HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.d. Armory Project Update P O. BQ?( 510 ��i�� Q 2875-145TH ST. W. !1c y`��/^� �y ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 lJc7QI!"Lll�!L� 612-423-4411 ITEM # �D March 29 , 1990 TQ: Maqor Napper Council Members: Klassen Oxborough Willcox Wipgermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator � �. RE : Armory Project Update On March 26th the Community Facility / Armorp Cammittee met with architectural and financial representatives of the National Guard. Mr. Craig Webber, Project Coordinator ; Mr. Tom Vesely, Architectural Design Coordinator; and Mr . Terry Palmer , Executive of the Minnesota National Guard Building Commission met with members of the Committee to review the newly proposed ermory and how it would provide facility use and space for activiti+�� the committee has developed . It was a good opportunity to have the Guard architects and the Committe� rev3ew in depth the oppor�uniCiea apen ta u� . A11 in attendance agreed that the pro,ject coordinator would review a11 the items being proposed by the Committe�, how thep would fit in or be added on to the groposed facility and develop cost estimates for their construction. Though these cost estimates were done by Boarman & Associates, those costs were based on a "stand alone" construction without the armory. This approach will very closely tie cost estimates to "this" pro�ect and be more meaningful and wi11 reflect potential cost savings based upon full space utilization and "sharing" of construct�on costs where that can be accomplished. The project coordinator will also attempt to develop a basic fioor plan showing the armorp with enhancements and additions which were on the Committee' s list. The cost estimates and basic floor plan should be completed within three weeks after which a committee meeting will be held to review them. lj � � � + ' � .r..,.___'.:_ _ _._ _ - _ '��L.3�"S�SiaCaf�r�.�M�r"�rr�...�w�+.�.�.. . ._.._��!v'_�'"" — ---- F�� �2 ---------------------------- FAX 512-t9�-3g4S I P,H�7USE t"INt!01 MNMESOfA,dEMRtN1�Ni bf NNUtAAY OdMAM� .,� MINt�fOT o'F�Mo�t t�i�N�o�,��`tr+��NAt 4tlARb : VMNsm S+nkr�M�! _ j le1M►e�A,M1r+Mu,�s 9l133•l44r � ' ; Agril 2 . 19�1� Representa►tiv�: Dennis Ozmen�. Room 297 . State af#i�� 8uilding St . Paul , Miinne�ota 551�5 D�eax A��r+�a�nt�ti.ve O�zment� The purpbs e qf thas letter i� ta ���u�'�►t yau�u�d'by�Zh�aG�tX far the hrm�ry P'unding L��isl�►tt��s�a�morY Dta3�'�� i$ o�'� a� o� Ro�emount . Unqu�atianably , qreat impartar�ce for the Cito °�heR8tateUa� �Mir►nt��t�►���t� Army Nati4na1 Guard► and a1s ou know; kh�! �:i�ty c�# �osemount ha�aC��leveldo�n�q�6�,�tiott As Y . them to levy � af leSli�.��ti.on mllawing �ercent .of ta�xa�le mark�t vslue���n�t�t� Stetut�nOCh�►pt�r�C�h cutt�ent1Y authoxited bY M3.nn�s 193 . 145 . This levy would �upPvrt th� ts�apa��d oan�ttuCtion ot th� d7th bi.vi�ion H�adqua1:ter� AKm��Y• fo� Tht pro�Eet oriqinally sehedul�d �ar l�a��maunt �nwev�r ► the �anstructian of �n En9�T��uat�d�h��� �ino�r��1�Ct+�d t�offi�mt�unt �t� Ninnesota Army National the �ite �or the 47th Inf�►�ta9tDa��th��P��p�����om �3�1���• Thia has changed th� tokal � millian to 57 .025 millfan. Bio�����itk��th���kh�r�25��b¢itnq�� foK 'f5� af the ba�ic project c equ�lly split between the �'��ti ha� incxeasedcfram�$387��On Rosemour►t's partiaipakf�ori leve to 5878.125 . C01�SEC�t1�rit 1 y► Ros�maunt'� �stim�tCd d�bt ���v�'��' 1 cvel has incre�sed ta $95 .00� �nr�t��►11 Y . Thi� Dr��ect is extremely imP�Sct�ist t�'irst ,Ni��tfi�tP�ojtct Nation�tl puard for gev�ral re doea nat groceed st Ra�emmillinnhin�f�deral fundingt� ma�Y lage the esEim�ted $�5 . 2T if anticiP��t� to be received no�f����epd�on sahedule��itdwill the Rosemount proi��t daes be delayrd at least t�wa yearbud�et�,��nd may2b�alo�tg �a br reins�rted into the federal g indefinikely. _ Clearly� h.he pra�ose�l �rmoxY �s �ardeinlprovic�in9n� mc�detnlY te th� Minnesc�t� Army National 4u . �� and mndel tra�.nir�g facility for the$ta��'�o��Minn�sot�h�►nd�tht Infantxy Divisir�n, but also ta t � �ity of Ra�r.mount iri terms af federatl fundint� which wi11 be iri�ecte� into the economy . IF��SE �'A;�{ E�12-��6-394'3 F�,E 01 The car�rstruct�an af thi� �acility in the City a� Re��emoun� �tould ndt or�lY pravide a c�►talyst ��r further davelopment . but would a�so previds the ci�ty a�nd county with gdclition�►1 �pace �or a variety of use�. �The�e �goilitiea etould be av�ilable te ell �qe qrnup� - frdm tots to s�niora. Sam+� o� the apaces foreseen include a CQnv�ntiion �tnter ty�� area, me�tinq roams of vArious size� , � multi-purpae� gyntn�sium, a �i.tneae �rea, e► t�ieate�x typ� briefinq re�m, end kitchea �s�ilitiee auflivient fvr � wide veri�ty of •etivitiee . The Minne�ota Army Natfonal Gu�►rd stronq�y �uppo�t� th�.S �egialat�.an. W3thout ik, thie� �igni.�ica►nt O�Q���t. �nd it� fed�ral tund�.nq may be logk . Thank you far ybur considpration ar�d sup�or� �or thi.+� aeqislatian. Xour help is greatly appreEiatcd. I laok tarward tc, visiting with you should c�t�y �tdditidn�l info�mt�tion b� neccssary. �ince�ely, � �--„"----`_ � ,�...I � � � .�ANDR�O �r gadi�r C�ener�l , MN AN!� . e Ad jut�nt c3�n�r�1 d i