HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Council Committee Appointment Process � ��1 P.O. BOX 510 Zl� � 2875-145TH ST. W, Oc�M�ouM� ROSEMQUN7. MINNESOTA 55088 ta 1�'1. /�. 612-423-4411 �� � � � Maxch 30, 1990 T0: Mayor Napper Counc�,l Members : Klassen Oxborough �� � Willcox � �� Wippermann FROM: Stephan Ji1k, City Administrator RE ; Commission/Gommittee Selection Palicq Following the completion of a snrvey of several other Dakota County Cities by Linda Jentink and a review of the information we received I would offer the following summarp of the results o� that survey on city commissions/committees. Types of Committees (number of cities with this type of committee indicated, total of 6 local cities surveyed) Planning (6) Park & Recreation (6) Cable TV (5) Economic Development (4) Historical (2) So1id Waste Abatement (2) Energy ( 1 ) Urban Affairs - Legislative ( 1 ) ' Met Council - Airport ( 1) Emergency Services Advisory ( 1 ) Blackdog Slough Advisorp ( 1) Charter Commission ( 1 ) I-35 Task Force ( 1 ) The six cities surveyed were: Apple Vallep, Burnsville, Eagan, Hastings, Inver Grove Heights , and Lakeville. Steps Used For Applicants Took applications for appointments (6) Held interviews before appointing (5) Didn' t take applications or interviews (0) Just appointed £rom council recommendations without interview ( 1 ) Had guidelines for process (2) $ased upon this information and discussion we have had on this matter , I have prepared a policy far the select�on af commission/committee members based pn an application/interview process. That policy is attached for your review and consideration. I would recommend that this be discussed at our next council meeting and revisions made for consideration for adoption on April 17 , 1990. Also, twa of the cities provided : 1) a Commissianer' s Code 2) �ob descriptions/qualifications for various �ommissions I have included a dra.ft of both for Rosemount and for your review. The �ob description draft is ane for Parks & Recreation Committee members and a �imilar one cou�d be drafted for other commissi,ons. I believe these two items shoul.d be considered as part of this applic�tianjselection process as thep would far ather citq �taff, Theq could provide a source a£ reference ta present for future commission/committee members and to the Citp Council and staff. If qour approval is given such �ob clescriptions could be drafted for a�.l committees . March 30, 1990 CITY OF ROSEMQUNT POLICY TITLE: COMMITTSS SSLBCTIUN POLICY POLICY NUMBER: AD - 1 PR4POSED BY: ADMIN�STRATION DATE APP�OVED BY CITY COUNCIL: PURPOSE The City of Rosemount wants to assure equal and open access to the selection process for all City Council appointed Commissions and Committees. This policq wi11 set a regular and foxmal recruitment and selection process for eXigible members to all Citp Council Commisaions and Committees. It will provide applicants for Citizens Advisory Commissions and Committees with basic information on the application procedures and the appointment process. POLTCY This policy wi11 provide guidelines governing the appllcation procedure and the appointment process for Citizene Advisorp Commissions and Committees. The Commissions and Committees shall be advisory bodies to the City council, charged with the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on related issuea. PROCEDURE 1 . The follow3ng Commiseions shall be appointed by the Citg Council and shall meet on the �aqs designated belowt Days & Times of MeetinQs Economic Development Authority (EDA) S :OO p.m. — lst & 3rd Tuesdap of each month Utilities Commission 6:30 p.m. ` — lst Mondap after the lst Tues. of each month Cable Commission 6:30 p.m — lst Monday a�ter the lst Tues . af each month . Parks & Recreation Committee 7 :30 p.m. — 3rd Mondaq of each month Flanning Comm3ssion 5:00 g.m. — 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month Policy AD-1 Page 2 Len,gth of Terms• Economic Development Authoritp 6 qesrs Utilities Commisaion 3 years Cable Commission 3 pears Parks & Recreation Committee 3 pears Planning Commission 3 years 2. A11 persons making application to the City Gouncil position on a Citizens Advisory Commission or Committee sha11 be residents of the Citq of Rosemount. 3. Persons interested in being considered for appointment or reappointment to a Citq Commission or Committee sha11 complete an "Application for Appointment to City Committee or Commission" form furnished by the Citq. 4. Appointments to expired terms shall be made annuallq bp the C3tp Council at their aecond regular meeting in January. A11 members, regular and al�ernate, eha11 be appointed to terms as designated above, however, the term map be terminated early by the CounciX. Each member shall serve a maximum of three terms, effective with those members apgointed January, 1991 and after. Compengation for members sha11 be set by the Citq Council. S. When an individual' s regular emplapment map patentiallp cause a conflict of interest with the normal items of business of a City Commission or Committee, he or she shall divulge such possible conflict in writing prior to the consideration for appointment. Prior to making an appointment, the Citq Council sha11 determine whether or not such potential conflict of interest would preclude the appointment of the applicant. 6. Anyone already holding an elective county , state, or federal office sha11 not be eligibl� to serve in a regular voting position on any of the Citp Commissions or Committees. 7. No permanent full.-time oz part-time City of Roaemaunt sta£f emploqee sha11 hald a regular voting position vn anp Commfssion or Committee except thst a staff inember may serve as an ex-officia member. 8. An effort sha11 be made ta have a diversity of pro£essions and occupations represented on al1 Commissions and Committees and, as a genera], guideline, at no one time should one-third of any one Commission or Committee be comprised of individuals of lilce professions or oecup�tions. 2 � �'olicy AD-1 Page 3 An example of an excepti.on to this guideline would agplp to the E�nergencp Medical Service Committee. 9. As a general guideline, the members of eaeh Commission/Committee should be comprised of inembers representing a wide range of civic groups and interests. 10. Attendance at the meetings of these advisory bodies is critical to their effectiveness ; therefore, missing three consecutive meetings or at�endance at less than 75x of the meetinga in a six-month period will cause the Cammittee/Commission Chairman to review the nature of the absences and, pending the outcome of that review, it map be necessary to forward a recommendation to the Citp Council that the member of the Committee/Commission be removed for poor attendance. 11 . Alternate members are considered as members in training and shall act as regular voting members in the absence of any regular member. Mid-term vacanciea shall temporarily be filled by the alternate for the unexpired term. The alternate shall apply and be considered for regular membership on the comarission along with any other applicants. RECRUITMENT ANA SELECTION Nine�y daqs prior to the expiration of commiasion terms each qear, the Coun�il sha11 be advised of the pending vacsnc3�es and the a����d�nc+� r�c�rd of the �.nd3vidur��.�a whoe� t�rme �re exp�,ring, should those ind3vi.duals be ellgible for reappointment. Shauld the ind3viduals merit reappointment, those persons wi11 be contacted to determine i.f he/she wishes to aeek reappointment. New �pglicativns should be completed by the incumbents. Council will also announce to the general public the vacancies on the City Commiaeiona at least si.xty days prior to the expiration of commieaian terms each pear and applications will be accepted from a7.1 interested ci�izens of Rosemount. Thirty days prior to the expiration of commisaion terms, the Citq Council wi11 meet to review all applications and intervi�w appl.icants, including incumbent members whose terms are expir3ng and who wish to seek reappointment. The qualifi.cetions of the members of the Commission� shall be those who in �udgement of the Council are representative of the communitp and are qualified bp training, experience and interest useful for the fulfillment of the Commission� s responsibilitp. EFFECTIVE DATE This policq will go into effect the day following its adoption by the City Couneil of Rosemount, Minnesota. 3 , A COMMTSSION MEMBER�B COD� As a commission member, I believe that the primary purposes of a commission are ta achieve effective and wise guidance of the City through group thinking and act�on, to raise the standards of ' . cammission membership and to improve the level o� services to the community which aupports iti. I realize that mine is a community trust, that I represent all the peopie and that I have a duty to the eommunity as well as - to the commission I piedge myself. Therefore, to cultivate aM "educated heart'� so that I may be sensitive to my obligations and relatianshfps in this trusteeshfp, I subscribe to the code of an ethical person, remembering that ethics refers to �ahat a person is morally obliged to do or not to do in a given situation. I believe that eommission service can be an expression af democratic citizenship, signifying a willingness to accept community responsibility and the charge to preserve popular �ontrol of American public services. Respecting the dfgnity and worth of the individual, I shall bas� my relations with people on their qualities as individuals without distinetion as to xace or creed or color or eeonomic or social statu�. I believe that a person' s greatest possessian , as well as his greatest contribution to saci.ety, may Iie in the ways in which he differs from me, rather than in the ways in whi.ch we are similar. I sha11 accept these differences and try to build a useful relationship upon them. I uphold the principles of my organizati.on, recognizing and assuming mx responsibility to establish and adminf.ster the best passible program and po�,icies for my aommission. I sha�l learn its pr4grams and ob�ectives, give to it a fair share of my time and personal abilities, keep a community wide perspective knowing that, for souncl community service, my commission's work must be coordinated with the total .community. I promise to be loyal to my own organization and a good neighbor to other agenaies. My attitude shall be one of cooperative open-mindedness and objectzvi�y, In carrying out my assignments, I shall be professional in r�alizing that it is not possible to lay down absolute rules for all situations. I shali be w�.11ing to think things through with the other commissi.on members, weighing alternatives and exerc�,sing good judgement in choosing among them. ADVISORY PAR�S AND REGRBATION COM�IITTB$ JOB DESCRIPTION � �UAI,IFICATIQNS QUALIFICATIONS: 1 . Resident of the City of Rosemount 2. Willingness and dedication to commit both time and personal ener�p to the committ�e. 3. An interest in both parka an�l recreation issues 4. Desire to provide a broad range of parka and recreation service to c�.tizens of tY�e commanitq. 5. Interest in and knawledge of the communitp of Rosemount 6. Interest in recreation and parks fulfilling a vital role in the qualitp of life for Rosemount 7. Willingly seeks input from neighborhoada, organizations, and individual.s 8. Ability to maintain an ob�ecti.ve approach to gark and recreation issues RESPONSIBILITIES: 1 . Attend and participate in reguler monthlp meetings and special meetings. 2. Attend and participate iii appointed studq committees wh�.ch map be required to conduct the affairs of the Advisoary Comm�.ttee 3. To make recommendations concerning parks acquisition and development to council and staff. 4. To review and make recommenda�ions concerning recreation programming 5. Annuallp elect officers of the Advisory Committee 6. Provide input into park site planning 7 . Annually reviews the department budget, providing suggestians to ata£f $. Perfarms fact f3.nding tasks for City Council REPpRTS T0: l . Citp Council 2. Director of Parks and Recreation PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION: 1 . Self evaluat3.on by commission 2. Regular attendance and part3.cipation 3. Knowledge and satisfaction that commission is fu11-filling a vital role in the community Parks & Rec Job Deacription/Qualif3cations Page 2 DUTIES OF CHAIR-PERSON: l . To preside over regularly scheduled and special cnmmittee meetinga 2. To call special meetings of the Advisory Comm�ttee when required to conduct the responsibilities of the committee 3. To act as spokes person for the committee 4. With the Director of Parks and Recreatian; establish a • tentative agenda for monthZy meetings �. Assign members to special studp committees 6. Advise and consult with individual members concerning their participation on the committee DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARRS AND RECREATION TO THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 1 . To assist in the development of the agenda and prepare packet• material 2. To act as a adm�nistrator of Paxk & Recreation Programs, Budge�s, Park Development and l�aison to the City Council for the recommendatiana made by the Committee 3. Provide direct�on and input ta the Committee concerning parks ded�cation and recreational programming 4. To perform fundamental research in the study of parks and recreation issues S. To attend meetings of the Advisory Committee and studp committees . ' , � ` ROSSMOUNT ADVISORY PARRS AND RBCRBATION COMMITTSE The Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee is an appointed committee of the City Council o£ volunteer �itizens. The purpose of the committee is to advise and make recommendations to the Citp Council concerning both parks and recreation iseues. In addition the committee provides input to Citq staff, in affect, acts as an advisory board on community interests cancex'ning r�creation and parks. OrQanization: The committee conaists o£ T members who are appointed by the City Council far three (3) pear terms. Chairperson, vi.ce-chairperson and secretarp are elected annually by the commission members at an "organizational meeting" . Meetings are he�.d monthly, or at the eall of the chairperson. Members Role: The Advisorq Committee work cavers a broad range of issues which must be acted ugon in a timelq manner. To accomplish this work, regular attendance and participation by members is essential. Accasionally, the formation of "task" or "study groups" becomes necessary to look into or worlc further on more complex issues. Aasignment to these groups is voluntary. Perhaps the most significant responaibility the members have i� to keep an open mind to parks issues, Listening, learning and discuseion of issues are important aspects of cammittee work. Decision making ahould be based on information gathered and what can be seen as working towards the betterment of the City and parks and recreation system. Ma3ntaining ob�ectivity in the face of special 3nterest groups is often difficult, but essential ta a balanced approach to parks. Both long term ob�ectives and short term benefi�s ahould be considered on a11 issuea. The Advisory Committee acts as a group; disagreement and divergent views are expected and desixable. However, these views are not to be represented to outside organizationa/committees as being representative of the views af the Advisory Committee or City. Members need to be certain that thep do not express personal views and interests as that pf that of the City or Parks and Recreation Department. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY; The Committee does not have statutorq powers, as do "Park Boards." It is a creation of the City Counci3, with the responsibilitq of parks and recreation. The commission reviews residential development �or recommendation of parks dedication; annually reviews the budget, provides input regarding programming, hears citizens requests and inveatigates issues for recommendation. In addition to the gener�l responsfb3.lity of parks and recreation, the committee will perfarm "special" responsibilities as well. ,"• � Rosemount Advisorp Parke & Rec Committee Page 2 STAFF: The City employs a professionaX administrator for the Farks and Recreation Department whoae respansibilitp includes the day to day direction and operation of the department. Dire�tly responsible tv the Citq Administrator, the director prepares the operational budget, purchases ma�ar equipraent items, ovezsees the forestry department, weed control program, plane parka maintenance and development activities, as well as give direction to the effective operation af recreat�onal programming, e�c, As the position rela�es to the Advi$or� Committee, the director prepares the committee' s agenda and support informatian concerning agenda �tems. Items require comm�ttee action, informational items on parks and programs are preaented by the director and communicated to the appropriate parties. The City Administrator occaaionally attends meetinge of the Advisorp Commission and wi11 comment on council . directives, as we11 as background information pertaining to City development. FOR YQUR INFORMATION: Park Dedication: The City has enacted an ardinance under Minnesota laws, which grants a eommunitq the suthority to receive land for park purpoees fram resident�al developers. Thia dedication ie set a� 1Q� af the land to be developed. In instancee in which euitable land for park purpoaes is not available, or the amount of 1a�d is not sufficient to support a park, a cash dedication is taken. The amount of the cash dedicat�on is based on the type of land use. The committee annually rev3ews the £ees for posaible ad�ustment. The cash collected goes into the "park dedication" fund far purchase and/or develogment of parks throughout the community. Comv P1an: Required bp the Metrapolltan Council the City prepared a "Comprehensive Guide P1an" for the City. One segment of the plan includea parks. Neighborhood service areas were defined to heZp determine what park needa might be for each portian of the Citp. FundinQ: Funding for park development cames from the genera� taxes and park dedication fees. P.U.D. : A planned unit development is an agreement between a City and developer/land owner to develop the land included in the agreement acco�ding to a �pecif3c csiCeria; includ�ng residential d�naitiee, park land, commercial area, with a proposed time frame £or development.