HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. West Ridge 3rd Addition Improvements Hearing CITY �F ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SU►MMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE; October 2, 199fl AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: West Ridge 3rd Addition Assessment Hearing Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Richard M. Hefti AGENDA N��`�nA � "7 City EngineerfPublic Works Director � �Y� � ATTACHMENTS: Assessment Roll, (1) Resolution APPRO Y: Adopting Roll & (1) Cost Summary This item consist of holding a publie hearing rega ing the adoption of the final assessment roll £or public improvements installed under Project #195, West Ridge 3rd Addition. Total amount assessed for this project is $428,492.24 . Dividing this by the 41 residential lots served by these improvements yields an assessment per unit of $1d,451. 03 . The feasibility report estimate was at $11, 073 . The final cost were about b% less than the feasibility report cost estimat�. Onca the Council adopts the attached assessment roll, there is -a 30 day period for these assessments ta be paid in full without any interest due. After the 30 day periad the unpaid assessments will be certified to the County for collection. These assessments will be paid over a 5 year period at an interest rate of 8.T5%. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution adopting the assessment roll for West Ridge 3rd Addition Street and Utility Improvements, Project #195. COUNCIL ACTION: Adopted resolution. 2 3 CITY OF R03EMOITNT DAR4TA COIINTY, MINNESOTA � RESOL[TTIAN 1990 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSE3SMENT ROLL WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 195 WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City Council has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for West Ridge 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvments, Project No. 195, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems just. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Gity Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: (1) Such proposed assessment, in the amount of $428,492.24, a copy of which is in Clerk's File 1990-32 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement. (2) Such assessments shall be as follows: a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of five (5} years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1990, collectible with such taxes during the year 1991. b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of eight and seventy-five tenths percent (8 .75%) per annum on the entire principal amount of the assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31 of the year in which such installment is payable. To eaeh subsequent installment, when due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid principal amount of the assessment. c. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to -the County Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and � such property owner may at any time prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount � of the assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which said payment is made. � (3) The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate � copy of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the tax list of the County. ADOPTED this 2nd day of October, 1990. � Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk � � Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against• 2 Pro jzct t�lame: t•JES7RIDGE 3r� aC1CiDI7It�tJ - Pr-o ject tt: 155 Cc�ntra�t t�: �39-2 COST . PROJECT CQPiPC�t�IEtJT DESCRIR7ICIt�1 GDST PROFESSIOP�HL LEuNL 0.5� 2.0 % FRCTOR GOPaSTRUCT I Ot�l EN6I tJEER I NG SERV I CES t_EGNL N�T I CES EtOtJ� ROh1I N. 5At•a I TRRY h CORE 0.G59 �1�,38B.Gt7 �4,��41.JJ �J9�.5.� ���t3.69 �22.33 �96.94 �38?.?6 LRTERRL 0. 168 �SS,032.90 �13, 175.04 �1,6�5.36 �19�.21 �b3.38 �275. 16 �1, 100.66 WRTERMRIN CURE 0.000 �0,00 �0.t70 �q.C117 �0.Ul� �0.OG �U.00 LRTERfiL 0. 162 �52,934.20 �12,�?2.61 �1,5�3. 1'3 �1�2.9� ���7.97 �2��4.67 �1,�58.G8 STORM CORE 0.031 �1O,Oa5,0U �2,•�14.�8 . �309.53 ��5.3� �11.62 �50.�t3 �201.?0 LflTERRL 0.288 �9�,419.9tJ �22,�fJ4.�41 ��,841.81 ���?. 13 �108.?5 �472. 1C1 �T,88�.4�J �TREET t•15A 0.000 �O.O�J �t7.00 �O.OU �O.Ot7 �t7.0t7 �O.OG �d.00 LATERFiL 0.29� �95,S35.08 �22,k371..�9 ��,8?5.37 �2�'3.9�# ��i l G.03 �477,68 �1,y 10.7Cl STREET LIGNTS �.000 �0.00 �11.00 �U.GU �0.00 �l7,UO ��.UfJ �Q.00I TOTF�L 1.OCJO �3�7,395.OE� �7t3,379.�Ifi �y,8E�''�.8l7 �tl=.'?.25 �3�'7.07 $1,63F,.58 �E�,5�r.9U TOTh�L aVERHER� �1�#3,4t��.28 '1. UF OVERHEAO �#3.83% '!. OF Et•IGIMEERIt�G 2�.9�i PkELIMIt�IRRY CCl�T �49C1,ODU.Oi� Project Name: WESTRIOGE 3rd RGDDITION Projrct u: 1"�5 ' , Cantract #: 89-2 Pf20JECT TEt•1PORt��L1' OESCRIPTIOM GOST CRPIT. FUNDING RIGMT- FRC70R INTERE57 GOST OF-�dRY' Cdt�ITINGENCIES TGTAL SFit�I7RRY CORE 0.059 $2,581.95 �15.9�1 $O.l�t7 �118.�4 �27,6t35. 17 LATERFIL 0. 168 �7,328.87 �-05..�? �O.llll �336. 19 �79, 152. 14 WRTERMFIIN CORE 0.G00 �t7.00 �0.00 �0.QO �0.00 �0.00 LATERRL 0. 162 �7,049.3b �43.E��} �:O.UO �323.37 �76, 133.E5 STORt•i C�RE 0.031 �1,343.04 �8.31 �0.t]0 �61,61 �14,504.95 LRTERAL 0.288 �12,57�. 13 �77,84 �O.Op �5?6.79 �135,9q1.26 STREET 1•15R 0.�Oa �0.U4 �U.GL� �0.00 �0.00 �0.00 LRTERRL �,�92 �12,722.64 �78.7E� �0.00 �583.61 �137,405. 19 , STREET LIGH75 0.D00 �0.00 �Q.GCI �0.00 �G.00 �0.00 TOTRL 1.000 �4:3,600.U� �269.gU �G.00 �2,DOG.UO �470,882.36 Less Sanitary Gore �27,E�85. 1� Less WdterR�ain Care �0.a0 l.ess 5t.orm S�wer Core �1 d,504.9� Le�s r•15fl Fund �0.00 Tata 1 RsSessmer-�t Fitnount. �428,4�2.24 Units ta be R�sessed 41 ' flssessm�nt per unit �10,�51.03 Project t•aame: GJESTRIDGE 3rd RaDDITION----Project #195 � Rssement He�ring: Qctober 2 , 1990 Hsseme�t Due Before: November 1, 1990 Years of Rssement: 5 PRRGEL t�Ut1BER rC PLFlT LQT BL LRST haRME FIRST hIAME RDDRESS CITY STRTE ZIP UNIT5 TOTRL 1 34 83702 O1� O1 ROSEt10UNT DEVELOPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST R05EMOUMT Mhl 55068 1 �1D,451.03 Z 34 63702 020 O1 ROSEMOUt�T DEWELOPMENT C0. 348D UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 1 �10,�t51.03 3 3�4 93702 030 O1 ROSEMOUhIT DEI�ELOPMENT C0. 348� UPPER 149th ST RQSEMOUNT MM 55068 1 �10,451.03 4 34 83702 040 O1 ROSEMOUhaT DEVELOPMEMT C0. 3�#80 UPPER 1�9th ST ROSEM�UNT MM S5068 1 �10,451.03 S 34 �3702 05t] O1 ROSEMOUt�IT DEVELOPMENT G0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST ROSEh10UNT Mhl 55068 1 �10,d51.Q3 6 34 83?02 050 O1 ROSEMOUhIT DEl�EL�PMENT C0. 3�#80 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUMT MN 55068 1 �1�,451.03 7 34 8�3702 070 O1 ROSEMOUNT DEI�ELOPMENT G0. 3480 UPP'ER 149th ST R�DSEMOUNT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 9 34 83702 O10 02 R05EMOUt�IT DEVELOPPIENT C0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUMT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 9 34 ��702 020 02 RQSEh10UhIT DE�►ELOPMENT C0. 3460 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 1 �IO}�51.03 10 34 83702 030 OZ ROSEMOUNT DEVELOPh1ENT C0. 9�480 UPPER 149th ST R05EMOUMT MN 55068 1 �10,�51.U3 11 3d 83702 040 02 ROSEt�lOUF�T QEI�ELOPMEMT G0. 34Bi� URPER l d9th ST ROSEM�UNT MN 5506$ 1 �10,451.03 1� 34 83702 050 02 ROSEFIOUNT DEVELCIPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST ROSEM�UNT MN 55068 1 �10,451.Q3 13 34 B370Z 460 02 ROSEh10Uh�T DEl�EL17PMEMT C0. 348Q UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT MN" 55068 1 �1 C1,451.03 14 3� 83702 070 02 ROSEM�DUNT DEVELOFMENT C�. 3480 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT MN S5068 1 $1D,451.03 1S 34 83702 080 02 ROSEMOUt�IT OE4�ELOPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 1�#9th ST ROSEMOUNT MM 55068 1 �10,451.U3 ' 16 34 $3702 090 02 ROSEh10UhIT DEI�E�OPh1ENT C0. 34Bt7 UPPER I49th 5T R�SEh10UhfT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 17 34 63702 100 02 ROSEMOUNT DE�ELO�'MENT G0. 3480 UPPER 1�9th 5T R�5EM0l1NT MN 551768 1 $10,451.03 18 34 83702 110 02 ROSEMOUh�T DEVELOPh1ENT C0. 3�BO UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT MM SS068 1 �10,451.03 19 34 83702 120 02 ROSEt10UNT DEVELCIPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55066 1 �10,451.U3 20 34 83702 130 02 ROSEMOUPaT DEVELOPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 1�#9th ST R�SEMOUNT h1M 55068 1 �10,�5T.03 21 34 83702 1d0 02 ROSEMtJUNT DEVELOPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 1�49th ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 i �IO,�F51.03 22 34 837D2 15a Q2 R05EMOt1MT DEVEI.OPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST R05EF10UNT MM 55Q68 1 #1Q,451.�3 23 34 83?02 160 02 ROSEMOUNT DEVELOPF1Eh1T G0. 3480 UPPER 1�9th ST R05EMOUN7 MN . 55068 1 �10,d51.03 24 34 83702 1?0 02 ROSEMOUhaT DEI�ELOPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUMT MM 55�68 1 �10,451.03 25 34 83702 180 02 ROSEMOUNT DEVEI.OPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST RDSEMOUNT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 26 34 83702 O10 03 ROSEt10UPaT OEVE�OPt•1ENT G0. 3�460 UPPER 1�9th ST RaSEMOl1NT MN 55�68 1 $10,�#51.03 27 34 83702 020 03 ROSEMOUMT DEt1ELOPMENT C0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUMT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 28 34 83702 030 03 ROSEMOIJNT DEVELOPh1ENT C0. 3+480 UPPER 149th ST R�SEt'tOUNT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 29 34 83702 040 03 ROSEM[lUNT []EVEL�Pt1ENT C0: 3480 UPPER 1�#9th ST ROSEMOUNT MM 55068 1 �10,�#51,03 30 34 B3?02 Osa 03 RDSEMOUNT DE4►ELOPMEMT C0. 348Q UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT N!N 55068 1 �10,451.03 31 34 83702 Q60 D3 ROSEt10UhIT DE4�ELOPMENT C0. 3�#80 UPPER 1+�9th ST R�SEMOUNT MM 55068 1 �10,451.03 32 34 83702 Q70 D3 R.�5EMOUh�T DEI�ELOPMENT C0. 3d80 URPER 1�#9th ST ROSEMOUMT MM 55068 1 �1�,�F51.03 33 34 83702 080 03 �?OSEMOUNT DE4�ELOPMENT CD. 3480 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMQUNT MN 55068 1 �10,4S1.D3 34 34 53702 090 03 ROSEMOUN7 OEUE�OPt•1ENT C0. 3�8CI 11PPER 1�9th ST R05Eh10UNT MN 5506B 1 �10,�F51.03 35 34 83702 100 03 ROSEMOUhaT ❑64�ELOPMENT CC]. 3�80 UPPER 149th ST ROSEh10U�JT MN 55068 1 �10,451.D3 36 34 83702 110 03 ROSEt10UI�T OEVE�OPMEMI' G0. 3480 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 37 34 83702 120 03 ROSEMOUhIT OE4�ELOPMENT C0. 3480, UPPER 1�F9th ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 1 #10,451.q3 38 34 83?C12 130 03 ROSEMOUNT DEVELOPMEMT C0. 348� UPPER ].49th ST ROSEMQUNT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 39 3� Q3702 140 03 RO�EMnUNT DEVELOPMENT C0. 3�#80 URPER 1�9th 57 ROSEh1�UNT FiN 5506� 1 $10,451.03 �40 3� 83702 150 03 ROSEMOUNT DEVELOPMEMT C0. 3�80 UPPER 149th 5T ROSEMOUNT MN 5506@ 1 �10,451.03 41 3d 837f�2 160 03 ROSEMOUt�iT DEVELOPMENT G0. 3480 UPP'ER l�d9th ST R�SEP1aUNT MN 55068 1 �10,451.04 Totals �1 �42$,492.24 ��2 P.O. BOX 510 Z62� � 2875-145TH ST.W. OS�1s'l�O��� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE AEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION A83ESSMENT ROLL PROJECT 195 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COIINTY OF DAROTA ) ss. CITY OF R03EMt3UNT ) Susan M. Johnson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On September 14, 1990, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City_ Hall, _2875_ _ _145_th _.Str�et West, and_ deposited in the - --- - ---_ United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public h�aring regarding assessment roll for West Ridge 3rd Addition Utility and Street Improvements, Project #195, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. � �� ; �%c.tL:�''� �Susan M. o • son City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �y'� day of September, 1990. _ . � �'[,��� 1,'�+���2.��-�- Notary blic � � „ C(NQY DORfJiDEN NOTARY PUBLtC—MINNESOTA y� QAKOTA CQUtJTY .. My Comm.6ipires Au�2b.599�► � t�1 PA. BOX 510 11 1� O 2875-145TH ST. W. �Se,YYL�u/l�� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF 1989 � CITY PROJECT NO. 195 TO: TIME AND PLACE Notice is hereby given that tl�e City GENERAL NATURE OF Council of the City of Rasemount, IMPROVEMENTS: Minnesota, will meet in the City Hall in the City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street � West, Rosemount, Minnesota, an the 2nd day of October, 1990 at 8: 00 p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider objections to the proposed assessments for _ -- ---- - West_ Ridge_ 3rd Addition Street .&- Utility - - Improvements of 1989 City Project No. 195, heretofore ordered by the Gity Council. ASSESSMENT ROLL The proposed assessment roll is on file OPEN TO INSPECTION: with the City Clerk and open to public inspection. � AREA PROPOSED The area proposed to be assessed consists TO BE ASSESSED: of every lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by said improvements, which has been ordered made and is as follows: the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota and lies immediately north of West Ridge 2nd Addition and east of the Apple Valley corborate limits as on file and of record in the office ��f the County Recorder, Dakota County, Aiinnesota. TOTAL AMOUNT The total amount proposed to be assessed.. OF PROPOSED: . is $428,492 .24. . , . . � WRITTEN OR ORAL Written or oral objections will be OBJECTIONS: consider•ed at the hearing. � RIGHT OF APPEAL: An owner of property to be assessed may appeal the assessment to the district court of Dakota County pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429 . 081 by servi��g notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. LIMITATION ON No appeal may be taken as to the amount of APPEAL: any assessment adopted by the City Council unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. All objections to the assessments not received at the assessment hearing in the manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, • Section 429. 061 are waived, unless the failure to object at the assessment hearing . is due to a reasonable cause. DEFERMENT OF Under the provisions of Minnesota ASSESSMENTS: Statutes, Sections 435. 193 to 435. 195, the City may, at its discretion, defer the payment of assessments for any homestead - ---_ _ _. -- _ - - - - property ownad by a person-65-years of -age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. However, the City has elected not to establish any deferment procedure pursuant to those 5ections. SPECIFIC AMOUNT TO The amount to be specifically assessed BE ASSESSED against your particular lot, piece of parcel of land is shown on the attached Exhibit A. PREPAYMENT: You may prepay the entire assessment to the Treasurer of the City until the assessment roll is certified to the County Auditor; after certification to the County Auditor, prepayments of the entire amount remaining due may be made to the County Auditor at any time prior to November 15 in the year thi:> . assessment is adopted. ' � � NO PARTYAL The City Council has not authorized the partial prepayment of assessments prior to . certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor. PREPAYMENT WITHOUT No interest shall be charged if the entire INTEREST, OR WITH assessment is paid within 30 days from INTEREST TO END OF the adoption of the assessmer►t roll. At YEAR: any time prior to November 15 of any year following the year the assessment is certified, the owner may prepay to the 2 County Treasurer the whole assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which the prepayment is made. � INTEREST RATE: If the assessment is not prepaid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment roll, interest will accrue on the assessment at the rate of 8.75�. Interest accrues from fithe_ date to be specified in the resolution levying the assessment, but not earlier than � the date of such resolution. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period af u� to 5 years, the first of the installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1990, collectible with such taxes during the year 1991. Dated this 4th day of September, 1990. -: BY- ORDER OF- THE--CITY C�UNCIL. ----- - - - - -- _ - - - - - - - � S san M. Jo on City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, MN 3 Project Name: WESTRIDGE 3rd RDDDITION----Project �195 Fissement Hearing: October 2 , 1990 Rssement Diue Before: Navember 1, 1990 Years of Rssement: 5 PFtR�EL MUt•1BEP., . CG PLfiT LQT EL LRST t•aFIME F T RST t�Rt�lE �1DDRE55 C I T'�' STR7E Z I P UtJ I T5 T07R� ; 3�i E�3�02 O 10 �11 RQSEt10Ut•aT OE�JELOFt1Et�IT C0. 3�380 UPPER 149th ST RC!�Et10Ut�IT MN 5506�i 1 �10,�#51.03 2 34 B3�G2 f��f_i O 1 ROSEMOUtJT DE�.!ELOFMEt•aT C0. ?-�80 UPFER 1�9th �T ROSEt�OL�MT Mt�l 55C�E� 1 �1 f�,d51.G3 3 �d �3r02 �J30 O1 ROSEr90►!t�i7 GE�JELC1�t1Et�IT C0. 3��6CJ UPPER 149th ST R..OSEMOUtvT Mh� 5506Ei 1 �1Q,451.C13 � 3� 83 r 02 G�0 O i ROSEt10UtJT DEVFLOPt•tEt�T r0. '���0 U�FER 1�9th ST R�SErfnUr�T hit� �5066 1 �i�,�#51.�3 5 ?d �3702 05D �1 POSEt10UhaT Q��•.�ELO�'t1�h�iT Cf�. 3�8Q UPPER i�F9th ST 'f205EM0UtJT t�lha 55068 1 �10,451.G3 6 a4 63?02 �60 O1 R�SEMOI�it�IT OE�•JELOPP1EPaT C0. 3�38D UF'PER 1 d�th ST ROSCMOI;t�T t�iPa 55068 1 �1D,451.�3 7 3�4 ��7�2 0?G Oi POSEMCtUt��T DEt.�ELOPMEMT C0. �48� UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUt•�T P4t•� 55068 1 �10,451.G3 8 34 83702 O 10 02 Rt]SEt'i�l1t�IT DE�JELOPMENT C0. �4�0 UPPER 149tt, ST ROSEMOUt�tT Mha 551768 1 �10,451.C13 9 c;� $3�02 02D Oc P.,�SEt•10Ut•aT �E�:�ELOPMEhaT C0. 3�80 U�FER 149th ST ROSEt•10UtJT Mt�l 55�68 1 �10,d51.�3 10 �4 63'02 030 D� R�SEMDUt�1T GEVELOFMENT G0. 34B0 UPPEP. 149th ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 1l 3+� 83702 C140 02 ROSEt•10UNT CIEVELOPMENT G0. 3�60 UPF'ER 149th ST ROSEPICIUMT MN SSD68 1 �10,451.03 i� j4 83702 OSC� 0� �:OSEt10Ut�T OEI��E�CiPh1ENT r_:p. 3<t80 UPPER 1�9th 5T ROSEMOUNT t1N 5506g 1 �10,451.03 13 3� E3702 060 02 ROSEt101JtdT �E�•.!ELOPMEt�iT C0. �4�Q UF'PER 149th ST ROSEMOUMT Mt•a 5506E 1 �10,d51.C!3 1� 34 �'3�0^c 0?0 D2 ROSEt•10UtJT GE�JELOPhiEMT C0. 3�EF0 UF'PER 149th 57 P,05Et10�Jt•�T MN 550b8 1 �10,451.C13 15 3� 83�02 G80 02 ROSEt�1pUt�IT C1E'!ELOF'MEFaT C:O. ;4�0 IIPRER 14'3th ST ROSEMOUt�IT MM 5506E3 1 �1Q,d51.C13 1 b �4 83 r 02 09�i 02 Rt�SEt10Ur�IT GE�1E.i..�iPMEt�IT C0. ��BO UGPER 149th 5T ROSEhtOUhiT hihl 55Ctbfi 1 �10,451.03 1� 3� 63?02 100 �2 �05Et•t0►Jr•aT DE�lE����k1Et�T C0. 3�360 UPPER 143th 5T �OSEh10Ut�T t•1N 55�6B 1 �10,�i51.��3 i B 9� E3 r C12 110 02 PC�SEt•10Ut�IT �EIaEL�1Pt�1Et•aT C0. 3��C1 UPPER 149th 5,T ROSEt10Ut•a7 P1N 55068 1 �10,45 i.03 19 3d 83702 120 �2 P.DSEt�1t]Ut•aT DEl!ELOFMEt�IT C0. ��E+D UPF'ER 149th ST ROSEMOUtJT t•iN 5St�6f� 1 �10,451.U3 20 34 83 r 02 130 02 ROSEP10UtJT DEVELOPMEMT C0. ��E;O UFFE�' 149th ST RO�EhiOUNT Mt� 55068 1 �10,�#51.�3 2l �4 83 r C�2 140 02 ROSEt1C1UhaT DEt'ELOPMENT Cf�. 3450 UPPER 149th ST ROSEht011PaT tlha 5SC16fi 1 �1 Q,d51.C13 - 22 34 �3�02 150 02 ROSEhiClUt�iT DE�JELOFMENT C0. 3�#80 UPPER 149th ST R05EMOUt�IT t1N 55066 1 �10,d51.�3 23 34 83�02 160 �2 ROSEt10Ut�IT OEb�ELDPMEt�JT C0. �480 LIpPER 149th ST ROSEMOUtJT MM 5506Et 1 �10,�51.03 24 3� 8��02 1?0 OZ R.OSEt90�Jt�IT ❑E�•.'EL_OPt1ENT C0. =�80 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUt�T MtJ 55068 1 �10,451.03 25 ?4 83702 181� 02 P.OSEt10UhaT DEl•'ELOPMENT C0. 3�#SCl UF�PER 149th ST ROSEMOUt�T Mha 55q6� 1 �10,�#51.�3 26 9�# 83702 C110 0� ROSEt•10UNT ❑E�lELOPFtENT C0. �-�80 UPPER 145th ST ROSEMOUt�aT MN 55�68 1 �10,�51.�3 27 3�# E3r02 02Q 03 ROSEMOUMT QEVE�OPMEMT C�. 34B0 UPPER. 149th ST ROSEMOUMT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 28 3�# B3�OZ 030 (�3 RQSEMOi)t�IT �E�JELOPPtEt�IT C0. 3�B0 UPPER 149th ST ROSEt•10Ut�iT MN �5Q68 1 �10,d51,�3 29 �4 83?02 O�iQ 03 ROSEt10UNT DEI�ELOPhiENT C0. 3�80 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT Mh1 5SQ68 1 �10,451,tI3 30 34 837�2 050 d3 ROSEMOUNT DEVELOPMiNT C�. 3�#BO UPPER 149th ST ROSEMDUNT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 3l 3� 837Q2 060 03 RC3SEMOUNT G=�ELOPMEt�T C0. ��#HD UPPER 149th 5T ROSEMOUNT MN 55066 I �10,451.�3 32 3�4 B3702 D70 03 ROSEt�10UNT OE4�ELOPMENT C0. 3�#BO UPRER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55t]68 1 $10,451.03 33 34 83r 02 080 03 R�SEMOUh�IT DE4�EC_OPMENT Cf]. ��#80 URPER 149th ST ROSEMOUMT MM 55066 1 $10,�451.�3 34 34 83�02 090 03 ROSEMOUNT DEV£LOPMEMT C0. 3AB0 UPPER 149th 57 R�SEMOUhaT MN 55068 1 �10,451.�3 �5 34 637C12 100 03 ROSEMOUMT DE4JELOPMEt�T GQ. 8�80 UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOU�aT MN 55068 1 �10,�51.03 3� 3� 83702 110 03 ROSEt10UNT DF�.�ELOFFIENT C0. 3�#B� UPPER 1�49th ST ROSE�IO�JNT MM 55066 1 �10,d51.�3 3? 3�# 83702 1�0 �3 ROSEMOIiNT DEVELCIPM�NT C0. 3480 UPPER 1�49th ST ROSEMDlJNT MM 55066 1 �10,4S1.173 36 34 89�C12 130 03 ROSEt'f0i1NT DEVEI.OPM�NT. CD. 3-�SQ UPPER 149th ST ROSEMOUNT hfM 55Q6U 1 �10,451_03 ?9 �4 83702 140 0� ROSEMOUNT DE4JELOPMENT CC►_ 3�80 UPPER 149th ST l205EMOUt�IT MN SSQf,B I �I0,451.03 40 34 E370' 15� 03 R�SEh10Ut�IT DE�.�FLQPMENT C0. 3�#EC) UPPER 149th ST R05EP10UhaT MN 55068 1 �10,451.03 d t 3•� 837Q2 160 �� RQSEM�Ilt�IT Q��;ELOFh1EtJT C0. �4B0 UPPER 149th ST R�SEMQUP�7 MN �5Q6B 1 �10,d51.�]4 7ota 1 s �41 ��F28,492_24 r� P.O. BOX 510 `✓'�� � 2875-145TH ST. W. OL+p�O,�`�� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESUTA 55pfi8 JG i/[. 612-423-4411 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL PROJECT 195 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Johnson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified C1erk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. on September 14, 1990, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City _Hall, 2875 145th Street__West, and deposit�d in the - - - _ _ IJnited States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearing regarding assessment roll for West Ridge 3rd Addition Utility and Street Improvements, Project �195, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery s�rvice by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Susan M. Johnson . City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Sulascribed and sworn to before me this day of September, 1990. Notary Public AFFIDAYIT DF PUBUCATION PUB�IC NOTICE tlTY Of ROSEMOUNT N0710E OF MEAWNG ON ASSESSMENTS FOR WEST WD6E 3RD ADDITION srREEraurwrru�neov�EnTs STATE OF MINP�IESOT�. ) �S OF 1909.C1TY tROIECT NO.195' r TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN: � i TIME AND PLACE OF GENERAL COUr1i'�/ Of DC1kOtC1 � NATIJRE OF IIY�ROVEMENTS:Notice .;��y��t�c t�e city co�u��tae Cicy or xa�a►onnt,Minnesota�.v;u meec in the City Hall in the City of Roaemount, 2875145th Street West,Rasemount,Mio- �sota,on tl�e 2nd day of October,1990 at 8:00 p.m.,or as soon thereaftecas possi- ble,to consider objectio�to the propos- NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON, being duly swwn, on ooth sarys tt�at she is an authorized agent and eda4s�sments for West Ridge 3rd Addi- ; tion Stccet� Utiliry Improvemeats of em lo ee of the ubiisher of the news r koown as Dakota Coun Tribune,and has full knowied ' 19�, City Project No. 195, heretofore P Y P PaPe tf' 9e ' ordered by the City Council.. ASSESSMENT ROLL OPEN TO IN-. of fhe facts which ore stated below: SPECTION: The Proposed assessment roll is on file with the CityClerk and op�n, W public u�spection. AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESS- (A)The newspaper has complied with oli of the requirements constituting quafifieotion as a legal ED:The area proposed to be assessed consists of every lot,piece or parcel of newspoper,as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 AA2,331 A.07 cnd other opplicable laws,as amended. land benefited by said improvements, � . w�ich has bcen ordered made and is as _ follows: the northwest quarter of the swthwest quarter of Sectiam st,Towas6ip (B)The_pri�rted_ _ _ ' -1i5,Range 19,Dakota Couttty,Minnesota . . _ _ - and li�immediately awth of West Ridge 2nd Addition and east of t6e Apple Valley corporate limits as on Cile and of record in the office of the County Recorder, � Dakota County,•Minnesota. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED: The total amount prnposed to be assess- ' ed is i�8,492.24. WRIITEN OA ORAL OBJECTIONS: Written or oral objections will be con- which is cttached was cut from the columns of scid newspaper,ond was printed ond published once sidered at the hearing. RiGHT OF APPEAL:An owner of pro- perty to be assessed may appeal kde assessment to the district court of Dakota each week,for � � , County pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, � suceessive weeks•it was Secti�429.oei by serving notice of the ap- peai upon tbe Mayor or Clerk of tbe City wit6in 30 days after khe ailoption of the j _ assessment and filing such notice with the first published on Thursdoy,the t day of . district ca�rt within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. LIMTfATION ON APPEAL:No appeai � n may be taken as to the amount of any 19 �� v , ond was thereoher printed und pubiisi+ed on every Thursday to ond inciuding assessment adopted by the City Council unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the ���, ` /� Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or Thursday,the 5-����� '-` daY of-°`�'����4�Pi�'_' ,19 �f� . presented to the presiding officer at the ' heanng'All°b�et�°"S�°the assess"'e�'ts and pri�ed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,both inciusive,which is hereby not received at the assessment hearing in the manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section a29.os� are waived, acknowledged as being the size and kind af type used in the eomposition and publicotion of the notice: unless the failure to object at the assess-. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ment hearing is due to a reasonable cause. � DEFERMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: /'� Under the provisions of Minnesota f � �� StaWtes,Sectio[�s 435.193 to 435.1�i,the Ci- I ty may,at its discretion,defer the pay- S�r. � ,ment of assessments for any homestead property owned by a person ss years of TITLE:Seeretary to Pu ' her age or older for whom it would be a hard- ship to make the payments.However,the � ' City has elected uot to establish any defer- `�_ (� ment procedure pursuant w those Sec- Subseribed and sworn to before me o is �� � "�- day _,19 ` � . tions. � Dated this 4th day of September,1990. ' BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. � Susan M.Johnson City Clerk • City of Rosemount Notary Public � Dakota County,Minnesota 458 29-30 Po,...4 CAROl..l.HAVERLAND ` NOTARYPUSUC—M�HN�so-a "K:�'=:_���� DAKOTA COUNTY ;''a � � �p�ipp Expires Dec.3,1995 ,fc, `..:.::,--" Y