HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Approve Pay Estimate #1, Limerick Crossing Watermain � � ITEM # �+E **�********�***�****�*****,t******�MEMO�****�x****�***�a�************�*,k**�#** DATE: FEBRUARY 15� 1990 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILR FR�M: CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WOItKB DIRECTOR HEFT� / .� RE: ITEMS FOR THE FEBRUARY 20, 1990 COUNCIL MEETINC�4 CONSENT AGENDA Approve Pay Estimate #l, Limerick Crossing Watermain This item was actually paid on the February 6, 1990 Council meeting under approval of bills listing. Unfortunately, I forgot to include that with the "Consent Agenda" at that time. Therefore, this is basically for Couneil reference. The amount requested by the Contractor for this payment is for his expenses in preparing the bid and Contrac� Documents, such as insurance, bonding, and bidding time. Construction on this project has not started because the developer, Mr. Bill Jacobson, has been unable to obtain the necessary financing at this time to continue the development af the Limeriek Crossing Addition. Without his being able to close an the propert�y, we do not have the necessary easements to construct the watermaa,n through this proposed development. On the possibility that this development may not proceed because Mr. Jaaabsan aannat get the neoessary financing in time, I plan to invoice the cost .�ncurred on this pzoject to Mr. Jacobson. If council has any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. / ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATZON FOR PAY[�'sNT NO. �_ CITY PROJECT N0: _ �..0� SEH FI�,E NO; _ $9�69 PROJECT: �,r MEi2.lc t< G�O55►N6r wA��.�A-t N GaNSTRv�rivN �OS��MvvNT�M� CONTRACTOR:' $RowN �� GRtS�=N�, CONTRACT DATE: f°174o /��NR�GK R-u�. APPLICATION DATE: � ' �b '^ '94 �K,�V�L�£ M N• $Sp4¢FQR PERIOD ENDING: I aZ." 3l ~'E39 Total Contract Amount $ 44. 028.0o Total Amount Earned $ —., Material Suitably Stored on Site, Not Incorporated into Work . $ 1�r� ,pp ' Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ GROSS AMCIUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,�Z S�T •00 LESS $� $ RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ C.�et•• C'3S AMOtJNT DUE TO DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I I 9�I-• I S LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . $ O AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . $ �ldl4 • l S � APgR�V�D. � � f / �'� � . '� !/'� !`� ';I r �K:,L��r._��-: �/' ,% .,,` ��Z�',�<tL) R chard M� �i, City Engineer/D���ctor of Pu61ic Works �,<' ! . APFLICATION FOR PAYMENT �'+ -��' �"� " _ ' , - -- . (iJNIT PRZCE CONTRAGT)r^ - : " . '��. � . . . NO. - .;, . . 1 `! "j�' _ OWNER: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA OWNER"$ PROJEGT NO. 201 ENGINEER'S PROJECT NC?. 89269 LOCATION: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � CONTRACTOR HROWN AND CRIS, INC. CONTRACT DATE ----------------------------- ------------------------- 19740 KENRICK AVENUE CONTRACT AMOUNT $44,72$.00 --------------- -------------___------• LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 CONTR. FOR LIMERICK_CROSSING'WA'�ERMAZN+CONSTRUCTZON _ ROSEMOVNT, MINNESOTA APPLIC.DATE - - ------------------------. ---tiL�S4���Y.16:1290_______- PERIOD END. � ---��.���2.er�1L 1989-------� • ' I APPLZCATION FOR PAXMENT • • DESCRIPTION CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT VNIT pUANTZTY TO DATE PRICE TOTAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------• 025?.406 6" WATERMAIN, CL. 52 L.F. 20 18.65 $ � 0257.416 16" DIP WATBRMAIN, CL. 52 L.F. 900 33.45 $ - 025?.6�6 6" R.S. GATE VALVE/BOX EACH 1 _ 365.00 $ • � 0257.617 16" H.F. VALVE & BOX EACH 2 1585.00 $ • __._� 0257.631 D.I. FITTINGS LH. 4000 0.01 $ -� 0257.640 FIRE HYDR1�iT EACH 1 1150.00 $ 0257.710 1-1/2" CpPPER SERVICE L.F. 200 11.O�J $ . 0257.730 1-1/2" CORPQRATION STOP EACH 4 200.00 $ ' PAGE 1 OF 3 � � SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. •.4157'.740 1-1/2" CURH STOP & BOX EACH 4 200.00 $ ° (�257.811 RELQCATE HYDRANT ASSEMHLY EACH �, 75�.00 � 0257.903 CONNECT TO EXISTING WM EpCH 2 650.00 S 0259.501 6" AGG. BASE RESTQRATION S.Y. 150 CL. 5 2.00 $ 0259.502 6" AGGREGATE SHOULDERING S.y, 2'75 , RESTORATZON � 2.00 $ 0259.503 3" BIT. PATCHING MTXTURE S.Y. 150 I0.00 $ 2564.532 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES L,S. 1 __ 500.00 $ 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE 0.25 400.00 $ 2575.503 SEED, MIXTURE 5a0 Lg. 25 _ 3.00 �`'� 2575.511 MULCH MATERIAL, TYPE 1 TON p.� 200.00 $ 2575.519 DISC ANCHORING ACRE 0.25 200.00 $ 2575.523 WOOD FIBER BLANKET � S.y. 500 TYPE, HV 1.00 $ PAGE. 2 OF 3 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRI�CKSON. INC. � l�otal Contract Amount $ 44, 7Z8.00 Total Amount Earned b 0.00 . ' "Material Suitably Stored on Site, Not Incoporated into Nork 3 i25�.o0 � � Contract Change Order No. Percent.Camplete � Contract Change Order :�a, percent Complete ,. `—�" � � Contract Change Order tJo: Percent Complete � S : �ROSS AMOUNT DUE. . .. . . . . . . .. .. . $��.00 . lESS 5 � RETAINAGE... . . . . .. b (62.85) . AMOUNT OUE TO DATE. .. .. .. .. ... . E 1�94.15 , LESS PREVIOUS APPt,ICATI0N5,. .. . E 0.00 • , CONTRACTOR'S AffIOAVIT �WNT DUE THIS APPLICATION. .. . � 1194.,.15 he un ersigne Contractar hereby swears under penaity of per3ury that 1 a11 , payments received from the Owner on account of work performed under the contractereferred toe� abave have been applied by the undersjgned to discharge in full all obiiqations of tt�e under- signed incurred in connection with work covered by prfor Applications for Fayment under said ; contract. • material and equipment incorporated in said Pro,�ect or otherwfse listed fn or covered}by1this . Application for Payment are free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and . encumbrances. ` Odted January 16, , � 19 gp . � � . Con actor . i . By • � ` .� Name and Title � , COUNTY OF fi�, � � SS Comptroller �,� �TATE OF tl�� .,�r,���.��`._ , .., ,; 3efore me on this I�c i`-` day of _ � 1 � < C, """""— ""�`�`� � 19 �� personaily appeared i ��:�� '�" � r>>r ,` nown to me. w�Fio being�uTy sworn, did depose, : ; i�d say that e is the ��� •-,�:_ �, � 1_�. '� " of the Contractor abov� mentioned; that he executed the above Appllcatlo�cfor Payment and Affidavit on beh 1 ��'� and that al l of .._�___. a f of said �'• ; the s e rue, correct and complete. �0"tractor, ` ' rN�, NANCY J. BOYUM � MY Comm i s s i o n Exp i res ,� r,or�►�v rusuc_M�NNESOTA ' :`� RICE COUNTY `��C�I l�°c-, �_ ���-;, �.i 11 . My�E,�r�,,, w�s+.�oo� N ta ry ub c �` 004 The undersigned has c ec e e n rac r tio� for P :�;� this Application is the Contractor's Affldavlt statin that all�revious� a�ove. A oart of under this Contract have been applled by him to discharge in ful] all of his�obligations in .° �`+ connectfon with the work covered by all prior Applicatiorts for Payment. :; � . ' In accordance with the Contract, the undersi ned a roves a Amount Oue. g PP P Y�nt to the Contractor of the Oate �/ � �f� SNORT E NE ICK50 N By Page ..�3__._� of 3 . �' Wayne E. Brown � brown Thomas J. Ryen � � � f3regory W. Brown Mlchaei DeVine Rris iitt, . A . December 1, 1989 . �, � �,, �, .� rT Mr. Dave Simone �' '�"' �*' =-�� -� �✓ � �� Short-E1liott-Hendrickson Sh0�2T CL!.�`i i 1)�;t��►Ci(SOiJ. 1;7C. 222 East Littl� Can�da Rvad sc. raua�, r�. ss�i� DEC p.+. logg RE; Limerick Crosaing Glatermain Constructian City of Rosemount No. 201 ' ��'. `?AU� Rosemount, MN. - Brown & Cris, Inc. Job 11771 Dear Sir: Detailed below are our costs involved with the above referenced pro�ect. We anticipate payment for these costs since the pro�ect is on . hold. Estimating expense 6 hr. @ 44.00/hr. 264.00 Performance bond 537.00 Pre-con meeting (Supt.) 3 hr. @ 48.00/hr. 144.p0 Meetings with locators on site (Supt.) 4 hr. @ 48.00/hr. 192.00 Material purchasing {Supt.) 2'� hr. @ 4$.00/hr. 120.00 1 257.00 Additionally, if the project is scrapped, Brown & Cris, Inc. will expect payment for lost overhead and profit of $6,709.20. Please keep us informed of any developments with this. Re ect lly Submitted, � . Browa � Cris, Inc. Micha�l DeVine, Gamptroller MD/ab ' cc: File East Frontage Road of 1�.5 — 19740 Kenrick Ave. — l.akevilie; Minn. 55044 �f� Phone 612-469-2121 �i�� " M s�r a�.�►y E� *►:.•