HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Shannon Parkway / Connemara Trail Assessment Hearing . ; ITEM # ��'�� *��*�***��***��**********�**��***�*MEMO��**,k����*�*���*�r�**�*����t*��t�**���� DATE: APRIL 11, 1990 TOs MAY(?R & COUNCIL MEMBERS C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORRS DTRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEM FOR THE APRIL 17� 1990 COUNCIL AGENDA PUBLTC HEARING Shannon Parkw�/Connemara Trail Assessment Hearinct, City Fro,j ect #189 This item consist of holding the public hearing regarding the proposed final assessments for Praject #189, Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trail 5treet & Utility Improvements. This memo will provide some background on this project and also recommended action for Cauncil ta take. Council approved this project in September of 1988 with construction starting the following November. The project was completed in the fall af 1989 with �inal acceptance coming in October. At the March 6, 1990 meeting this year Couneil received all the co�t to be assesaed and ordered the preparation of the a�eessment roii. On March 20, 199U Council then receiued the assessment roll and set the publia hearing to consider the proposed assessments for this project for April 17, 1990 at 8:00 p.m. Of the $227, 527 core casts, approximately $184,588 was the result of sanitary, watermain and street core faci.lity installation. The remaining $42,939 resulted from a 600' credit for watermain and street aiong Connemara Trail. At the oriqinal public xmprovement hearing held in September of 1988 Council approved a 600 foot credit for water and street along Connemara Trail west of Shannan Parkway. The reason bei�ng that there were no individual wa�er services from the watermain aiong �he westerly portion of Connemara Trail, thereby making the sole purpose of that main far looping. The reason for the street credit was due to our policy of not doubly assessing for collector streets. Country Hil,ls 1st and 2nd Additions paid for Connemara Trail to within 600' of Shannon Parkway. The assessment amount does include the portion of Connemara Trail to the east because it is the developers responsibility to provide access to the next property. In addition, it also provides access to a cul-de-sac that U. S. Homes will be developing soon. The $42,939 watermain/street credit will be handled through the water core fund and M.S.A. fund respectfuliy. The total assessable amount came to $419, 602 . This was used to determine the assessment rate for benefited property effected by this project. You will note we have two different rates on the assessment rol�l. One rate is for an undeveloped parcel owned by Ground Development that is planned as the Shannon Hills PUD. 't'he rate stated on the assessment roll is the rate per lineal foot for all the assessable improvements. The amount assessed to Ground DeveZopm�nt is simply 1/2 that rate times the total front footage far Ground Development. U. S. Homes Corporation has platted all their benefited property so we simply took the total assessable cost minus th� cost assessed to Ground Develapment and divided that by I40 lots which + at the time of closing. We do send a note to this effect with a�l the mailed notiees that go to the property owners other than U. S. Home Corporation. Unless there is a misunderstanding or the unlikely event that the title company missed or the buyer decided to assume the assessment T do not anticipate any audience other than perhaps a representative from U, S. Homes Corporation and from Ground Development. Recommended action for Council to consider is to close the public hearing and adopt the attached resolution adopting the assessment roll. Shannon P�rkway.�Conne�ara Tr3i1 11-R�r-90 . Project : 189 Contract � : 1988-� TEMPORARY F'RO.JECT C�1ST CFlPIT. FUNOIMG DESCRIPTIDN FACTDR IhaTEREST INTEREST EASEMEt�T CONTINGEt�CIES T�TRL SANITRRY COR.E Q.068 �0.00 �5.3� �O.OQ �I01.89 ��#3,95?.03 LRTERNL 0. 123 #0.00 �9.62 $0.00 #184.86 �79,750.27 .-�:, �r'��.�.�i:`i �'��'E U.�59 �0.�0 �4.59 �0.00 �8u. i5 �3�,02?.'3 �.NTERHL �a. 11� ��3.OD �9.fl1 �Q.Ol7 �1'3. 26 �7�,�04.92 STORM C[]�E �.00� �0.00 $0.00 ��.00 �0.0� �0.00 tRTERAL �. 142 �0.00 �li. 11 �0_� �213.43 �92,079. 19 ST�'EET CORE 0. 154 #0.00 �12.�71 $�.00 �230.90 #99,614.52 LATERRL 0.295 30.00 �23.03 �0.00 �442.68 �190,979.81 STREET 0_005 #�.00 ��.36 �0.00 �6.93 $2,988.52 LIGHTS O.C139 �0.00 �3.02 �0.00 $58.01 �2S,Q25.98 TOTflL 1.000 �0.00 $r8.05 $0.00 �1,SO�.IIO �647, 128.07 Less Sanitary Core �43,957.03 Less Watermain Core �38,027.73 Less Storm Sewer Care �0.00 Less Street Core �99,614.52 Less Street �ight Core �2,988.62 Less Watermain Credit �16, 1�6.60 Less Street Gradit �26,?91.65 Total Core Cos� �227,526_16 Total Rssessment Amount �419,601.92 Notes: fl) 600' credit for water in Conn Trl W of Shan Pkwy; add tct Water core (2} 600' credit f4r Conn Trl W of Shan Pkw add to S�reet care Shannon ParkwaylConn�mar� 7rai1 16-Mar-9t3 , Project : 189 Contract � : 1988-7 " COST COMPflNENTS> F'RIDJECT GOST PROFESSIONRL LEGAL D_5� 2_Or QESCR I Pfi I Or1 FRCTOR �CONSTRUCT IflN ENG i h�EER I NG 5ER�I CES �Eb"� NOT 1 CES BC1�0 #�iN. SRNITRRY CORE 0.D68 �35,299.5il �6,7:5.4� �B77.39 Stl.00 �15.03 �176.50 #�t15.�3'9 LATERR� 0. 123 $64,043. 10 $I2,292.53 �1,591.82 #}.t7D �27.27 �320.22 �2,280.Bb b'i�1 i�i�i'�H:}'� CORE l�.059 �30,S38.►Jfl �S,8b 1.S i �?59.t�d �€l.00 �13.t�fl �152.59 �10.75 LRTERAL 0. 115 �59,991.�5 �i l,S 2 4.85 �1,=#91. 12 3£I.Ot� �25.5�3 �299.96 �1,I99.83 STORM CORE O.flO� �0.0� #0.0� �0.0� �i1.00 $O.DO �0.00 ��.00 �ATERAL. 1. 142 �73,943.78 �14, 192.88 $1,837_91 #0.00 �31.d8 �369.72 �1,478.68 STREET CDRE 0. 15+� �79,995.00 �15,354.3� �1,988.32 3f1.00 $34.D6 �3J9.98 �i,599.9Q I.ATERRL 0.295 �153,365.49 �29,43?.20 �3,811.98 #0.00 $65.29 37�6b_83 �3,f�67.31 STREET 0.005 �2,400.OD ��60.66 #59.65 �Q.E70 �1.02 �12_QO �48.� LIGHTS �.039 $20,097.00 #3,857.�45 #499_52 SE1.00 $8.56 #iDO.49 #�tQ1.94 TOTAL 1.000 �519,673.32 �99,746.88 $12,916.75 �t3.00 �221.2h �2,598.37 �1L1,393.47 To�al Owerhead Cost #127,454.75 :! of Overh�ad 24.53% F: oF Engineerir�g 19. i9X Preliminary Cost Estimates �82Q,000.00 Shannan ParkwaylConnernara Tra i 1 EX H 1 B i T 'r!�'�!r Pa9�' ��'- � Rssessment Hearing: �Ipril 17, 19g0 lI-Rpr-� fl�sessment Oue: May 1?, 1990 '�ears Spread: 3 PARCEL NUMBER CC PLAT LOT B� LASi' NRME FIRST NAME RDDRESS CITY STR Z[R UMIT RFiTE TOTRL 34 67�425 O10 00 Development Inc.Ground 1550 Utica Rue. S. Mpls MN 55416 I, 167 �69.6b $81,2B9.� PflRCEL NIJMBER CC PLRT I.OT BL �RST NAME F I RST MFlME RDDRESS C I TY ST#� Z I R UN I T RflTE TaTAL ��i :�3�G� i]lv iJl HOiTit� t�c,rp. U.S. 317C� l;iy. Rd. 1�, #B;� 5i. Luuis Park MN 55�Zb I �t,�1�.52 �2,�Ici.: 3�# I8302 02�J Oi Nome Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 1�, �87� St. l.ouis Park MN 554Z6 1 �,41�,52 �2,�16.� 3�i 1$302 030 fl 1 Home Corp_ U.5. 30Ci Cty. Rd. 1 S, �8 r t7 St. Lou i s Park MN 554�6 1 �i2,416.5� �2,�16_` 34 1834Z 040 O1 Forcier David A. & Julie K. 1�409Q Dearborn Path Rasemount MN 550� 1 t2,415.52 �2,416.° 34 38302 050 O1 Home Corp. 1i,5. 3Q0 Cty_ Rd. 18, �t87U St. Louis Park T1N 55��6 1 #2,416.52 �2,416.° 34 18302 060 O1 Home Carp. U.S. 3�0 Cty. Rd. 18, �8?fl St. Louis Park MN 554�b 1 �,416_52 �2,416.° 34 18;3Q2 Q70 O1 Home Corp. U.S. 30a Cty. Rd. 1$, �t8?0 St. Lauis Park MM 554�6 1 #�,�416.52 #Z,d�16.° 34 183�12 Q$0 O1 Home Corp. U.S_ 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �87a 5t. Louis Park MN 5S#�6 1 �2,�16.52 �Z,�16.` 34 18302 Oi0 02 tiome Corp. U.S. 300 Cty_ Rd. 19, �tB�D St. l.ouis Fark MN 55�Z6 1 #2,416.52 �2,�16.` 34 i8302 02D DZ Home Corp. U.S. 30� Cty. Rd. 18, 7t870 St. Louis Park MN S54Z6 1 32,416.52 �2,�#16.° 34 18302 030 02 Home Corp_ U.S. 3QO Cty. Rd. 1�, �Q?0 St_ Louis Park MN 554�6 1 f2,�16.52 �2,416.: 34 18302 040 OZ Nome Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, #8?0 St. Louis Park MN 554Z6 1 #2,4i6.52 �2,416.° 34 18302 O50 D2 Home Corp. U.S. �0 Cty. Rd. 18, #870 St. Louis Park MN 55�26 1 #2,�16.52 $2,416_° 34 18342 060 D2 Nome Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, u870 St_ Louis Park MN 55#26 I #2,416_52 �2,416.: 34 18302 07fl Q2 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Gty. Rd. 18, tt870 St. Louis Park MN 554�6 1 32Y41b.52 �2,416.`. 34 18302 OBD 02 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty_ Rd. 18, tc870 St. Lquis Rark MN 55�Z6 1 32,�16.52 #2,416.° 34 18��2 090 02 Mame Corp. U.S. 3�0 Cty. Rd. 18, tt8?0 St. Louis Park MN 554�6 1 i2,dI6.52 �2,�16.� 34 183d2 1�0 02 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty_ Rd. 18, �870 St. Louis Park MM 55426 1 #2,�416.52 �2,416_° 3� i$302 11D 02 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Gty. Rd. 18, #870 St_ Louis Park MN 55#Z6 1 #2,4i5.52 �2,416.`. 34 28302 120 02 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty_ Rd. 18, �870 St. Louis Par4� MM 5542b 1 �'2,ai6.52 �2,416.° 3� 183�2 13fl 02 Home Corp. ll.5. 30Q Cty. Rd. i8, ac870 St. Louis Park MM 55�4Z6 1 �2,4i5.52 �2,�F16.`. 34 iB302 14fl 02 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �t870 St. Louis Park MN 55�4Z6 1 #2,41b.5� $2,416.: 34 i83Q2 iS0 �2 Home Corp. U.S. 30� Cty. Rd. 19, �?0 5t. Lauis Park MN 554Z6 1 #Z,�i6_52 �2,416.° 34 18302 160 02 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �870 St. Lauis Park MM 55�4Z6 I 3'2,415_52 $2,�16.° 34 18302 1717 02 Nome Corp. U.S. 30l3 Cty. Rd. 18, #8r D St_ LflU25 Par'k MN 55426 i �"2,416.52 �2,416.`. 34 i8302 i80 02 Home Corp. U.S. 3�0 Cty. Rd. 18, �t870 St. Louis Park MN 55�26 1 �,415.52 �2,416.` 34 18302 190 02 Home Corp. U.5. 30� Cty. Rd. 18, �t87Q St_ Louis Park MN 55#26 1 32,�16.52 52,416.`. 34 18302 200 Q2 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, uH70 5t_ L�uis Park MN 55426 1 t2,4i6.52 #2,416.` 34 18302 Z10 t72 Home C+arp. U.S. 3t1� Cty_ Rd. 18, �8?0 St. Lauis Park MN 55426 1 #2,416.52 #2,416.` 3� 183!]2 220 02 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �t87fl St_ Louis Pa�-k MN 55426 i �2,416.52 �Z,416.° 34 I8302 2�0 C1� Home Corp. U,S. 3�t] Cty. Rd. 18, �8?0 St_ Louis Park MN 55#Z6 I �2,4Ib.52 �2,416.° 3-0� 283D2 240 OZ Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, it870 St. �ouis Park MN 55426 1 #2,41fa.52 �2,416.` 34 I8302 250 OZ Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty_ Rcl. 18, �8?0 St. Louis Park MN 55�FZ6 i �2,�16.52 �2,416.° 34 19302 260 02 Home Corp. U.5_ 300 Cty_ Rd_ 18, �t8T0 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 �C2,415.52 #2,416.° 34 183Q2 270 OZ Home Corp. U.5_ 30� Cty. Rd. 18, t�870 St_ Louis P�-fr MN 55426 1 x2,416.5Z #Z,416.` 34 i8302 ZeD 02 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �t87[l St_ Louis Park h�+! 554Z6 1 �2,�1Ea.52 �2,4i6.: 34 1830Z 290 02 Home Corp. U.S. 30� Cty. Rd. 18, �970 St. Louis Park MN 55�2b 1 #2,415.52 t2,�16.` Si�annan P�k�r,aylConne�a Tr3i 1 pay� ryfl�. 2 Assessmerrt Hearing: April 1�, 1990 ifi-Mar-9� Asses�ment Oue: May 1�, 1990 Years Spread: 3 PARCEL NUMBER CC P�AT LtIT 8L LAST NRME FIRST NflME F�ORESS CITY STA ZIP UMIT RRTE TOTRL 34 18302 3Q0 02 l'�rsso laseph V. & R�becr.a 5.4fl15 I41st Ct. W. Rasemount MN 55068 1 #2,416.52 �2,41b.52 34 18302 310 02 � Co�p. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. I8, �t870 St. Louis Park MN 55�26 I �2,4i6.5Z • #2,416.52 34 18302 320 02 }iome Corp. U.S. 3� Cty. Rd. 18, �t87Q St. Louis Park MM 55426 1 x2,416.52 �Z,4I6.52 34 18302 33� 02 Carlson �^ian R. & Lisa M. 4055 I4Ist Ct. W. Rosernount MN 55068 1 #2,416.52 �2,416.52 3� 183t]2 340 02 �e Corp. U.S. 3f� Cty. Rd. 18, �t870 St. Louis Park MN SSdZ6 1 �2,416.52 �2,�16.52 �. .�r..+, ..C^ 'J- • - �n.. '+._ nJ •r+ A�r1 t'i � n 1 ��A' Q f'7c t +�� C"� t'1 �♦ ::�► aV.::ti4 J�.FV v� �.WBt' �.iJ(�. tJ.�. JL4 uLl�. KU. LV� �GiiJ )L.. I��JWla r.yrK t�.11 J�`�CO 1 �t�YLO...rL �+L��fsL...�� 3� I83L12 360 02 Sutter Joel FI. & Dorothy L. 409.5 14Ist Ct. 4�. Rosemount MN 55068 1 �2,416.52 �2,�i16.5Z 34 i8302 3:0 Q2 H�ne Carp. iJ.S. 3�3 Cty. Rd. I8, tt870 St. Lauis Park MN 55�26 1 �2,�I6.52 �2,�I6.52 34 183�2 380 02 hla�e Corp. E!_S. 3(30 Cty_ 12d. 18, �t870 St. Louis A�k MN 5542E► 1 t2,415.SZ �"L,416_52 34 I83�2 39� (32 Eio�e Corp. t!.S. 3� Cty. Rd_ 18, �870 St. Louis P�-k t�dM 5.5426 1 x2,416.52 t2,416_52 34 18302 �OQ 02 t� Carp. U.S. 3[JO Cty. Rd. 18, �870 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 t2,41b_S2 �2,416.52 34 18302 410 02 Schi.+artz t�ichard E. & Barbara �4Q�4 14�ist Ct. W. Rosemount MN 55Q68 i x2,416.52 x2,416.52 34 28302 �20 02 Flone Carp. U_5. 3� Cty. Rd. 18, �t8?0 St. Louis Park MN 55426 i �2,4i6.52 �2,416.52 '3 �83G2 ��0 �� N�me �orr. !�.3_ 3CL� r�y. Qd. 18, �9'0 St. Lo+uis Park MN S5�#26 1 :s2,�4i5.52 �2,116.5� 3�4� 18302 �40 02 Pahi 1licheal J. & Reiko 5. 14t�5 Deai-born Path Rosemaunt MIV 55�68 L �2,41b.SZ x"2,416_52 34 183�12 �50 02 Timlin Micheal E. 3� Joy A. 1�7 Dearborn Path Rosemount MN 55�68 1 �2,�15.SZ t2,416.52 34 28302 46D 02 Nao�ean John fl. 14089 Dearborn Path Rosemount MN 55058 1 x2,416.52 #2,41b.52 34 183�2 470 02 i� Corp. U.S. 3� Cty. Rd. 18, te8� St. Lauis Park MN SSd26 1 x2,4I6.52 t2,426.52 34 1830Z 4�80 02 Poole Daniel G. & Susan E. 14093 Oe�-born Pa�h Rosemount MN 55068 1 �'L,416.52 l�2,416.52 3� 1H3t72 490 02 Ne�el l Yvora�e 14II9S Oeat-born Path Rosemount htN 55058 1 S2,416.52 #Z,416.52 34 18302 50� 02 Howe Corp_ U.S. 300 Cty. Rd_ 18, �870 St_ Louis Pxlc MN 55�25 1 #2,�16.52 �2,416.52 3� 1831�2 Sl�l �l2 H�e Carp. �3.5. 3� Cty. Rd. 18, �370 St. Louis Par�C MN 55426 I �2,416.52 �2,416.52 34 1�2 014 03 Hoae Carp. U.S. 3[�0 Cty. Rd. 18, �e870 St_ l.ouis Park MN 55425 I �2,416.52 #2,4I6.SZ 3� 18302 Ot0 03 Ho�e Corp. U.S. 3�D Cty. Rd. 18, �e870 5t. Louis P�-k MN 55426 I �2,416.SZ 3s2,416.5� 34 183[32 D3� 03 Fio� Cc�p. 11.S. 3� Cty. Rd. 18, �870 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 #�2,�16�52 �2,416.52 34 18�2 040 03 No�e Corp. U.S. �0 Cty. Qd. 18, �870 St. L�is Par1c MN 55426 i �2,416.52 #2,416_52 34 I83�2 050 03 li�o�e C�-p_ U.5. 3t� Cty. Rd. I8, �e870 St. la�is Park h�+i �Z6 1 x2,416.52 #Z,�16.S2 34 1�2 06tl 03 f� Corp. !l.S. 3t�7 Cty. Rd. 18, �t87Q St. Louis P�-k MN SS426 I #2,4i5.52 �2,4I6.52 34 1&�2 0?0 03 Ho�e Corp. U.5. 3t�I Cty. Rd. 18, �t870 St. Louis Px-k MN 55�25 1 �"L,416.52 x2,416.52 34 183�32 080 �33 Ho�ae Carp. 11_S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �370 St. Louis Par4c MN 55426 1 �Z,416.52 �Z,415.5� 34 18302 090 03 t�e Gorp. tt.5. 3�1 Cty. Rd. 1H, �t870 St. Louis P�k MN 55426 1 x2,416.52 �Z,�16_52 34 18302 100 D3 F�io�e Co�-p. U.S. 3C10 Cty. Rd. 18, at97Q St. Louis P�-k MN SS�t26 1 52,416,52 #2,416.52 34 i93Q2 110 03 F�e Corp. U.S. 3� Cty. Rd. i8, s�8?D S�. Louis Park MN 5 r426 1 32,�16.52 xZ,�F16.5c 34 18302 O10 D4 � Corp. U_S. � Cty. Rd, 18, �e870 St. l.auis Park hfN SSr426 1 !2,416.52 x2,�416_52 34 18�2 02tI �4. Fio�e Caa-p. U.S. � Cty. Rd. i8, �87D St. Lauis Park NNVV 5542fi 1 �,416.S2 #2,416.5� 34 i8302 030 04 t�o�e Corp. U.S. 3�1 Cty. Rd. 18, �e8?0 St. Laui� Park MN 55#25 1 x2,416.52 lQ,4i6.52 34 18302 040 �4 Ho�e Corp. U.5. 3� Cty. Rd. 18, �t870 St. Lauis Paric h�{ 55426 1 �2,41fi.52 32,416,52 34 I$3�2 D50 �4 Flt�e Carp_ 1}_S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �870 St. Louis Park MN 55426 L 52,416.5� 52,�26_Sc 3# 18�2 Of0 �4 More Carp, U.S. 300 C�y. Rd_ I8, �870 St. Louis Park MN 5�426 1 x2,416.52 x2,416_Sc 34 183�2 070 D4 Hoie Corp. U.S. 3� Cty_ Rd. IH, �e870 5�_ Loui� Parie MN 5.5426 I �2,416.52 �,416_52 34 18�2 � 04 No.e Cae-p. U.5. 3� Cty. Rd. 18, �e87Q St. Loui� Park M�4 5542b I #Z,416.SZ �,4I6.52 34 18302 D90 04 Ho�e Corp_ U.S. � Cty_ Rd_ 18, �870 St. I,ouis Par�ic MN 55426 1 �Z,416.52 *2,416.52 34 18302 100 Q+4 Ma� Cor-p. U.S. 30Q Cty. Rd_ 18, �87Q St. L.auis Park MN S5#26 1 �Z,�I6.52 �2,41fi.52 Shannon ParkwaylConne��a Trail Page No: 3 A�sessment Hearing: Rpe-il 1?, 1990 16-Mar-90 Rssessm�nt Due: May 1?, 199� ''tears Soread: 3 PARCEL yur1�ER . CC PLRT LOT 8L LAST NAME FIR5T NFiME t�D!?ESS CITY STR Z[P UNIT RATE TOTRL 34 18302 110 04 t�me Carp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �t870 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 t2,4I6.52 z2,416.52 34 18302 120 a4 Home Corp. U.5. 300 Cty. Rrl. 18, s8?0 St_ louis Park MN 55�26 I t2,416.52 x2,�16.5Z - 3� 18302 130 04 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rrl. 18, �70 St. Louis Park MN 55�26 1 t2,416.52 x2,416.52 . 34 183fl2 1�0 �4 Hane Carp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. i8, �c8?0 St. Louis Park MN 55426 I #2,416.52 $2,416.52 3� 18302 lS�l 04 Jol�nsor� Richard R. & Ellen R. 1383fi Currant Circle Rosemount MN 550fi8 1 �2,416.52 �2,�16.52 - ,�?^.r�^ .�•� n.e �f_ r+ �e r �r r'� �+4, n� ♦n r77� '':'� � ' �'1 1 MA � '�C t '� +t� C-] ^] t j C'+ _ T � vl..� �� ..T . ��TiG^ tsVrr.l. ..�. .J�.I�J 4a.+�. IC�i. lr�s �V• . �+�ui� 1�-ji�:s 1� �.��4J . ���`Y�V. �`.�'�� . .i.� 34 193Q2 1?0 A� #�me Corp_ U.S. 30fl Cty. Rd. 18, �t8?0 St. Louis Park MM 55426 1 32,d16.52 $2,�416.52 �� 183D2 1$0 �4 i�ome Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. Z8, at8?0 St. l.ouis Park MN SS426 1 52,�16.52 �2,�16.5� 3d 18302 190 �4 1�me Corp. U.S_ 300 Cty. Rd_ 18, s870 St. touis P�-1c MN 55�F25 1 �2,416.52 �2,4I6.52 3� 18302 O1Q 05 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. I8, s8?Q St. Louis Park MN 55�26 1 t2,41b.5Z x2,416.52 3� 183�2 02Q �5 liame Carp. U.S_ 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �871] St. l.ouis Park MN 55426 1 �2,416.52 x2,426.52 34 183ti2 03Q �5 Flome Corp. 11.5_ 300 Cty. Rd. 18, s870 St_ �ouis Park MN 55426 L 52,�16.52 �2,416.52 3�i 18302 Odp OS Home Corp. U_5. 30D C�y. Rd_ 18, �870 St. Louis Park MN 55�26 i �2,�t16.52 52,416.52 =1 L�?n? �t��3 (I� Un�!f9 Cnr�_ J�.S. 3L0 Cty. Rd. I8, u87F? St. Louis Park MN 55�7_6 ? $2,�15_52 �2,d15_52 34 18302 060 OS Nome Ca-p. U.S. 3�0 Cty. i2d. i8, s870 St_ Louis Park MM SS4Z6 1 �2,416.52 i2,416.52 3� 18302 Or0 QS Home Corp. U.5_ 30Q l:ty. Rd. 18, �t87'0 St_ Louis Park MN 55426 1 �2,416.52 �2,�i6_52 34 18302 080 05 Nome Corp. U.S. 3Q0 Cty. Rd. 18, �e87[J St. Louis Par'k MN 55426 1 #2,415.52 �2,�i6.52 34 183Q2 090 OS H�ome Corp. i1.5. 30Q Cty_ Rd. 18, s@7Q St_ Louis P�k MN 55�26 1 �2,41fs.52 x2,#16.52 34 183D2 100 QS Home Crn-p. U.S. 3Q� Cty. Rd. I8, s87'Q St. l.ouis P�-k MM 55�426 1 t2,4i5.52 x2,d16.52 34 18302 110 OS Home Corp_ U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, s870 St. Louis Park h!N 55426 1 i2,416.52 �2,416.5Z 34 18302 120 OS Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, s87t1 St. Louis P�k MN 55426 1 x2,416_52 x2,416.52 3� 18302 130 OS Nome Corp_ U.S_ 30D Cty_ Rd. 18, �e870 St_ �ouis Par-tc MN S5�26 1 �2,416.52 �'2,�16.52 3� 183Q2 1�t0 OS Home Carp. U.S. 30Q Cty. Rd. i8, s870 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 x2,416.5Z 92,416.52 3� I8342 ISO OS Home Corp. U.S_ 3Q0 Cty. R�_ 18, �70 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 tZ,4I6.52 �2,416.52 34 18302 O10 D6 Fbme Corp. U.5_ 300 Cty_ Rd. 18, s870 5t_ La.tis Paric MN 55426 1 x2,416.52 #2,416.5Z 34 18302 02Q 06 � Corp. U.S_ � Cty. Rd. 18, s870 St_ Louis Park MN 55�1,26 1 x'L,41fi.52 �'2,416.52 34 I93Q2 a30 06 Hoe�e Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, s870 St_ Louis Park MN 5542fi L l�2,416.52 x2,416.52 34 183�2 II4� 06 Hoa�� Carp. U.S. 3Q0 Cty. Rd. 18, �87Q St. l.ouis Park htN 55426 1 x2,�I6.52 �'Z,416.52 34 183�2 O50 Ofs Home Ccrp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. i8, s870 St. l_ouis P�k MN 55�42fi 1 �2,�16.52 S2,415.52 3� 18302 060 06 Home Coro. t!_5. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, x8.''+D St_ louis Park MN 55426 I 32,416.52 �2,�I6.52 3-F 1831�2 Q717 L�5 t�me Corp. U.S. 300 Cty_ Rd. 18, �e8�0 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 #2,41b.52 t2,�16.52 34 183Q2 08D t36 Ho�e Car-p. U.S. 300 Cty_ Rd. 18, u870 St. Louis P�k MN 55426 I 32,416.52 l�2,416.52 34 18302 090 Q6 � Corp. U.5_ 300 Cfi�j. Rd. t8, �7Q 5�. Louis P�-k NMI 55426 I t2,�16.52 xZ,�416.SZ 34 183U2 100 A6 Noare Ca�p. il.S_ � Cty. Rd_ 18, s�870 St_ Louis Park MN 55426 I x2,41fi.52 #2,�4I6.52 34 18302 110 {i6 � Ccr-p. U.S. 300 Cty_ Rd_ 18, s87D St_ Lauis Paric MN 55426 1 x2,416.52 lc2,416.52 34 1830Z 120 06 Mtmie Cm^p. I1.5. 300 Cty. Rd_ I8, s870 St. I�uis Park MN 55426 1 32,4I6.52 32,416.SZ 3h 28302 I3fl Q6 tiaae Corp. U.S. � Cty. Rd. 18, s870 St_ Lauis Park MM 5..5+t25 1 #2,�Ifi.SZ s'L,416.52 3� i83�2 14Q 05 Home Cor-}�_ U.S. 900 Cty_ Rd. L8, �'8?0 St. Louis Park MM 55426 I x2,�15.52 �2,4i6_52 34 183Q2 150 O6 t�o�ne Curp. 11.5. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, s'870 St_ Louis Park MN 55�426 1 #2,�16.52 �2,416.S2 3�4 1�Z O1Q 07 Home Carp. U.S. 3�0 Cty. Rd. 18, �870 St� Lauis Park 1'qM 55� L �L,4i6.52 *2,416.52 34 1830Z 020 07 Haae Corp. U.S. 3� Cty. Rd. 18, s'870 St. t�uis Park MN 5542fs ' 1 �Z,416_52 �2,416.52 34 I8302 030 07 t�ae Coi-p. U.S_ � Cty. Rd_ IH, s870 St_ Lauis Park hMF 554�6 i #2,4i6.52 �2,41b.52 34 18302 Q40 07 M,�ne Ca-p. U.5. 3� C�y. Rd. 19, �7iQ St_ Lauis Park MM 5542fi 1 9�2,4I6.SZ �'Z,416.S2 Shannon Parkway/Connem�a Trail , Page Nor_'+ Assessment Hearing: Rpril 17, 1990 16-Mar-9[ Rssessment �ue: May 17, 1990 Years Spread: 3 a�ac��. Murse�R CC P�AT LOT BL LAST l�ME FIRST NRME RDDRESS CITY STA ZIP UMIT RATE TOTFiL 34 18302 O5� 07 Home Corp. U.S. 3�0 Cty. Rd. 18, u870 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 t2,4ifi.52 �2,416.5: 34 183C12 O10 08 Fiom� Carp. U.5. 30� Cty. �Rd. 18, tc870• St. Louis Park MN 554Z6 1 S2,416.52 S2,416_5: 3� 183QZ 020 08 Hom� Corp. U_S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, u87� St_ l.ouis Park MN 55�26 1 �2,416.52 �2,416_S� 34 I8302 030 08 Home Carp. U.S. 3�� Cty. Rd. 18, tt87� St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 �2,416.52 �2,�16.5� 34 183�2 040 �8 Home Corp. U.S. 3�0 Cty. Rd. 18, sc870 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 32,�16.SZ �2,4I6.5: �z ..'�.�..�.� ��v .�'.�`�.. UC.�2 �.`�.Jf'y:s. #i.�. .�-.C7 (�F'..�. .nc'..�.. :�.�.+� xvt� �.�'.. ��t..�_: �3�'�< *r� C.�3��G t d'^l��t� S'`7 �",.?3 011('].C. :3�i I83Q2 Q60 08 Home Co�p. U.S. 3�0 Cty. Rd. 18, st8?� SE.. Louis Park MN 55426 1 �2,416.52 �2,416.5: 34 Ia3�2 0.0 08 Home Car-p. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, tt8�0 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 �2,�F16.52 �2,416.5� 3�4 18902 0$0 Q8 Home Corp. U_S. 3�0 Cty. Rd. 18, �870 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 �2,416_52 �2,416.5: 34 1$302 09� 08 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �87Q St. Louis Park MM 554Z6 1 t2,416.52 �2,�I5_� 3d 18302 10� 08 Home Corp. U.S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18� �t870 St. Louis Park MN 554Z6 I �2�416.52 �2i4I6.� 34 183�2 110 �8 Hame Corp. U.5. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, tt87� St. Louis Park MN 55�426 1 52,415.5Z #2,�I6_5� 3� 18302 12� 08 Home Corp. U.S. 30Q Cty. Rd. 18, �870 St. Lauis Par1c MN 55426 1 $2,41fi.52 $2,416.� 3� i83R2 13�3 �8 4r�m� rorr. �J.S. 3C10 Cty. Rd. 18, �370 St. Lrn�is Aark MM 55426 1 �Z,416.52 �2,�15.5� 34 18302 1d0 178 Home Corp. U_S. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, st870 St. Louis Park MN 55426 1 �2,�16.52 �2,416_� 34 1$3!]2 15� �8 Nome Corp. U_S. 30� l.ty. Rd. 18, �t870 St. Louis Park MN 554Z5 1 #2,416.52 �Z,�16.5= 34 183[32 16� 08 Home Corp, 11.5. 300 Cty. Rd. 18, �870 St. Louis Park MN 5S4Z6 1 3Z,4I6_52 �2,416.� Total x419,601.� � � .� � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT A RESOLUTION CALLINO HEARINa ON ASSESSMENTS 1+'OR SHANNON PARKWAY/CONNEMARA TRAIL BTREET & VTILITY TMPROVEMENTS OF 1988 -�— PROJECT � 1$9 WHEREAS, the City clerk, with the assistance of the City consulting engineer, has prepared an assessment roll for the Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trail Street & Utility Improvements, and said proposed assessment roll is on file with the City Clerk and open to public inspection; NOW THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED, by the City Counoil of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Clerk sha:�l publish notice that this Councii will meet to consider the proposed assessments on April 17, 1990, at 8:00 o'alock p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, in the City Hall of said City of Rosemount, Minnesota. The published notice shall be in substantially the form set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto, 2 . A copy of the notice in substantially the form set forth ih Exhibit B attached hereto shall be mailed to the owners of each parcel of property described in the assessment roll. . 3 . Said notice attached as Exhibit A hereto shall be published by the City Clerk in the official newspaper at least two weeks --- prior to the hearing and the notice attached hereto as Exhibit B shall be mailed by the Clerk to the owners of each parcel described in the assessment roll. 4 . The Clerk shall mail to the owner a notice stating the amaunt of the adopted assessment. Owners must also be notified by mail of any changes adopted by the Council in interest rates or prepayment requirements from those contafned in the mailed notice of the proposed assessment. ADOPTED this 20th day of March, 1990. , Vernon J. Napper, Mayor f I ATTEST: � II � �� Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk � , , � { � � Motion by: 5econded by: I � _ , , � Voted in favor: i i -- _ i � Voted against: � .� � EXIiIBIT "A" , -, . �r�� a h� „�x��� / 2975-1�5111 St.W, O.C�,�,�ARA��� RCt^t�MO11NT. MINNERQtA 554!!A 7 /�'T�.� 812..-A?�,A11/ CITY AF ROSEMOttNT NQTICE OF HEARIN� ON A88S881wtEN'1'9 FOR BHANNON PARKItAY/CONNEMARA TRAIL STRRLfi i VTILITY IHPROVEMENTB OF 1988� CITY PROJECT NO. 189 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! TIME 11ND PLACE Notice is hereby qiven th�t the C�ty GENERAL NATURE OF Council of the City of Rosemotlh�, IMPROVEMENTSs Minnesota, will meet in �he City Nall in the eity of Rogemount, 28y5 145th �trAet West, Rosemnunt, Minnesota, on the 1'lth day of April, 1990 �tt 8:00 p.m. � or 8B �ovrt thereafter t�g possible, to corlaider ob jections tcs the prripo��d 2�gg�sgmentg for Shannon P�rkway/Connemar� Tr�il StreB� & Utility Imprbv�m�nt� of 198g, City P�oj�ot No. 189, her�tofore ord�red by the City Council. ASSES5MENT ROLL The pr�posed assessment roll is on file OPEN TO INSPECTION: with the city Clerk and open to publfc inspection. AREA PROPOSEb The a�ea propb�ed to b� A�sessed consigtg To BE �S5ESSED: of every lot, p�.ece vr parcel of l�nd benefited by �aid improVementg, whiCh has been ordered made �nd is ag �ollowg: All '74 acres of Country xi11g 3rd 1ldditiorl �nd the north 34 �►Cre� of outlot A of ShANrion Ni�1s Aaaitien �s on file �nd of reoord in the offfce of the Cov�ty Itecorder, baknt� County, Minn�sota. TOT1�L AMOUNT The totai amovnt propo�ed to be assessed OF PROPOSED: is $419,601.92. WRITTT�;N OR ORAL Written or oxal objections wi11 b� OBJECTIONS: consider.ed at the heari�q. RIGHT oF APPE�L; An owner of property to be assessed may appeal the assessme�t to the dfstrict court ' of Dakota County pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081 by eerving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 dayg after the adoption vf the assessment a�d filing such notice wfth the di.strict court within ten days after service upvn the MayoX or Cl�rk. LIMITnTION pN No appe�l may be tiaken as to the amovn� of APPEAL: any assessment adopted by the City CouMcil unless a writt�n objection sig�ed by the ' affected property owner i9 filed with the � Clerk prior to the assegt�ment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. All objeetion� tt� the agsessments • not received at the as�essment heari.hg in . the manner pr�scribed by M�nnesota St�tute�, ; 5ection 42g.o61 �re wgivec�, unlesg the failure to ob�ect at the �ssessment heArinq is due to a r�asonable c�t�se. DEFERMENT OF Under the provisiong of Minne�ota ASSESSMENTS: Statutes, Sectio�s 435. 193 to 435. 195, the City may, at its discretion, def�r the payment of as�essments for any homestead proper�y owned by a per�ott 65 years vf �q� or older far ahom it would be � hardship to make the payments. However, the city ha� el.ected not to establish any deferment procedure pursuant to those Sections. Dated this 20th day of March, 1990. BY ORpER OF TNE C:LTY COUNCIL. 5usan M. Johnson city clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, M3hnesota 2 w F,XHI$IT "B" ( /• r ct t�nx Rtn C. il�I� O 2e�s-�e.5t�+st w . DaS�►�'!•Q��� �O.^.f M011Nt.MINNESOTA 5506A • 812—•�'1-AA11 CITY OF ROS$HOVrtT NOTICL OF HEARIN� Op A88SSBN�NTB FOR SHANNON PARKWAYjCONNEMARA TRAIL BTRSET & UTILITY IMPROVLMENTA OF 1988� CITY 1>ROJ&CT NO. lA9 TOi TIME �ND PLACE NOt�.C@ is hereby given that the city . GEN�RAL NATURE OF Council. of the City of ROl�elll�ttht� �MPROVEMENTBs Minn��atie, wi11 tneet i„ thA C�,ty NAxl in the City ot Ros�mount, 2A7�S �.4lfth btxeat • Weat, Roeemau�t, Minnesot�t, ort the 17th day ' of April, 1990 at 8:00 p.m. , or a� �oon thereafter �s possible, tv co119ider objections to the propb�ed a��essmeritb far shannon parkWay/con�emar� Trail Street & Utiifty ImpYovements of 1988, City Prvject No. 189, heretofor� ord�red by the City Council. . ASSESSMENT ROLL The prapos�d ��sessment roll is on file ' OPEN TO INSPECTION: . with the City Clerk and open to public inspection. 1�REA PROPOSED The area proposed to be assessed cori�ists TO BE ASSE$SED: of every lot, piec� or parcel of lahd benefited by said improvements, which h�s been ordered m�de and i� �s� fo11oW�! All 74 aeres of Cbuntry N�,11� �rd Addititiri �nd the nor.th 34 �ores of Outlot A of Sh�nnon Hills Addition as on file 8nd of re�ord in the office of the County �teeorder, b�kot� County, Minn�sota. � TOT1�L AMOUNT The total amount proposecl to be ass�ssed � OF PROPO5EDS is $4]:9,601.92. WRITTEN OR ORAL Wzitten ox oral objeetions will be OBJECTIONS. cansidered at the hearfng. RIGHT OF APPEAL: An owner of property to be assessed may appeal the assessment to the district court of Dakota County pursuant to Minh�sota Statutes, Section 429.081 by ser.ving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor ar cl.erk of th� • City wi,thin 30 days after the adaptio� of the assessment and fili�g sueh notiae with the di�tr. ict court within te» days after servic� tapon the Mayor or Clerk. LIMIT�TION ON No appe�l m�y be taken as to the amount o� ; APPEAL: any assessment �dopted by the �ity counaii � un�ess a written objection signed by tMe affected property owner i� filed with the Clerk prior to the assessment� hearing or presented to the pr�sidiflg officer at the h�aring. All dbjections to the asse��m�rts � not received �t the as��ssment hearinq in . the manner prescribed by Minnegota Stat�tes, 5ection 429.061 are waived, unlesg the failure to object at the assessment h�aring is due to a reasonabl� c�use. DEFERMFNT OF Under the provisions of Minnegota AS5ESSMENT5: Statutes, Seetions 435. 193 to 435. 195, the City may, at its discr�tion, defer the payment of �gsessmehts for any homestead property owned by a pergon 65 yearg of Age , or older for whom it would be � hardghip to make the paymente. Nowever, �he city has elected not to est�blish a�y deferm��t procedure pursuant to those 5ections. SPECI�IC �MOUNT To The amount to be s�ecifically �ssQs��d BE AS5ESSED against your particular lot, piece of parcel of land ig ehown ort the attached Exhibit A. PREPAXMENT: You may prepay �he entire 8ssessment �o th� Treasurer of the City until the assessment rv�.l is certified to the covnty Auditort . aft�r certifieation to the County Avditor, prepayments of the entire amovr�t remaininq due may be made to the CvUMty Auditor at A�y time prior to November 15 in the year this assessment i� adopted. No PART�AL , The City council has not authvrized the partial prepayment of as��ssments prior to certification of the agscggment or the first i�stallment thereaf to the County Auditor. PREPAYMENT WITNOUT No interest shall be charged if the entire INTEREST, OR WITH assessment i9 paid within 30 days €ronl INTEREST TO END OF the adoption of the assessment roll. At YE��� any time prior to November 15 of any year following the year the assessmeht is certifi.ed, the owner may prepay to the City Treasurer the whole assessment remaining due with interest acerved to Dccember 31 of the • year fn which the prepayment is made. 2 INTEREST RATE: If the assessment is �ot p�ep�id within 30 dayg from the adaption of the assessment rall, intere�t �ill accrue on the as�e��ment a� the �ate ot 8.7�. Intgre�� accrue� �rom the date ta be �peeifie� in the re�olution 1evYing the ��gessmen�, but nat earlier than the date of guch resolution. Assessmeht� shall be p�yable in equal �nnugl install�mente axtending over a pexiod of up to 3 ye�re, the firet o! the insteilment� to be p�yable with general texeg for the year I990, Collecti.ble �vfth such tdx�� during the year 1991. Dated this 20th d�y of March, 1990. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. 5usan M. Johnson city cierk City of Ros�mount Dakota County, MN . 3 r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAR�TA COUNTY� MZNNESOTA � RESOLtITItlN 1994 - A RE80LUTION ADQPTINa ASSE88MEN� RO�+L SHANNON PARKWAY/GONNEMARA TRAIL STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF 1988 PROJECT NO. 189 �PHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City Cauncil has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the propos�d assessment for Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trail Street & Utility Improvments, Project No. 189, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems just. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: (1) Such proposed assessment, in the amount of $419, 601.91, a copy of which is in Clerk's File 1990-9 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement. (2) Such assessments shall be as follows: `'-" a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of three (3) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1990, collectible with such taxes during the year 1991. b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of eight and seven-tenths percent (8.7�) per annum on the entire principal amount of the assessment from the date of this resolution until Deaember 31 of the year in which such installment is payable. To each subsequent installment, when ' due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid principal amount of the assessment. c. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certi,fication of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor, pay the whole of � the principal amount of the assessment on such property with ' interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, I except that no interest shall be charged if the entire ' assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and i such property owner may at any time prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining due with interest accrued to ,,," December 31 of the year in which said payment is made. � �_ __ _ _ / k (3) The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified dup�icate copy of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the tax list of the County. L... ADOPTED this 17th day of April, 199p. vernon J. Napper, Mayo� ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 2 �