HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.c. Police Chief Hiring Process � P(l B()X 510 ��r� � �t�t� C) � �n��,��n���►•�sT w. �+ ' F�QSEM(�UN7. MINNESOTA 550B8 �e7�rn�u�•� 6t2--423-A411 ' ITEMI � March 30, 1990 , �� T0: Mayor Napper Council Members: Klassen Oxborough Willcox . Wipperraann FROM; Stephan Jilk, City Administrator,� ' 'f . �, RE: Police Chief Posit3on ` Recommendation for Hiring Mr . Lyle Rnutsen, presently our police Lieutenant and second in command for our police department was one of the applicants for the position of Police Chief. Mr. Lyle Knutsen has eighteen years of experience with our Rosemount Police Department w3th three years as gatrolman� ;a thirteen years as sergeant and two years as Lieutenant. ,'! f� In those years of service to the department he has credited himself as a fine police officer, a qualitp supervisor and a person of fine character. In considering Lyle's appli�ation � ; felt it was appropriate to consider tht�se years of �ervice and `"; what Lyle would bring to the leadership of the Police Department. 'y Also the continuation of a credible career as we11 as the continuation of the respect our police department has en�oped under the leadership of Chie£ Staats. I have, at your direction held a formal interview with Mr . Knutsen and am satisfied that he will fill the position very satisfactorily and with leadership and supervisorq akills we are looking for as we experience growth and change. I therefore recommend: 1 . That the selection process for the position of Chief of Police Emergencp Services Director be halted. 2 . That we appoint Mr. Lple Rnutsen as Chief of Police effective July 7 , 1990 (the effective date of James Stasts retirement) . t Y Police Chief Select�.on Page 2 3. That Lqle' s salary and benefit package be as follows: Salary: July 7 , 1990 $43, 500 Jan. 1 , I991 44,500 Plus annual ad� . Julp l , 1991 45,500 Plus annual ad� . Longevitp - 4� of base (Lyle alreadp has this) . Auto A1lowance - $175 per mo. or city provided unmarked squad at his choice. Other - nan-union benefizs �vailable �t� non-union employees. 4 . Lyle be placed on a years probation with evaluations completed January 1 , i991 and July 1 , 1991 . 5. That Ly1e begin the process, upon this approval, to appoint his replacement and hire another patrol officer to £i11 the $ap in �he department. Other promotione and hiring to take place on or immediately after ,Tuly ; 7, 1990 when he takes over as Chief. I realize the process we began to fill the Chief' s position has =;,, been altered because of this approach but I believe the community `�' will benefit because of it. "�` -x. Thank pou for your consideration. "°. �,i 1� <�;•', t; ;:. Date Received �' . � �-l_3 �v �.� �-� � �,� • Please Return to< �"� i��: t , ;t,;;: `�i City of Rosemount �,_ 2875 145th Street West "�� Rosemount, MN 55068 �� �; ��� �a � APPLI�CATION FOR EMPLOYMEF�1' � �� CHI�F OF POLICE, Et�TERGEI�TCY SIItVICES CQORDINATOR F . �;� Dear Applicant, �� � ��' We we1come you as an applicant for em ployment. Your application will be eonsidered with others. It is our policy to provide quality of opportunity in employm ent. This policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, reli ion, national origin, political affiliation, disability, marital status, sex or age �between 40 and 65) in all aspects of our personnel policies, programs, practices and operations. This policy applies to full, part-time, temporary, and seasonal employment. The information contained in this application will be considered personal and confidential and used only in canjuntion with your passible employment. Please furnish us with eomplete information. You are encouraged to attach any additional information which you believe qualifies you for the position. Please use IPIK (rit 1'YPEWRITER. Title or Kind of work applied for: � Perm anent Par�-time Date Available: I�nediate Temporary Seasonal PERSONAI. INFORMATION � ' (Name) Last First Middle, Social Security No. ;' KNUTSE�V ELLIEL (Lyle) FR.A,NCIS 472-38-7165 '` �' F.�. Present Add"ress City County State Zip Code �. 14750 Chili Ave. West Rosemount Dakota Minnesota 55068 { �, i, Home Phone No. Work Phone No. (612) 423-4695 (612) 423-4491 Do you have any Physical or Health limitations which affect your work performance? Yes XX No If you have answered YES, please use an additional sheet to explain. If you are not a citizen of the United States, do you have a Bureau of Irr�nigration approval to work in the U.S.? Yes No � PAGF. TWO � , � , _ ` s EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF EDUCATION IS A JOB �' REQUIREMENT.) �; �;.; � Circle the highest Grade School High S ool College Post Grad. ' grade completed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 cl or GEp 13 14 15 16 MA phd � DEGREE � TYPES OF SCNOOL AME AND ADDRESS OF SCHOOL FROM TO OR CERT MAJ� �� , Roosevelt Sr. Hi.gh �p HIGH SCHOOL ���apolis, Minnesota �954 1956 Diploma a�� ;;, COLLEGE OR UNIVER � GRADUATE SCHOOL � TECHNICAL List any correspondence eourse, special courses, seminars, workshops, training, and skills acquired that might relate to this postion. Please review the job description before answering this question. I have attended numerous courses and sema.nars relating to the 'o� b description. Please refer to my resume for the listin� List any current license, registrations, or certificates that you possess. Include driver's license number, class and state of issue. Minnesota Drivers License rnunber K-532-213-261-891 C-1 Minnesota Peace Officer License number 4922 U.S. - F.A.A. Private Pilot License number �R�; TO BE CtIMPLETED BY APPLICANTS FOR CLERICAL, ADMINISTRATIVE & FISCAL. POSTIOPiS OPlLY � x ,.�. Typing Ability: (� yes O no 30 WPM Shorthand Abilit y: ( ) yes (X) no WPNI Business Machines and Experience: Com uter ke boaxd Data ent and retrieval. Used daily for police records and infarmation Micro-film Reader Printer Copier. FAX Transmitter. Bookkeeping Experience: ;: TO BE CE�NIPLETED BY APPLICAPtTS F�t lABOR & SKILLED TRADE POSTTIONS ONIY Y �; ,� Apprenticeship(s)served or learned: trades Capable of operating the f4llowing equipment: � • PAGE THRE.� . , , EMPI�OYMEN�' HISTORY - Please list past employers beginning with your most recent #�` employment: If necessary list other employers on additional sheet. �';'` �_: �,w; xi Employer's Name Mailing Address Zip Code Phone No. � 1� City of Rosemount 2875 145th. St W. Rosemount, Mn. 55068 (612) 423-4491 �; �, Position Held; Duties Performed: sup�rvising patrol sezgeants and � i� assaisting patrol officers, investigations, child protection �;� Police Lieutenant taking correnand in the absence of the police chief. * ,, �� • ,,,; Imnediate Supervisor: Chief James Staats Employment Dates: Last Salar Full Time '� Y� (�) Part Time ( ) From: 1972 To:pr.esent Reason for Leaving: May we contact your present employer? (�) yes O no If no, please explain: Employer's Name Mailing Address Zip Code Phone No. Position Held: Duties Performed: Immedia�e Supervisor: Employment Dates: Last Salary: Full Time O Part time O From: To: Reason for Leaving: May we contact your present employer? O yes O no If no, please explain: ; ; . PAGf FOUR . Employer' Name Mailing Address Zip Code Phone No. ;; � � � � }� Position Held: Duties Performed: ,�� �E . . � , . . '�7�f "�V Immediate Supervisor: Employment pates: Last Saiary: Full Time( ) Part Time O From: To: Reason for Leaving: fmployer's Mame Mailing Address Zip Code Phone No. Position Held: Duties Performed: Immediate Supervisor: Employment Dates: Last Salary: Full Time O Part Time O . From: To: Reason for Leaving: UNSALARIED EXPERIENCE Volunteer Organization Mailing Address Phone No. Position Held: Duties Performed: Immediate Supervisor: Dates of Participation: Hours per Week Skills Le arned: � • � PAGE fIVE . . Volunteer Organization Mailing Address Phone No. Position HeTd: Duties Performed: Imnediate Supervisor: Dates of Participation: Hours per Week Skills Learned: �, LIST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY. PERSQNAL REFERENCES Name Address Phone # Robert Berg 1038 Whitney Drive Apple Valley, Mn. 55124 431-6616 Relationship Friend How many years known? 35 years Name Address Phone # Robert Bolin 12934 Garner Ln. Apple valley, Mn. 55124 432-75$9 Relationship Friend How many years known? 25 years Name Address Phone # LeRoy VanBrunt 7935 Hallmark Way Apple Valley, Mn. 551:24 432-8454 Relationship Friend How many years known? 20 years Name Address Phone # Thomas L. Knutsen 983 Cortland Dr. App1e Va11ey, Mn. 432-7663 Relationship Brother Now many years known? � � PAGE SIX . CONVICTION INFORMATION We declare that the existence of a criminal conviction record will not automatically disqualify you from employment with us, though certain conviction may prohibit you from working in certain positions. Have you ever been canvicted as an adult for a criminal violation? Yes ( ) N� (XX) If yes, date and place Nature of Offense Disposition If yes, date and place Nature of Offense Disposition I NEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL ANSWERS TO THE ABOVE QUESTIONS ARE TRUE AND I AGREE AND UNDERSTAND ANY FALSE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION MAY CAUSE REJECTION OF : THIS APPLICATION OR TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT. I AUTMORIZE THAT A TRANSCRIPT MAY BE REQUESTED WHERE NECESSARY TO VERIFY ANY EDUCATIONAI RECORD, -, � - -- , � __... /� ^ F A RE '--- O` /� DATE ! t G � � EL�,�EI, F. KNtTTSEI�ii 14750 Chili Ave. West Rosemotmt, Mn. 5506$ (612) 423-4695 CCTRRIIVT II�'iAYMk�VT Police Lieutenant for the City af Rosemount, Minnesota. State of Minnesota Peace afficer License 4� 4922. WORK EXPERIENCE - Law enfvrcement Rosemount, Mi.nnesota - Fhiployed as a full time police officer for over 17 years. Positions held in the City of Rasemount: Lieutenant - April 26, 198$ to present. buties include investigations, child protection, supervising patrol sergesnts and taking comnand in the absence of thr Police Chief. Sergeant - - Thirteen years, 1975 to 1988. Prim,ary duties were assisting patrol offi,cers, training, investigations, child proCection and takirig comnand in the absence of the Police Chief. Patrol - - - Three years, 1972 to 1975. Involved in all duties of a patrol of�- icer including handling emergen�ies of all kinds. Patrol - - - Five years, 1967 to 1972 - Lebanon Twp. (City of App1e Valley) Being a patrol officer during the late Sixties and early Seven�ies • presented the opportt�nity to handle a11 types of police calls �s there was only one person on duty during the work �chedule. LAW IIJFORCIIKENT TRAINING AND CERTIFICATES Basic Police Science Training - 200 hours - State of Minnesot�. (1969) Minnesata Department of Health Professional E�]nergency Care. (196$) Management Supervisory Seminar. (1976) 24 hours. E.M.T. F�}nergency Medical Technician. (1976} Management Supervisory Seminar. (1980) 22 hours. Management Supervisory Seminar. (1981) 52 hours. E.M.S. �rgency Medical Service. (1977) 81 hours. Narcotic Investigation. 21 hours. Organized Crime Investigation. 40 hours. Firearm Instructor Certificates from the State of Minnesota, Federal Bureau of Investigations and the National Rifle Association. Advanced Management Techniques. (1987) E�mergency Vehicle Safety Course. 15 hours. Child Abuse Investigation Course (1987) '� State of Minnesota First Responde�. 40 hovr basic. State of Minnesota First Responder Refresher. 16 hours. (Three times) �' In addition to the above certifica�es issued, the City of Rosemount has also sponsored my attendance at numerous classes and seminars throughout my employ- ment. Some of the classes i.ncluded report writing, death investigatians, public safety, developing and maintaining police policies, hazardous waste pracedures. , � Elliel F. Knutse� - Page 2 CONIIKINDATIONS (See attached copies) Letter dated April 26, 1988 frmn Mr. Stephan Jilk, Administrator, Rosemovnt. ' Letter dated July 15, 1987 fr�n Chief $taats, Rosemount Police Department. ' L�tter dated June 09, 1987 fr�n Chief Staats, Rasemount Police Aepartment. Letter dated July 20, 1977 fram Chief Staats, Rosemount Police Department. AWARDS , Peace Officer of the Year, Third District American Legion, 1988. I Certificate of Appreciation as a Traini.ng Officer. Dakot� Cotmty - 1987. � ''� OTIiQt WORK EXP�RIENCE Carpenter - �mployed by Orrin �.'hompson Homes - 1962 ta 1967. Cargenter Apprenticeship Program included 432 in-school hours and 70� on the job hours. On pctober 04, 1965, I rQceived the title I�� of Journeyman CarpenCer by the State of Minnesota Department of �' Iabor and Industry. OTIiER INTERE,STS and TRAIIJING I! In 1.972 I received a United St�tes Paten� (4�3641676) far a self-lu�.nc�u� g�m ! sight. The �un eighta contained p�ar�thium (PM-147) and w�re attack��d to hand- gima, rifles and shotguns. The �elf-lwn�,naus �ighta were also teated on military weapons. The Patent was issused after 17 months of testing. '' In 1981 I began flying lessons and achieved a Private Pilats License on June 16, 1981. I also have been a certified firearms instructor for 20 years. PIItSONAL DATA Born - November 21, 1938 - City of Mirmeapolis, Minnesota. Married with eight children and. eight grandchildren. Social Security Nimiber 472-38-7165. HOBBIES Photography, reading, hunting and fishing. My special interest is sharing my outdoor activities with youngsters. �. � � �� k� � ' . �`�.i. �-- (� r �'� � � tll� �� :���i�, ���•,i�i �:,� , . �tc>5ft.uu�r,i r.,�i���� , ,, •. �.� �. _ �,r,,yc�ft�z c.►r r �,l �,,.. �. . , April 26, 198� Lieutenant Lyl.e Knutson Rosemount Foliee '�epartment 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 � Dear Lyle: I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your recent �romotion to the level of Lieutenant in the RQsem�unt Police Department. The promotion reflects the confidence Police Chief Staats and I have in your ability, past performance and future expectations for your continued high performance with the city. The fact that this position was establfshed, knowing that you would be filling it, was again a vote of confidence by the city council especially since this is the first time this police department has held this pasition. I laok forward to your continued service to the community and your department. At a time when change will be coming in big steps here in Rasemount, our city departments wi11 look to leadership such as yours in continuing service to the community. Again, congratulations. Sincerely� i`, % ' �f�� j�� '� �'�( /��i"�t �•��v� StepHan Jilk��� Administrator/Clerk smj .IAMf�_S �`�Rf:D'� STMT! . � RAY TOUlIGNAM7 i���i 4 :�r r o�i i R � � �'�� O� ��������� • � OAYE PEIENSUN� NAY MtN/1MANA • 1_YLE KNUTEEN � ' MIKE HEpHICK�' . � `iEN�:f�Ni � P4t1�0/�C H POLICE D�PARTMENT ota41E MApiMA�,Hq 1367 14>th Street West +•r■,�•�• F'. J. f3ax 4S5 ROSEMOUN7, MINNESO7A 55068 Emergency 437-4211 Non-Emergeney 423-4411 July 20, 1977 ,,` a� ; i ' Sergeant Elliel F. Knutsen Rosemount Police Department 136? 145th Street East Rosemount, minnesota 55Q68 �� Dear Lyle: This letter is to commend you on the way you responded when I called for your assistance. I apprecieted the help you gaue me plus your ebility to work with the aituation that could have gotten completely our of hand when this 19 year old man barri- caded himself in his basement bedroom with a shotgun and had already discharged �ne round prior to our arrival at the scene. It gives me great honor to have men like yourself with minds thet do not over-react in a situation like 1;his and we u►ere able to resolve this situation without harm to anyone. Again, �h�nk you. Si cerely, �Z!/�� C ,�l-��'�' �ames E. Staats ✓ Chief of Police JEShcm cc: mayor and City Council 1 � � ROS �I��i � UNT PC� LICE DEPARTMEI��` Telephone . Emerpency 911 1367 1451h Street Easl Chiel ol Police ' • Non-Emergency 423•4491 6i0SEM0UNT, MINNESpTA 55068 • • James E. Slaals ' � 7�0: Sgt. E.F. Knutsen FROM: Pplice Chief James E. Staats i�,TE: June 09, 1987 � RE: Handli.ng of r'�ntally (�rangec3 Person This letter is to ccxm�nd you on your actians and abilities d�rnonstrated on the afternoon of June 08, 1987 in handling and subduing an individual w��o was in his residence threatening suicide and also threatening Officers with a knife to a point where Officers would have to use clestructive £orce of taking his life instead af him cormiitti.ng suicide. After a waita.ng game of over tw�o hours the individual left in . , a vehicle and the stop was able to be initiated in an area away fran the �ubli.e and pl�ces to hide. On behalf of the City and myself, w� thank you for a job well done without any injuries. '; J. E. Staats Chief of Police " JE.Sdrn cc: City Ac3rninistrator File \ ' RQSEMOUNT P4LICE DEPARTMEI�T Telephone Emergency 911 2875 1,5th Sfreet W��f Chiet ot Police Non-Emergency 423-4491 Rosemounl, Minnawt• 55068 James E. Staats 7'O: Sgt. E.F. Knutsen 1?I20M: Police Chief J.F. Sta�ts f)nTi,: ,Tul.y 15, 1987 RP: Job Wel1 Done This letter is to coim�end you on your .lengthy investigation and arrest of si_x juveniles that �ere involvec7 in the six residential bur_gtaries in the �st month a].ong with the return of the rr�jarity of the rr�rchandise which was stolen. The people who live in the area and also the victims of the six houses burglarized are very appreciative ar our Uepartrnent. That was passible through your dec�i_cation to your. joi� and the public. ����� J. E. Staats JESc�m k CNESTER NRDUCKA.COMMANDER oox ta� Flysian.MN 56028 507 267-438fi PASt COMMAN�ER ,/ I r.e Kr,ifmr �� �hNt1E'1��I� .L:��l/K iG20 Arborehtm Bivd. f,hanhassen, MN 55317 %� s�z��4-s�es THIflD ��; VICE COMMANDERS •\� DISTRICT ��'�� Lawrence Conklin /;;-�'\ Ilwy 19 East ..�„�..�.�,...�o•. . • ------ � u 1 -------___..._-- ,.WiMhtnp:MN 55396 ' . . 507 fi47 53A2 • . • • . ��arence Narriman A ril 7_8 19�38 RR4 Flnx 97 � P � F�nibaidl, MN 55071 507-332-8851 Lllied k'. (L,yle) Knutsen 2�375 145 th Street W , I`elr,� Lanryran Rosemount M inn. 5506£� fli82 LTkP�Ivd. f frnesl I.akc. MN 55025 fi�� ��'2�2620 Dear Sgt. Knutsen: flennis litllr, ���, 5�i�s�. �Lt is my pl.easure to inform ,you that Rosemount American s� r,��ir��, MNsSo» Le�fon Poet 65, has aul�mitted ,your na.me and resume for fi12959-3027 con�idera�;ion �.� Peace Officer of the Year f�r the Third Ilr.rnu�nS�hlie District American I,ePion. Yoi�r resume was COriB�.f�P,1"PCI n"x 'a' alona wi th two others and sent on to the Depa.rtment (S tP.te) Mnni,^,Iown. MN 55052 �f �innesota. for further consideration. You were chosen 50t 685 4195 as Peace �ffir,er �f the Ye�.r, f.o.r tMe Third District. 19��. ADJUTANI Nnxr,�r�llnnnel We would like ta extend to you a.nd �sa� ri���i n�. ,your f_amil.y, a.n invita- YJhiteBr,a� lake, MN55110 tion to a.ttend �l�r `rhird .Dis�trict Convention, to l�e held 6�2-429��69 in St. Pa.tal Yark, on Ma;y .?_1st. , to accept thi9 award . MEMBEASNIP DIRECTOR t�loytlMolmart It is etxstoma.ry �or the reciepent to say �. few words. of �54nsvilryMN 55337d h�$ choice, on some pha.se nf his Falice work. We wil.l 612-A35-7234 he a.11owed about 10 minuteg, I will meet you there and introduce you to our membership at �he �;eneral session CHAPLAIN j us t ri or to 1 1 :00 �. m. fary Ri�hland p • fil4 3rd St. N E. Mnntgrnnriy,MN 56069 .. I:f you ha.ve need O� further information �P,P.� �x'�@ t0 CQ?'lt�.Ct 612-36A-5123 (;�mma.nder. J oe 7'am�kins of the R�semount .Americ:a.n Le�ic�n or. FINANCE OFFICEB R1318e1 f. flaiiowr,Johtison no�m s�. Congratulations. . . . . . . , , . . .I rema.in, farminglon, MN 55024 6i2 453-7161 c�, � JUOfE AOVOCATE . �� j ���`���` � ''` �`����Xt��; �rth�zr A. B.lack, Chairm�n ��c���P�, Mr, s6os� Third District American Le�?ion f,i? 357-4994 L�.W and Order Committee NISTORIAN 472�3 S�P.Wa.Tt ����idrosi��r White 13ear T,aice , Minn. 55110 n� � noxs�e 42g-3st3o Orantx;o, MN 5596U 507•288-4796 SERGEANT•AT•ANMS l�iian Ziemer RI 1 Rox I(1 f lysian, MN Sfi028 SOf ?fi��4504 � � � "For God & Country" �. ; � ; � � � � ! ..., .__. �. �... ;... t` � �i � r . � � j_ � � � _. � _ � � . f _ � � _ _ r _ �.__ � � w � . y .�.,,..'',ok,�.,�.�.`�$'�'�� ...a.� ���'�`� `rQ,7gr'�J�'�- `c�.��,`..Hy' •+�`��l��j' �i.rs: y `�� ��-" �"! .M"'� �� +s..��� . ��V ��� Y : g, i „ �. �..,, ���'�^: '.'.,4y�y�.� ���'� ':�<fiL`vi'�'. `� �:....p,wi�',:� y :�.',�+"`+� ��"�'.�.���� ......��W`M�j'. . .:`�,l�'� .',�i�"�'��.-..�.,�.1�}ly,,y, �'� ,.�i�yy„ r....��f'� _ �.:,��Jv�,.:..� �' . ¢�t .. r , , �2. � ,�, �. � r ���.�y:� � -�� � �;� , � � ti , �� ; : : � .. � �. y. ♦ Vs .... -.. V � V N.� � �� � �i .v:;. :.:.. . .�,s, . . \r:�.-:'�.�.d s..��'�,�,�" � ,. ���� . -'� µy�,� �l�. v' � ;,�i ;���► �i:� • _..��C�j/r.c. ii :�--.\� .• " • �x\hNt ri.` �.:�.. . :..� �:�/r-�.- .�.�7 � \ ?l. — vl�t :* ... _ ., J - .. • ���♦ _ � �R".-4 .+�1� _�1 ��111T1, :. ! .�> . �t , �i ` � ! ��i��'�� _ . �` ` # , . a� �'': .. / �� >�r,.r s�. � ��.'vs':s;_ s n �� r . :.s;Fa . � rr...y„"�. x., .�r� x .►�.ao- ✓.r.t r r�� w.r..x � ,✓".,�' �'4 ( ..,� � _. - '` . . ` _ .. . i2� �.. � � 1, .•' .. . .. .E F` : , �� "' �� STATE OF MINNESOTA 'k �ti � � \ .,�, - . . .. . . , _ . . . ' � 4� �� •. ���,... �� , �. «t ��'. _ THE MINNESOTA BOARD OF PEACE OFFICER _ � ��'� / ` � �. , � � � ,. �: ._ � `y , � ..- �� - STANDARDS AND TRAINING ,� . � � .�. , �� - ,T' .� , .� ,� �� � � �� �� r ��. �, ,``� � � : �, q � � . !� .�- � ... _ _ ' Y7 •x l i � ;�. . �.� _ _ _ . . � ,�.� ` "`, � — - . _ __ - � s�,,�, �,,, �� � _ _ ';� �- , � ',; .� _ ' = , - �G�G . - - _ fi� - q . - t " �:7� . � , _ _ � , , _ _ ��� � �. - _ . . , ,: /GG��lG f7��'i G.� , ,, ., _ , __ . ,�`� , ;; .. , - , _ __ - . : . - : `-� . _ ;��,, , , ; -T � . . . ;. ,, � „ '�; - , , __ . � -- . . , - _ , � - - . - �;ti��� ; .� "� _ _ _ �» ;. �; . , ; :, . . . : , f ;� �„��'� / � ;:: « . - _ _ m ,� �t�� �:tF`{r ',. _ ' . . _ � ��� . ., • ?� �'� ` ` t" � � - -- - � � �_ a� � :. ��� �. �\ � - �N - . . .. .1 +,� j -�'`F= �•-1 i , .- 1 _ y � .. . . .. . �.{� n.��� , �� �, �. . _ : , ,�.. K . . _.� ELL I Ft�F".: . - _ �� f Y� � = - . . / _ _ E _ . ; _ -. _ KNUTSEN , � � - _ _ - - ` � t - _-_ � � . - � � , � - . _ . ,-i , � :� _ �-: -- . � -�'`� .., , _ . ` _ ,� , '�_ .' . , - _ to be a police instruc#or in the S#ote„of Minnesctc � � � �' - � ` _ - - ��. - . . . � - _....,,� - . .- - � � �� .� . �. � ., :. . , _ - , ��.�.= : °, cnd authorized to teach those sub'ects for which ��' �::�' � e � N�� ( �,� » �...... .: - .. . . .. . . .. . . ._ ._ .. .. . • , . - - �4 � .. ' 1 $_ ..- ; � . _ � . . •� -_ - - ;� =- - � lesson pians have been submitted_fio fhe board.,�. _ - ��� :;�� � � � - _ - __ _ _ _.:. _ _ � � - � _ �� _: _ . �� _ _ � . _ r.� - j/���_ � � � - - - _ � y . : ' ; .... .- .-� -. .. �� \ ;... _��' '. ' '.'. •`�� - y v. � ..,;- :' . \ .?:qN - . .. . ,.. . �/�� _ � ��� ` �i:. 1� � - � - : _: ,., � ,. � �, _�,� �.�'� ���� �' ,<a= - " airman of the Soard' R "` `'� "� �. �� : / � — -. 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KNUTSEN Is duly registered as an Emergency ?VI edical T echnician —Amb�lance , by havinb fulfilled the prescribed requirements and satisfactorily passing the written and practical examination on this 14 t h day of ,�p r i 1 A.D. I 9 7 6 �EG,ISTERE� - , � � Z� Chairmaa � U A Z, ' �Z� �� ` �� Executive Director �Ep t C A1. _._.___ �_ _ _.____--- ----- - -- ---- —_. _—_._. _— � _—_ __ - _ i � t � [ � f f I ( � ( f � C �_ �; . (._ . ' ..9�4; °�� `' �����`�i�'`����'�r�b"�.�°�'�������������9b�b��5'� G � 7 ����'1i ~ . � � �e �e�� ��c� � .. � . ,e� � � ��� ��,� . � �u� . � ��,£ �..� � �.IIIF�Z�.� ��'IS �P��t�i�Ft�P . � . T.o LYLE KNUTSEN ForSuccessfully Completing the PROFESSIONAL EMERGENCX CARE COURSE - BURNSVILLE � _ � " FFo� February 5 19�o February 13 19 b8 �- This 10th ,��of June �gb8 ' � _�����-�- - • Secrctary and Executivt OflScer !� y ��rj� I�w r . �S�`��'�+�`�9����1'a��"V�Q! h � '� ;C� �����L�7�5�����S���a�y���������,����a�`�"V� � � � � r i r � r t r � i 1 r � r � �tpFTR4q,s . U.S.Department o#Transportation � � � � E 'b �' *;, National Hiqhway Traffic Safety Administration �y � CERTtFICATE OF � � 'f�st�iFi��` COMPLETI�N � � . N Y J'V�EDI�AL �� �R�E � R'�1 �S PRC)� RA11� S� C I i t a rt' k th�S .S _o c,...sfy _hat ELLIEL F. RNUTSEN has compteted the following NHTSA course in EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE MINNESOTA 8i-HOUR EMERGENCY CARE COURSE- . - ./f;!/�_ . .'; /7ir,- c.� � ' ����Commissioner o"'f� Health In testimony whereof, � this Certificate is — �rnors Representati given on the .1�day of s.a.nuar�19�Z. - Regional NHTSA Administrator Expires 3/30/78� I . ! i 1 I i I i 1 ( { f I ( ( ( ( * * ,r ** ,r** * *,t,t * *** * ,t * �R* ,t *� *,t * * * * * * *,t,t ,t ** ,t,t *� * ***,r* * * ,t * ,t * ,t * ,t* * * * *� * * * * * *,t �r * � *� ,t * * * * . * � * � �F � �- * �� � � * * �'�� � * * � � * * � , * * � � * � _ � * �M . � * * � -r.--..�_ � * � � - ...,_ "-- �F * �,. 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",� . . . v r v � . a.:�v � '�=., _ E rq4�,y ��w_,, • �c�L�'f ����o L'�,, � �� � ���0�� �+ `� Rj�^,,�.'' uT� • � ` �'�'`� ���� C.,� M�:NT � � � � � �� pR SS� �� ��, ��� ��.� ���� �. �1 ?' -w- ��1 j0 �;�.r y�JI` J . �� � �T ' �Y� Certi�cate vf �'o lice Trcxining �J �� �`���J . , . . •�J t � ,J � ��;�;�z This is to c erti fy that G"�„ � w �_�� ELLIEL F, KiVUTSEN `�'' �� ��''� � �=� has successfully completea a �'�-+ .,�.�. � -,. •�� JS HUUR iNITIAI �M�R6�NCy VFNICL� CO�RSE ��� . � �� � �� �+,:, for Law En[orcement Of�ters ; �. �� 08/17/82 �� , , DATE „ `� v . � n + - � ��r. .,v • - � � � . n � 2� � ,�r`.� PR SIDENT, DAKOTA I.AW ENFOfiCEMENT ASSOCIATION PQLICE TRAI ING COORDthAT R v Li�!w ^ ' •'1,� s�� r�,, ��V �. ..,'� ���. iw wi G `� • � �� .� • L C(. �•; �� ��. �w ♦• �? �\� Cv� ��� � � •�.. �,_ r ^., � r ,; '� / •.s ^♦ r �7 �� ♦X �. i a�l: ��� �r r• �♦ w' r G',� ^r G'� :r ,• v, :r �'''. �, b` 1 .. .. _._.. . - "- - � --.-_'_.--_ ----'._.___. ._.. . _..---- ----. —_'--_�.-- -_ _._ ... _. _.�._ ._.__..__.._,.._�-�v. ---- _ ..--�—`------ __. . i I f ( .( ( ( _ ( 1 I f ( ( � _ ( � __ � ,--��_..:,�x,,,,r,,.:,�-�:..-�-_ �:r:,-, _:,�.;.�.:`� _ ( �-- _ . �.:��� e.;:,�.�.w..R.�...�......�... �.... ,..a...- :+�3ar�--_r.�:�?�r-:��-v��� r -c-:a�xvs��+!'�ar�. � � .. .. . . . . ... , . . . �.+s.s�:u..-r . . . . . 5 i ' c k � , � � � /tf�`'"'�""C s� . .����, �:�'��. � �� � DAKOT� `���``�t��` � -._�-... � -,.. .,,,, `� � ,.� l �--;�"�`'c • TF?:th!!�^v�- '•' '��,.� pR,C��l`'I�;I'1T� �S� �4� i��. . ��'� � 0�'1� � _ '� �� � . �o � Certificate of Police Training � This is to Certify that - �,2Zie,e Knutt,en � has success,fu!!y completed a � ' Ch,i,�d A6ub e � ' I nvee�',i�cLt,i,an Cawca e ,j'or Law En,rorcement O,jficers � Ma�cch 19, l 9 8'7 � DATE ���'�J- - R SI , DAKOTA LAW ENFQRCEMENT ASSOCIATION f TAIUNINC, INA OR ^• . . . � +�.�.`'�.� . . Y."_ _._ _ . . . . i ( t � f 1 f _. �= �-- � � f ,, � G � �__ f � . � Dakota Count Technical Institute ' Y . . Law E�n fo rc� rn e n t Tra i r� i n � Certi crx�e o Com letio� � � p � This is to cert�y that ELLIEL (LYI,E) KNUTSEN has completed a - FIRST RESPONDER REFRESHr:R on the 4th �y Q f. January in the year 1989 ���� . Assis�nc D'v�ecoor /Paice Traineg - � �-�-��.� • ' i I 1 t ( { ( � � ( [ ( ( f f� � { , r , � =� t � � � uf � � �t � P � ut � � - , �Itit�ESCTA DEPA?TME'��T oF �EairH � -�--�' �.tt � P �Q� �_t I1 IT P Q'i L1 f �( SECTFCN GF LICEVSI�'UG _ _ _ - - _ ; lI7 t7ELQkA? � ST SE �"INR�4PCLIS "!N 55440 � ; � HAS ISSUED � - _- - � - - ::- -- - -_- ,._ -- _ . - _ � FIRST �ESPC�CFR HAS ISSUED � . . _ ) - . _- __-_ -=. : CCN�UTE!? �!0 21E�lOP. REGISTRATTCN NO 218E10 8 -__ To:LYLE F K�UTS E►V _ To. -.._- - � � -� =_ 1+750 CNII I AVENUE h'EST . - _- - - - � PCSEMr�NT �,,N 5{068 - -- -� - _ � EFfECTiYf DATE EXPIRATfON DATE ^ � � Q2-1P-s2 0000-OCflO Q0—00—OQ C3-3I-85 EFFECTI�E OATE EX�lRATIGN _OATE � a��,ac+e�ncsa�s� � � w+Ks+;;na6T:�laimcp�c(aas�c�+ce�p'aK'�c�o�c� � a E � g �ii��tr�ui !�r �riinrnf �f � , �r��tf7 � g e � � � 4 � � � Y �rti{ias T�:af Q o g ,�r R j /Ios ju...•stru��u C�ump�cteu� T�ie:l ppnn•a�,.�1./•lour � � g . . `C ::I/7Qra7¢nCu �(ire�,Vure¢ �ii . . � ' � � 3J30/7$ � . � ' � ��� � � � � E.rn...o.ua.. :o..nu.»« .•n. � R . � a/n � �� _ � � ; aA �a TA co JUSTIN J. MORIT2 UN T Y cc�ar+r��n,ares+ POUCE TRAINING i5t21 a3703�4 ` �� OLDCOURTHOUSE ,,.,�„, 4TH AND VfRMiLUON•HASIINGS,MINNESOTA CiE�!1'�"� ,��.w�� �4����1!' , FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR RESUME `' DAKOTA/SCOTT POLICE TRAINItJG PEACE OFFICER SGT. ELLIEL (LYLE) KNUTSEN `— P.O.S.T. LICENSE NUMBER 4922 , DEPARTMENT RaSEMOUNT POLICE DEPT. DEPARTMENT AOORESS_2875_ 145th_St_West,_Rosemount,_Mn. 55068 — OEPARi'MENT PHONE k23-4491 � TOTAL YEARS OF lAW ENFORCENENT EXPERIENCE Z� Years � ' PREVIpUS LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (IF APPLICABLE) FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR CERTIFIGATION tATTACN PHOTOCORY) . CERTIFYING AGENCY__Minnesota_B_C_A. Firearm_Instructor Course. (Forty Nours) DATE OF CERTIFICATION 061375 ADDITIONAL FIREARMS tRAINING COURSES (OPTtONALI _ 1,_ F.B.I.,Law Enforcement Officers Training S'chool 0502$4 (Refresher) 16 Mour �, N.R.A. Police Firearms Training Course. ____ .. 3. Minnesota_State Firearms_Saft�y_Instructor_(Past) Q -------------------------------------------- � 5. � 6'--------------------------------------- --- _ �-���� -f�- - ------------- � � �I PEACE 4FFICER`S SIGtJATURE TE I �N f9UAl OPPORTUr�iIY fMPlnv(R '' � ( � f ( ( ( f ( t �I , � 6; ( � � � ( f . �_ � ; � � # ..` � ,� . ,�1�.W �,l.1 �S� ;.. .`��� : �.� ����._1...���� .... ���.�'!� � ��� ��� � .�-�`�.��.�;. ��� �,r ��,�. �.r. - ,�R ,, . ;.y c � Y . „'• ,,,•.� v,,. �;.;.-.-,_ �-. � . . ., .�., ..�- , J 4 � + `..:� � �,.�4 v�,.;i.�' �`"s��f ..�^ 4�a. � ...;t,w �►::�t.;� � `" '�,.,.''�i,a`�. � ,t��.'d •L► :Cs"s � ~� * '�?�' ��'�� � iJ��'�'`� ti ,� �: - ,1�-'�y ��i :;����.. a.;�r. ��� ,�>��� :.����,� - �'���:; - �1��� �f�fi � -�:��r; �i�'r:-` �t._.� �� �:�i •�k -_,,� , .�; ...�►.� � �z�f �C ;, �;:t=�. _� ��� _� � �� � ��-.:�a �, -.�. �. :� �, —�, <:x �_: _�- �� :—r— {-�° f�'�� �:i"�. . -a`� te�"i t ta 1• '� r —... ,�;:"�J,: .. _ :�t'�_R/��t�'r� , `-`r�__��`•v,-��'-•Jrt4�f�:�'•.�r.i_��'=w/� :...!' �:�"-�'--�...�..,,,:.1,�����=�":��i��!.�;�� ��'w.w. r'��€.L,[� .., ,,. .�.� — . . .. . - ^- 1a�,���y.�.� . ,.� i`:T��=* �w• .:�;y . � . . . . �13' . . �. 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Y}���E . . •� .. • . �1 ��� Patrolman Lyle Knutson ;��.� � i�;.%�` NAME & TITLE ;� �:- `�t - ,� �i�,�•.-� �' � J �'. �� �� of the Rosemount Police Degartment i� � �J � � has satis actoril com leted a trainin course in the ro er o eratio� o Do ler Tra � �� ,1_�3• f Y P � P P P f PP f� ::,.,.� , �,��� -�; , Radar. ;� �;��� .«, �: �. �''• "' �° He is theref ore deemed competent to utilize this device in the a,ccur¢te determin�tion of �� ` `-�� ;�!�' '� z�e�icular velocity. � •��" �� (� ,� � ;� i•�h � July 2 0, 197 3 _d� :,� �� `� �� .� � ''�s DATE i STRU /�/ ``��� ��"...�; ��� : •,w-� � � .N .,.-�—y��•l,c��' y"�./'� :rt,- � '\ /y .i,,^•...+� ..:» E �� �,c �,�,�,�it..; 13�RECTOR OF TRAIIVING ;:,�, . ��5 �+� KUSTOM StGNALS, ING. r � r� _ :-�� �.:. y�.. � ��.. :�;; . :T;.,. 1_/"t' � ���s�'L. .+_s':qt�'i-- {:�: .x.w. �+� � . �':y„ jl�iw''� a�. � � , �. _ � �.,\i•� '"'�r� �:.�,���/ �,'�' "� '�-�f� �i.�'' 7�' ;�t� t�� ��,� ilr�. ��., �i�� ���.. 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