HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Guide Plan Amendment - Wensmann 5th Addition , . P.O. 80X 510 Z�� Q 2875-145TH ST W. OSQ'rDO�/�.� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 TO: MAYOR NAPPER & CITY COUNCIL . FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: MARCH 29� 1990 �� � �" � SUBJ: APRIL 3� 1990 REGULAR MEETINd REVIIsWB GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 16 - WENSMANN FIFTfi ADDITION Herb Wensmann has submitted � Com�rehensive Guide �1�n 1�m�fidment requesting redesignatian of Wensmann Fifth Addition from Agriculture to Medium Density Residential and also that the property in question be included within the Municipal Urban Service Area (MUSA) � Thi� amendment would involv� 25 acres of property upon which 38 single family lats �re proposeds Inclusion of the Wensmann Fifth Addition would involve a transfer of acreage frorn the City of Rosemount Undesignated MUSA Land Bank. This transfer would reduce the Land Bank from 597.6 acres to 572. 6 acres. Attached with this review is a draft of $ Guide Flan Amendment Appli�ation for Guide Plan Amendment #16 which must be submitted to the Metropolit�n Council. Wensmann Fi�th Addition repre�ents the la�t phase af the W�n�mann Additions Planned Unit Development which will tot�1 206 single family homes. The Planning Gommission has racommended approval of Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment #16 to City Council. INFORMATION SUliM1S5[ON FQR MINOR CUMI'ItCEI �NSIV� PI.AN AMCNDMCNTS This aummary worksheet must be 611ed out and submititd lo the Metropolitan Couneil with a copy of eaeh proposed minor comprehensive pian emendmtnt. Iuiinor amendments include� but are not limited to: : y 1. Changes to tl�c future land use plan where the affected erce is �mall ot where tht ` praposed future land use wiU result in minor changes in mettopolitan service demand. 2. Changes (land trades or additions) in the urban service erea involving less than 40 acres. ; 3. Minor chenges to p{an goals and policies �hei dd noi �hnnge the averall thrust of lhe comprehensive pian, , Piease be aa specific aa possiUlc; attach edditton�i expienatory matertels if ntCess�ry. lf n xlnfC repo�t waa prepartd foc the Planning C,ommission or City Council, please ett�ch i� �s well. Communities submitting regular plan nmendments may wish ta tnter tfiis forrn ofi n rensonable facsimite into their word processing menu for ease in prep�ration of the form. Send plan amendmente tos John Rutford, Referrals Coordinato�r . Metropalitan council, Mears Park centre 230 E. Fifth St. � St. Paul� MN 551Q1-1fi34 I. GCNL'ItAL 1NFORMAT[ON � • A. Sponsoring governmental unit � 0 0 cn�v�n ��' Name of locai cantect perspn ' Address z , Telephone Name of Preparer (if dif[erent from contact person) Date of Preparalio , , B. Name of Amendment _ ��►u�G�c...�p1o� �,�{�,+, w �. / e Descriptio ry _ " �.._ �-', _ '' n/Summa lle�r n C• Please ettaeh the following: 1. Five copies of the proposed emendment. ' 2. A city-wide map showing the tocation of the �,ro�osed chAnge. 3. 1fie current ptan map(s), indicating area(s) a[fected by amendment. 4. 1fie proposed plan mar�(s)� indicating area(s) �ffected by amendment. i . � COMPREHENSIVE GLIIDE PLAN AMEI�IDMENT N4. �6 Description/Summary: Thfs plan amendment proposes ta add 25 aCres to the Urban Service Area which would be contiguous to the existing MUSA and would be temporarily served by the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Pian and ultimately served by the Empire Wastewater Treatment Plant. Addition of this acreage to the MUSA would reduce Rosemount�s Undesignated Lar►d Bank of NNSA acreage from 597.6 acres to 572.6 acres. The purpose of this amendment fs to allow development of the final phase af an approved single family hQme development (Wensmann Additions Planned Unit pevelopment - 206 Single Family Lots) to proceed. • 0 D. What is the ofticiat loeal at�tus of the �roposecl amc:n�ment7 (Ci�eck ane c�r p�oce as aJ�pro}�riate.) ,,,� Actecl upoce by planraing co►nmission (If spplicek�le) �n . '� Approved by governing body� c�ntingent upon Metropolitan C.ouncit revie�v� i Conside�ed, 6ut not �ppraved by govccning hody on Other E. Indlcat4 whet adjacent local governmental units �nd other juriadictions (school • dIslricts, watecshcd diatrlci:, ete,) affected by the chenge fiave been aenl caniea �f � , tiu plaa amendrne�t� !f any, snd tha clate(:) cflplc.� wero :ent to them. ' �� Ab�L V'o, I�� � II. LANU USE .; � A DesccIbe the fnllowing, as•�pproprlatt: , .� ;; l. Stu ol affccted arca ln ac�Cs __�2,5 �` 2. Fxisting land use(s) ' ru " 3. P�oposed land usc(s) ' ` „ '• 4. NumUec and typ� of resicle tial dwel! g units invc�lved � 3� �� 5. Proposed deaxjty /. .�L vn�tx ac .E 6. Proposed �guare fa4tago of commercial, industrial or put�lic I�uilclings s. . _ .v�r- ao�!,s�s�../,c� # % II1. MCI'Ct01'QLI'!'AN DCYCL.QPMENT C�UIDI: n �, . ' A. Populatton� Householcl and Ernployment Farecasi� � :� ' Will tha prnpased amendmant affect the ctty'e populalion, household or :� employment forecasls foc 20U0� ar an addjtlonal local ata in cantaine�l in tl�e original plan? Y 8 B � ,_,,,J NoiNot Applicable , � �,�, Yes. Describe effect. � .� , i i ; .� . � ' ' r� - . . . . . t � � � P I3. Changes to Urban Service Area �3aundary ' t f Will iht prpposed amendment require e cbange ta the boundaty of the � • community'c urban service area7 No/Not applicable. � � Yes. Under I. C.� e map should be attached to show tha prarosed chen�e. � ` C. Changea to Timing and Staging of Urban Service Area :� . W111 the proposed amendmcnt rsquire e changc to the timtng end ataging of cievelopment within the urban scrvice area? � �' � NQ/Nat Applicable. � Ye:. Under I, C.� e map should be attached to shaw th� pronose� chnnge. , A. Wastewater ?Y�eatme»t ' ' l. Will the �roposed �mendment result In a change in ihe projec�ad sewer flows for the community? . _J__ No/Not Applicabie. Yes. Indicatc the expec�ed change. . Totat Year 2000I2010 ftow for community based oa e�ating pian �� mtlliot� galton�/day .• . 'I'otai 2000/2010 pow for community ba:ed on plan amendment �„ miliion gallons/day 2. If ynur community discharges to more than one metro�litan interceplor. indicale which interceptor will be affeeted by the amtndment. Res�M�u�n.- t�J.st�• ak� T��____ .�.,�►�,��.- P11c��- 3. Will Jlows be diaerted jrom a�e l,�tenceptor sen�lce area to anot{ter? No/Not applicable. Yes. Jndicare the diunge and volumes (mgct.) �nvolved E. Transpoctation 1. Wil1 the proposed amendment result in an increese in trlp generation [or �j the aEfected area? •, Na/Not appticable. .. �Yes. Desctibe effect. .! N t'i r �//o t,✓!�4 ic r � � 111 EF�ECT OF TRIP GENERATION Up to 38o additional trips per day wi11 access Shannon Parkway and c�unty Nighw�y 42. �hannon Parkw�y (north/south} ie a new�y conetrueted �our lane, city colieatar street, designed ta accommodate traffic from the Wensmann PUD and all other current and future development within Section 31 (southwest square mile of Rosemount) . County Highway (east/westj a minor arterial, has a design capacity of 20,000 ADT and current volume in this vicinity is @10,000 ADT. The traffic impact assaeiated with this plan amendment poses no capacity conoerns in respect to the existinq street network. i 2. Does the proposed amendrnen� contal�� any changes to tiie functianal � classijca�ia�t of ro�clwuys7 � � ,�,�Na � �� Ye,� Describe wh�ch roadways � ' F. Avtatian �� Wlil tha propostd amendmcnt affecl ihe Iunction of A mettopolitan airport �r thc cflmpatibility of la�cl uses with aircraft hoise? ,.,� No/Not applicable. � � � Yet. Describe effect. ' G. Recre�tion Qpen Space 1. Will th� proposed amendment have an fmpact on existing or future . � fecie�al� state or regional recrealionat facilities? � ,,,�No/Not Applicabic. Yes. Dtsccibe effect. � . H. Housin� � WIII tho pcoposed emendment afFect the communi�y't ebitity or intent to achicve „ � tho lon�•term �oals for 14w- and maderate-iar.cc�me and madest-cost.hauaing . appoctunitica contatned in the existing plan? ,� No/Not Appllcable. Yes. Desciibe effect. 1. Wuter Resources • '. Does the ptan amendment affect a we�lund? If yes, explaln and st�aw locntian un n � map. . ✓/VO.. . ' �ll the we�land be pratected? s Yes. Descr36a l�ow. ': % No. Descrlbe wliy not. .;� '• iv ..� ..` . — — � . Will �he plan amendment resuh �ri runoff whtch ajjects thE quality oj nny s��i fate � water bodyt If yes, identify which ones. ; Yes. �� �No � � : t ..' iir'�lt �he water body 6e pro�ected7 � . i Yes. Dascribe how. ' . . No. Explain why not. i i . ; IV. IMPLCMENTATIUN PItUGRAM � A» Official Controls Wii! the propased amendment require e change to zontng, subdivision, on-sit� �ewer ordinances or athet oECcia) cnntrols? . . No/Not Applicable. . � Yes. Descr'ba tffcct. a � ; ; v . � ; o �4 1 � � � � � ' � � r � � Y,� ; �. • �' �+ i ' � i � o � s � � � � � : � a � � o � � : � �. � ""'",�—�;�"�c � � � \ � � ' � � � � s w .` � 7 ` 1'�, 1' •l1 � L . �t� �� w :i. � .. . . � 4 . �1' . '� � �, .. . �.1 � ; � . '�y� '� i� a� .. �...r.�.__�..�_S ��� -. �� ..._. ..�.�� � . �� � S `�} . � . . � � _� J � � '. ...' ,`,+ Fr 1, 1 , � ,:i f�: � . . . � �� i � � � � � � ' -� . . � � � � � ' j j � ' � � ���� . , d N ' � ' � � � '� t � t� M ^t .. �i i i ..�. � . �� G' .•:.S�F..i' � � . � . . . 71 . •.1 � !'k...":Er. � � •• j :i � � 1 ,M � '{ , ; �, s a� � s�r ,, � ^ ,� .,,1 j 't"� , i� � , ` � ` I ' � ' � �/ I � I ...2 .. t .., , � '� � ... , a j'. � � � s � 3 ' � 3 a Y� ,! }. : i�i 1 '+ �. � ..� ,+,1 . . . . • , �� ��. 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