HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Proclamation for National Fire Prevention Week CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 2, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Proclamation of National Fire Prevention Week Department Head Reports PREPARED $Yg y' AGENDA NO• ITEIVi "` ^ ,� A Geor e Lund Fire Marshal c ATTACHMENTS: APPR D BYz Proclamation Fire Prevention Week was first proclaimed by President Warren G. Harding in 1922 to commemorate the great Chicago fire of 1871 which killed 250 people, left 100, 000 homeless and destroyed more than 17,400 buildings . Fire is a major concern in Minnesota and the City of Rosemount. Fire deaths for the state of Minnesota last year equalled an all time ten-year high. Fire kills, maims and destroys people and property without consideration of age, of victim or economic status . What is truly alarming about these statistics is fire is a controllak�le event. The three major causes of fire in Minnesota are men, uromen and children. People cause fires largely due to lack of kriowledge and due to carelessness . In terms c�f fire, the home is the most dangerous place to be. In 1988, 73� of the 90 Minnesota fire deaths occurred in a home environmerrt. With this information, the Rosemount Fire Department, Minnesota State Fire: Marshal 's office, National Fire Proteetion Agency and fire depaz-tments throughout the country have made this year's theme, °M�ike your P1aee Firesafe; Hunt for Home "Hazards . ° With this proclamation we hope to enhance community awareness of the home f_ire hazard. RECOMMENDED ]�:CTION: Proclaim thE� week of October 7-13, 1990 as "Fire Prevention Week" for the City of Rosemount. COUNCIL ACTIf)N: Adopted proclamation. �r �Ir �r �k # �r �k �1r * # �k �k �k �Ir �r �k # �k �k �k P R O C L A M A T I O N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHEREAS 77ie latest ftre death figures sliow that �tearly S,OD�people died in home fires in the United States in 1988; m:d WHEREAS Eighty percent of all fire fatalities i�i the Ur:ited States occur in liomes; a�id WHERERS Changing risky behaviors and identifying and reniovirtg I:on:e fire l:azards would prevent the nzajoriry of home fire fatalities; and WHEREA$ Hunting for horne hazards is something every n:ember of the fan:ily can do; and WHEREAS A liome fire escape plan sliowing two ways oa�t oj'eac)t roonr and knowledge of basic firesafery bel:aviors sitch as crawl low icnder smoke and stop, drop and roll can sac�e lives; and WHEREAS The Ciry of Rosemount Fire Department and the fire service of 1►�innesota are dedicated to ti:e safety of life and property of its protected citizens from the devastating effects of fire, and recogi:i�e tlre value of proper plmtning and preparedness before fire strikes; and WHEREAS The menzbers of tlie fire service are joined by tlie citizens of tlzis comnzunity, and businesses, schools, sen�ice ch�bs and orga�tizatio�u in tlieir fire prevention efforts. THEREFORE I, Venton .1. Napper, Mayor of Rosemourtt, do hereby proclaim the week of October 7-13, 1990, as Fire Preventio�t Week. Tltis week comme�norates tl:e Great Chicago Fire of IS71, in wl:ich 250 persons were killed, IQ0,�00 were left hoeneless and mare tltan 17,400 buildings were destroued. 1 call upon tlie people of Roserz:ount to participate in activities at liome, work a�rd sclzool, and to do as the Fire Preve�ztion Week t11e�ne for 1990 suggests: "Make Your Piace Firesafe; Hunt for Home Hazards.° In Witness Hereof, I hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of October, the year Qf our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety. Vernon J. Napper, Mayar