HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.e. USPCI Project Update F O. HOX 510 ����� � 2875-145TH ST, W. RQSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 ^L+������ 612--A23-441 t VJ iTEM # $� March 29 , 1990 T0: Mayor Napper Council Members : Klassen Oxborough Willcox Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administratbr RE: UPSCI Pro�ect Update I have recently received several documents for city review and comment for the USPCI proposed waste containment facilitp. They are: 1 . Proposals for complying with fii�ancial requirements for closure and post closure of their pro�ect. 2. The conceptual Stormwater Management P1an for the proposed facility. 3. The draft report on the study to determin� the: a) quantitq of leachgte, b) the quality of leachate, and c) the general description of the waste acceptance procedures for the pro�ect. I have set a meeting for April 2 , 1990, to have our legal consultants review Item 1 . Item 2. will be reviewed by Barr and Associates for comment and at t�is time sta£f is determining who to utilize in assisting staff to review z�em 3. As staff completes review of these documents, informat3on wi11 be brought back to you for pour information. lj y 1 o CITY QF �U��TM Jchn A.F�do pFFICE H�iT�pM�lhOMinnesote 55802-1199 Mpybr �� 403 Cih �n�"+�'` Lj,l.).1,,,.1J•T�H 2181�23-32g5 February 21, 199Q DULUTH WELCOMES YOU we invite you [o experience On behalf MC �Qnference ever Dnl�u�u�h• the best L ed many we have arrang ou to the sh�ree v� ap@����u�'ar 3ince Duluth is Minnesota�s waterfront, Qin �� T������� activit��s tha� 'Donit mise ehe oppa'�tunity ta � ,���� ��g�x�;�Y. rounds of Glenshee� for an authentic fish boil on the S ive you an June 12, ht on the Waterfront will g Mansion. City Nig o�r new Lakewalk, exPl°re the oreboat, opportunity to walk along ue and take in a William A. Irvin, en3oy a Waterfront Barbeq concert - all in one evening. �� ro ram' that is sure to please ed a family p g erior We have arrang a1 o1f everyone. From a tour of th� ou e�anded municipLake� uF Zoological Gardens to golf a � courses, you�ll receive a warm welcome. Com see Du u like you�ve never seen i.t before, and emember to visit o ten. Sincerely, John A. � Mayor An ��Opportuniry Emp(oY�► — �-: � r�m 5chedule � . Frog ' �.� ,.-; „�� :, All conference events are in tbe�CO�E DE C�unless ind cated �y � ` .' innesota Cities � � League of M „ �� � Annual Confereflce � � luth �une 12 -15 sw�,�Y. .. . Du � _.w. ,:. .:�..�... r�a����'°"f°"�►`_ Q�JpLTTy L�ADERSHIP ')Cuesday, �une 12 Defining Roles Between Council and LMC Board of Directors Meet�ng Manager/Adm�nisn'ator • Difference between managet and administraior 1•30-4'�P.�. • Policy-malcing vs.administratian � • • SelecGon process(hiriog•firing): A look at who has the LMC Conference Planning Comrnittee �W�T in yo��;ty Meeting • Developing aad mainta�ning a positive relationship 4:00-5:00 p.m. QupI,1TY SERviC'ES Role of Cv►asultant/Consultant Responsibitities Special Kickoff . �p�rlance of defining rotes(consultant's and city's)and 6:30 p.m. project outcome before hiring GaJke Superior Fish Boil at Glensheen Mansion � Selectiog tt►e riBht consultant for the pro)ect Arraogements have been tnade fQr a recepdon and au- • How cansultants can be beid accountable far their recom- thentic Lake Superlor fish boil �t the elegant Glensheen meadations • Potential problems: w6at they are and how to manage Mansion. Tours of the estate and other activities wi11 follow What consultant needs to kno�►'fro���ty dinner. fThis event requires sgecial registration; see LMC � conference registration form.) E�R�NME���U�� c�in A roaches Wednesday, �Une 13 Dispnsing of Our Waste: Recy 8 PP und Issues Exhibits Open , M�nesota as model for test of nation 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. • SCOREIegisiation(w6at it is and impact on local gavern- meat) Welcomef4pening Session . Recycling programs d'at work g;p0- 10•15 a.m. • Hazardous waste concerns �b�sing palicies "Quality Service: A Priority for Cities" • Market development and recyciable p Alfred A.Cheechi,C6airmao.NWA jnc.aod NorthWest pirlines (For additional iofomnation, see General Session �C����elo�n�'ough Creative Speakers.) Collaboration Break • Reasons for collaboradoo . �Iypes of collaboratioo(i�e•St���'�nding,resourcesl 10:15-10:30 a.m. . Matching Purpose wiSh ap{�acb • Considerations to take into account Nominating Committee . genefits of collaboratioa 10•30 a.m.-3.0t►P•m• • Potential pitfalls and how to avoid Concurrent Sessions I Exhibitors' Luncheon (C6aose one) 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p•m• 10:30- 11:45 a.m. , � �OIt C011Ctlt1"etlt S�SS�0115 III: General Sess L1V�C Policy Committees �:IS-2:15 p.m. C6aose one) "A Drug Policy for Minnesota" � Jan Smaby.D�rector,Minnesota Oftice of Dn�g Policy. 3:40-5:04 p,m. pe rtment of Puhlic Safery(F�addilianat infam�tion,sce Note: Content for tach depends on outcome ot 1990 � legistative sess�on General Session Speakers•) Concurrent Sessions II °Ev�'°p�-�'�T����COM�� OENERAL LECiiSLA'i'ION ANA}'ERSt?NNEi.C01vIMTt'1"E� (Choose one) ELBCi70NS AND���1`"�M��� 2s3Q•3:30 p-'m• REVENIIE SOUitCES GOMMiiTEE �,/U1D USE.F.NVIRONM�NT.ENEROY.'fRA1`�SPORTAT10N QUAL T't'Y LE�iDERSHIP �M�� Elected D.��iats: Now to Keep Infornned Ci� �i�ht • Hvw adults learn • piscovering yonr pref�ned tearning�Iyle 6•30 p.m. • What city officials need to know, strategies ihat have �» the Waterfront worked 'Tt�eveoing begins with a tec�eption on the S.S. Wiiliam • I)evetoping a plan p. lrvio. At T:30, festivities move ta Bayfront Park for an • Resources availabie outdoor barbeeue, bacic-to-tt►e-50'� music, and addltional activities festurtng tides aw bot-air baitoons.htlicopiers�nd (�()/�I,TTY SERViCES tiorse.drawn carriages. Ai 9:30,�n optiohai two hour moon- Improving Customer Service �,gh���ktail cru;se is�vailabie fottbose interested. (See City • Quality customer service--what it ls o[pulutb's proBram for mote details.) • How it beneCts your ciry • Dif(erences between public and private 'rhursda �une 14 • Deveivping a program that fits your need y� Exhibits Open ENVIRONMENI'AL QUAI-TTY 8:OQ a.m.-4:00 p.m. Wasre Processing Alternat�ves: Londfills, Burning, comno�r�n� Concurrent Sessions IV • What yoa need to knew about each (i.e. uses, costs, ����one) process. environmeatal impact, regnlations, aidng, �d- 9:�-10:15 Lm. vantages.tisks) • No one approach wiii be sufficient QU�m����p • Ro1e of c3ty and county q�i���Qtor/Maneger PerformdnGe Assessmenr • Impact oa cities � .��po�nc�of an eveiustion • Overview a[various appro�c6es QU�-�y�F�pM�l?t�Y LIFE . Aotential b�aniers and 6ow to ovetcome them Addressing Chnngin8 DemoStaPhres/Using s and why they Work • Exampies of successtul Prograrn Census Data • Overview of treods QUAL,TiY LEAQERSNiP • Implicalions for cities Ethics • Obtaioing census data . Ruxnt findings identify�ng tnajot ethicai d'+temmas t'�ced • Using ceosus dala by locai oFficials • Impact on future decisioo making , p��gg for resolving ihese dilemm�s Preuotalioa of ethical dilemmas and Yovr resPonses 10 , tbem �orn�'rN-Qu� Et,tviRONMF.rn'�-QU�►t� Water Quoliry Issues for lannin �o�rdous Materials and the City � ��ng �,Stet rtso►mxs ��d � °� a g • Cities'responsibilities re:hazardous waste (�rg�D$��a� ��ti�programs•eovirc�nmental • l,,ocal rtspoase options �pect of �conomic develo�n w�t rcontami ation, • Legal liabilities �bove tnd below ground. 8t'o� • Trainiug reqnirem�ols and resources �pa�t oi'89 State Wa1er Bill) fof�rinking water TY i�FJSM�-�� Meeting fumre and cim�ent ttaodards Water Act, QUp�,1TY O�COMMUNI + qnality (imPect oi Fedetal Sgfe Driokiog allowabic contamination in drinkang wattr.new pubiic Survival of S»wtl Ciries: Part One �on") • Long-range plannin8 6ealW staadards."Welihead pro • w�at's invoived �s • availautt rtsoarces QUALTIY OF COMMUNI't'X L1�''�SMALt- • purpose Survivat of Small Ciries:Parr Two • advantages . Nursiog banes/care of tbe elderly • success sto»es . �nplications of Rule SO tnot$etting paid dollar-for-doltar) . C�pt�nomic�oocerns�financial realities � �W 10��;�mon�facilities • upcomiag trends . alternativt bousing and care • needs for scnali cities . Cotnmunity improve�pt programs • dosignating reserve funds,implications for ,�°°°ting Syst�'S Mayors' Association/Mini-Gonference • future of tax base Luncheon Break 12:30-2:00 p.m. ue of 10•30• 10:45 a.m. Honotable Bob Bolen. Pr�sideT����informatioa, ' Cities:MaYor.Fort Worth,'Ituas(Fo Concurrent Sessions V �Geoergl Sessioo Sptakers•) ��"10°�O°`� Concurrent Session vI 10:45�.m.-12:15 p.m• (Choose oae) QUpI,TfY L.EADERSHIP 2:15•3:30 p-� Budgering for the Future: Meering Revenue Needs �U������ in rhe 90's Currtnt Issucs(LMCIT) • Bodget as finaacial plan � ��Ky • Budget ss communicatioo document . Gsualry • Budget as op�rations guide �o������Upo • Budget as policy documeot � H�ltb • Dental QUAL���o�- raisal Employee Ptrformanee App ��,�pE�tsoNt�1. • Goals of an employex personnel appraisai system Q �o�u�maoagement Drug Tisting Policics a»d Admi►umation • How to tie tbe syatem to atotal pe py�iew of Dru$-Frte W�PVa A� of 1988(who's appsoac6 • affecterd and key re9uiramea�ta) • Various straugies � ��yp��se of the policy • Case study . L,egai coaceros � A�n;�trative challenges . Gee� . . �Q�,� I,MC ReceFtion and Banquet grtv[RONMFNi' 6.3Q-10 d0 p. ortationNeedsforMinntsota . ; m. Metting Future Transp act of cbanges,trends, • Overview(proposed�hanges,imp u�e 15 po�eotial probiems tor vatious-size communi�ies) ���ay, J • Role of city $�yerg�� and rO��S • Ciry atr�tegies: �ctlon timdCis tcase studies) �:�-_:�� Qv�►t,mr of co�tn�rtv t�►st�t.�-� Anneacateon and Related Issues for Smu�t Cities Finale General Session • P�roviding aervicea beybnd city timjts 8:3+D s.m.-12:30 p.m • vuious approacbes nse "Leadershtp,P.o+''tr,dnd Productiviry: Doing Weil • Decidiog w�ee annexation makes u by DQing Goocl • Anuexa�on. do'a�nd doo'ts ��f�n�eilow,birectot,tnsUiuie for Nurr�an Skitls; �s��ot.���.��,i�c. (Fa,t�dclilional infottn�tion, . League Annual Meeting ��o����sSion sp�ters•� 3:45 p.m. League of Minnesota Cities ��R � � ecial activities program : . 3 r w�f�,M Family an Sp y � � ; � ��a��1���� �-� W�2 +�.� L 4�`��� ,<Y � . �4 � S :.'. X}k�: • � �.. �.� � Cit�es � � �s�;�4f f lyiinneso � ���, ��X�� . �T � � League o :r . �` nnuai Conference � A ..�:: g�-; ,: '� . . th Ju�e 12 -15 r£ � Dulu � � i: .2 6 .. � .:<..� .;3 . .,�„R_._..i''.:.e �� ;::... .:<. . :.. �f�cdvt tduca�°�f°r citits Li hts"For tbose of you who are mere named"'I'heNoxth�i" g wn carriage n � CtlV1t1C'S dowo to earib. t�e � old-fashioned ho�"�w �_�oot Spec�al a �;de �ong the waterfront or We��est fresh-water lake in the �azdwa��d look ou�t�p 6ip enter our port.frhere is aiso June 12 world. Watch ocean-B g ht cocktait cN�s�Wh'ch leaves Tuesday� Uonal two hour mooni�g Aduits vn1Y• eost: Lake Superior Fish Boil at Giensheen Mansion �nP�e DECC dock.9:30-1�'3desk. 6��p'"'' rtunity to join us at 6:00 p• m.for an y7.50. P1ease reg'ster a1 the ci1y aon'1 miss the oPP� authentic fish boil and a lonr of Glensheen, a 39-room neo- Fam1�y �Ct1V1tIeS Jacobean stY�e ma°sioa,built on the sbore of a�e��fish Chester Adgate Cong between 1905-19�8 by June �Z �>>"a�1t be held on this?•b-a�Te historic sinoT�e��nd- Tuesday, tanascape.groUD�8°d V1ew of T.ake supe ' �ke Super�or Fish Bo>> ��G�pnsheen Mansion ing.Cost:$S.OU Pei Persoa. Registxation required.(See LMC �srrarion rtquired registration form.) 6:00 p•►n.Reg. Wednesday, June 13 Wednesday, lune 13 t Tour The DePo 10:00 o m.-12 noon �,now knoven as the Night on the Waterfront ,�e�p�t,a pul��bistoric landma Center celebrates 6:30-7:30 P•m.,S.S.Wiltiam A.Irvin reception ��vSt. �uis County Heritage a°d A� •,the S.S.William A.Irvin, �ilway and Iogg�og history.tn the Lake .•pride of tbe Siiver Stackers, sbi for the 11�e streets of�{�t was designed 4(1 Years ago to serve as the flag P �heaurea'sric6min�tion Museum.$�'° Superior Transpo muscum, a ��,a 1910 viilage,and explore the nationail��Li bon United States Steel's�aa�now a tfloatiog N��n�at , Ue�ins and ride the ts'olley capacity for 40 yeaz collectioa of tbe anuq perrnaneot part of the Duluih Enteria Qnc�► ]ook iu o�a Past e po�ugaL oce aboard .�e J��ts exhibits�n��ude four ievels of dalis,fashions, Center,welcoming every one era. Tbere are also of Great 1.akes Shippin8• furnishings.industry and ari of a byg �ft st►ops.an ice cream par�o�r'and bot dogs are available. two g' e b(}�:�2.00 children ages gayfront Festival Park Cost�3.60Adults:$300�°'oT�ag 7:30 p.m. ust west of the Duluth Enter- 6-17;free to children age 6 and un�r, 'I Uis 14 acre park is localed)' taicunent and Coovendon Cen t e r o n t h e h a r b o r. Stro1�a ong �,f at E�8 er or L�e s t e r G o�f C o u r s e the waterEroat to Bayfront Park w6ere D�luth wiil welcome lice,an outdoorbarbeUue and SO'smusic. ���n_S;pp p.m. you with mounted po �f��d companY.�'''e �on't miss the chance to tee off o°t�e�a� �llion do ar After easing inlo t6e evening with g �rride aod ex�,nsfon of Eoger Park and I.ester Park Golf courses which have more exciting options to offer.Take a helicop Wt���nearly���P1e�•Each course 6as been expanded to 27 get a birds-eye view af La1ce SuPen°r a°d Du1°�'.or float over the city of Du1ut6 in a bEauUful and colorful6ot a'v balloon � 1in�cs and a large rracUce range and tearning center has been Yoo woutdn't want to miso the viefnametie �t-hciflecl pigs in the chiidren's zcx�. if you are brave enough.you can + " ac)dcd. W� �y�p t�e more than ready for and look forward io even pet a(the harmtess variety)snake. receiving the golfing members of 1he Leagu noe��k'�� �,ag��eGar�densfi S Donat forgettto bnng ytwr cama ar reservations phone: L.ester Partc,525-1 A00.E g There is no fee. 5044. Thursday, June 14 Lrmcheon aboard the Vist� St�r 12:30 p.m. Lstke Superior ZOo Welcome abc�ard the Vista Stat. The crew oividin k an inr g:Op n.m.-11:00 n.m. lunch and sightseeing ctuise memorable by p k We invite yon to come along on a special lour of the Lake f��ative narration to help you discover the naturai beai�iy Superiot Zoo and see animals from all over the world. �o�� and excitement at the Duiu�h-Sur►erior hartx�r. Board at the will have ihe opportuniry to get up close w�th sc�rr��f the zoo's DECC dock.'i'be fee is�12.SO and pre-teStstrat;on ls required. ne�vest residents. 11 could be an African lion,a Kodiak brown hcar.or an emu from Australia. __,!__.....__.�--———--———'� �--------- . -------_....�._---- � � Famil and S ecial Activities Progr�ms � i y p' tration Form � � Reg�s � ( R�,SERVATtONS FOR: ai Cust I � P�� ��mber At ndinQ � 1 I � i @ $3/GE)/adnit � �- I ` The Depot Tour rS _ $_— � June 13 @ $3.00/Seniors - 6(1+ Y • – � 10:00 a.m. - Noon @ $2.00/child - 6-17 yrs = �T�_____--- � I � I � � G�1f/Lester Park � � Golf/Enger � I June 13 , 12:00 noon - 5:O0 p.m. � I � � Lake Superior Zoo � � June }4, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. � I I � Luncheon Abvard Vista Star � ` lune 14, 12:3Q p.m. @ $12.50 -$---- � 1 � TOTAL ENCI,OSED = $ � I ( � 1 � Name i I � • City/StatelZip � � Adc�ress: � � � ! t3aytime Telephone# ( I Phone 2l8/723-3703 for m�re information. Please send reservation form and payrnent to: � I � I Wendy Wennberg, 322 City Hail, Duluth, MN 55802 ( I De�dline is May 16, 1990 I � Make checks payabte to: LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CI'1'IFS/17GVB � �--------------------- -----------------------� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ,,,.—�. ..�"""*" �""�'""' ""�.' ".�.. ""�'��W1T�D�• w1'CM t�[ 0 �-�rM►��� I �-a+o�-��e� sa��t �-M'°°-e� �,,,�,�`" 1 I i �+�+ww�•M-+• s�.wr��s w�-�� �-M�� �.•wr�n�-+� ."""_" 1 � � s�r�-r+e-w M�+ ��� �� , �.._ ��� 1�-M1M►��rr-N � M�MNFiN►M � 'j� 11�MN0-1��t 1i�Ml�l�M�'�M � � . . +�rwr�+�.�r' _ . . .. . . . l�1+�"p�'�M .'� M-�MaM+M � M•NN►M6�10 � .....��....� M-I�/M�41�-1' l�,M�M�M ..��..�+.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t • 2 ,0m4J 1 a im11O TZ e 7 , • 7• 4 3 RD / A.sJoc. O� ZV7AI CkuPc�+E'J ..ir.� L ,) V. y �Q Q t V sec T. _! 3 R D S T..5.9 e. a , • e CHARLI S je 16 •Iill 0 74 • 3 s V J s ,. y� J D 2 ti 17 = ti , a 4 • 2 ,0m4J 1 a im11O TZ e 7 , • 7• 4 3 RD / A.sJoc. O� ZV7AI CkuPc�+E'J ..ir.� L ,) V. y �Q Q t V sec T. _! 3 R D S T..5.9 e. /UPPER /43RD S/!-. a , • e CHARLI S je 16 •Iill a 74 • 3 s I • s "-o so D D 2 ti 17 = ti , a 4 M O Z' S • A R ! S 7 C r 4- 3 L 1 v t T i 4 I . 1 1 I - -/- /UPPER /43RD S/!-. 3 144/rTH -ST/. a Ve • e CHARLI S je e •Iill ►• 74 s' t t r • s t so 2 ti 17 = ti , a 4 W y = • • A ` /� 0 • T Z Is S as f• 4 I• = T i 4 I . 1 3 144/rTH -ST/. In M a 1 • e CHARLI S je e •Iill /di tffee 74 t".5.0' t w s 61 it i0K/O- so *: ti 17 = ti , a 4 W y = (N fPEIvDfNT A ` /� !' S ScMO O93r ICT = O' My Z pp —/ L— ��SL . two. 1 9 (O 1 I - -/- Q M • >w 7e / s 4 0.4r, ✓� ` it°, 0��• •t O Zr vv 15' �v o Acral t� 0 a �; o ;�� Q E✓• L rirrEtw -v tt �8 ACRss ii s U �N QGN OF JE4IOv/V T W 1 >� .. s Q a In M a 1 • e CHARLI S je e or OV AC. 74 3. T. t s 61 it i0K/O- so *: a rnrr wt .y � L-A/1fM A A p D. • J0, dL <A Ire Mr/yrr Du�if r. f o'=1i• �, • v My 1%tf . - - .ie I - -/- M • >w 7e M t 1it 0.4r, ✓� ` it°, 0��• •t �• �v o Acral t� 0 a �; o ;�� •O tt 1 ilk • ... Drown 8y: Dote: Scale: Mellon P.S.H. 4/3/9 V-200' asothis "tat«.1ao. t ae..r. a s rvvywo a plammrve Yt Mrg1, &gum • mW�li M Sam • aH / T R C I.44 is a �. s 1 e CHARLI S je e or OV AC. �s P K i t s • i0K/O- % *: rnrr wt .y � L-A/1fM p • J0, dL <A Ire Mr/yrr Du�if r. f o'=1i• �, • v My / T R C I.44 is a SF 4 Drowinq Title 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION Sheet no. PROPOSED 1990 CONSTRUCTION alum STREET ASSESSMENT AREA -NORTH HALF CITY PROJECT NO. 206 MSA 206-103-04 �. s 1 e je e or OV AC. �s % f; ' / twrir i0K/O- % *: � L-A/1fM SF 4 Drowinq Title 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION Sheet no. PROPOSED 1990 CONSTRUCTION alum STREET ASSESSMENT AREA -NORTH HALF CITY PROJECT NO. 206 MSA 206-103-04 �. s 1 e je or �s % f; i % *: SF 4 Drowinq Title 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION Sheet no. PROPOSED 1990 CONSTRUCTION alum STREET ASSESSMENT AREA -NORTH HALF CITY PROJECT NO. 206 MSA 206-103-04 F g -- 145TH - - STREET __�-- WEST :.o t 0 C . 4i m , ` X 1 ( w ; A It Y /O O z M N N V% \ W\ Z A z M N N V% \ W\ 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1'• 200' • �•; 1 .i ��♦� yr ;• 16ai'r �'! /i /SAA `% 3 ti v TO l Ot�i v t�oe rcr •ra �, A •/iD• 14!1♦•°r.,Vz 4C ka; 1 7,;.14 40o t s~v 4 ttr • Rofk° ," lei ewr.le / • s A. C. -- — - !45 S . t C a >r ,. z w �:• ! • t • 4 ` ! \ fie. c'� 1.� ;fir troy 9 7e f�. -low • �r� t� r l are st.n rr• M1 aK I/�flaw-a! • _�,. �'' dj 1 rs ptS °0 +t.r S•I ♦ c t } L . fAr one l/ IM, .S� • r.1avt r, �i. -r 'r'S � i , j• +sls'sfi tIca 711 > se sr�• srr N i •• 1 = 14 VTH ST. •ofY I S 1 ^ t ,. N ' e� ♦ 0w1 1 p, ...,. fr s.... t • O l�.� � � p ; 30 ��0 ♦ O♦ ,r1 ,r' .i s .i #s i2 ► (� 1 I[.i. �.L(� �/ L •�.aere• ! to CIL .,, 11 • .i • °Air \ J 3 I 1 1 wwj c• 9 ACATED41 rA._..,•f •tlr�cr • •+� Ift i AY ' a • �t1� Mrwr�t �• r tv ° .,r 2c S • ! i 7 +r!' �- s 3/TJd A 1 th s ; r R r 4 T. W. LOWE �..• 60 ..� ►. w j : s Ye•�non 6 �y r, to • Rs �� 4 3 2 1 - / Z tJ 4 rd NT - . �.. •. •. • „ Ge o,�O.rnq�f �� I LOWER 147 TH ST. 6 : �. ! ! °' :. .: •.� B' • •� t.* .,5 !' !' !' .p K.o � ( '� .0 `!� ♦ Y � � a ' to ). 7v o ;•i7; ui '•" S : 6 : 7 6 9 , ° 10 11 12 13 ° 14 `• _ i6 v .• aw,' �ti `� • i t 41 66 Z 14 thW 5 , 1 A t� ' w�12a a lo= 9s ,-s- •s ^' �3 ��a N2 SII - r� q Q • '1� - `V•_ 2 1 • ( f 'IO t= ° 'Z1 # O • 60•r.l 6l s2 ' �7 - 61 •T t 7 i� 7 •I �► i t • `1 ; t O� • 7 UPPER 147 th ST . WEST f _ ' _ - 1 Drown By: Dote: ScaleDr owirN Title 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION Suet rw. mien PROPOSE; 1990 CONSTRUCTION fills Dix P.S.H. 4/3/9 200 "risaP amet a zaa. STREET ASSESSMENT AREA—SOUTH HALF e -s »;a�fewn � fAtr•+�•n • tlast•en `"'im'�"'�""�'" emuO'"`-em CITY PROJECT NO. 206 MSA 208-103-04 .t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S' CONCRETE SIDEWALK (EXISTING i PROPOSED) Ie 60' R.O.W. o r I� 40' STREET STREET LIGHTS 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK (EXISTING k PROPOSED) (EXISTING i PROPOSED) (TYPJ Drawn By, ootr xae: cam. No. Drawing Title Sheet no. •t••145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION P.S.H. 2/6/9011"-wo' � � ��«��w. 4438 STREET &STREET LIGHTS CITY PROJECT N0. 206 C-3 awl --�y�-•------•--- ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 1 1 _1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OY1P%A W 0 II 83' R.O.W. — 52' WIDE STREET W F 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK �I 40'WIDME TREET 60' R.O. �) nm TOM SUPERAWRICA goo" 0440 CL 1 41 4 ? STREET LIGHTS c� *AM'S 4TH ADO I T I 8 BIT . PATH DO RAMI S AI T IOM 5' CONC ETE SIDEWALK Drown BY: Dote= Scale= Comm. NO. Drow ng Title Sheet no. ;;�•• . 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION P.S.H. 2/6/90 1 -too .. : «. tse. 4438 STREET & STREET LIGHTS CITY PROJECT NO. 206C-2 sp...r.• s�•n.r. • rs.:..r. `�~""�'•"'~"``�'"`•"""' I I ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA IL 1 1 I 1 r 1 S IL a STREET LIGHTS tTYP.) I BYRAW. a. STN AOOITION 2'WIDE STREET r►w • 3 t 9� 2It 3e Z A: f11AN1pN HILLS STREET LIGHTS I I MP low— PARK • 30 s j -� _ IST ADDITION A iT! . BROBACK 2�O ADDITION BYRAW.— 8'WIDE BIT.PATH o '100' R.O.W. FF Comm. Drown BY: Date: Scale* Co. NO. Drawing Title Sheet no. L'alis 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTIONP.s.H. 2�6�90 r' -goo' `•,>no. 4438 STREET & STREET LIGHTS CITY PROJECT NO. 206 C.1 a"soma"b �--•�_ Mao 'w" ROSEMOUNT� MINNESOTAown <i0 i > W OROBACK I IrII,tSTR IAL.. PARK &L ( Z >J I W I.. W I BYRAW. a. STN AOOITION 2'WIDE STREET r►w • 3 t 9� 2It 3e Z A: f11AN1pN HILLS STREET LIGHTS I I MP low— PARK • 30 s j -� _ IST ADDITION A iT! . BROBACK 2�O ADDITION BYRAW.— 8'WIDE BIT.PATH o '100' R.O.W. FF Comm. Drown BY: Date: Scale* Co. NO. Drawing Title Sheet no. L'alis 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTIONP.s.H. 2�6�90 r' -goo' `•,>no. 4438 STREET & STREET LIGHTS CITY PROJECT NO. 206 C.1 a"soma"b �--•�_ Mao 'w" ROSEMOUNT� MINNESOTAown I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 it CAFAM L TON ADDITION SMANrON HILLS OkOSD O.W GREEN APARTIENTS) Mt-" OUTLOT A N TO $"A" 'OBD no. a* EXISTING 36' ` CMP TO Hai •CHM E N old i CARROLLTON ADDITIOP N u D- 18" c< t<— I V RAHN'S 4TH ADDITION R"' S ADDITION Drown By: Dote: Scok: Comm. No. Droainq Title Sheet no. ,,, (Z'W'AW;:a�145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION P.s.rt. 2/6/90 1 goo �t.�, lac. 4438 STORM DRAIN CITY PROJECT N0. 206 IB -2 ta�tnNrt f >�r�n�es f tN•a�M t I I tw- ""IROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 «ao � I P, mo, r W r > r r� ; 1 .1,I > STH � Ix ; v ' WOApC� TRIAL Z r> r W ! O i s !V W O «ao � I P, mo, I 1 s i 3 1 .1,I / 6 STH BRQPO$EQ- n,, ' I 1 s i FUTURE CONNECTION TO POND HAW 184A 0- 4 .c c.. r U i UKL U UNNL G T ION J TO POND HAW 184B 3 1 .1,I / 6 STH ADOITION ' FUTURE CONNECTION TO POND HAW 184A 0- 4 .c c.. r U i UKL U UNNL G T ION J TO POND HAW 184B `-�;eP$s�- " IT, Omm SHANNON HILLS PO�� - - son • WMRAMt f , 2 , PARK —IT I I ISP41BACK 2ND ADDITION IST ADDITION Drown By: Dote: Scde:Comm. Ma. Drawing Titk Mppi�tt OS, Sheet no. P.S.H. 2�s�so ���-�00� A. «int.: Inc.4438 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION "••n• •»n• ..� STORM DRAIN CITY PROJECT NO. 206 B-1 Wt lwrsa l�wM 0 lWy�ia, p �tlt 0 a - ".6.1 ROSEMO�UNT, MINNESOTA Z X W `-�;eP$s�- " IT, Omm SHANNON HILLS PO�� - - son • WMRAMt f , 2 , PARK —IT I I ISP41BACK 2ND ADDITION IST ADDITION Drown By: Dote: Scde:Comm. Ma. Drawing Titk Mppi�tt OS, Sheet no. P.S.H. 2�s�so ���-�00� A. «int.: Inc.4438 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION "••n• •»n• ..� STORM DRAIN CITY PROJECT NO. 206 B-1 Wt lwrsa l�wM 0 lWy�ia, p �tlt 0 a - ".6.1 ROSEMO�UNT, MINNESOTA I 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 J 1 1 1 Drown By: Dote, Scde: P.S.H. 12/6/9011"-100' I Comm. No. le�.l.a 1ta�.roa i �►roctac.., iaa. 4438 ttyt.wr.. aa.•.f«+ • "moo • aw .lsomM.Avon. .....A....Y.. 0.,..» I WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER T � � To m"AY 3 PROPOSED SAN. SWR. RECONSTRUCTION Sheet no. growing Title 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION CITY PROJECT NO. 206 A-3 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA • SHANNON MILS ' INP 12" WM INP 12" WM CARROLLTON ADDITION r- —I—N-P 12" WM O V (t0 tow MOM) CARROLLTON ADDITION OunOT A • soft t j3; g PROPOSED 1 w. M INP 12" WM INP 16" WM (� RAHN' S 4TH ADD I T ION RAiN S AOOI T Ia1 t Dram By: Date: Scale: 12/6/9011100 I Corrin. No. Drowg Me t Sheet no. P.S.N. ��. AsrY*"f e, ISO. 443$ 145TH STREET R CON ESTRUCTION a" «..• .�..�.... WATERMAIN CITY PROJECT NO. 206 A-2 �..".M a NOW��"�" . ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA M=04....M v •fi Nam D� C�► � v so mum • >III NNW • N Z 19 AVANwvd RM 9 1 dl h NONNVHS • OK 3nr i J"130 1 1 d 1 1 I I 1 OW08 331 na3S „e •X3 • 3nr NUMN30 -------------- --Hlyd ONON11► I 0 &"W +� • !/� IOI�NI Q • O LC M OK 3nr i J"130 1 1 d 1 1 I I 1 OW08 331 na3S „e •X3 • 3nr NUMN30 -------------- --Hlyd ONON11► I 0 &"W iter 1 1 +� • !/� IOI�NI Q Z O I �C40 (n Z.cn ZZ O Z W W�.-. W0Z w�0 � W Jul E =U� J 1 Ul � � w y iter 1 1 • c SURVEY FOR E. D.UN..N w 1' PRELIMINARY GRADING L t, t; PA" ,WOW � Mn;v - - uls 1 .._A r .._ r • _ - -_.�—� 1 . 1 JJ N t coelrte OF Wt Of N tli la - w F w _ •"-�- - - --.. -- f.o 'sL INI - /OAA CO M014111 N6U T� Qp , SIGN 1 U6010,11 I f AGBi3 I f AyA . K 1 N r Ci 1 � r r 0 YON 1 860.2 I p I 1 f� ew-j W~ . Q 2� s I. 862.7 I SCALE f I INCH • 100 FEE i x 1 X n�Tl�Glfr rnwry s— 6., Z , L. A `v�+ •872. S�LIi's � IlotD7 : a �• f AGES I ' n s 1 it 867.3 I X 159.4 1 L li6g.3 d 5.7 xIt • ( w � 665. N I _- oot ox `,: , \ ' •4 x I � - ,, � � 1 SIGN �iIG: = P.CuP1i6D CoA/7MI.0 r` \ �.. . �. 3 •, �, iii �+�`�._ j�'� 1 I � (iJf. W x X �7c3 Q 1 N ON [1r [melt a/tf eAILROAO ....,.• :L:•...• t yl� L ` � � � f ` //• n x 1_ 11 1..••AL_ 11& � � �7j.i � ' e7o.5' .� I • 411"415, E , __ .—.. .. .._t_ _ _._.._ .._-_.___ . ,�► __-- ---•— _ ..0 55 — LMAR H. SCHWANZ 1 41 I �� A ` '/r 1/1\ y✓ //+ I ( 1!L 1N IIWt IN7N M/tlMY1NLI, YINNllUlA/MN! •1y.7}IL!! / 'r' jA ,I�P - .h w - �� I f.11eVE,l/11'e CEIIIIt ICAI[ AW i 4 `, /•-'� �' - ►- r�•- • s L.YTATE N MQ 02 0, �1 � t@a.�-ao�.- , - 2sfl'Op�+'t � - % 1 ^ill � - _-.::: __—_ �:..,_,��` t r — — _alI_1P--...r' —i - — ns- ' •1 I a-' \ 1�2(✓wiZl �r1J(3P =2Mt4 1 hem._ X (I:IJ.III. 1IAK CO rONI