HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Parker Communications - Radio Tower Proposal , , � 1�] P.O BOX 510 ZlZ.� C) 2R75-145'TH ST W. 0��,�nO,u�� ROSEMOUNT. MiNNESOTA 55068 11'b 612-423-Q411 Agenda Item 3a. T0; MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL, CITY ADMINISTRATQR FROM: DEAN JOHNSQN, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MARCH 3Q, 199Q SUBJ: PARKER COMMUNICATIONS - RAQIQ TOWER PROPQSAL AGENDA ITEM 3a Attached is an informatian packet from Parker Communications, regarding a proposal ta construct four 360-foot AM radio broadcast towers in the City of Rosemount. Parker Communications is a Minneapolis corporation operating KTCZ(FM) and KTCJ(AM) in the Twin Cities, as well as other broadcast facilities around the country. 7he proposed location of the broadcast towers is on TH 55, southeast of SpeGtro Alloys Corporation. This item is on the agenda for informational purposes. Staff and the applicant will make presentations to introduce the proposal to the Couneil . There is no action required at this time. Staff have been meeting with representatives of Parker Communications since October. The Zoning Ordinance does not accommodate the proposal at this time. Since Octtiber, staf� hav� attempted to identify the issues and concerns surrounding the proposal and identify the procedures and a�ppropriate ordinance amendments, should the proposal be pursued. The applicant has made two appearanees before the Planning Commission. At the March 27, 1990 Regular Meeting, the Commissian recommended that the City Council schedule a public hearing to consider amendments to the text of the Zoning Ordinance that could accommodate the request by the applicant (potential revisions attached) . Staff recommends May 1, 1990 as the earliest hearing date (see consent agenda) . We have recommended that Parker Communications make its initial presentation to the Council an April 3rd. We have also recommended they hold a neighborhood meeting. April 12th has been tentatively scheduled for this purpose. We have provided the applicant with a mailing list of residents and businesses, covering a very "generous" area. In addition to the more obvious regulatory concerns that must be considered, an underlying issue has been benefit to the community. A persistent question has been, "Why would the Ci�y go to the trouble of amending its ordinances to permit this type of use?° The Planning Commission has echoed this concern in their consideration. Parker Communications will address this issue with the Council . 3/30/90 PItOPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT PARKER COMMUNICATtONS ::::� , ,�,:::;: .:�.: :'°>;�:� ::' �;�;::� �..:'.::.:�:'.:' '.':;:;.: ;':;`.::. •.;.::,: . :;;.; ; ,. �1..N�,,,Ra�io Antenn,,;� That portion of any communication equipment located on the exterior or outside of any structure used for continuous ar standby transrnission or reception of A.M. radio waves. Tow�r A structure upon which communication equipment is maunted or attached and including support devices such as cables, braces, etc. ... . ..:.. ... .... . . . . Ds:F:C'��I:[3����:T�:..E�'��1�T`�{i�'S������� �: C. Uses Permitted by Interim Use Permit 1. A.M. radio antennae an�i supporting towers and related accessory structures. This use may be permitted only �n properlies sitnated east of Stale Trunk Highway 52. �k�l��`�r��.�{�1�'�;:�1: � SECTION 11.4 A.M, RADIO COMMUNICATIONS ANTENNAE AND SUPPORTING TUWERS A. Permit applicants shall submit the following information together with any other information requested by the City: 1. In submitting an application for an interim use permit for the construction and maintenance of radio antennae, and accessory structures,the applicant shall provide suf�cient information to indicate that construction, installation and maintenance of the antenna and tower will not create a hazard to the health, safety and general welfare of surrounding property owners. 2. This information shall include an outside consultant conducting an independenf study at the cost of the applicant, demonstrating that the tower complies with (structural standards for steel antenna towers and antenna supporting structures), Engineering Department, Electronic Industries Association (EIA); describing the capacity of the tower, including the number and type of antennae that it can accommodate and the basis for the calculation of capacity; and demonstrating that the application comglies with FAA, FCC and, if applicable, State Aeronautics Division requirements. 3. A site plan including contents as specified in Section 14.4 Subsection B of this Ordinance. 4. •A written analysis of the impacts of the propased project shall be required. The applicant must discuss issues related to the aesthetics of the project, any implications or nuisances in the operations of the project and property tax implications for long term use of the site. B. Permit Rec�uirements for Construction and Mafntenance: Permits for A,M. radio eommunications antenna, towers and aceessory structures erected, constructed or located on any property and all supporting devices thereof shall only be issued if the following standards are met or exceeded: 1. The tower shall not exceec� four hundred feet (4a0') above grade or less as authorized by law. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Arnendments - PARKER COMMI7NICATIONS ^ " � " March 27, 1990 Page Two 2. Antenna and or tower setbacks shall be such that the distance from the base to the nearest propert.y line or nomowned structures is nat less than the calculated structural callapse radius. 3. No part of any antenna or tower nor any lines, cable, equipment or wires or braces in connection with either shaU at any time extend across or over any part of the right-of-way, public street, highway, sidewalk or property line. 4. Towers with antennae shall be designed to withstand a uniform wind loading as prescribed by the State Building Code and the Electronic Industries Association recognized national standards, whichever is more restrictive. 5. Antenna and metal towers shall be properly protecced against direct sirike by lightning,either by adequate grounding or suitable circuits designed to provide such protection. The installation shall comply with all applicable electrical wiring codes, statutes, regulations and standards. 6. The City shall determine whether self-supported towers or whether towers supported by cables or guy wires serve to protect the public health, sa[ety and welfare. 7. All signal and remote control conductors of low energy extending horizontally above the grnund l�eeween the tower ar antenea and structure, or betwe�n towers, not buried underground, shall be at least twelve feet (12') above the ground at all points. 8. The base of the tower and all anchors shall be surrounded with a minimum six foot (6') high security fence with the appropriate warning signs posted on all sides. 9. No accessory structnres or appurtenances shall be temporarily or permanently affixed to A.M. radio antennae or supporting towers accept as required to accomplish the license service for which the antenna or tower is authorized by the FCC, or as may be approved by City CounciL 10. The economic benefits, incentives and other advantages to the City and community must outweigh any known or potential negative aspects of the project. 11. The applicant shall furnish the City with eopies of all correspondence with the FCC and FAA regarding permit performance �f the A.M. radio antennae; or any matters affecting �tiblic health, safety and welfare. 12. If use of the tower is discontinued for a period of twelve (l2) months, it shall be removed. 13. The applicant shall be required to adequately maintain the A.M. radio cornmunications antennae, supporting towers and related accessory structures and property upon which those facilities are situated in a manner to ensure that such facilities do not represent a hazard or nuisance to the public. C. Broadcast Interference: The appticant shall be responsible ta investigate all and remedy legitimate complaints by residents regarding interference to consumer electronic equipment alleged to be caused by signals from the broadcast facility. D. Advisory Commission: The City Council may establish an advisory commission to hear disputes that cannot be resolved between the broadcast representatives and residents. E. Tower Use Fee: The City Council may require an annual use fee in lieu of taxes.