HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Authorize City Managers Conference Attendance P O RQX 510 ���� � 2ft75-145Tfi S7 W �� ��q ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 �'r�'Q��� 612-423-4411 '�� � '. � � March 29, 1990 T0: Mayor Napper Council Members: Klassen Oxborough W�llcox Wippermann FROMt Stephan Jilk, City Administrator RE: Citp Managers Conference May 9 - 11 I am reque�ting approval to attend the Annual Minnesota City Managers Conference on Map 9 - ll of this qear. It will be held at Cragun' s Resort in Brainerd , Minnesota as it ha� been for the last 19 years. I have attended this conference for the previous three pears and found it an excellent opportunity for training and communic�ting with my peers. It has an attendance of about 275 - 300 managers/administrator. We have been fortunate in the past ta have national speakers on such issues as management style, limited resource utilization and pro,�ect management techniques. The estimated cost is $425 and is budgeted fox 1990 training expenditures. I appreciate pour consideration for this opportunity . lj . - �.�sion Nighlights -- Triai by Fire: Now ta Survive Those Flrst Two Years In Conterence planning GommtNee ' a City or County BIII King,Mlaconia City Admi�istrator,Chair Sage �dvice fmm seasoned prufessionais, sh�ring what Ihey wish they had M�►k 8ernhardaan,Orono CIty Admi�sirator known during their early years in the prolession. This informaf sesslon is qeiph Cempbeil, Edina t�ommunlcations Dlrector geared to newQr managers; however, anynne fnterested is welcome. Jerry dulgar,Crystai City Administrabr The Gaod News — Our Creative Legacy Kenneth Ha►tung,Woodbury Asststant Administratot Joet Hanaon,F'�sh Clty Admfnistrator What sociEty's creative past has produced — �n enlightening conference Thomaa aeber, Fairmont qty Administr�tor kickoff. Edward Shukie, Mound Ciry Manager, �oard Lialson Developing Your Potenliai As A Creative Leacier in the Pu61tc bavtd t'wa, �iue Earth Cottnty Administrator SeCtor david Unmachf, Rrior lake City Manager A look at the foundations of creativity, characteristicS of creative leaders, aan Vogt,Brainerd City Administrator, Cierk/Treasurer Janet Weissner� Falcon Hefghts City A�ministrator the creative process, and how to manage creativity in your iurisdiction. Willlam WeMs, Nicollet County Coorc�nator A group profile wiil be shared and analyzed based on the questionnaire5 �� completed in advance by conference participants. terry Whittaker,Shorewood City Admintstrator Problem Formulation: How to Avoid Creating the Periect Salutiotl to the Wrong Probiem About Qovernment�'ralning S�rvice Designed to provide some tools and ideas for tacklin Progr�m development and management creatively. 9 your next problem servic�s for this cvnterence have been provided by Government Training Service. GTS is�public organization afiose mfssfon is to meet Special Presentation: Creati� Leadership in the Public Sector — ' the changing m�agement and IeadersMp needs of What Really Happens po�►cymakers, stalf and appdnted oificials by providing � An Pntertaining look �t situ�tions that c�n hef�li ihe unsuspecting City or ' innovative, camprehen5ive, practic�l�aining and �our►ty manager in ihe day-to-day�uest for the "best of ali passible worids", consul8ng topubiiciy-tunded orpanizations in Minnesota, Facuity - navid campnen Panei biscussion Members Widely known as the co-author of the Strong-Campbeil interest Inventory, bavid Campbeli is currently the Smith Rfchardson Senlor FeNow at the Center for Creative g���g�asett,Mankato City Manager Leadership where he conducts leadership tlevelopment programs and ongoing Jerry Duigar, Crystal City Manager research into common leadership traits. in addition to his lecturing and Jim Nitchals, Fergus Falls City Administrator professionai activities, Campbeil is a wldely published author. F�s books inelude: Karl Nollenberger.St. louis County Adrninistrator/ 11 You Don't Know Where Vou're Going, Vou'lI Probably End Up Somewhere Else, Coordinator and Take fhe Road to Qreativity and Get Ofl Your Dead End. He is currently developing a psychological test battery, the Campbell Work Orientations", Craip qapp,Brooklyn park City Manager designed to analyze interests, skilis, leadership potentia), and working satislaction. Janet Weissner. Faicon Neights City Administrator, Before ioining the Center in 1973, Campbell was a member ot the facuity at the �acilitator University of Minnesota. He earned his doctorate in Psychoiogy at the Univers(ty in 1960, and was appointed to the faculty shortly thereafter. ; Spectal Pres�n#ers � John Anderson Joe KudtB, Actor/Numorist John C. Anderson is an Associate Professor of Operatfons Managemer�and �ark Sieve,Actor/Numorist Decision Sciences at the Carfson School of ManagPment,University ot Minnesota. He hoids M.B.A. and Ph.D. Degrees irom the School af Management, University of Minnesota. Anderson's teaching, research and puhlication interests include quality management, operations strate , decision s� 9Y �pport processes, managerial pro b lem so luin g and pro�lem f o r m u t a ti o n. A n d P r s c m h as�ctive consul p r o t i f�n d n o n p ro f i t o r g amza tions an d � t e d w i t h teaches r ,xtensively in Executive Qevelopm�n[Pro9r�rrks. He holds several awards tor innovative edtrcation {especially related to�robtem iorrr��tation).