HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Accept Bids / Authorize Purchase of Front Loader ITEi� # � A *�*******�*�*�**�***�****�****�*�*�MEMO*******�**rr***�*******,�****�*�**#*** DA�'E: MARCH 28� 1990 �'O: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINI$TRATOR JILR FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WC1RR8 DIRECTt)R HEFT RE: ITEM FOR THE AFRIL 3, 1990 COUNCIL MEETIN(3 OLD BUSINE88 Acce�t Bids/Authorize Purchase of Front End Loader on Friday, March 30, 1990, the Public Works Department opened bids for the purchase of a 160 H.P. Articulated Four-Wheel Drive Front End Loader. Attached is the bid tabulation results. There were two bidders for this piece of equipment, one being Ziegler, Inc. who bi.d Caterpillar brand and the other being Carlson Lake State Equipment who bid John Deere. Case Power and Equipment did not bid because they felt the specifications were too tight. Although we are not abla to recommend award of the bid at thi.s time, one thing is obvious and that is the cost are in excess of what we had budgeted. With that in mind, we would be recommending looking at the slightly used front end loader from Ziegler and Carlson Lake State. This means we are anywhere from $14,000 to $20, 000 short fuhding in our C.I.P. However, I would propose on using some excess 1990 C.I.P. money that appear to be available. One of those areas would be related to the aerial ph4tography and stereo digitizing data purchase which would be about $15, 000 ($60, 000 budgeted minus $45,000 used) . Remaining $5, 000 could be obtained from the excess from the replacement of the single axle dump truck which amounts to about $7, 000 ($78, 000 budgeted minus $63, 000 used minus $9, 000 transferred to bituminous paver) . The Public Works Department will be ready with their recommendation Tuesday evening at the Council meeting at which bid to award. If Council has any questions regarding the situation with the existing Fiat/Allis Front End Loader, I would invite them to contact Bob Raddatz, Public Works Supervisor, Dean Sandstrom, Mechanic or Mike Widstrom, Operator. These gentlemen can provide you with some insight as to the prablems we are having with this piece of equipment. If it is not convenient for you to check with them, I plan on having them in attendance Tuesday night to help me answer any questions you may have. . y � ID T�BULATI �� ` r`�k?T I CULATEC:� FOL�R-r.�►NEEI_ C+� I '�iE FF?�PlT Et'1D L��F�DER-. NIARCH :�O , 1���Q rARLSON GARLS�[V B I GDER : � I EC.�LEE� Z I �GLEf2-USED L,.AKE STRTE Lr'�K.E STATE-USED M��p I � ; 9J�.:�E �S�E ���E 544E I�rocs Bi �� : �1.�� . ?z^�`' . i�t[� �1 '15 , ��1 . t7C7 #11� , �55 , OtJ O Tr,�d�- i n r - 1 C �:�5 , v�l�<<) . O� � 4 �:�S , �.�I�CJ . t7C7� C. ��1 , 5�J0 . ��C1 } I`J� B i d t`Jat Pr i r� to P�y �'3� , �=#�? . ,�Q ��'� , ?:�1 . �C� �}35 , 45� . fJ(a ���� , ��O . L�O t���.�rante�� 1�iax . R�pa i r� C + 1 �� , r.�i7�1 . i1C� ��, 4rJ� . t7CT �1 , t:;iO�J . Ota �1 , C�00 . �� G��arant�ed RwPurcF-»se C- :f t: �6c . rJOCU . ��4? C��O , t7C�fJ . Cl0 � !`do 'E3 i d No B i d 'ar_hc?�u 1 «?d M� i ntenance r + i �.� , OSO . �� �� , rJ5�7 . 80 �2 x 4'�.r"J . t�G� �c . 49t� . QcJ I`d�t Tot.� 1 Cos+_ �35 . 53? . �Q ��=�, ?�1 . SC� ��3� , ��5 . +JCI �?? , Q'�O . O� �4SEMOUNT VCILUNTEER 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55468 FiRE DEFARTMENT �ity Nall 612-423-44I1 �re MaN 612-423-3444 T0: Steve Jilk, City Adminis�r tor FROM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief DATE: March 30 1 0 � 99 RE: Medical Leave - Larry Kane At the March meeting of the Rosemount Fire Department, the membership approved a medical leave of absence for Larry I�ane. This leave of absence was requested due to a back injury sustained at his regular job. The membershaip approved the request effective March 27, 1990 subject to city council approval . This medical leave should not be for an extended period of time. Larry feels as soon as he is able to get in contact with his doctor again, he should qualify for light duty at the fire depa�tment. We would request cauncil approval of the mec�ical leave effective March 27 with the returning date to b� determined in the futu�e. For your infarmation, the bylaw committee, which is in the process of re-worki.ng some of our bylaws, will probably suggest that medical leaves of les� than 60 days could be approved by th� membership without havi,ng to bring these minor considerations to the city council. They are planning that leaves of less than 60 days would only require membership and city administrator approval. Any requests beyond the 60 days would go to the city council as has been the past practice. Again, this is only in the planning stage and any, final decision regarding this matter and everything else in the bylaws would be subject to your approval and that of the city council . Thank you for your consideration in this matter. dw AC,ISEMOUNT �IfJLUN�'EE� �875 145th Sfreet Wegt Rosemount, MN 55t?68 FI�E �lEPARTM��T �ity Hail 612--423•4411 Fir� H�H 812-423•34A4 i , T0: Steve Jilk, Cit Administrator Y FROM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief �� DATE: March 30, 1990 RE: Membership/Grievance Committee At the March meeting of the Rosemount k'ire Department , in keep�.ng �3th th� bplaws, the following persons were newly appointed by the Chief az�d approved by the membership to serve on th� Membexship/Grievance Committee: John Erickson R. C. Anderson The total cammittee would include these two persons along with: Don McNearney Dan MeMenomy , Mark Evenson, Chairman The fire department would look to the city council to ��tify this action. dw