HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a.. Minutes of September 17, 1990 Special Meeting ROSEMODNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Monday, September 17, 1990, at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room at Rosemount Middle Schooi. Mayor Napper called the meeting to order with Council Members Klassen and Willcox present. Council Members Oxborough and Wippermann were absent. Council reviewed a memorandum from City Engineer Rich Hefti who requested resetting the public improvements hearing date for Shannon Hills 2nd Addition from September 18, 1990 to October 2, 1990. See Clerk's File 1990-29. MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLIITION RESCINDING RESOLIITION 1990-59 AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR SHANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITIC)N STREET & IITILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT �216. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Wilico�, Napper, Klassen. Nays: 0. Council discussed the Dakota County Resource Recovery Project, and the lengthy delay time the County could be facing in going forward with the incinerator project because of the position the Minnesota Pollution Control Ag�:ncy (MPCA) has taken on siting requirements for an ash depository. Council discussed possible alternatives the County could consider in locating a landfill for the ash and the possible involvement of the City in assisting the County in resolving the issue. Council also discussed the possibility of purchasing the University of Minnesota property located in Rosemount and issues that would be related with tl�e purchase sueh as �otential liabilities, exi.sting businesses, utilita.es, financing and additianal city staff. Council concurred a legal consul'tant should be contracted by the city if this issue is pursued. Council concurred owning the University of Minnesota property loeated in Rosemount would allow the City to control current projects existing on the �roperty as well as future waste management pro�ects that could be located there. Following discussion on the various waste management projects that could be located on the University of P�tinnesota property, Council reached a ; consensus that a statement should be made to Dakota iounty, in the form of a resolutian, that the City will make every effort to obtain possession of the University �roperty in the City, and that whatever waste management projects occur in Dakota County that affect the City of Rosemount, should be considered to be located on the University property in the City. Administrator Stephan Jilk discussed with Council the time czty' staff has spent on the Dakota County Resource Recovery project over the past several months as well as costs incurred. Council discussed future staff involvement in the resource recovery project, other waste management projects if the resource xecovery project is constructed and the acquiring of the University property if the resource recovery project is approved. Council concurred additional staff will have to be considered and further concurred the County should reimburse the City for past and future involvement by city staff as we11. as any expenses incurred. Council unanimously agreed these issues and requests should be relayed to the County through a formal resolution to be adopted at the September 18, 1990 Regular Council Meeting. � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 Council Member Willcox addressed several concerns regarding the proposal by the University of Minnesota to construct a temporary incinerator to burn PCB laden soil. Council concurred the draft letter outiining these concerns should be singed by the Mayor and forwarded to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. See Clerk` s File 1990-29. MOTION by Willcox to adjourn. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, " Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Published this day of , 1990 in Dakota Caunty Tribune. 2