HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Guide Plan Amendment - Solberg Aggregate 4 �/�✓J' f't� Ei�)X 511) ��/��� �� 2E375 17bTi�1 :;�I 4't y.���,�A�,�i�� HOSEMOUNI. MItJNEtiGl Fi 55()riri V II'L Vl� 6t2 -4L3-44t 1 TO: MAYOR NAPPER � CITY COUNCIL ITE� 7T 6 � FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: MARCH 29, 1990 8UHJ: APRIL 3, 1990 REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS 6�,, 4UIDE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLTCATION - SOLBERG A(3GREGATE COMPANY At it� �'ebxuary 13, 1990 meet�.ng '�he P�.anning Commission considered an applica�io�n to amend the City of Rosemaunt Compxehensive guide Pl�n which �ad been suk�m�.tted by SolbeXg Aggregate, The amendment being proposed reguested redesignatinn af a 10 acre parcel of property from Agric�t�.ture to General Industrial. The property in question is situated immediately east of State Trunk Highway 52 and on the north side of C.S.A.H. 42 and is owned by Solberg. Attached with this review is a copy o� the Planner's Fteview to the Planning Commission for the February �.3, 1990 Commission Meeting. This review explains the amendment and includeds Staff recommendations. The Planning Commission has recommended that consideration of the Solberg Guide Plan Amendment be deferred unitl the City has completed revision of the Goa1s, Policies and Ob�ectives of the Rasemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. � P C) Bf)X 510 - L �./+�� U 287S-1A5TH ST. W. �� oser�.ottnt �nSEMUUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 � 6 t2--423-441 1 � ' TO: PLANNINt3 CdMMI88ION FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAR� AICP� GITY PLANNER DATE; FEBRUARY 8, 1990 SUBJ: FEBItUARY ', 1990 - REGULAR MEETINa REVIEWS 5b. COMPItEHENSIVE CiUIDE pLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION - SOLBERt3 A(3GREt3ATB COMPANY Solberg Aggregate Company has submitted a Comprehensive guide Plan Amendment Application requesting redesignation of a 10 acre parcel of property from Agriculture to General Industrial. The property in questian is situated immediately east of State Trunk Highway 52 and on the north side of C.S.A.H. 42, and is owned by Solberg. Attached with this review is a copy af a boundary survey and legal description for the property. Solberg Aggregate is a sand and c�ravel mining and bituminous pavinq business which currently operates from an 80 acre property located immediately sauth af Koch Refinery. Koch has purchased 5olberg's � aurrent sita of operat3ons. The Refinery has agreed to lease back the prope�ty to 5olberq for a period of three years. For this reason, Solberg is seeking to relocate its office and equipment storage to the 10 acre site situated at the intersection of Highways 52 and 42. Similar to the L.H. Sowles Guide Plan Amendment Application the Planning Commission in cansiderinq the Solberg Application should evaluate the propased redesignation o� the property for conformance with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Guide Plan. Also, the Commission should consider the appropriateness of the specific use proposed for the site as well its general suitability for any industrial use. Please refer to copies of the Guide Plan pages that were attached to the Planner's Review for the L.H. Sowles Guide Plan Amendment Application. CON�'ORMANCE WITH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOALS OBJECTIVES & POLICIES Similar to the L.H. Sowles G�ide Plan Amendment Application, I have not identified any direct canflicts with the Community Development Goals identified on page 8 of the Guide Plan. Again, it should be referenced that the Guide Plan makes no provision for extension of public water or public sanitary sewer '�, service for the Pine B�nd Area includin the site in 9 question. '^ I have not identified any specific conflicts with Guide Plan Objectives pertaining to Industrial Development. The site is surrounded by agricultural land uses with no residences or structures in close proximity. Again, under Industrial Development Policies it is importiant to recognize that Policy #3 states: ��extend no public sanitary sewer and water services into the Rural Service Area prior to 1990" . At this point �he city has no plans to extend water or sanitary sewer to serve the property in question for the foreseeable future. the Solberg Property could be served by the Rural Water System far domestic water usage. The Rural Water System cannat be utilized to meet fire suppression needs if sprinkler systems are required for structures ta be built on the site. SUITABILIT� OF SITE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT The l0 acre site in question is currently vacant and is planted with perennial grasses. Its topography is characterized by a large relat�vely flat area oacupying more than half the site running from the site boundary with C.S.A.H. 42 to the north portion of the site which slopes sharply upward. The Solbergs have previously excavated sand and gravel from the site to prepare the site for future development. There are no natural constraints on the site that would preclude its use for an office and equipment storage for �,,� Solberg Aggregate. Again, as was the case with the L.H. Sowles proposal, the site does not abut othe� industrial designated property, but, it is situated near the major industrial area of Pine Bend which establishes a corridor af industrial use along State Trunk Highway 52 in Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights. ' In looking at the appropriateness of the proposed land use the Commission should consider the following issues; 1. Will the properties around the site be ultimately developed for industrial purposes? 2 . Is redesignation of the site to industrial premature before decisions are made regarding the entire Trunk Highway 52 corridor? 3. Should the site be redesignated prior to the City evaluating the �uture of public utilities in Pine Bend? It is important that I reiterate the following statement to the commission: In light of these issues the Commission should bear in mind that the City Council at its recent goals session has determined that � among the City�s major priorities for 1990 is to begin a ma�or revision of the Comprehensive Guide Plan including a thorough revision of Goals, objectives and Policies. Among the issues that —. Council is concerned with is the prospect for additional industrial development along the Highway 52 corridor. Council has expressed a concern that the City clearly analyze land use policy for the Pine Bend Area to ensure that any additional develop which occurs complements the existing industrial complex without adding to existing environmental concerns present in the area. council is also concerned that the City in its land use policies er►sures that the value of property well suited for clean industrial development is recognized and maintained to promote high property val.ues and attract additional investment to the area. STAFF RECOMME�VDATION 8taff recomuienda that the Planninq Commission recommend to City Counail that consideration of the Solberq Aqgreqate Campany Comprehensiva auide Plan AmenBment Appliaation be deferred until the City has aompleted revision of the c3aals, Poliaies and obiectives of the Comprehenaive Duicle Plan. The Gity Council has established a target date of July 1991 far this project. It is the opinion of staff that allowing an expansion of the industrial land use designation tn include the Solberg Property represents a major land use palicy change and requires close scrutiny by the City. Although the site in qu�etion is relatively small it is located at an intersection of major highways and may play an important part in Rosemount"s future. �` The property proposed for redesignation from Agriculture to General Industrial may well be suitable for industrial development; but, the City should thoroughly evaluate the need for public services and the market far industrial development before acting to redesignate to avoid long term costs of after-the-fact utility installatio». Also because of the site�s strategic location it is important to make a concerted effort to determine what the most appropriate type of land use would be for the site to avoid land use compatibility problems in the future. Solberg does have at least three year to accomplish relocation of its facilities which should allow more than ample time for the City to update the Guide Plan. . ,� r. City +�f Rosemount Na: � CQMPREWENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION ,�. , , Date: .lan�iar� �O� 19�O A�rplicant• _��lh�r$,��r�gatP C:o Phone• G�7-6h72 Address: 1�7li5 f 1 a�;tnn 4ya 17(yGpmn�ltl,1'y..�].IIllf:.�i!].r3.����_ STATUS OF AYPLICANT: x Uwner Buyer Lessee C�THERc LOCATION: Lot , Block , Addition Strcet Address: ��� Acres NE Carner oE Highway 52 & Co. Road 42 Metes & Bounds Description Attached: Yes Survey or Plot Ptan Attached: Yes Presently Designated: __}���3f�/��l/1 7 U�:� Proposed Designation: _..��¢,�/ZA� I�VDUSTRIA[..._ � REASON FlJR REQUEST: �. We are requesCinQ rezoninQ of the described property so that we may relocate our_business to this new location. Our current busines site is bein sold to 2, Koch Refining Co. It is our intenCion t� b�ild a new oEfice building, maintenance repair shop auci ec�ui�ment storage yard nn the �en acre site we currently ow�i � 3, in the N.E. quadrant at the intersection of Co. Road 42 and T.H. 52 We. anticipat thatthe need for sewer and water would he na greater than required for domestic use . The inplace rur r uppl s Lm and a on site . ,� �., septic system would be adequate �ignature of Appli t for our neecls . M FOR UFFICE USE ONLY .'�pplication received by: Date: Fee: $ ,,�5U.(�U How Paid: Date: ' Planning Commissi�n Action: Date: � • ' , .��. y Y. , • 1 ' • ' . • 1 . . . a . . .. . . � . � � i �` , , � � � � S[/RV6Y FOR : . � , • , � � Salbeig Aggregate Co. � , . � j��`".l�1� . . " w..r • ' • � . �• � • ' • r � „ . :�... [�' V! . _ ' . . . ' � ` • , , . • •. • � ' ��, , � ' ' , . � � , • . • � � • • , � ; + ' . � 1 • .. . • , .. , , , • , , • � � ` � �. . • � . ' �� � � � : : :�-� . . � .� � , ' I �...� . • 1 `1 \ �� ' ' ' rMtr/fy'; , � � . 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