HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. LMC Annual Conference P.D. BQX St0 ~ l�� 0 2875-1ASTM ST. W. aSE,mOun� �OSEMQUNT. MINN�SOTA 55Q68 612-423-4411 April 13, 1990 � �� � � � t'1 T0; Mayor Napper Council Memberet Klassen Oxborough Willcox Wipgermann FROM: Stephan J�.lk, Citg Administrator RE: League of Minnesota Cities Annual ConferenCe Attached is information regarding the LMC Annual Conference. This year it 3s scheduled for June 12 to June 15 and wi11 be held in Dulu�h. Based on the program provided I would suggest it looks like another excellent conference to consider attending. In order to provide ample opportunity for those desiring to attend I would recommend your cons�derativn �n approving attendance at this next cvuncil meeting. In previous years we have rece�.ved approval to a11aw any council members and department heads wishing to attend to do sa. Monies are budgeted for this. I request your approval to so authorize. lj � , . � CiTY QF DULUTH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 4Q3 Ciy Nati • Duluth, Minnesota 558Q2•1199 John A.��Q U•U•[.�U•T�H 218/723-32J5 Meyrn February 21, 1990 DULUTH WELCOMES YOU On behalf 4f the c�.tizens o£ Duluth, we invite you to experience the best LMC Conference ever in Duluth, Since buluth ia Minneeota's wet�rfront, we have etr8nged many activitiee that will bring you to the ehores of epectacular Lake Superior. Don�t mise the opportunity to �oin us Tuesday, June 12, for an authentic fish boil on the grounde of Glensheen Manaion. City Night on the Water#ront wi11 give you an opportunity to walk along our new Lakewalk, �xplor� th� orebaat, William A. Irvin, en�oy a Waterfront Berbeque and take in a concert - all in one evening. We have arranged a "family program" that is sur� to please everyone. From a tour of the new exhibita at the Lake Superior Zoo�ogical Gardens to golf at ovr expanded municipal �olf caurses, yau'll receive a warm welcome; Com see Du u like you've never seen it befoze, and member to viait o ten, Sincerely, John A. d Mayor An Eqvn/Opporrvnity Emplayer , �: . xr--- - . • ���, � .. . Pro ram Sch , � . g e�lule .s.�.�w. . :. ' Aii conterence events af+�in the Dututh�nterf�inmem Convention .'':-1�;���7-4 Center(DECG)uniess indisated. ...=� League of IVlin�nesc��a Cities ,i. � ��; ,� - A�nual Confe � rence . ��-��::::`�t ::.� : � : ����,��►�. Duluth, J�ne 12 -15 Tuesday� June 12 QuALmr t,nr►nERst�a LMC Board of Directors Meettn p�fntng R41�s BErween Cw,nc�t and 1:30-4:00 g Manager/Admtntstrator p�m� * Difference belw�en manager and��inistrator • Foticy-makfng vs,adminisUation LMC Conference Planning Committce • Setection process{hiring,ffring): A look ai who has 1he Meeting power In yanr cily 4:Op•5:00 p.m. • U+eveioping�nd mebt�ining�1 positive retationship Special Kickoff QUA[,RX S�RViC�S Role of ConsuttantlConsultcrnt 1?esponslbtlitles 6:30 p.m. • Importsnce otdefiatng roles(consutlant'a and ciry's)and Lake Superior Fish Boil at Glensheen JNansion project oulcome before hiring Arrangements bave beee made for a recepUon and au- • Seiecting lhe tight consultaM tor the hrojeet thentic Lake Superior fish boii at the elegant Gfensheen • How consuitanis can be beid acceunt�ble tor thcir rtcom- ° Mansion. Tours of the estatt and oiher activities wi11 follow mendations dinner. fThis evem requires special regislration; xe LMC • Patentiai problems: what they gte and how 10 mana�c conterence regisUaUon fortr�.) • What consuitant needs to know from city Wednesday, 3une 13 F����At.Qv�.n�v Disposfng of 4ur Waste: 17ecycling qpprodches ExhibitS Open and Issues 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. • Minnesofs gs mode)trnr test ot nation � SCORfi legislation(what it is end impact on Icea)govern- Welcome/Opening Session mem� 9:00- 1o:1S a.m. • Recycling pm�rrams Ihat wnrk "Qualiry Service: A Priorrry jor Cities" • NazaMous wsste concerns Alfred A.Checchi,C6aimun.NWA Inc.and Nortbwest � M�et devetopmeat and recyciabie�x�rchasing policies Airlines (For additional iolom�atioo, see General Session Spcakers.) QUAt.TTY OP COMMUIviTY LtFE Econ�mic Aevtlo�ntent Through Crevtrve Break Collaborarion 10:15• 10•30 a.m. • RtasotiS fot coilaborat�on � • Types o�coilab�ation(i.e.shuctur�.fundinR,resources) Nom�nating Cvmmittee ' Matching�rrose wlth g�roach • Consideralions t�lake iMo tccouM 10:30 a.m..3:00 p.m. • Bene�ts of cottaboration • PotenUal pltfalls and how to avoid Concurrent Sessions I (Choose one) Exhibitoi'S' LUqCheOt1 10:30- i1:45 a.m. 11:dS a.m.- 1:15 p.m. � General Session Concurrent Sessions ttl: �:�s.2:�s�.�,. LMC Policy Commltt�+�s "A Drug Palicy for Minnesoto" Jan Smaby�DirEc�or,Minnesota Ot'fice of Thn Po1ic , � ��OO�one) Dcpartmcnt ot Puhiic Safery(For adciiNonat infarnalien,e� �'�'5.00 p.m. General Session Spcakers.) NMe: Cenlenl Por e'ch dtpends nn cw�lcnme ef 149p leglslative ses�lon Concurrent Sessions II nFv�r;�r�rrr srn��v�,s co��r (Choosc one) CiE1VERAL L�(31S[,AfiON AWD pERSONt�Ef.(�OMMtP1T:� 2:30•3:30 p.m. El.EC170NS ANb E'f1i1CS CpMMTT-TEE REVE?MTB SOURCES C'�MMTI'ftl? QUALiTY LEAQERS}� t.ATip USP.,�NViRONMFN't,L�N�Rf)Y.'t'RANSPORtA?10N Elected Offrcials: How b Keep Informed �MM�Et? • Haw adulis learn • Discovering your hrcferred IearninR clytc City Night • What city officials need fo know, stralegies thal have 6'�r•m• worted On th� Waterfront • Developing a plan ' The evening begtne wilh 1�tecepHon on the$.S. WiiHam • Resonrces availabie A. Irvin. At y:30, festivitie!move to bayfmnt Park for An ouldoor barbecue, back-to-tht-SO'! M��eic, !nd lddllionaf QUALTtY SERViCT.S aclivities featurinR Ndes an bof-'ir bailoons,htNcoplere and Improv�ng C'ustomer Service hone-drawn caMages. A14:30.�n ortlonai two ha�r moon- � • Quality cusiomer service--what it is ��8�►�cocktail crutse Is svaltahi��orlhose inleresied. (See Ci1y • How it benefitc your city oi Duiuth's brogram fot mot�e deiails.) • Diffcrences between�n�biic and privale • 17�eveloping a hrogram thal fits your need Th�]j'S(�ay� June 14 ENYIRONMF„NTAL QUALtTY Exhibits Open Wnste Processing Alternntiues: Lnn�ifills, 8:00�m.-4:00 p.m. Burnirrg. Camposting • Wbat you need to knAw aboul each (i.e. uses, cosle, Coneurrent Sessions �V proceas, environmeeUl Impact, regulatlons, siUng, ed- (Choest t►ne) vantages.�ieks) 9:d0- 10:1S l.m. • No ooe aphroach will be suffic�enl • Role of cily and county QUALfTY L�J1p�RSNiP • Impact on ciuos Aa6nintstrolor/J�lanrtg�r ptrf�rmonct Assessntent QUA�,TTY OF COMM�.MlTY I.IFE ' T'he(mporigncb of'h ev'lult1v11 Addressing Chang�ng Demagra�hics/Usin � Overview of varinus e�roachea Census Data 8 � �'Q���«e��M�"�s"d how to overcome them fix�mpiea of tncceasMt program�snd why they a�erk • Overvi�w of trends • Implicatioos for cil�ee QUA[.i1Y L�AbERSNfP • Ohlaining census data Ethics • Usin�censi,s data • Recent findinge identifying huM jorelhicai ditemmas fartd • Impacl oa future deciaion making by locai ofticials • �rcaccss for reeotving these diiemmae • Reatntat)on of ethical dtidnmas 'nd your tec�nees to them Errvt�ot�.xr�.t Qu�.rrY Fmrt�toNt�t�xra►t..Qu�►t.mr Naurrdous Materials and the Ciry Water Quality Issuts • Cities'reaponsibilitiea re; 6azardous waste • Protecting w�ter t+e�ocm�s !ad lbe eeed tot planning • l.ocai response opt�oas tc7rnrgiog wetfaod proteclioo prog�runs,eaviromnentat • I.egal iiabilides impact of econotnic devetopmenl on w'ter rtaourees • Traioing requinmeots aod resources �b�ve�ed below gtound,dtvuod wttet t�nt�mination, hnpact of'89 Sute W�ter Bili) QUALifY pF�OMMCtNt7y 1.T�jgMA1.�C�RF,S • Meet�ng Pobute fnd cunreM thbdsrds for drinking wattr Survivol of Srnull Citits: Port One quality (Itnpacl af �denl S�fe Drinkiog Water Ac�, • Lon�-raege planning ailowable contstMasdoo in drinking wattt,new public • w6a�'s involved 6e�iW at'aiatds."Welltkad�tectioa") • �vailable resources • purpose QUALTiY UF C�OMMVNt'TY L.iFFJSMALL Cl'ttF,S • sdvaotages � Survivat of Smotl Cities.• Pcm livo • auceess stories • Nursing bome.Vcare of t!k elderty • impNcations of ltule SO(noi getting paid • Curreot ec000mic coeceros/financial reatities dollar-fot-dcrll�r) • upcomiog trends • bow to provide mart c�re tacilities • eeeds tor small cit�es • �Iternative bouaiog sod care • designaling reaerve funds,implications for • Canmudity itnprpvemeat programs #ccououog systems • future o[tax base M9yOTS' ASSOC�et�011/M�it�-Confer�nce Break Luncheon 1Q:30- 10:45 a.m. 12:30-2:Q0 p.m. Honorable Bob Bolen, Fresideol, Nafianai LeaRue of Concurrent Sessions V c;c�es:tvtayor,�on wont,,'tt�fls(Fot�dditiop�l infom�ation, ne Gcoenl Sessioo Spe�ttera.) (CEWOaC OOt) io;�s�.- ir.�s p.m. Concurreht Sess�on VY Qvn�..rrY t.�nu�Rs�rrn tCboose ane> Budgtting for the Future: JNeeting Revenue Needs 2:IS-3:30 p.m. in tJu 9r0's quALmt t.EADEttSti[P • Budget as financial plan Currtnt Issues(LMCIT) • Budget�s cornmunic�tion document � ��n�, • Budget ae oper�tloos guide �g�11y • Budget's polisy documeot • Woricers compeasation . Q��t.mr�Rsorn�t. • t�i� Ernployee Perfvrmonce Approisal � �0�� • Goats of an empioyee personoe)appraisa)system qUALTIY PERSONNEL • How ro�e the syatem to a total pedomiance managerr�eof Drug Testing Polictts and A�b►tinFstrat�nn 'ppr°"h • overvirw or a,� -Fhee a► • Various atxategies B o�r1�P1�ce Acl ot 1988 (who's • Case atud �nected tod tey r�quird�neMs) Y • Gosis/purpose of the poiky • Legal coaceros • AcLnioistrsdve c6,llenges • Ca+e studiec . ENVIRONMENT'AL QUALRY LMG R�ceptivn gnd Bat�quet Meering Future T�ans�ortnNon Needs fnr Minneso�a • Overview(prop��cMo�es.lmpect otcbengea,tr�eads. �:�-f0:00 p.m. � �x►�eotl�i probicros for verious-aize cammu»ilies) t� • Role otcity i'i�da�� �u�'1e i� • Ciry�tr�legies: �ction modela(c�ee el�xliee) �ev�reg� snd roils QUALRY OF CU1�tMt1TVT1'Y LiE�/SMALt.CTi7T.S A:00•�:�l.tlt. Anncxation and Rclated Issu�s far Srn�ll Crties • r'+��i�o�urv+�s t�yooa c�ry��i�s �'inale Genersi Sessidn • Various�pproacbes 5:30 a.m.•12:30 p.m. • Deeiding wbee sonexation nuikes stnse "L�►ndttsh�p,Pow�r,end Pno�duct�viry; boing Well • Anec�cation: do's�nd don•ts 6y Dc�ing Gtaud" � I,eague Annual Meetin �'�'"�t�On����n",a��or,tnsl�iuie torNuman Skilis; � Pres�cknt,t.ecture'iheAb�e,fnC. (�or�1iUonal intontution, 3:45 p.m. t�t tknerai Sesalon S�ters.) League of Minnesora C�ties }�:rx, � � . . a• � F .;�_ , �. .<. -:.',.� �'. ' �k ,����p £j��= ��4�����.:����z Farnily and special act�yit�es program .� � � ��� E.:.� �r �4 � • � ,, -.�t F a t � . . �� a a �'����s. '.` �> <.�"����� _. : � ` League of �Vlinnesot'a Cities � �` Annual Conference _ �.,, , � �.- r�, � � Duluth June 12 15 � p ; �� � u � ����r . - �.s x�-�.:�� .� �. . :_<:. �`..;��; � � . . ..... .. _: E,�ictiv�edueatioM jor citits Special activities oe�,ed"'i'heNorthernLights."Forthoseofyanwhoaremore down to aarth, take an old-fashioned h�rse-drawn carriage Hde alons We watertront or walk alang the new A00-foo! TUE'S(�9y� ,jU11E 12 boairdwaik and tooic out on the largest fresh-wster lake in�t►e Lake Superior Fish Boil at Glensheen Mansiott �'orid. watc6 ocean-going ships enter our port.(There is also an optional two bour mooniighl cocktail cn�ise which leaves 6:00 p.m. from the DECC dock. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Aduits only. Cosl: Don't miss the opportvnity to join os at 6:00 p.m. for an S7.50. Please register at tbe city desk. aothendc fish boil and a tour of Glensheen, a 39-room neo- Jacohean style mansion,built on the shore oF Lake Superior • • . t►etween 19t?S-19Q8 by Chester Adgate Congdon. The fish Family aetiv�t�es boii will be held on this'I.6-acn historic site. The beautiful landscape,grounds and view of Lake Su�erior are outstand- 'j`�eSaay� Jun4 i2 ;ng.Cost:�5.00 per person, Registratioo required.(See Lt4tC �ke Superior Fish Boil st Gienshepn Mansivn registratioo torm.) 6:00 p.m.R�giarra�ion rYquirsd Wednesday, June 13 weanesa�y, June 13 Night on the Waterfront The Depot Tonr 6:30-7:30 p.m.,S.S. Wllliorr�►A. Irvin recepiton I0:00 a m.-12»avn "Pride of thc Silver Stackers;'the S,S.Wi)liam A.Irvin, Tb��PQt,a Duluth bistoric landmark,now knou•n as the was designed 40 years ago to scrve as the tiagship for the �p°�St. Louis County Heritage and Aris Cenler cckbrales United S�ates Steel's Cmat Lakes F1eet. She served in tbat �'G�'s ric6 rruin)ng.raiiway and logging history.M the Lake capacily for 40 years and is now a floating museum, a Superiot Transportaiion Museurn, stroll the streets af De�xtt permanent part of Lbe Dututh Entertainment and Convention ���a��� 1910 village,snd explore the nationaily acclaimed Center,w�)coming everyooe aboard for a took into a Past era collectioa of tbe andque Uains snd ride the trellty from Lisban of Great Lakcs Sfiipping. Prntugal. The Depots exhibits inctude four levels of dolls,fashions, i3ayfront Festival Park furnishings,industry and arl of a bygone era. There are also 7:30 n.m. two gih shops,an ice cream pariour and h+�t dogs are availahle. 7'his 14 acre park is located just west of the Duluth Enter- �osL S3.60Adults:S3 t10Seniora agt 60+;S2.00chiidren a�es tainment aod Convtntion Centcr on tbe har�tior. 5tro11 along 6'����to children age 6 snd under. the waterfraM to Bayfront Park whcrc Ih�lirth wiU welcome you with mounted police,an ootdoor t►art�eqoe and 50's music. GO�f at Enger or I.ester Gol�Course Atter easing into the evening witb good food and company,we 12 n°°""-5:00 p.m. have more exciting�pUons b offer. Take a helicopterride and �n't miss the chance to tee of't'on the 341 miltic�n doliar get a birds-eye view of Lake Superiot and Dnluth,or tioat over �xPaos#oa o[Enger Park and I.cster Park Golf coarses u�hich the city of Duluth in a beauUful and colorful hot air balioon `°'����nearly camplete.Each eoune has t�een ex�anded l0 27 �� � i holcs and a lar�e pract�ce tange and learning cenler has been �'o�t wouldn't wan) !� mise thc vielnArrKce fix►i-Mellicd acidccl. pigt in tht children'�sno. 1C ya�ate hrave enongh,y��cAn � We wiit be more ihan ready fnr an�i took forward lo even pet�phe hannleaa variety)�nAke. recciving the g�Ifing member�of the Geague M Ciliea, F�� Come sncl!ae our soheciAl gaett M the new t,�ke S�w�xri�r rcacrvations nhons: t.ester Par�c.323-14�?;Bnger Park,722- Z�elogic�l Oenideny. bon•t fargel to brin� yenn cemar�. 5444, There ia no fee. Thursday, June 14 Lt�nchevn Abo�rd !hp Vistn Star Lake Superior Zoo 12:30 p.r». R'()!)a•m.-I1:(l0 a.m. Weicrnne�tmard iMe Vicla St�r. the crew wiil make ycmr wc invite yov t�come aton�on a tneciai Ioor of the t.�ke ���nch and eighlceeing cnd�memorabie by hroviding an in- Su�xrior Zoc�and see animais from aU mer Ihe world. Yon �011���ive narration lo help you c�iscover tMe natural hcanty K�iit have 1he oppoHunity to get op cic�se wilh eome of Ihe zoo•s Anc1 excitement of ihe Dulolh-Snnerior h�rfx�r. poard al ihe ncwccl r+esidenls. 11 coold be an African iion,a Kcidiak brown h�CC dock.The fee is�12.50 and pre-tegislral;on Is tem�ired. hcar,or an em�a fmm AusUaii�. i-------------------------------------------,..,__,..� � �amily �nd Special Activities Prt�gr�ms I � I Re�i�tr�tinn �+'orm i i RESERYATiONS FOR: � � �-�� Numt�er Altenrt jnQ � �gl Cest ( � The Depot Tour ( ( June 13 @ �316(Uadult = � I I @ $3.0()/Seniors - 6f1+ yrs =� � ; t(1:()() a.m. - Noon (i� �2.()()/child - fi-17 yrs =� i � Gc�lf/l.e.tter Park . I I G�If/�nger ( I June 13 , 12:(lt1 no�n - S:i)C1 p.m, � I i � 1 ake Superi�r Zoo � � June 14, 9:E)0 a.m. - I 1:00 a.m. � 4 I I I � Luncheon Aboard Vista Star ( � June 14, 12:3(�p.m. Q �12.50 � � ! � � TpTAL�NCLO.SEb = � ( I � � Name � � i I � /\ddress: ' Ciiy/StatelZip � � I I Daytime Teleph�ne�t � � ( ( Phone 21 R/723-37Q3 f�r more inform�tion. Please send reservation t�rm and payment to: ( I ( � Wendy Wennberg, 322 City Hall, Duluth. MN 558t12 � � be�cliine is May 16, iq9p ( � Make cMecks nayat�te tc�: 1.�AGt,IF OF MTNNFSOTA CtTiESli)CVt3 � L--------'-"'--------- --__.__ __..--,_,_-----.._.._.,..,.�TJ