HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Approve NSP Street Light Policy CITY OF ROSEMOiTNT E]CECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 18, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ' Approve N.S.P. Street Light Policy Consent Agenda PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO: Richard M. Hefti ITE� # �.�, City Engineer/Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Memo to the Utility Commission AP BY: Letter from Jean Steeves-N.S.P. NSP is proposing a new level of service for street lights. The Public Works Department reviewed this new level of service and recommends that the city adopt it. In summary of the attached information on this policy, NSP would be responsible for installing and maintaining all street lights within their service district. This is similar to DEA's streetlight policy. The difference is that NSP will not replace any street lights at their cost after 25 years. This cost would be the city's responsibility to fund. The advantage to the city under this policy is that city forces are not responsible for maintenance of these street lights and buried wires. We don't have anyone trained or experienced to work with street light maintenance. We have to contract with a local electrician for maintenance work. This new policy will result in increased rates because of NSP's need to recover installation costs. However, the Public Works Department and Utility Commission are looking into establishing user fees for street lights. The user fee could incorporate replacement funding for the street lights. AGENDA ITEM: Motion to approve accepting NSP's Class 5 level of service for all newly constructed street lights. COUNCIL ACTION: Approved 1 MEMO DATE; AUGUST 14, 1990 TO: UTILITY COMMISSION FROM: CYTY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEM FOR THE SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 NEW BIISINESS Approve a new Street Licxht Group Rate thru 'N S P. This item consist of •changing fram a Group 1 Rate to a Group 5 Rate. Attached to this memo is a letter from Jean Steeves of Northern States Power Company. In this letter Jean explains responsibility of the Company (N.S.P. ) and Customer (City) for each Group. Presently the City of Rosemount is under the Group 1 Rate. Under the Group 1 the City must include street lighting as part of a Public Improvement job. This process is expensive and cumbersome. After the Street Lights are installed and accepted, th� poles, cable and feed points become the Cities responsibility to maintain. This includes liability and cable location for the Gopher State One Call system. This process is costly and risky, since the City has no personnel experienced in street lighting. Under the Group 5 Rate, N.S.P. designs and installs the street lights. The difference here is that N.S.P. is less expensive and requires payment before installation. This cost can be obtained from the Developer. After the street lights are installed the city would then ' turn back the street lights to N.S.P. At that point liability, location and future maintenance would be the responsibility of N.S.P. There is an exception here, and that is the 25 year clause which is explained in the letter. When this Group Rate is changed, staff will propose a Street Light maintenance fee to be added to the ' water bill system. This fee will �help pay for maintenance after the 25 year clause. Recommended action for the Utility Commission is to approve and recommend to City Council to change from a Group 1 rate to a Graup - 5 rate. Northem States Power Company jNewport Area . 3400 Maxwell Avenue Newport, Minnesota 55055-1001 Telephone (612)459-5580 August 10 , 1990 City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 • Attention Blake Crandall Dear Blake, Please find enclosed information regarding the Group 5 rate on street lighting that NSP has to offer. This information was taken from the Administration Instructions supplied to us by our Service Policy people . One thing that this information does not point out is that this rate is restricted to underground fed lights and not available to existing systems. It is preferred that the initial installation cost be paid by the City, but is no� restricted to that . Upon request, NSP will bill the developer, but will request that the installation cost be paid prior to the installation of the system. In answer to your question concerning yaur existing system, if the equipment is not NSP standard equipment, NSP would not be able to take it over. NSP could replace the system with NSP standard equipment at the City' s expense. If there are any further questions , please feel free to call me at 458-1239 . Sincerely, � �� h�. 5�..�� �-- Jean M. Steeves . � . -y � � � � � August 10, 1990 Group I Street Li�hts {Unmetered) NSP will provide electric energy, lamp, ballast, starter, photo electric controls and glassware replacement, and will clean the glassware and relamp every 4 years. New lighting units must be high pressure sodium with hours of operation from dusk to dawn, 24 hour, or dusk to midnight. Phota electric controls must be the EEI/NEMA type such as NSP stocks far its .Company owned street lighting. Lamps will be utility types . Luminaires must be the_ horizontal or post top type that NSP stocks for its Company owned street lighting service. 1-��.:�r" � �, ''�C -�r jic:!�+ .� /O D 1/! a;-1 f'� � S. � m.�. 3. %5� '� , � ; .r' �s,� tr;�;-- ,: :.,. (�. aD �ino�'�`� . � , . August 10, 1990 Group V Street Li�hts (Unmetered ) This rate is for customers that desire an NSP standard ornamental street lighting system and agree to pa� the installation costs in advance. The installation price is the total project cost involved in � nstalling the lights. NSP will provide maintenance service and repair of any damaged equipment, in addition to the standard Group I service. Damaged equipment includes pole knockdowns and cuts to underground service cable . The rate� is equal to tr�e Group I rate plus $1 . 54 per month. To receive Group V service, the customer would purchase an entire Company standard ornamental street lighting system from the Company including underground cables , posts , lamps , ballasts , starters, photo cells and glassware. The customer may choose to . own the new system or relinquish ownership to the Compan�y. The ogtion chosen should be so noted on the contract. In either case, the system purchased will be the Company standard. The Company shall furnish all electric energy necessary to operate the street lighting system, shal2 make all lamp and glassware renewals , clean the glassware , light and extinguish all lamps , make all ballast and starter renewals and furnish all the materials and labor necessary for these services. The Company shall repair any damaged equipment, including poles and damage to underground service cable. The Company shall re�air a11 damaged equipment for 25 years from the installation date . After 25 years , the Company will on13T repair damaged equipment when the damage is not associated with the age of the street lighting system. If in the Companv's opinion, the condition of the street lighting system is such that replacement or significant renovation of the system is necessary; the customer shall have two options. The customer must either transfer to the appropriate Company owned { leased equipment ) rate or reimhurse the Company for the installed cost of a replacement system or a Company approved renovation o,f the existing system. Present rates for the Group 5 rate are as follows: 100 Watt High Pressure Sodium $5 . 25/manth . 150 Watt High Pressure Sodium $6 . 00/month 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium $7 . 70/month 400 Watt Aigh Pressure Sodium $9 .$0/month