HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.f. County Road 42 Bike Trail � ' I P.O. BOX 510 � \���� � 2875-145TH ST W. OS�II'�.0��� �OSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4414 ��� ,r+�.-.....�r..�wn . . T0: MAYOR / CITY �UNCIL FROM: David J. Bechtold — Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: February 14, 1990 RE: County Road ;� 42 Bike Trail Dakota County has identified various roadways where shoulders of the roads and/or off road trails aerve as s "county wide corridor system". The section of that corridor sqstem located within the City of Rosemount is identified as an off road trail aection from State Highway #3 to Diamond Path. This section of the corridor is not completed at this time. It was acheduled to be completed in two separate construction programs as early as 1986 and 1987. Because of varions financial changes snd political involvements this aection of trail has come under hesvy scrutiny and has not been constructed. In a short meeting desling with bike ways where area parks directors and aeveral county ataff inembers were present this item was again discussed. It was explained by county ataff inembers that the money is in the 1990 budget for the trail to be conetructed, however, until a authorization is made by appropriate representative member� of the Citp of Rosemount no setion will be m�de to work on the trail. If no action is taken to move on the issue by the Citp the funds will be removed from the county budget and spent elaewhere. Due to a change in policp relating to trail construction and maintenance on the county eorridor ayetem all future conetruction wi11 be charged to the Citp and not to the county. The 1989 county CIP report identified $62,SOO.pQ for the canstruction o£ this trail section. Ma�or issues relating to this off road bike way section on County Road �42 is location and sa€ety. Iasues addre8sed by citp staff: 1• City need for diversion of bikers and walkere on Canada Ave. to alternate citq trails that either presently exist or that would be conatructed (see attached) 2• promote safety on bike ways and walk ways through education and signage (aee attached) A,...... � . . 3. that the City cause the construction of a trail on the south aide of this section to compliment use of the cownty trail system as we11 as other citq connecting sectiona 4. requeat that fence between homes and the trail pro�ect on the north aide be designed and constructed in con�unction with county construction Council action suggeated bq a consenaus of department heads is to move to reques� the county to conatruct the bike way aection on the north eide of County Road � 42 from Highwaq � 3 to Diamond Path. The etaff person to repreaent the City should be the Ci�p Engineer. In the � request for the trail construction item #4 above (requesting a fence between the trail and the homes) should also be made to the county. . . � . DIVERSION ROUZ'ES F�DUCATION ON US� OF TRAIIS Canada Avenue Crossing of County Road #42 1. remove access area that presently exists to cross at this area 2. remove cross walk psintings on County Road #42 at Canada Avenue 3. mark area on Canada Avenue with a sign that saps "not a crossing area" (or some auch language on sign) 4. work with home owners to have f ence put up in this area Diversion Routes (Canada Ave. to Highway #3) 1. Canada Avenue route to continue along boarder of Camfield Park along church parking lot and continue alon the east boarder to 8 cit streets. Y 2. Trail from Camfield Park on the east will follow city streets to Highway #3 3. Trail will go along west side of Highway #3 to Countp Rd. # 42 (Canada Ave. to Ch3ppendale Ave. and Dodd Road) 1. Signage insgtalled at church area le�ting people know where trail routes will take them. 2. Add future trail route on 147th street to Chippendale bike trail and continue on 147th street to the bike trail on Dodd Road that is planned for construction in the summer of 1990. Education on T5rai1 Use 1. articles in newspapers and in regular issues of Citq Newsletter 2. additional signage (like that used on cross country ski trails) 3. discussions of safe tra31 use in recreation programs with pouth 4. include comment for safe trail use at police bike training program