HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Affirmation of Park Maintenance of Carroll's Woods. . ` .. . . ti . . . . .. .. � ... � � � . � � .. . � . .. . . . � . . . . .. .� . � . . . CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EBECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNC�L MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: Affirmation -of Park AGENDA SECTION: ` Maintenance - Carroll's Woods Old Business - PREPARED BYz Stephan Jilk, City Adm. AGEND7��� � � _., � ATTACHMENTB: P&R Min. of March & April, 1990 APP BY: • � -,>Council Min. of April, 1990; Carrespondence This item is back on the City Council agenda for the specific purpose of having the City Council clarify and affirm the position taken by the P�rks & Recreation Committee and the Gity Council to allow "normal maintenance" of the trails in Carroll's Woods and to provide required preparatory work for the holding of the Haunted Woods events in 1990. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a motion to: Affirm the Parks & Recreation Committees position on trail maintenance in Carroll's Woods and the City Councii's decision to allow the Haunted Woods event in 1990. COIINCIL ACTION: Approved. ��n1 P.O. BOX 510 Z17.� � 2875-145TH ST. W. O�Q�O��Q ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 G L 612-423-4411 T0: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxboroug , Will x, Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: September 13, 199Q RE: Carrall 's Woods Maintenance , _ I have placed this matter back on the Council Agenda so that discussion can be held and the direction we should take regarding the maintenance of Carroll's 'Woods can be affirmed, Throughout the discussions that have been held on the present and :future use of the woods there has been concern about ongoing maintenance of the trails and how that would offset the useability of the woods 'by community residents and the appropriateness of those uses. A decision was made to go through a Master Parks Plan process and an in , depth review and final plan just for Carroll 's Woods as part of this process. It was felt that this process would provide an opportunity for all to give comments and input as to the best use and development of Carroll's Woods in respect to the Community of Rosemount. It was envisioned that this process would consider all those concerns voiced by the Carroli's Woods neighborhood group as well as City staff, Parks & Recreation Committee members and other' members of the Rosemount community. That process has begun. In the interim it is necessary to provide maintenance of trails and facilities in the Woods in order that, based upon present use, the Woods are kept accessible and in a safe manner. Back in March and April of this year the Parks & Recreation Committee agreed that a moratorium should be placed on further develapment of the parks and that "only necessary maintenance will continue in the park." In June the City Council agreed that the Haunted Woods event should take place in 1990. This requires certain activities such as trimming the trails for maintenance to occur. Sn discussing these issues with Dave Bechtold, park director, it was determined that "necessary" maintenance wi11 be considered to be: 1. Wood chips added over surface of trail to the same width as they presently exist on the trails. 2 . Fill wash outs on trails and, if need be, on immediate sides of trails. Carroll 's Woods Maintenance September 13, 1990 Page 2 3 . Cut dead trees over the trail or trees that are laying on the trail. 4. Cut weeds to width of 3 - 4 feet away from either side of the trails and over the trail areas. 5. Trim brush that extend over the trail area (the wood chip area of the trails) . I feel it important for you to understand what needs to be done, what is intended to be done and affirm the position of the Parks & Recreation Committee in this matter, as well as your own decision regarding the Haunted Woods, so that our city employees and those volunteers involved in the Haunted Woods event can take necessary steps to maintain the Woods and prepare for the upcoming event. Until the in-depth review of the Woods and mission statement/master plan is completed through the Master Parks Plans process we must continue to maintain our Park for the community. If, in the upcoming process, a determination is made to change the use, development and maintenance of the Woods, so be it. � ROSEMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MARC�I t 9� 19 9 0 PA(3E 3 the park and the State Grant Office is willing to work with the City. The woods can't be everything to everybody. We need to responsibly determine the intent for the park. John Howard commented that a common access would be better than dozens of trails leading through the woods, trampl.ing the growth. Other options can be consider; a boardwal.k could be built over the swamp area, the trail could go further up the hil,l. �( A MOTION to have Ron Jacobson and Dave Bechtold meet with Mr. 7�' Sames of the Trade & Economic Development Office at the next Park . & Recreation Committee Meeting; only necessary maintenance will continue in the park, all pruning will stop after April lst; further studies of the overall intent for Carroll ' s Woods will be dane. The motion was made by Lois McKinley. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 6. Nays: l, Del Lorentzson. Motion carried. The audience was invited to give their input at any upcoming Park & Recreation Committee Meeting which meets the third Monday of each "month or to contact any of the committee members for information. OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOL REOUEST: Ed Barloon lives on the south side of Cty. Road 42 . He would like to recommend for the City of Rosemount an outdoor swimming pool. The pools at the middle school do not allow enough open swimming time for residents. Del Lorentzson explained that we are not against such a project but would `be looking for more community support. The Armory Committee survey showed only 25�-30� of the community, interested in a swimming pool . Possibly dealing with the school district would result in obtaining more hours. Mr. Barloon's property adjoins Jayree Park. There is a steep hill that washes silt down and fills the drainage area. Rick • . � � Cook and his �crew will check this for cleaning. The Utility: � Department will have to address the drainage area, a concrete culvert collector may be needed. The development of Jaycee Park will include two soccer fields and one little league field, SUMMARY OF PARR WORK: The skating season was finished up. The crew will help the street crew for the next month and continue to work on trai2 improvements. SUMMARY OF RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS: Lisa reported that the broomhall season was finished up. The softball leagues sign up began. There are about 124 teams. Umpire classes will be held Wednesday and Thursday. A discussion of the Park Reservation Procedure will be on next months agenda. UPDATE ON ARMORY COMMITTEE: Del Lorentzson said that New Brighton has rejected a new armory which the Guard would like to relocate to Rosemount. It is much larger than the one originally discussed and would allow more needs to be met for Rosemount. He will bring up the swimming pool request by Mr. Barloon at the - R08EMOUNT PARRS & RECREATION COMMITTEE APRIL i6� 1990 PAGE 3 the Parks & Recreation Committee to make. That statement will be '� adhered to. It will be recorded and any deviations will require a motion by the Parks & Recreation Committee for the chance ta be approved. All changes will then also be recorded. Pat Jostead who designed the Highland Nature Center said that the natural resources don't just stay if the surrounding area is . changed. They have a vary delicate balance in nutrients, sun light and moisture. First, what needs to be done is the identification of glant and wildlife down ta the littlest of plants. A site analysis is necessary to show soil-chemieal combinations; the biological balance must be kept. She suggests not summarizing but starting over. She also believes that hiking and� cross country skiing trails should not be combined. A site analysis would help bring management steps forward. There is an art to finding where trails can go with losing a minimum amount of rare or hard to generate plant life. A naturalist would have to be consulted for a minimum of six hours for a consultation. Then observation during each season to see pattern. Ron Jacobson commented that he is encouraged by Dave Bechtold' s and the Parks & Recreation Committee' s response. He said "Even our group does not agree on what should be done." He would like to suggest that the process be defined, long range development � policy plan be started and a r�commendation be given to the City Council for all parks not just CarroZl 's Woods. Marge Ryan of Shannon Hills asked about the parking lot and play area to be placed in the south end of Carroll ' s Woods. She would like to . � see the plat. changed as far as the park dedication land there. . � This is being researched, it would not be a simple matter. � ' I?irector Bechtold related the fact that the park land in the Shannon Hill Plat also is needed far providing play area for children. . He recommends no chai�ge from this plat. The design could best be changed from parking to a larger play area. 7:t was also noted that a entry on the south would be a natural short cut to the school and increased pedestrian traffic. All students who live within one mile af the school must walk. Council Memher Willcox was on the Storm Water Master Plan Committee and he commented on the drainage of Carroll ' s Woods. Only natural local rain would drain into it, none is diverted from nearby land. Director Bechtold said his office is always open for discussion and ideas. �MOTION by John Howard to budget for a naturalist after a plan is determined in writing and give assurance that no additional clearing will be done aside from maintenance until a plan is ROSEMOUNT PARKB & RECREATION COMMITTEE , APRIL 16� 1990 PAGE 4 formed. SECOND by Deanna Simpson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Chairperson McKinley requested volunteers to be on a committee to determine a plan for Carroll 's Woods. At the next meeting each � Parks & Recreation Committee member will select a person to be on this committee. A newspaper ad should be run for interested people. It will be determined at the next meeting if a sub- committee will be formed. Director Bechtold thanked Mr. Sames for coming and the audience for their input. TWIN PUDDLES UPDATE: Mr. Hefti, Public Works Director, will present to the Utility Commission a safe pedestrian crosswalk on Dodd Road. Parking will be scheduled on the south side only when the parking lot is constructed. . , DODD ROAD BIKE TRAIL UPDATE: Surveying has begun. The feasibility report and surveying cost of $4 , 100 is for Chippendale to Shannon. . It will include areas from Chippendale to Shannon Parkway and Shannon to Diamond Path. SUMMARY OF RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS: Lisa Jost presented the new Park Reservation Forms. This will b�� the first year we have eharged. There will be an evaluati�.�n at the end of the year to - determine its effectiveness. The I�ark Ordinance does not allow • alcohol which is • stated in the Park Rules that are handed out to � � each user�. � • � �7ane Mollman headed the Easter activities for about 60 kids. They went bowling, to the Science '1�Iuseum, played mini-golf and �iad an egg hunt at Camp Sakajawea. The Jaycees also sponsored an egg hunt for about 250 kids. Next year Lisa would like to expand the program and work with the Jaycees on possibly combining the Easter Programming into a larger schedule. The area city' s program directors had a meeting. The middle age children have a great need for further program development; 'i.e. trips, autings, sports. The programs we have need to be promoted more; the school district does not a11ow flyers ta be passed out at school. Student council can help get the information out. Earth Week activities includes Arbor Day. On May l9th there will be a tree planting seminar at 10: 30 a.m. and 1: 00 p.m. Parks Improvement Day is May 19th. June 2nd the Flower Garden near City Hall will be worked on. A series af runs will begin with the May 5th Run at Eagan. Cindy Schumann will be in charge of the puppet wagon this summer. ' ' ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING J[TNE 19, 19 9 0 Pursuant to due call and a notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly hel.d on Tuesday, June 19, 1990, at 7:30 p.m, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Acting Mayor Wippermann called the meeting to order with Council Members Oxborough and Klassen present. A2ayor Napper and Council Member Wi11co� were avsent. Acting h�ayor Wipperrnann led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended to include Item 3{c) Haunted Woods Event at Carrolls Woods; Item 3 (d) Resource �ecovery Project Discussion by Representati�e Dennis Ozment; and Item 9 (c) Resource Recovery Project Update by Administrator Stephan Jilk. Joseph Wa1sh, Chairperson of the Halloween/Haunted Woods Committee, advised the committee is concerned about being able to use Carrolls Woods Park for the Haunted Woods event this y�ar. Walsh advised that because of ongoing discussions between the Parks and Recreation Committee and some of the residents adjacent to Carrol.ls Woods as to whether the usage of the park conforms with the conditions of the grant given to the City when the City purchase3 ths park several years ago, the committee requested Council action to confirm their use of the park for this event. Parks & Recreation Director David Bechtold advised the Parks and Recreation Committee at their last meeting did not make a motion to endorse continue3 use of the park for the Fialloween activity since it was the consensus of the Parks and Recreation Committee the Haunted '�loods activity would take place in the park as in past years. Bech�old further advised discussion on the developmen� of Carrolls `r7oods would take place as part of the review of tha pronosals for the parks and open space planna.ng and design project. Ron Jacobson, 3647 - 143rd Street West, advised he was not opposed to the Haunted Woods activity in the park this year and requested an update on the status of the permitted use in the park. See Clerk' s File 1990-18. MOTION by Wippermann to apProve the use of Carrolls �rToods for the Rosernount Halloween Party and Haunted �9oods activities. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: � Wippexmann, Oxborough, Klassen. P1ays: 0, State Representative Dennis Ozment provided an update to Council �aith regards to legislative activities concerning the Dakota County Resource Recovery project. The state represeratative advised several legislators requested the t�tetropolitan Council to take the position of caoxdinator in the metropolitan area with regards to waste flow since these legislators felt another waste to energy facil'ity was not needed in the metropolitan area at this time. Ozment advised the County Board of Commissioners s�el�cted on this date the University of Minnesota Rosemount Research Center property as the sitP for the Resource Recovery Project. Ozment invited the City Council to provide to hirn iuture input, comments or actions taken by the Council regarding this proj�ct. 1 14575 Burma Ave.I202 ` Rosemount, MN 55Qfi8 September 6, 1990 Telephone (6i2 ) 423-2872 Mr. Stephan Ji1k: City Administrator 2875 145th St. West P. O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Carroll' s Woods Park Dear Mr. Jilk: When I moved to Rosemount from Minneapolis early this year I anticipated walking in your parks where one can feel `clo'ser to nature and forget the tensions of the day. When my sister, Marilyn, who lives in New Orleans, visited me in August we decided to ` walk through Carroll 's Woods. She was disappoin�ed to see that a park set aside for hiking and walking had apparently no care for the trails. As we walked along we came to an area that looked swampy� so we did not know if we should continue. We came to signs that had nothing printed on them. There were no maps such as one finds at Pike Island, saying " You are here" and helping one to orient oneself. We became confused and suspected we were doubling back on the same trails we had come in by. There was nothing to indicate which way led to the nearest exit. After having walked on the bark paths in Crosby Park, and the tar and gravel paths in Morris Baker reserve , I was surprised to find this park a,pparently abandoned. I think many people have moved to the suburbs to escape the noise and congestion in the city. They find it renews them physically and spiritually to get out and walk where the green things grow. As a people ' s park, it seems to me, Carroll's Woods could be made to appear more inviting if there were designated entrance and exit areas. If there were distance markers and orientation maps within the park area, people would have a sense of achievement in walking .through . Trimming out brush which projects over the pathway, mowing the grass along the edges, and applying wood bark on the paths wauld make the paths appear safer and better groomed. ' � �C�'IV�' D ';s E:� �3 1��0 �L�.KK'� �FF(�;� CITY OF ROSEMal1�T 2 I have heard that, like some northern Minnesotans who think they own the small lakes on which they live, and who discourage outsiders from using public waters, there are those now living near Carroll ' s Woods who have come to think of it as their private nature preserve and do not want visitors there on the grounds that they will destroy the natural setting. Althou�h there are about sixty nature preserves dedicated to the preservation of endangered species in Minnesota , Carroll's Woods is not one of them. I checked with the Nature Conservancy. It appears very unlikely that there are any endangered species in this park. , Even in those areas set aside as preserves� people are encouraged to come and look and appreciate so long as they are respectful of the environment. I have an autumn photo�raph I took showing the tarred paths in Morris Baker reserve when the whooping cranes lived there . We spent several pleasant hours photographing the scenery. There are different kinds of parks serving different purposes. There seem to be some questions as to the purpose of Carroll' s Woods. Certainly Carroll ' s Woods is not a private patch of woodland under the exclusive jurisdiction of those who live next to it. Nor is it a nature preserve for endangered species. It seems that a public park set aside by the people of Rosemount to serve a need in their lives should be groomed for use by the people. I think we should stand behind our present park and rec people who, I am told, did a fine job of keeping up the park until this year when some cast doubt on what they were doing. Having hired what we believe are qualified people ta administer the parks program, should we not trust their judgment and support them in the work they are doing? I look forward to the rest�ration of Carol ' s Woods as a walking and hiking area . Yours truly, ,,,_ ..� �J`.�'y�cG /�7c� dY Leona Marton . September 12, 1990 Gerry Hill 3534 Upper 143rd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Carroll 's Woods Trails Dear Gerry; Thank you for your letter of September 10, 1990, regarding the trail maintenance in Carroll's Woods. I share your concerns about proper maintenance of the trail systems for those uses you've mentioned and others that members of the Rosemount community utilize the Woods for. The lack of maintenance is due to the fact that there has been a lot of pressure by some folks in the community to allow the woods to become less of a passive recreation area and more of a "nature preserve" . In all respect to the politics of the issue there has been less than adequate maintenance done until a decision is made on the future of the Woods. This will change though. One September 18th, the City Council is being asked to confirm the Parks and Recreation Committee's position as to trail maintenance in Carroll's Woods and that would be to: Maintain the trails adequately to allow normal use of them and remove safety problems such as broken branches, overhanging trails, dead trees and limbs or trees fallen on the trails. This sfiould give clear direction to all as to the status of the trails and hopefully provide for safe and enjoyable use for all. Thank you for your letter of concern. Sincerely, Stephan Jilk City Administrator cc: Dave Bechtold, P & R Director , c<%���--��_� September 10, 1990 Ron Jacobson 3647 143rd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Ron: Thank pou for pour letter of September 7 , 1990. You stated several areas of concern that I will attempt to address as I see them. First of all, I feel the Parks and Recreation Committee has done more for Carroll' s Woods than "increasing community awareness of the extent and value of the woods." I feel the Committee has always had the best interest of the Wood' s in mind and, as citizens of Rosemount, they, as well as you and I, appreciate and want to protect this valuable and delicate resource for all Rosemount citizens to enjoy. Due credit must be given to them for moving awap from the second and prevailing grant which called for picnic areas in the woods, for setting up bluebird houses and duck habitats throughout Schwarz Pond and Erickson Park areas, and for the many plantings they have done in these areas. As to maintenance , please recall the Parks & Recreation Committee meeting of April 16, 1990, where the Committee' s motion of a moratorium on the Woods , except for maintenance was met with approval from all parties. Whi1e the trail width of 16 to 22 feet can be argued as excessive and perhaps a naturalist would recommend less, the current policy is to cut vegetation no further than 3 to 4 feet wider than the trail on both sides. I do not feel continuing with this policy will adversely effect the Woods until the study is dane and new policies are in place. I am also aware of recent citizen complaints as to poorlp maintained trails and I am not opposed to the continued maintenance of the trails for walking and safety reasons. Also, at its' June 19 , 1990, meeting the City Council passed a motion allowing the Haunted Waods to continue in Carroll' s Woods and I feel the trails must be in good condition for that well attended community event. As you are aware, the matter of maintenance of the Woods is on the Council agenda for September 18, 1990, and I would be pleased to have a discussion on trail width at that time. On the matter of a naturalist, you maq recall our phone conversation where I stated that Brauer and Associates, the consultant chosen for the Town Green Project and, consequently , Carroll' s Woods September 10, 1990 Page 2 the Master Park Plan, has a naturalist on staff. This along with other qualifications, weighed in their favor over the other consultants being considered. Part of the consultants duty will be to inventory the flora and fauna in Carroll' s Woods. The information from the two naturalists you mentioned will also be given to Brauer to assist them in their studp. I expect a plan for Carroll' s Woods and Town Green by Spring of 1991 . I feel the interim plan you suggest is in place. A moratorYum is on the Woods , except for maintenance and a consultant/naturalist will be doing an inventory verp soon. I hape this letter satisfactorily addresses your concerns. If not; feel free to call me at 423-4391 : Very truly yours , Sheila Klassen Citp Council Member , � _, �, August 27, 1990 Mr. Ron Jacobson 3647 143rd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Ron: Thank you for your telephone call on Friday regarding the work in Carroll ' s Woods park area. I appreciate your concern regarding the work that was being accomplished. I would like to clarify what was being done. On Friday, the purpose af the work was to mow the weeds back from the trails and to remove one or two dead trees that were over the trail or on the trail . This was in line with the motion made by the Park Committee on March 19 , 1990 which states "only necessary maintenance will continue in the park, all pruning will stop after April 1, 1990" . "Necessary maintenance" will be considered by the Park Department maintenance personnel as: 1 . Wood chips added over surface of trail to the same width as they presently exist on the trails. 2. Fill wash outs on trails and, if need be, on immediate sides of trails. 3 . Cut dead trees over the trail or trees that are laying on the trail. 4 . Cut weeds to width of 3 - 4 feet away from eithe� side of the trails and over the trail areas . - 5 . Trim brush that extend over the trail area (the wood chip area of the trails) . From my conversation with you, the motion that was passed on March 19 was not apparently clear to everyone. Because this is such a vital issue to those of you in the immediate area to the woods and because it is important that City park staff is comfortable in knowing the direction they are to take, I ha�e agreed to do the following: • �" Page 2 1 . Stop work in the park except for that which is needed to resolve safety issues such as trees and branches lying on the trails or dead branches or trees hanging over trails, wash outs of sections of trails which need to be taken care of to address safety issues or protection of the trail system and other matters which have to be resolved to address safety issues. Mowing of trails to reduce vegetation on the trail to a height which allows "normal" use and to eliminate weeds such as itchweed and thistles will be done. And, based upon ' the action taken by the City Council, normal preparation work for the use of the Woods by the "Haunted Woods" Committee will be addressed although most of that work will not be necessary until later in October. 2. In addition to this, on September 18th, this item will be placed on the City Council agenda so that the motion by the Park Committee can be reaffirmed by the City Council, other "normal" maintenance can continue and take place this fall as the process continues to develop, and a master plan for all parks and th - 'n- depth review of Carroll ' s Woods��_ C<.� a�cc,.�y�`�`"� I wanted you to receive this early so that you are aware that this matter will not be on the September 4th agenda as we discussed, but the 18th. Sincerely, Stephan Jilk City Administrator SJ/dw cc: Mayor Napper City Council Members Dave Bechtold Park Committee Cnt,,/ P.O.$OX 510 ✓�� � 2875-145TH ST. W. �+ � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 �JQ��u�� 612-423-4411 August 7, 1990 TO: Mayor Napper Council Members: Klassen Oxborough Willcox Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk,_ City Administrator RE: Carroll' s Woods - Future Use Plannin For several months there has taken place much discussion on the existing and future use of Carroll's Woods. There is concern, as raised by a committee representing the neighborhood abutting Carroll ' s Woods, that no "Master Plan" or "Mission Statement" exists for the "Woods" . There is consensus among many staff and P & R Committee members that in a liberal sense this process had its start in 1975 and has continued ever since through ongoing planning, development and maintenance of the Woods. There is also consensus that Carroll ' s Woods today is a result of that process. There are concerns, however, voiced by several citizens that this process need� to be better defined and clarified.: It should guarantee that the planning and development process would insure community input, staff input and the use of an unbiased "expert" opinion on creating the long term use of the Woods, enhance the habitat of the Woods and to protect the Woods from any degradation or departing from what tha community wants. There is concern that the original "plan" for the Waods has not been followed and that the existing use is not the best use. The neighborhood group has had several discussions with the Park and Recreation Committee regarding these issues. The Parks and Recreation Board has already utilized several other saurces of input in discussing these issues, including the neighborhood committee, two naturalists who were hired and representatives from the state agency which provided grant funds to the City to acquire the property. The Parks & Recreation Committee had discussed the possibility `of utilizing a consultant, possibly the same one hired to do the Parks & Open Space planning to work with the Parks & Recreation Committee in inventorying Carroll ' s Woods for environmental and natural assets such as animals, birus, woadland and floral habitat. Carroll 's Woods Planning Page 2 It was intended that the consultant would assist in determining what habitat and wildlife were there and how the Woods should be developed to best enhance, protect and allow enjoyment of these assets and still allow the best accessibiiity to the community for this enjoyment. As parks are one system of a City's total service infrastructure it is important to provide such an overall Master Plan for the entire system. Thaugh many components now exist for such a Master Plan, as developed by in-house staff, there does not exist such a completed Master Plan for the entire system. It might be well to consider the completion of such a plan at this time. As the community continues to grow and the Parks & Recreation Department brings on line additional parks and further develop existing parks and trail systems it will be extremely important to be able to rely upon a Master Plan and a Mission Statement for all city parks for direction on future development planning and budgeting as well as program development for recreational programs. Funding for major park acquisition and development will be essential in the upcoming years. Funding for ongoing programs will also be essential as priorities need to be set for the types and quantities of certain programs. The P & R system/program may not be all things to all people. Making decisions for future P & R boards and staff to utilize in the development maintenance and programming for recreational facilities is important now so that a direction can be set and followed as we continue to grow. Nothing is static. Developments change, ideas change, funding changes, elected officials change. What cities want now, may not be what they want 20 years from now. Master Plans are not documents which are set once and forever stay the same. They should be living documents. Being able to, if you would, take their life from the community they serve. But we must have a beginning. A paint at whic� the first over all plan is conceived. This seems to be an appropriate time to do this. There will :be many dollars spent over the next several years on our parks system. i-t is important to have that "living" plan in place now. It is also appropriate to be completing this at the time the Comprehensive Guide Plan is being updated. I would recommend that staff take the next month to draft an RFP for this Master Parks Planning Process; and then offer it for P & R approval and City Council approval. Carroll's Woods Planning Page 3 At that point we could either negotiate with the Parks & Open Space planning consultant or go out for receipt of proposals depending on our success with the negotiations. This Master Plan development process would include the input from all areas of the community including, neighborhaods, general public, business sector, city staff, P & R committee and all necessary "experts" as would be determined necessary such as a naturalist in the case of Carroll 's Woods. Further "development" of Carroll 's Woods would not take place until this "Master Plan" is completed as this would be one specific component ta be reviewed in the over all p1an. Your approvaT to proceed with this concept and the drafting of the RFP for the Parks Master Plan is requested. lj .:...:.; _ : 1 ::,::: CITI� COt1NCIlMEMBERS City of Rosemauni �� 2875 1 '� 5TH STREET � EST . ..� � P . O . BDX 510 - � � ROS � MOUNT , MN 55068 , , ; i SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 : _ MAYOR & COUNCI I an concerned abont tL hM�ERSRQsem the ee�bers of the CITY CppNCIb of Rose�ou�t sh�ul reca�mendations and coc�nts of th ount Park spstem. I feel that Ypp, . that have been appointed to reoresent a consider and use the ` e Advisorp Committees and Commission Members � SCBWARTZ P4ND COMMpAipp pARRS have been develone regreseats the needs and wisbes of the cammuait I feel that CARROL'S WODDS is well maintained and has equal access to F d and used in a wap that best availabil�t p l espect a Park System that Y of the PARRS, be it o� a all of the co�unitp, I eII.o suc� as Leprec6aun Daps or Halloween Npght��oentssis oz at co�,nunit � p tke I ASR THAT Y00 MAXg DECISIOHS TEAT �'ILb BEHIFIZ TgE p events, N WHObE COMMUNITY. ADDRESS , r� �.� . _ _ � �. ����. s,� w _ _ _ . . � � .��� '`� r " - ,�► . .:�. '�-.� .-,, .,.�• ,: R �G�EIV� D -'� o�N� �:� ,�,� oF R°5�� ��� t :, 1��Q �` �L��K'S OFF'IC�' GtTY OF f�0�EM0UNT � �, 5 ���: : September 8, 199i� _� Dear Mr. Mayor �nd Members of the ;Cauncil : The purpdse of this letter- is to �ddress the concern we have regarding the salution af the Va1Zey Oa4: pond. This was a pre- - existing pond prior to develnpment of the surrounding are�-� �nd has become a 1�rger one aver tim�. This pond now holds a l�vel _of water ye�r r-o�ind and i ndi genous wi 1 c!1 i fe h�ve cnade i t thei r ��home. Each �pr-ing anc3 fall a YciY'].�'tY D'F C,J�L52 and ducks pass "-":,�� through and there h�ve been several f�mi 1 i es of ducE;s hatch out =�`and rem�i n al l summer. The pond i s �l st� i n use d4�t�i ng the wintertime with ice sk:ating and sledding activitie�. We underst�nd the need to red��ce the 1i�bility and to take sortte prevent�tive meas�.�res �gainst the possibility af flooding, but we r-espectful l Y request that yau wr�u1 d reui ew di f�Ferent -opti ons that woul d ma}ce i t f easi b l e� for the pond to conti nue to m�i nt�i n a �tandar~d level of w�ter. �i meeti ng was hel d by the rtei ghborhocrd ta di sc��ss the pand situation. There aaere m�ny gand ideas presented. The p�irpo�e af this letter is rrat tQ spe11 a��t those ide�s, but rather to have yau reconsider- the plan which was previausly voted an and 1aoE; at di-Fferent opti ons. We wo��1 d �Z scr asE; that you cansi der meeti ng wi th the nei ghborhond, or some r-epr-�sentati ves of the neighborhood, tc� hear our concerns and ide�s. We thartE: yc��i �Far your time and consider-ation in this matt�r. Si ncerc�l y, �: . � c • I�.(.o�5 �rn�f l Tr. `-�23 - ���� �i�,�"� • v��� �J c�,�,�� O��o-�� �c.�j�v- 1 �(�s'`l Cork� � ( C� 1V ��3'S'`l�J`�' P��,�% ���i�����,�5 �5'6�8 ��y.Et.t 7� �2 3 - 3 ��� � � -�- � �j. �'"�`. /S�sa ��� /�e. �f�3-73/ � �°� s� 7 13 �� � � � ���� ����.�.- �- � ��� 1 � 1 � ��° �o��L.t, C C,�� ��a� , � , � ���.@.�.-�-- - 15��� �,��� ��- y�.�-C��l� ���� � �� �� --f��.�,_-- �� �-i�%�'x°`s' � ' - � �r / 5��.� � � f�a� - �y �...� � ��� ,� � � ��� �'� C��-�e�� C�- �� ��'S�j�f ��,� �--��� ��-� �`� Statement to RQsemount City Cauncil by Ron `Jacobson, 36�1? 143rd Stree�t West, Rosemount, Minnesote 55068 on Tuesday night, September 13, 29'3@. , Thank yo� your hanar. Meyor, Cauncil� enc! City Steff. First I wou3d like to ar:ce agein cangretulete the City Administreti�n and Perk end R�oreation Director, on tAe�iar proposal to d�velap e mest�r park plen far the City af Rasemount. I supparrt the Council's aation to prac�ed. This reelly loctks like gaod plenni.ng in ectfon. The next question is 'when vill it b� done? What are the dates for vhet to happen? ,And also, vhen do Ne volunteers learn if we ere part of the prac�ss? Tariight the questiQn is vhet to da in Carroll 's Woads dexrirtg the int�rim period while the mester park plen is t�e�irig developed. It ' is a criticel questian. In fect in e netural May, it is �natter of life ar deeth questian - particuler3.y Mith reference to the seving of this pl�ce, Carral3's Woods, as 8 netural Woacts es xas ariginelly intended. To resume the ald ways af ineintefning the Woads by City steff is to give the neturel woods the kiss of deett�. I urge you to cere#ully and fully evaluete the ,dimensian of your decision oxi hox to manege the Woods in order ta preserve all options ance the mester park p2en is working. I erscourege yQu ta seek �nore input fram pro��essianel netura3ists, including the t�eo who were contracted �y the Ci:ty in 3une, as your par#. of carefu].ly evelueting the impect Qf eny msnageir+ent plers whiah is proposed. Severe3 Rasemount c.iti�ens esked the City in Maircts �chy it wes daFing whet it xes doing to the Woods and how t2�iet xas impacting natur�. Fer all prectical purposes we got no einswers. For natures sake end far aur chiZdren's chi3dre�n's seke, I beg you to enswer aur questicsns es part of your cereful evalustion before yaur proceed to edopt e manegement ple» for the Waods. This item befare you tc►n�g2�t is ncst small pote'toes - 3rau are not desling �ust vith the fee3ings af Perk and Rec Gommitt�e members ncer are you dea3ing �ust with th� feelings af the citi�ens who came to you in Merch nar are you �ust de�aling �iith puvr►pkins in the 4ioods - - - yau er� dealing with our future� and with o�r inheritance and vith aur childxen's inheritenc�. W� ask only that you continue on the path af responsil3le stewardship of Cerrall 's Wcrads. Reco�rtteendetian: ' Move to teL�r2e the Garrall 's Woads manegement p].en in order to o3�tein careful e�valuetian by profess�onal net.uralists and ott►ers. By Definition a park is: "A tract of land for public use in or near a city, usually laid out with walks, drives and recreation grounds. " Another definition is "A large area of country containing natural scenery, plants and wildlife, re�erved by the goverr�ment . for public enjoyment. �� A park should be maintained is a suitable condition to be enjoyed by all people. Carrolls Woods can be maintained in it 's natural state with paths winding through. To maintain a park without easy access and walking paths is to deny the public of the enjoyment of watching nature. Tlie paths shoula also be wide enough to accomodate the use of wheelchairs. In this day and age to deny a persan in a wheelciZair the enjoyment of public property and the beauty and serenity of nature is a crime. GVhen the rest of the world is realizing that everyone deserves to have equal access, for Rosemount to deny it would be a step backward. Holland-Jensen park is maintained in it 's natural state, yet it provides walking paths and benches so people can mingle with nature, not just observe from afar. The parks are paid for by �11 the people, even the people on the East end of Rosemount u�ho may have to drive there to Pnjoti• it. They should have a place tapark and easy access also. Maintain a park in an usable condition should be automatic. � � �,�� � �/ � � , � � �Cfi�- . , � _ � `� �� Comments to be made to the Rosemount City Council at it ' s September 18th, 1990 meeting. These comments are in regard to Old Business Item # 5a. Affirmation of Park Maintenance of Carroll " s Woods I am Joseph Walsh of 3050 Lower 147th Street West. I am concerned about the City of Rosemount Park system. I feel that YOU, the members of the City Council of Rosemount should consider and use the recommendations and comments of the Advisory Committees and Commission Members that have been appointed to represent the citizens. I feel that Carroll 's Woods - Schwartz Pond Community Parks have been developed and used in a way that best represents the need5 and wishes of the community. I expect a Park System that is well maintained and has equal access to all of the community. I enjoy the availability of the Parks, be i� on a personal basis or at community events, such as Leprechaun Days or Hallaween Night events. I ASK THAT YOU MAKE DECISIONS THAT WILL BENEFIT THE WHOLE COMMUNITY. In December of 198$, the City of Rosemount had Decision Resources do a survey of the residents af Rosemount. In the Executive Summary of that survey the following information is given. °The Rosemount Park and Recreation System is highly valued by most citizens. Eighty-three percent of the sample rated it as either "excellent" or "good" . Usership, at eighty-one percent, was among the highest rates recorded in the suburbs. Neighborhood ,parks and larger community/regional parks were the most freguently used components of the system; . . . " Also mention was that the vast majority of the residents were satisfied with current facilities and opportunities. You know there is an old adage that goes like this. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease. " After greasing, that squeaky wheel, you have to make a decision to either ignore the sgueak and get on with gour travel or replace the wheel . Now is the time for the Council to quit greasing the squeaky wheel and get on with the journey. The Parks are used by all of the residents, the residents expect a well maintained park and trail system. Forget that squeaky wheel and get back to the business of running the City. I urge the City Council to go back to maintaining the Parks for all to use. SEPTEMBER 18 , 1990 MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS WE are concerned about the City of Rosemount Park system. WE feel that YQU, the members of the CITY COUNCIL o# Rosemount shouTd consider and use the recommendations and comments of the Advisary Committees and Cammission Members that have been appointed to represent the citizens . WE feel that CARROL' S WOODS - SCHWARTZ POND COMMUNITY PARKS have been developed and used in a way that best represents the needs and wishes of the community . WE expect a Park System #hat is well maintained and has " equal access to aTl of tfie community . � WE enjoy the availability of the 'PARKS , be it on a personal basis or at community even#s , such as Leprecfiaun Da�!s or Halloween Ni.ght events . WE ASK THAT `KOU MAKE DECISIOMS THAT WILL BENIFIT THE WHOLE COMMUNITY. NAME (PLEASE �INT) ADDRESS (� `�nOL �G �111t rfL 1'-��05� �vr?-��-�:�'C'� �LV�� �0��'Yl�l�c�+�l.►rl . �cl�i �- f'j'1 cS l��I%2 i �v.Sv r�'nur7Houf�� ��-V� ,�raC�-ivu<-�"'�,,1� ��' .�.....�' ..� �.-�.. �3 �- � � Sr � s � ", f���, . � � � � .. �.. 1 . . . . ���rrn-��,t 3o?9� la7-fh C,' �: �J. �Se r�vur+-� ,�� �/�� � � `• � . . � `��� �L.-r-i�-�''�'--F'--.-U ... J.�/�_` �=� .� ..✓.� '�.y'.ti�t'�`� . � ��� y.��S L'���� t.w• . . . . � . �� . . . . .. . . � ... . . � . �'1... � �/ ,! � . . � � . �_--��� ���.f� ,[,7Ln Y� �Ct M�D �L�. , /�U.SG�»UQ hf a. � cr'� : ;�;"�-i� , -�y,� n ' ,c,,�-�'�, 1l %-'n,, ;,1 � ;,;i.�;��'`' L.!-�. -�;: �� � �-✓_: J� .1. ^,/ � , . � � � -,-�c Z f ��5�� %-��s� w. ��7��" � �.,.�----- S , 6�0��� \ ' , �,� w , � � / � - _ , 7 _ REMEMBER - "EVERYTHING IS COMING UP - ROSEM6UNT" . ,�, ... :: ..,::;« . :.... . . . .. . . . .. . .,:- t. � . . .. ._. � 5HPfBKBER I8, 1940 `h . . •• . . _ � ... MAYOR & COUNCIL�ERS � -� � �:_� ,�., 5 , _�"� I a� conceraed abaat the Citp of Roseaonnt Park syste�. I feel that YDO, . '�'��~�� �` � the aeihers of the CITY COONCIb of Rose►ount shonld consider and use the _. . . r :':�. �, �..:� � � . . recoeneendatioas end couents of the �dvisorp Cotnittees and Couission-ltetbers � -� � . . � �—'''� ' that hane been appoiated to represent tbe citisens. I feel that CARROL'S WOODS . � � `� �- - SCENRR4Z POAD COHK4NISY P�RKS have been developed and nsed in a rap tbat best . : - � ' y' ' ' '� represents the needs and �ishes of the coaaunitp. I ezpect a Park Syste�that . . . �� .�� ..: : r:� . .. . . -- f ��--�.� .�� - is Nell aain taiae d aa d h a s e q n a l access to all of the coawnitp. I enj4p the . ��-,_ ..:..� ., . �°�- • availabilitp of the PARKS, be it on a personal basis or at coaAnnitp enents, . . . - - snch as Leprachann Daps or Hallaraen Kight events. �. . � �� �� ��� � • I ASK RH�T YOQ HflP.E DECISIOKS TfiAf �ILI, BEKIFIT THE �BObB COhIHUNITY. ` . . . -. : �. . N� - ADDRESS � r �� �1t ' '�,; L��. : .,: . � � � (,�/i�i�.�� ���J �► � . o-��-�u—v_.,►,� c� �. . . � � � 1�_ _. __ � ,�% __ � � --�——1��5R-'ffig"7(OU��fARE�D£CISIOIiS THA�' i�ILb BEIiIFIT THE WHOLE CO�IONITY.� � � NAMB � ADDRESS � � � �� •,�.��i�rfG l�S?� �C!'��jt/,�� �l/�. !/�� _� . : . . . r , " � . „ �_.�,--�------.--------- - -------- --��--- � � . . . . :� I ASR iH�T Y4U KAKB D6CISIOAS THAT YII,b $EtiIFIR ?gE �tHOLE C6�Il�AITY. � .. NAME ADDRESS . . .. '„"' l G'i:� . . -- I bSR lHkT YOU HAKB DBCISIOHS Tfl�i �'Ibb�EhIFIT�TflE �ihOL� car�r.on�T:. / � ,ADDRESS r�.,� x� _ --- - � � o s� ����-��� - . � ��;�� "�' ' �,os e�,p , !�9� 53�� � CI ► �' E: Eiillr' % il ;�F �iB � � � � ity of Rosemount � 287 � i '� STH STREET I+EST . � P . � . BOX 510 � ROSEM011hT , M1� 5506 � . I - _ , IA h r� *: �: E,. � w, 'U N N � t7' --3 C1' �'� f+ �-3 � 'C+ ro � rf r+ �-3 W � t1 � I9 ro 0 � N ! t�l 'i � �+ tr N•'Cf � 0 r� r� �: N- 'i O 'J C N. p •*• 0 w. c 0 U �t � a� � � m �s 0 a� o� o, � �p w• �� � m w q w w- � 0 ro � w• v � ro �f �C � H x � x N• w � Q � N �D � � ;.� m �, �-� � p �soa � m � N- o, m rF �s �smoa� �o �+ ror� � a � �+ � aw � �+ ro �sa � r� �oow �+ N w ►t `�j�� t� to n. a. a o m �* v � N. �� �* �' m �+ � E�. � G tn � r� � �o r* n m c ro x+ o � w � N ro N -� �t � �r �• m oma �nr� �+ �o � � �.r� � om �u �swm � �.� � �s �sr� � a ►sru � �u �ta, ov, n o � �s - G S' h f7. •�y I-� � ` �D t7 n C: 'i � � M �D [l "i N N � N• 0� N tD � W () W N• W � I� W ' � �D � E''. � 0 Q '[� �D [9 �D C x m N �r N N• � U l ''f I 7 0 C h� �' • � � �Q r+� � �t 0. N 0 I-� d. � F-� m f+� 0 0 1-� N 0. �' r+ 0 M 'i 0�1 M N W f.• 'f N� n w, a N• �D "i N 'L'� �D tl t9 W, Q CL t�' Q tR :' m f{' i�• N N � � "f W, C t�' � N• "C H, 0. Q c�' £ 0. ''i. 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O � N• � ro � x � Mo� � r+� �� rommw aE� w �+ • �nt� ron. �t �s � �s �oo ti f1 l7 :7 V�-� 0 0 1-' CL � N ''i f� $ � tn F'• �? :3 `�'" �D 4. � �9 f+ {.r. �j' ("{' f9 "S t,. �S q 3 r�' o� rtin, m � � mN• m mron �a �+ m a. m m mtr � � v� � w � w� � � �+ m �c �� � a �o !, �s m o� - a � :�: � � � rr r* �� :s o a � m �n w- �u �� �* c+- -j � t �n ro v �. x�rt 'cs � � n.� -� mmom � � � r� � �., w �, w- �+ �ifa � �; Ea • � ammra, ro � n �o a r� �� roou �om t� �: fi c.� �b N 0 �' p �•M � t9 0 �' W F+, m 1+• � C Cl �+ r� N• r+ �0 t+ 73 � 5' h� 'i t�cEt �6 • T p o� b U! � w A. h :s N r* �,. 0 :� 0 r* � w- �* � �- N � � w• � '�S t� �' N 'C3 :�' N- �p �1 ,s 7� r. �* �t �- �+ � r� ro r+ � o� �s p n o ti. � -� m �+ N• �D ''f N• N� 0 0 � m 0 �D �:� �s � w� ►�- �* � � n �- m •.:?� � n ro �s ��- � �� m m � • w � a� m � � m w � �+ �n � � � ro �s � n � -< �+ F-� a �n �f � �aar+- � man <s - o� � �n • �u o �n � � �s �� a �+ m � d ammti ao w n �r� �P r+ "f 0 N a� �n �r m ►�, p w M i--� T �S � � to m 0 Q N• � N• i� r* N �D �D "S ' C m :Y a� m �: � m m m :s_' � r+ r.n �� : t� a- ro � � '� 'r3 T3 H, � � c+ a C �p 'i � � •; r+- m �+ Iv N n. 0 p. :r Ys r1 w x w• �� N. r,. p �p f.. � � �. �� � t r. m Gi F� � n N. M�. M F� p� !) N r* p, K m � tU rf p. �D m C tp tD f1 ''f �-h �4 f1 � I9 h OS i Ri � `L' � � CL � � 0, � �D 1 � � f) t9 L7 _ � - � �C� I1f�D � . Vern Nepper. Mayor September 16. 3940 City of Rasemount v�� � � j��Q Rosemount, Minnesote 55068 CLERK'� OFFICE Dear Vern: ' CITY 4F ROSEh�OUNT The �nanagement of Garroll's Woads during the rr►ester perk p3en de- veZapment period should be sstch es to preserve the nature optior as weZl es sll others. Returning to the Qld xay of cutting hebitat and dumping chips in the �roods most surely �rill lfmit long #.erm optians. Once you've last it you•ve lost it. That's xhat profess�onel netura- lists sey. To resume �nenegement of the i�oads the old vay is to ignore the issues raised by citi.^ens af Rosemount regerding �naneg�ment prectices of the City in the Woods vhich threaten the net+ural espect of this apen spece. Alsa, I 2�elieve thet for Geuncil to proce�ed and da thi� is to compramise your stevardship and responsitaility nax thet you heve been natified af th� dengers ta the Woods. Resu�aption of past praatices of tAe City in the Woods Mill result in loss af naturel habitet snd natural vildlife. HoN can you do this Mhen ta do the right thing is so easy and abvious? Has the City Caunail fellen victim to the seme taatics thet Mer� exercised bry the Perk end Recreetion Cam�r►ittee and its Director betve�n March end Augnst 1990? Not Qr�ce did xe seriously address the issues, ite�► by iterR, et any af the Park er,d Rec me�tings. M1hy do ve ne�d aroeds ir� the Woods? Why do re need ta cut doirn trees in the Woods? Why do ve nee�d to �ov roads 36 to 22 feet vide 3n the Woods? k►h}� do xe use ifnporte�d voad chips end broken }�ranches {vhich ere herd to xelk ar, especie33y 3n moccesins) thet ere possfb3y m3xed with �rild and non-native seeds to rse spread v3tnout wi.dth cantainment (they vesh end 3iter ell over the �roads} on the rosd beds in the i�oods? Why do xe ellov a Halloween event tvh3ch City Council acted upon ovt of order at a re�cent meeting xithout it ever being pleced on' the egende end vithout due notice t�eing given to the citi�ens allowing study hefore cofnment> in the natural apen space o# the Woads thet is noisy end cen De destructive a� the netural hsbitet? How do e�ach af these activit�.es impact the r.sturel espect of the Woods, tAe netural hehitet of the Woods, end the netural �vildlif'e of the Woads �ex the Dirds and eni�nels vha live th�re) ? How is risk to survivel o� wild 21fe affected Dy these ectivities? Perk and Rec xould nat telk to us ebout these things. Instead Park and Rec m�mt�e�rs displayed e remsrk- et�l� personal off�ndedness at the reising of tnese issues, stanexell.- ed u�, and vere une�le to cantrol therrtse3ves and aD�ectively eddress the issues. The process feiled. Is the City �Council going to eccept this type of behevior xit2�out camment end possibly replicete it? By the vey I was truly emherressed to witnass the reactian Qf Ferk and Rec memberE an Mer�dey night, September 10, to the actian of the City Council to endarse the edministration recommendgtion for e mester perk plan. Herry Wilicox Mas subjected to rhetoric from Park and Rec members displeying safnethirig like personal possessiveness af the p�blic process, ignorence af thQ Council 's respansibilities end dissatisfectian with Perk and Rec's limited rol� in City effa3rs. Z believe that t?�is, the stanexe3ling events over the pest six months, along vith the poor geogrephzc end poor de�nogrephic representetion on the Park end Rec Conrrrtittee are ceuse for t,he C3ty Council to cansider rep3acin_q e31 members witA ne�e eppoi.n#.ments. It is tirrre2y thet a serious effort t�e_qin to get s fresh start in th�e obiective develop- � Pre�serving Carroll's Woods 2 Septeiaber 16, 1990 ment af e mester perk plan. Also, �ne�ube�ra vho are valunteer vorkers on perk pre�ects need to teke extre cere to th3nk clearly and oD�ec- tively xhen recam;xending policies and g2sns ta the Council. Dienne Simpson, Ferk and Rec inember, geve �ree e copy of e City dacu- �nnent in March that said Carrall's l�toads is going to be like Hew York Centre3 Fark. David Bechteld, Ferk end Rec director, told th� neMspeper in Merch that it fsn't goirsg to be like N�rr Yark Central Psrk. Mthet is the plan? Deve seys t'hey hev� c►ne but it isrt't vritten dovn. The Gity Council needs ta rescue the Woods in light of this ccnfusion end to do so nov during this interim period. Citi�en compleints :nust be eddressed end the citi2ens exp�ctations determfned tc lae appropriete. The complaints ve raised in Merah 299@ sim3lar to the ebove have not been eddressed. Recent aompleints e�bout the Woods <I have r�quested documentetian an them> appere�r�tly heve been ceuse for discussion et Perk and Rec recently. I've only guessed vhere they are coming frax� enc! have tried to find aut th� facts. One thet wes mentiQned by Dienna Simpson frarm a high schaol ooech tpossibly her hushend) compleining about the condition of tt�e treils leeves me baff2e�d. Last veek I spoke vith an officiel of 2SD 196, Joel Sutter et the centre3 affice. The schaol distriat hes no position on the trails of the k►oods. Mr. Sutter is ur►awere of the Woads being used Dy students ar coaches for ethletic ectiv3.ties. Mr. Sutter is r�spansityle for these kind of things and nat the high school coech. Mr. SuttQr cau3d tell yau xhether or not the hig� school coech's expectetian is epprapriete if the coech vauld can►�uni- cate vith him. Ho�a meny activity fields do xe need? Does the Ctty promctQ ISD 19�+ ath.2e�tic events in the Woods? Intensive eative {not passive) athletic use af this puhli.c o�sen space wh3ch is e neturel erea fits xith no pleni If yau vere cherged vith the ste�rardship of e �40, 0@0, @00 percel of netural xaaded spece to b� preserved es a neturel hebitet for x31d life end the pessive use of citi.ens, would yoU �ntrust your respon- sibiiity to the menager af Yankee Stediu�+r? Well, yoc� sre end yau heve end vhy? The nature-sensitfvity mind se�t 3s missing. The interim menegement plsn for Cerrall 's Waads needs to be one thet wi31 fit, rahetever the outcome of the master park p2ar� process mi.ght be for Gerro2l's Woods. To ellow ectivities 3n the Waads d�ring this interim period that vill clase aptions for the future is unMise end is the abendonment of your steMardship responsibility. Plesse reconsider, meesure your propased action egeinst the yerdstick af real professional neturelists, end act in th� best interes�s of all the citi.ens af Rosemount - those Aere nav end those who will com� efter us. PleBse tehle eny ectian on an interim menagement plen far the Waods and ect an a prudent plen et the next Council meeting. Sincerely, ��w�. --�,�..�- � ,. Roneld . Jaco3�son 364� 143rd Street M1est Rosemaunt, Mt,l 55068 th) 423-211?, tw3 ?72-739I .. . . _ . .:» .:�.:..,.<: .... .... . ..:. .: .. _ ;. : . . . _ ,k:;::�..N.�w.;: .::,::; ,. . .::::. .. . :-:� ::_. ::. . .:.: . . :: ' .. . . . .. � . . SEPTEt�BER 18, 1490 _ . : � �� ' MAYOR & CQUNCI LMEMBERS ' . ,. . . . . , . , '� I am concerned about the Citp of Rosemount Park spstem. I feel that ypp� tDe �eabers oi the CITY COONCIb of Rose�unt shocld cansioer and use-the recommendations and comaeats of the Advisorp Committees and Comsission l4embers that have been �ppointec to regresent the citizens. I #eel tflat CARROL'S l�OODS ' � - SCHWbRPZ POhD CQt�t�DNITY PI�RXS have been developed and nsed in a wap that best � �' represents t�e needs anc� wisbes of the can�unit . I ea ect � T is well maintained and has eqnal access to all of the �� ° Fark Sps�e� tpz± availability of �he FARRS be i� �nity. I enjoy the i , . on a personal basis or at co�,ucity eve�+,�, y -such as I,epreehann Daps or Hallo�een Night events. � � I ASR T�AT YOU t�ARE DECISIONS TEAP �'Ibb BEt;IFIT TH� k'BOLE COMN,UNTTY. , ADDRESS � � t ' �3� / �. �, . � � � I ASR TfiAT Tuu ctnnt, unci�,,,,,� ...�. .. _. _._._. . _ f N1s,ME ADDRE I j � ' ' �3.53� / r� sd' 1 i � ��- - �•------ .....,.� �. a� ,.vamun,tp evenis, � snca as Leprecbaun Daps or Balloween Night events. I ASK THAP ?'OC l�BKE DECISI4NS T&A; i�'IbL BEb'IFIT TE6 1�'HOi,E COMNO2iITX. � N ADDRESS �.�; �7—90 I � . �n� � �,�>��������� sq'cD as Leprechann uaps ur n���o����, ,,�y..� .,.,,..... -�'4. � I AS�; THP.T YOD MARi DECISIONS THkT td'Ib1 BFNIFIT TEE WHOI,E CO!�MUfiITY. � N ADDRESS S��l7-T�- � � ` .� / � N j �1J i �' . Jj VCs' . ;. . , �„ . . .._., -.:.. ; . ... :._... .... .. .. . .. :.... _ _ _ a. .. .: :.. .... _ . , �� .'.a��� � :�t . • ._ . _ _ _ _ • � � _ - � _..�:_ _ � _ : . . ._ . : SEPTEI�BER 18, 1490 ' MAYOR & COUNCI ERS I am concerned about t e Citp of Rasemount Park spsfir�� I feel that YO�, • the ae�abers af the�CITY C UNCIb af Rosenonnt sbould consider and use the recouendations and comme ts of the ldvisorp Coemittees and Coaaission Heabers t�at have been appointed o xepresent the citizens. I feel that CARROb'S WOODS � - SCHWARTZ POND COt�tiittNITY PkRKS have been developed and used in a rap tbat best represents the needs and ishes of the counnitp. I eapec� a Park Syste� that is well maintained aad ha equal access ta alI of the co�unitq. i enjop the availabilitp of the PARKS be it on a persoaal basis or at cauunitp enents, _ such as Leprechaun Daps o Halloween Night events. ? ASK THP.T YOU ?IkKE DE ISiONS TB�:' 1�II,L BENIFIT THE I�ACI,B�4h4PfUNITY. N A.U�DRESS . �� � .' '� ` C P�� Z l �>ck��I ��� �G�l R 1 � ���p �E� ti.� ���lG� ���'��R�S�M�� � C�T� �� SEPTElSBER 18, 1990 _ : . MAYOR & COUNCILMEMgERS _ I a� concerned about the Citp of Rosee�ount Park spste�. i fee3 that YOp, � the Beabers of the CITY COONCIb of koseflonnt shonld consider and use the recouendations and coetents of the Advisorp Conmittees and Coes�ission t�eabers that have beea appointed to represent the citizens. I feel that CARR�L'S iVO4DS - SC8(iARPZ POND COliKpNITY PARKS hane bean developed and nsed in a wap that best represents the needs and wishes of the co�nunitp. I eipect a Park Systea that is �ell maintained and has eqnal access to all of the coemunitp. I enjop the availabiiitp of the PARKS, be it on a personal basis or at com�unity events, such as Leprechaun Daps oz Halloween Night events. I ASK TH�!T YOU MAKE DECISIONS TxAT WII,b BB1tIFIT TgE WHOI,E COMMURITY. N ADDRESS ' '� ����� � � -/�-� �� � . �--=�-9 � � :; dtidlldDltILj tn tut rnnnu, uc .. ,,,, snch as beprechann Daps or 8a11oreenyNight.events. I ASR THAT YOD MAKE DECISIONS THAT WIbb BBNIFIT THE W�OI,B C4MFiUNITY. N� �J ADDRESS , � � 33�s �y��ti ' •DuLn-ae ncr.a.......�.. --.- - - - --. I ASk THAT Y0� HAKE DECISIOHS THAT WIi,b$EHIFIT THB �ULn-t,�r�nvnii�. - . N� ADDRESS 9 �' !� _ -I ASK THAT Y00 I�AK� DE�I�ION� THAT-VtILI,-`8EA'?1'IT`�fHE�AFi�LE�CU�r1Uni'tr;'�'`' -- N ADDRESS �3 rt `�� . AAVuL' �vnnunia•• -- — — — � - --�avn-....-r�r_._.-- -- . I ASK THAR Y0� MARE DECISIOKS�D�SS��I�� / G � NAME . n ��1����` `� - � ��- 3 3 �S- �,�,n �� s S�'�. � � ; � � � Community Development Division ' � � " 900 American Center Building 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St.Paul,Minnesota 55101-1421 September 12, 1990 6121296-5005 Fax:612/296-5287 The Honorable Vernon J. Napper RECEtil�p Mayor, City of Rosemount City Hall S�P � � ���A 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 CITY�F!��}���r� Dear Mayor Napper: Recently, I received an inquiry from a citizen of Rosemount regarding the proposed long-range planning effort that will include plans for the Carroll 's Woods area. In light of previous grants provided by the 0utdoor Recreation Grant Program to the city for acquisition and development of this park area, I was as�Ced whether I thought clearing of brush along the margins of existing trails would be in conflict with the planned re-evaluation of the park. I understand that this clearing may be done in preparation for winter skiing activity. While there is nothing in our grant agreement with the city that- would preclude such clearing of brush along the trail , you may wish to consider limiting the brush clearing at this time to the absQlute minimum necessary to provide for ski use this winter. My un�erstanding is that future plans for the Carroll 's Woods area will likely aim to protect the natural character of the park as much as possible. It could be that long-range plans for the park may even call for closing of some trail segments or restoration of vegetation along some trails. Given the recagnized need for long-term direction for the management of Carroll 's Woods, it may be advisable to avoid any actions at this time that might appear to restrict future planning aptions. I do want to commend the city for undertaking the long-range planning effort and for s�spending developr+�:�t of any ;:ew tra�l segments +�?thin thp Carrc�ll 's Woods area. You have a valuable natural open space area that will grow even more valuable as the city continues to develop. Sensitivity to the natural character of the woods at this time will ensure that future generations can enjoy these same values. Sincerely, �� _ �r• � � Wayne Sames, Director Outdoor Recreation Grant Program -0R.GEN/III165-1 cc: Stephan Ji1k, City Administrator Dave Bechtold, Park and Recreation Director ��� i " M���� An£qual Opportunity Employer