HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Receive Feasibility Report - 145th Street West Improvements. l lTEM # 6 F' **9k�te�r�Ir�+k�Ir+k+k�k+k iF+k+k�k dr#+k#r+k�k,k�Ar#r�k ik�k�k*�r,k�k,k MEMO,k�k��r#r#r 1k,k�r#r�#r,k#r*#r+k+!A�#t*+k+k�r#�,k##r�k�k�k�r#,t DATE: MARCH 28� 1990 TOs MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILR FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIG WORKB DIRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEM FOR THE APRIL 3, 199Q COUNCIIa MEETING NEW BUSINESS Receive Feasibility Report, Pro�ject #206�145th $treet Improvements This item consist of having the Council receiue the feasibility report for 145th Street West between Cameo Avenue and Chippendale Avenue. This memo provides some general background to this project and recommended action for counci] to consider. At the request of the Public Works Department the City Council authorized the preparation of the feasibility report to look into the reconstruction of 145th Street from Cameo Avenue to Diamond Path. At the time we felt that there were two reasons to pursue this pro�ect. The first was because the roadway is in dire need of reconstruction. The second was because Dakota County Highway Department was reconstrueting Diamond Path from 145th Street to 140th Street. This project would remove the curve at the Baptist Church and result in a "T° intersection with 145th Street. While the feasibility report addresses the entire lenc�th of the praject, we felt that it would be best to identify the segment between Camea and Chippendale as having a higher priority to complete the reconstructipn. Some of the reasons for pursuing this segment between Cameo and Chippendale are because we need to construct a 12" watermain fro�n Cameo to Chi,ppendale to provide better water service and fire protection for the adjacent areas along 145th Street. Also, this segment is in much worse condition and detour routing for the westly segment would be better if we let the County complete their segment first. One of the issues that this project brought up was the fact that in order to use State Aid street construction money to help finance this project we would have to obtain a variance for the street width in order to allow parking on both sides along 145th Strest. Our Consulting Engineer, Bud Osmundson, and myself attended the variance hearing last Wednesday. The results were not in our favor. The five member variance committee unanimously denied our variance. Their deniance was based on their belief that we could widen the roadway by eliminating the existing boulevards. They felt that the propased traffic volumes on 145th Street would be tao great for a 40 ' wide street with parallel parking on both sides to accommodate safely. The variance denial leaves us with basically three alternatives. 1. Reconstruct at 40' wide and allow parallel parking both sides. 2 . Reconstruct at 40' wide and allow parking on on� side only or no parking on �ither side. . 3 . Reconstruct at 48 � wide and allow parking on both sides. Under Alternate #1 we would forfeit our State Aid funding, which could be about $400, 000. The 40' width with parking on both sides would leave us with two 10' driving lanes and 10' parking lanes on each side. For the volume of the traffic w� are experiencing on 145th Street the 10' driving lanes are quite narrow. Although the narrower driving lanes tend to reduee speed, they also increase the probability for side-swiping accidents. I would not recommend pursuing Alternate #1. As for Alternate #2, allowing parallel parking on only one side of 145th Street would satisfy State Aid criteria and therefore be eligible for State Aid funding. The minimum width for a two lane low dens�ty arterial roadway with parallel parking on one side is 38 ' . This would allow us to maintain the existing 40 ' street width along with the boulevards. Although the parking issue might be sensitive because it would be on one side of the street, I have not noticed very many cars parking on 145th Street. On occasions when residents on 145th Street would have a group of people over, the worst that would happen is that people would have to park across the street from their dest�nation. Because most of these occasions occur during periods of non-peak traffic volumes, such as weekends, holidays and evenings I do not feel that this shauld pose any significant problems. I feel that this option makes more sense and therefore would recommend pursuing this. The last Alternate would require us to widen the street to 48 ' wide to be able �o allow parallel parking on both sides of the street and still meet State Aid Standards. The problem with this is that the boulevards would essentially be eliminated. The advantage to this would be that eventually it could be converted to a four lane roadway should traffic volumes and safety dictate that. However, it would be difficult to incorporate using this section as a four lane roadway unless we eliminated parking downtown and made it four lane all the way to Highway 3. I don't feel that the extra cost, loss of the boulevard or a need for a future four lane roadway is the best solution to this particular situation, unless the residents along 145th Street insist on being able to park along both sides of the street. I have cheeked with N.S.P. to see about the possibility of burying their current overhead line along the north side of 145th Street. N.S.P. firmly told me they had no intention of burying that line unless the City would pay to have the line buried. They gave me a figure of between $75,000 - $90,000. On tap of this cast would be a cost to each resident to convert from overhead service to underground service. A representative from N.S. P. told me that they would bring the underground power to the closest point of the house at no charge. After that they would charge $2. 65 a foot to bring it to the existing meter location. In most cases along this street I believe the meters ar� all towards the front of the houses thereby making this charge minimal. The other charge to the residents would be a $2.00 per month charge for underground electrical service. This charge would appear on their monthly electric bill. We don't have to come to a decision regarding either the street size or burying the electrical power at this time. The appropriate time for discussion on that would be after the public improvement hearing. I would , propase on having a pubZic improvement hearing May 15, 1990. This would allow us adequate time to put together the large mailing list that would accompany this project. In the meantime I am planning to put tagether a fact sheet summarizing this proposed pro�ect and distributing it to residents in the proaect and assessment area. I would also plan on having a neighborhood infarmational meeting at least a week prior to the public i hearing. The purpose of the neighborhood meeting would be to explain the project and the policies to the effected praperty owners. The meeting may also provide an opportunity to resolve some matters prior to the public hearing. Recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolution receiving the feasibility report for 145th Street West Improvements, City Project #206. s � • CITY OF RO$EMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY� MINNTSOTA � A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT OF CITY PROJEGT #206, 145th BTREET RECONBTRUCTION UTILITIES AND STREET IMPROVfsMENTB WHEREAB, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construet certain improvements, to-wit: City Project #206, 145th Street Reconstruction Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. , Consulting Engineers; and wHEREAs, the City Council has been advised by the Consu�t�ing Engineers that said street & utility improvements, Gity Projeet #206 are feasible, and shoul.d best be made a� proposed, and the Cansulting Eng�.neers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Gouncil of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #206 and places it on file. ADOPTED this 3rd day of April, 1990. Vernon J. Napper ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: `_ Voted against• �� � � ' - � � -_ � � FEASIBILITY REPORT ' � FOR 145TH STREET RECONSTRUGTION � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 206 ' APRIL 3, 1990 OSM COMM. NO. 4438.00 � � � ' � I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � �. o � Henry C. Osmundson, P.E. � Date: Apri13, 1990 Reg. No. 19156 1 � , - ��, Approved by: - � Richard M. Hef�i, ��E. � City Engineer/Public Works Director Date: April 3, 1990 � � � ' � TABLE OF CONTENTS � TITLE PAGE � CERTIFICATION � TABLE OF CONTENTS � L ETTER OF TRANSMITTAL � EXECUTIVE SLTMMARY PAGE NO. , PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1 � 1.1 Authorization 1 1.2 Scope 1 � 1.3 Data Available 2 � PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 2 2.1 Location 2 � 2.2 Project Area 3 2.3 History 3 2.4 Existing Conditions 4 � v PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 5 � 3.1 Sanitary Sewer 5 3.2 Watermain 5 �' 3.3 Drainage 6 3.4 Street Construction 7 3.5 Detour Route 9 � 3.6 Street Lighting 9 3.7 Easements 9 3.8 Permits/Approvals 10 � � � � " ■ TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED � �� PART 4 - FINANCING 10 � � 4.1 Cost Estimates 10 < 4.2 Assessment Area 11 4.3 Cost Recovery 11 � 12 4.3.1 Satutary Sewer 4.3.2 Watermain 12 � 4.3.3 Storm Drain 13 4.3.4 Street 13 � 4.3.5 Sidewalk 14 4.3.6 Residential Equivalent Assessments 14 � 4.4 General Funding Overview 15 � PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE 17 � DRAWINGS NO'S. 1 THROUGH 5 � APPENDIX � � � � � � � �� � On Schelen � Mayeron& Associates,Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis,MN 55413 e 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Surveyors Planners � � April 3, 1990 1 �canarable Nta�►ur and C�uncil � �ity Q� Rc��etnount �875 14�th Stre�t i��s� Ft�semot�nt, �1ril�I S�Ufi� � R�: 145th Street West and Chile Avenue kecanstruction Frt�j�ct Na. 2p6 � (�SM Comrn. No. 4438 Dear Mayor and Cauncil: � Enclosed is the Feasibility Report far 145th Street 'West and Chile Avenue Reconstruction. 'This r�pott �ddresse� the sanitary aew+�r, w�t�rmai�, storm drair�, stre�t� sidewalk,.�/trailsf � and street lighting necessary for the area. We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please call if you , have any questions. Respectfully, � ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. � � C� - ,�,�y,��r� �!�n� (� �''t. � Henry C. lJsmundson, P.E. Project Manager � HCO/cmw 12i89 � Enclosure � � � ' � EXECUTIVE SLTMMARY � City Project No.206 provides for the reconstruction of 145th Street between Cameo Avenue and Diamond Path (Dakota County Road No. 33), the realignment of the Cameo and Chippendale Avenues intersection with 145th Street,and the reconstruction of Chile Avenue � from 145th Street to the ISD No. 196 south boundary. The project includes the construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain, street, sidewalk/trails and lighting facilities. �' - � The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint and includes the installation of approximately 5000 lineal feet of watermain, 4800 lineal feet of storm drain, and street lights. It also includes the reconstruction of 370 feet of sanitary sewer on 145th Street. The � project encompasses the reconstruction of 8100 feet of street, including the renovation of � 5250 feet from a 24' wide rural section to a 40' wide urban section street. The total estimated project cost is $1,900,000. 145th Street is a State Aid designated street; � consequently, the funding for the project is available from State Aid, City Core Funds, and assessments. � The project can be completed under a single construction contract or be divided into smaller � projects. For funding and estimating purposes, we have divided the project into three parts for this report; 1) the "east half' of 145th Street west from Cameo Avenue to Chippendale � Avenue including the realignment of the Chippendale - Chile Avenues intersection; 2) the "west half' of 145th Street from Chippendale Avenue to Diamond Path; 3) the Chile Avenue reconstruction from 144th Street to the ISD No. 196 south boundary. � It is our recommendation to reconstruct the "east half' of 145th Street and Chile Avenue in one project and the "west half' as a separate project. The reasons to divide it into two � projects include; 1) it is not likely to complete the total project in one construction season without major interference with school traffic in the spring and fall; 2) delays caused by � R.O.W. and easement acquisition; 3) the questions caused by the requirements necessary for State Aid Funding, State Aid Design Standards, and the public reaction to these � requirements may cause timing delays. 4438.00 � � � " '� The State Aid Design Standards require that 145th Street West be constructed to a 48' width with the projected traffic volumes, allowing for two sided parking. The existing width � between Caxneo and Chile is 40' with two sided parking. From Chippendale to Diamond Path, the e�usting pavement width is 24'. No parking is allowed between Chippendale and � Shannon Parkway while parking is allowed on one side between Shannon and Diamond Path. The standards allow for construction to a 40' width with parking restricted to one �� side. The costs in this re ort are based on reconstructin 145th Street West to a 40' width P g � from Cameo to Diamond Path. � � ,� � �, � � �� � � � 4438.00 �\ � �� ` � PART 1 - INTRODUCTION � 1.1 AUTHORIZATION On July 18, 1989, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for public utilities and street reconstruction of 145th � Street between Cameo Avenue and Diamond Path Dakota Coun Road Number � � 33). After preliminary investigations and review of the data collected with the ��` avement mana ement invento it was detemuned to add the remainder of Chile P g rY, � Avenue to the project study. This project has been designated as City Project No. 206. �� 1.2 SCOPE � This project provides for the reconstruction of Chile Avenue and 145th Street ' between Cameo Avenue and Diamond Path. The project was initiated as the result � of the Dakota County Highway Department project for the reconstruction of County Road 33 (Diamond P"ath), which will modify the 145th Street - County Road No. 33 � intersection. The Dakota County plan is to transform the existing long radius curve and mid-radius intersection to a straight"T'intersection. In City Project No. 206,the � length between Cimarron Avenue and Diamond Path will be converted from a rural section street to an urban section. It also will include the re-alignment of the � Chippendale/Chile Avenues - 145th Street intersection and reconstruction of Chile Avenue to the ISD 196 south boundary. � � The project includes the replacement of a 6" watermain with a 12" trunk watermain � between Cameo and Chippendale Avenues, plus the installation of 12" trunk watermain between Dallara and Delft Avenues. These 12" trunks meet the � requirements set forth in the City's Comprehensive Water System Plan. � '` 4438.00 � 1 �' � ' � � The sanitary sewer system on 145th Street West was televised to check its condition � in February, 1990. The analysis revealed that a segment of pipe between Cameo Avenue and the �irst manhole west should be replaced due to pipe failure. This pipe replacement will be accomplished in this project. � � Also included in the project is the necessary storm drain systems on 145th Street and Chile Avenue, and the required trunk facilities for future system expansion. � 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE � Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: � 1. City of Rosemount record plans. � 2. Comprehensive Storm Water Drainage Plan, West Drainage Area - May, ` 1989. � 3. Comprehensive Water System Plan, October, 1988. �' 4. Feasibility Report on 145th Street intersections at Chippendale and Chile � Avenues, City Project No. 179, April, 1988. �' S. Dakota County Highway Department record plans and files. � PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 2.1 LOCATION �i The project is located at the existing 145th Street which is the east-west 1/2 section line bisecting Sections 29 and 30. The proposed improvements will take place within � the e�usting R.O.W. for 145th Street and Chile Avenue except for the proposed � 4438.00 +� 2 �� �'' _ � realignment of Chippendale and Chile Avenues at the intersection with 145th Street. � 2.2 PROJECT AREA Generally, the project area is zoned residential; both single family and multiple � family. The south side of 145th Street between Chippendale and Cimarron Avenues is zoned convenience commercial. Additionally, there is a limited area zoned � a 'cultural and a ortion zoned ublic uasi-public at the west end of the project � P P /q on the north side of 145th Street. Drawing No. 1 in the Appendix shows the project � area. � 2.3 HISTORY Prior to October, 1975, 145th Street was known as Ash Street. The length of "' roadwa between State Hi hwa 3 reviousl State Trunk Hi hwa No.218 and the Y g Y �P Y g Y ) � Dodd Boulevard intersection was Dakota County Highway No.42. (Dodd Boulevard also was a part of County Road 42). This portion was reconstructed by the County � . in 1956 and had a 1 1/2" to 2" bituminous overlay installed in 1968. The length of roadway between the Dodd Boulevard intersection and the west edge � of Rosemount was designated as County Road No. 33. This length of roadway was � built to a rural section in 1963. � These roadways were revoked as County State Aid Highways as of October 21, 1975. They then became the responsibility of the City of Rosemount. Numerous � bituminous patches have been installed as required since 1975. � A Feasibility Report which recommended a new alignment for the Chippendale/Chile Avenues and 145th Street intersection was presented to the City � Council in April, 1988. The Council accepted the report,but did not take any further � 4438.00 � 3 � ��' - � action at that time. � 2.4 �XISTING CONDITIONS � 145th Street serves as a major east-west arterial for the west side of Rosemount. The cunent condition of 145th Street is considered poor, especially from a tr�c volume � perspective. � The traffic volumes are very high for the existing two lane, 24' wide bituminous surface, rural section street, west of Cluppendale Avenue. The bituminous section � itself is in fair to poor condition. The most current raw count of vehicles for this length of 145th Street is appro�cimately 6000 vehicles per day. The high traffic � volumes cause access problems on this length of street. Driveway ingress and egress � by vehicles crossing traffic results in traffic passing around the stopped vehicle on the � shoulders. This has caused pavement deterioration at the edges of the bituminous mat. �' The traffic volume on 145th Street between State Highway 3 and Chippendale � Avenue is also high; approximately 7000 vehicles per day. The existing roadway is a 40 feet wide urban section east of Chile Avenue. The roadway in this area has � very poor drainage and has been patched repeatedly. The numerous bituminous patches and overlays have virtually overtaken the gutter area of the street. These " � gutter obstructions combined with very minimum street grades causes ponding of ' water on the street. Standing water and high traffic volume further deteriorate the � street section. Chile Avenue is in poor condition for many of the same reasons stated previously. �� There are a number of driveways which access 145th Street, especially between � Cameo and Chile Avenues. All of these will be reconstructed to the right of way �, 4438.00 � 4 � � - � line. � The 145th Street intersection with Chile Chi endale Avenues was investi ated in / PP S detail in the April, 1988 Feasibility Report on City Project No. 179. � � PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3.1 �ANITARY SEWER � The Public Works Department had the sanitary sewer lines televised to check their condition. Except for 370 feet between Cameo Avenue and Canada Avenue, all the � other sewer lines appear to be in good condition. The defective sewer line will be reconstructed as will the services found to be in poor condition. � There is no new additional sanitary sewer proposed to be constructed under tlus � project. The segment of sanitary sewer to be reconstructed is shown on Drawing Na A-3. � 3.2 WATERMAIN �� The proposed watermain facilities are shown on Drawing No's. A-1, A-2, and A-3. The two proposed 12" trunk lines fulfill the requirements of the Comprehensive � Water System Plan. �' The proposed 12" watermain from Cameo Avenue to Chippendale Avenue will replace the euisting 6" watermain and connects to 12" and 16" watermains at the � respective avenues. The proposed improvements will include replacing the existing services to the R.O.W, line. � The proposed 12"watermain from Dallara Avenue to Delft/Dekalb Avenues is a new � line which is an important link for a looped system to the Country Hills area, the � 4438.00 5 � ;� � - � new Shannon Park Elementary School, and the Broback Additions in westem Rosemount. Due to the lowering of the street from a rural to urban section, a small � portion of the existing 12"watermain will be removed and replaced below the frost � line. � 3.3 DRAINAGE The proposed storm drain facilities are shown on Drawing No's. B-1 and B-2. The proposed storm drain facilities can be separated into three distinct systems. �` The storm drain systems shown on Drawing No. B-1 are within the Hawkins Pond � Draina e District. The facilities will direct runoff from the street and ad'acent ard g J Y � areas to Hawkins Pond No.HAWl83. The proposed facilities will include provisions for future storm drain trunk connections from Hawkins Pond No.HAW184A at Delft � Avenue and from Hawkins Pond No's. HAW 184B and HAW 186B at the common lot line between the Broback 3rd and Sth Additions at 145th Street. � The proposed system shown on the top half of Drawing No. B-2, which is between ,� Cimanon Avenue and a point 500'west is located within the Schwarz Pond Drainage District. The proposed catch basins and conduit will direct runoff from the street � area and the Rosemount Green Apartments north to Schwarz Pond No. 181B. This is not a change in the drainage, as the runoff cunently flows through ditches and the � � existing 36" culvert to the north through the Shannon Hills area. � The proposed system shown on the bottom half of Drawing No. B-2 is at the proposed 145th Street and Chippendale/Chile Avenue intersection and is located ,� within the Wachter Pond Drainage District. The proposed catch basins at this intersection and at the Chianti intersection will improve the drainage on 145th Street. � The runoff will flow into the existing 21" line on Chippendale which flows south, � 4438.00 6 � ,� �' - � eventually to Wachter Pond No. WAC202. � The system on Chile Avenue may be expanded to include the 143rd Street � intersection. The costs are included in ttus report. However, the proposed changes may not be required after surveying and further design is completed. � In accordance with City policy, all storm drain systems are sized to transport runoff from a 10 year frequency storm event, and all outlet sewers are sized for a 100 year � frequency storm event. 3.4 STREET CONSTRUCTION � The ro osed street construction on 145th Street is shown on Drawin Nds. G1, C- P P g � 2, C-3 and C-4. The total length between the new Diamond Path intersection and Cameo Avenue will be designed to State Aid Standards for urban section streets. � The Standards call for a 40'wide street with parking restricted to one side, based on the average projected daily traffic volume. The projected average daily traffic � volume on 145th Street is estimated to be under 10,000 vehicles per day. The proposed street section will consist of approximately 6"of bituminous surface and 12" � of Class 5 gravel and will be flanked on both sides by B618 concrete curb and gutter. The existing R.O.W. is 83' wide for tlus length of roadway, which is wide enough for � the street and the existing 8' wide bituminous trail on the south side. The existing 24' wide bituminous street will be removed and the street surface will be lowered � approximately 2 to 3 feet. The lowering of the street will facilitate the drainage of back yards to the street on the south side and will unprove the accessibility of the � elcisting driveways on the north side of 145th Street. The driveways will be restored matching the existing materials and the disturbed boulevard areas will be restored � with sod as required. `� The proposed Chippendale/Chile Avenues intersection is proposed as designed in � 4438.00 � � � � - � the Feasibility Report for City Project No. 179, completed by Short, Elliot, � Hendrickson, Inc., which was accepted by the City Council in April of 1988. As this report explains, the realigament of this intersection as proposed will considerably � improve traffic flow through this area. The cost estimate includes provisions for future signalization of tlus intersection. The proposed intersection is shown on Drawing No. C-4. � � From this proposed intersection east to Cameo Avenue, the proposed street will be reconstructed, but will be put back at the existing width of 40'. This length of street has a R.O.W. which is 60' wide and is a fully developed, mature area of the City. A � variance from State Aid re uirements for a 40' wide street with arkin allowed on q P g � both sides was denied for this length of reconstruction. The street section design and restoration of boulevards and driveways will be as previously stated. The relocation of the NSP power poles will be required on this segment due to the State Aid requirements for a 2' clear zone behind the curb. �, The Chile Avenue reconstruction will include the removal of the existing pavement, � bituminous curb and trail on the west side, and possibly the concrete curb and gutter on the east side. It will be replaced with a 32' wide bituminous street flanked by � concrete curb and gutter on both sides. The trail will be installed as a normal boulevard, sidewalk section instead of having the trail immediately adjacent to the ' � curb. � There are bituminous trails and concrete walks along the entire length of the proposed reconstruction which will require removal and replacement as needed, and �� will be determined in final design. � � 4438.00 8 � �. � � � 3.5 DETOUR ROUTE � The proposed detour route will be along Connemara Trail to Shannon Parkway to . County Road 42 to State T.H. 3. Local traffic will be maintained through the construction period. Individual driveway access will also be maintained, except for � the curing period of concrete curb and gutter and/or sidewalk. � 3.6 STREET LIGHTING � The proposed street lighting system is also shown on Drawing No's C-1,C-2,and C-3. � The lighting units used throughout are Type B units which will have a mounting height of 30', with the fixtures mounted on a 6 foot mast arm. The feed points and � connector runs will also be installed. The local electric utilities for this project are Dakota Electric Association and Northern State Power Company. They will install � all wiring, connections, and fixtures. This work will be constructed under contracts separate from the street and utility work discussed in this report. � 3.7 EASEMENTS � Most work proposed under this project will be completed within the existing right of way along 145th Street and Chile Avenue. However, the required storm drain inlet � to Hawkins Pond No. HAW183 will require a permanent drainage and utility easement. This is proposed to be located along the easterly 30 feet of parcel number ' � 34-03010-020-40 in the northwest 1/4 of Section 30. � Also,the realignment of the Chippendale/Chile Avenues intersection will require the acquisition of additional right of way. As explained in the April, 1988 Feasibility � Report for City Project No. 179, small areas will need to be acquired from Lot 1, Block 1 of Rahn's 4th Addition and from the parcel located south of Dodd � Boulevard at its intersection with Chippendale Boulevard. A larger area will be � 4438.00 � 9 � � ' � needed from Outlot A of the Carrollton Addition for the realignment of Chile � Avenue. � Additionally, temporary grading easements will be required on portions of the project, but cannot be determined until final design. � 3.8 PERMIT APPR V � A Permit will be required for this project from the Minnesota Department of Health � for review of the watermain lans. A Minnesota PCA ermit for the r ' p p eview of the � sanitary sewer plans is also required. � As a Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid Project, the plans must meet the MnDOT Standards and will follow through the M.S.A.process to obtain the � approvals necessary for cost participation. � PART 4 - FINANCING 4.1 COST ESTIMATE � A detailed cost estimate can be found in Appendix A, The following estimates are based on 1989 construction costs and include a 10% contingency factor and all � related administrative costs. The administrative costs are estimated at 30% and include legal, engineering, interest, and other administration. � The total 145th Street reconstruction project is divided into three separate projects; � the east half, from Cameo Avenue to and including the new Chippendale/Chile Avenue intersection; the west half, from the Chippendale intersection to Diamond � Path; and the Chile Avenue Project. A summary of these costs are as follows: � � 4438.00 ' 10 �� � � � � � ' � EAST HALF WEST HALF CHILE AVENUE TOTAL � Sanitary Sewer S 24,900 S -0- � -0- S 24,900 Watermain 148,000 119,100 -0- 267,100 Water Services 29,100 9,700 -0- 38,800 � Storm Drain 46,200 231,600 14,900 292,700 Street 373,800 697,800 66,200 1,137,800 Street Lighting 15,300 22,800 -0- 38,100 � Sidewalk/Trails 64.400 38.000 5,100 107,500 TOTAL ;701� �1.11� ; 8� �1,9� � These costs do not reflect the cost of land acquisition for easements and/or right of � WaY• � 4.2 ASSESSMENT AREA The general street assessment area is shown on Sheet No. 1, the location map, as the � cross-hatched area. The assessment area is based on the staff proposed policy for collector street assessments. The proposed assessment area for the project from � Cameo Avenue to Chippendale Avenue, is shown in more detail in Appendix B, (again as the cross-hatched area) divided into north and south halves. The proposed � "west half' project assessment area will be studied in more detail prior to public � hearings for that project. � The watermain assessable properties are shown on the Watermain Drawings, Numbers A-1 and A-2 as cross-hatched areas. � Y 43 COST RECOVER � This section covers cost recovery for this project and includes a discussion relating to revenue sources, such as various city funds and special assessments. City funds � would be available through the Water and Sewer CIP (603), Water Core (605), Storm Sewer Core (606), Municipal State Aid (203), and 5 Year CIP. � 4438.00 � 11 � � - � Special assessments would finance a portion of the street, storm drain, street lights, � sidewalk and watermain residential equivalent (R.E.). � 4.3.1 Sanitary Sewer- Because the sanitary sewer work proposed is replacement or repair of old lines, the funds will come out of the Water and Sewer CIP Fund. �' 4.3.2 Watermain - Revenues for watermain will come from three sources; Water � Core, Water and Sewer CIP, and special assessments. :� The Water Core Fund will pick up all over-sizing costs to residential property. That means the cost difference between the installation of � a 6" line and a 12" line. This also applies to replacement watermain. This fund will also pick up 1/2 the cost of R.E. watermain west of � Dallara Avenue, because the property south of 145th Street already has water service. � The Water and Sewer CIP Fund will cover residential equivalent costs � for the replacement watermain. In other words, property between Cameo Avenue and Chippendale Avenue will not be assessed for � watermain, unless the property is not presently hooked up to the existing main. In that case, the property will be assessed at the � residential equivalent rate because it will be a new connection. � Property along the north side of 145th Street,west of Dallara Avenue, will be assessed at the residential equivalent rate per front foot. � All new water services will be fully assessed. Replacement services are � not assessed and will come from Water and Sewer CIP Funds. � 4438.00 � � � �� - � � 4.3.3 rm Dr in - Revenues for storm drain construction will come from Storm �I�' � Sewer Core Fund and special assessments. The Storm Sewer Core Fund would cover the over-sizing costs of the � 30" and 36" i e from Delft Avenue to Hawkins Pond until Pro'ect PP J � 177, Storm Sewer Improvements for Section 30, occurs. The 30" and 36" pipe sizes are part of this project and the responsibility of the � Hawkins Pond District lying south of 145th Street West. � The residential equivalent for storm sewer will be considered as the size of pipe necessary to drain the street and R/W only. In this case, � the pipe size necessary for street drainage and R/W would be 12" to 18". � The remaining storm sewer constructed is basically necessary for street � and right of way drainage and will be assessed as part of the street residential equivalent. � 4.3.4. re - Revenues for street construction will be available through special � assessments based on a residential street equivalent with the balance coming from the MSA Fund. � � � The residential equivalent rate for streets is for the construction of a � 32'wide bituminous surfaced street with concrete curb and gutter, and lateral storm drain necessary to drain the street. The calculation for � this rate is shown in Appendix C. � � 4438.00 � 13 � � - � 4.3.5 i walk - Revenues for concrete and bituminous sidewalk construction will �de � come from special assessments, MSA Fund and 5 Year CIP. � Where eacisting 5'concrete sidewalk will be removed and replaced with 5' concrete sidewalks, one half of the costs will be assessed. The other � one half will be paid from 5 Year CIP. New 5' concrete sidewalk will be assessed 100%. � The 8' bituminous sidewalks will be �inanced usin MSA Funds and 5 g � Year CIP. 4.3.6 The following Table shows the proposed residential equivalent assessments. �' Assessment � Assessment Basis Per Front Foot Street 32' wide, $51.70* � including lateral storm drain and street lights per front ft. � Watermain 6" main, gate $16.10* valves, fittings, services per front foot � 5' Sidewalk 1/2 cost of new $ 3 0* � per front foot � * See Appendix C for residential equivalent determination. � � � 4438.00 � 14 � � � `� � � � � � ��' � � � � � � �' � � � 4.4 6ENERAL Fl1NDIN6 OVERVIEM ------------------------------ ESTiMATEO GENERAL FUN�IN6 OVERVIEN EAST HALf OF PROJECT 145TH STREET RECONS?RUCTION FROM CAMEO AVE. TO CHIPPENDALE AVE. PLUS THE CHIPPENDALE - CNILE AVENl1E9 REALI6NMENT PLUS THE CNILE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION FROM 144 TH ST. TO TNE SCHOOL PROPERTY ESTIMATED REVENIlES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESTIMATED STORM YATER WATER / FIVE STATE SEWER MAIN SEYER YEAR TOTAL ITEM CD5T A5SE5SMENT AID CaRE CDRE G.I.P. C.I.P. REVENiJE5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. SANITARY SEWER f 24,900 t 0 f 4 f 0 f 0 f 24,900 f 0 f 24,900 B. YATER MAIN f 148,000 S 0 f 0 f 0 s 15,800 f 36,200 f 96,000 f 148,000 c�i C. YATER SERVICES f 29,100 f 0 f 0 � 0 i 0 i 29,14D f 0 f 29,100 D. STORM DRAIN t b1,100 f 41,500 6 0 f 0 f 4 f 0 f 14,600 f b1,140 E. STREET f 440,000 f 128,200 f 311,800 f 0 # 0 f 0 � 0 f 440,000 F. STREET LI6HTIN6 f 15,300 f 4,000 f b,306 f 0 f 0 t 0 f 0 3 15,300 6. 5IDEWALK5 / TRAILS f 69,500 f 12,1Q0 f 45,3QQ f 0 f 0 t 0 i 12,104 f 69,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TDTAL PRO�ECT t 787,900 190,800 363,400 0 15,800 40,200 127,700 787,400 ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ � � � � � � � � �` � � � � � � � � � � 4.4 6ENERAL FUNDIN6 OVERVIEY iCONTIN�EDi ------------------------------------------- ESTIMATED 6ENERAL f�N�IN6 DVERVIEN WE5T HALF DF PROJECT 145TH STREET RECONSTRl1CTI0N FROM CHIPPENOALE AVE. TO DIAMDND PATH ESTIMATED REVENUE5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E5TIMATED STORM YATER WATER ! FIVE STATf 5EWER MAIN SEYER YEAR TOTAL ITEM COSi AS5E55MENT AID CORE CORE C.I.P. C.I.P. REVENtJES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. SANITARY SEYER f 0 f 0 f 0 f 4 � 0 s 0 3 0 f Q B. YATER MAIN f 119,100 f 24,800 f 0 f 0 f 40,200 f 0 # 54,100 � 119,104 C. YATER 5ERVICE5 f 9,700 t 9,704 s 0 # 0 # 0 f 0 f 0 f 4,700 D. STORM ORAIN f 231,b40 f 62,900 t 0 � 168,700 f 0 f 0 f 0 S 231,64d E. STREET 3 691,840 t 1R4,400 f 503,4Q0 f 4 3 4 f 0 t 0 t b97,800 � F. STREET LI6HTIN6 S 22,800 f 12,600 f 10,200 t 0 3 0 � 0 t 0 f 22,840 6. SIDEiiALK5 / TRAIL5 f 38,000 s 0 ; 38,040 t 0 S 0 i Q � 0 f 3B4O00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T�TAL PR��ECT f 1,119,000 304,444 551,600 168,700 40,20Q 4 54,1OQ 1,119,000 � ' � PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE � The proposed schedule for this improvement is as follows: � Approve Variance Resolution February 20, 1990 Variance Request Denied March 28, 1990 � Receive Feasibility Report April 3, 1990 Neighborhood Meeting April, 1990 � Public Hearing/Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications May, 1990 � All other phases are inde�nite at this time. � � � � � � � � � � 4438.00 � 17 � � � � 1 i � r ' _. � � � � Y✓ = , ' ' lak �LaMe � m � � ���135 th St � � D � e i o 136th St �� I Q c �1�� � ' .; I � . o�„ � I.j�� I 1� � e ; ,38tr`` � � > "WEST" PROJECT p �3� � C �O (3 � 138 th � � � t C � a �a r------� V_ 138th i r �. m ;1 " `a. o v � �---e-_' � 139 �a� m � � d `ona A� po^. � � �° ---- � 140th St � �aY O ' OSEMOUNT c Q �path _ H�GM p E partOsa�bo�h c0 A cMoo� �I 0 I'_ Ct o� � � �o �t dr � d t u �r 6 �r '(-I�LE �� 9 pavenpo > � M� D E /��/r. . Y � � 4 .d t: Q S Ho � gt PROJECT�� � � < < M i Q U �43 d t SC �� 't c r � � i �j 9 c h = o rCiTY �� � � �� � � � L t I NALL �45th S CJ u e. ,a tn - � s D � � T ' :s °1 4 t S � � > � i ^ `�d 4 th St � a c ad e a �aeth se w m � � _ _ /47th t �0 5� _ � � � '� Oarns o A��b 147th St V � � 9 c � v 1 0 � 148th St t � a � O �o Ct . � O �� i Q Q � V 147 th t V o � o UPPer ,; _ Q � Q U er 748 148 th t � � w � V 748th � '� a� c '0 t m _ c� St � . � : � .� � � � c� � oQ Q � v tt�1 149th St u 'q9� 149 �j ` "EAST"PROJEC SOth St pper �49t $t lower t � CSAH 42 � � ; � �. 04RN�El COURT t . s 'S�+t „ P � 2 � � . � . _. . _ . �. _.: = GEIV�RAL STREET - � ASSESSMENT AREA � Drawn By� Drawing Title Comm. No. P.S.H. $°�°len LOCATION MAP 4438 Yayeron t� Date� Associates.-Inc. CITY PROJECT N0. ZO 'C> Sheet no. � Eaitnnn�Sur���on�Pl�aa�n 2isiso ���.�.� ....a.� YlnawyoW.Y11 6641a.�s-�� ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � � ����. _ � � '� - - — r . _ , �;,; ; �. � _------� � � � , , __-- � ; � ; t ; ! i L; �� � � � _ ''�JI '• � ''-- ^' i � . ' � y t:- i - - —I�� � _ ; � J J _� __.�_ _...._.__..___._ _._ __.. .r r-,.�._.�-,� �. _ - _-%" � ^ — — — — — " l�tir..�`-'' }� . V Q � � i �� � -----�----_._.._._.._.._--' ` , i ! � i ; ,.,.��,G . ; �� •_ � , �•. � __:a.. ._... \��•. ,'�� . �}y ._ � . ' ,. ...-- - �� ... ._... . � . . ,-F- r-^ I ;/f k � I ,t'��ti` " � __.... � '/�i' �, ' r. ' � x ._ � i �� : , , , , . _,,� . , Y�" , l V y � "�Q � - � .----- � R ��� , _. , __ ; ..:.. , � .� � ._. J - - -- ...... �, , i , � w �. '�''---- ' '` Q , � � k.� j � � . - / ' � " � , .. : -. � � --... __ - - w -- �''- , ,r; _ �- ,f/ ' =-�' �=----- ' ' _._. -,r. ._- � ' /' . . . ,•. (- '-C h�* . Z i_ _ � � { �.1_. _ 1 ' � y '� �' I L , _ _ � 1 , . , . I i�'/ _ ' i �_ . I . v � � 1 i ' ( ,�. . 1 1� /���� '� �� I I � ��� I.-../�'� _ _ '_ .'__, ; � .. �:� .\ {..:- ��•�' .i ! 1 � _ ' -�� �-��---r..� ; �.� �- - � - _ .-: � � `.'�.�-t, ' :j �+�a..—.S�' —.�...� .+r! �`1+�..+_:.�_..-.'J�.. �_�r4- � _ . ... ... 3'..__ / `. `� 1 1 "� ! 7',':� . ' . � '�3�- 145TH - ' ` --= - �--- -- -_- � ----. ^ _ ,�-.- X . - - � - --- , _ � . _ � _, _, __ � � -_`_ : 1. �..--_--...------. _ _ __ ;_=--�. s.� ' � —, • -� ' 9r)_,—' �- / ' � t~ � �- , f + � � ,���� ` • c � / / � .•�). . . .- �� �C;� �O;F� �����. �� ��/ i I 4-..1,... C � . i. .��' � /"r _ ' I '�..... � , ,' _� , 1 T�h.,_? � jX:!� � 0;3 -.._ .. _,. �✓r 'r' � _ ---- ' � � x � �' � ,/ i ,.{� ,, n'w � � �7;�,0 0 � > !'1�-- �:- �. ..�"' f ;i� �..�� : <. ' : � //"� Y f,h �. � //�' � ' � �e �:E!". _ �t J � � � � i / � 1 ��" , �:•'.. .tn.� I A ��{ �. � 1 I � � _ ' �� �� , � �.\ . �" � a _� � _ � � � ' _ r 1 f _�._x� � ; �.c___. ' ��`r�`l r!i {/� �O ''- 1` � `- ,., . --�'-l-,.--; 1 � , ���-!�V�i � �f � t.: i.,�. `._! , ��, �� I� rF � �� I /-y�� �, � � � � � � t ,. ! ' � '' ~ `.-/ � ..%:. �; � �r�.,� {,O b't r� ' p0 r��. ; . QO� � ` �' i ' � Q ,��i �, . .._ __ ' i , fI `r� ' I � � �' � -------- ------ - --• � ^ , U z ': � � � #� �*-- -----(�J �� j � ;PLAN FRbM FEASI$1L1TY � �a,;'�„ � \.� - ,--�&E�'-ORT�F�3R�LTY �- -. � i � + i ' �: . : PROJECt N0. 179 ` ` � ' \1 ; `i_'� LsJ !S {i ---- ' ! APf?IL, (988----- '---� ` , �� � � Q .� � � �----f ; ' ', 1 T g5�— �. • �..._ r ,� ;^1 .�� t �. / , I . _ � Drown By� Drawing Title , Comm. No. � P.S.H. �c�ie�en CHIPPENDALE & CH1L1 AVE. 4438 as°soci°sres tnc. INTERSECTION Date� CITY PROJECT N0. 2�6 Sheet no. ' lniiawn�Sut���ors�Plaaa�n 2/6/90 �■«-�- •N-�• �•-�►.�� «•»••�-N» ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA �"4 �' • - � � � � � � APPENDIX A � COST ESTIMATE � � � � � � � � � � � � � PRELIMINARY COST ESTIilATE � 145TN STREET RECONSTRUCTI�N FROM CAMEU AVE. TO DIAMQFlD PATH INGLU�ES THE CHIPPENDALf - CHILE AVENUES REALI6NMENT AND CHILE AVE. RECON5TRUCTION TO THE HI6H SCHOOL CITY DF RDSEMUUNT PROJECT N0, 206 � OSM CDMMI5SION N0. 4438 � SUMMARY : � EA5T YEST CHILE HALF NALF AVENUE TOTAL � ITEM PRD�ECT PRDJECT PROJECT COST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � A. 5ANITARY SEWER f 24,900 # 0 # 6 f 24,900 B. aATER MAIN # l48,064 f 114,1OQ # 0 f 267,I04 C. WATER 5ERVICE5 f 29,100 3 9,740 f 0 f 3B,80Q � U. STORM DRAIN f 46,240 f 231,600 3 14,900 # 292,700 E. STREET 3 373,B04 f b97,8D0 f bb,20Q � 1,137,84Q F. STREET LIGHTIN6 � 15,300 f 22,804 � 0 f 38,100 6. 5IDEiiALK5 ! TRAILS $ ______64,440 $ 3B4O00 3 _-____-5,100 f _____107,500 � TOTAL PRDJECT � 701,700 S 1,119,Op0 t 86,Z00 f 1,90b,44Q ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ � � � � � � � � ' � � � PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE PA6E 1 Df 5 � 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTIaN FROM CAMEO AVE. TD CNIPPENDALE AVE. INCLUDES TNE CHIPPENDALE - CHILE AVENt1ES REALI6NMENT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � PRDJECT N0. 20b OSM COMMISSION ND. 4438 I � SUMMARY : � PRQJEGT CD5T � A. SANITARY 5E4�ER i 24,900 B. YATER MAIN S 148,000 C. MATER SERVICES 3 29,100 � D. 5TORM �RAIN , x 4b,200 E. STREET # 373,800 F. 5TREET LI6HTIN6 -f 15,300 6. SIDEMALY,S / TRAIL5 f b4,44p TOTAL PR�JECT f 101,700 � =======_=__= � � � � � � � � � � � PAGE 2 OF 5 A. SANITARY SEaER � ----------------- TOTRL UNIT ITEM �UANTITIES �NITS PRICE TOTAL � -=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 PVC SDR 35 37Q l.F. @ # 22.00 = S 8,144 TEMPORARY BYPA5S 1 L.5. @ � 5000.04 = f 5,000 , REPAIR / RE6ROUT MANHOLE AT BREAKIN 2 EACH @ 3 100,00 = f 200 4' PVC SERVICE PIPE 240 L.F. @ # 15.40 = � 3,6Q0 8' X 4' PVC SEYER WYES 8 EACH @ f 50.4Q = 9 400 � ------------ TOTAL 3 17,340 _ +lOX CDNTIN6ENCY 1,760 ------------ TOTAL SpNITARY 5E�ER CONSTRUCTION COST f 19,100 +34X ADMINISTRATIDN 5,600 � TOTAL SANITARY SEYER PROJECT COST S _____-24,900 � B__YATER_MAIN TOTAL UNIT � ITEM �UANTITIES UNITS PRICE TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12' OIP CL 52 MATERMAIN 2250 L.F, e f 25.00 = f 56,250 � B' DIP CL 52 YATERMAIN 150 L.F. � f 19.00 = t 2,850 6' DIP CL 52 MATERMAI� 200 L.F. E f 18.00 = t 3,b00 12" 6ATE VALVE & BQX 4 EA. @ S 1000.00 = 6 4,040 � 8' 6ATE VALVE & BOX 1 EA. 8 f 500.00 = f 540 6' 6ATE VALVE & BOX 11 EA. ! f 400.00 = f 4,400 HY�RANTS 6 EA. 8 f 1180.00 = f 6,604 RELOCATE HYDRANT5 2 EA. @ t 1000.00 = t 2,000 � HYDRANT EXTENSI�NS 20 L.F. @ f 250.00 = t 5,000 fITTIN6S 4500 L8. 8 f 1.35 = f b,075 ABANDON / 5AtVA6E Y. M. (ALL SIIES) 2100 L.F. @ s 1.04 = f 2,140 ' CDNNECT TO EXISTIN6 6 EA. @ x 1540.00 = 3 9,400 ROCK STABILIZATION 100 TON � f 11.00 = f 1,100 � TDTAI -----103,475 +IOX CONTIN6ENCY 10,325 TOTAL NAtER MAIN CONSTRUCTION COST f 113,800 � +30X ADMINISTRATIDN _____ 34,Z40 TOTAL YATER MAIN PROJECT COST f 148,OOQ � ==_________= � � � � � PA6E 3 Of 5 C. WATER SERVICES � ----------------- TOTAL t1NIT ITEM �UANTITIES ONITS PRICE TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � 1' CORP COCKS 44 EA. fl f 55.04 = f 2�4Z0 1" CURB 5TDP & BDX 44 EA. @ f 100.00 = 3 4,400 1' COPPER SERVICE PIPE 1350 L.f. @ f 10.00 = f 13,500 � ------------ T�TAL � 20,320 +lOX CONTIN6ENCY 2,Q80 � ------------ TQTAL MATER SERVICES CONSTRUCTION COST f 22,444 +34X ADMINISTRATION b,7Q0 � TOTAL MATER SERVICES PRO�ECT COST f _-_-__29,104 � D. STORM DRAIN -------------- � TOTAL UNIT ITEM BUANTITIE5 UNIT5 PRICE TOTpL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � 12° R.C.P. C.B. LEADS 136 L.F. @ f 20.40 = f 2,720 15' R.C.P. C. B. LEA�5 130 L.F. @ S 21.04 = # 2,734 18' R.C.P. SQO L.F. � t 22.00 = f 11,OU0 � 21' R.C.P. 12U L.F. � # 24.44 = � 2,880 STANDARD 4' DIA. STM. MH (0 - 8'� 4 EA. @ f 950.00 = i 3,80Q EXCES5 4' DIA. MH ➢EPTH > B' 4 L.F. @ f 100.00 = f 400 � GATCN BASIN TYPE A 7 EA. @ f 80U.00 = f S,b00 CATCH BASIN TYPE B 3 EA. @ f 850.40 = f 2,550 RDCK STABILIZATION 50 TON @ f 11.40 = f 550 � TOTAL f 32,230 +lOX CONTIN6ENCY 3,270 TOTAL ST�RM DRAIN CON5TRIlCTION GDST f 35,500 � +3QX ADMINISTRATION 14,740 TOTAL STORM DRAIN PROJECT COST f 4b,200 � ====__=====_ � � � � � � PA6E 4 Of 5 E. STREETS TDTAL UNIT � ITEM BUANTITIES UNITS PRICE TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLEAR ANO 6RU8 13 EACH @ f 20Q.00 = t 2,600 � COMMON E%CAVATION 800Q C.Y. � f 3.00 = i 24,000 SOB6RADE PREP 21 R.S. 8 f 100.00 = S 2,100 A66RE6ATE BASE CL 5 9500 TON @ f 4.00 = 3 38,Q04 � 2331 BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE 2450 TON 8 f 15.00 = f 36,750 2331 B1TUM1NOU5 BINDER CdURSE 1250 TON @ � 15.Q4 = f 1$,750 2341 BITU�INOOS WEAR COURSE 1250 TON 8 f 1B.00 = f 22,504 � BITUMINOt15 MIATERIAL FDR TACK COAT 1300 6AL. 8 f 1.20 = # 1,560 CONCRETE CURB & fiUTTER B 618 5600 L.F. 8 f 4.50 = i 25,200 IRRE6ULAR WIDTH PAVIN6 (DRIVEYAY5) 1440 S.Y. @ s 15.00 = f 21,400 SEED N/ MULCH & fERTILIZER 1.0 ACRE @ S 1500.00 = t 1,500 � ��� 600Q S.Y. 8 : 2.00 = 3 12,000 F & I TREES 13 EACN @ t 250.00 = s 3,250 FURNISH & IN5TAll TRAFFIC 5I6NS 4 EA. 8 s 150.00 = t 600 ' F & I SI6NAl LI6HT NANDHOLE 8 EA. @ f 450.00 = f 3,b04 CQNDUIT 214 L.F. @ f 14.00 = S 2,100 TRAFFIC MARKIN6 PAINT 44.0 BAL. @ f 50.00 = S 2,000 REMDVE BITUMINDUS 13Q00 S.Y. @ f 1.00 = f 13,000 � REHOVE PIPE ipll SIZES) 100 L.F. 8 f 5.00 = t 500 REMDVE CONGRETE CORB & 6UTTER 5420 L.F. @ 3 2.00 = f 10,840 REMOVE CATGH BASIN 3 ERCN E # 200.00 = f b00 � REMOVE MAN HOLE 1 EACH @ f 250.00 = t 250 5AW CUT BITt111INUUS 300 L.F, e # 3.00 = f 900 REMOVE C�NCRETE 5IDE MALK 23500 S.F. @ s 0.74 = i 16,450 � STRUCTURE / 6ATE VaLVE ADJUSTMENT 13 EACH ! � 100.00 = i _______1,30Q TOTAL f 261,350 +lOX CDNTIN6ENCY 26,150 � ------------ TOTAL STREET CON5TRUCTION COST f 287,500 +30X ADMiNI5TRATIDN 86,304 / TOTAL STREET PRO�ECT COST t 373,800 � , i � � � � � PA6E 5 OF 5 F. 5TREET LIGHTIN6 � TOTAL I1NIT ___________ITEM _@UANTITIES IlqITS______-___ PRICE______________ TOTAL__ -------------------- -------- STREET LISHTS - TYPE B b EACH 8 f 1850.Q4 = f 11,100 ' NIRED, CQMPLETE INPLACE TOTAL f 11,100 � +5X CDNTIN6ENGY _________640 TOTAL LI6HTIN6 CONSTRUCTION CDST f 11,14Q +30X ADMINISTRATIUN 3,644 � ------------ TOTpI LI6HTIN6 PROJECT C05T f 15,300 � � 6� SI�EYaLKS_/ TRAILS TOTAL t1NIT ITEM �UANTITIES UNITS PRICE TOTAL � --------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------;--- 4' CONGREIE SI➢EYALK 25000 S.F. @ f 1.80 S 45 000 ' TOTAL s 45,000 +IOX CONTIN6ENCY 4,500 � TOTAL SIdEIiALK/TRAIL CONSTRUGTION C05T f 44,500 +34X ADMINISTRATIDN ______14,900 TOTA! SIQEYpLKlTRAIL PROJECT COST f b4,444 � ===_________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � PROJECT CQST ---------------------- � A. SANITARY SEYER s 24,900 B. YATER MAIN f 148,000 C. YATER SERVICES f 29,100 D. STORM DRAIN _ . i 46,200 � E. STREET f 373,800 F. STREET LI6HTIN6 � 15,300 6. SIDEWALKS / TRAILS f 64,400 � TOTAL PROJECT f 701,700 � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ � i � PREIIMINARY C05T ESTIMATE PA6E 1 Of 5 145TH STREET RECONSTRUGTION FROM CHIPPENDALE AVE. TO DIAMOND PATN � CITY �F ROSEMOUNT PROJECT N0. 24b OSM COMMIS5IUN N0. 4438 � ' 5UMMARY : � PROJECT CDST � A. 5ANITARY SEYER � Q 8. YATER MAIN f 119,100 G. YATER SERVICES � 9,104 � D. STORM aRAIN # 231,b00 E. STREET S 697,B00 F. STREET LI6HTIN6 # 22,800 � 6. SIDE�ALKS / TRAILS � 38,000 TOTpL PROJECT f 1,119,000 � ==_=___=____ � � � � � � 1 1 � � � � � i � PA6E 2 OF 5 � A. SANITARY SEMER ----------------- � NDNE REQUIRED AT TNIS TIME. MARCH 28, 1990 B. iiATER MAIN ------------- � TOTAL UNIT ITEM 9UpNTITIES UNITS PRICE TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � 12° DIP CL 52 YATERMAIN Z150 L.F. e f 25.00 = f 53,154 8' DIP CL 52 MATERMAIN 50 L.f. � f 19.00 = f 95D ' 6' �IP CL 52 YATERMAIN 54 L.F. 8 f 18.00 = f 900 12° 6ATE VALVE & BDX 3 EA. 8 f 1000.00 = f 3,000 8' fiATE VALVE dc 80X 1 EA. ! � 500.00 = f 500 6' 6ATE VALVE & BUX 5 EA. e f 400.00 = f 2,004 , HYDRANTS 6 EA. Q f 1100.00 = s 6,b00 HYDRANT EXTENSIONS 15 L.F. @ f 250.00 = 3 3,750 FITTIN6S 4300 LB. @ f 1.35 = # 5,805 , ABANDON / SALVA6E Y. M. (AlL SIZES) 400 L.F. @ 3 1.00 = f 400 CONNECT TD EXISTIN6 3 EA. 8 f 1500.00 = t 4,500 ROCK STABILIZATION 100 TDN @ S 11.00 = f 1,100 ------------ ' TOTAL f 83,255 +lOX CONTIN6ENCY 8,345 ' TOTAL iiATER MAIN CONSTAt1CTI0N COST f 91,b40 +30X RDMINISTRATION 21,540 � TOTAL YATER MAIN PROaECT C05T f __-__114,100 C. YATER SERVICES � ----------------- TOTAL UNIT ITEM QUANTITIES UNITS PRICE TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1' CORP COCKS 14 EA. @ f 55.Q0 = s 710 1' GURB STOP & BOX 14 Ep. @ # 100.00 = f 1,404 � 1° COPPER SERVICE PIPE 450 t.F. E � 14.00 = f ______-4,500 TOTAL f b,b70 +1Qx CDNTIN6ENCY 73Q � ------------ TOTAL iiATER 5ERVICES CONSTRUCTIUN COST f 7,40d +30X ADMINI5TRATION 2,300 , ------------ TOTAL NATER SERVICES PRQJECT COST f 9,100 ' � � � � � PA6E 3 OF 5 Q. STORM DRAIN � TDTAL UNIT ITEl1 QUANTITIE5 UNITS PRICE TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , 12' R.C.P. C.B. LEADS 374 L.F. � s 2Q.00 = f 7,484 15' R.C.P. G. B. LEAD5 4Q L.F. @ # 21.00 = 3 1,890 15" R.C.P. 844 L.F. @ f 19.OQ = f 15,240 � 18' R.C.P. 50 L.F. @ # 22.00 = f i,lOQ 21' R.C.P. 500 L.F. 8 f 24.00 = s 12,000 27° R.C.P. 16 L.F. @ f 35.04 = f 560 � 30' R.C.P. Bb4 L.F. @ S 38.04 = t 32,684 36' R.C.P. 880 L.F. @ i 44.00 = 3 38,120 30' RCP F.E.S. MITH TRASH fiUARD 1 EA. @ � 1500.00 = # 1,540 36' RCP F.E.5. YITN TRASH 6t1ARD 1 EA. 8 t 2004.00 = 3 2,000 , STANDARD 4' DIA. STM. MH (0 - 9'a 14 EA. ! f 950.00 = t 13,300 5TANDARD 5' DIA. STM. MH (Q - 8') 4 EA. @ 3 15Q0.00 = t 6,000 EXCESS 4' �IA. MH DEPTN > 8' 25 L.F. @ f 104.00 = f 2,508 � CATCH BASIN TYPE A 24 EA. @ # 800.00 = f 19,200 CATCH BASIN TYPE B 2 EA. @ f B50.00 = f 1,7dQ ROGK STABILIZATI�N 100 T�N @ f 11.00 = f 1,100 ' 6ROUTED RIP RAP 10 C.V. @ 3 70.00 = t _______4,900 TOTAL f 161,830 +lOX CONTIN6ENCY 16,210 ! TOTpI STORM ORAIN CONSTRUCTION COST f 178,140 +34X ADMINISTRATIDN 53,500 , TOTAL STORM DRAIN PROJECT COST f 231,640 � � i 1 1 1 � i � , PA6E 4 OF 5 E. STREETS ( 40' YIDTH) � ------------------------- TDTAL UNIT ITEM �UANTITIES UNITS PRICE TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � COMMON EXCAVATION 490Q4 C.Y. @ # 3.00 = t 147,000 SUB6RADE PREP 53 R.5. @ f 100.00 = f 5,340 A6GRE6ATE BASE CL 5 11000 TQN @ f 4.00 = f 68,044 � 2331 BITUMINDUS BASE COURSE 4540 TON @ 3 15.00 = t 61,540 2331 BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE 2250 TON � f 15.00 = f 33,75Q 2341 BITUMINOUS YEAR CO�RSE 2250 TON 8 f 18.00 = f 44,500 ' BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 2254 6AL. e f 1.20 = f 2,700 CONCRETE CURB & 6UTTER B 618 11000 L.F. 8 f 4.50 = f 49,504 IRREfiULAR YI�TH PAVIN6 (DRIVEYAYS) 450 S.Y. ! i 15.00 = # 6,15Q 5EED Y/ MULCH & FERTILIZER 2.0 ACRE 8 s 1504.40 = f 3,804 � SOD 13500 S.Y. ! i 2.OQ = f 27,000 FURNISH & IN5TALL TRAFFIC 5I6N5 B EA. fl f 150.00 = S 1,200 F & I 5I6NAL LI6HT HANDHOLE 8 EA. @ 3 450.00 = f 3,bQQ ' GONDUIT 214 L,F. @ S 10.00 = f 2,140 TRAFFIC MARKINB PAINT 75.0 6AL. @ 3 50.04 = f 3,154 REMOVE BITUMINDUS 2Q800 S.Y. 8 3 1.00 = S 20,800 REMOVE PIPE (ALL SIZES) 400 L.F. @ f 5.04 = S 2,004 ' REMOVE CONCRETE CURB & 6UTTER 1000 L.F. 8 f 2.00 = S 2,000 SAY CUT BIT�MINO�S 180 L.F. @ s 3.00 = f 540 STRUCT�RE / 6ATE VALVE ADJUSTMENT 9 EAGH @ # 100.00 = f 900 � ------------ TOTAL f 487,890 +101 CONTIN6ENCY �8,814 , ------------ TOTAL STREET CON5TRUCTION COST f 536,74U +30X ADMINISTRATIDN 161,100 ------------ ' TOTAL STREET PRO�ECT COST f 691,800 � i 1 1 1 ! 1 , Pp6E 5 OF 5 � f__STREET LI6NTING TOTAL UNIT � -----------ITEM --------------BUANTITIES uNIT5---------—PRICE--------------TOTAL__ STREET LI6HTS - TYPE B 9 EACH @ S 1650.OQ = 3 16,b50 ' YIRED, CDMPLETE INPLACE TOTAL f 1b,b50 +5X C�NTIN6ENGY B54 tTDTpI LI6HTIN6 CONSTRUCTION COST # 17,500 +30X ADMINISTRATION 5,300 � ------------ TOTAL lI6NTIN6 PRO�ECT CQ5T S 22,800 � , 6__SI6EMRLKS_i_TRAILS TOTAL �NIT ' ___ITEM____ _____________QUANTITIES__ UNITS__ ____ PRICE_______-_--____TOTAL__ B' YIDE HITUMINOUS TRAIL 5300 L.F. @ f 5.00 = f 26,500 , ' TOTAL S 26,500 +IOX CONTIN6ENCY 2,100 , TOTAL SIdEaALK/TRAIL CON5TRUCTION COST S 29,200 +3QX ADMINISTRATION 8,840 TOTAL SIDEYALK/TRAIL PROJECT C05T f 38,000 ' ====________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' YEST HAIf PRO�ECT C05T ---------------------- ' A. SANITARY SE�ER � p B. NATER MAIN S 119,100 C. NATER SERUICES � 9,704 ' D. STORM dRAIN f 231,600 E. 5TREET f 697,BQ4 F. 5TREET LI6HTIN6 t 22,8Q0 ' 6. 5IDEaALK5 / TRAIL5 � 38,Q04 TQTAL PR��ECT f 1,119,000 � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i 1 , , PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE PAGE 1 OF 3 GHILE RVENUE REGONSTRUCTION FROM 144 TH 5TREET TO 50UTN PROPERTY LINE OF HIBH SCHOOL ' GITY OF R05EMUUNT PROJECT N0. 20b OSM CDMMISSION ND. 4438 � SIJMt1ARY : ' CHILE AVE. PR��ECT COST � ----D------------------ . STORM DRAIN s 14,9Q0 E. STREET z 66,200 � 6. SIDEYALK5 / TRAILS f 5,100 TOTAL PROJECT f 86,200 ' __======____ ' ' ' � , � � � � ' r , PA6E 2 DF 3 , D_ STORM �RAIN TOTAL t1NIT , _______ITEM ______________ QUANTITIES__ UNITS___ PRICE T�TAL 12' R.C.P. C.B. LEpdS 80 L f. @ 3 20.00 = f 1�600 12" R.C.P. 240 L.F. ! f 19.Q0 = i 4,564 , GATCH BASIN TYPE A 3 EACH e f 800.00 = f 2,404 CATCH BASIN TYPE B 1 EACN @ � 850.00 = f 850 STANDARD 4' DIA. STM. MH i0 - 8') 1 EACN 8 � 950.00 = # 95Q ' ------------ TOTAL f 10,360 +lOX CONTIN6ENCY 1,040 ------------ ' TOTAL 5TORM DRAIN CQNSTRUCTION COST S 11,400 +30X ADMINISTRATION 3,540 ' TOTAI STORM DRAIN PROdECT COST i _____-1�,900 � E. STREETS ( 32' WIDTH) ------------------------- TOTAL UNIT ' ITEM QUANTITIE5 UNITS PRICE TOTAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------- COMMON EXCAVpTION 2004 C.Y. @ t 3.40 = f 6,400 , SUBGRADE PREP 7 R.S. @ S 140.Od = f 700 6' A66RE6ATE BASE CL 5 1250 TON � 3 4.00 = S 5,440 2' 2331 BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE 350 TQN @ t 15.00 = 3 5,250 , 2' 2341 BITUMINOUS YEAR COURSE 350 TON @ f 18.00 = S 6,3�0 BITUMINOt1S MATERIAL fOR TACK GOAT 160 6AL. 8 f 1.20 = S 192 CONCRETE CURB � 6UTTER B 618 1540 L.F. @ # 4.50 = f b,15Q IRRE6ULAR WIDTH PAVIN6 {pRIVEWAY5) I70 5.Y. @ # 15.00 = f 2,550 ' 50Q 1500 S.Y. @ f 2.44 = f 3,000 TRAfFIC MARKIN6 PAINT 75.4 6AL. @ f 54.00 = f 3,150 _ REM�VE BITUMINOl1S 3300 S.Y. 8 f 1.00 = f 3,300 , REMOVE CONCRETE CURB & 6tJTTER 754 L.F. @ t 2.00 = t 1,500 SAM Cl1T BiTUMINOUS 225 l,F. @ f 3.00 = f b75 STRUCTIIRE / 6ATE VALVE ADJUSTMENT 13 EACH @ # 100.00 = S 1,340 ------------ ' TOTAL f 46,267 +14X CONTIHBENCY 4,633 , T�TAL STREET CONSTRUCTION CUST # 50,900 +30X ADMINISTRATION 15,300 ' T�TAL STREET PRDJECT COST S _---_ 66,200 ' ' ' , , PA6E 3 OF 3 6. SIDEWALKS / TRAILS ' --------------------- TOTAL UNIT ITEM AUANTITIES UNITS PRICE TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' 8' WIDE 9ITUMINOUS TRAIL 7�0 l.F. @ f S.QO = f 3,500 TOTAL f 3,500 , +14x CONTIN6ENCY ---------400 TOTAL SIDEaALK/TRAII CON5TRUCTION COST f 3,909 ' +30X ADMINI5TRATIUN ,2QQ -------1---- TOTAL SI�EaALKITRAII PROJECT COST f S,lOQ � ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' CNILE AVE. PRO�EGT CDST ----------------------- � D. 5TORM tiRAIN f 14,900 E. STREET 4 b6,200 6. SIDEYALKS / TRAILS f 5,100 , TOTAL PROJECT # ____ _86,200 ' ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ ' ' , � ' � � ' ' ' � � � ' ' ' APPENDIX B - ' PRELIMINARY STREET ASSESSMENT AREA EAST HALF OF PROJECT , , . � ' , � ' � ' t.i �C ,.. � � W � i�, ,d � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' ' ' y►PPBbiDIZ C REBIDENTIAL BTRE�T EQD211ALEN'r' �BTIM!►T$ ' Th� c�uantities li�ted b�low are for � 5t10' lenqth af xesidenttal �treet, 32 ' wido bituminoua, , includinq lateral �torm drain and �tree� ltghta ' .....�.,�TFrM 4��T��"Y �+� ���t ...��`� So�ila Correctian 2000 C.Y. � $ 4.00 � $ B4OA�.Oo ' 6" Clas,� 5 Aggregate 600 Ton @ $ 5.00 �* $ 3,OQO.OQ BaBii ' 2r' - 2331 Hituminous 180 Ton � $ 17.QQ � $ 3, 060.00 Baee 2" - 2341 Bituminoua 180 Tan @ 5 19.00 � $ 3, 420.00 , W�a� Cours�e Cancrete Curb & Gutter 1000 L.F. 1� $ 5.00 • 5 �,Op0.4A ' Re�rtoration 1 L.B. @ S3r5Q0.OQ � $ 3, 500.Q0 Street Light 1 E�ch @ S1,800•00 � $ 1,80o.Q4 ICatch Basins 2 Ea►ch @ S 8i30.QQ �* $ 1, 600.QO ' Manhole 1 Each @ $1,0A0.00 s $ 1, OOO,QO RC Pipe 250 L.F. @ $ 23.00 = $ 5,750.4Q ' TOTALCONSTRUCTION+.•.•.•..•. . . . . . . $36, 130.00 10� Continqency . . . . . . . . . �,,,674,OQ ' SUBTOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,800.00 + 30� Administration . . . . . . . . . . �,1,Qo4. UQ TOT71L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $51,700.00 ' $51, 700 divided by 500 L.F. _ $103.40 per foot of street. $103 .4o divid�d by 2 sides � $51.?0 per assessabla foot. ' Equivalent residential street assessment = $51.70 per foot. ' ' ' ' ' Appendix C - continued ' R��B��'N'�'_TAL• WATBRMAIW $QOIVALEN'1' ESTII��T$ ' The quantities listed below are for a 500� length of 6�� watermain installed in a residential area ' including fittings, gate valves, and service� ���E�'L. , S2jIALI�� �,,� LTNIT PRICE _;,���,.. ' 6" D I.F. 500 L.�'. @ $ 1$.00 � 5 5,Gt1U.Op . ' �i�tings �Oo Ib� � $ 1.�5 � S 6a5.00 �&t� va�.v� � �ac�h ! S �00.00 � � �Oa.oc� , Hydrant 1 Each @ $1, 100.00 � $ 1. lOQ. C►Q ' TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,225.Q0 + 10� Gontingency . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 125.0 SUBTOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,350.U0 ' + 30� Administration . . . . . . . . 3,7�0.00 R'OTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,100.Q0 ' $16, 100 aiviaea by ��o L.F. � $�x,20 �+�r �arrt tr� �t�e�t. $32.�0 dividecl bx 2 sides � $16. 10 per a��essable foc�t. ' Equivalent residential watermain assessment = $16, 10 per foat. ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' Appendix C - continued � �EBID$�',�'IAL BIDB� L1C FiS2�Y���IT.���l'1'..$ � 5� wide - A'� thi�k concrete �cidewalk 1989 cans�ructican cc�st � S1.4o per aqu�re �c�ot an �►n �v�rr�ge r+��eid�ntial. pro�act� ' _ , �. �,.F. x � wi�e «� 5 S.F. x 51.40/5.F. � $?.00 per lin�al �oot. ' S�.00 x i/x = ��.so Equiv�►lent r�eid�ntial ,�ic�ewalk a�se�c,�m�n� - 53.50 g�r Poc�� ' , ' ' 1 - 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I i 1 Appendix C - continued � B MATBD O�l'8 BREAICDOWDi E TI �BAD P�t4J'ECTB > $SOp,000 � Engineering . . » . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16# Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7� ' Contract Administration . . . . . 9� Ma�erial Testing . . . p . . . . . . . . « . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� ' Cran�truc�ir�n �ntere�t . . , . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5� �.. (7.�i���sag a s ♦ • • r • •�• • • • ♦ • r • • • ♦ • � • ♦ a.• • • • s • • f •�• � • • • • M • � •J� � . Administration Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2� , I,egal, Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,� TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30�C � � � ' � r � � � � � �