HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.g. Approve Park Maintenance III Position R, .�. T0: Mayor / City Council � Stephan Jilk - City Administrator '�� � � (� �� FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: April 13, 1990 RE: Request for Position Opening In Parks Department Staffi i h n n t e Parks De artment at the resent time includes g P P Rick Cook - Su ervisor p of Parks Maintenance Steve Str � ese M aintenance II Mark Joo ten - F s orestry II being filled - Building Trades II Carl Dahnke - Maintenance I part time - 4 seasonal intern - Natural Resources (for Recreation & Parks) In his capacity of Supervisor of Parks Maintenance Rick Cook works in the field with his staff inembers. His normal. work hours "mirror" those of the crew. Projects and work loads of other staff inerobers are assigned in their � special areas of expertise as well as to assist with a11 areas of park I wark. Requirements for additivnal direction vn the �obs is increasing. Tt►is is due in large part to the addition of park land, approximately 35 acres af athletic fields this late summer, and the addition of more staff positions. The position being requested for posting is that of Parks Maintenance III. The job description for that position is attached. The person filling that position will work with the crews. He wi11 serve as the on site supervisor on pro3ects. The Parks Maintenance III sta£f inember will also serve in the capacitq of the Parks Supervisor during the absence of that supervisvr due to illness, vacations, or the use of comp. time. The Parks Maintenance III staff inember will be sk3.11ed in the area of 3rrigaCion repair and maintenance, heavy equipment operation, and genexal park work and be prepared to instruct and direct other staff members iii those aareas. We do not plan to add a staff inember but rather to fill this position from within the present staff. Motion of the council is to accept the �ob descriptions for �'arks Maintenance and to suthorize the posting of an opening for Parks Maintenance III. , , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRTTE UP POSITION TITI.Es PARK MAINTENANCE I APRIL, 1990 DEPARTMENTs PARKS & RECREATION ACCOUNTABLE TOt SUPERVISOR OF PARKS PRIMARY UBJECTIYB OF POSITIONs To perform maintenance and services for the Parks Department in the areas of buildings, playground equipment, turf management, forestry, and irrigation. To also perfarm manual labor as required to provide timelq and efficient general main�enance services to the ent3re city. M,AJOR AREAS QF ACCOUNTA�ILTZ'Ys A. BUILDING CONSTRUGTION AND REPAIR 1. Assist in the planning and design of pro�ect to be completed and to help schedule the purchases of materials required for the pro�ect. 2. Work with the Parks Supervisor to implement a consistent schedule of maintenance and repair for a11 park buildings. 3. Assist with work on citp pro�ects as required. 4. Complete general inspections and repairs of shelters. B. EQUIPMENT REPAIR ANU MAINTEN,AATCE 1. Perform a].l duties neceasary to maintain sound and safe equipment in our park aystem. a, this includes safety inspections and repair of playground equipment b. this includes repairing tables, benches, r3nk boards, park signs, etc. 2. Evaluate criteria re�`ating ta causes of damages to buildings and equipment. 3. Work with the Parks Supervisor to draw up a schedule of maintenance programs based upon conditions caused byi seasonal changes, weather changes, damages to parks, upgrading of parks, etc. C. UIPMENT 1. Operation of general equipment required for the �ob such as tractors, loaders, skidsteers, tree spades, chain saws, trucks requiring Mn Class B license and below, etc.. 2. Abilitp to operate several pieces af equipment listed under the headinga of �orestrq II and /or Building Trsde� TI. 3. Assist in the general maintenance of equipm�nt. D. SPECIAL PRf�JECTSLDUTIES 1. Will help with other maintenance tasks in other City departments as assigned. This would be particularlq in emergencq situations, snow removal for example, or to balance seasonal workloads and schedules. 2. Performs other duties and accepts responsibil.ities as assigned. 3' Takes turn as department standby person on 24 haurs ca11 for Fublic Works Department or Parks Department as �y be assigned. EXAMPLE QF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA A. Demonstrates ability to identify, plan, and complete pro�ects. B. Demonstrate abilitp to operate equipment of the Parks Department necessary for the maintenance and construction of buildings, playground equ3pment, forestrp, �urf management, irrigation, etc. . C. Follows establ3.shed safetq procedures to avvid personal 3n,�uries and property losses. D. Responds willingly to emergencp duty and varied work assignements. E. Shaws leadership and command by openly explaining to others whom working with about procedures and items involved with pro�ect. RESPONSIBILITY FQR {�RK QF OTf�RS A. Idone regularly assigned. B. May provide on-the-job direction to others assigned to work on projects. This would include, but not be limited to, seasonal or tem}�orary empl.oyees as required in certain job situations. A � v DESIRID QUALIFICATIONS A. Completion of caurse work from a technical/vocational school or college in one or more of the areas of carpentry, masonry, forestrq, landscape management, etc., B. One (1) to two (2) years of experience working in park maintenance, building construction, bu3lding repair, irrigation repair, equipment operation (tractors, lvaders, etc.), and general conetruction work. C. Good mechanical skills D. Knowledge and skills in planning, repairing, and construction of paxk facilities. MINIM[1M REQUIRFMENTS A. Completion of coursework from a technical/vocatianal school or colle�e in areas of park maintenance and/or park construction and design. Coursework through continuing education related to areas of irrigation repair, turf management, etc.. . B. High achool graduate or completion of GED equivalency program C. One (1) to two (2j years experience working with general park maintenance, building construction and repair, turf management, etc.. D. Ability to follow and understand written and oral instructions. E. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships wa.th emplopees, staff inembers, supervisors, and the general public. F. Ability to perform strenuous phpsical ].abor. G. Good mechanical skills. H. C1ass B Minnesota drivers license. CITY OF ROSF�OUNT FOSITION RESPUNSIBILITY WRITE UP FOSITION TITLEt PARK MAINTENANCB II APRIL, 1990 DEPARTMENT: PARRS & RFGREATION ACCOUNTABLE TOs SUPERVISOR QF PARKS PRIMARY OB,TECTIVL OF POSITIONi To perform maintenance and services for the Parks Department in the areas of buildings, playground equipment, turf management, forestry, and irrigation. To also perform manual labor as required to provide timely and efficient general maintenance services to the entire city. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITYs A. BUILDING CONSTRUCTIQN AND RFPAIlt l. Assist in the planning and design of project to be completed and to help schedule the purchases of materials required �or the project. 2. Work with the Parks Supervisar to implement a conaistent schedule of maintenance and repair for all park buiidir�gs. 3. Assist with work on city projects as required. 4. Complete general inspeetions and repairs of ahelters. B. EQUIPMENT REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 1. Perform a1I duties necessary to maintain sound and safe equipment in our park spstem. a. this includes safety inspections and repair of playground equipment b. th�.s includes repairing tables, benches, rink boards, park signs, etc, 2. Evaluate criteria relating to causes of damages to buildings and equipment. 3. Work with the Parks Supervisor to draw up a schedule of maintenanee programs based upon conditione caused bys seasonal changes, weather changes, damages to parks, upgrading of p�rks, etc. c. uit�r�rrr 1. Highly skilled in the operation of general equipment required for the job auch as tractors, loadere, skidsteers, tree apades, ehain saws, trucks requiring Mn Class A license and below� etc.. 2. Abilitq to generally operate equipment liated under the headings of Forestry II and /or Building Trades II. 3. Highlp skilled in the repair and maintenance of irrigation systems. 4. Assist in the genexal maintenance of equipment. D. SPECIAL PROJECTS/DUTIES 1. Will help with ather �intenance tasks in vther City depertments as assigned. This would be particularly in emergency situations, snow removal for example, or to balance seasona7. workloads and schedules. 2. Performs other duties and accepts responsibilities as assigned. 3. Takes turn as department standbq person on 24 hours call for Public Works Department or Parks Department as maq be assigned. EXAMPLE OF PERFQRMANCS CRITERTA A. Demonstratea ability to identify, plan, and complete pro,�ects. B. Demonstrate ability to operate equipment of the Parka Department � neee�sarq for the maintenance and construction of buildings, plapground equipment, forestrp, turf management, irrigation, etc. . C. Follows established safety procedures to avoi@ personal in�uries and property losses. D. Responds willingly to emergency duty and vaaried work assignements. E. Shows leadership and command by openly explaining to others whom working with about procedures and items involved with pro�ect. RESPONSLBILITY FOR i�ORK OF OTHERS A. None regularly assigned. B. Will provide on-the-�ob direction to others assigned to work on projecta. This would include, but not be limited to, seasonal or temporary employees as required in certain �ob situations. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS � � .-� -r,.-�-n A. Completion of course work from a technical/vocational school or college i.n one or more of the areas of carpentry, masonrp, forestry, landscape u�nagement, etc.. B. Three (3) or more years of experi�nce working in park maintenance, building construction, building repair, irrigation repair, equipment operation (tractors, laaders, etc.), and general construetion work. C. Gaod mechanical skills D. ExcelZent knowledge and skills in planning, repairing, and construction o£ park facilities. MiNIMUM REQUIR� -_,...t.., A. Completian of couraework from s technical/vocational school or college in aress of park maintenance and/or park conatruc�ion snd design. Coursework through continuing education related to areas of irrigation repair, turf management, etc.. B. High school graduate or completion of GED equivalencp program C. Three (3) pears experience working with general park maintenance� building construction and repair, turf msnagement, etc.. B. Ability to follow and understand written and oral instructions. E. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, staff inembers, supervisors, and the general public. F. Ability to perform strenuous phpsical labor. G. Good mechanical skills. H. Class B Minnesota dr3vers license. � . CITY OF ROSE�MOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE UP POSITION TITLEi PARK MAINTENANCE III APRIL, 1990 DEPARTMENTs PARKS & RFCREATION AIX:OUNTABLE TOs SUPERVISOR OF PARKS PRIMARY OBJECTIYE OF POSTTIONt To perform maintenance and services for the Parks Department in the areas of buildings, playground equipment, turf management, forestry, and irrigation. To lead staff inembers assigned in the completion of �obs. To also perform manual labor as required to provide timelq and efficient general maintenance services ta the entire city. MAJOR AREAS OF AC(�OUNTABILITYt A. BUILDING QONSTRUCTION AND RBPAIR 1. Assist in the planning and design of pro�ect to be completed and to help schedule the purchases of materials required for the project. 2. Work with the Parks Supervisor to implement a consistent schedule of maintenance and repair for a11 park buildings. 3. Assist with work on citg pro,�ects as required. 4. Complete �eneral inspections and repairs of ahelters. B. EQUIPMENT REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 1. Perform all duties necessarp to maintain sound and safe equipment in our park system. a. this includes safety inspections and repair of playground equipment b. this includes repairing tables, benches, rink boards, park signs, etc. 2. Evaluate criteria relating to causes of damages to buildings and equipment. 3. Work with the Parks Supervisor to draw up a schedule of maintenance grograms based upon conditions caused by: sessonal changes, weather changes, damages to parks, upgrading of parks, etc. , � , e. u�rt�x�r 1. Highly skilled in the operatian of general equipment required' for the �ob such as tractors, loaders, skidsteers, tree spades, chain saws, trucks requiring Mn Class A license and below, etc.. 2. Ability to generally operate equipment listed under the headinga of Forestry II and Building Trades II. 3. Highly skilled in the repair and maintenance of irrigation systems. 4. Assist in the general maintenance of equipment. D. SPECIAL PROJECTS1DUTIES 1. Wi].1 help with other maintenance tasks in other City departments as assigned. This would be particularly in emer�ency situations, snow removal for example, or to balance seasonal workloads and schedules. 2. Performs other duties and accepts responsibilities as assigned. 3. Takes turn as depaartment standbp person on 24 hours call for Public Works Department or Parks Department as may be assigned. EXAMPLE OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA A. Demonstrates ability to identifq, plan, and complete pro�ects. Instruct others to learn these skills. B. Dem�onstrate abi.lity to operate equipment of the Parks Department necessar� for the maintenance and construction of buildings, playground equipment, forestrq, turf �nagement, irrigation, etc.. Instruct others on safe operation of equipment. C. Follows established safety procedures to avoid personal in�uries and property losses, D. Responds willingly to emergency duty and var3.ed work assignements. E. Shows leadership and command by openly explainin$ to others whom working with about procedures and items involved with pro�ect. Shows willingness to instruct and lead staff in gerformance of �obs. . • , RESPONSIBILTTY FOR WORR OF OTHERS A. Leads staff assigned to him/her and is responsible for �ob performance of those assigned etaff inembers. B. Will provide on-the-job direction to others assigned to work on projects. This would include, but nvt be limited to, seasonal or temporarq emplopees as required in certain �ob situations. DES7RED QUALIFICATIONS A. Completion of course work from a technical/vocational school or college in one or more of the areas of carpentry, masvnry, forestry, landscape management, etc.. B. Five (5) or more years of experience working in park maintenance, building construction, buildin� repair, irrigation repair, eQuipment operation (tractors, lvaders, etc.), and general construction work. C. Good mechanical skills D. Excellent knowledge and skills in planning, repairing, and construction of park facilities. MINIMUM REQUIRF�MENTS A. Completion of coursework from a technical/vocational school or college in areas of park maintenance and/or park construction and design. Coursework through continuing education related to areas of irrigation repair, turf management, etc.. B, High school graduate ar completion of GED equivalency program C. Five (S) years experience working with general park maintenance, building construction and repair, turf management, etc.. D. Ability to follow and understand written and oral instructions. E. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, staff inembers, supervisors, and the general public. F. Abilitq to perform strenuous physical labor. G. Good mechanical skills. H. Class A Minnesota drivers license. � . T0: Mayor / City Council � Stephan Jilk - City Administrator ITEM t!" � � FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: Apri1 13, 1990 RE: Request for Position Opening In Parks Department Staffing in the Parks Department at the present time includes Rick Cook - Supervisor of Parks Maintenance Steve Strese - Maintenance II Ma.rk Joosten - Forestry II being filled - Building Trades II Carl Dahnke - Maintenance I part time - 4 seasonal intern - Natural Resources (for Recreation & Parks) In his capacity of Supervisor of Parks Maintenance Rick Cook works in the field with his staff inembers. His normal work hours "mirror" those of the crew. Projects and work loads of other staff inembers are assigned in their special areas of expertise as well as to assist with all areas of park work. Requirements for additional direction on the jobs is increasing. This is due in large part to the addition of park land, approximately 35 acres of athletic fields this late summer, and the addition of more staff positions. The position being requested for posting is that of Parks Maintenance III. The job description for that position is attached. The person filling that position will work with the crews. He will serve as the on site supervisor on projects. The Parks Maintenance III staff inember will also serve in the capacity of the Parks Supervisor during the absence of that supervisor due to illness, vacations, or the use of comp. time. The Parks Maintenance III staff inember will be skilled in the area of irrigation repair and maintenance, heavp equipment operation, and general park work and be prepared to instruct and direct other staff members in those areas. We do not plan to add a staff inember but rather to fi11 this position from with3.n the present ataff. Motion of the council is to aecept the job descriptions for Parks Maintenance and to authorize the posting of an opening for Parks Maintenance III, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE UP POSITION T:LTLEa PARK MAINTENANCE I DEPARTMENTt PARRS & RECREATION AGCOUIVTA�LE T0a SUPERVTSOR OF PAR�,S PRIMARY OBJECTIVE. OF POSITIONt To perform maintenance and services for the Parks Department in the areas of buildings, playground equipment, turf management, forestry, and irrigation. To also perform manual labor as required to provide timely and efficient general ma.intenance services ta the entire city. MAJOR ARFAS OF ACCOUNTABILITYs A. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 1. Assist in the planning and design of project to be completed and to help schedule the purchases of materials required for the project. 2, Work with the Parks Supervisor to implement a consistent schedule of maintenance and repair for a11 park buildings. 3. Assist with work on city projects as required. 4. Complete general inspections and repairs of shelters. B. EQUIPMENT xEPgTR AND MAINTENANCE 1. Perform all duties necessary to maintain sound and safe equipment in our park system, a. this includes safetp inspections and repair of playground equipment b. this includes repairing tables, benches, rink boards, park signs, etc. 2. Evaluate criteria re�ating to causes of damages to buildings and equipment. 3. Work with the Parks Supervisor to draw up a schedule of maintenance programs based upon conditions caused by: seasonal changes, weather changes, damages to parks, upgrading of parks, etc. C. UIPMENT 1. Operation of general equipment required for the job such as tractors, loaders, skidsteers, tree spades, chain saws, trucks requiring Mn Class B license and below, etc.. 2. Ability to operate several pieces of equipment listed under the headings of Forestry II and /or Building Trades II. 3. Assist in the general maintenance of equipment. D. SPECIAL PROJECTS/DUTIES 1, Will help with other maintenance tasks in other City departments as assigned. This would be particularly in emergency situations, snow removal for example, or to balance seasonal workloads and schedules. 2. Performs other duties and accepts responsibilities as assigned. 3. Takes turn as department standby person on 24 hours ca11 for Public Works Department or Parks Department as map be assigned. EXAMPLE OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA A. Demonstrates ability to identify, plan, and complete projects, B. Demonstrate ability to operate equipment of the Parks Department necessary for the maintenance and construction of buildings, playground equipment, forestry, turf management, irrigation, etc. . C. Follows established safety procedures to avaid personal injuries and property Iosses. D. Responds willingly to emergency duty and varied work assignements, E. Shows leadership and command by openly explaining to others whom working with about procedures and items involved with project. RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORR OF OTHERS A. None regularly assigned. B. Ma.y pravide on-the-job direction to others assigned to work on projects. This would include, but not be limited to, seasonal or temporary emplopees as required in certain job situations. DESIRID QUALIFICATIONS A, Completion of course work from a technical/voeational school or college in one or more of the areas of carpentry, masonry, forestry, landscape management, etc.. B. One (1) to two (2) years of experience working in park maintenance, building constrnction, building repair, irrigation repair, equipment operation (tractors, loaders, etc.), and general construction work. C. Good mechanical skills D. Knowledge and skills in planning, repairing, and construction of park facilities. MINIMUM 1ZEQUIREMENTS A. Completion of coursework from a technical/vocational school or college in areas of park maintenance and/or park construction and design. Coursework through continuing education related to areas of irrigation repair, turf management, etc.. B. High school graduate or completion of GED equivalency program C. One (1) to two (2) years experience working with general park maintena:nce, building construction and repair, turf management, etc.. D. Ability to follow and understand written and oral instructions. E. Ability to establish and ma.intain effective working relationships with employees, staff inembers, supervisors, and the general public. F. Ability to perform strenuous physical labor. G. �ood mechanical skills. H. Class B Minnesota drivers license. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE UP POSITION TITLEt PARK MAINTENANCE TII DEPARTMENTt PARKS & RECREATION ACCOUNTABLE TQa SUPERVISOR OF PARR,S PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF I�SITIONt To perform maintenance and services for the Parks Department in the axeas of buildings, playground equipment, turf management, forestry, and irrigation. To lead staff inembers assigned in the completion of jobs. To also perform manual labor as required to provide timely and efficient general maintenance services to the entire city. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITYs A. BUILDING C�ONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 1. Assist in the planning and design of project to be completed and to help schedule the purchases of materials required for the project. 2. Work with the Parks Supervisor to implement a consistent schedule of maintenance and repair for al1 park buildings. 3. Assist with work on city projects as required. 4. Complete general inspections and repairs of shelters. B. EQUIPMENT REPAIR AND MAIl�ITENANCE 1. Perform all duties necessary to maintain sound and safe equipment in our park spstem. a. this includes safety inspections and repair of playground equipment b, this includes repairing tables, benches, rink boards, park signs, etc. 2. Evaluate criteria relating to causes of damages to buildings and equipment. 3. Work with the Parks Supervisor to draw up a schedule of maintenance programs based upon conditions caused by: seasonal changes, weather changes, damages to parks, upgrading of parks, etc. C. UIPMENT 1. Highly skilled in the operation of general equipment required for the job such as tractors, loaders, skidsteers, tree spades, chain saws, trucks requiring Mn Class A license and below, etc.. 2. Ability to generally operate equipment listed under the headings of Forestry II and Building Trades II. 3. Highly skilled in the repair and maintenance of irrigation systems. 4. Assist in the general maintenance of equipment. D. SPECIAL PRQJECTS/DUTIES 1. Will help with other maintenance tasks in other City departments as assigned. This would be particularly in emergency situations, snow removal for example, or to balance seasonal workloads and schedules. 2. Performs other duties and accepts responsibilities as assigned. 3. Takes turn as department standby person on 24 hours call for Public Works Department or Parks Department as may be assigned. EXAMPLE �F PERFORMANCE CRITERIA A. Demonstrates ability to identify, plan, and complete projects. Instruct others to learn these skills. B, Demonstrate ability to operate equipment of the Parks Department necessary for the maintenance and construction of buildings, playground equipment, forestry, turf management, irrigation, etc.. Instruct others on safe operation of equipment. C. Follows established safety procedures to avoid personal injuries and property losses. D. Responds willingly to �ergency duty and varied work assignements. E. Shows leadership and command by openly explaining to others whom working with about procedures and items involved with project. Shows willingness to instruct and lead staff in performance of jobs. RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORR OF OTHERS A. Leads staff assigned to him/her and is responsible for job performance of those assigned staff inembers. B. Will provide on-the-job direction to others assigned to work on projects. This would incl.ude, but not be limited to, seasonal or temporarp employees as required in certain job situations. DESIRED QUALIFICATTONS A. Completion of course work from a technical/vocational school or college in one or more of the areas ot carpentry, masonry, forestry, landscape management, etc.. B. Five (5) or more years of experience working in park maintenance, building construction, buildi�:g repair, irrigation repair, equipment operation (tractors, loaders, etc.), and general construction work. C. Good mechanical skills D. Excellent knowledge and skills in planning, repairing, and construction of park facilities. MINIMUM REQUIRENIE�ITS A. Completion of coursework from a technical/vocational school or college in areas of park maintenance and/or park construction and design. Coursework through continuing education related to areas of irrigation repair, turf ma.nagement, etc.. B. High school graduate or completion of GED equivalency program C. Five (5) years experience working with general park ma.intena.nce, building construction and repair, turf management, etc.. D. Ability to follow and understand written and oral instructions. E. Ability to establish and maintain effec�Cive working xelationships with employees, staff inembers, supervisors, and the general public. F. Ability to perform strenuous physical labor. G. Good mechanical skills. H, Class A Minnesota drivers license. I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE UP POSITION TITLEs PARR MAINTENANCE II DEPARTMENTs PARKS & RECREATION ACCOUNTABLE TQi SUPERVISOR OF PARKS PRIMARY QBJECTIVS OF POSITIONt To perform maintenance and services for the Parks Department in the axeas of buildings, playground equipment, turf management, forestry, and irrigation. To also perform manual labor as required to provide timely and efficient general ma.intenance services to the entire citp. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITYt A. BUILDING CONSTRIICTION AND REPAIR l. Assist in fihe planning and design of projeet to be completed and to help schedule the purchases of materials required for the project. 2. Work with the Parks Supervisor to implement a consistent schedule of maintenance and repair for all park buildings. 3. Assist with work on city projects as required. 4. Complete general inspections and repairs of shelters. B. EQUIPMENT REPAIR AND MAINT'ENANCE 1. Perform all duties necessary to maintain sound and safe equipment in our park system. a, this includes safety inspections and repair of playground equipment b. this includes repairing tables, benches, rink boards, park signs, etc. 2. Evaluate criteria relating to causes of damages to buildings and equipment. 3. Work with the Parks Supervisor to draw up a schedule of maintenance programs based upon conditions caused by: seasonal changes, weather changes, damages to parks, upgrading of parks, etc. C. E UIPMENT l. Highly skilled in the operation of general equipment required for the job such as tractors, loaders, skidsteers, tree spades, chain saws, trucks requiring Mn Class A license and below, etc.. 2. Ability to generally operate equipment listed under the headings of Forestry II and /or Building Trades II. 3. Highly skilled in the repair and maintenance of irrigation systems. 4. Assist in the general maintenance af equipment. D. SPECIAL PROJEGTS/DUTIES 1. Will help with other ma.intena.nce tasks in other Gity departments as assigned. This would be particularly in emergency situations, snow removal for example, or to balance seasonal workloads and schedules. 2. Performs other duties and accepts responsibilities as assigned, 3. Takes turn as department standby person on 24 hours call for Public Works Department or Parks Department as may be assigned. EXAMPLE OF PERFORMANCE Ci2ITERIA A, Demonstrates ability to identify, plany and complete projects. B. Demonstrate ability to operate equipment of the Parks Department necessary for the maintenance and construction of buildings, playground equipment, forestry, turf management, irrigation, etc.. C. Follows established safety procedures to avoid personal injuries and property losses, D, Responds willinglp to emergency duty and varied work assignements. E. Shows leadership and comma.nd by openly explaining to others whom working with about procedures and items involved with project. RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS A. None xegularly assigned. B. Will provide on-the-job direction to others assigned to work on projects. This would include, but not be limited to, seasonal or temporarp employees as required in certain job situations. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS A. Completion of course work from a technical/vocational school or college in one or more of the areas of carpentry, masonrp, forestry, landscape management, etc.. B, Three (3) or more years of experience working in park maintenance, building construction, building repair, irrigation repair, equipment operation (tractors, loaders, etc.), and general construction work. C. Good mechanical skills D. Excellent knowledge and skills in planning, repairing, and construction of park facilities. MCNIMUM REQUIREMENTS A. Completion of coursework from a technical/vocational school or college in areas of park maintenance and/or park construction and design. Coursework through continuing education related to areas of irrigation repair, turf management, etc.. B. High school graduate or completion of GED equivalency program C. Three (3) years experience working with general park maintenance, building construction and repair, turf management, etc.. D. Ability to follow and understand written and oral instructions. E. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, staff inembers, supervisors, and the general public. F. Ability to perform strenuous physical labor. G. Good mechanical skills. H, Class B Minnesota drivers license. � � � � " ------• FUTURE � IHDEPENOENT � � MOBILE � 1� I — ' � `' � scHoo� ARMORY �, � _�� t r a � o� v DIST. NO. 196 � w� QI SITE " ��� � FIELD AREA 4� � CAATWAT 0 � �/ PARK INDEPENDENT j � `.�� �E��'� O y PARCEL ROS£MOUNT FIELD AREA � i � HICaH SCHOOL � SCHOOL � ERICKSON AREA I 142N0 STREET WEST � AREA ST.� JOSEPH'S � � � DIST. NO. 10a �EJ�IETERY LUTNERIIN CHURCII � PROP `� I i � PARK � INDEPENDENT � � � It Z , I scHoo� 143RD STREET WEST � �'a, � � 143RD ST. W �� I =' � ���� I t I� ' Ot3T. ._---1 Z AREA UPP�R ' 143R0 STREET WEST =� � \ � I I i---1 >i �� -�� r� !jI NO_ 79Q i i �i �c=i � � � I =� �a� �"'-y�--� I `��` I f ( I 144TH � STF�EET � WES; � ,1i � cE+waue•s W�`—'j`—'� , t Ras�wou�rr � �p PARK i� I � � 1 f �t I ' GiTY i 2 ��� ~ � 1 � ! I � � I � �V� � � I I I � !� . �"'i� , I � ( ( HAIL