HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Receive Costs / Order Assessment Roll-O'Leary's Hills 4th Addition : � r��rEM # 1�� s J. �*���******************�********�*MEMO*��******�***#�***,t*�**�+t****�*��**** DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1990 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILR � FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORRS DIRECTOR HPFT `• RE: ITEMS FOR THE FEBRUARY 20, 1990 COUNCIL MEETZNG CONSENT AGENDA Receive Cast to be Assessed/Order Assessment Ral� and Hearina O'Learv's Hills 4th Addition Proiect #184 This itern requires Council adoptivn of the attached resolution that receives the cost to be assessed and orders preparation of the assessment rall and ordering an assessment hearing for this project. All the wark was c4mpleted last fall with the final pay estimate made at the January 2, I990 m�eting. We have tabulated all �he con�truot3.on and s�verh+�ad cvet far thi� project neces�ary tc� determine the eost to be assessed and the eity cos� also. In this instance, the City cost refers to the installation of core sanitary sewer main. This core sanitary sewer construction benefits an area to the north of this develapment and will be financed through the Sanitary Sewer Core Fund. For Councils information, a copy of the cost breakdown is attached. Recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolution receive the cost to be assessed, order the preparation of the assessment roll and set the assessment hearing date for March 20, 1990 at 8 : 00 p.m. . 0'Leary Hills 4th Addition PrG j ect st : 18�4 Contract � : 19�8-5 C(lST FRUJECT COMAONEMT QE�CR I PT I ON C05T PRUFESS I Ot�. �EGfiL 0.5?: 2,p'!. FRCTQR CDNSTRUCTIDN E1�6IMEERING SERVICES LEGRL NOTICES �QMO ROMIN. SFiNITRRY COk`'E 0. 116 �19,365.55 �4,r34.$? �521.23 ��.OS #38.�43 $96.93 �387.71 LRTERRL 0.229 �37,.324.32 �9, 108.67 �1,003.5? �5.93 �?3.99 �18E.62 �746,49 WFITERMR I M CORE 0.01]0 �0.C10 �0.00 �0.�] �0.t70 $0.Op �0,00 �0.LIC1 LflTER.AL 0.26E� �4,935.35 �1d,966.�8 #1,208.21 �7. 14 #89_Q8 ��24.68 �898.71 STQRM CDRE �.0�0 �O.OD �I�.00! �O.QO �0.00 �D.00 �O.OQ ��.OU LflTERFiL Ll.�58 �9,758.0? $2,381.37 �262.37 �1.55 �19.34 �48.79 �195. 16 `_.��ET ".:�RE 0.C1�C� �0.00 ��1.00 �Q.Qil �0.00 �0.04 �0.00 �1�.UG ��TERRL G.�50 �d1,98?.19 �1C1,2�4�.60 �1,126.9�4 �6.67 �83.24 $209.94 ��39.74 STkEET LIGHTS O.Q�S $1d,31B.9t7 �3,d9�.40 �385.a1] $2.28 �28.39 �71.59 �2Bb.3�i TDTAL 1.000 #1b7,7119.38 $4�,929.00 �4,509.32 �26.65 �332.47 $838.55 �3,35�. 19 Total Overhead Cost �51,0�3.94 '!. of Overhead 3�.�4�4"!. % of Eng i neer i ng 24.40'!. Prelininary Cost Estimates �273,000.� � 0°Leary Hills �Fth Rdditior� Pro j ect u : 184 Contract � : 1988-5 PROJECT TEMPORpRY DESCRIPTION COST CRP[T. FUNDING FRCTOR INTEREST INTEREST EASEMENT CDNTINGENCiES TOTRL SRti I TflRY CDRE �1. 116 �0.00 �6.33 $�.OII �125.59 �25,285.73 LATERRL ll.w3 �0.�0 �12. 19 �0.00 #222.55 �48,684.33 WRT€qh1A I N GDRE C1.OD0 �0.00 ��.0� �II.DO ��.Q� �0.00 LATEF�FiL D.268 50.00 �14.6? $O.DO �257.9�i #SB,611.85 STaRM CORE O.�aO 50.00 �a.00 $0.0� �1�.00 �0.00 LflTERFiL 0.058 i�0.0� $�. 19 $D.00 �58.18 �12,?2@.03 STf�EEt cna� �.oao �o.oa $o.00 �o.ao ��.oa so.00 LHTEF�L 0.2511 �O.QO �23.71 #O.00t �25D.36 #Sd,766.39 STREET LIGHTS 0.085 SQ.00 �4.6C� �D_�l �$5.3$ �1$,lir6.99 TOTAL 1.OD0 �0_Cl0 #54.76 $0.00 �i,00Q.00 �218,?53.32 Less Sanitary Core �25,285.73 Less Watermain �ore �0.00 Less Storm SeWer Core �0.00 Less Street Care 50.00 Total Core Co�t �2S,2B5.73 Tata1 Assessment Rmount �193,46r.59 Units to be Rssess�d 28 CITY OF R08EMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY� MINNESOTA � r i""' RESOLUTIQN 1990 - A RESOLUTION DECLARINf3 COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERINC3 � PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT� AND CALLINC3 FOR HEARINCQ ON THE PROPOSED A88ESSMENT O�LEARY�S HILLS 4TH ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT �184 WHEREAS, a contract has been let for O'Leary's Hills 4th Addition Street & Utility Improvements and the contract price for such improvement is $167,709.38, and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $51,043 .94 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $218,753 .32 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cauncil of Rosemount Minnesota: 1. The portion af the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $25, 285.73 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited praperty owners is � declared ta be $193,467.59. 2 . Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments " extending over a period of 3 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1991, and shall bear interest at the rate of 2� points per annum above the interest rate paid by the City for its bonds from date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3 . The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by l.aw, and he shall file a , capy of such proposed assessment in his office for public f inspection; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemount, Minnespta: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 20th day of March, 1990, in the City Hall at 8 :00 p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, to � pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. ,,,_,_ 2 . The City Clerk is hereby directed to caus� a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the � , . � official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, i and she shall state in the notice the total cost of the f improvement. She shall also cause mailed notice to be given l— to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roil not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. BE IT FORTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemoun�, Minnesota: The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City, except that no interest shal.l be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. The owner may at any time thereafter, pay to the County Auditor the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which suah payment is made. Such payment must be made beFare November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ``—' ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motian by. Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against: i