HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Approve Policy for City Council Agenda Process ' CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: APPROVE POLICY FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA PROCESS CONSENT PREPARED BY: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk AGEN���Q,� � s��' � 4sn ATTACHMENTS: CITY POLICY AD - 2 APPROV Y: Attached for your adoption is the formal Administrative Policy which incorporates and sets out the new City Council Agenda Process. The Executive Summary for Action form was slightly revised to allow a designated space for staff to indicate or not indicate attachments to this form. Otherwise the process is the same as presented to you a couple of weeks ago. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA CITY POLICY AD - 2 WHICH SETS OUT THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PROCESS. COUNCIL ACTION: Approved. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PQLICY TITLE: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA POLICY POLICY NUMBER: AD - 2 PROPOSED BY: ADMINI5TRATION DATED APPROVED BY CITY COUNCILc PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide to the city council an organized and comprehensive city council agenda packet that will assist the city council in preparation for council meetings. A consistent and complete council agenda packet will also serve the city council in their discussion and review of agenda items at city council meetings and serve to support city staff in their preparation of the agenda items. POLICY The specific timelines set out in this poiicy will provide city council and city staff inembers with a written policy for including items on city council agenda. This written poiicy will assist the city council and city staff in determining the appropriate date for an item to be addressed at city council meeti.ngs. It is also the intent of this policy to provide staff the opportunity to discuss each agenda item thoroughly, to receive input from other department staff inembers and to receive any directives for the final prenaration of information to be included in the city council agenda packet. PROCEDURE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PROCESS A. FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS, 12:00 NOON DEADLINE: (1 } Department heads to give to city clerk agenda items for - associatad Council meeting. Agenda items will be submitted to city clerk on form called, Executive Summarv for Action (EXHIBIT A) . Eight (8) copies of `this form for each item will be submitted to city clerl�. {2) Executive Summary for Action form will be typewritten and campleted as outlined in attached Format for Preparation of Executive Summary (EXHIBIT B) . B. FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAYS (Following 1st & 3rd Tuesdays) 9:00 A..M. Deadline (1 ) City clerk will give preliminary packet to each department head who wiil bring packet to staff" meeting. C. FZRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAYS (Following 1st & 3rd Tuesdays) 1 :15 P.M. TO 4:00 P.M. - PRELIMINARY STAFF MEETING (1 ) Brief review of previous evening' s Council meeting. (2) Preliminary Staff Meeting Agenda will be reviewed. For agenda format, see EXHIBIT C. (3) Old Business and New Business discussion will pertain to "staff discussion only" items and not pertain to Council agenda items. Discussion of items can be verbal and added at beginning of staff ineeting, alt2�ough department heads are encouraged to add 3.tems on agenda prior to Tuesday, Noon deadline. ( 4) Aqenda Discussion will be review of Council agenda and review of preliminary packet materials. If department head has additional agenda item, item will be presented on Executive Sumrnarv for Action form and handed out to each staff inember (8 copies) . (5) Staff ineeting discussion of council agenda item wi11 provide direction on which items will remain on agenda, which items will be deferred and directives to staff on `what remains to be accamplished before council meeting. (6) Department Heads wi11 attend all meetings. If on vacation or i11, department representative will attend. D. SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS (or 1st Monday after 1st � 3rd Tuesday) 3:00 P.M. DEADLINE (1 ) Only Consent Agenda items and those items authorized by the c�.ty administrator can be added or deleted from the Council agenda. (2) Administrator will initial Executive Summarv for Action form causing addition or deletion to Agenda. E. TOESDAY - WEER BEFORE COUNCIL MEETING- 9:00 A.M. (1 ) City clerk will give to department heads Council Agenda for discussion at Final Staff Meeting. F. TUESDAY - WEEK BEFORE COUNCIL MEETING 1 :15 P.M. TO 4:40 P.M. - FINAL STAFF MEETING (1 ) Staff Meeting Agenda will be reviewed, For agenda format, see EXHTBIT C. Procedure for adding and deleting "staff discussion only" items (O1d Business and New Business) will be the same as Preliminary Staff Meeting. (2) There will be no add-ons to the Council Agenda after this meeting except in extreme circumstances and approved by the City Administrator. (3I Department heads will attend this meeting. If on vacation or sick, department representative �aill attend. G. THURSDAY PRECEDING COUNCIL MEETING - 12:QO NOON DEADLINE {1 ) Council agenda will not be changed after this deadline, (2) Packet agenda items to be subrnitted to city clerk by Noon Deadline. (3} City Clerk will review each agenda item to make sure referenced attachments or exhibits are included and legal forms such as resolution, public notices or ordinances are correct. Missing referenced exhibits may cause item to be pulled form the agenda. ( 4) Employee who prepared Council agenda item will be responsible for submitting a complete packet item, Packet item will include all referenced or "attached" information. If it is necessary to provided to Council information in' addition to that submitted on the Executive Summary for Action form, see Format for Memos to Council (EXHIBIT D) . (5) City clerk will assign and affix agenda number and return to department as soon as possible or no later than 4:00 p.m. (6� Department will give city clerk 20 sets of agenda item. H. FRIDAY PRECEDING COUNCIL MEETING - 'l2:00 NOON DEADLINE (1 ) Administrative secretary will deliver council packets. She will also deliver EDA packets at this time. � 06/8Z/ZT 06/LZ/ZT 06/9Z/ZT 06/6Z/ZT 06/6Z/ZT 06/8T/ZZ Z6/Z/t bT/ZT Et/ZT � YT/ZT OT/ZZ S/ZT 6�ZT '""8T/ZZ 0£/TT 6Z�Tt LZ/ZT 9Z/tt ZZ/ZT OZ�ZZ 6/ZT 9T/ZZ . ST/ZZ ET/tt ' ZT/TZ L/ZZ 9ITT , OZ/ZT Z/TZ T/Tt OE/OZ 6Z/OZ 6Z/OT £Z/Ot 9/ZT ZT/Ot . Tt/Ot 6/OT 8/Ot £/OT Z/Ot .9t/OT SZ/6 LZ/6 5Z/6 bZ/6 6Z/6 8t/6 Z/OT 6T/6 ET/6 TZ/6 Ot�6 5/6 b/6 8L�6 05/ZE/8 06/0�/8 06/8Z/8 06/LZ/8 . 06/ZZ/8 06/ZZ/8 06/6/6 Q�2i�AI'I�Q �t�II'Ia�1�Q �Z�iQ �SI�I I 3,I��iQ ��LKQ �,LFIQ �StiQ Ss�x��id ,L�x�Kd 33�iZS `I�iHI3 330-,LQ� `IKI�II3� �,LI�I 33�I,LS ''I�2id 330-Zfl� 'Z�xa -�sr� �z�xno� �raN��� Zz�uno� - sHnor��sox 30 �csz� CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXAMPLE OF EXECIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION "EXHIBIT A�� CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 7, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Special Council Meeting Workshops AGENDA SECTION: Administrator' s Report PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator AGENDA ATTACFiMENTS: Schedule of Workshops APP OVE B . Due to a lack of final determination of State Aids and Levy Limits information staff has been unable to put together a preliminary or first draft budget in a form that can be legitimately presented at this time for your consideration. We had requested and been given your approval to start budget discussions on August 8th at our workshop. Due to delays I am requesting that we cancel our August 8th meeting and present, for first review, the budget at the scheduled workshop of August 22nd. Secondly, the Space Needs Study has reached a juncture at which a preliminary report should be presented to you to bring you up to speed on that study and to indicate the preliminary results. The Architect and Citizen Committee has been meeting over the last several months as this process has unfolded. To accomplish this we would like to place it in a time so as not to take on additional evening away from you. We would recommend therefore to schedule this session at 5: 00 P.M. on the same evening (Aug. 22) as our work session. Box lunches would be provided and this should be ample time to listen to the presentation by the Architect and have good discussion on this preliminary report. RECOMMENDED ACTION: To approve the updated schedule for special council meetings and workshops. COUNCIL ACTION: (This section will be completed after Council Meeting by City Clerk) . , p • J s CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST - DEGEMBER 1990 REGULAR & SPECIAL MEETINGS Au:g. 7 7 ; 30 P.M. Regular Council Meeting Aug. Z1 7: 30 P.M. Regular Council Meeting Aug. 22 5 :00 - 9 P.M. Special Council Meeting Space Needs Study Preliminary Report First Session on 1991 Budget/ � Fina1 1990 Goals Discussion Aug. 28 6 : 30 - 9 P.M. Special Council Meeting To Adopt Proposed Budget for 1991 Second Session on Street Reconstruction Assessment Policy Sept l Deadline For An Adopted Proposed Budget and Certified Preliminary Levy to County Sept 2 County must send out notices to property owners on to change in taxes and notice of budget meetings Nov. 10 Sept 4 7 : 30 P.M. Regular Council Meeting Sept 11 State Primary Election Day Sept 1$ 7 :30 P.M. Regular Council Meeting Oct . 2 7 : 30 P,M. Regular Council Meeting Oct . 16 7 : 30 P.M. Regular Council Meeting Oct . 26 Disaster .Training Exexcise Koch & City of Rosemount � _ - - _� � _ CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXAMPLE OF EXECIITIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION ��EXHIBIT A" Part Two CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 7, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Armory Project Update Old Business PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator AGENDA���n� � � 8 ` A�4 V ATTACIiMENTS: Memo to Council AP O . Attached for your review is an update regarding the Armory Project. The items outlined in my memorandum will address the following: (1) Armory levy and (2} Armory Project (a) Firing range (b) School additions to the armory for classrooms (c) Timetable for design of the facility RECOMMENDED ACTION: No action is necessary at this time. COIINCIL ACTION: (This section will be completed after Council Meeting by City Clerk) w . . . P.O. BOX 510 " (�1� � 2875-145TH ST.1N. .��}^ .�/� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 , �se//'1,Du,1{,� 612-423-4411 . , �•�■�� � (� � T0. Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: August 3 , 1990 • RE: Armory Levy / Project Update 1 . Armory Levy � The requirements that the City must meet to adopt , certify and collect the special levy for the construction; of the proposed National Guard Armory included: a. Adopting a resolution of intent to utilize the ' special legislation and levy up to the maximum allowed. This was done . b. Call for and hold a public hearing to take input on the . proposed levy. This was done. c. Wait 30 days from the date of the hearing to receive any petition for referendum on the issue. This was done and no petition has been received. According to the special legislation on this matter there is no further action necessary by the City except to certify to the Dakota County Auditor and the Commissioner of Revenue certification that the City will in fact collect the additional $95 , 000 for this project. That certification can take place along with our intent to levy our regular and Ad Valorem Taxes later this fall . No special action is required at this time . 2. Armory Project Update a. Firing Range. Several meetings have been held with representatives of other Dakota County cities and the National Guard in Consideration of upgrading the proposed firing range to a facility capable of handling all training for the 15 police agencies in Dakota County. A preliminary concept drawing has been drafted and the architects on the project are now putting together more formal dra��ings and cost estimates to accomplish this . . , ' Armory Update August 3, 1990 Page 2 If this project proceeds a joint powers agreement with the other cities and county will be nec'essary to address funding, operating and maintenance of the facility. b. School addition. The school district is still considering an addition to the Armory for classrooms . They have met with the architect and have presented the needs they wish to address . Cost estimates are being , prepared to develop further decisions on the concept . c. Facility Design. The Guard has received funding approval for the design of the facility. This means that the architect is formally hired and is proceeding to work on facility design. A major portion of their work must be completed by November 1 , 1990 . This leaves very little time for us to work with them to' integrate our requests for enhancements and additions . I have had a couple of ineetings with the architect to discuss the ideas that the Armory Committee has developed. The City must come together quickly now with the items we want them to include for design. To accomplish this the committee will be bringing its report to you at the 8-21-90 meeting for your consideration. That report should outline all items to be considered for inclusion in the project . You are aware of those items as we have updated you along the way on the committees work. The decision before us on the 21st will be to decide on which items to include and how to fund them. The architects are able to proceed at this time in a preliminary fashion �.Tith knowledge of those items we have considered. But, as we have been advised all along, once the project goes ahead for design we will be proceeding very quickly. No action is necessary at this time . lj "EXHIBIT B" PREPARATION OF "EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION" FORM: (1 ) This form will be preparad for each agenda item. (2) The form will be copied onto green paper. (3) The purpose of the Executive Summary for Action form is to: (a) Provide Council with a summary of the city staff' s review and recommendation for an agenda item. The form will provide an easy reference to Council in his/her agenda preparation and at the Council meeting. (b) Provide a consistent format for each agenda item. (c) Provide an easy reference for staff and the public when reviewing an agenda item. (4) The Executive Summary for Action form will be submitted and referred to at the Preliminary and Final Staff Meeting. The form will contain typewritten summary and recommended action. (5) The Executive Summary for Action form will be utilized in final packet to be distributed to Council. If a more complete and thorough review of an agenda item is required, a memorandum will be attached to this form. Other referenced attachments, resolutions, ordinances will also be attached and noted in the summary. ( 6) Department head will review all packet materials prepared by his/her staff inembers and will initial form in "Approve By: box". ( 7) City clerk will affix agenda item number on the "form" . (8) City clerk will insert council action after council meeting. "EXHIBIT C" CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGENDA REGULAR STAFF MEETING (date) OLD BUSINESS: (30 minutes) a. b. c. d. e. NEW BUSINESS: (30 minutes) a. b. c. d. e. COUNCIL �.t.�ENDA DISCUSSION: See Attached "EXHIBIT D" FORMAT FOR MEMORANDUM FOR COUNCIL MEETINGS: (1 ) Memos to Council should be done on city letterhead. Original only would be printed on letterhead with 20 copies made for Council packet. (2) Al1 memos to Council regarding staff hiring/promotion will be addressed to City Administrator as follows: TO: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator FROM: (staff' s name and title) DATE: RE: (3) All memos to Council regarding other recommendations will be addressed to City Council and City Administrator as follows: T0: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann Stephan Jilk, City Administrator FROM: (staff' s name and title) DATE: RE: (Refer to attached City Administrator Stephan Jilk' s memorandum dated May 30, 1990) . (4) All memos to Council from Staff Members who are not department heads will be addressed to City Council, City Administrator and his/her department head as follows: TO: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann Stephan Ji1k, City Administrator department head name and title FROM: DATE: RE: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E$ECIITIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION EXHIBIT A CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: pggpp,gED gy; AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: