HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. AG to IG Rezoning - RCD Partnership , � , F.O AQX 510 �1�� O 2�zs-�4srF�sr w O�eY12Q?.�,n2 �OSEM�UNT. MINNESOtA 55Q6f3 �� 612-423-4411 'd'O; MAYOR NAPPER & CITY L`OUNCIIo fT�� � � FRQM: MICHAEL W�ZNIARi AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: APRIL 13, 1990 SUBJ: APRIL 1�� 1990 — REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS . 6. PU$LIC HEARING — REZONINQ Aa TO It'� — RCD FARTNERSHIP The RCD Real Estate Partnership (property owner) in con�unction with Knutson Serva.ces, Inc. (Developer) has petitioned the City to rezone 20 acres of property from Agriculture to General T�dustrial. The property in question includes the 10 acre �nutson Material Recovery Facility Site and a 10 acres par�el of property situated between the Knutson Property and AAA Auto Salvag�, this parcel is under option for future ifidustrial development by the Anderson's owners of AAA Auto Salvage (see map) . Attached wa.th this review is a description of the project and � site plan with building elevations and landscaping plan. The Planning Commission approved the Knutson Site Plan subject to conditions based on recommendations of staff. A1so, attached with this review is a eopy of the Planner's Review to the Planning Commission for the Knutson Material Recovery Faciiity Site Plan d�ted April 6, 1990. The property being considered for rezoning (20 acres) is ct�rrentiy designated General Industrial in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The property abuts other General Industrial Zoning (AAA Auto 5a�.vage) . The rezoning petition includes the 10 acre parcel immediat��y west of the Knutson site in order to avaid a gap in the Gener�l Industrial Zoning. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the Rezoning of the 20 acres of property included in the pe�ition from Agriculture to General Industri,al Zoning Desi,gnatian, F � � 1��.� C)I�IA �)�O � Z�1� Q zs�5-�asTH sr w ��Q�O��� ROSE�AOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 G 612-423-44t 1 AFFIDAVIT nF MAtLED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE (KNUTSON RUBBISH SFRVICE, Il'dCJRCn REAL E.STATE FARTNERSH[F) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) GOUNIY OF DAKOTA )ss CITY (�F RtiSEMf)t1NT ) Sasan M. Johnson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On April 5, 1990, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2f375 145th Slreet West, and depositecl in the United Stales Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a puhlic hearing for the rezoning ot property from AG Agriculture ta IG General Industrial, enclased in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the �ersons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. c � t.c-�s S an M. Jo s City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this CO day of • , 1�90. � N�tar� Public ^ , CINDY DORNIO�N �'-' NpTARY PUBLIC--NItNNESOTA OAKOTA COUNTY " My Cpmm.6�ires Aup.25, 1995 . i`(� (1(1X �il(1 �t�l� D �A�s�in�ri��t w �OS�Ii'l.O��� Rt)SEM{11)N1' MINNf.SOIA �i�if►(iA fi12��-423-A411 Public Notice Rezoning of Property fKNUTS(?N RUl3BiS1� SERViC�:, INCJRCD REAL ESTATE PAR'CN�RSHiP) TQ WHOM IT MAY CONC�RN: NOTICE iS HERF,I3Y GiVEN, that Ihe City Counci) of lhe City of Rc�semount will c�nduct a pubtic hearin�on Tnesday,April 17, t990 in the Councii Chambers of the City Nati, 2R75 145th Street West, l�eginning �t 8:(Nl p.m. or as soc�n thereafter as pos�ihlc. The purpcise oF Ihis hearing is to consider rezoning of the f�Uowing legally described property from AG Agriculture District to IG (ienerat lndustrial District: The east 65R.04 feet nf the tvest 1,316.05 feet of the South lialf nf the So��theast Quarfer of Section 32, Tmvnshfp 115, Range �9, Dakota County, Minnesota. A�proximately ta�enty (20) acres ol'pmperly are proposecl for rezoning, including a ten-aere site propc�sed [or constrvction of a materia) recovery facility (recycling operation) by Knutson Rubbish Service, tnc. Future speculative industrial develcipment has heen proposed for the olher ten (l0) acres o( property under consideration. Such persons as desire to be hearc� with reference to the above items will be heard at this meeting. Dated this 3rd day o� April, 199p. S san M. John ity Clerk Cily �f Rose ount Dakota Covnty, Minnesota ' � REZONING (KNUTSON RUBBISH SERVICE. INC.) - MAILING L1ST 1. Ruth M. Englert 34-03210-010-SQ 15568 Chippendale Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 2. City of Rosemount 34-03210-011-55 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 3. State of MN 34-03210-012-60 1560 HWY 55 34-03210-013-60 Hastings, MN 550�3 4. Philip J. Stern 3403210-010-65 Loring Green West - #410 1235 Yale PL Minneapolis, MN 55403 5. Gas Supply Inc. 34-03210-013-70 2238 Edgewood Ave South 34-Q3210-017-70 Minneapolis, MN SS426 34-(r32]0-Ol$-70 34-032i0-01i-73 6. Mike & Michael S. Murgic 34-p3210-014-70 15640 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN SSQ68 7. Hydrocarbon Transportation Inc. 34-p3210-015-70 2223 Dodge Street 34-03210-010-73 Ornaha, NE 68102 8. Northern Propane Gas Co. 34-03210-016-70 %Buekeye Gas Products Co. P.O. Box 347$ Tulsa, OK 74101 9. Louis Geronime 34-03210-020-70 18572 Chippendale Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 10. Douglas & Susan Dehmlow 34-0321.0-012-75 15725 Biscayne Avenue Rosemount, MN SSOb8 il. Donald & Carol Wachter 34-03210-013-75 1524'7 Biscayne Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068 12. David E. & Lee Ann Wachter 34-03210-014-75 15675 Biscayne Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55(K8 13. RCD Real Estate Partnership 34-03210-011-85 17058 Fraaer Path Farrnington, MN 55024 14. Gerald & James Anderson 3403210-012-85 AAA Auto Salvage 34-03210-013-85 2955 160th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 ' EMPIRE TOWNSHIP 15. Fioyd Henry, Clerk Empire Township 3625 194th Street Farmingkon, MN 55024 16. Gerald Stelzet, Chair Empire Township 18875 Chippendale Avenue West Farmington, MN 55024 Ruth M. �ngiert State of MN Philip J. Stern 15568 Chippendale Av 15f� Hwy 55 Laring Green West - #410 Rosemount, MN 55(�i8 Hastings, MN SSQ33 1235 Yale PL Minneapolis, MN 55426 Gas Supply Inc. Mike & Michael S. Murgic Hydrocarbon Trans. Ine. 2238 Edgewood Av S 1564Q Sauth Robert Tr 2223 Dodge Street Minneapolis, MN 55426 Rosemount, MN 55(�8 Omaha, NE 6$102 Northern Propane Gas Co. Louis Ger�nime Douglas & Susan Dehmlow % Buckeye Gas Products Co. 18572 Chippendale Av �5725 Biscayne Av P.O. Box 3478 Rosemount, MN SSOb8 Rosemount, MN 55068 Tulsa, OK 74101 Donald & Carol Wachter David E. & Lee Ann Wachter RCD Real Estate Partnership 152A7 Biscayne Av W 15675 Biseayne Av W 17058 Frazer Fath Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 Farmington, MN 55024 Gerald 8t James Anderson F(oyd Henry, Clerk Gerald Stelzel, Chair AA.A Auto Salvage Empire Township Empire Township 2955 160ih Street West 3625 194th Street 18875 Chippendale Ave W Rosemount, MN 55068 Farmington, MN 55024 Farmington, MN 55024 X . • AFFIDAVR OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) �S County of Dakota ) NANCY !. GUSTAFSON,being duly swom,on oaff� soys lhot she is an onfhorized ogeM and � employee of the publisher of the rrowspoper k�rown as Dokato Caunfy TrFbune,and h�full knowledge of tl+e faets which aro stated below: PUB�IC NQTICE � R...,,M�e�ti,",�y (A)The newspaper hos eomplied wiH+oll of the requirements eaesfituting qualiHeallon as o legol • :-�(RCO R�EAL ES ATE►AR'TNERS1ry/j �tM/fpOpB►,os pra�ided br Mioeeso�o Srarufe 331 A.02,331 A.07 and othe�oppUtabk lows,as amended. -'`q'O WFiOM Cf MAY CONCERN: ��G � •=N(1TIC� IS NEREBY GIVEN, that th! City Ca�netl ot the Gity M R�tmount wil! Mfnduct a pubHc heaH��7Ueaday,ApMI (B)The printed 17,1990 in tkae C�ncil m4eia of the Z`Ity � Ndll, 2875 145th Street Wes1t, beginning at $!oo p.m.or as soon thereafter as possible. The'parpose of this hearing ia to conaider *ne2oni�of the following Iegally deEcribed �I�operty from AG Agricuitute INstript to I(3 +6eneral Industriai piskHet: '��The east 858.04 teet ot the weat i,91A.1�feet r'bt the Sauth Half o[tfie Southeast Quarter v.of Section 32,Township 115,Range 19,i3a- kota Caanty,Minnesota. whieh is attaehed was eut from the eolumns of said newspoper,and wos prinMd and publisl�ed onee wrApprozimately twenty(40)acres ot pr�. erty are proposed[or rezoning,includinj�s ten-acre site propased[�constructi��e material recovery facility(recycllng opera- �.� �ks;if w� tion> by Knutson Rubbish Service, inc. Future spr,culative induatrial develoEqnnent has been proppsed [or'the ether ten (101 �',�,, acres oE pr�etty under considetation. (� � l � such persons as aesire ta be heard with re- first published an T6ursda�y,tha�daY d� ference to the abuve ltems will be heard et this meeting. Dated this 9rd day ot Apri1,1980. susa�M..lohr�,Cfty clert 19 6 , and wos H+eroaflm► peiMed a+d pub�ishod oi+ every T'hunday to aed inieludin9 '+s" City ot Roeemount � Dakota County,Mirtneeota fi4� Thwsdoy,the doy of .14 : and p.iMed b.low is o capr of N+s lower cose�p1��r hom A ro Z,both inelu�ive,whieh is lMaebp ocknowledged as being ihe size and ki�ef fype used in fl�s ca+�potMion ond publicotion of ths notioe: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz BY:�� � TITLE:Seerotar�r the blia Subseribed and sworn ro before m on this s�h—dcp of �► .19 �v . Notary Pubiie �:�. CAROL J.HAVERLAND �r;� NO?ARY PUSLtC-MINNfSOTA ��r.�"'3�;� QAKOTA COUNTY (..: .. .,:�.: . .. �.'y Commis.,lon Expfres�cc.3,1945 - . . . , ;� �'+1 � 11�1 �1 �, ','��i�� '� • ,,, � � ,.:,�,�. I��.; . `rr' '��, ♦O �iC:f 1. . • • i } ,�i ��/ » � � .`(j i (��- j �� .�f, 11 �• 'l•1lI�1 ' � V�!!1 � ' .�� , 1; i ! . +1 i • ��. �.j .► •+�" --�•-*�i�`�r�;9-• . r ; ��� N. I : . ; � � ���:,-� . � . r a�, � u� �"-'QI . � d• t�'� �� : �4 �,� . • . f l � � � r • • # • . . It • �� + . . � � � 1'�j' .!1 o � � .7�7!'I11, � • , � S •w�� � , i � � -q.y�r-r» + �� �l . �Y 1 . � , 1 � �AN t ; ic� � � ! �, ' UNIV�i1SiTY C1F MINN�SOI'A . . � . . . . G • � u r � � � �l� QCr�S � G�'-t a�,,e�d i . C.�..J uu.. �:.�„�. t •� � , . � i 1 � � ► i . Q ,M ; � Subj ct • : . ' . , . � a .,�•��`�., K�v�s� . ' AaA sr�G � � . s q�ro f � � SGIJ45L / � ( I��/A �1 .. PpOJ. N0. �'�i�t� a pROPER"f`{ PRoPoSE� �o�. oSCYYtOtI���.� R�'�oNJ�►(� �"Ro M A G To 1 � �iaunE ��''',� P O. BQX 510 �..!/'�� � 2875-145TH ST. W. O�Q,�A���3 RQSEMOl1NT. MINNESOTA 55068 �'//`i' l 612-423-4411 T4: PLANNINt3 COMMISSION FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAR, AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: APRIL 6, 1990 BUBJt APRIL 10, 1990 - REGULAR MEETINO REVIEN'8 4A. RNUTSON MATERIAL RECOVERY FACII,ITY - SITE PLAN At its last meeting the Planning Gomamisa�.on co�si,de�e� re2onirtg and site plan for the Knutson Material Recovery F�cflity. The Commission recommended in favor of re�ortfng the p�c�pased 10 aCre site from Agriculture ta General �i�dustrial, however, upan recommendation of staff the Commission de�erred action on the t�ite plan. The site plan has since been revis�d to include improved building aesthetics and additional parking spaces. Er�closed with this review are copies of the Knutsan Material Recovery Facility Site Plan, a description of the project, �tid an �ddendum to the project descripti.on. As usual the staff review of this proposal has focused upon the following issues: zoning setback requirements, parking� buiiding aesthetics and landscaping. In addition staff has reviewed the progosal for compliance wi.th recycling operation p�rmit requirements as referenced in Section 14 .9 of the Zofiing O�rdinance. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS Zoning Ordinance setback requirements for structures it� the ��neral Industrial District are 75 feet for the front yard and 50 feet for side and rear yard. Setbacks for the proposed building meet these minimum requirements. Setbacks for parking are 4o feet in the front yard, 5o feet in the rear yard and 25 feet in the side yarda. The proposed parking also meets required setbacks for parking. Recycling Operation requirements included a 200 foot setback from public streets for fenced storage or operations areas. The proposal as submitted meets tha.s requirement. PARKING The proposed building is to be 21,700 sq. ft. in gross floor area. Staff has interpreted that approximately 19,000 sq. ft. of this space would fit the warehousing category for determining parking needs and the other 270Q square feet would fit the manufacturing/proeessing categary, The zoning ordinance requires 1 parking space per 2, p00 sq. ft. for warehousing space and 1 parking space per 300 square feet for manufacturing/prQcessinq space. Total parking required under the zaning a�dinance parking requirements would be 18 parking spaces. The plan as submitted indicates that 18 parking spaces are being provided. �UILDING AEST ETICS Zoning Ordinance requirements for exterior building material in the Gen�ral Industrial District are as �ollows; "In the General Industrial District all buildings up to 100, 000 sq. ft. of floor area in s3,ze constructsd w3.th gxte�ior �in3sh gf eurtain wall panels of �inished stsel, aluminurn or fiberglass sh�ll be required to be fifty (50) percent faced with brick, deeorative block, wood, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or p�e-cast concrete panels on wall surfaces abutting a public right-of-way, residential uses or public areas. The required wall surf�ce treatment on the remaining walls may allow a maximum of seventy-five (75) percerit of the metal or fiberglass wall to remain exposed. " The exterior building matezials proposed include a combination of metal siding (butler - shadowrib) and decorative concrete block. The applicant has made a excellent effo�t to meet the intent of the zoning ordinance exterior building material requirements, however, staff is xeCommending to minor changes to imprave the appearance and fully meet the intent of the ordinance. First, the Planni�g Commission should require that the lawer 7' of wall surface on north side of the building be constructed of the deco�ative concrete block in order to meet the 25� requirement for t1�at side of the building. Next, the concrete block shown on the north end af the east elevation abov� the concrete loadirig dock may be changed to metal paneling to accomplish a more uniform appear�nce for that side of the building. Lastly, the Commission should require a mansard roof be utilized on the nort� side of the building ta be consistent with appearance of the other siaes. LANDSCAPING Zoning Ordinance landscaping requirements include 1 shade tree per 3000/sq. ft. of site area and 1 foundation planting per 10 lineal feet of foundation. On a large industrial site where only at portion of the site is developed the Commissian �ormally int�rprets that site area for purposes of determining number of trees required shall be based on the amount of site area to be developed. Staff has determined that 177,660 sq. ft. of site area represants that portion of the site being developed. This would place a requiremer�t that 60 shade trees minimum 2-2.5" diameter b+e pl�nted to meet the requirement of 1 shade tree per 3,000 sq. ft, site area. The Landscaping Plan submitted includes 83 trees deciduous trees at least 2-2. 5" diameter. The propos�d building has 640 lineal feet of foundation which would cause a requirement for 64 foundation plantings. The schematic landscaping plan which has been submitted dQes not reference the number af faundation plantings proposed but clearly 64 individual plants could be planted within those areas of the lan indicated for ound P f ation plantings. • Staf� recommends that the Planning Commission require that the applieant obtain approval of the City Planner regarding species of plant materials to be utilized and further that the applicant be required ta submit a detailed landscaping plan prior to construction clearly referencing speaies to be utilixed and exact numbers of plant materials to be installed, RECYCLING OPERATION PERMITTING REOUIREMENTS The site plan as submitted meets all recycling ogeration requirements as referenced in Section 14.9 of the Zoning �rdinance. Specifically the plan includes an 8 foot fence ta screen operational areas of the proposal even though outdoor storage of materials to be processed for recyeling is not proposed. CITY PLANNER'S RECOMMEN�JATION It is my recommendation that the Planninq Commission approve the Rnutson Material Recovery Fac�ility 8ite Plan aubjeot t4 the requirementa refere�need in the Pl�nner�e Revie�r !or the Projsat dated April 6, 1990. Knutson Rubbish Servlce, Inc. Site Plan Appllcatlon CRS Pro�ect � 124Q KNUTSON MAtERIAI RECOVERY FACILItY SITE PLAN ApPLICATION Submitted to C1ty of Rosemount Planning Comnission Rosemount, Mlnnesota 55068 Submitted by Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc. 15120 Chippendale Avenue Rosemount, Minnesot� 55068 Prepared by Cal Recovery Systems, Inc. 10800 lyndale Avenue South, Suite 350 Bloamington, Mlnnesota 55424 a . PREPARER OF SI�� PLAN ApPLICATIDN Th1s apptication has been prepared by; CRS, Inc. 10800 Lyndale Avenue South Su9te 354 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 Contact: Mr. pavid Bordson, Man�ger EXISTING SIT� INFORMATION Vegetatio�t 7he property in question is currently utilized as agricUltural land. Vegetation is limited to stubble fram last year's crop. Topoqraph�,�praina�c e See accompanying drawings. So11s Descrintion See attached soils report. PROP4SED STRUCTURE The proposed MR� will consist of one pref�bricated steel structure. 7he MRF will be 90 feet by 230 feet (20,700 ft ) and witl h�ve a height of 24 feet at the eaves, The roof pitch shall be 1:i2, Roof height at the centerltne shall be 27.75 feet, The MRF shall include two sunken lo�ding docks and ten ov�rhead doorways, six of which will be used for th� unloading of unprocessed, source separated recyclables. The MRF will be surrounded by an eight foot high wooden fence on the north and south sides and by an eight foot chain link fence on the east and west sides as indicated in the accampanying drawings. The MRF will be situated 250 feet north of the cent�rline of 160th Street. Property south of the MRF inay be ased in the future for the construction of an office building to be used by Knutson's administrative and operations staff. DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING FACILItIES See attached drawings. Total roadway surface area is 55,500 ft2 and will be surfaced with two and one-half inches of asphaltic concrete. �DD,�NOUM TQ Knutson Rubbish Service�, Inc. Material Recovery Facility Site Plan Application Apri1 5, 1990 As discussed at our recent meeting, the initially submitted site drawings have been modified in the following manner: • Decorative block has been included as part of the facility design as required by City ordinance. • The overhead door originally proposed for the south wall of the facility has been removed. � A mansard and windows have been added to the south wall . � The facility, has been moved 50 feet to the north to accommodate future roadway expansion. • Additional parking spaces have been included increasing parking availability from 12 to 18 parking spaces. This corresponds to Section 8.1 .H. of the City Zoning Ordinance. Approximately 90� of the fac9lity will be used �or warehousing unprocessed and proces- se� recyclables (19,000 ft or nine parking spaces2@ 1 s�ace/20�0 ft ) and 10�o w911 be used for p�ocessing (2,700 ft or nine parking spaces @ 1 space/300 ft } . In addition, it should be noted that Knutson intends to utilize the re- mainder of the site for office space, public recycl9ng education, and vehicle maintenance. However, it is uncertain when these plans will be implemented. We are committed to maintaining close contaet with the City of Rosemount and deueloping a pra�ect which meets the needs of the communtty. � � ,..� N ,,, � � � � �° } �'7. . �. � . �� � �_ . � �,� � � — ,� _� - o � � � � � � ' � i � �� r ,�}j r., � .,.� , , ,� ;`h .. � �; -� , , . � r f:�,�r $ � , '.•.� .. ._._ � � C��� �� �� � � .__: .� ,,: � . .�..�. ._ � , � , i�� . . .• �� ��'� ��! ,, r:t(� . ` �_i d .,' 1�� ��,"'c�r'���C��Jr�(:�4.•'�t�).(�'�(•? . ' t'� ., �� , Q �:�;� �� -� �� --�;,, .���� .�; �� , -„�;� r�_, �, �► -----��_�,.� ---- ,� �r:} ., � �,� � t` � �� t j �� �� N . � ,� W � � �'• i � (X�/ ••� � � �4 . 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N � � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATlON PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS `�'''°'R°�"'°�* County of Dakoto ) NQM[OP NtARIIIs ON ASSE�MENTt FOR 3MANMON�ARKWATK�OHNEMARA TRAIL fTR[ET i U7ILITY WRROYlMENTS OF 1�M, CITY PRO�CT NO.1M Tp WHOM I'1'MAY CONCERN: TIME AND PLACE,(3ENERAL NATURE OF IMPROVEMENTS: Notice ie hereby ma�in Mtianeeotrya,vvi�il mi�a�t�t��yty� NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON,beirg duly swan,on ooth says thaf she is on arfhori�d ae�en!and in the City M Raesmau►t,�E7S 145th$treeC H`est�Noaem°W't,Mi"+xaota�ai the i�th�y employee of the publisher of Nre newspaper known aa Dokota CouM�Tribune,and hus fuN knowiedge o[Ap�il,1990 at 9;00 p,m.,or as ao�theee- after eapossib1e,to car�sider op,�ecum�a W the of the faets which are stated below: {�'opmed assessments for Shacma�Parkway/ Connemara 1�at1 Street�Utility im{q�ove- menta d 1988�CitY Project No.189,heret�a+E �ArdS3Es�E T�ROCLL iUpEN To IN• (AJ The newspaper has eomplied with oll of the requiremenh eonstitufing qualificaRien as o legd SPE('fION:The propoeed aas�ment rMi is on tile with the Gyty Clerk and opeo to public newspoper,as provided by Minnesota Stotute 33i AA2.331 A.07 and other appiteable lows,as amended. impection. AREA PROPOSED TO$�ASSESSEp; The at�ea pmpoaed to be aeeeeeed Consisb d �„�? every lot,piece or parcel M land b�enetited by (B)The printed said im{xovementa,which has been a�dered made and ia as toNows;A119�acrea ot Gbun- try Hilla 3rd Addltion and tlie north 94 ecres :� �Outbt A of Shanran Hille AcldiUon as On flk ead �'record in the o[fice of fhe Countq Recorder,DakMe County,Minnesota. TU7'AL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED: 1'he totel amount proposed to be aga�� � y119,H01.92. �WHCtTE�N OR ORAI,OB,tECTIpN3:Writ. N,hieh is oftachmd was eut from tUe eolumro of said�rows h���. k�«b wm be�idered at the pap�.a�nd was priMed and published a+ce RIGHT OF APpEAL:An owvoer of proper_ ty to be a�ed may appea1 the aaaessment `..���� to tl►e distrlet caut of Dakota County pur. eoch week,for aueeessive we�ks;it waa auant to Minnesota Statut�,3ectlon�29.0a1 bY �nB �ice ot the app�1 ths � Maqor a Clerk of the City witidn�daya edttr {� /'1'h daq oF ���/�\ the ad�i°°°f ttu a8°esa"'�"t°°d��" first published on T6undoy,the , IIM�CE WI�II�IIC(USft'ICL CWII't VYI�IIIO�Ell�x! � � A��Et SCINIC!Ujpl1�1E MH�O!'Q'(�j.E!'IC. � . . LIMITATION ON AppEAt,: No BppeA) may be taken as to the amamt a�aery aesess- (,� � wmritten�����q�1°ci1 unlese s 19 L,u , and wos fhereoher prini�ed ond publis6ed oe every Thiwsdcry to aed ineludieg ,lection signed by the affected pro- P�'�Y ow�r is filal a+lth the Aerk p�iqt to the aese�sement Meari�w'Pregented to tlte Ate- doY `�'�' — Y � � � ' � si�ng officer at the heaNng.Al!ob�ect1o�m ta Tbura ,the da of ,'19 f the asae.asm�ts not[�etved 8t tfie Msa�e• • ment hearing in the manner pr�c�ibed b�, artd p►i�ed below is a eopy of the lawe�eose alpha�et from A to Z,both inelasive,whieb is hereby Minn�ota Statutes,Sectbn 4�9.081 are waiv- ed,u�lesa the[ailure co ob,lsct at the aasas- aeknowledged os being the size and kind d typ�used ie fhe eomposition and publieation of the notiee: 'ment hearing is due to e reaaonable eaaee. � p����F�����U�' abcdefghijkimrropqrstuvwxyz ttk pr�istons ot M�Me�te scatl�,secetar '43.R.t89 to 455.195,the City tney,at Its dlsCre- 'tMn,defer the paym t of eeseasmeata far `� �any homestcad prop�tY ayned by A perea� f �years ot age or oldtr fa�wh�t it W4uld be a hardehip to make the peqments.Howe�,er, BY: � the City hes etected not to estabiieh any dden TiTLE;S�enrtary blishar ment Proceduro�rswnt to thoee SeeHau. Dated thla 9oth d�y�March,1990. BY ORDER OF TH�CITY WUNCiL. S�an M.Joh�on t'� j�f � d �Ey�� Subseribed dnd awwn to beforo me on fhis J `" '�- doy of _,19 � City ot Roeemount . Dakots Countyr,Minneeote 80'l � � f .. Nofory Pubiie ,..�..a�;.., CAROL J. HAVERLAND � e�-�� NOTARY PUBLtC—MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY .. My commiasbn Ex�es oeo.s.199s � i • ] f lJ Cl\IX ��tl �Z(.� � 2875-t45TF1 ;1 W. �+ 'tM ROSEMOUNT. MINNESUTA 55f!6$ QJ����V�,/4•� 612--A23-A411 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE SHANNON PARRWAY/GONNEMARA TRAIL STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT HEARINC�f PROJECT 189 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAROTA ) ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � Susan M. Johnson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On March 30, 1990, acting on behalf of t�e said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearing regarding Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trail Street & Utility Tmprovement Assessments, Project #189, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mai1 between the plaee of mailing and the places so addr+�ssed. Su an M. J n n City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3��" day of C���� , 19 �o. ���! 1.�,��--� � N� • CIPJDY DQRNIDLN ��� NtlTAiN PUC�l1f,—N�NNESOTA 1 QAKUTM COU� t996 �..' My Co�rnn.6�i�es Au0• * n o eox sto � . t�:�1� Q ze:s-,asrN sT. w. ' �Se�.Qu�� pOSEMOUNt. MINNESOtA 5508A � 812--A23-4AI) ; CITY QF A08LMOtlIQ'1' i, NoTzeg oi� R�A�YNv oN A�B�gg�tStt�r,� i FOR gMAI�TAtON PARl�iAY/CONNEMARA TRAIL ATtt�t��' � U�ILI'�Y � IM�ROVEMENTB OF 1988� CITY PROJECT N0. lA9 TO! TIME AND PLACE Notice i� h�►reby givQn th�t tiA� C�.�y GENERAL NATURE �F Cautteil oE the City of �a���lburt, ' IMPRQV`EM�N�Bi Minne�ote, will fieet in thA ��.ty HAlI iH ; � the City of Rbsbmount, 2875 145th Str�et ! , Weet, Ro�emotltt�i Minne�ota, Ot1 thg i'7tti �l�y � ' of Aprii, 1990 fl� gl00 p.�l� j b!' �A bboM � , h thereafter �g �ib�gibl�, t4 bett�ider objeG�ien� to the pra�bffi�d ��Atl��m�ti�s� for i shannon ParkBvay/Confl��Aara Tra�i gtreet & ` vtility zmprovementg of 1988, city pro�ect � No. 1e9, neratefo�� ordered by th� city � Councsil� .� „ ;,,� ASSESSMENT ROLL Th� px�opdg�d �d�ges�ment roll i� on fi�e � oFEN To 2NSPECTION: with the city ciei�k.. and open to publia ; �� insp�c�iotS. , , . ' r �� c . �. � . Al2EA PRc�pOSEO . Th� arQa propa�ed �b i�� �gge��Qd �d�f�i�tg To BE ASSE38�D: Qf ev�ry 1bt, pi�e� or p�t���i �f land • �` .;�,; benefited by g�id jim�rovem�h��, �thich h�g . ; ..�,: � b��h ordered �Mda end ig AA �t�lit��tA!' �'Ail � � '�4 ecr�g ef Cettfl��y Hilis �f�ct AdditieM And . the rlorth 34 �cr�g of vutiot A� of fihgtlnbn xiils Addition as on fil� ana C!f r�Gc�Y�d in i the office of the Cou�ty Iteco�`d�r, b�kot� � county, Minnegat�. TOTAL AMOUNT The total amount propv�ed to be �gf��g��a � OF PROPOSED! iH $419,601.92. � WRiTTEN OR �12AL Written oY oral objectiohg w�],�. b� ; OBJECTIONS: considered at the hearing. � RZGNT OF APPEAL: An owner af proper�.y to bA ��s�s��d may 3 appeai the assegsment to th� digtriot court i of bakota county purguant td Minnegat+� j statute�, Seetion 429.081 by ��rving notice a of the appeal upon the Mayor o� Clerk o! the city within 30 day� aftex� the adoptiott of the assessment and filing such �otice with � the district cvurt withi� tert days� after service upon the Mayor vr Clcrk. ,.�. . , . ( 4 � LIMITATZON ON No �ppe�i may b� ��keH 9g to the AIMOUH� bi` APPEAL: any asseggment �aop�ecl by the ci�y cat�neil unle�g a writ�en objQCtion �ign�d by the �, : aff�ot�d prop�rty n�an�r is filed aith th� i�} Clerk prior to thA as����m�nt heari.nq or � ,,�j� pr�sented to th� presiding offieer at th� ,.; � hearing. All abjection� te the asseg�tneHt9 ��� not reeeived �t the ag�egsment hearinq it1 ����• the mann�r prescribed by Minn�sot� st�tutQ�� � 5ection d29.061 gre ag�ived, unles� the failure to obj�ct at the asse�gm�nt h�sxi�c� is due to a r�asonabl� Cause. � DEFERMFNT OF UndeY the provi�ions ef Minr,��ota � ASSES5MENTSs Statutes, Sectivhs 435. 193 to 435.195� �he � city may, at i�s dieeretidn, defer the � payment of aeseegme�t� far any hom�g�ead property owned by a person 65 year� ot �►ge or older for whom it would be a h�rd�hip to ' make the payments. Nowev�r, the city hgg � elected not tc� establish ahy d�ferm�ht � procedure pursuant to tho�e geatl.o��. + SPEciFxc AMOUNT To The amount ta be ,�pecificaliy a��egs��a BE AssEss�n against your partiouiar lot, piece o! parc�l oF land i� �h�wn on the att!lchad r Exhibit A. � PREPAYMENT: You may prepay the �ntire �gAe���1en� ti0 th� ' Treasurer of the City utttil the assesgment 4 ro11 is ecrtifi�d to tM� County Auditor! f after c�rtificatidn td th� cdunty Auditbr, � prepayments of thtl entira amount remaining � due may be made �o the County Avditor �t �ny time prior to November 15 in the y�a�r this � as�essment ig �dopted. ' i: NO PARTIAL The C�ty CoUfl��l h�9 tlot �uthori�ed t�le � partial prepayment of asg�gsmentg priar to certification oP th� a�g��gment br �h� firet j ihstallment thereof to thA county Auditor� � � PREPAYMFNT WITNUUT No ihterest shall b� charged if th� �nt�xA INTEREST, OR WITH aeseasment ie paid within 30 dt�y� from INTEREST TO ENO OF the �doption O�' thE! 119�Ag9fi�tlt x'oll. A� YEAR; any time priox to Nov�mber 15 bf any year . foliowing the year th� eegeesment ig � certified, the owner may prep�y to thA City Trea�urer the whole aseeesmen� ��maining due with interest accru�d to becember 31 vf the year in which the prepayment ig made. . 2 . ' � � INTEREST RATE: �f �he a�se��me�t ig n�t prepaid w�thi� 30 day� from �he Adoptidtt of the a�gee�meht roll, interegt aill �cerue dn th� e�segement at the rate of 8.7�. I�t�regt �eerue� fronl the date t�o be �peeifi�d in th� re+�olu�ion levyinq the agg��gment, but not Qariipr than the date of au�h regolution. Asg�g�rA�Mt� ' gha],1 be paya�bla in tqual gttnual installments �xt�nding over a period nf up �� to 3 yearg, the firgt of the inst�llm�ntg , to b� payable w�.th gener�i t�xe� for th� � year 199v, coll�ctibi� �ith �uch tAkp� � � duarinq the ye�r 1991. � i Dated this 2oth day of March, 1990. ; � . BY ORDER OF THE CITX COUNCIL. ' , �� S satt M. o �on city cierk . city ot �tosemount � bekota eoun�y, �!N �� : � � . � � � i �. � 3 ,. 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