HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Housing Maintenance Code Discussion EXECUTIVE SUHII�3ARY FOR ACTION CITY COtTNCIL MEETING DATE: Clctober 2, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Housing Maintenance Code Discussion New Business P�tEPARED BY: AGENDA ��IY, � � Q Ron Wasmund, Building Official A�'TACHMENTS: Memorandum; Kay Ostertag Letter; APPROVED Bjl�(F�.T.. Steve Jilk Letter. «�Y�''`� Attached is a letter from Kay Ostertag requesting Council consideration of a housing maintenance code and a reply from Mr. Jilk. This item is being presented for discussion anly at thzs time. Attached is a preliminary summary of issues and pros and cons for the Council to consider in discussing this item. FtECOI�tENDED ACTION: Council direction for further pursuit of this issue. COUNCIL 1�CTION: See page 3 of minutes. \.�i� o P.o eox s,o � 2875 145TH ST. W. OSe�rGOZL/1.� ROSEMOUNT. MtNNESOTA 55068 612-423-44t 1 0: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Dean Johnson, Director of Community Development FROM: Ron Wasmund, Building Official DATE: September 24, 1990 RE: Housing Maintenance Code . We have been asked as a City to look at and develop standards for the protection of property values and preservation of existing housing stock. These standards would create controls through a form of a Housing Maintenance Code. As the name implies, this code would establish minimum standards or levels that properties would have to be maintained to. The extent or comprehensiveness of coverage, as it applies to each structure, and the scope of application, to all properties or rental r�roperties only, will be two majar focuses . Based upon further definition of these two points, staffing needs, income generation and program funding can be looked at more accurately. There are benefits to the community by having minimum maintenance codes. Properties are caused to be kept in safe, sanitary, environmentally sound, energy efficient and aesthetically appealing condition. Tenants of rental praperty gain by having affordable utility bills and needed unit repairs made in a timely fashion, ' thus avoiding possible injuries from dangerous defects. It also insures life safety items in all units through properly operating smoke detection systems and proper escape/rescue windows from sleeping rooms . Other fire safety concerns can also be addressed, such as the accumulation of household junk and garbage that is typically found in so-called "garbage houses" . The limitation of fue7. in a dwelling decreases the chance of fires and increases the rescue abilities . Droperty values of owners with pride in their homes are protected from owners that seem to just exist and have little concern for the appearance of house or yard. By maintaining praperty values, the City' s overall tax base is preserved, avoiding fluctuations or declines in net public service offerings . Minimum maintenance standards also prevent slums and blighted areas from developing, Community pride is preserved. I have worked with housing mainten«nce in the forms of rental lice:�sing and housing rehabilitation prior to my duties here in Rose�ount. In those communities served we were playing catch-up with old homes, poor families and high student population. The administrative costs were very high, but able to be partially offset by income from 5, 000 licensed rental units. � � Housing Maintenance Code Septemi�er 24, 1990 Page Two The ad.�ninistrative costs for the City of Rosemount are going to vary, as I touched on earlier. The broader the scope of �pplication the greater the costs will be. Any additianal inspection requirements will cause a need for additional inspection staff. The broader the scope the more inspection staff needed. With budgeting as tight as it currently is, it may be very difficult to fund additional positions . Some program income can ' be generated by license and/or inspection fees; however, to keep the program affordable and encourage participation, I doubt if it would ever be self-sustaining. There can also be other impacts that will affect staff time in c�ordinating available subsidies or grant money. Elderly or other households cn "fixed" incomes may not be able to afford certain repairs regardless of compliance time granted. In those cases it would be necessary to help coordinate outside funding sources from H.U.D. , M.H.F.A. or others. Without admir.istering a rehab program our time would be minimized, but some time would be anticipated. The specific request for a maintenance code has been made by one in�ividual claiming to Y:ave the support of several names on a petition. That is exactly the kind of support ar.d input needed i� we are going to study and consider this type of adoptian. I can't anticipate all of the questions you may have concerning this issue; however, I will be available to answer them when they come up. What I identify as issues for consideration are: 1. t:�e need in the community; 2 . the comprer.ensiveness of coverage; 3. the scope of application; � . staffing; �. ir.come generation; 6. program funding; and 7 . impact on �he community. I will be at the council meeting to participate in discussion of tnis ager.da item. ' 2 �� �, ��cc. 14888 Dodd Bivd. Rosemount, Minn. 55068 Phone:.(612) 423•2684 August 21, 1990 Mr. Ste�hen Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount Cit�� Hall Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: I am requesting that I be put on the agenda for the Citi� Councile meeting of September 18, 1990. At that time, I and others will present a petition to the city for a housing main- tenance ordinance of sor-�e type to control the deterioration of property values and rentability of property caused bv owners who do not take care of their �roperty. We own the double bungalows at 14745-9 and 14785-9 Chile Avenue, Rosemount. t4e have owned them since they were built in 1974 and 1975. We have witnessed the progressive deterioration of maintenace on the other double bungalows in the area and this is making our units very hard to rent, especially the unit closest to 148th Street. I have contacted the pro�erty owners on the telephone, left messages and �arote them, to no avail. We have had only men living in the end unit for the last three tenants and this time, had to advertise for 8 weeYs before we could rent this unit. t^7e have alwa��s ma�_ntained our buil�ings well and try to r.take them attractive homes f_or people to live in'. The condition of the douhles in the Chile, 148th Street and Charleston areas that are mainly owned by the Broback families are a disgrace to the citv. I will be out of the city fror.l Auqust 21 until September 4th; however, I will be in contact with you when I return to make sure we are on the agenda, as I want to invite the owners of other rental propert_y in our area to the meeting so that they can hear hoca their neighbors feel about their lack of maintenace , buildings not painted, screens not in place, lan_q grass in the back yard, etc, not to mention junk vehicles in driveway5. I also think it is unfortunate that a r,iember of the Planning Committee manages some of these properties. Very trulv yours � �� EIVEL7 ROSE 0 T CE ENT, . % i� ( � ' �1 Lt � ?� 1�9D xay R tert g � CLtrctl S OFFICE Sec-Tr s CITY OF ROSEMOUNT , . �✓2�1� O P.O. BOX 510 � a 2875-145TH ST. W. ac+ev�AO,��� ROSEMOtJNT. MINN£SOTA 55068 J I I L 612-423-441 t September 10, 1990 Kay 4stertag Rosemount Cement Inc. 14888 Dodd Boulevard � Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Housing Maintenance Ordinance � Dear Kay: Thank you for your letter of August 21, 1990, regarding the concerns you and your neighbors have pertaining to the properties at 14745 - 14749 and 14785 - 14789 Chile Avenue. Your proposal for a housing maintenance ordinance may be one of the methods of taking care of situations like this. The City has considered such an enforcement method in the past and it will be good to review that option again. , You've asked to be on the agenda for September 18 to discuss this. Because of the inability to have Mr. Ron Wasmund, our building official at that meeting, I am asking that we put this discussion off until the October 2nd Council meeting. , With Mr. Wasmunds background in housing maintenance enforcement and his understanding of the issues at hand i feel it well worth the wait to have him available. I will plan on this item for the October 2 , 1990 agenda and look forward to your attendance and discussion. Sinc ely, �� � "� Stephan Jilk, . City Administrator lj cc: City Council Ron Wasmund, Building Official PETITION TC CITY CGUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA We, the undersigned, wish to present to the City Council of Rosemount, . Minnesota, on this 2nd of October 1990 , the following suggested ordinance for adaptation into city', regulations. We are tired of seeing buildings in the city, both rental' and grivate home buildin�s, go unpainted, yards not maintained, decks not repaired attractively, glass and/or screens not re�laced in doors/windows, sheets hanging in windows instead of drapes, junk/rusted vehicles parked in driveways, etc. These things are impacting our properties ,and we wish it to be stop�ed - and remedied as soon as possible. "All buildinqs in all aonin_q �istricts shall maintain a� high standard of architectura7. and� aesthetic compatability with surrounding well-maintained pro�erties to insure that they will not adversely ;im�act the� property values, and. sale oz• �tV ;:__ _.rentability, of other proFerties, or adversel_y :im�act the community's t health, safety ard general welfare. " - This ordinance is based on the one presently in ef_fect in' Lakeville, Minnesota. Thank you. Ros�emount Name Address Telephone No. . �. � � ������ � , � � � � 3 53 ��, s�y � 3 3s�3 C� � � �'�-�,;� �z3-�s� y' � �3.3<S'S � ��D �a � ,�.�.�- ��- ���.-� � � , =���� ,��1�����—T ��,:fi ��5�'G��.�� „�,� 3 -� y 3 � , �.�- z/�.3 -.z i 9.,� � � � � �_� � , � � � ` � �-- � � � ��v . ���' J',S !� ' �'3.3 ,- � t, �' S.2i y<'3 `5G'y9 � . ���'�_.;,�- � vw �-��r iw..�\ �L-� Ic �� �.� • �"a+� `�_ � /L ' , 3 ' ' � LL`��� 1 '�.�_._ � Y-- 3 / �1 ��� � _ � ��3��� � l Y � ��l�c, 1z--3�« / : , , � � � ��3 —� 9�� ;�_ �, ' �' ,�3�;'� <%<.;��.C; C�,i L/� i�>'G�� � � �/�' � i�/7�-� 1� � _����� . ���i�i____�1 y��`�� �r,v _`�l�15� PETITION TG CITY C�UNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � We, the undersigned, wish to present to the City Council--of -Rosemount, Minnesota, on this 2nd qf October 1990, the following suggested ordinance for adantation int� city regulations. We are tired of seeing buildinqs in the city, both renta7, and private home buildings, go unpainted, yards not maintained, decks not repaired attractively, glass and/or screens not re}�laced in doors/windows, sheets hanging in windows instead of drapes, junk/rusted vehicles parked in driveways, etc. These things are impacting our properties and we wish it to be stop�ed and remedied as soon as possible. "All buildings in all zoning clistricts shall maintain a high standard of architectural. and aesthetic compatability with surrounding well-maintained properties to insure that they will not adversely impact the property values, and/or sale or rentability, of other properties, or adversely impact the community' s health, safety and ,general welfare. " This ordinance is based ',on the one presently in effect in Lakeville, Minnesota. Thank you. ' Rosemount Name � Address TelePhone No. �!�.�� ��G C /��T� S�., �l. ;�'� 3--�7-�'1 � �%���� ������ ,/�l/��� G-�.)� �� �. '� � � ,3��� /fFs'�"S�� C� . �,�3--3 �77� � .�, .,�i', %1� --v ��� j �� 7�� s7 .lf'' �.�3 ��,z �a >`' � ZP r .� �� — ��r�� �y�= -�- . w _ �� -� .s_ , �� � ' K..�-✓�— ' 3 s� G- j y y f`` s-�, � '�x� �- � s�.�� � �} � f � . � \ ��� _ �s�� � � �`'�n-� - � ��`�'�._��G'_t�?�1`�X �' �-t� w �5i 5-�9 S , �.�-� � i�3 i ��.uL t��i�=` S-� • �!: z 3- c �� ( �.� ` , 1 ".��-- __ _ , �`�', ,,��� > -yZ�-/5y/ � — 36.3 ~� / �� � ~/ / � . 3�� ,, -� , Gt� � L�'�2 �rL�,2 -��� �`�`� �/ �2 / Z `�'`'�� �� 3�1�� �i� ,�; r i 4.�Tt,� `-� �? �r r� I � �-- � G �•-, � Gt�� Y�3- is'C%�. � � � , ..,, '%�%� � ;, -�.., �'G��r.r��1.�.0 ��8'�57. w�. � �{.�1.�- y/7/ � `n ����- w y-- �, � >� � ,��5-�` fti'- G/�3 �/l7/ G - ' _ �.� �f: 1`��`? ��v�,;-���,��G r �z 3--..2! 70 _ l " � t C�• �� � �/7�� � . ,� � l �1 "� � '' ' �,,� � �=-/z�-Y z 7�� � � �l�l� �-1,/�'� ���� �L e� I7 Sf'� PETITION TC CITY COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA We, the undersigned, wish to present to the City Council of Rosernount, Minnesota, on this 2nd of October 1990, the following suggested ordinance for adaptation into city regulations. We are tired of seeing buildinas in the city, both rental and grivate home buildings, go unpainted, yards not maintained, decks not repaired attractively, glass and/or screens not replaced in doors/windows, sheets hanging in windows instead of drapes, junk/rusted vehicles parked in driveways, etc. These things are impacting our properties and we wish it to be stop�ed and remedied as soon as possible. "Al1 buildin�s in all zoning c�istricts shall maintain a high standard of architectura�. and aesthetic compatability with surroundinq well-maintained properties to insure that they will not adversely impa�t the property values . and, _ sale or rentability of other properties, or adversely impact the community' s health, safety ar_d ' general weifare. ° This ordinance is based 'on the one presently in effect in Lakeville, Minnesota. Thank you. ' Rosemount Name ' Address Telephone Na. � _� �� '�i 1 '- � � ��K�; , S � � �+Z3~1�S� ` c 4-��l Y �� w ��,�/_�� � � �j��� Sfi � � �-`s , �-�-L 'ti�-�- __I�taso ���; ��,; �5w.�' h�t� �fia3 - a.5�`7 ; � ,s� �� _��z� U .�zJ ✓�3 �S' �s'. ✓ �3_ �f o �z.,. C 3, � �.,.r• ► ��� �� ( �a.3 _3�0-7 � 1:y�is r�.���,;ti �`�3 �� y:� � �- � I 3 s'�- �c� ��3 --a r5 4� o=�I�h�' .��. v i�{ °`�� ht�� -,(;v c�� =Z �' G i . ��.�- .�8 s�sL _ �Sfl/ - /�,� � cc.1, ,.�.��-�„fi �3— �v5� ,� � i fi%�✓ _����.-- a,�� � �9�3 i��� �t. �,v, ���-��a�� —� PETITION TC CITY CC�UNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA We, the undersigned, wish to present to the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota, on this 2nd of October 1990, the following suggested ordinance for adaptation into city regulations. We are tired of seeing buildings in the city, both rental and Frivate home buildings, go unpainted, yards not maintained, decks not repaired attractively, glass and/or screens not re�laced in doors/windows, sheets hanqing in windows instead of drapes, junk/rusted vehicles parked in driveways, etc. These things are impacting our properties and we wish it to be stop�ed and remedied as soon as possible. "All buildinqs in all zoninq �istricts shall maintain a high standard of architectura]. and aesthetic compatability with surrounding well-maintained properties to insure that they will not adversely impact the property values, and �. - sale or rentability, of other �ro�erties, or adversely impact the community' s health, safety an_d general welfare. ° This ordinance is based on the one presently in effect in Lakeville, Minnesota. Thank you. Rosemount Name Address Telephone No. , / � �, �� �, �.��� � i� r � - � - �.� � ����� ,�����.� ��� � ��� - �� �' �� ��� �-I - �-����, � . '.,�"��`�\1 V.f� � \��'�Y��\Ct11 . C �. ,'"� .,rl� L-�c�'J � ��-L�o . U �� �.�,�_. '�'S<[ .t f'�}'�csyr�.�,.,-� 1/-��f�c ^I�1-�f- �{�3 3Gt3� , ��� i..Ec � n. ,,r �-3-.;-�",�,"�� , � /��� �>_ �N� d . ,, , f�,A�-��-r.�t- ..�'r�_ _� /:�� - /4 --��:��-,_ .'L'� �.� .3 --��,�� v -- �� tS /Ss� Si- � t(L� � ) 5 � 15/�,�� ���C �r ,P��rT , PETITION TG CITY CbUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA We, the undersigned, wish to present to the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota, on this 2nd of October 1990, the following suggested ordinance for adaptation into city regulations. We are tired of seeing buildinas in the city, both rental and private home buildings, go unpainted, yards not maintained, decks not repaired attractively, glass and/ori screens not replaced in doors/windows, sheets hanging in windows instead of drapes, junk/rusted vehicles parked in driveways, etc. These things are impacting our properties and we wish it to be stop�ed and remedied as soon as possible. "All buildinqs in all zoning �istricts shall maintain a high standard of architectura). and aesthetic compatabilitv with surroundinq well-maintained pro�erties to insure that they will not adversely imnact the property values, and, �� sale or rentability - of other properties, or adversely impact the community' s health, safety ar_d general welfare. ° This ordinance is based on the one presently in ef_fect in Lakeville, Minnesota. Thank you. Rosemount Name Address Tele hone No. 53�6 � �� s- � ��� �� � � � � ,` ;r � .,.� �/�3-��r�`� �`C`-�\�"1'�8✓J l�"7t�'j � �r�e ll✓q KGSClur.�i;�T �a3" S`7'a�_ �� ���, �~�yv..�7 i ca� �a �1 �`�-�- ,��� , �c.s�� r �/z 3 5��� ��/ � /�75�� C�r'u�E",i �t,�; �.�' ��,�-�_ ��� --y(9S / -�_ „- �y7 �'r� C��,;lr` 11�.1�. ��; ��s,..�_ _ `f��3 ���;;` , _ " � �/ " � ���e�i�?�C;Ur�t;f �..� � (,-•���-' , . ( L/ /�p� / � r � �'l,' �,� �r���r�u•,�� �'Z:,`' -,��,�5� � L����.�, `L,Z/ly7-....- Jj�.5 ��Y�� d�. `l%� ��/;C./77GI�Vli r / L.J� `7 d ��1. � �;,�, .�! �.� � =� � jl�� - s'���i / �,/ 33 9� /�/� s� �-! /�.�>�.�:-.�-:� ��)_,��;.P.f, �r�ri�_a�:� l , '�j��?-� �Y�, �G 5-(.� 11� 7'.���1�' ��� ,J ( 7C1 . �/'��'r;;�;, � �,, ��,� ` �S�- G.�l ���'`'�' .��� Gv j;� i, , f- �..,�3� � `1/�_ -' ,�` � / -����•� -� ' z S �`-�,�f� S f c,..� v�S�'�� �� ��' `�2 5 �' / � ,�' _ h-- ( t � � 7 �`�-,� � I �/�� �? ��c,✓ � > �%� fi Cl z � 3'� /L �"� , ��1� ���'1�' � - �,nl ����� �1�,� _.��i 1 � 7�� --��� ���s" �y���� �:/ ;c�s�»r yz�- ���� +�,i,�.� '{.�/l'�-�it_ �'�s� �yr/�� �. C�cv, k�S�l�T. 3�/�7/ _� � � 1 �/ -U��-,— 3�9� /��� �; �i�i. l/�s�.Z .�3 - /C�'� � � �� �— 3 3c:e )��1'� (,,�_ n �-� ��3—�,��'� ' � 2 � �''C.�'�. 330G y� � , tN • k�'S r?�� • `'l�3-l�l � � � y. � �' ..��9� / i� ��� ��.� �z�� �� . � , " � �Z 'C ,��� �� sr�. �s�-�-' y���..� � ,� � ,�,,G� .3 .��=; , �� �-. �: rs�%N% y.�3-���� ._ � � -; • , ��;� �-, - ' ° � �L. �-.�.� 7,�-1 � G'/�.v��-�l�/o . j�' � `d.� S�'+%r ��_�.=�!�s� `F" PETITION TG CITY CQUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA �, � � ; � � � � � � We, the undersigned, wish to . . ' present to the City Cvuncil of Rosemount, Minnesota, on this 2nd of October 1�90, the following suqgested ordinance for adaPtation into city regulations. We are tired of seeinq buildings in the city, both rental and private home buildings, go unpainted, yards not maintained, decks not repaired attractively, glass and/or screens not replaced in doors/windows, sheets hanging in windows instead of drapes, junk/rusted vehicles parked in driveways, etc. These things are impacting our properties and we wish it to be stop�ed and remedied as soon as possible. i "All buildin�s in a11 zoning c�istricts shall maintain a high standard of architecturaa. and aes t he tic eompatabilitv with surrounding well-tnaintained properties to insure that they will not adversely impact the property values - and, sale or rentability of other properties, or adversely impact the community' s health, safety and general welfare. ° This ordinance is based on the one presently in ef_fect in Lakeville, Minnesota. Thank you. � Rosemaunt ' Name Address Telephone No. � �� � � J�i'S'i�' .�� i-� . , -�/.�� —��7�,� � � . . . . �� �'i< l� r� �.- _ r.__��.___ /y'`�:.��' . .,, , �� '' 9�o2.i ` .'_�� n - l y��s- ����i,��� ,�- � l�2 �Z.3 ` �c��S' _�yy��- �,�r��� ,�� . yz 3 r s�y� �'�' _��'�'l 3S .,�a /�c� ra A- ve. �1�3- �-1�t� . - �.�` . r . . . . , �a.� =zi..�� � � 9 � .���7 � � i�r��-Z ���:�a � �v� � � , : ��� :�� �/ �Y�1.�� �lthieA � . � ya3~��! ,� � y��3— = 7,8c,� :� . �� � � 3 ��L� ` ,� , �, Iy7sv ✓qL�'�1�� qv�` ��3-.3�� >' � �, . ,< . . ,, , � _ �' �''� 1�`7�� ' �.� (�' ,��1, �,�- � � � �`" C� _Iy7 g.�- D,��c.,� R� �-� - , �1�3 -71�3 ` �. � o,fCic. C.9.�� �j..�3_ s � �i �' ` / 7 a `�: �.3-� �G a � '"° -�-� _� �ld''6a C�.c,ti � �. Cu . C� 1.�a 3 -����/� �, ______ PETITION TG CITY CGUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA We, the undersigned, wish to present to the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota, on this 2nd of October 1990, the following suggested ordinance for adaptation into city regulations. We are tired of seeing buildinas in the city, both rental and Frivate home buiidings, go unpainted, yards not maintained, decks not repaired attractively, glass and/or screens not re�laced in doors/windows, sheets hanging in windows instead of drapes, junk/rusted vehicles parked in driveways, etc. These things are impacting our properties and we wish it to be stop�ed i and remedied as soon as possible. , Al1-�buildings in all zoning c�istricts shall maintain a high ' „standard of architectura7. and aesthetic c ompatability with surrounding well-maintained pro�erties to insure that they will not adversely impact the property values, and. '- _ sale or rentability, of other properties, or adversely �_mpact the com.munity' s �ea�t��, Sdici:y dr�d yenerai weifar�e. `° , This ordinance is based on the one presently in effect in Lakeville, Minnesota. Thank you. Rosemount Name Address Telephone No. n r 1 :�r�i�--!�-�� ��,t�`� ��- t ;;��. ��,� l �I•i�i`� �` �, ��� �� =` '� � � ( C�l�C�c'�'C.- / . �� � �-�< j