HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Approve Staff Attnedance at Annual Planning Conference� � 1 P O. BOX 510 26� O 2875-145TH ST. W. osernoun� ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-441 1 Agenda 1 tem 4 j. TO: STEVE JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DEAN JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF COI�ItTNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 1990 SUBJ: ANNUAL PLANNING CONFERENCES FEBRUARY 20, 1990 COUNCIL ITEM #4j . I am requesting authorization for one person to represent the City at the American Planning Association National Conference, April 21-25 in Denver. This is the major conference of the association, drawing more than 3,000 attendees. The conference includes a wide range of topics from growth management and redevelopment to environmental planning and economic development. Special sessions include urban design, NIMBYs and small towns. An index to sessions and conference schedule are attached. The national conference offers excellent professional training on current and rapidly changing issues. Case studies from all over the country are a favorite format. Round table discussions, breakfast meetings and social events provide some of the best interactions with other professionals. I have attended the conference in recent years and request authorization again. If I am unable to work out the scheduling, I would like Mike Wozniak to attend. Expenses for the conference have been budgeted and are estimated as follows : registration $285; hotel $350; air fare $250; ' meals/transfers $150 . '� We have also received preliminary notice for the annual State Planning Conference. I have chaired the conference committee in the past and Mike is co-chair this year. The 1990 theme is Planning to Develop a Sense of Community. The state conferences are geared toward professionals and lay persons, co-sponsored by the Mn Chapter American Planning Association and the Minnesota Planning Association. The state conference draws around 200 people each year and is well received by council members and planning commissioners. I would request authorization to register interested council members, commissioners and staff. The conference is hosted this year by the City of Bloomington. The main sessions will be held May 3-4 at the Holiday Inn-International. Registration for the conference is $75 . �� ' � ��� ��� � J� 9� �;�`f/ ���v e�� ��N-s � T �9�vz� �- z o - 9 G� NIMBYs GrouPHomes..................... 18:28 Conference at a Gtance iyI {. Ct` '�,: �asiis............................ za ■���A i.� i��i�h�5 � L.argeScale......................... .......?A ... ==;. Solid Wsste in Coundes...................ZO .i Sessions sponsored by divisions or the Imrcr-City ' borlaods(MW)........10 InfrastruCtura/FihatKe Loca!Host Commince are rated in I.akewoad Ccotu(MW)..................14 Deve Fees............21.23 � Planf►1ng Gomn►issions �jAtUl"C�a�/�A�?f'��2� bPme"t 1mPea Case SYudKs................................. 14 parenthesis fotlowing the desenptioa by Neighhofiood Busmesc(MW)...........I S Procedures.................................. l8 8:OQ a.m.to 5:311 p.m. Mobiic WorksFrops the foliowiag ab6rcvia[ions: Sout Saalt(btW) .....................15 fnttrgovernmtntal Reletions Vision........................................72 9:00 a.m.to S:OQ p.m. Exhibiu CPL Council of Pfanniog I,ibrsrifns ��PlMW)............................14 Coumy Planning.......................l S,}9 Zoning Ciwc...............................24 }2:0(1 noon to 5:00 p.m. Registra[ion.Job Market CPM CuyPlaiu�mgaodhta�m�a�� liptovenon-tirc-Hili(MW)...............la EmnomicGrow[h..........................23 I:OOp.m.ta5:00p.m. SpxialEvems Weid Countv(MW)...................... t2 Roundtable.................................. f 8 ' Wannin9 H�aY 2:OQ m.to 8:00 m. Rock Mountain Train ECON Bmnomic Devdoprueat " Rural.........................................30 P. p. y ENV Environmenrol Plsoniog Etonomic Mvela Lewis Mumford............................30 2:00 p.m.to S:OQ p.m. Orientation Taurs.Ezhibit FEU Fed�all�ioo P�M i KickoffReception HHS Housing and Human Services Achievmg F.caamic Growth .23 fr�tematiemsl ' Waru►i Professbn INFO lofatnstionTtehnologv ChertyCreekRaailDisenct(MW) . 13 Disasws...........................,.........1& � Mi�roritu�s ............................... 1$ IGA memmmxa!Alfairs CNorado Convention Center iMW) t3,15 )apanese Pianning..........................2S � Planners ud Effectivenesc................28 Sunday,Apri122 INf In�ternrtional Canvncrciat Rsvitatization...............26 Shelter in Developing Coumries..........21 Planning Skills for 1990...................30 Denver Experience.........................24 p�ann�ng 7tKwies..........................22 LAW PlroNaR and Lrw Famih Sdf-Sufficiency(MV1�...........14 LaWlLand Use CoMrOls 8:30 a.m.to 5:30 p.m. Mobile Workshqps LHC Loc��C°°�ttee Neighbofia�e!Business Betar�n Sympcuium.........18,19,2Q.21 Small Towru 830 a.m.w 5:00 p.m. Regisvation NACP N3ational Aaoc�ion of Couoty Revi�aluatia�f1vIW)....................15 Ikvel t A rcemems.................25 9:OQ a.m.ro 5:00 p.m. Job Marka.Fxhibi[s � Planner's Role...............................28 Downtawn Zonv� .....................21.27 �g"...................................23.28 4:00 a.m.to 1:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions PAVV Pianning md�tiomen 8 Downrown Revitstization f1NN�......... !3 10:00 a.m.to S:OQ p.m. Special Events Reaiisdc far R�ral Areas..................25 Evolution of Regulation...................1 S Fiscai Planni�.............................Z7 2:00 m.to 5:00 m. Concurrem Sessions PBC Plannin8�d the Bladc Grou Hanes.......................... I8.28 p. p. GommuoitX P Great Plainc.................................22 R&T Resorts aod Tourkm EnvironmeMat Pianning Plannu�g and Lsw..........................27 iinergovunnantal Rels��ons.... ..30 5:30 p.m.eo 7:00 p.m. Opening Rxep[ion Drnver Bmwn Cloud Pioject.............19 Rmal.........................................?A Managing Smalt Agency ...26 SACRPH Society for Americao City and E����,. ....24,25 Sign Regulation................. Realisuc Economic Devel ..... . .................. ............ � Monda ,A ril 23 R���*s� . z� z.oni� c►inu................ °pmem ....zs y p Sl'AR S�oaRTm�nandR�u9lPlaming Glo6al Wamung........................... g ...............TA Rural Cou�uy Planning....................22 TRAN T • p p��mg Cawndwater................................26 Ruta!land-Use lation...............20 ���tp . N�������...............� �i�� �" 7:30 a.m.to 10:15 a.m. Division Business Meetings UD Utfion Des�aad Preserva4o[. Rxicv Mawain Arsenal(MW)..... I2,14 Bart Lalce State Park(MW1...............12 Sign Regulstion.............................26 730 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. Mobile Workshops _ Small Towns in the 1990s.................IS 830 a.m to 5;00 p.m. Registration APp/A1CP Solid Waue in Caunties...................2q Boulder Open Spsa(MW)...............IS Successful Communitia...................29 Y and Env�ronme�n.........22 Brecken' e(iv1W)........................ 13 4:00 a.m to S:OD p.m. 3ob Markee,Exhibits AICP Conue�ission.................. ��°�hO° *�8 Tourism.....................................31 9:00 a.m.eo 12:00 noan Concurrent Sessions .......32 Two Forks Dam(MW).................... 1 V Cherry Cretk Grcenway(M�..,....... 14 AICP Exem Sessions..................25.2& , Z7 10;00 a.m ro 5.00 p.m. Specisl Events Wacer in the West(MW}..................12 Cluster Development..................... ; SYburbs 32 2:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessioqs Annual Meuing............................ Wildlife.................. ....30 Dmver Mounrain Parks(M�...........I 1 Awatds......................................25 ................ ` Jtfferson Counry(�................... 10 Denver Parks(M W)....................... t 1 ` Mabili Planni 5:00 p.m.to 7:00 p.m. Division Busi�ess Meeungs Cliapter Lkkgate Assembly...............32 F���!Issues Diversi m Resort Econom�cs..........27 ' �S' °B...................:......26 fY 8 Shopping Centtrs(MW).................. IS CompMhenfiveP{anbiny! AirForoeAcademy(MW)................15 F.stesPark(MW)...........................10 SuburbanCenters(MW}.................15 �@S�{l , 6.�rif 24 Growth Nfao Airport4 and Atr Spaa....................31 Housing in Resorts.................,.......19 y ^M a9dm� Declining Deknse Expenditurcs---......30 Museum of Outdoor Arts(MW).....12.13 T Airpon Perimecer(MW?..................10 � r����ry ?:30 a.m.to 9:00 a.m. Brcakfast Networking A t t s in L ov e l a n d(M�.�.................. 1 I Fedtrat isnds..............................30 S ................. Open Pace................ Denvers Ai r p ort(M�...................11 S e x s i�s National Namral Resourcu...............22 Outdoor Amphitluater(MV1�........1 2.t 5 Denver s Soutbeast......................... 19 Ciry Qualny.................................23 Rural Imergovemmental Rel�irn�s.......30 Public-Priva[e Open Space......,.........23 Downtown Heliport(M�ry................ 14 8:00 a.m.to 5.00 p.m. Mobile Workshops CulwralPlenning...........................31 .....27 Rxrcatim�atArms(MW)................. 32 8:30a.m.toS:OOp.m. Regiuratioo- T�ortauon Policy................. General Aviapon(MW)...................12 9:00 a.m.to 5:00 m. Job Market I3enver Comprehensive Plan..............2 t Small Town Tourism......................31 p. Fort Collins(MW)..........................12 Mobiliry Ptanning—Suburbs..............26 9:00 a.m.m 430 p.m. Special Events Historic Preservation South Plane River Grcenway(MV�.....13 Nationat Po{icy....................,........27 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 noon Concurrcnt Sessions Growth Management Practices...........22 Baulder Makt p�iW)........................10 Trends in Resorts...........................29 One-Way Strcus(MW)...................14 12:I S p.m.to 2:30 p.m. Plenary Lunchrnn Minoriry Issues.............................25 Curtis Park(Ml5')................_.. ... IS Waterfmni............ ......................21 Sixteemh Saea Malt(MW)..... ... 13 3:00 p.m.a S:OOp.m. Concurcent Sessions Neighborhood Pianning...................31 Historic Di�icts(MW)............ ...14 Transit azd Urban Desi ...29 Regional Growth Mana�emrnt...........21 Inncr-Cm,A}ei hborhoods(MW). ...10 Ma ernentlProtessional Skills g"....... S:OQ p.m.[0 7:30 p,m. Division Business Meetings Researeh Findings..........................28 • g � 7rnnsportatian and finvironment ...� 6:30 p.m.to 10:30 p.m. Silver Serpent Festiva4 and Lower pow�ttown(MW).................. f3 AICP Exam Review...................25,28 TrAnsportation Issues(MW).............:14 Masked Ball Nea•and Old Neighborhaods(MW)_.... l2 Assessing Your Ager�cy...................19 Computers/Iaforenation Sacred Plxa and S ..2a BeRer MePs................................28 C m With 1990 Census.................26 P�...........,.... • Urban Design �P 8 Crea6veCommunicstion..................29 . �emerViewProtection(MV1�........... i0 �yednesda ,A ri125 Database Maoagement.....................2? Nousir►g Effxrive Human Relazions................28 PUDs(MW)................................ 12 y Gce Whis 1990.....................'......28 Big Cin...._......., . .. 26 Leadership..............................21.� G1S................. ............. ......... Small Towns........................,..23.28 ............ 18,`2,24.25 ' . j 8:OQa.m.toS:QOp.m. Mobik Workshops Information for Agencies..................22 Eldedy Housing and Social Seroices.....24 Leammg Styles.............................24 , Transit.......................................24 Exiueng Seoek..............................22 Lobbyi�SkiOs.............................26 ' Vill e Fiannin 8:30 a.m.to 12:00 noon Regiuration Grou Homes.......................... 18.28 M ement Strate ies...................25 °R 8............................26 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 noon Job Market.Concurrcnt Devetopmeni/Hedevelopment P � g • Watedrom..................................21 Sessions Arts Distnct(MW)......................... 11 Im�er Giry(MW)........................... IS Managmg Small Age�y..................26 � 10:00 a.m.ro 5:00 p.m. Spesial Even[s Central Plaae Valley(Mlu)............... 14 Homelas(M�............................ 14 Mediation............................... 18.26 Cherrv Creek(MW)....................... 13 Living Downtown..........................30 Motivanng Yourself.......................26 i Denver'sDowneown(MW).,......... 11.13 Resons....................................... i9 ProjeetManagement.......................29 ; Denver Technology Center(M W)... 13.TS She{ter in Devetopin�Counties...........21 Public Meetings.............................29 ��, Downrown Flood Conerol(MW)......... 13 SRO Farum.................................28 Public Relatimis............................20 !� Hospieal Campus(MW)................... 15 Women and Housing.......................22 Speak Up/Srand Out................... 18.20 'r Teaching Kids..............................2F ; . l 4 � .. . . . . _ . . - ' . , _ ' . . � .. ' � � � . . t