HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Approve Purchase of Glasses for Fire Fighters� , , ; , ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT r . EXECUTIVE $UMM1►RY F�R l,CTI�N , � . . . � , ; CITX COUNCIL M�ETING DATE: October 2 , `1990 _.�_.:..- -- AC3ENU71 ITEM! 7�GENDA BECTION: Puretlase of Glasges for �ire �'fyhters Consent ^ PREpAR�U BYt A�END�1 ��IYI 7T � � Scott Aker, �'ire chief � 1�TTIACHMENTB i 11PPROV _ Y s None ._ �- - ' �. . .. . Until ��eeently, fi�e fig }iters were allowE�d tv wear glasses whilc� we�ari ncJ � s�.l.f-conta.fned breathing app�x�at��s i.� rhe gl�ss�s did nr�t i;n�er. fer� �ncl ' ` caur�e the lack of a seal by the face pie�•e an the f ire f i.c�hter' � t1ea��� Rc�cent changes in OSHA regulati_ons now prohi.k�it the we�rinq of c�1a��er i F the ql�sses have a st�ndard t�ype bow which rests on the wearer' s r�r. 't'hc-� ` new regulations reqUire a special typ� of glasses whicti are 'att��t�ec# wi.t-.i� �n �l.ar�tic or rubber ty�e material �round the back of t1�e wearer' G h,�<�►�3 � The�e glasse� look more l.ike qogqles thaT1 tlley do qlasses: The at=taCl�m�t�t� , �round the persan's �emple is made of a flat material and does not � i.n�er.fere with the se�l of the self-r.oi�t�ined breathing apparai:us. n ; similar type is sometimes worn by athletes. We cu�rently have 15 member.s on the fire 'department wha wear glas�es . '�'��� � cast Cor these pratec�ive type glasses is $60/person at the R�sembunt l��ye , Cl.�.ni.c in townr mhe �otal expendituxe could be as high as $900, : tis�.ng 15 people a� $60, bu� wi.11 proY�ak�ly end up being less due t� th� f<ar.t� that some people do not necessarily haue to have glasses to see well enat�yh to maneuver in a fire. � For �safe�y and compliance reasons, we would like to start sendinq persons as soon as pvsgible to be fitted with tl�ese glasses. Unfortunately, ot��-" � 1.990 budget doeg not allota for such an expenditure. `i'herefore, otrr- �1�n �t� �': this time i.s to have people fitted at their own expense and then r.�i.mbttrse t them in 1991 with monies that have been allocated in the medical portion of. the budqet. i; #. - � RECOMM�NpED ACTTCiN 2 � Motion to a11ow the fire depar�ment to spend up ta $90�. 00 for th� pur.chase of the required special glasses for self-contained breatl�ing apparatus from the 1991 budget. , �, _,.____ COUNCIL ACTION! , Appxoved. . �` . , t;: ,� _ .� _ - � i ,