HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Approve Expenditure of Donations to Fire Department CITY OF R08EMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 2 , 1990 ' � A(�ENDA ITEM! AGENDA SECTION: Expenditure of Donations Consent PREPAREU $Y t n AGENDA NO�T�n/� � �� Scott Ak�r` �'ire Chief IVI � ATTACHMENTBS APPR BY: Memo to council aat�a 9���90. This item is a request to spend $5, 400 which the city took in by way of danations from the Lions, Jaycees, Americ�an Leqion and other organiz�tions throuqhout the ai�y. The city has been holding this money in its general account for the fire department. The r.;�ney was designated by th�se . orqanizations to be sp�nt on rescue equipment. A complete explanation was copied. to the ci�y counail on September 7th (copy attached) . RECQMMENDED ACTIONt ' Motion by ci�y council ta allow the fire department to spend $5, 400 ` which was recefved in donations and has been held in the g�neral accaunt ` until needed. COUNCIL ACTION! Approved. � � �. . ^ �OSEMOUNT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMEI'VT R(JSEMOUNT, MtNt'�I�SOTA 55068 TOs , Mayor NaPPer Council Members Klassen Oxborough , R. Willcox ; WiPPermann � Administrator Stephan Jilk � , FROM: Scott Aker, F�re Chief � ,�:. DATE: September 7 , 1990 � .� � f RE: Expenditure of Donations � As you are aware , during the year we have received donations from � several civic organizations . Our goal was to put this money , towards the purchase of a Hurst Tool (hydraulic rescue � , extrication tool ) , This item was originally in the CIP but had � � to be cut due to budget con�traints for the upcoming years . The . ,� total package, including a11 thF necessary attachmenfis, amaunts to $13,OQ0. We have workea out a deal with Metro Fire Equipment whereby we can purchase the equipment .over a two years time at no � interest and have del.ivery af the equipment right away. Because � that optian 3s auailable` to us, we wilT be spending $5 ,4UO that wa� given to us in donations . We will also be spending �ppraximately $G ,000 which the fire fighters raised themselves dur3ng our fire prevention activities by way o� our fire ; � prevention activity booklet . The unpa�td balance will be paid of� , . during the two years time . At the present time we do not have those monies. We do, however, anticipate reeeiving more danati.ons and raising mare money through our own fund raising � y.: activities, { ° � The reasot� far my memo at this time is two-fold. First of a11; because the $5,400 in donations was put into the city' s general ���>> account, it will appear as an expenditure on some `future council ' agenda bi11s listing, It will appear as an expenditure of eity money and an item that should have been dealt 'with by yourselves and in reality �.t really shouldn ' t .' Secondly, again because it ; has run through the eity' s general account and then has been i' expended through �he fire department account, it will appear as I an avexrun in the budget at years end; In reality the $5 ,4�0 , wfll have been received in an account �ohich is not credited to the fire department , but the money iaill be spent out of the fire ;. department and charged against the department , thus looking as an � overrun in the budget . The fire department budget ' will not actually have been overrun due to this item. , ` Thank you for your consideratiorr in this matter. , . , . . Y � . , dw :�;� r�