HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Fire Department Pay Proposal `�O,�EA�tJiJ�'VT VC�LUNTEE� 2$?5 145th Str¢et West Roa�mount, MN 55t?68 FI�E D�PARTMENT �ity Mal1612-423-4411 Fire Hail 612--423.3444 T0: Steve Jilk, City Administrator FROM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief ���� � � � .�� DATE: January 29, 1990 RE: Fire Department Salary Increases �n 19�i7 a survey o£ salaries di the surraunding departments indicated that Rosemount was in need of considering salary increases for some of its officers and an increase of the fire fighter' s hourly pay. A proposal to that effect was made, giving the key officers a slight increase and making the fire fighter ' s pay quite comparable. In 19$8 a brief survey of Lhe same type indicated that the chief officers were still very low in comparison to the surrounding departments . The compensation received by fire fighters was quite comparable when al1 things w�re cansider�d. What has made the fire fighter' s pay of th� Rosemount Fir� Dep�rtment comparable to that of surrc�unding fire departm�nts, �lthough nat the same hourly rate, is that the Rosemount Fire Dep�rtment receives �ay by the hour �or drills . N1ost dep�'rtm�rits pay ottly for the first hour of tr�ining as Ros�mount had dotte in th� past. Rosemount was a leader in this area. We chose tt� pi�t a gre�ter emphasis on training, edt�cation, and pre--�ilanning for incidents rather than only suggesting people show up �t the scerie. We do have one o£ the higher percentages for att�ncl�nce at drills and hopefully a better trained department because of this effort . Other departments are beginning to follow our lead. They see the benefit of such an approach and have similar proposals before their city couneils fox 1990. Althoug,h an increase was indicated in the chief officer ' s pay back in 1988 and 1989 no raise was proposed. We held off with a proposal wishing to do a more extensive comparison before formulating any recommendation. During 1989, a study of the surrounding departments was made. We solicited information from the departments of Inver Grove Heights, Apple Valley, Eagan, Mendota Heights, Farmington, and Lakeville. Because the division of work was not always the same for the same titled position, it was necessary to take a mare extensive look at individual salaries. For example, some departments have a secretary to keep the minutes of the meetings, a computer person to keep track of hours and rosters, a property person to do inventory and record keeping, and a station captain or district chief who handles a21 of the required correspondence and reports for the state . We have chosen not to divide all c�f this wark and we do keep all of these responsibilities with one person, our secretary. This same type of situatian exists with several of the positions so a superficial look at the title and the pay it carries is not a su£ficient basis to suggest ehanges in the pay structure. The attached breakdown and cQmparison of each position' s salary has included, as much as possible , an attempt to deal with those many variables we encountered as we surveyed the various departments. MH I GH LAKE R�h1T �E� FARM EGN CHIEF � --------� ------� ------� ------� � _i ______� _ _i ! Salary ! 7900 ! 7560 ! b7011 ! 3000 ! 5400 ! 1947 ! 6700+ ! � --------� ------ � ------ I _���----� -Y���_f _xe�__I _Y�.�__{ _Y�.�__I _r��_ � ------! ------- ! _Im�rkt�_{ _�€�___I �Number ! 1 ! i ! 1 ! 1 ! i ! i ! 1 ! ' Other� ! Run ` � ___---; ---- ; Qne hri ___--�Miles-� -------! i ► ; �`y ! !Min .on ! ! � , � � � Inc . ! ! a.li ! ! Burn ! � � •' ! Inse � i � calls ! ! permi # ! � ! ----_-__�_____- '-------'-- � � ! f�e ! i ���...�.��...� �.�.��.�...«.._1��..�.�.J�_�. .�.I ! Othe� !Minus � ! ! Plus~ ! � ' , � i � Vniue. r � � � � � � Q � Plus ' ' ! �'00 ! � a • � 550 •' ! 3Q0 ! i o ______--i ------ ; � . � --_--__� ------ � ------ � • • � ------� __---- � ------- ! Stations! i ! 3 ! 3 ! i ! 3 ! 1 � g � ' --------� ------� --------- ' • � ----� ------� ---___� ------ i � � • • . ! ------- , � � � � ! c�i � = . � , . � , ' � , , � � ! per ! 221 ! 825 ! 373 ! 2?0 ' ! 621 ! 2b4 ! 52Q ! !Year ! ! � � � � � � r _-------� —____--, __----� ------� ------� ------� ------� -------� !Ca�il ! � � � i � � � !Are�s ! 1 ! 1 ! 2 ! i ! 2 ! 1 ! 3+ ! !Aver�ge � -----1 ---- i ----- � -----i -----; ------i ------; ! Cails per 221 ! 825 ! I87 ! �70 ! 3i1 ! 2d4 ! 174 ! !Area. ! ! � � , , , , � --------� -----_+ ____--_� _----- � i • • • ------ ------� ------� ------_� ! Ad,J . ! ! � � i � , ; ! Tatal ! ?000 ! 75�0 ! 67t10 ! 3550 ! g4q�1 ! ��q� ! ��0� ! i , , � � � � � 1 1 ��__..�.�_I �_���� 1 ��.___�1 �.�_��.� • ' , i .��..��.�-.1 �..�_�.�1 ��..�-.�1 ����.�.._ 1 ! Proposed! ? � ? � ? � aoaa ! ? ! ? � ? � ' --------� ------� ----- • • . - � ------ � ------ � ----- - ! - -! - _i • � ---- ---__ � _Rank^_ ! � ! 1 i � i � � � � � � 3 � • -+ ------� ------� ------ . . i ______ � ----__� ___---r -______� ! Rroposed! ! � i i ; ; � ! Rar�k ! � � � � � , 5 , 6 � 7 � 3 i � ______.._i ______, _____ . • • -� ------� __----� --____� ------� ------_� 2 A�SI�TANT MH IGH LAKE RSMT AV FARh1 EGN CHIEF � --------� ------� ------� -----1 ! ------� ------� ------� -------� ! Salary ! 4004 ! 31$0 ! 3000 ! I000 ! 4400 ! 10$2 ! 4300 ! � --------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� -------� ! Car ! no ! yes ! Yes ! yes ! y�� ! no ! Ye� ! � ________� ______� __..---� ------� ------� ____--� ------� -------� !Number ! 1 ! 2 ! 1+� ! 1 ! 2 ! 1 ! 2 ! � ________� __----� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ----___� ! Other ! ! ! ! Qne h� ! !Miles ! ! ! � ' ' !Min .an ! � � , ! i � ! ! e�ll i i � � � � ' ! ! catls ! ! ! � ! ! ! i � i i i i � � --------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� -_----� _______� ! Other ! ! ! ! Plus ! ! ! ! ! Ualue ! t7 ! 0 ! 0 ! ! 0 ! Q ! 0 ► ! � � ! ! 700 ! ! ! � � _------_� ____--� ------� ------� ------� _____-� _-____� -------� ! Statians! 1 ! 3 � 3 � i � 3 � i ; 5 � � ___-----� ------i ------1------� -�-----i -----i ------� -------� ! Ca�1 1 s. ! 221 ! 825 ! 373 ! 270 ! 621 ! 2e54 ! 520 ! ! per ! ! � � � i � � !Ye ar ! ! i i i i � i ' --------� -_____� ___s�_� _____�i _---__� __..�__i _____�� ____�__� ! G�it ! ! � � i � � � !Areas ! 1 ! 1 � 2 � 1 � � i � � �+ � �--______i __----� ------ . . � -_____i ______� ______� ______� ..__�.___� ! Galls ! ! � � � r i i ' p�r ! 221 ! 825 ! !87 ! 27Q ! 311 ! 264 ! 174 ! !Area ! ! � � � � , � ' Ad j ' ---; ----- � ----- � ----- � ------! ------' ---- ! ----- ! � _� _ _, ! Totai ! 4000 ! 318Q ! 3000 ! 1700 ! 4404 ! iC162 ! 4300 ! � i � i � i i i � . . . . . � --------� -----_� ___---� ------� ------� ------� ------� __..._---� , ' Pro osed' ? � � � � � � , � � • P . � i f • . . . . 3300 . . . ? ? � � --------� ----__� ______i ______� __--__►------i ------� ---__-_� ! Rank ! � ! q � 5 � 6 � 1 ; � ; 2 � ! --�--- �----- ! ------� ---- � ---- � ---- � ---- � - ---� ! Prvpo��d! � � r � - _� _ -; - -' - -- ; ! Ra�nK ! 3 ! � � � � �_q � � � 7 , � , � __----__� ______� ______� ___---� ______� -----_i _-----� -------� 1 . Assistant ehief salary was lowertd when two distrirt chiefs were addQd. 3 MM IQH LAKE RSMT A�J FARM EGN SECRETARY � __..__---� ----__� -----_1 -____ � ____...,,... r • . _ �...,. . ... . � ,..., .,.w,.. .. ► . _. 1 ► ! 5a T ��ry ! 200 ! 200 ! 180Q ! 1�00 ! Q ! b6Q ! 1£300 ! �__�.__.,.._�_.� _„�..._�� �_�_- �---...._i _.__-'---- — -�.._._..._,�.� ! ! ! ! ! � � � � � ...�.,.. �..._.__._ �.�__.._..__i._�...__�...._...�._r____.�.__. L�_.____� !Number ! 1 ! 0 ! i ! i ! i ! i ! 1+ ! �--------� ------� ------� --____� __----� ------� ----__� _------� ! Other !Typing� Fult ! Na�lf ! O�R hr ! ! ! Full ! ! ! by !Time !Time !Min .an ! ! !Time ! ! ! City ! City ! City ! ail ! ! ! Gity ! � ! � EmK���y!�1sa � c�alls t ° '+�is� ! ! � � i � � i � � � � i i !Ty(:1ir�,�r r r r ! ! � ► ib � � i i • Y � . . . . , � � � i � • • . . . Ci ty . t t � ', � _-----__� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------�------� -----__� ! Other ! � � ! Ptus ! � � � ! V21 ue ! 0 ! 0 ! 0 � � � � Q � p i � � � � ! 7Q0 ± ! � � � ________� ____.�_► __----� ------� ____--� ------� ------� -------� ! StaE I c►ns! 1 ! 3 ! 3 ! 1 ! 3 , 1 , 3 , � ------..-� ----__� -------------� --_.�__�______� ______i _------i •' ! ! i � i ' • , � � � ! Cal is ! ! � � � � � � ' R��` ! 221 ! 825 ! 3?3 ! 270 ! 621 ! 2d4 ! 520 ! !Ye ar ! ! � � � � � � ' -------_� _-___-� ------� ------ • . . , � _-----� ------� ------ �Ca i i ! � ' � • ! -------! ! � � � � � !Ar�as ! 1 ! 1 ! � � i � � � i � 3+ � � _____---� ------� ,�___ ' g • -� ------� ------i ------�------i ---____ !Avera e ! � i i i ! Calls per 22i ! $23 ! 187 ! 270 ! 311 ! 264 ! I74 ! !Are� ! � � � � � � � � --------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ----__� ______� -------� � qdJ . � � � � � � i � ! Totat ! 200 ! 204 ! 1800 ! 2200 ! 0 ! df�0 ! 1800 ! 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _.^__�_ 1 .��.____I ��_...�_1 _.�._.�__i ���.�_ I _�_��.�f ___.���t__�.�__ ( ! Pr�pased ? ! ? ! ? ! SAME ! ? ! ? i ? �! ! --------! ---___� ------! ----__� _----! --____i ______i _______� ! Rank ! 5 ! d ! 3 � 1 � 7 � 4 � 2 + � ___-____� ------� ------� ------� ------� _-----� ------� -------� !Propvsed! ! � � � � ! � ! Rank ! 5 ! � ! g ! 1 � 7 � 4 � � � ' --------� -----_+ ______� _-----� -----_� -------� --___--� __-----� i . Responsible fnr compu#er programming. Coordinated all Raper• wark submit�¢d ay �tatian ca�tain�.. Daes annuai reports, �11 sta� istics, and me�tings. 4 MH IGH LAKE RSMT AV FARM EGP! GAPTAIN � --------� ------� -----1 � - __ • . . i ------ � ------� -----1 ' -------� ! Salary� ! None ! 1140 ! 1620 ! 150 ! 0 ! 810 ! 1150 ! � __�....._.. ...�._i __.__-_� _----- . . � ___--- � ------� ------� ------� -------� ' ! ! � i � i i i � -------- � __... _ � � � � � , � ...... ..._._.�_ � _...__.... i ; � � � � � � . ! Ot-----; -�----i ------! ------! -- ! ------! ------! ------! her .� 50 .Two !Total ! ' ! ! !Total ! � ! extra ! Qrills! Respon ! ! ! ! Res on 1 •' ! per hr ! per ! for ! ! ! ! forp ! � ' �n !Week ! a fire ! ! ! � � ��> > S ' ! station ! ! ! Statian ! ! and ! � � , , � � � ! drills ! ! � , , � , � � � i � . i � � � ! Other ! Pius ! Minus� ------� ------� --- --� 'Minus� -------� ! Val ue ! 150 ! (2 ) 0 ! 0 ! 0 ! �� ) 0 ! � • ! 94Q ! ! ! ! 710 ! , ! Statians; --i---� --3-- � --�---� --i---' ------! ------! -------! . 3 ! i � 5 � ;� _-------� ------ ---� . i i ------�--- i ------;------i ------; -------` Calls ! � , , , � � � '• p�� ! 221 ! 82S ! 373 ! 270 ! 621 ! 264 ! S20 ! !Ye a� ! � , , � i � i � __...__----� ------� ------ . ' • • ' ------� ------� ------! -----�i _� �Call ! ! � � � i � ------ � Areas ! 1 � � � � � � 1 2 � 1 ! 3+ i � ________� ------� ____-- ' . ' • . � ------� ------� -----_� _----- !Average ! � ; � • • ! -------! ! Calls p�r 221 ! 825 ! 187 ! 270 ! 311 ! 264 ! 174 ! !Area ! � � , � � , � � �_,_----� ------ ' • • . • . � ___---� ------� ------� ----__� ------� � • • . . . ------! Adj . ! , � � � � ! Total ! 150 � 200 � 1620 � 150 ! 0 � 100 ' 1150 � � , � � � . . , ' � � � � --------� ---- ' ' • • • --� ------� ------+ ------ � ' • ' ------� ----_-� ------- � Praposed! ? � ? ! ? � SAME ! ? ! ? � � � � -------� ------ • • • � ------� ------� . - • ------� ------� ------� ! R�nk ! � � � ' • ------! ! --------� --- 1 wa � 2 ' ! 5 ! 4 ! ^ N/A ! ---� ------� ----- • . , _� _-----� ------� ------� ! Propoged! � � ' • . , ---____� � � i i � Ra.nk�___i --3_-- � --i � ttil/A ! 2 ! 5 ! 4 ! N/F� ! . ---! -----! ---- ! -----! ----- � ----_ � 1 . Trainir���; �tiandled hY Captains. ' . 2. Estimata �,d�Ad Gn tat�al pay minus training dvties. Base�J on estimate �f time spent . 5 TP,�IhlING hiH I GH LAKE RSMT Atl FARM ��� COORDINAT�R i --------! ------! ---1-2! -----! -----! --1-2! -----2! ------ ! . $alary ! None ! NIA ! 18Q0 ! 1250 ! 0 ! �!/A ! 3350 �! • ' --------•' ------i ------� ------; ------; --- --' ---___� _-__--` . � ------� ------� ----,-� ------� ------� ------ � _� !Number ! 1 � p i 1 i 1 + � a � 4 � --i+-- � ! 0 t h e r !�.54 -� ------�Th r e e � ------; ____-' ------' --- -_ ! , • • • . Pt ans ! ! extra ! iStat . ! ! ! ! 10 drill •' ! per hr ? ! and ! � , , , , . per mar� . � ! an ! ! all ! ! � � � � ! cal } s ' ! report ! ! ! !T?aches! � � �na � � � � � � � ar � i � � ' � dri � � 5� � � , , , , . per mon ! � � � ' ' ' ! FF I � � --------� ------ � • . . . . a __----� ------� ------� ------� ------! - -� ! OthFr ! Plu�. ! Plus ! ! ! ! Plus � ----- � ! Value ! 250 ! t3 ) 0 ! 0 ! 0 ! (3 ) 0 ! � ' ! 940 ! � � ! 710 ! ! . ! St�ctiansi --i-- � --�---� --3---� -l---� --3---� -'---� --�---� i --------; ------; ------�------i ------; ------i ------' -------; ! Cal Ts ! � i � i i i i ! R�'r ! 221 ! $2� ! 373 ! 270 ! 621 ! 264 ! S2Q ! !Ye ar ! ! � � � � � � ' Cal � '�---� ------i ------� ------� ------� ------i ------' ------; !Areas ! 1 ! i � 2 � 1 � 2 � 1 � 3+ � ' --------� ------� ------� __----� ------� ------� ------� -------� !A�erage ! ! i � � � � i ! Calls pe� 221 ! 825 ! 187 ! 270 ! 3i1 ! 2d4 ! 174 ! !Area ! ! � � i � � � � --------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� -------� ! AdJ . ! � i i i ; ; ' � ! Total ! 250 ! 940 ! 1800 ! 1250 ! 0 ! 710 ! 3350 ! '• ! ! ! ! � i � i � --------� ------� ------� ------� • � • ------� ------� -----_� _------� !Proposed ? ! ? ! ? ! SAME ! ? ! ? � ? � ! Rank---1 --�---i --4-- ' ---�--� --3---; --7---i --�---, --i----' � --------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� -------� ! Prc,posE J! ! � � ► � � , ! Rank ! � ! 4 � � i 3 � 7 � 5 . 1 1 � ' --------► ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� ------� -------� 1 . CoordinateJ b; District Chief . �. Tr�inir�y HKndted by G�pta.in� . �. Capt�ins pay minus that directiy related to captains dutie� = trair� ir�ra paY estitr�ate . 6 ; ' FIRE MH IGM LAF;E RSMT AV FARM EGN FIGNTER � --------� ------� ------ � Sa ! -----6! ---- ! ----- ! ----- ! ------! larY ! None ! Nane ! None ! ^None�! Nan�`! None^! �Nqne ! � --------� ------� ------ a ! - -! -----1 ! - ! - _� _ _ � !Tr , Pay 7.00D! 3.90D ! None ! S.SOH! 7.00DH! 5.50D! 10 .00D! ! --------! ------! - _i _ -! - -! -- -! - _i _ _5� ! Run Pay 7.OQN! 3.90M ! None ! S.50H! 7.00H ! 5.5QH! 6.QOR! � --------� ------; ------; ---___i ------� -------i ------i ---___; !Train . ' ------� ------' ------� ------� __---! ------! -------1 • � � � � ;H�s / Yr � ------! ------! `-_-,-! -90---� -<----f------� ----- ' . Pay ! � • . , - _i . , � � Hr s / Yr �,._ _ . ,� . __t--^_� � 1523 ! <----!------�----- � _______________.- • __ ... -----� ------ ._._.__......_....__-_----- ► • • � ------� ------ . • • � ------� ------� ------ ! Fay Eq� ; � , , � • • ! -------! � � � � !when ! ! ! ! ! 1295 ! i ! Gan�ert ! 12g5 ! 722 ! !To Rsmt . ! � � � � 1331 ! ! lbl$ ! 1092+ ! i , !Hc,ur•s � , ' �! ! � � ' ' 1694 ! ' Station,�; --i---I --3---' -�---� -�---' --�----! ------! ------! • � 1 ! � 5 � ; ----___! ______� __.._..__------ ' , , � ! ------! -------� _,��__� �.____--_� ! � , � ! Calis ! � � ! ! ! � � ' •' per ! 221 ! 825 ! 373 ! 270 ! b21 ! 264 ! 520 ! !Year ! � , � , , � � ' --------� ------ • , . , , • • ' ------� ------� ------ • . � _-----� ------ � -------� ! Caii ! � � , � � � • !Areas ! 1 i 1 i 2 � � � � ! 1 2 � � 3+ � ' --------� ------� ------� • !AUerdge ! � � ------' ------! ------! ------! ------ ! ! Calls per 221 ' 825 ' 187 � ! ; � ^� !Area� ! � , ! 270 ! 311 . 264 ! 174 ! ' ' � � i ' --------� ---- ' ' • • • . --! __----� ------� ------� . • . . ------� ------� -------� ' Pr•oF�o�ed ? ! ? ! ? ! SAh1E ! Dr ./Hr . ? � � � � P,ank---� --3-- i --6---� --7---i --I---f --2---' --�-- � --4----' - -----� ---- � • . , ______� ------� ------ • • . � ------� ------� --------� ! F'rc�;�;�:.f�ct! i � � � � � � i � RanK __ ,.. � __� � 6 � � � 2 � 1 '• 5 ' 4 ! �s�._.. � � _ _. .. .,. , ,:....._.._. . � ........_..._�._ • . � - ! � i � = per dritl H � �er hour R= per run 7 1 . Ir� �.n � ti;�mc, t t,-� = r�.:. - - L'+ �'d•?' ��w f` fi r�;,�r � �, ' - =`- t f' ,.� I fi 1 �i�] t�:�� :. � F�_ t F�� d � ��i,.,i��� r:�t � , t�� ��.�._. t�_�r � ;� rl I CJ'�'1 t . ,��F''�r. }fTl►'�I � s ���,. �'��1'' t�i r. � , ''�i��'I rl��J r', ,±t+ } f('��r��,r����J F'�r t 2. Hours of schedu 1 ed trai r� i r�g pEr• }���r� , 3. A�erage hours of a fire fighter in 1989. 4 . New proposal far 1r90 . Pay per hour far drills lik� Rosemaunt . 5. Any money left o�er in the budget is �tso divided up between members. Prorated based on t•�ours far the year . 6. Department gets �10 ,500 each year to use fo� parties, banquets� etc . 8 As can be seen, some adjustments have to be made as far as "bene£its" are concerned to more fairly compare salary positians. In an attempt to adjust our salary schedule and bring it into line with other departments , we are not looking at an across the board increase in salaries for each position. The current salaries are ranked by department . In some positions, Rosemount Fire Department ranks very high and in other positions, it ranks very low. Our proposal at the present time, is to bring all of the Rosemount Fire Department salaries up to the same ranking in comparison to other departments . This approach would even out the diserepancies now being felt and keep a�l positions comparable to other pay rates in the county. These adjustments if approved, would be implemented in our second pay period of 1990 (May 1 - October 31 ) . The proposed salary adjustments for 1990 would not totally bring a11 of Rosemount ' s salaries to the same ranking. Because of large jumps needed on some sa�aries, it wa� felt that an implementation of raises over a period of time would be more approp�iate. We also have a few positions which are Migh paid in comparzson to other departments. These will be hrought in Zine over time as other departments receive raises and we hoid ours where they are at . The attached salary proposal indicates the current salaries for 1989 , the proposed salaries for 1990 and the effect they would have being they were only implemented for one half of the year, The full impac� of the salary increase would not be realized until 1991 . The bylaws of the Rosemount Fire Department 3ndicate that any salaries must be approved by the membership of the department, The proposed salaries for Chief, Assistant Chief, and Assistant Fire Marshal have all been approued by the fire department. The proposed raise for fire fighter' s pay, as discussed, would be acted on by the city council prior to department approval. If the city council approved of this raise for fire calls (would not change training pay) , it would be subject to departmental a roval which sho l PP u d not be a robl m e I p Thank you very much for your eonsideration in this matter. 9 t 19A9 1990 1990 (1 ) 1991 1992 Position Current Proposed Effectual Actual AGtual � . Chief 3000 6000 4500 6000 6000 Asst . Chief 1000 3300 2150 33Q0 3300 Secretary 150Q 150Q 1500 1500 1500 Training 500 500 S00 500 500 750 by hr. 750 by hr. 750 by hr. 750 by hr. 75�/hr. Captains (4 ) 60Q 600 60Q 600 600 Asst . F.M. 100 150 125 150 150 750 by hr. 750 by hr. 750 by hr. 750 by hr. 750/hr. TOTALS 8,20p 13, 550 10,875 13, 550 13, 550 Fire Fighter (2) 5 . 50 6.00 5 . 75 6. 5Q 7.00 l . Salaries to be implemented for second half of 1990 only. 2 . Training pay to remain at $5 . 5Q per hour. This raise (2) will only be far fire calls. 10