HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Town Green Committee •i P.O. BOX 510 1l Z� � 2875-145TH ST.W. OSern�,L�!�� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5506$ 612-423-4411 ITBM 5. 8. 4 February 16, 1990 . T0: Mayor Napper Council Members: �lassen Oaborough Willcox . : -_. Wippermann � , �.v � ,; �; _ a:x .,X . FROM: � t' �"`Stephan Ji1k," City� Administra�or . .:> , ti. ., , _. , . : BBs .:�; µ��Towa Green 'Committee,8equest for Services . , _ �, . _ ._ . ,. ._ _ In July of 1989 the coacept of a "Town Green" Ad Hoc Committee was approved by the City Council. It'a purpose, function and responsibilities are outlined in the' attached memo presented by former Mayor Hoke. ` . ,, ,. . . �.: .. That committee_ has met several times over the _last several months and has `worked" very hard to complete seveial of its' assigned tasks. �,.. '-s,:, ; .. . , � :. <. The Committee has: 1. Set a time frame for. the completion of ita initial ; : _ . ;; . work. , . 2. < .. Reviewed background data 3ncluding the citizena , ' '� attitude survey, the U of M IIrban Design Team Report and Citizens Advisory Committee Becommendations. They have also visited other communities aad pro�ects rhich offered ideas and alternatives for similar activities. 3. Developed a theoretical description of and definition for "Town Green" . 4. Conducted a sight analpsis iaventory to determine an appropriate site for the pro ect which they have determiaed to be a portion o� ezisting Brickson Park. , 5. Developed a "Wish List" of items the Co�mittee Would lilce to see become part of the pro�ect. ' b. Have deter�ined the need for a consnitiag service to provide ezpertise in landscape architectare and facility layout to assist the committee in determiaing the feasibilYty of the chosea location and the faat�tres of the proposed pro�ect. . � � July 13, 19$9 T0: Council Members FROM: Maqor �ioke RE: Town Green Ad Hoc Committee Charge Charter: The purpose of the Town Green Ad Hoe Committee is to serve the Park Board and City Council as a fact finding work group that will provide direction in regard to pro�ect design, location, funding, and promotion. BackQround: The Town Green Ad Hoc Committee� s place in the local government organization is described below. CITY COUNCIL - PARK BOARD PLANNING C M SSION UTILITIES COMMI$SION TOWN GRE N AD HOC COMMITTEE While the Town Green Committee is officially commissioned by the city council, it is at the same time as extension of, and plays an advisory role to the Park Board by providing fact, funding, and promotion. Because this pro�ect falls out of the overall plans for park development it will require special attention in all of the above referenced areas in order to "fast track" it through its pro,�ect stages. � � _ � �, ,.� In executing its charter, the Town Green Committee wi�.l serve in an Ad Hoc capacitq, that is, it has been created to deal with a one time issue, i.e. "Town Green" , and is there€ore temporary in nature. Such a committee acts at the direction of the Park Bnard follow3.ng the approval of the recommended guidelines for its function. To accomplish this, a verp firm communication between the Park Board and this committee must be maintained so the Park Board can monitor and approve stages of the pro�ect such as the initial land use inventory, alternative site review, design, funding, promotion and construction. As the committee completes the proposed steps of the project the Park Board wi11 monitor and approve those steps. As an Ad Hoc committee, the Town Green Committee does not have policy making authoritg, more over , while the Park Board and Citp Council recognizes the merits of the Town Green concept and the wishes of the committee to bring the pro�ect to completion, the Park Board and council reserve final authority in determining the feas-i.bility and ultimate approval, of the project. 1 . �,, � As a c3tizen committee i.t is also assumed that committee members will attempt to re£lect the goals, values and dream� of the community. Key Functions and Respansib�lities 'I'f� pur�ue the pro�ec� � cerY.rti,n atepq must be t�k�n encl t�rak� ncc:��m�► I. i�hect re�nrcli.n� extenH.t.ve revi.ew r�E 1ocf�tla�i ctes.i.��i, eosts, funding , promot3.on and construction. This mi.ght incXude but not limited to: a . Refining the tasks of the committee and setting a time frame for the completi�n' of. its wark. b. Reviewing what has taken place up to this point and identi£y the driving forces behind the Town Green concept. Perhaps a review of the Citizen' s Survep, Town Meeting input, Citizen Advisory Committee Reeommendatians "and Urban Design Team Recommendations would be heYpful. c. Developing a theoretical description of and definition for "Town Green" . In other words, what do we mean by the concept? Reach a consensus on the purpose and description of "Town Green" . d. Condueting a site analysis inventory to determine the appropriate site for the pro�ect. Work with the Park Board and city staff in evaluating alternative sites, including Erickson Park and other community and neighborhood parks and potential public open space. e . A thorough design study regarding the following; lj Iandscaping 2) decorative ligh�ing 3) flowers, shrubs, walkways, trees 4) old fashioned bandstand/gazebo 5) nature area 6) others to be determined f . Working with Park Board in choosing potential landscape architectural services which might design the pro�ect. g. Developing a plan for pramotion, fund raising and public information and community participation in the pro�ect. � �, ., ��. � � t . h. Investigating potential corporate contribution and additional private contrihutions needed from sources outside of city government funding for the pro�ect. 2 F y. Job Aescrintion: 1 ) attend meetinga as determined by the committee 2) active partic�.pation in discussion 3) vote on action 4) implement spee�.fic tasks as determined l�c9c�urcee: 1) city staff 2) landscape architectura�. services 3) land use inventory 4) t3rban Design Team Recommendations S) Citizen Attitude Survey 6) Advisory Committee Recommendations 7) Town Green or beautification project undertaken by other communities 8) Portfolios of landscape architectural firmfs proaects � � �� . c:r' �`. +\ � ' . U � � � � � \ C 1� . ._ „ .i, ��.e.. : . . . � � . '.. . . . � .l . .� . �� 3 Town Green Ad }ioc Meeting Navember 15, 19$9 TOWN GREF.N "WISH LIST" Gateway liorseshoe Pit Farmers Market Gazebo Shelter Ducks Church Chutes � I,adders Pictorial History Kiask Waterfall Fa�m Implement Display I3enches Paths Aecorative Light.i.ng �3a�idshell Amphitheater ponor Baard P4aster Plan Board Decking an hill Phases of T�ife Pond rountain Flowers/Plantings Roses by antry Perenniat Garden Wi.ldflower Prairie Japanese Garden Evergreens-creeping , tree Events : Christmas Tree Decorating Contest Garolers Weddings � Christmas Pageant Chriatm�as Tree Lighting ,Ceremony J�eprechaun Day' s Fvents Fireworks - 4th of Jtily Family Picnics �NTRY WAY - PHASE I Stone wa11 Overlook Courtyard/P1aza Monument/Statue ��t�W�Y RosesJShrub Roses Other Flowers Evergreens Pi.ctorial History Farm Impleinent Displap ,