HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.c. Wakota Mutual Aid Association . r KC��EMQ►U�1T VOLUNTEER �$�5 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 FI�.E DEPARTMENT City Hal! 6i2-428-4411 F'ire Ha11612-423•3444 T0: Steve Jilk, City Administrator ITEM # $ � FROM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief � .� DATE: March 30, 1990 RE: Wakota Mutual Aid Association The Rosemount Fire Department has been invited to become members of the Wakota Mutual Aid Association. For the last 3 months Assistant Chief John Strese and myself have been attending their meetin�s. Their assaciation operates pretty much on the same basis as the Dakota County �'ire Chief' s Association. We could be requested to supply mutual aid to their departments and we cauld alsa request assistance from them at no cost or dollars exch�nged either way. The main reason for requ�sting Rosemount ' s m�mber�hip in the organization would be to tatally sur�ound that portiori tahich abuts the river as it pass�s thraugh l�akot� and W�s�iii�gton Counties. Should there be �ny kind of an inc3dent c�n the riv�r, all departments involved wo�ld be togethe� in on� mutual aicl ' association. I would not see our dep�rtm�nt �iei�ig ca11�d on to respond to oth�r communities with this orggr�i��tioti then we would be called on at the present time with ou� association. '�here could possibly be some bene£its to the Rosemount Fire Department as far as training. Also, al1 of the departments who are in the Wakota Mutual Aid Association do belong to the Wakota Caer Organization. At our re�ular monthly meeting held in March, the members of the fire department voted to pursue membership in the organization. I have reviewed the bylaws and the joint powe�rs agreement governing that organization. They were farwarded to you previously. If everything seems appropriate both with yourself, and possibly with the city attorney, we would request that it be placed on the council agenda for their consideration. Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter. aW %__•�C' '„'�/ �1s� -/' I ` l ',e.. .J� . `+� - � r. . � .r � , .•'` \ � ' 1` . I'" n WakoEa MuEual �ire�ne�i s �'�a ?�ssociaEion , � �� CONSTITUTION OF THE WAKOTA MUTUAL FIREMEM'S AID ASSOCIATION ARTICLE 1 NAME Section 1 : This association shall be known �as the Wakota Mutual Firemen's Aid Association. ARTICLE 2 PURPOSE � Section l : The purpose of this association shall be to give mutual assistance in time of emergency. Section 2: Mutual training together with members vf the other organiza- tions to know their problems, .an� the kinds of equipment held by each member. � ARTICLE 3 MEMBERSHIP Section l : All parties of the Wakota Mutual Firemen's Aid Assoeiation ' mutual aid agreement. Section 2: Associate members may be: (1 ) Private fire brigades ; (2) Local and State Fire Marshals ; (3) Any other organization concerned with fire protection in our mutual aid area. Section 3: The area included in this association shall be: any area protected by the attached named organizations as named in Section 1 . Section 4: New members can be accepted by a-2/3 vote of the membership. ARTICLE 4 OfFICERS Section i : The officers of this association shall consist of: President, � Vice-President, and Seeretary/Treasurer. ARTICLE 5 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1 : The Vice-President will automatically become President and assume the duties of President on January lst for the current year. Section 2: Eleetion of the Vice-Rresident and Secre�ary/Treasurer will be held at the Annual Meeting in January to take office at the close of the January meeting. � ARTICLE 6 DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1 : President: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings and appoint a11 committees. Section 2: Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President in the performance of his duties and in the absence of tMe President to assume the duties of the office of President. Section 3: Secretary/Treasurer: It sha11 be the duty of the Secretary/ Treasurer to take mjnutes of the meetings , keep records of the proceedings of the assocjation, handle any correspondence as directed, keep an accurate roll call and roster ofi members. He shall receive and deposit all funds, pay all current expenses upon approval of the Association and keep an accurate recard of such. ARTICLE 7 MEETINGS Section 1 : The business meetings are to be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Section 2: The �anuary meeting wiil 6e the Annual meeting. Section 3: A quorum will consist of 51� of the voting membership. Section 4: All meetings shall be conducted accordTng to the latest edition of Roberts Ru]e of Order. ARTICLE 8 DUES Seetion 1 : Oues shall be established and assessed at the Annual Meeting for the coming year. ARTICLE 9 AMENOMENTS Section 1 : These articles may 6e amended or repealed i'n whole or in part by a 2/3 vote of the membership at any regular meeting. Section 2: Amendments to be read at two (2) successive meetings before vo�i�ng. Section 3: All amendments must be in wrjtten form before being submitted. Section 4: Each member organization shall have ane (1 ) vote. Voting procEdure shall 6e by roll call . ARTICLE 10 ATTENDANCE Section 1 : Any member missing two (2} consecutive meetings without being excused by the fiost may 6e dropped from �he Association, after .a 2/3 vote of the members�iip. Section 2: Any member dropped from t�iis association requesting assistance from a member of tf�is assoclatjon will kie charged for assistance by the member at a rate of $100.00 per unit per hour. Section 3; The secretary uf this association shall notify the Fire Chief with a copy to the governing body, of the consequences of their organizatlon being dropped from thjs association, 3-�tS-ti5 C . JOiMT At�D COOPERATIVE Ar,REEMEWT FOR USE OF FIRE PERSONtJEI AND E(�UIPt1ENT I . GEi�ERAL PURPOSE The general purpose of this Agreement is to provide a'means by which a party to this Agreement ma.y obtain fire assistance from other parties when the party requesting such assistance deems it to be necessary. This Aqreement is made pursuant to �4innesota Statutes 471.59. , . , . II. DEFINITIQN OF TER1�1S �For the purposes of this Anreer,ient, the terms defined in this section shall have the r.�eani ngs qi ven them. Subd. 1 "Party" means a aovernmental unifi which is a party to this agreement. � Subd. 2 "Eliqible Party" means a c�overnmental unit which is entitled to become a party to this agreement, at its .awn option. The eligible parties are the Cities of Cottage Grove, Wewport, St. Paul Park, Woodbury, the East Cottage _ _ _ Grove Fire Departr.ient, and the Lower St. Croix Valley Fire Protection District, all of Washington County and the Cities of Hastinos and Inver Crove Heic�hts, all of Dakota County, State of Minnesota. � Subd. 3 "Requesting Party" means a party which reqaests fire assistance from othe r parties. � Subd. 4 "Responding Party" means a party whieh provides fire assistance to a requestinq party. Subd. 5 "Fire Assistance" inclucies fire and emerqency r�edical services personnel and ec�uipment; medical services shall be lir�ited to emer�ency medical technicians within the fire department, and this agreement shall not include services of South t•lashington County ambulance or paramedics. ,�"1O v.r I L � Subd. 6 hRequesting official" means the person who hns becn designnted by the requesting party to request lire essisiance j�om othcr pnrties. Subd. 7 "Respond(ng officiul" is the person who hes been dcsignnted by a party to datermine whether and to what extent that party.should providc fire assistance to a requesting pnrty. " - III. PA RTIES . The parties to this agreement shall consist of as many eligible partics as shall eleci, through resolutions adopted by their respective governing bodies, to become parties. Upon the adoption of such resolution by an eli;ible party nn executed copy of this agreemen.t shall be sent by it to the City of CottR�e Grove Fire Department, 8183 Grange Boulevard, Cottage Grove, together with e certilied copy of the resolution authorizing the ngreement. When five or more eligible parties heve elected to becorne pnrties and hnve provided such resolutioiis and e�ecuted eontracts to the City of � Cottu�c Grovc �ire l�epartment, 8183 Grun�e E3oulevnrd, Cottage Grove, lhis agree�nent shall become operative, and shall continue in force until, by reasons of withdrawais as hereinafter provided, the number of parties ,to this �greement is reduced to less thaii [ive. The City of Cottage Grove Fire Department, 8183 Grange Boulevnrd, Cotta�e Grove shell maintain a current list of the parties to this agreement; and whenever there is e change in the parties of this. a�reement, he shnll notify the designated responding official of ench of the porties of such chnn�e. iv. • . PROCEDURE � Subd. 1 Eacli party sh�tl designate, and keep on file with the City of � Cottage Grove Fire Department,. $183 Grange Floulevard, Cottege Grove� the nnme of the person of thnt pnrty who si�eU be its �equesting o[ficiel nnd responding of[icial. � . A party may designate the same pe�son as both the requesting o[ficial and the responding official. Also� a porty mey design�te n}ternnle officials to net in thc nbsencc of the o(ficial. � 3-18-�35 �►. Subd. 2 Whenever, fn the op(nlon of n requesting official oi e party, there is a need for tire assistance irom other parties to assist the fire personnel o! the requesting party, such requesting o[lieial may, in his diseretion, call upon the responding oflicial of eny other party to furnish fire assistance to tuid within the boundaries of the requcsting party. S+i�cl. 3 Upon tt�e receipt o[ a requcst tor fi�e nssistance [rom a party, fi�e respor,ding officiel !or any other pnrty may aulhorize nnd direct the tire personnel oi the responding party to previde fire assistance to the requesting party, and if so, to what extent such fire assistanee shall be provided shall be determined solely by lhe responding of[icial (subject to such supervision and direction �.s may be applicable to him within the governmental structure of the perty by whieh he is employed). Failure to provide assistance will not result in liebility to a party. Subd. 4 1�'hen a responding party provides fire assistnnce under the terms o[ this a�reernent, it muy in turn request assistance from other pnrties a.t "bacl�-up" during the time that it is providing [ire assitance outside its boundaries. ' Subd. 5 ��'henever a responding pArty hns provided fire assistunce to a reqi�esting party, the responding ofticinl �mny nt any time recall such lire personnel _ _ or nny pnrt thereof to the responding party, il the_ responding otficial in his best judgment dePrns this necessary. Subd. fi When a responding party supplies fire personnel to e requestin� pa�t�', such officers shall remein under the direction nnd cantrol of the respondin� pnrty; shnll by paid by the responding pariy; shall be protectec� by the 1Yorkmen's Compensetion of tl�e responding party; and shall otfierwise be deemed to be performing their regular duties for the responding patty. However, the responding pn�ty shall undertake to coordinmte with the requesting party the fire assistance which it provides. Subd. 7 A responding party shall bc responsible for its own personnel, eqi�ipment and supplics nnd for inj�trles or denth to any such personnel o� damege ta