HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.d. Copy Machine Purchase �, . �TEM # g � T0: Steve Jilk, Administrator Mayor Napper Councilmembers FROr1: Diana Korpela, Finance Dept. � DATE: April 12, 1990 SUBJ: Copy Ptachine I am requesting suthorization to purchase a new copy machine from the 1990 CIF Budget. Our eurrent machine was purchased in 1987, has produced nearly a million copies since it's purchase. To review the needs we have and to formally consider the best option a staff committee was formed. In seeking a copy machine with the capacity to mee� 4ur needs, we (the committee) had the opportunity to demonstrate models from four companies. The models we tried were the Cannon NP6150, Konica 550�, Pi.tney Bowes D964, and the Toschiba BD9230. All of these machines have basic features that are desirable, as well as added features to enhance the copying process. Our current machine speed is fifty (50) copies per minute and is designed to handle approximately 70,000 copies per month. We are currently averaging 40,000 - 42,OQ0 per month. What we found is that even with this "designed" capacity this machine is not able to handle our needs and is constantly under repair. We found that the Pitney Bowes D964 best fits our needs. The D964 features an automatic stapler, duplex copying, a speed of sixty four (64) copies per minute, computer form feed, and the ability to copy odd-sized and canstructinn paper we11. This machine can handle up to 100,0�0 copiee per month. The Pitney D964 features stapling, speed, and ability to duplex copy are very imporCant and wi11 benefit city staff during the copying process. We called for references on the machines, and the three from the Pitney Bawes D964 were all very positive. They all regarded the D964 highly as a reliable machine, and assured that we would be pleased with its features. As dane in the past, our present copy machine will go to be used by the Police Department. The total cost of this machine would be $13,646.50. Tota1 amount budgeted from the 1990 CIP is $11,000.00. We are asking for your approval to use $2,000.00 from aecount �� 101-41810-01-413 in which $3000.00 was budgeted for Data Processing Equipment and will not be all needed. The additional $646.50 trom account 4� 101-41810-01-209 which is our "supplies" account and which, based on year to date usage can handle this use to purchase this modern machine that exceeds the capability of our existing machine. Page 2 Copy rlachine Attached you will see the breakdown cost figure for the D964. Also note that we will receive an additional 30 days warranty on this machine. This additional 30 daya wi11 save the CiCy appraximately $475.00 on our monthly service contract. Based on our needs and the experience of our demonstration, I recommend that we purchase the Pitney Bowes D964 Copy rlachine. � � Pitney Bowes � iNV�STMENT ANAI_YSIS FOR TH� PIl't�IEY BDWE5 DR64 COPIER SYSTEM fREPARED FOR THE CITY �F RQSEMOUNT SYSTEt"� INCLlIDES: F'i tney Howes D'�54 Cop i er Sys tem �10,395.04� Automatic Re��ersirig Document Feeder Included 2U Hin Sorter/Stapler � 2,S1b.54 2200 Sheet Lar-ge Capacity Paper Tray � � ���� �� Starter Supply Kit __Waived_ �- Total Investm�nt �'�� �t3 �`�b,�0 _.--�� r Delivery, set �ap �nd training are included. �ull 90 day warranty, all parts, labor and supplies (except paper > are includ�d . 5ERUICE & SUPPLY PL,AN - Based on 30,000 copies per month �354.OQ per excess copies billed at .0118 me►nth - Based on SO,OOt'� copies per rnonth �525.00 pQr excess copies billed at .Q1U5 mon�h Includes all Service � Supplies excep+; paper . 5 I t�1�LE 50LiRCE RE5PDhlS I B I L I 7Y EGtU I PI�IENT - SIJPPL I E5 - SERV I GE - F I NAI�JC I hJG Over 70 years af rrusted Service and Dedication backed up by a written guarantee. , �� � Pitn�y Bowes '�11(� Apri1 5, 1990 City of Rosemvunt Attn; Diar�e 2R75 l45th St. W, f�vsemount , MN 55<?68 13ear Diane: This is in refereric� to your request concerning the warran�y period. Standard +�rms cali for full coverage for 90 eiays. This letter wi11 allow you , City of Rosemount , to an additir�nal 30 days or a total r� f ic U days warranty. 5incerely, ,., f��. ,��r� � � � � � � � 1i2�'�+ � 1 t'`,/ C � � _ . �,,...-.' CHARt�ES A. BUPICH CUF'IER t?ISTRICT SALE� MANAGER CF�B/ciav J lv v� �� , �� any such e�uipment or supplies, exce�t that unused equi�ment and su�nlies shall be retu�ned to the responding party by the requestina partv when circumstances permit thi s to be done. Subd. 8 •7he requesting party sfiall not be responsible for any injuries, losses or damaqes to persons or property arising out of the acts of any of the personnel of the responding party nor shall the respondi.nc� party be responsible for any injuries, losses or damages arisino out of the acts of any of the personnel of the requesting party or the personnel of any other �respondinq party. i . V. WITHDRAWAL AND TERMIP�ATION This agreement shall continue in effect until the number of parties is less than five. Any party may r�ithdraw at ar�y time upon thrit� (3(?) days written notice to the City of Cottage Grove Fire Department, $183 Granc�e �oulevard, Cottage Grove shall thereupon qive notice of such withdrawal , and of the effective date thereaf, to all other parties, as hereinbefore provided. IN WITNESS WHEAE�F, the undersigned has caused this agreement to be executed and delivered on its behalf. , Dated this day of , 19 _____,_ City of . In the presenee of: By: Its By: Its Attest: Clerk � �J � Pitne Bow �� D9G4 y , Hi h S eed g � High Volume C�pying Syster� --� ,, ���� � � � � � �> � �� � ` ffi+ > "�. �� :�� � �� f ��x �- � ,, , _ ,,�, � , . *T.,,► � , , �- #' � ��►. � -„�. ��,�:�`.:. � ti., � � � ��� � � � � � � � 81� �rt�--,,.R < � k i ��4 `,f J f f � . �� � � �.� � ` s �, ���_., . � � -•�. ��?""``J.P�a, � � � �' _`,��_ �rt' � _ �� . a � �. � e ♦ Pzoc�.Uc 1V. . . � � i �rom s�art to finish. � The D964 starts quickly and keeps running, Increased product�vity at three proc�ucing 64 crisp copies per minute. It feeds crucial operating points: originals autc�matically, finishes documents (collates and staples), duplexes (two-sided Autnmatic finishin� cc�pying), prnvides an "endless �a�er su�ply" for The D9b4's Sorter/Stapler unit makes finishing long copy runs, efficiently handles computer _ work quick and easy. A push of a button �rintouts, reduces, enlarges, edits . . . just far and the U964 automatically tums starters. You can depend on it. Set your D9b4 out stapled documents of up to like a elack and it will turn itself on in the 30 pages in minutes. And, you can morning and off when you're rea�y tn go home, produce sorted documents of c�ay after day. up to 70�ages just as fast. But as versatile and dependable as the D964 is, the real key to its productivity is the advanced technalogy of the user-friendly microprocessor that makes it so easy to operate. No matter what co�ying job has to be done, its simple-to- follow keyboard or Automatic Menu Reader Three automatic feedi��g systems in one: makes everyone in your office a copier Three, simple-to- expert, instantly. use, automatie �' fecdin�systems It's the high performance copier f��r husinesses ,�� ' � are built in to an that need up to 100,000 copies per month. �� ; amazingly compac They require the multifaceted capability, single unit that superior productivity, and consistent comes with the performance of the D964. D964. Our highly responsive and experienced service A��tomatic �rganization backs the built-in reliabiliry of the " Computer D964. They ean make sure you get the most Forms Feeding: from your D964 by providing the timely The Computer Forms Feeder automatically feeds preventive maintenance that assures steady continuous computer print�uts of unlimited length performance and the precise service response for one-sided copying or duplexing. time you need . . . all under an Equipment Duplexing (Automatic Reversing Document Maintenance Agreement that has set the Feeder): The ARDF automatically makes duplexed standard for the industry. copies from single-sided originals. lt also makes sing(e- sided or duplexed copies from two-sided originals. ' Automatic/Semi-Automatic Document Feecling: The Automatic Document Feeder quickly processes docurnents up to 50 pages long. The semi-automatic setting makes feeding single sheets easy and efficient. I � � t '� �; � �� �_ � � � � � �«..,,...s.,q � ���� , i � �, x �u.��� ____._.__�..�._,�; �;;; Menu re�c�er fc�r automatic ���ttin� ��,_ . As easy as the D964 keyboard is tc�set, the optional ,��� � ' Menu Reader makes copying even simpler and , ' ' quicker. Indicate the number of copies, size, repro- ��� �.---=�►�, : : � duetion ratio, finishing instructions, duplexing, etc., � � , L � ,.f` on the Menu Card. Slide it into �<�`� ��� � ,` �, r_�--�r� ° � t ;.,_��, the Reader and the D964 � �� '�� `� ;� � �"' ��� --� ��'�� � �� �`��;.._.. . � ... ..��. , ���„>,`. automatically takes care � � of the rest. Paper handlin� The D964 easily handles large volumes of paper in a wide variety of sizes through its feeding and collating :.-,,,,, systems. In addition, its paper storage system offers two other important features: �d��'�f y;;�� � '���. 4� .��� A�. � � �' ,; � ,�.�'� �. r ' � � � � � � °� �� ��,� � Superic�r standards � :� �.��,�;�'� � �`���� for basic performance: F I�tlgtrlf+ ri'�`. ��:, ° ���� � The very latest techn�logy has been applied to �'�;�' Ex�,:�ndeci paper capacity: consistently pro�3uce sharp images�nd �ffer extra �..� convenience and efficiency. Features such as Standard capacity is 1,500 sheets automatic exposure,auto zoom, pre-programmed (two drawers—500& 1,OOQ), The reduction/enlargement (7 ratios—64%, 74% o�tional Large Capacity Faper Tray{LCPT) adds 2,200 93%, 121%, 129%, 141%), zoom reduction/ sheets to expand capacity to an impressive 3,700 sheets enlar�ement (in 1% increments frc,m fi4%, m —that's well over a half mile of paper. 141'%,), c�litin�;�im,��c overlsiy, itn.��;r shitt, Aulum:�lic ��a�,cr ��:�rrh/�•rnll�•�s �r,��►�•r �u�q�1y; sul�stantia(ly ex�and the ll964's ability to The fJ964 can automatically switch frorn an em�,tying help your business communicate, internally drawer to a full drawer allowing for long, uninterrupted and externally. copying runs. � �eo�$Us�� _ _-,.� �� i �-� ��E�; ---- 1�~-�_.__ � �._ � ; � � � 'T�'h�� 1)�)fi4 C��nrrc�l I'�at�cl � � . F��sy-to-us� keyboard The user-frienc�ly keyboard operates frc�m an advanced The keyboard provides easy-to-follow instructions and microprocessor that contro(s all of the D964's features clear graphic symbols that make the D964 simple ta set and functions and even monitors sup�ly levels. or program far any co�ying job. D964 Specifications Pitney Bowes Total Package'"' CONFIGURATION: Consote Copier Support Program � COPYING PROCESS: Dry Electrnstatic Transfer SeTvice � Service is Che crucia) in�redient in copier pra�uctivity. COPY SPEEDS: Pitney Bowes supplies that ingre�lient through our Warm-Up: 6.0 Minutes nationwide service organizatic�n of fully trained profes- First Copy: 3.9 Sec�,ncis sionals.The cornerstone of their effectiveness is our Multi-C�py: 64 cpm exelusive Acess°Service System. Cc�m�uter hased, it AAPER GAPACI?Y/FEEDING: �ispatches our pe<}�71e yuickly and makes sure they are Copy Size(Minimum>: 5 1/Z"x 8 1/2" fully briefec3 r�n yc�ur capisr when they arrive. We tailar Copy Size(Maximum)s 11"x 17" our service to your needs l�y�ffering flexible prc��rams Paper F'eeds [�uA�'7`x�y thmu�h Et�uipmenC Maifitenance Agreements that Faper Capaeity: 1040/500 Sheers include ticnely preventive maintenance And specific ARDF: Standarci resp�nse time aptions at a cc�st that makes sense. Computer Fortns Feeder. Standard SLlp�lles FEATURES: We offer complete prc�grams that include: a full line Reproduction Ratios: Seven of su�plies designed for optimum performance in your Preset Reduction: 64%,,�4�/,,,77�/�,q3��� copier; toll-free ordering;delivery on a scheduled�r Preset Enlargement: 121%, 129`%�, 141% as-needed basis;suhstantial discaunts over periodic Variable Magnifications 64%�to 141`%, purchases;flexible rate structures tail�red to your Auta Paper Select: Standard volume requirements. Auto Magnification: scanda�d Financin� Duplexing: Automacic We offer cost-effective financing, tailorec� to your needs Editing Functions: Save/Delete Area —p(ans that conserve capital an�make tlte mnst Erase Ed�e/Cenrer efficient use of your credit. CONTR�LS: Quantity Selector: � ��999 Nation�vide Service OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Sorter/Sta��lcr ' � � �� 20 Bin Sorter • Large Ca}�aeity Paper Tray � Menu Rc.��1cr - WEIGHT: (�401hs. . . �:. .1:..:::;:• POWER . . -�.- �. REQUIREMENTS: 11 Sv/60hz/20a UIMlI ��. ��–� . I I .......� N4 �. . . �,; . � _. �i �� � , 41"H Cal1 todey ` /or a complete evaluatlon. , Contact your local �' ! J Pitney Bowes oNice � p�t�ey Bowes � :: � o,can ron.tree: �- 1-800-MR 80WES Worid Headquarters ��''-�68.4�� n 3��0 1-800-672-6937Ext. 197 Stamford,Connecticut 06926-0700 W� � Printed in U.S.A. O 1989 Pitney Bowes, Inc. An Equal Qpportunity Employer AD 10785