HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Armory Levy Resolution �nV 2 P.O. BOX 510
✓il � 2875-145TH ST. W.
�J�/I'G�N.1 G� 612-423-4411
June 1 , 1990 ,
T0: Mayor Napper
Council Members: Klassen
Willcox �
FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator F=
. t
RE: Armory Project Update
Armorp Levp Resolution `�
I have had several discussions with representatives of the
Minnesota National Guard regarding additional funding for the
proposed facility in Rosemount.
Discussion regarding additional State of Minnesota commitment on
this project were held at our last council meeting when
consideration was given to adoption of the resolution to approve
the special levy for the Citp' s share of the project. Please
refer to my memo of May 11 , 1990 attached.
The Building Gommission of the Minnesota National Guard has met
and adopted two resolutions of financial support. The first
commits $100,000 to this project from the future sale of the
Minneapolis Armory property and the second one commits an
additional $100,000 from additional legislative authority for the
State to provide this monep for the project. This provides then
a total of $200,000 additional funding from the State on this
project which essentiallp brings down the local share on the
basic armory to about $680,000.
With this additional commitment bq the State the City has several
options to consider.
l . Adopt the resolution to levy up to the $95,000 special levy.
If approved then levy the entire $95 ,000/ye;ar and utilize
the total available funds to complete some enhancements.
2. Adopt the resolution to levy up to the $95,000 special levy
but don' t levp the entire amount and only paq for the basic
3. Don' t adopt the resolution which would virtuallp kill the
. . . � ...�� � .
Armorp Update
June 1 , 1990
Page 2
I believe option one is the best option. To utilize the annual
levy of $95, 000 beginning in payable 1991 the Gity could fund the
basic armory and several of the enhancements. We have received
the minimal effect that the $95,000 levy would have on the real
estate taxes in Rosemount and the benefits which can be realized
by completing the project.
My recommendation is to adopt the resolution (attached and
revised to reflect a new hearing date of June 26th) to proceed
with the special levy and continue to sugport the development of
this project .
_ _ . ._.. 1 P.O. BOX 510
��Zl� � 2875-145TH ST. W.
$12-423-441 1
May 11, 1990
����CN � � ��
To: Mayor Napper
Council Members: Klassen
� Wippermann
FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Admin�_strator
RE: Armory Levy Resolution
This week Governor Perpich signed the Omnibus Tax Bil1 for 1990.
This Tax Bill included the amendn�ent which allows the City of
Rosemount to levy ad valorem taxe�; to finance the cost of the
city's portian of the proposed National Guard Armory.
The amendment (a copy attached) allows the City to levy up to
$95, 000 per year to pay any debt incurred for this purpose. It
must be specifically used for the construction of an armory. The
effect of levying this amount has been calculated to be
approximately $9 . 00 per year on the average home in Rosemount.
To allow the City to levy and collect these dollars the City
Council must go through a series of steps including:
! 1. Adopt a resolution confirming your intentian to levy '
this tax.
2 . Publish the Resolution in the official newspaper.
3 . Publish a notice to call for a public hearing �to take
input on the resolution and levy.
4 . Hold the public hearing.
5. Wait thirty days to see if a petition is registered
with the county auditor to hold a referendum on this
matter. �
In order to begin this process the first step would be to adopt
the resolution and call for the hearing. A resolution and public �
hearing notice is attached for your consideration. Upon adoption
it will be published May 17 and May 24 and the public hearing
will be held i u�ne , 1990. � ✓50 � U .� �� 1���
� � � f.�� �
P l e a s e c o n t a�`t m e w i t h a n y q u e s t i o n s o n i s m a t t e r. ��`�.�
I am preparing a special public information release to be mailed
� out separately and I will have that available for your review on
Tuesday. This will provide as many facts about the project as
possible so as to educate the public about the Armory in hopes to
give the public the information they need to support the project.
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25 sect�:or 275.5C, sub�ivisior. 5, c'ause (Cl .
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OQ/2./90 �REViSOR J JMR/CA CCR�:2478 �
_ er.e:cise :he authoritv. That resolut:on shall aiso be oublished
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? ia the oF°icial ne�:soaner o:, if there is no oFficial newsaaoer,
_ in a newsoaoe: of cene:al c::cu�ation :r, �he c:t,. T` thin i0 ��� .
, ca��=_ =�ereafte: a �e. �_on s==nec b• :o�ers ecua� _n ::unber ��
5 ten oercen� of the votes cast `_n the c_~ in �':e las: ce^era:
5 elPction reauest:nc a re�e:�ndur.. on .ne oro�osed :esoluticn is
7 °:le� With the countv audi,`.cr, the �esoiut'_on shall no: be
., e`°ect'_ve until it has been submitted to the votezs zt a oe�e*a'
. i
: o: s�ecial election and a ma:czz:v of votes cast on :he aue=_;+pr, ;
0 0` aofl*ovinc the resolutior, are in the a°°i:mative. The :�
1 com��:ssione: e: revenue shall o:e�a:e a suocested fo:�; o`
2 cues;ian to be oresented at the -eferendur. Ttie refe*endum nus� �'
3 be held a: a sDecial o: aenera'_ election fl:io: to Janua-v �
� ioc2,
6 Notwithstandinc Minneso:a Statutes, sections 275.50 to
7 275.56, the cities of Ma�le Grover B:ooklvn ?ark, Prooklvh
F Cente:, a�d Coon Rtoios mav each levv Po: taxes lev:ec in 1��0,
9 anc the:ea�te:, an amount u� �0 •�2 oe� cap� ta �o p8t' �he cos��
0 incc::ec under a ioin; oowe:s aozeement fo- the sala-ies and
f :. bene�its of oeace o�:ic:ers whose orime:v resnonsibilit:es are to
� inves�iaate controlle� substsace crimes unde: cna�ter 152 0� to
� t=ac:: d:uc abuse resis.ance education cu:ricuia in «hools ' .
5 Subdivision 1. (LEVY, ) Notwithstan�inc M;innesota Sta�utes,
i section 475.754, if a citv has issueo certificates of
- :ncebtecness under th;at sect:on du:ino calencar vea* �a8� �n an .
3 anount not exceedina 5150,000 for the nuroose of ineetinc the
� unanticiaated cost of re�airinc a maior structu-a� defec` in a
: buildinc that was underooino renovation for which other '
2 oblica:ions had been issued oreviouslv, anv levv to oav the debt
. ser�ice on those certi°icates sha'_'_ be a soecial levv unde_
. Ninnesota Sta.utes, section 275.50, subdiv�sion 5, oarza-aoh �c)
- Subc. 2. (P,EVEP,SE P.�F�R�NDUM. j '` thA c� t�• intencs to
� eY'===se _he autho:� tv �:ovioed bv subc+viG��� 1 �r subseauer�
• o0
The City of Rasemount is currently working with the Minnesota
Army Reserve National Guard to develop a plan to oonstruct a
facility in Rosemount. This facility would contain a Nationai Guard
Amwry and passibly other community use functions.
The City Council wishes to have ali Rosemount Citizens accurately
inforn�ed on this project. To do so t�y have developed the
following information for your review.
Please take the time to r�d this information as it provides aa;urate
re.sponses to many questions being asked about the project.
Question: I 've heard the City is working with the Minnesota Army National
Guard to develop a joint project here in Rosemount, is that
Answer: Yes, since 1984 the City of Rosemount has been actively involved
in working with the Guard to develop a project here.
Question: Who has been working on this idea?
Answer: The City Council , City Staff and twelve members of an
Armory/Community Facility Committee made up of citizens� City
Staff & Council members, and School District representatives have
been working on the project meeting monthly over a 18 month
Question: Why would we want an Armory here? �
Answer: A facility that is designed to provide sufficient classrooms,
offices and athletic features to train military reserve personnel
can also be used by the community. These uses include meeting
areas, sports activities such as basketball and volleyball , and
large gatherings such as conferences, wedding receptions� etc.
Providing these facilities to the community without the Guards
involvement would be much more expensive.
Question: If an armory is built here what kind of unity would it be for?
Answer: The Armory that is being proposed is the Division Headquarters
Armory for the Minnesota National Guard, the 47th Viking Division
Band and the Division Military Police Unit. Approximately 35 to
40 full time personnel will be employed there. Approximately 600
personnel will be trained there on various weekends.
• Question: Is there a site picked for the Armory?
Answer: Yes there is. It would be located on 13 acres of land adjacent to
Highway 3, just narth of the entrance into the Rosemount High
School property and just south of the entrance into Schwarz Pond
Park. This site was purchased by the City approximately two years
ago for this purpose.
Question: How big will the Armory be?
Answer: The requirements for this Armory, to meet the training needs of
the Guard, suggest it will be approximately 92,000 square feet.
To give you an �dea of how large that is a typ�cal single family
home has about 1200 - 1500 square feet on a single floor.
Question: That seems very large - why so big?
Answer: Other "typical " armories are smaller. They range in size from
35,000 to 40,000 sq. feet. Because this will be the Division
Headquarters, training and office areas need to be much larger.
For example, most armories have only 6-7 full �time employees and
train 100-150 personnel .
Question: If this project is built� when would it be built?
Answer: The construction would most likely start early in 1992. This is
based on a federal funding schedule.
Question: How much will this project cost?
Answer: The estimated cost of the Armory is $7,0OO,OQO.
Question: Who pays for this?
Answer: By Federal and State laws the Federal Government pays 750, the
State pays 12.5% and the City pays 12.5%. Based on this formula,
the City's share for is project would be about $877,500.�
Question: Where will the City get the money for this project?
Answer: The City will levy an amount each year from real estate taxes in
the City sufficient to pay off the money needed.
Question: If the City uses tax dollars to accomplish this how much wi11 I,
as a property owner, have to pay?
Answer: The Dakota County Auditor tells us that the "average" home in
Rosemount has a tax assessor' s market value of about $90,000. On
that "average" home this special levy would cost the property
owner $8.00 per year. If a home has a lesser or greater value
that $8.00 cauld increase or decrease.
Question: Eight dollars is not much to pay per year but why would I want to '
even pay that much? What am I getting for that 8 dollars?
Answer: The City completed a Citizens Attitude Survey about a year ago.
Several questions in that survey were asked pertaining to
recreational facilities, meeting facilities� economic development
and a sense of identity and desired by the citizens of Rosemount
for the community.
The City Council of Rosemount feels that this project could
fulfill or partially fulfill several of those desires and
perceived needs.
Question: How?
Answer: A.) This Armory would have a large gymnasium and related shower
rooms, locker areas, and kitchen area. This gymnasium could
be used by the community for:
l. Basketball 5. Wedding receptions
2. Volleyball 6. Large meetings
3. Band concerts 7. Small trade shows
4. Indoor batting & golf
6.} The Armory will also contain several classrooms which may be
used for meetings, club events, speakers, aerobic classes,
C.) The National Guard will have 35-40 full time employees
commuting to or living in Rosemount. These people will
bring their trade dollars here and utilize local businesses.
Having some six hundred {6QQ) part time personnel train here
will also cause many trade dollars into the community as
most of the supplies for training support will be purchased
locally. Such things as food supplies, cleaning supplies,
vehicle fuels will be purchased locally. �
D.) This facility will include an indoor shooting range which
: can be used by the general public, gun cTubs and law
enforcement agencies.
E.) The Armory, if designed and utilized effectively can become
a focal point for the community for recreational � meeting
and social uses. Because this is, in a sense, one of a kind
facility for Minnesota� it will be a showplace for the
National Guard.
§ .
• Question: It sounds like a good deal for Rosemount. Is there more that can
be done to take advantage of this opportunity7
Answer: The Citizen's Armory Joint Use Facility Committee has been working
for over a year to develop other feasible and cosf effective
enhancements and additions to the proposed armory which would
provide other recreational and cultural opportun�ties to the
They are completing their work and will be reporting to City
Council mid-summer with their recommendations.
Question: If other enhancements or additions are considered how much will
they cost?
Answer: Additional gym space, more meeting rooms, a small community
theatre, a banquet facility and multi - purpose arena were �deas
' mentioned by citizens responding to the attitude survey last year
as those needed and those which they would be willing to pay more
taxes to get these ideas and estimated cost to construct them are
all being reviewed by the committee.
Question: Will I have a chance to comment on additional enhancements and
Answer: To be able to build such things as a multi - purpose arena and
banquet facility a referendum wauld need to be held. Your vote on
these issues wi11 count.
Additional information on the project will be given out to the media and to
you in the next few weeks. A Public Hearing is scheduled for June 26, 1994 at
the City Hall . The purpose of this Hearing is to take input on the levy to
finance the Armory.
After that is completed the City Council , City Staff and the citizen committee
will be finalizing their report on the additional enhancements or add-ons to
consider. �
Information regarding that report will be given out following the presentation
to the City Council sometime in July.
Please continue to read information on this project in the newspapers and
discuss it with your neighbors. It can be a positive impact on us all,
In the'meantime, if you have any questions or comments please call City Hall
at 423-4411. A staff inember working on this project who will be pleased to
take your comments and attempt to answer your questions.
Mayor Vern Napper
Council Member Sheila K�assen
Council Member John Qxborough
Council Member Harry R. Willcox
Council Member Dennis Wippermann
� rt .
gESOLUTION 1990-41
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Army National Guard has selected the City
of Rosemount as the location of an Army National Guard Armory;
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount, by its
Resolution No. 1990-24 adopted March 20, 1990, approved the
establishment of an Armory within the City ; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 275.50, subdivision 5, clause
(d) authorizes the City of Rosemount to levy an amount up to
$95,000.00 for taxes levied beginning in 1990 for the purpose of
acquiring an armory and to be serviced bp the levy without regard
to the limits on debt service and debt otherwise provided by
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 193 or 475; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 275.50, subdivision 5, clause
(d) requires that the City Council conduct a public hearing on
this special levy .
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City
" of Rosemount herebp authorizes a special tax levy to be levied '
beginning in 1990 an amount up to $95,000.00 for the purpose of
meeting funding requirements for the construction of an� Army
National Guard Armory; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of
1 . That the City Council sha11 conduct a hearing on the 26th
dap of June, 1990 in the Rosemount City Hall, 2875 - 145th
Street West, Rosemount, Minnesata, at 7 :00 o' clock p.m. , or
as soon thereafter as possible, to confirm its intention to
authorize said special tax levy; and
2. That the Citp Clerk is authorized and directed to cause this
Resolution and said Notice of Hearing to be published in the
local official newspaper for two successive weeks, the first
publication being not less than two weeks nor more than four
weeks prior to the date of the hearing. The Hearing Notice
is attached hereto and made hereof as "Exhibit A" .
� w .
� �
ADOPTED this 5th dap of June, 1990.
Vernon J. Napper , Mayor
Susan M. Johnson, Citp Clerk
Motion by : Seconded bp:
Voted in favor •
Voted against:
, ,r,
NOTICE IS HER$BY GIVEN that the Rosemount City Council will meet
at the Citp Council Chambers in the Rosemount Citp Ha11, 2875 -
145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, at 7:00 o' clock p.m. , or
as soon thereafter as possible, on the 2bth day of June, 1990, to
confirm its intention to authorize a special tax levp to be
levied beginning in 1990, an amount up to $95,000.00 for the
purpose of ineeting funding requirements for the construction of
an Armp National Guard Armory in the City of Rosemount.
Anyone who wishes to comment will be heard at the meeting.
Dated this 5th day of June, 1990.
Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk
City of Rosemount _
Dakota County, Minnesota