HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.o. Approve Pay Estimate #1, Shannon Parkway / Dodd Boulevard Trail CITY OF ROSEM�UNT E%ECUTIVE SII1rtMARY FOR ACTI�N CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 18, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Pay Estimate #1, Shannon AGENDA SE'CTION: Parkway/Dodd Blvd Trail Consent PREPARED BY: Richard M. Hefti AGENDA'lfC�� # � O City Engineer/Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1 - Pay Est #1 A PR Y: Attached is Pay Estimate #1 for Shannon Parkway and Dodd Boulevard Trail work completed through August 31, 1990. The work completed through August 31 amounts to $25,576. Until the project is completed, we retain 5% of that amount, or $1, 278.80. The amount of payment due the contractor, Bituminous Consulting & Contracting, comes to $24,29T.20. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve Pay Estimate #1 to Bituminous Consulting & Construct- ion in the amount of $24,297.20. COUNCIL ACTIdN: APProved. : � ' � "� Esti�ate Voucher No. 1 CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT VOUCHER Date . 5epterber 11, 1990 Fo� Period Ending : August 31, 1990 Proiett No. . 215 Class of Nork : BITUMINOl1S TRAILS ANQ APPURTENANT YURK Location . SHANNON PARKYAY MSA 208-106-06 To : Bitu�inous Consulting � -----------------------------------------=-------------- Cnntracting Co., lnc. OODll BOULEVARD RARK"PRQJECT N0. 90 - 5 2456 Main St. N.E. . -------------------------------------------------------- Minneapolis, Itn. 5543� For : CITY Of NUSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Ph (612) 155-1Bfl8 -------------------------------------------------------- Fax (612) 755-1899 A. Original Contract A�ount f 35,8b�1.50 B. Total Additions f 0.00 , C. Total Deductions S 4.06 D. Tntai funds Encu�hered 3 35,8b4.50 E, iotal Value of Mork Certified to Date f 25,576.00 F. Less Retained Perrentage 5 X S 1,278.80 � 6. Less Iotal Previous Payeents S 0.04 H. TotaT Pay�ents Including This Voucher S 24,291.24 I. Balante Carried fnrNard 11,567.30 . J. APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, TH I5 VOUCHER 3 24,297.20 AFPROVALS ORR-SCNELfN-MAYERON & ASSUCIATES, INC. Pursuant to our field obaervation, as perforsed in actordance with our sontract, and 6ased on our professinnal opinion, �aterials are satisfactory and the Nork properlq perfor�ed in accordance Mith the plans and specificatlons and that the total Mork is 71 '!. rn�pleted as of AuguSt 31, 199� . We hereby reco��end pay�ent of this voucher. -------- ----------------------------- 5igned : 5igned : J1�;L �� �C�',�`... ------------------- ---------- --------- ------------------- Construction pbserver This is to certify that to the best of ry knoMledge, infonation, and belief, the quantities and values of Nork certified herein is a fair approxirate estiiate for tAe period covered by this voucher. Contractor : Bitwinuus Consutting 6 Contracting Co., Inc Signed By Date : Title _________ _____________ _______________________________________ "-=--- __-- - - - _ �_----- --- -- __-_---- City of kase�aunt Approved for pay�ent � �/i Voucher -------------------�---------------- - -� -=- -- ------------ Checked By : Authoriied Representativ ------------------------------------ Oate : Date . --------------------------- -- -------- Page 1 of 2 - 4586.Ou & 4618.00 � ; �iaate Vou�her No. 1 CONTRACTOR : Bituainaus Cunsulting 6 ---------------------- Contracting Co., Inc. ��e : Septe�ber 11, 199U 2956 Main S#. N.E. ----------------------------------- Minneapolis, Mn. 55434 iUMINOUS TRAILS ANO APPURTENANT NORK Ph (612) 755-1888 '+NNON PARKMAY MSA 208-146-06 fax 46121 755-1894 CITY PRO�ECT N0. 215 ilD BOULEVAkD PARK PROJECT N0. 90 - 5 rt THE fY UF ROSEMOt1NT, MINNESOTA YORK COMPLETED �M SPEC. CONTRACT TNIS AMOUNT TOTAL TQ UATE :l. N0. ITEM �UANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TUTAL PRIGE MQNTN THIS MON7H UUANTITY TOTAL PR10E 1 2104.501 REMOVE CdNCkETE GURb 6 6UTTER 20 L.F. 5.00 100.GU 20 100.40 20 1b0.00 2 2105.501 CQi1MON EXCAVATION (P? 1,320 C.Y. 3.95 5,214.00 1320 5,214.04 1324 S,Z14.00 3 2521.511 2" BITl1M1NDUS WALK 35,b8U 5.f. 0.55 19,674.U0 34,840 19,162,00 34,84U 19,162.00 � 2531.501 CONCRETE CUR@ � 61JTTER, -0ESI6N B-618 20 L.F. 15.04 30t}.QO 20 34Q.A� 20 300.04 5 2571.5U2 F & PLANT SHADE TREE (1' MAkSHAILS SEEDLESS A5H) 5 TkEE 45.OU 475.00 5 475.00 5 4J5.00 b 2571.544 TRANSPLANT SNRUBS - 5' LdlACS 20 SHRU 25.OQ 500.04 13 325.00 13 325.00 7 3575.501 5EED1N6 1.2 ACRE 1,800.00 2,ib0.OG U.00 0.04 8 25)5.5U5 S06DIN� -` T.YPE A 3,310 5.Y. 2.15 7,11b.50 0.00 0.04 9 2575.523 YUOD FIBER BLpNKET, TYFE RE6ULAR SUO S.Y. U.15 375.UQ U.0(i 0.00 7DTAL s 15�864.50 f 25�576.00 9 25r516.0U ge 2 of 2 - 458b.00 k 4b18.00