HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Receive / Reject Bids - Chippendale Street Improvements �� t��� � � B ********��**,k,k,k�,k****,t*************MEMO*********************�*�********�*** DATE: APRIL 11� 1990 . TQ: MAYOR & COUNCIL MEMBERS C/O ADMINISTI2ATOR JILK FROM: CITY EN6INEER/PUBLIC WORRS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEM FOR THE AFRIL 17, 1990 COUNCIL AGENDA OLD BUSINE88 Reject Bids for Chippendale 5treet Im�rovements City Contract 1989- 10 For this it�m I would request that Council reject bids for the contract for Chippendale Avenue Street Improvements. The reason being that we received only one bid on Friday, April 13th. This is rare especially when there were 12 bidholders. The only bid ($618, 508.81) was 17% over the engineers estimate ($527, 121) . We couldn't have awarded a contract anyway because too much time has past since Council approved this project in December of 1988 . The Statutes require a contract be awarded within one year after the Council orders a project to go in. Our one year time period expired December of 1989. In my discussions with MnDOT it was apparent that they would not be going ahead with their project in 1990 as they had once indicated, but rather in 1991. I then plaeed this project on the back burner and unfortunately forgot about the time limitation regarding the contract award, which is a moot point now because of the bid situation. The procedure we need to follow now is to readvertise for bids and hold a new public hearing for this project. The Engineering Department will be coming back to Council at the May 1, 1990 meeting with the appropriate resolutions and documentation to set the public hearing for May 15, 1990 and readvertise for bids. Recommended action for Council to consider is to reject the bid.