Authority would be qoverned by five (5) commissioners. At least two (2) of the commissioners would be City Council members. The compensation of commissioners is set at $25. 00 per meeting, not to exceed $1,500.00 per year. 3 . All the existing projects of the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority would be transferred to the Authority. 4 . All employees of the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority would become employees of the Authorfty. Anyone who wishes to comment will be heard at the hearing. DATED this 7th day of February, 1990. CITY OF RO5EMOUNT � � � �.��r�%� BY: S san M. oh son, City Clerk