HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.q. Approve Staff Attebdabce at Annual Parks & Recreation Conference � z P.O. BO X 510 , M Z�� O 2875-145TH ST. W. ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 �se I i'L�'un� 612-423-441 1 �� T0: Steve Jilk - City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation A D- O� DATE: Februa.ry 19, 1990 RE; Mn. Parks & Recreation Convention Staff of the Recreation Department are interested in attending the State Convention for Parks & Reereation. It will be held in the Radisson South Hotel in Bloomington on the dates of February 28, March 1, and March 2, 1990. The cost of the convention is $130.00 per person. This is for registration to the meetings only. Lisa Jost, Jane Mollman, and I will plan to attend various programs on these dates. We will be sharing time allowed by two registrations between the three of us. Your authorization is requested for the expenditure of $260.00 for registration fees for this convention. . � � �RP� Conference Itegistration�Form : � � I�e�axfiAry 28, M�rch 1 & 2, 19�0- Radissun i�ntel South, Bioomi��gtvn, MN , . ,,,� Lisa 3ost -• T���e Administrative Assistant � � i Agcnry Rose�nount Parks and Recreation Dept M:tili��g Address �R75 W 1 L.Sr,]��YPpt , Phone 4?�—b415 ; ����y Rosemount � State � Zip 55068 ' Speci!'y S��ecial NcecLs to Accommodale Physicupy Ch�lienged A1ta1 nic� Requirements (Vegetnrian,DiabetIc,etc.) � Plc�sc check type of registration: �MRPA Member* L7 Non-member'`* . O Retiree or Student FuU Phckage(Advanced/Deacliine Feb. l2th) ❑a165 ❑�225 O$I T,U Full Pucicnge(l.aie&At�Cun[et�nce)' ' ❑�180 O a240 O�11'U Advanced(3-�iay no meals) ��130 � . ��190 � [7 a�t0 i.:titc(3-Jay no meals) � �a145 ❑�2U5 . ❑ $�fU [�:uly(Wed.or'll�urs,no meals)Inciicate Day O a65 (]SlOU O a3U fr�11y(including brunch) ❑ �55 � a75 ❑ ��5 � 'll�ura�lay Ui�u�er Chuit;e(For fuii Pack�ge) O Broileci Walieye �Stenk • •MPSA&MCEA Members arc eligible for the MRPA Member Conference Rates O MRSA �MCEA +'�Npn-+ncmbers MAY join MRPA at the confei+ence and take advantage of the member registrntIon fee: cail MRPA for membcr- :el�i��inforn�ation at 544-l592. . , ' • . I�atl�urka�e regi�lrelion inrludea: Adu�ission to all educatiun uessloc�s,extdbltx�cufCee breaka,sc�ciW l�ours�metd�n�id entenir�n- �+�c��t.tDix;s not i��ciuck?imberwolf'"fip-�ff') , �ly registruliur�uiclu�es: A�nissinn to all eJucation sessiu�►�,exhi�ils�nd cofl'ce Ureaks. • � O 1'ra,I plun In utltn�tl�e NYSCA Cii�uciuns Truining(Fri�lay): No Fee tndividua) Meais: Wedr�esd.ry, rcl�. 2R O Lunct�con-�17.5(1 ❑Dinnrr-�22.tN1 '1'hund:ry,March I ❑Lu��cln:ut�-�14..SU ❑Ui�uwr-�24.SU O Dralicd W:dicyc ❑Stc:�k Fri�lay,Murci�2 p Hrutx:b-a18.T•5 tiludeni l.unchean: Profe •ionals are invited to inctividu�ily�or as a group,hnst a stucient for Wednesday's Slucknl Luncheon. '1'irk�is�c$i 6.UU. 1C you wish t�>aEtunsor a speciGc student,pteasc write Il�eir nwne below,oQ�erwise a studeni wiil be assigned. D Yes.!(we)wish to spntuor a student. Stuclent Name(OptionAl): Prc+icssionai Sponsor(s): � , �y�: U ynu wish lo be sponspred-clieck here. ❑ . .SNidrali arpl pr��Jetsiawrls Ntilf rtceirs a carJ r��(wmin6 then�uf thtir lanchcoa tahle osrianmmft in Iheir eor ferencs pacRel. 'i'i��d�rrwoif"Tip t)1�"(:ame,Social,and't'rahspurtatiun 'TiK�ci:�y.fwbtiary 27, 1989 , S��ci71,$us&Ticke�Cosu �2U.IX)(Ticket must be picked up at s�ciat.) # @ a20 Cin�ia•d naaJ,er��ti��ets u�•ailuhfrmua�pre-reai.rler h��re February 12t1�. ' _._�_--_- - �� �T-����-s�c-�-f� "��-,'�"�-_-.-_---- 'i'OTAL CEE � Itcgislration ����'.��) Timberwolf(3ame S � Addilion�l Meals � � Student Lu�lcheon Sponsorship� 1'.O.�J '� Check � ,i'QTAL s ca"�(�. '� �' �iplete tt�e registradon forn�aexi return it with a purchase order and/or check(s)mude payable to the MRPA Annunl Conference. i�9ai1 rcgis�r�tion to MRPA� t 111 Dou�ih4 D�ive North,Ciolden Valley,MN 55422. • t;ANCELLA7'IUN I't)UCY-A SlU handling fee will be assessed on all cAncelta�ion requests received by Febrvlry 12, 199(t. • Nu rcf�uKl will tn givcn alic� Ihis d.de. Altem��es wili I�e aceep�ed a� airy�iine. _ AUVANCEll REGISTRATIUN UEAULINE-MONUAY,FEI3RUARY 12,1990 �