HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Authorize GIS Funding Request, Phase I , - � r��r ��� f , 1 Y �TEM � � � it�Ir+k*ic�Ir�tr+k ik#e+k�Ir#r+k�k ilk+k iF�k�F#r�k�Ik!k+k ie�le�IF�Ar�r�#e+k�Ir#r MEMO+k+k dF�r�4*#A�k#r#r,k*#�4+k,k,k�k dr�k+k+k,k�k,k!F,k,k,k+k,k,k+k*�►r DATE: MARCH 28� 1990 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERB C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILR FROMs CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORRS DIRECTOR HEFT ' RE: ITEM FOR THE APRIL 3, 1990 COUNCIL MEETIN(3 NEW BUSINESS A�prove GI5 Qata Cost Share Aqreement Concept This item consist of Council approving the preliminary draft of the attached agreement between the County, the City and Dakota Electric for cost sharing af aerial photography and stereo digitizing. This memo will provide some background on the agreement, the Citys' cost share of the agreement and recommended action for Council to consider. Dakota County has entered into a contract with Greenhorne & O'Mara to provide aerial phatography and stereo digitizing services for all land incorporated within the City of Rosemount. The services w� are purchasing in this agreement will provide for data on all physical land features within the City. The aerial photography will provide location and sizes of all existing buildings, houses and small structures. The stereo digitiza.ng services will provide data as to the physical land features utilizing elevation, contour lines, lowlands, hills, water bodies, wooded areas, etc. All this information will be in an electronic format that will allow the County to add it to its geographic informational system. The cost to the City for this service amounts to $41,��4. 60. That breaks down into $2 , 596.25 per square mile or a little over' $4 .Q0 per acre. If we would iike to purchase the 1990 half section photographs they would be $50. 00 each or about $3 , 600 for all the half sections in the City. I would recommend purcha�ing these half section photographs because our existing half section photographs were taken in 1985. Therefore the total amount we would be requesting Council to dedicate from the budget amount in the C. I. P. would be $44 ,724 . 60 far the aerial photography, stereo digitizing and one half section photographs. As a special note to Council regarding the purchase of the future software- hardware to incorporate the total GT5 system, I have come across an alternative that would save us a great deal of money. There is a company that provides GIS software called Digicad. Its local vendor in the metzopolitan area is Barr Engineering Company of Bloomington. In reviewing the Digicad software and talking to a representative from Sarr Engineering, i� appears to me that the Digicad software will provide us with the necessary GIS software that we will need at this time. As I understand it, the main difference between Digicad and Ultimap is that with Digicad you cannot operate simultaneous multi-workstations. That is, two or more people cannot work in the same file at th� same time. The Digiaad system t r , � would require that only one data file be used per workstation. I do not feel that this would pose any problem to us for the next 3-5 years. If we do need to go to a simultaneous system user, the people who provide the Digicad software also provide a higher level of software called Infocad. Purchasing this software and associated hardware would all.ow us to operate on a system similar to the Ultimap GIS software and Apollo hardware. The main advantage of the Digicad software system is that it will aperate on the existing IBMPS2 computer that we recently purchased. The other advantage is that the company producing the Digicad software, Digital Matrix, Inc. , has a technology sharing program that will provide software to governmental agencies at no cost. This would include only one license under this program. Additional licenses would have to be purchased from Di,gital Matrix Services, Inc. The list price for the software cost is $3, 000. The catch to this program is that the City would have to participate in a 2p hour training session at a cost af $1,000. The 2Q hour training program is available in Miami, Florida at no cost for one participant and $1, 000 far each additional participant. Barr Engineering Company of Bloomington has an attractive alternate offer. Their o�€er is that they will provide the 20 hvur training session in Minneapolis at a cost of $1, 000 for one or two participants. We could send two people for 20 hours of training in Minneapolis and receive the $3 , Op0 software for an investment of $1,000. The Digicad software would also relieve us of having to purchase a software pac}cage sueh as Autocad or Generiaad which we have indi.cated previausly. I feel that this technology sharing program through Barr Engineering using Digicad software will fulfill our current GIS and CAD needs at a much cheaper cost than the Ultimap software and also allow us to fully use the existing P52 computer we recently purchased. Barr Engineering Company has written a translation program to translate data stared in the Ultimap foxmat to a format that is compatible for the Digicad use. This translation will translate almost 100� of the Ultimap data. The only data that cannot be translated at this time relates to text printed on a curve and a short squiggly line that iridicates th�t parcels are tied together. In time, these will also be included in the translation package, which Barr indicated they would provide to us, as a client, at their cast ta copy the program and provide some documentation and training for it. Returning to the primary matter at hand regarding the cost sharing agreement, I understand that the Dakota County Board wi1�. be considering approving the final draft of this agreement at their April 10, 1990 Board meeting. If Council approves of the language in this agreement, we would be ready to bring back the final agreement for Council approval at the April 17, 1990 Council meeting. For Councils information, our City Attorney will be reviewing this draft also. Action for Council to consider is to authorize the use of $44, 724 .60 of the $60, 000 bugeted in the 1990 C.I.P. to proceed with the aerial photography and stereo digitizing. .���-�� - � ������ �-��-� ' � AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OT' DAKOTA, THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND DAKQTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATIUN FOR COST SHARING OF AERTAL PHO'i'OGRA,PHY ANp STERE� DIGITIZING This Agreement is made and en�ered into between the Dakota County Survey and Land Informati.on Department , 730p W. 197th Street, Suite 300, Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124, by and through the Dakota County Board of Commissioners, hereinafter "County" ; the City of Rosemount, 2875 - 145th Street, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068, hereina�ter "City" ; and Dakota �lectric Associatzon, 43QA 220th Street West, Farmington, Minnesota 55024, hereinafter "pEA" . WHEREAS, the County desires services for cost sharing of aerial photography and stereo di.gitizing; and WHEREAS, the County is contracting for aerial photography and stereo digitizing for the Rosemount area; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to share the costs of said servic�s and the benefits therefrom; and WHEREAS, the respective governing bodies o� each party have authorized this Agreement . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual pramises and agreements co�tained herein the parties agree as follows: 1 . GENERAL PROVISIONS. l.l Purpose. The general purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms of cost and benefit sharing in obtaining aerial photography and stereo digitizing for all of the area located within the corporate limits of the City of Rosemount, legally described as : Sections 16 through and includinq 21 and Sections �.8 through and including 33, Township 115N, Range 18W and all of Township 115N, Range 19W. 1 • 2 Recikals. The recitals set forth in the whereas clauses abave are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein . 1 . 3 Cooperation. The parties shall eooperate and use their reasonable efforts to ensure the most expeditious implementation of Page 1 of 7 the various provisions of this Agreement . The parties agree to, in good faith, undertake resolution af any disputes in an equitable and timely manner. 1 . 4 Term. This Agreement shall be in effe�t from the dat� oE execution by all partzes, or from thQ commencement oF seruices hereunder, whichever is Eirst , and shall continue in ef£ect until termznated in accordanc� w�th the provisions herein. 2 . DEFINITIONS. Unles� the language or context clearly indicates that a different meaning is inkended, the following words, terms and phrases, when capitalized, shall have the following meaning: Horizontal Ground Control (r��� Q��.1 t ..C'�r-., '�t��+•�q .r �C:f.n, ..l;}: c_1�CL� � /.t.�.. i�� . , �� :� � �� �.�, ���Q : ���:��-�r:,<. �,c, � �-t.'l..C����� U. �S;C� -.r/ j � r / . �1 � �t. � � l '�f.� --�i`� �t'�1.�-,O �OS;�t+{��''� U�l `�`�ft �J�- 1 �.,S '.R � Cc�` q^•;:-. . � i.�-. 1 R•�-,-��,�� a,,�f I�,,,U,��1�.:.G(.� �,�; ; ,�). f ' Vertical Gxound Control/' ( (' ( / f—� {��l��l�.."Z <1 ♦ `���.�.C... !.'�\f�QL.T,t'+..Ck �(���'[e.�" ,..!..:. �G.�f..t.�'�4.`k' C..�� t�\ �, `^�'�....� �..7 6�.t�*4-u`��. fi��{-� . \ if tli l.,(� � ` r . ��1"'> v vcC( �r, `'�,/' �:{,,,�, F-..�ec,� ,�,(Fc�c,.�t�te,. , ,:3-� 't��.o t ecWi��.c. rl. �t�.. G.�'�'tt�4tG€.K:. �� 3 . PURCHASE QF SE�VICES. 3 . 1 Caunty A�ement. The sterea digitizing and aerial photography to be o�, tained sha].1 be governed by the terms of a separate contract between the County and Greenhorne and Q'Mara in which the City and DEA shall be named as third party beneficiaries. 3. 2 Non-exclusive. Nothing in this Agreement or in the cantrac� between the County and contractor reFerenced aboue shall be interpreted to prohibit any of the parties from purchasing services, products or data directly from the contractor at their own expense. 4 • COST SHARING. 4 .1 Costs., The parties share of the costs for the services and products produced as a result of the contract re€erenced in paragraph 3 .1 shall be as Eollows: County 44$ City 44$ DEA 12$ The distribution of cost is based on DEA's service area coverage which does not include the entire area described in ara ra h 1 . 1 . P 9 P 4 • 2 Fiscal A�ent. The County shall be the Eiscal agent for purposes of this Agreement. The contractor providing stereo digitizing pursuant to the terms of the agreement reEerenced in paragraph 3 shall submit invoices to the County who shall make payment to the contractor . The County shall then submit bills to each party for their share of the cost . The City and DEA shall each Page 2 of 7 ` reimburse the County for their share within 35 days by submitting payment in the proper amount to: Dakota Caunty Treasurer Dakota County Government Center �560 West Highway 55 Hastings, Minnesota 55033 5 . ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. 5 . 1 Contract Manaqer . The County shall be the contract manag�r for the purposes of the Agreeme»t. All contacts and correspondence with the contractor shall be submitted an� received through �he County. Information received by the County from the contractor shall be disbursed promptly to each party. 5. 2 Ground Control . In preparation for contractor ' s services, the County shall be responsible for both horizonta� and vertical ground control . 5 . 3 Distribution of Data. Data or products obtained under the terms of thxs Agreement may be sold to persons or entities not party to this Agreement, at prices to be set by mutual agreement of the parties . Proceeds from any sales shall be disbursed pro-rata based on the amount of contribution pursuant to this Agreement . 5.4 Co yri hc�t. Data diskribution shall contain a copyright as follows: Copyright, � 199 by Dakota County. Al1 rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means - graQhic, electronic, or mechanical , including photocopying, recording, or by information storage and retrieval system - without written permission fram Dakota County. .Copyright is not claimed in discrete facts, but in the compilation, arrangement, organization, presentation and form of khe data, records and information. Parties to this Ag�eement may copy and use data so long as such use is for internal purposes only. 5 . 5 Disclaimer . Maps distributed shall cantain a disclaimer as follows: This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of recards, infprmation and data from various city, county and state offices and other sources. This document should be used Page 3 oE 7 for reference only. No representation is made that Eeatures presented, accurately reflect true location. Dakota County or any okher entity from whom data was obtained assume no liability for any errors or omissions herein. If discrepancies are found, please contact the Dakota Coun�y Survey and Land Information Office. 5 . 6 Base Map. The County shall create the digital tap� parcel base map and provide one copy of the digital tape to each party at no additional cost. 5.7 Trade Secrets. No party shall disclose to any other person, organization or entity (excepting other municipal governmental units who are party to a GTS cost share agreement with Dakota County) any data supplied by DEA which DEA has de�ignated as proprietary or trade secret, except where required pursuant to the Minnesota Data Practices Act or other state or federal law regarding the disclose of data. 6 • INDEMNIFICATION. 6 . 1 Liability. Each party to this AgreemenC shall. be liable �or its own acks ane� th� resu].ks thereo� to the extent authc�rized by iaw and shall not be responsilale for the acts of the other party, its officers, em�loyees ar aqents. Liability of the County or other M�nnesota palitical subdivisions shall be governed by the provisions oF the Municipal Tart Claims Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 466 and other applicable laws. 7 • SUCCESSORS. Each party binds itsel:E and its successors, legal representatives, and assigns to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, legal representatives, and assigns of such other party, in respect to all covenants of this Agreement. 8 • DEFAUL�. Force Ma 'eure. No party shall be held responsible for delay or failure to perform when such delay or failure is due to any oF the following unless the act or occurrence could have been Eoreseen and reasonable action could have been taken ko prevent the delay or failure: fire, flood, epidemie, strikes, wars, acts of God, unusually severe weather, acts of public authorities, or delays or defaults caused by public carriers; provided the defaulting party gives notice as soon as possible to the other party of khe inability to perform. 9 • TERMINATION. 9 .1 With or Without Cause . This Agreement may be terminated with or without cause, by the County upon thirty ( 30j days wriL-ten notice. Page 4 oE 7 9 . 2 Non-Appropriation. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement may be terminated by any party in the event sufficient funds From the County, State, Federal or other sources are not appropriated, obtained and continued at least the level relied on for the performance of this Agreement ; and the non-appropriation of funds did not result �rom any act oE bad Eaith on the part of the County. 9 . 3 Written Notice of Termination . Notice of Termination shall be made by certified mail or personal delivery to the Authorized Agent of tfie party. Notice is deemed efEective upon delivery of the Notice of Termination to the party's Authori2ed Representati.ve. Notice shall include a certified copy of khe resolution of the governing board indicating its intent to terminate the Agreement . 4. 4 Effect of Termination. Termination of this Agreement shall not discharge any liability, responsibility or right of any party which arises from the performance of or failure to adequately perform the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. Nor shall termination discharqe any obligation which by its nature would survive after the date of termination, including by way oF illustration only and not limitation, Skandard Assurances attached hereto. A terminating party shall pay its share of the costs incurred for the project through the date of termination. If payment is not made in accorandance with the terms of this Agreement, a party shall return all data and information in their possession for which payment has not been made and shall destroy all copies thereof. 10 . CONTRACT RIGHTS�REMEDIES. 10 . 1 Rights Cumulative. All remedies available to a party under the terms of this Agreement or by law are cumulative and m�y be � exercised cancurrently or separately, and the exercise oE any one remedy shall not be deemed an election of such remedy to the exclusion of pther remedies. 10. 2 Waiver . The waiver o� any default by a party, or the Failure to give notice of any default, shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default or be deemed to be a Failure to give such notice with respeck to any subsequent default . 11. REPRESENTATIVE. 11 . 1 Authorized Representative. The following named persons are designated the Authorized Representatives of parties �or purpose� oE this Agreement . These persons have authority to bind the party they represent and to consent ta modificatians and subcontracts, except that, as to the County, the Authorized Representative shall have only the aukhority specifically or generally granted by the County Board. Notification required to be provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be provided to the following named persons and Page 5 of 7