HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of March 20, 1990 Regular MeetingI � 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY P1tOCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARcx 20, 1990 Pursuant to due call and natice thereof a regular meeting of the City Couneil of the City Qf Rasemount was duly held on Tuesday� March 20, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Napper called the meeting to order wi.th Council Members Willcox, C?xborough and Klassen present. Gouncil Member Wippermann was absent. ' Mayor Napper led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended to include Item 5(c) Town Green; Item 9id) Strese Pond� Item 9(e) Cope Letter; Item 9(f) Carrolls Woods; Item 1Q(b? 136th Street East and Item 10(c) Legal 5ervices, C�.ty Engineer Rich Hetti and City Planner Michael Wozniak provided informati.on on a Geographic Informational Systems which Dakota County is presently utilizing for updating their records. The staff inembers advised the city cauld tie into this system and have access to the county' s information as well as input its own information. In April, 1990, staff w�.11 request Council approval tc� expend funds for Phase ;L of this system. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. AdministratQr Jilk provided an update regarding the hazardous materials response team which would represent and service cities and townships 3.n Dakota County. Jilk advised Council will be presented the final joint powers agreemen� far app�oval once i.t is deterrn�.ned whether or nat legislation will be enact�d this session to have the State take on �his � responsibility and form regional hazardous material response teams. � Mayor Napper opened the public hearing scheduled at this time to consider an amendment to Ordinanea B - Zoning Ordinance which would completely ;: replace Section 10 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding sign provisions, i; The city administrator presented for the record the Affidavit of Posted Hearing Notice and the Affidavit of Publication. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. �' Mayor NaPper outlined the procedure for conducting the public hearing. Community Development Directox Dean Johnson provided a brief background on the process in developing the proposed amendment regarding the sign provisions. Johnson advised Seetion 14 was not changed when the City Council took formal action in August, 1989 on the revised overall xoning ' ordinance because of input and concerns received from Rosemount Chamber of Cammerce members. The City Council requested that City staff work with a committee of the Chamber to re-evaluate the sign provisions and resubmit them for consideration. As a result of the work by this committee, the members structured a compromised revision of Section 10, Johnson further advised the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed 5ection 10 at its February 13, 1990 meeting and recommended approval of the proposed sign provisions with one modification to the subsection regarding real estate , signs. Johnson also referenced the letter received from the Rosemount Chambsz of Commerce, dated March 13� 1990, which requested several changes to the proposed compromised amendment. See Clerk`s File 1990-6. Several business owners provided testimony in support of the requested I changes outlined in the letter from the Rasemount Chamber of Commerce dated March 13, 1994. These business awners also voiced objections and conc�rns � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING r�ex 20, 1990 to various sections of the proposed amendment �o the sign ordinance. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. MpTION by Napper to close the public hearing. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayess Willeox, Napper, Oxbo�ough, Klassen. Nays: 0. Council addressed th.e requasted changes outlined in the letter received from the Chamber dated March 13, 1990. Council reached an agreement with regards to Item No. 1 and Item No. 4 and concurred further discussion was necessary on the other eight items. Council also addressed Sections 10-1 - C, Subsect3.ons 13, 16, and 17 and concurred these items warranted further discussion. By unar�imous consent of the Council Members, a special work session was scheduTed for Tuesday, March 27, 1990, at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the sign ordinance revisions. Mayor Napper opened the public hearing scheduled at this time to consider the proposed assessments for Valley Oak Addition Replat, Phase IV Street & Utility Improvements of 1989, City Froject No. 196. The city administratar presented far the record the Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice and the Affidavit of Publication. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. City Engineer Rich Hefti provided a summary of the scope of this pro�ect and reviewed the determination of the unit assessment amount and total assessment in the amount of $191 ,573.10. 5ee Clerk' s File 1990-6. No ohjections or comments were received from the audience regarding this proposed assessment. MOTION by Napper to close the public hearing. SI3GOND by Willcax, AXes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: Q. MOTION by Napper to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASS�SSMENT. ROLL, V�11.LEY QAK ADDITION REPLAT, PHASE IV STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS� PROJECT NO. 196. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Napper. Nays: 0. Mayor Napper opened the public hearing to consider the proposed assessments for 0'Leary' s Hills 4th Addition Street and Utility Improvements of 1988, City Project 184. The city administrator presented the Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice and the Affidavit of Publicatian. See Clerk's File 1990-6. City Engineer Rich Hefti provided a brief summary of the scope of the project and reviewed the total cost, core facility costs, unit assessment amount and total assessment in the amount of $193, 467.59. See Cl�rk' s File 1 990-6. No objections or concerns were received from the audience. 2 � . ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 20, 199Q MOTION by Napper to close the public hearing. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Napper, Oxborough. Nays: 0. MOTION by Oxborough to adopt A RESOLUTION ADOPTING �1SS�SSMENT ROLL, O'LEARY"S HILLS 4TH ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMSNTS, PROJECT NO. 184. SEGOND by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen. Nayss 0. Ron Jacobson, 3647 - 143rd Street West, addressed the City Council regarding recent trail development in Carrolls Woods. Jacobson referred to a document, dated March 20, 1990, which was received from several residents living adjacent to Carrolls Woods who are opposed to the trail development. Jacobson stated these concerns were discussed with the Parks and Recreation Committee on March 19, 1990 and felt the Committee also shared concerns regar.ding the preservation of this wooded area. Jacobson requested that the C:ity Council direct the city attorney to determine the status of the grant: contract and whether the city has violated any grant eontract, subsE�quent to grant approvals by the State, through development of Carrc�lls Woods. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. ParkC and Recreation Director David Bechtold advised the Parks and Recr€�ation Committee generally shared the concerns of the n�ighborhood commj.ttee and agreed to meet and work with this eommittee to further review thes� concerns. Bechtold further advised the Parks and Recreation Comm3.ttee di.rected city staff to meet with the director of the state outdoor grants program to discuss t�ie present status of the grant contract, to r�ceive clarification on how to maintain Carrolls Woods as a preserve and t:o determine the proper �racess for meeting the conditions of the grant� eontx�act. Follc�wing diseussion Council concurred that city staff should continue working with the Parks and Recreation Committee and the neighborhoad committee. Council agreed that Item 4(h) Approve Specs/Authorized Ad far Bids, Tractor/Mower/5weeper; Item 4(i) Authorize Feasibility Study for Diamond Path Improvements; Ttem 4(� ) Approve Additional Cost far Electrical Work/Shannon Park Control Building and Item 4(k) Authorize Purchase of Fire Department Equipment, Hose Nozzles be removed fram the Consent Agenda to New Business. MOTIC?N by Napper to apprave the Consent Agenda as amended. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Napper, Oxborouc�h, Klassen, Willcox, Nays: 0. See Clerk's File 199Q-6. Economic Deve�.opment Specialist Tracfe Peehonick presented for Council approval the marke�ing materials submitted by the Rosemount Star City Committee. These materials included the Rosemoun� Star C�.ty logo/slogan, the format of the brochure and pocketfolder and the content of the brochure. Pechonick noted that Council Member Klassen had several suggested changes in the written content of the brochure and requested that all items except the written content be approved by Couneil. The Council Members unanimously consented ta review the revised written content at the special meeta.ng scheduled for March 27, 1990, at 8:00 p.m. Council Member 3 :., ._ . ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2Q, 1990 Klassen abstained f�om parttcipa�ing in the approval process since her husband had submitted the recommended Star City slogan. Council Member Klassen noted she approved the logo and format of the brochure and poeketfolder. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. MOTION by Napper to approve the Rosemount S�ar City logo, slogan and the format of the brochure and poeketfolder. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Oxborough, Wiklcox, Napper. Nays: 0. Abstain: Klassen. Discussion was held regarding the names submitted by Council for citizens to serve on the citizens committee in conjunction with the space/facilities needs study currently being comp].eted. Council concurred the city administrator shauld proceed to Coordinate the firs� meeting between the committee members and the consultant even though only fifteen names were submitted zather than the reguested thirty names. See Clerk' s File 1990- �. MOTION by Napper to approve the members as presented far the space/facilities needs study ci.tizens committee. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Wil�cox, Napper. , dxborough. Nays: 0. Couneil Member Klassen noted the Parks and Recreation Committee toak formal action on March 19, 1990 designating a portian of Erickson Park in the Town Green Project rather than on February 19, 1990 as previausly reportec� by Klassen. Fire Chief Scott Aker presented for Council approval the specifications for a new rescue truck and requested a bid opening on April 6, 199Q, at 10:00 a,m. �ker advised the new rescue truck would replace the current 1978 model as the first rescue vehicle to medical calls. Assistant Fire Chief Jon Strese, Firefighter pon Corrigan and City Mechanic Dean Sandstrom, who assisted the committee in preparing the speci�ications, answered questions from Council. Following discussion, Council cancurred any alternates not included in the bid praposals would not be signifieant in cost and could be negotiated and received as quotes at a future date, See Clerk' s File 199Q- 6. MOTION by Napper to approve the specifications for the fire department rescue truck and to authorize advertisement of bids with a bid opening on April 6, 1990, at 10:00 a.m. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Willeox, Nappex, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk advised Council of the recent meetings with Major General John Cox of the Minnesota Army Reserve National Guard concerni�ng the possibility of locating a larger armory here than previously proposed by the Guard. The Guard has been working with the City of New Rrighton for approximately two years for locating a 400 person armory for the 47th viking Division Headquarters, the 47th Viking Division Band Headquart�rs and the 47th Viking Division Military Police Headquart�rs, New Brighton officials for various reasons indieated to the Guard they did not want the armoary built there, and Major General John Cox aontacted the City to see if the City of Rosemount would consider the locating of the larger armory here at the al.ready chosen armory site. Administrator Jilk presented information an cost and square footage on the proposed division 4 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MSETING MARCH 20, 1990 armory headquarters and reviewed the tacility components available for community use. The city administrator furtl�er advised the armory would be the second largest in the State, employ approximately 37 €ull tim� employees and the facility would be built in 1992 unless federal fund�ng would be heid up. Administrator Jilk requested that Council adopt a Resolution of 5upport for this pro�ect. 5e� Clerk' s File 1990-6� MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLUTION PLEDGING SUPPORT TQ THE MINNESOTA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD IN ESTABLISHING AN ARMY NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: 0. Council discussed the recommendation received from Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold to hire a building trades person and to approve the job descriptions for the three levels of this position. Bechtold advised staff had previously planned to hire for this position this fal�, but because Qf several pra�ects in the parks department that should be completed this spring and summer, authorization is being requested from Councii at this time. A g�neral Maintenance I position scheduled to be filled at this t3.me will be requested for approval in the fall. See Clerk' s File 199Q-6. MOTION by Willcox to approve the advertisement of the Bui.lding Trades Person Level II and to approve the job descriptions for the three levels. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Napper. Nays: 0. Council Member Willcox informed Council of his recent contact with Walt Strese regarding the accumulat�.on af oil fi.lm and debris in the pond located on his property. City Engineer Rich Hefti �eeported on the investigation of the Dakota County Health Service Department which indicated the film looked like motor oil, but there was no evidence where the oil originated. Hefti advised his staff will monitor the pond and cl.ean up the exis�ing oil and debris. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. Council Member Willcox referred to a letter received from Arlyn Cope, 14717 Danville Avenue West, regarding ha.s concern of motorists parking their cars on the grass area at Tw3.n Puddles Pond. Willcox eoncurred with Cope' s concerns that oil and petroieum distillates from the cars could cause potential environmental damage. City Engineer Rich Hefti and Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold responded by recommending the construct3.on of a gravel parking lot on the south side of Dadd Baulevard. Staff further recommended installing pedestrian crossing signs and painting a cross walk across Dodd Boulevard to assist pedestrians to the northern portion o£ the park area. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. City Engineer Rich Hefti presented for Council approval the specifications for a bituminous paver. Hefti advised funds were budgeted for erack sealing equipment, but after consideration by city staff, it was determined the bituminous paver would provide moxe benefit than the crack sealer. City Engineer Hefti advised the excess funds needed for the paver would b� allocated from excess CIP funds. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. 5 w k ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS 1�EGULAR l�i}3ETING MA.RCH 20, 1990 MOTION by Willcox to approve the specifications far the bituminous paver and to authorize a bid opening for April t3, 1990, at 10:00 a.m. SECUND by Oxborough. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Napper, axborough. Nays: Q. �iscussion was held regarding the recommendation from the city engineer to authorize a feasibility study in conjunction with Dakota County's proposal to reconstxuct Diamond Path from just south of 145th Street to �ust north of Connemara Trail. Discussion ensued regarding bike trails and storm � water construction. See Glerk' s F�.le 199Q-6. MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLUTIQN QRDERIN� THE FBASIBILITY REPORT FOR DIAMOND PATH STREET IMPROV�MENTS, GITY PROJECT �212. SECQND by Oxborough, Ayes: Wi,llcox, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: Q. Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtol.d requested Council authorization to approve funds for the installation of an electrical control system for the Shannon Park i�rigation groject in an amount not to exceed $1 ,200.00. Council concurred that staff provide a financial report on the Shannon Park School/Park Construction Project. See Clerk' s File 199Q-6. MOTION by Willcox to approve the elec�rical installation cost for the Shannon Fark irrigation project 3.n an amount n4t to exaeEd $1 �200.00. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Napper, 4xbor4ugh, Klassen, Wi11cQx. Nays: Q. MOTION by Klasser� to approve t�ie purchase of two automatic hose nozzles in the amount of $$3$,00 for the fire department. SECOND by Oxboa:ough. Ayes: �xborough, Klassen, Willcox, Napper. See Cierk' s File 1990-6. Cammunity Development Director Dean Johnson reviewed the city's involver�ent in a proposed program of activities in conjunction with Earth Day 1990 on April 22, 1990. Mayor Napper presented a resQlution for Gounci.l consideration in suppor� of Earth Day 1990 activities in Rosemount. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. MOTION by Napper to adopt A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AND PRQCLAIMING APRIL 22, 1990 EARTH DAY 1990, SECOND by Willcax. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Napper, Oxborough. Nays: 0. Mayor Napper reported on his contact with the Gilbert Kraft family, 2240 - 138th Street East, regarding the City' s position as to whether 138th Street East i.s an off3.cia1 city street or a private driveway. Couneil concurred city sta£f should investigate the status af this road and report back to Council. FoZlowing discussion regarding legal services for the city, a consensus was reached by Council that the eity administrato� prepare an outline of legal. services needed and prepare a request for proposals for these services. City Administrator Stephan Jilk repqrted �he city wiil participate at the Dakota County Business Expo ' 90 on May 1 , 1994, at the Dakota County Technical College. See Clerk' s File 1990-6. 6 � • . �. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCBEDINGS REGULAR MBgTING MARCH 20, 1990 City Administrato� Stephan Jilk advised Council ot the emergency evacuation exercise scheduled for May 16, 199Q at the nuclear power plant at Prairie Island in Red Wing, Minnesota. Folice Chief Staats will be monitoring this exercise and will be involved as becomes necessary. See Glerk' s File 1990- 6. City Administratpr Stephan Jilk cliscussed the repart from Decisian Resources summarizing the process and outcome of the goal setting session with Cauneil and Staff Membc�rs on Jan.uary 30, 1990. Jilk recommended that Council and staff begin addressinq the goa�.s and ob�ectives by formulat�.ng specific work plans as a means of implementing th� general strategies set at the goal session. Council reviewed the proposed grouping of issues presented by the administrator and the propos�d timetable for review af the goals. Council unanimously concurred with the administrator' s proposals with the addition of the issue, taxes vs. service needs, to catec�ory IV. See Clerk' s Fi�.e 1990-6. MOTION by Napper to approve the Decision Resourees report in regards to the January 30, 1990 goal setting sesston. SECONp by K�.assen. Ayes: Willcox, Napper, 4xborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. Administrator Jilk advised that staff research has indicated that H.F. 2444, discussed by Couneil at the March 6, 199� Regular Council Meeting, is a request for funds of approximately $7,500,QOU to construct an �.ntegrated waste management facili.ty near the University of Minnesota St. Paul campus and nat on University of Minnesota pr4perty in Rosemaunt. Jilk further advised that som� of the ma�erials currently being stored in Rosemount would be transferred to this new facility if canstructed. See Clerk' s file 1990-6. � The administratQr updated Council on bills being reviewed by the legislature regarding locai government aid cuts, pay equity and tax increment financing. MOTION by Napper to adjourn. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Johnsan, City Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Published this day of , 1 �90 in Dakota Caunty Tribune. 7