HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Town Green RFP P.O BOX 510 �2�L� G1 za�,-�a,rt�sr w. 0��,�nO��/� ROSFM(�(IN7. MiNNES�TA 550fi8 r�'i, 612--423-4Q 11 ITEM # � E April 13 , 1990 T0: Mayor Napper Council Members: Klassen Oxbarough Willcox Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator RE; Town Green Consultant Pursuant to your direction I have grepared the Request For Proposal (RFP) for proeuring Planning/Design services for the ErieksQn Park - Armorq Site - Highway 3 Are�. This was the result of discussians regarding the Town Green Project/Concept and how it would be designed, how th� armory site may relate in use to Schw�rz Pond and how the commercial are�s between wauld interface and relate to thest sites/uses. The RFP is designed to reflect the background of t�ese pro��cts, the areas under consideration and the relationships of the C�.tq Ha11 "campus" facilitp studq now being conducted. It is important that a potential consultant understandss the relationship of the varioua pro�ects and is able to wo�rk with those relationships to present a useful plan for our use. I would ask qour consideration of this RFP and pour approval to advertise to receive proposals on May 23, 1990. I' 11 be pleased to answer any questions I can on this prior to or at our meeting. lj REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PLANNIN6 AND DESIf3N FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROPOSALS DUE: 2:00 p.m. , MAY 23, 1990 LOCATION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT P.O. BOX 510 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae I. PURPOSE OF REQUEST l II. INSTRUCTIONS T� PROPOSERS 1 III. FROPOSAL CONTENTS 2 IV. SCOPE OF WORK 4 V. SELECTION 6 VI. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 7 VII. PROPOSAL CONTEXT - GENERAL INFORMATION 9 APPENDIX A - APPLICANT ASSURANCES 11 i RE�UEST FOR PROPOS�LS PARRS & OPEN SPACE PLANNING AND DESIGN CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I. PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST The City of Rosemount is requesting proposals for eansulting services by firms or combinations of firms to perform planning and design services for recreational and open space uses for an area, part of which is owned by the city and part of which is currently privately owned. The project will consist of reviewing existing uses and knownjplanned uses for these areas and recommending the location and design of additional facilities/uses as determined by the City and acceptable planning and design techniques. Services of the nature contemplated by the City would generally be considered those provided by Land Use Planning and Design or Landscape Architectural firms. II. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS A. All proposals should be sent and all questions and correspondence should be directed to: Stephan Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 . (612) 423-4411 B. All proposals must be received no later than 2: 00 p.m. , Wednesday, May 23 , 1990, at which time they will be opened. Ten (10) copies of the proposal must be presented. C. In order to be considered a vaZid proposal, each proposal must meet the fallowing requirements: a. Written proposals are the only valid form. Proposals reeeived after 2:00 p.m. , Wednesday, May 23, 1990, will be returned unopened. Verbal proposals will not be permitted. b. Each proposal must be signed by an officer of your company who can be held accountable for all representations. 1 D. The proposal shall be limited to a maximum of thirty pages, printed on one side. Additional material, other than that requested by the City, w�ll be disregarded. E. The City will review the proposals and schedule interviews for all finalists during the week of May 29, 1990. Selection will occur at the r�gular City Council meeting on June 19, 1990. III. PROPOSAL CONTENTS A. Title Page Show the propasal subject, the name of the proposer's firm, local address, telephone number, name of the contact person, and the date. In the event that a combination of firms is proposed, please indicate the lead firm. B. Table of Contents Include a clear identification of the material by section and by page number. C. Identification of Assigned Personnel 1. The name of the person that would be responsible for the management and administration of a contract with the City. A description of sueh person's experience and qualifications is necessary. 2. The names and qualifications of the professional staff that would be assigned to City pro�ects. 3 . A statement committing the aforementioned staff to this project. 4. If joint ventures are proposed or consultants will be retained, a statement of such arrangements must be contained in the proposal including a brief description and qualifications of each participant's role. D. Proposer's Detailed Approach to Planning & Design Process 1. The proposal shall addr�ss in detailed fashion the approach of the firm or combination of firms to the Scope af Work. 2 . The proposal shall identify a specific time frame for the completion of each element of the Scope of Wark as outlined above. 2 E. Budget l. Budget documentation for each task must include the following; a. Number of and names of personnel, number of . person days (8 hours equal one person day) and salary cost (identify eaeh separately) . b. Number of supporting personnel, number of person days, salary cost (list each �eparately) . c. Other cost (eg. travel, telephone, printing, computer time, etc. ) d. Total task cost. 2. Total Budget Documentation must include the following: a. Professional Personnel 1. Total number 2 , Total person days 3 . Totai salary b. Support Personnel 1. Tvtal number 2. Total person days 3 . Total salary c. Total of Other Cost d. Total Cost of a, b, and c F. Disclosures and Assurances (Appendix A) 1. Applieant Authority - Assurance that the signatory making representations in the proposal on behalf of the proposer has the authority to do so and to bind the firm to a contract. 2 . Compliance with Affirmative Aetion - The City of Rosemount, Minnesota, has adopted a policy that will not discriminate in employment practices an the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, public assistance status, veteran status, handicap or disability; that it has agreed to take affirmative action to recruit minorities, women and handicapped persons into its emplayment; and that 3 it will transact business only with firms who have adopted similar non-discriminatory and affirmative action policies. In cases where a contract with the City of Rosemount will exceed $50, 000 and the number of full-time employees exceeds twenty (20) in the company making a Proposal, in its Fraposal the company must furnish the City of Rosernount with dacumentation that shows the company has adapted a written affirmative action policy. Contracts which exceed $50, 000 will not be awarded to companies of more than twentp full-time employees which fail to provide verification of an affirmative action policy. 3. Firm Not Debarred - A certification that the firm/firms or employees thereof are not on the "List of Persons or Firms Currently Debarred for Violations of Various Public Contracts Incorporating Labor Standards Provisions. " IV. SCOPE OF WORR A. General Purpose of the Parks and Open Space Planning and Design Project. The General purpose of this project will be to develop a plan which will determine the types of and location for different recreational facilities and open space uses in the area to be considered. The area(s) ta be considered, described in more detail in the "backgraund" section of this proposal, are under consideration for additional active recreational uses, passive recreational uses and the location of a large . National Guard Armory with potential for expansion to include city recreational/community uses. The successful proposer will work with City staff and a citizen's committee to znsure that all "community" input is utilized in this process. The resulting report will be a recommendation as to what "fits best" for the area and uses considered for Rosemount. B. Work Elements The Parks and Open Space Planning and Design Project will focus on the following elements. 1) Identify current features of the areas to be considered includzng existing uses, topographical 4 � features and relationships of the areas to each other and adjacent areas which may have use relationships. 2) Identify additional uses now under consideration by the City for the areas including but not limited to, the active areas of Erickson Park, the National Guard Armory and the Town Green Concept. 3) Develop space requirements for proposed projects and determine the adequacy of and location for these additional projects keeping in mind the relatianship to the "downtown" area of Rosemount, the Rosemount High School campus and �he adjacen� Schwarz Pond/�arroll's Woods park land. 4) Develop a final use concept, using appropriate design techniques for the area uhder consideration keeping in mind the practical side of development so that cost and feasibility are part of the design considerations. 5) Develop cost estimates, in 1990 dollars, for the proposed "final use" concept. 6) Attend necessary meetings with the City Staff, City valunteer committee and City Council to present progress on and results of the planning and design process. C. Deliverable Documents 1) Planning & Design Process Summary 2) Conceptual Design 3) Final Plan & Design 4) Construction/Completion Cost Estimates , 5) Final Report encompassing all of the above elements. D. Background The City owns several parks and open space use areas in the City. One of these areas is a 56 acre site (Site A) for park and city government tacility use. The City has located on this site several softball fields, soccer fields, a small nursery and its fire station, city hall and public works garage. The City buildings are currently being considered for expansion, rebuilding and/or relacation. The City also owns a 13 acre site (Site B) separated by a privately owned parcel and Minnesota State Highway 3, proposed tQ be the site for a 91,000 sq. ft. National 5 Guard Armory. This site is adequate for and is being considered for additional city facilities which would ' be connected to the proposed Armory. A separate citizen's committee is working on the Armory and any additional facilities to be attached to it. This Armory is to be constructed in 1992 . Lying between these two sites are several other sites, (Site C) now privately owned, (total of 17 to 19 acres) which are being considered for purchase by the Ci�y. These sites currently have commercial uses attached to them. The idea of a "Town Green" concept which would provide a central gathering spot for community events such as band concerts and provide areas for rose gardens, historic markers, etc. is being developed by a citizen's committee to the City Council and this committee has selected the Erickson Park (Site 1) as the location for development of this concept. The City is completing a spacial needs study through a consulting architect for the development of a 15 year master facilities plan for the City. Interaction with that study will be required as part of this process. V. SELECTION A. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and is not bound to accept the lowest cost proposal if that proposal is contrary ta the best interests of the City. B. The proposals will be evaluated by a selection team. The team will rank the proposals and provide this information to the City Administrator. C. Selection of the firms to be invited to respond to the RFF in this regard shall be based upon the following criteria: 1. The firm's approach to and understanding of the project. 2. The firm's experience in similar projects, ineluding similar space planning experience, law enforcement planning experience, demonstrated project management expertise, and previous experience on government pro�ects, 3. The experience and qualifications of the projeet staff in similar projects, including the criteria above. 6 4. The firm's demonstrated ability to keep on schedule and within budget. 5. The extent of project involvement by top management. 6. The extent to which previous clients have found the firm's project services acceptable. 7. The firm's most significant qualifications for this project. 8. Previous city experience with the consultant firm. VI. TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. The City reserves the right to cancel or amend the request for proposals at anytime. The City reserves the right to determine the successful respondent. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. B. The City will not be liable for any costs incurred by the firm responding to this request. C. Upon submission, all praposals become the property of the City, which retains the right to use any ideas presented in any proposal submitted, whether or not the proposal is accepted. D. A contract will be executed between the successful respondent and the City. It is anticipated that the contract will be a full service architectural and engineering contract type AIA B-141, and that the successful designer's proposal and specifications of this request, including the Terms and Conditions set forth herein, will be incorporated in the contract. E. The City sha11 pay the firm far services on the basis of the approved fee or fee schedule per the proposal. F. The firm shall not assign any interest zn this contraat and sha11 not transfer any interest in the same without the prior written consent of the City. G. For the purposes of this agreement, the consultant shall be deemed to be an independent contractor, and not an employee of the City. Any and all agents, servants, or employees of the designer or other persons, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required to be performed by the City under this agreement, shall not be considered employees of the City of Rosemount and any and all claims that may or might arise on behalf of the City, its agents, servants or employees as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the designer, its agents, 7 servants, employees or other persons shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City. The consultant, i�s agents, servants, or employees shall be entitled to none of the rights, privileges, or benefits of City employees excepfi as otherwise may be stated herein. H. The City shall pay for all services and items provided by the firm under the proposal in a lump sum upon completion of the project or on such schedule as shall be mutually accepted by the City and the firm. I. The consultant further agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws or ordinances, and all applicable rules, regulations, and standards established by any agency of such governmental units, which are now or hereafter promulgated insofar as they relate to the designer's performance of the provisions of this agreement. It shall be the obligation of the designer to apply for, pay for and obtain all permits. J. The City requires affirmative action, and therefore, the firm selected shall not discriminats under the contract against any persan in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. K. If, for any reason, the firm selected is not able to commence serviees under its proposal within 30 days after its award, the City reserves the right to award the contract to the next most qualified firm. L. If, for any reason, the firm shall fail to fulfiil in timely and proper manner the obligations under the contract, the City shall reserve the right to terminate said contract by speeifying the date of termination in a written notice to the firm at least sixty (60} calendar days before the termination date. In this event, the firm sha11 be entitled to just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed. M. No elected official ar employee of the City who exercises any responsibilities in the review, approval or carrying out of the proposal or cantract sha11 participate in any decision which affects his or her direct or indirect personal or financial interest. 8 VII. PROPOSAL CONTEXT - GENERAL INFORMATION A. City orqanization The City of Rosemount was incorporated in 1971 as a statutory, plan A city. It has a Council - Administrator form of government. The City provides a fu11 array of municipal services inclu�ing water, sewer, and street lighting utilities; fire, police and civil defense protection; and general administrative functions. 1. City Council - The Rosemount City Council is the final review and approval authority regarding all contracts, payments, p�ans, improvements, , policies, procedures and other business of the City. The City Council, composed of four members and the Mayor, is the legislative and policy making body of the City. The Mayor, who presides over the City Council meeting, is elected at large for a two year term. The Councilmembers are elected at large for four year terms. 2 , City Administrator - The City Administratar reviews and coordinates all matters coming before the City Council. He is responsible for the implementation of Council direction and the coordination and management of City departments on a daily basis. 3. City Staff - The City Administrator implements Council direction through the department heads of seven City Departments. They are Police, Fire, Public Works, Finance, Community De�elopment, Parks & Recreation, and Administration. B. Demographic Statisties The City of Rosemount is a fast growing city. Its papulation growth and the predominance of two income households places a significant demand on City services and facilities. A summary of the City�s population growth is outlined in the following table: 1980 U.S. Census 5,083 1988 Metropolitan Council Estimate 7,400 1990 City Staff Estimate 3/1/90 9, 000 Rosemount's growth is expected to continue into the future due to its locational amenities and the current environment and pressures for household formation. Conservative estimates place the Czty's population near 15,000 by 2000. As a result of the mobility associated with in-migration, the population is very young with a 9 median age of thirty-two and less than �ive percent of the population over sixty. The growth pla�es substantial demand on City services a�d facilities. C. Economic overview The City of Rosemount is a third ring suburb which is roughly fifteen percent developed. It has approximately 140 acres of commercially zoned land and 2460 acres of industrial land. In excess of 20Q businesses are located in Rosemount. This employment base provides job opportunities to more than 4 ,700 persons. 10 APpendix A �pnlicant Assuranoes The applicant hereby assures and certifies: 1. That the individual signing the assurance form on behalf of the individual, partnership, company or corporation named in the proposal possesses the legal authority to execute the proposed study. 2 . In connection with this proposal and any subsequent contract the cansultant shall not discriminate against any employee applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability, age, sex or status regarding public assistance. The consultant will take action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during their employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability, age, sex or status regarding public assistance in accordance with federal and state law and local policy. 3. The consultant/consultants or employees thereof are not on the "List of Persons or Firms Currently Debarred for Violations of Various Public Contracts Incorporati�g Labor Standards Provisions. " 4 . The consultant agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local compliance requirements. OFFICIAL ADDRESS (Name of Firm) (Authorized Signature) (Title) (Date) 11